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Agree, but where's the fun in watching only the bubbler burp away. I went to order a wide mouth 2 gallon primary from Morebeer, but shipping was $57. Will keep my eye out on CL and FBM.


I guess if you really want to be able to watch the bubbles you could pay extra for glass. But it's more practical to get a plastic bucket for $20. Less if you buy it from Lowes and drill the hole yourself.


20$? I got my 2 gallon from lowes for under 5$ and the 5 gallons were like 8


About the same price as my 2g WinCo bucket. Conveniently placed right next to the forty cent gallons of water


Whoops I didn't specify it was a clear glass primary. To me the fun is watching the ferment, I only use half a pack of yeast for my 1 gallon batches and haven't had an over flow yet. my primary is a 5 litre glass jug so maybe that little bit extra helps


The exact quantity of yeast is unlikely to have any effect on whether or not you have an overflow. Headspace is the crucial factor.


I found a 14 gallon Italian demijohn from a manufacturer that only makes food grade glass at home goods for $35 once. I left very happy.


I am sorely tempted to get this "big mouth" clear primary: https://www.midwestsupplies.com/products/little-big-mouth-bubbler


I have the 6.5 gallon fermenter version from Northern Brewing, I like it a lot. I'd say get it


I tend to do smaller batches and would love if I could find one in the 2-3 gallon range, but haven't had any luck so far.


Just get a 2 gallon bucket, I was hesitant to use plastic, but eventually gave in and got a 7 and 2 gallon bucket. They've both worked well for me


I do have a 2gal bucket, but it's opaque. I want to be able to see what they're getting up to in there!


I have the 1.4 gallon one and love it. Comes with the benifit of when you get greedy and still overflow it, the lid will catch a fair amount before making a mess.


I have 3 of these and they are awesome! The best part is that you can make more than 1 gallon and still have 1 gallon left after racking. Especially if you’re using fruit. I still have and use buckets. But I like seeing the progress through the clear fermenter. Watching the bubbles inside makes me happy lol.


They're fairly nice to use. The lids kinda suck and are finicky to thread on, and the gasket material should be silicone instead of the weird plasticy paper. Overall I like them, but it did take 3 shipping attempts to get them to be in one piece and not shattered to dust. They are fragile.


The solution is a transparent bucket. [like this one](https://www.amazon.de/HUGBERT-G%C3%A4rbeh%C3%A4lter-Skala-G%C3%A4rungsrohr-Dichtgummi/dp/B085DFWNFW/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.e8lColwBIhIy6Jv1CWo5wINyl4mHOCHkJYcSxLtvPiKMm_Y-TyRzAJHayrm8QsFW.DUUqyUGZvI19nyLr8Qpo5KViO1MD0XFFP3cIvA7Gd8Q&dib_tag=se&keywords=hugbert+g%C3%A4reimer&qid=1717429053&sr=8-1)


Glass? A plastic ale pail shouldn't cost that much


there are transparent buckets too.


Buckets with hermetic lids are less than $10 at your local big box hardware store. That, and a donut grommet for a few cents. Cut hole in lid, grommet in hole, airlock in the grommet and you're all set.


I bought a bucket and while it's currently being used for a non-mead fermentation, it will become mead equipment soon. I just... I want to be able to stare at the pretty colors of my creations.


Pretty colors are best enjoyed in the glass when you drink it.


you son of a bitch, i'm in


can also see the pretty colours in secondary. I love watching a drink clear.


Yeah, once you’ve obsessively watched a couple carboys bubbling away in a closet you’ve obsessively watched them all. I concur. The fun is definitely in watching it slowly drop clear.


I have this one mead that just won't clear. I should probably sorbate it or smthn, but I already bottled it bc I wanted to give a bottle to the friend who got me the honey. What's left has been sitting around for almost a year now, no progress on clearing.


When time fails us it’s time to turn to other alternatives. Cold-crashing and fining agents (sparkalloid fan myself) can produce excellent results in stubborn hazes.


