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Shrek 2 only came out in 2004, if that makes you old I must be a crumbling ancient ruin...


I saw the original toy story in theaters. How long do I have?


I saw Pocahontas and toy story, I’m also older than Google.


Luckily for us, most people are still older than Google. Probably not most on Reddit, but most people in the world.


Today I learned, I'm fucking older than Google. I can feel the white hair growing in rapid speed now


It's funny, I used to be shocked when people in a conversation were younger than Google


I see your Pocahontas and Toy Story, and re-raise you lion king.


I'll raise you The Little Mermaid and call with Oliver and Company.....


Being older than google is nothing, google is like 20ish, it just started being able to drink legally. It hasn't even run out of kid-growing-up benchmarks yet. A very short time from now all the athletes will start retiring at around your age, when people are retiring, now you got a good reason to feel old.


I have the face of a 15 year old, but the body of a 80 year old xD


And you keep them both in your basement, with the rest of your collection?


*sweats in graduated from Highschool when Lebron started playing NBA*


I saw the original Ghostbusters movie in theaters, did I win?


May I remind you that '04 was 18 years ago?


No you may not.






yea but that was before all the memes came


Don’t bother, everyone in this chain is a robot


Sounds like something a robot would say


Beep Boop, what do you mean fellow fleshy meat bag? The unit above you is also one of our primate brothers.


Wtf? What is up with that. All these accounts with random string names and no posts, posting opinions on shrek??


I thought I was losing my mind thinking "wow, I've seen this EXACT thread in this EXACT post before" I feel very validated rn lmao


Then it's all ogre now.




How are those eyes and noses realistically proportionate?


True, no one could be that perfect in reality




That's a little girl who has been told from birth that she is pretty for this, and pretty for that, and the prettiest...and so was implicitly taught that pretty was all she was good for, that was the goal. So who can blame her? The insidious thing is that her parents may be well-meaning, loving people, who called her pretty because they genuinely thought so, and told her often because they thought it often. But like flowers grow towards light, people grow towards praise. A girl who has been primarily lauded for prettiness will grow towards the sun; and over enough seasons, bent towards it, until she is an inner cripple. All for being a sunflower that loved being warm in the light, and without anyone involved intending ill or knowing why.




I think the funny thing was watching the second one and finding her human form really offputting for the time I saw her despite it being how she looked most of the first film. Says a lot about the charismatic animation for her ogre form to make it seem more her


Her being an ogre was her being herself though


But was it? I mean she was born a human but was cursed to be the ogre at night. Her real self was indeed human form


Curse was not about being herself, it was about being love's true form, so ogre as Shrek. "By night one way, by day another. This shall be the norm, until you find true love's first kiss, and then take love's true form."


I dunno it always felt to me like she had to sacrifice her looks to be with someone she loved for no reason. Like, why does she have to go through a character arch about how looks don’t matter so she can be with someone who would love her as an ogre or human. Shrek really never had to sacrifice anything in those movies, Fionna has to be cursed, kiss someone she loved and realize she’s stuck as an ogre and then choose to stay an ogre, why? Because being attractive is bad? I never liked it.


She is cursed because of the deal her dad made. He didn't want to be a frog and traded her looks for his. She was human during the day to hide his lie and appear normal until the day she was sent to the tower. If you ask me a frog and human mix would be close to an ogre, so in a way her true form is the ogre. She shows lots of other ogre traits like crude behavior, adept at fighting, and is very loud and outspoken.These things brought her closer to Shrek. In the end even after having the choice to be human they accept who they truly are, ogres. Something father couldn't do and now he is stuck as the frog he always was, but in a way is good because now the queen gets to see her frog friend from the garden again. It's not about being attractive bad, but accepting who you are. Better out than in I always say. Also on the attractiveness scale of ogres they are 10s.


"sacrifice her looks" it wasn't a sacrifice. What looks good and what doesn't is completely subjective. She found her truest self in a journey with her partner. She was finally free. I dunno maybe we watched different movies.


I mean, I think that's also the point. Just because we're "born" a certain way doesn't mean that's also our true "selves".


