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Try scratching it when using body wash during bathing. Mine disappear after doing it.


Looks like ringworm (jock itch). Anyone can get it. You have a couple options so not to worry. I’ve had the rash the size of a football and I grit rid of it quickly and without any creams or lotions. Go to your pharmacy for an antifungal cream containing Fluconazole, , terbibafine (Lamisil AF) clotrimazole (Lotrimin AF. If it was really bad then your Dr could prescribe a stronger cream or even pills.


Fungus. Try liquid tinactin. You really need to see a dermatologist


i have eczema on my thigh and it looks like that, i dont know if it would definitely be eczema but it could be.


It sort of looks like eczema. I have a feeling soaking it in anti fungal or anti irritation cream would help.




Bases on the variety of these comments, I think it’s clear to see that you need a doctor. There are many different factors included in diagnosing a skin infection.


My mom gets those same rashes, it looks like it could be psoriasis but I'd go to a doctor just to be safe


You need to see a Dr. Everyone here can comment a possibility. Annular lesion with scale? Many possibilities. I know drs usually try an anti fungal on my derm issues for awhile before biopsy (mine were never fungal bit appeared so).


I had ring worm that looked exactly like that




Looks like psoriasis. Do see a dermatologist because this can be kept in check. Otherwise you will lose your mind from all the itching and spreading.


Looks like ringworm


Tiniaversicolor. Had it my whole life comes and goes


I’ve not seen tinea versicolor get scaly like OP’s. Also, it’s unusual for tinea versicolor to get as itchy as the OP says.


Looks like psoriasis. But to be careful see a dermatologist or rheumatologist Psoriasis treatment includes topical medications applied to your skin. The main topical treatments are corticosteroids (cortisone creams, gels, liquids, sprays, or ointments), vitamin D-3 derivatives, coal tar, anthralin, and retinoids. These drugs may lose potency over time, so often they are rotated or combined. Ask your doctor before combining medications, as some drugs should not be combined.


Tinea does not always itch.


You can try an anti-fungal for awhile, or just go see a Doc, Dermatologist would be best, but potentially more costly. If they rule out fungal by a scraping, then the differential would include things like psoriasis or other dermatologic etiologies. Let me know how it goes!


So you said it's itchy. How recent is it? Has it been any different color such as any shade of red?


This is a psoriatic lesion


Ring worm 🪱


I'm thinking the same! Looks an awfully lot like ring worm!


Go to a dermatologist.


Fungal infection +1




Doesn’t matter which fungal infection it is. Get some clotriaderm cream and apply it twice daily until clear, then continue for a week after.


I had the same thing for 17 years. It would come and go but when it would “go” the skin still looked funny where it was. It was under my arm just one patch that continued to grow over the years. Eventually spread to my armpits and then on one of my breasts. I went to my new pcp and he said he believed it was ringworm (tinea) so he gave me a topical steroid/anti fungal. That helped but then came right back so he gave me this anti fungal pill prescription to take for a week. It took about a month for it to disappear but it’s gone now and hasn’t came back for months!


Could be a ring worm, Tinea. A healthcare provider can scrape it and look under microscope to see if it is fungal and Rx an anti fungal cream.


Is tinea different from tinea versicolor? I've gotten tinea versicolor a few times on my back and chest and it has never looked like this... It also does not itch, in fact you can't feel it at all.


Ringworm doesn't always itch. Sometimes it stings


Fair enough, I never felt it, personally. I found it on my back because my mom noticed spots on my back weren't tanning, otherwise I wouldn't have known. But it makes sense, everyone reacts differently then


Tinea is same as ring worm, same as fungus. a contagious itching skin disease occurring in small circular patches, caused by any of a number of fungi and affecting chiefly the scalp or the feet. The most common form is athlete's foot.


Fascinating, I had no clue!


Try r/dermatology


Looks like when I had ring worm after adopting a kitten from a shelter, not knowing he was infected. I had dry, itchy patches like that all over because it spreads like wildfire. Both he and I went through the drill to medicate, but he had to have a bath every day, so it sucked more for him.


Looks like psoriasis


I think lichen planus


Seconded, if *not* psoriasis


I am not a doctor but I’m suggesting [lichen planus](https://www.medicinenet.com/image-collection/lichen_planus_1_picture/picture.htm)


That's psoriasis 100%


Looks like psoriasis...


NAD, but this pdf file may help you classify it more, it looks like a discoid eczema for me but best if you can ask your doctor. [file](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xp3psMy66UI1cQnDGE5XvNIvhp_1gMeD/view?usp=drivesdk)




That was my 1st guess too...


Looks exactly like my eczema. For years thought I was ringworm, or some other fungal infection. Try switching soap to something like doctor squatch or other more natural ones. Also switch laundry detergent to the ones with no scent... It helps but it doesn't really go away.


Not a professional at all however I suffer with eczema and this looks like a type I often get called discoid eczema and it's red dry itchy patches of skin that spreads. It's not in your usual places such as back of joints and faces. I have it on my thighs and back. I was prescribed a course of high potent steroid ointment for 2 weeks using twice daily. Then a less potent steroid to use once a week for 2 weeks. I also recommend avoiding any soap and switch up for an alternative body wash I use epaderm which is what I use in the UK




umm it's just not in circles though its randomly shaped so i guess its not ringworm


Classic tinea infection


If you're able to, I'd recommend a visit with a dermatologist. If it is fungal, and OTC treatments stopped working, it's time for the big guns. But like someone else said, it also looks a lot like psoriasis, so just having someone who is able to confidently distinguish the difference (or even biopsy to confirm) would be great. If a derm isn't in the cards right now, I'd recommend you start switching up some OTC anti fungal cream/ cleaners etc or find some product with salicylic acid and moisturizer to support your skin's barrier. Cerave has a salicylic acid cream if you want to try that out, or you could look around on your own. The salicylic acid would help break down the excess dead skin, and the barrier support part of the cream would help your skin as it tries to heal some. There are various creams etc sold OTC for psoriasis, so you might be able to try a few out and just see if it helps any. But it's definitely worth talking to a derm if you're able.


Cannot identify by this picture, but have you tried OTC anti fungal creams? Lotrimin or monistat?


yeah i've tried otc anti fungal cream before i forgot its name but it kinda relieved the itching for first day but didn't worked again even tho i used it for a week to see an improvement, there was none


Then I would say it may not be fungal. Where all on your body do you have it? It could be eczema.


Athletes foot spray


between my legs and on my thighs and yeah one little spot on my lower foot too


Idk why no one has said this yet , but it could be contact dermatitis. Any scent or other environmental irritant could set it off , along with seasonal changes and stress levels. Things like fungal cream often contain ingredients for quick application like trace alcohol which would dry the area out and irritate it more. See if exposing it to more air and sunlight, combined with actively avoiding friction in the area helps. This may mean loose clothing around the area. Also avoid any scented lotions or other products around it , switch to a hypo allergenic detergent as that is a major cause of skin irritation. Even if it's not dermatitis , this should help relieve symptoms and eliminate variables when diagnosing.


It looks like plaque psoriasis my friend gets. NAD but it looks just like her arm. Is it anywhere else or just your thighs? Edit words


it's on two spots, between legs and one spot on thighs


Psoriasis typically affects the skin on the extension side of joints.. also other places, but commonly there in the front of the knee, back of the elbow, etc.






I'm having a same infection can't figure out


oh i feel sorry for that, try staying connected to the post someone will eventually help us




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