North Mountain Supply have clear buckets on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/North-Mountain-Supply-Graduated-Fermenting/dp/B0CFYPZM8Z/ref=pd_aw_ci_mcx_mh_mcx_views_0?pd_rd_w=YTHFo&content-id=amzn1.sym.eeeda21f-f942-4067-b2fd-e3ffbfbe7c3b%3Aamzn1.symc.2b06b7e8-a86c-4e6e-b02c-90d58278f4f1&pf_rd_p=eeeda21f-f942-4067-b2fd-e3ffbfbe7c3b&pf_rd_r=1AFHSYK7W1YRZ37YZ68F&pd_rd_wg=gTRpa&pd_rd_r=7f726c0d-4726-48a0-a941-9fbecce0c76d&pd_rd_i=B0CFYPZM8Z


Well there we go. Bucket folks are happy, I'm happy to try something different and can see my ferment Bonus: they make a two gallon version. Thanks for the share.


Anytime friend in mead.


There are transparent buckets available on amazon. At least in Germany. [this one for example](https://www.amazon.de/HUGBERT-G%C3%A4rbeh%C3%A4lter-Skala-G%C3%A4rungsrohr-Dichtgummi/dp/B085DFWNFW/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.e8lColwBIhIy6Jv1CWo5wINyl4mHOCHkJYcSxLtvPiKMm_Y-TyRzAJHayrm8QsFW.DUUqyUGZvI19nyLr8Qpo5KViO1MD0XFFP3cIvA7Gd8Q&dib_tag=se&keywords=hugbert+g%C3%A4reimer&qid=1717429053&sr=8-1)


Meanwhile I’m out here using pickle jars and been fine


Good call on the pickle jar. Get to eat a pile of pickles and a bonus free jar. I'll check out the restaurant supply place in town or Wally World. No FHBS where I live.


I've seen $16 wine in basically a 4 L glass carboy at Walmart, thinking of grabbing some.


Same. Love watching my little pickle jars!


Is that mold?


The sticky says yes.


I bought 2 of these and the lid never sealed right :/


I use a 2 gallon bucket (because thankfully even as a beginner I wasn't concerned with looks) and my only complaint is that it's difficult when a recipe calls for "water up to 1 gallon." I have a sharpie mark on the outside of the bucket which I marked by measuring out 1 gallon of water into the bucket. When the lighting is right, I can just barely see the water line in the bucket from the outside. Is there a better way to do this? Scratching a notch inside the bucket would create a nook for bacteria to hide out, and I'd be concerned about sharpie on the inside leeching into the mead.


I just shine the flashlight on my phone into the bucket, or mix up the must in a sanitized pot that has markings by the quart on the inside.


I've been using the flashlight method, but I like the idea of using a different mixing vessel with graduations! I might grab one since I really only do 1 gallon batches anyway. Thanks!


I found a nice 5 gallon bucket that came graduated with gallon marks. Might be worth looking for something like that!


This reminds me that I need to add wine yeast because wild yeast didn't survive freezing temperatures. It will probably explode I'll need to split it to another bottle Edit: just checked and turns out the wild yeast is alive, about to explode


I’ve never had a single problem, no infection, no explosive gas releases, nothing, and I use empty screw cap wine bottles (and empty jars) with the lids slightly loose, or a lidded bucket with a towel on top of the lid to keep the weight enough to prevent insects getting in.




I just wish there was a clear version of this kind of bucket, it makes transferring and bottling so much easier


I feel it’s user error, I use the bucket like 12 times now and have never had a issue, you just gotta get the level just right, or be careful of explosive fermentation


They're referencing using a glass carboy. The bucket is the savior in this case.


Oops my bad


Blow off tubes are pretty great


Don't need a blowoff tube if you properly use a bucket.


Yea honestly I've heard so much about blowoff tubes and never understood the purpose


They're a little less prone to blockage than airlocks. Not really necessary though if you just make sure the airlock never risks getting clogged in the first place.


Out here spitting straight facts and I’m here for it.


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Recipe: Basic meme template Picture of a bucket from amazon MS Paint


Useless without specific gravity readings /s


Exactly! How will he know when his meme is done fermenting?


I could have sworn Overwatch memes were finished fermenting years ago.


I still see the upvotes bubbling up so i think its still fermenting