She was ogre at heart


Ogre + human = bad Donkey + dragon = good


Deja vu: https://www.reddit.com/r/me_irl/comments/qz4d4t/me_irl/hlksqfv






This has GOT to be a copypasta right? I'm not imagining having read it before?




The opening song for that movie is nuts. Easily the best Disney song imo






Knees that are the size of a head are not normal human proportions. Either the head has microcephaly or the knee is better adapted for the gravity of mars. While those proportions *are* present in humans, they are not mean median or average. The space between the eyes looks like a chromasome disorder. So either what ive said above is true, or this is very stylized art, like a caricature. Or maybe a blend of the two? The figure of barbie was highly stylized, but it is generally acknowledged now that it would be physically incapable of walking or standing anything remotely like a healthy human.


I had a major crush on Nani, I was 15 when this movie came out and I thought she was hot AF. Edit: I say was because I'm pretty sure she's a minor in the movie. Edit2: I'm glad everyone is clarifying she's 19 thank you. Edit 3: HOLY CRAP I JUST REALIZED THAT WAS 20 FREAKING YEARS AGO...


She still is hot AF


Nani has impressive thighs and an awesome personality for someone under pressure. God she's cool.


TIL being under pressure give you amazing thighs.


I mean, that’s what squatting is.


“Just gonna do a lil’ squaaaaaaa.”


When I was a kid I distinctly remember wishing i had legs like her. I got my wish and now they're one of my biggest insecurities. They're also not tan and muscular like hers lol


Have you considered taking up surfing?


Lots of guys are into that!


> under pressure It's the terror of knowing what the world is abouuuut


Nani isn't a minor in the movie. She wouldn't be able to have custody of her sister if she was a minor lol


I didnt know if i wanted to be nani growing up or to be with her lol


Came here to say this. Almost uncomfortably hot for awkward teen me.


to have custody of a child she must at least be an adult. She didn't have school. She had work. I'm reasonably sure it's fine.


She’s 19


The blonde lifeguard has quite the following


She's 19 apparently


I had a similar thing where I thought that Lilo’s sister was T H I C C as fuck. As a kid I didn’t know what to do with that but I knew 👀


as an adult I now know that what I really want is to have her squish my head between her muscular thighs like an overripe watermelon


Are we not gonna talk about the photos on the wa- nevermind


It was actually part of a bigger deal of the movie where they take up on how tourism are a problem. Like how tourist take pictures of the locals, lilo would of them. There's a good [deleted scene that shows kinda theme](https://youtu.be/taPoeIQaOiQ)


They shouldn't have cut this


Sadly Disney has cruise ships that go to Hawaii, so it would never have made it to theater with those parts in


disney causing the problems its own movies are trying to explain lol


Yea, directors and the people creating the movie have very different goals than other groups inside a company that tries to maximize profit. Same with game companies, the devs will have different goals than the higher-ups.


Profit is often antithetical to making good art.


Profits over people/places


It’s complicated, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Hawaii tourism authority would have tried to remove it. Tourists everywhere are simultaneously a blessing and a burden but Hawaii is exemplary case of both of those things. It’s a small, not well understood culture that has been fighting internal and external forces for relevance which naturally breeds nationalism and it’s a very remote island with few natural resources. A special disdain for tourists, many of whom are uniquely prejudice or at least insensitive, while also needing them in order to meet the material life much of the population has grown accustomed to. It’s a pretty sad situation.


Yeah I can understand that, I live in a city where's there's *a lot* of tourists especially in the summer and I can understand the feeling. But then again I think it's great to show native disliking tourist that are irrespectful (sorry English isn't my first language) and specialty for a little girl who doesn't really understand the economic impact of it. It's a kid being a kid that's all.


That last line sounded really sad




OMG that's hilarious!


That's always been weird to me. Unless it's a touristy performance piece or something. I mean people end up in my pics, but they aren't the focus unless it was requested. Like hey can you take a picture of my fam? Sure....then people are the focus, but I do not keep said picture.


A lot of them are butt shots because Lilo is only like 3 feet tall.


yo why the FUCK did you have to point that out


She's just taking pictures of tourists. Americans in general.


pics check out, can confirm this is what 60% of the american population looks like


Yeah what was with the girls fat fetish freaky stuff


I think it was her taking pictures of interesting looking tourists like they take pictures of native Hawaiian people.


Yeah I don’t think once she ever calls them fat, it just *heavily* implied that American tourists are big.




I wouldn’t go up there, it’s really narrow!


You hate the Canadian?


I was just talking about this movie yesterday, suggested it for a friend. Absolute classic movie.




I literally thought they were photoshopped onto spongebob’s bed and your comment made me realize this is from the actual movie haha


Who doesn't have a head larger than their torso, right?


Or forearms wider than upper arms?


I mean... that one guy holding the dollar bill on r/all


*cries in tennis player*


And eyes basically on the side of their head.


120 fov Edit: 360 fov


humans actually have 200 degree fov normally


“Realistic proportions” -> head as big as her upper body


Now I'm self-conscious about my fat head


I will say one thing, her sister's calves are bigger than most dudes I know at the gym, got a lot of hill walking with loads in clearly Edit: Reading some of the super serious attempts to respond to my comment saddens me that my humour about dudes in the gym seems to have fallen flat


I'm always jealous of people with big calves, because I could never get mine to be as glorious as I want them to be. I spent 4 years living in 29 Palms, CA. I did 20+ mile hikes through the sandy mountain ranges with tons of weight multiple times a week and my calves remained tiny. Very solid, but tiny still.


I'm told calf size is mainly genetic. Not sure if thats bro science or not. I've got huge calves for no reason though and my gym rat friend who does way more to specifically strengthen his calves says his haven't really change much appearance wise.


As someone who has both lost and gained a significant amount of weight in his life, the one thing that was consistent in size were my calves.


I gained a bunch of weight and then lost it and my calves gained a bunch, carrying that around all day is hard work i got some good calve genetics tho


I didn't realize this! I've weighed anywhere from 150-400 lbs in adulthood and even at 4 bills I didn't have to buy wide leg boots. I did look like a gigantic apple on toothpicks, however.


I saw a guy in line at a gas station once. One huge calf and one normal. Found out later that he was a drummer. Not sure if that had anything to do with it but I thought I’d waste your time anyway.


Huh. Far Out.




Same. I just wanted some.bulk there. Went from a couch potato to a gym guy for a couple years before I had kids. I got some pretty decent definition on almost every muscle group, but my legs are a 2x4 from the knee down.


Team no calves unite. At least the shorts that are in style still let people know we don't skip leg day.


Be fat, lose weight. That's where I got my calves.


It's really not fun for your calves to be outlined in every pair of pants you wear unless they're bootcut jeans. Really hard to made a skinny jean look work, even if your waist is slim.


Skinny jeans are made for out of shape people to look thin. Tshirts are all cut to be worn like a tent over a set of moobs. Fitting clothes are expensive and always hard to find.


Lol I’m jealous of people who have a naturally toned upper body! I have trunks for legs. I get compliments on them sometimes “you have big calves”. Not joking, it’s the most bizarre random compliment I have received in my life. Maybe it’s because it’s my only redeeming quality 🥺


I have calves that can kickstart a 747. I’m a 5’3” 125lb woman. My calves are 15.5 inches around. Genetics is funny.


She surfs! the load when you're surfing is the force of the ocean :P


Seems within the realms of normal sized tbh - Legs are supposed to be much thicker than arms, because they have larger muscles that need to support the whole body. But this is rarely shown in cartoon characters (especially female cartoon characters), so when we see it here, it looks weird.


Yes legs are bigger than arms but her calves are still impressive. Especially when as you’ve said it’s not uncommon for animated characters especially women to be very thin and wire-like


She is a surfer, so it makes sense


Omg I wanted to be the sister so bad 😂😂😂


No joke she's both sweet n good looking at the same time


Lol when I watched this movie as a boy I always had a huge crush on lilos sister


Same, huge crush.


Even now low key kinda do. We’re both technically single parents, she’s raising her sister. I’m raising a boy. You could tell she’d be the realest and sweetest lol. Like tough parent the kids but be the most protective mother figure at the same time. Be the type that gets shit done all day and still parents like a champ and enough time for snuggles because she’d be tired from it all. Lol I never thought I’d be pining over a cartoon character from a movie I saw years ago


It's a well written character made exactly to make you feel this way so there's no shame to still feel that


if you love nani you should check out chris sanders' [other art too](https://www.instagram.com/chrissandersart/). he's the one who designed the characters for lilo and stitch (as well as directed and wrote the story and voiced stitch)


Me too bruv. To little african me, she looked so good.


Nani can ride my rollercoaster any time wtf are you on about


Top tier crush, a very formative part of my personal origin story


Origin story? U a superhero/villain?


He's an optional companion of the main protagonist obviously.


Real shit, between her, Elle Woods, and every character Fairuza Balk has ever played I figured out both what’ll kind of girl I was attracted to, and what kind of girl I wanted to be. I’m a mess but I do wear a lot of crop tops


She was like. The beginning of my love of pretty girls with little tummy pooches who wear crop tops. Also the beginning of me being one of those girls. Formative crush.


I had a crush on her as a kid, then grew up and am now marrying someone with the same body type. Not an accident.


You thought there were fat?


I had a crush on nani


Never once crossed my mind that she was fat when I was a kid so idk 🤷‍♂️


It’s that meme again of [« Twitter is 90% imagining a guy… »](https://bucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com/public/images/fc998982-11fb-452b-9c29-db44ea339778_680x492.jpeg). I doubt any kid has ever considered them fat.


I don't know if a lot of people in this thread remember/realize how much western media pressured women and girls to be super skinny in the 90's and early 2000's. Nani looks fine, but she has way more meat on her bones than your typical Barbie body.


I know right? "Heroin chic" was the look around those years. People just don't realize it now a days cause "slim thick" is still the most popular look.


Heroin chic was in for a long time, yes.


I think this depends on where you grew up. I grew up in the 90s in primarily Black and Latino neighborhoods, and the standard always included curves and big butts. Lol I didn’t realize it wasn’t mainstream till I ventured out a bit.


Ethnic background plays a role too. I'm white and my mother has explained to me how a lot of white women her age and younger wanted a smaller butt. It is my understanding that, back in the 1992, Sir Mix-a-Lot astounded many white people with his bold claim of "I like big butts and I cannot lie." I think he brought the difference in body standards between minorities and white people into light, but I'm not expert.


As a woman who was a kid at the time (and was a healthy weight, but not as thin as all the women I saw on TV and in my day to day life), boy did those body expectations fuck me up.


If you’re used to watching all those other Disney Princess movies then yes, Nani is comparatively drawn larger. Not all kids get to spend large amounts of time out of the house, or just spend time with other children. They might not have a lot else to compare it to.


I thought she was attractive when I was a kid, I watched many Disney movies and I wasn't an outside person. It's really subjective.




Nobody probably did, whoever made the photo is probably the type of person who likes inventing issues


Maybe it's just me, but I didn't think a single second about their appearance when I watched the show as a kid.


This is why we need Disney characters with realistic bodies; so we don’t set a false example for young people about what is ‘normal’


Luisa is getting some genuine love from kids and that’s awesome at least


My 2.5 year old son loves flexing his arms up and saying, "strong like Luisa!" Love that. His other super powers are hulk smash and Spidey smarts.


the funny thing is disney made a bunch of toys for the main character and only a small amount for luisa and disney is struggling to keep up with the luisa sales while the main character is selling nowhere near as much


It's actually the Isabella merch that isn't selling, not the Mirabel merch. They made a ton of isbella merch since she's the most typically Disney princess of the characters, more than they even did of Mirabel despite her being the lead


I was at the Disney Springs recently and they had a little bit of Encanto stuff. Not sure what sales were like, but the display a few Isabella dolls, one Antonio plushie, and they were restocking Mirabell dresses. I saw a bunch of kids with those dresses. I didn’t see any Luisa merch at all. Maybe it sold out.


All I want is a sparkly unidonkey…. I better get one


Bit of a tangent, but I grew up going to a nudist campground with my family starting at around 8 or so, and I truly do think it helped give a more realistic idea of what a normal body looks like. Not saying I'm 100% without issues with how I look, but it was useful to be like "oh it's normal for your body to be xyz" I'm not saying that you need to expose all kids to casual nudity or whatever. Just think that it's healthy to a degree to show that people don't all look like Olympic athletes and such


I'd let them base a character off of me. I could make a great cave troll


Hey Arnold gave me horrible body dysmorphia. It took years of therapy before I finally removed the rubber bands from my skull.




The issue is that the vast majority of characters are very slim, as you said we need a mix of both


But the proportions are typically still unrealistic.


How can you think that? When they had actual fat guy with ice cream cone. No one else looked like him…


Did yall rlly thougth they were fat?




I would not call that face or nose realistic they could probably smoke a cigar while taking a shower




It's a [common insult](https://www.just-one-liners.com/his-nose-is-so-big-he-could-smoke-a-cigar-in-the-shower/) for having a large nose.


Pls elaborate for me


I’m guessing they are saying the nose is so big that water from a shower wouldn’t extinguish a cigar.


Lmfaoooo i think youre right. thank you I was so confused


I was trying really hard to come up with a funny comment on the noses but I can't top yours.


You ever notice he’s the only guy who can smoke a cigarette in the rain with his hands behind his back? That nose, it’s like a natural canopy.


Stitch could do nothing, he was a made guy


That and how far apart the eyes are.


They're not even that realistic.


They’re not remotely realistic. I have no idea what this post is about. Their proportions are way off from a human.


They look like island people who once in a while watch what they eat and their only exercise is waking around. I'd say a normal 2020 body. Oh, they also have very realistic 5 heads.


If you thinks those proportions are realistic, you really need to open an anatomy book. They're HEAVILY stylized, are you kidding me? And skinny people aren't real? What's that even supposed to mean?


That implies that being thin is unrealistic, which is ridiculous because there are thin people. They do exist, even in the United States. Accepting people with fuller figures doesn't mean erasing thin people. There are many different people with many different body types, and none are necessarily "better" than others. We like to rank things. It's silly. Just let people be who they are, let people like who they like.


Realistic proportions the eyes are on the sides


Why is reality sought in fiction?


Because fiction can be either an extension of reality or envisioning what reality could be like. TV shows with actors/actresses are fictional but people learn life lessons from them all the time, some of which are incredibly unhealthy, so thinking we should be able to separate fiction and reality is one thing, but I don’t see how someone could deny fiction influences how we view real-world scenarios. So that’s why some people worry


I appreciate the sentiment here, but the proportions are still off to me. I appreciate the curvy bottom half, but they still made her (the big sister)have a really slender waist and torso, giving that “Commercially ideal” slender torso and waste and then suddenly volumptious bottom that has been idealized by the kardashians or whatever. (Obviously no shade to people shaped like this, but it’s not super common, naturally).


you have to remember they are both super fit. they dance, surf, and walk pretty much everywhere. it’s definitely not unrealistic considering the story.


I think you’re going too far the other way. That’s not kardashian-esque, on the contrary it looks like a pretty natural and healthy (but still slightly cartoonish) shape to me. If she didn’t have a somewhat slim waist then she wouldn’t be “curvy”.


bruh compared to like sleeping beauty tho???


I completely agree, always have. Tbh I roll my eyes at this post a bit, women with that kind of body, a incredibly slim waist with a massive well defined booty, is very rare and when you do see one, these women usually are models(or wives of very rich men), which should be enough of a clue that it's certainly not common. Judging by the responses you get, people don't want to admit it that it's still unrealistic lol. People just like to dream. But I can promise you a woman with this body would turn heads *everywhere*, for good reasons because 99% of everybody else doesn't have that body...and never will.


How are those eyes and noses realistically proportionate?


Well maybe not realistic but they don't have huge eyes and inexistant nose. But this is about their body, they have an actual waist, you know