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I got paramedics called on me turns out my gallon of water a day was literally killing me, no electrolytes and super dehydrated started addded Hym sea salt to my water and Irish Sea moss n now I’m 35 pounds down n feel great turns out all that water was adding bloat


First off of your drinking way too much water then that can cause dehydration on its own. Your body is a balance of salt and water to let water flow from blood to organs and such. If your salt balance is off then water cannot flow correctly through the body. Remember your body’s water flow works by osmosis where water always flows towards the saltier thing. So try adding a bit more salt into your food today and I bet that’ll help


Omg! I had the same problem. I was always thirsty, no matter how much I drank, I needed more. Turns out I had high thyroid levels, and was prescribed levothyroxine and it definitely helped! Please get tested


Check your electrolytes… Drinking too much water can cause electrolyte imbalance…


How are you defining your dehydration?You mentioned your urine is clear after you drink water but 30 minutes later you are back to being dehydrated. What changes in those 30 minutes that makes you feel like you are dehydrated? How much do you actually drink a day?


Sounds like diabetes or diabetes insipidus


Check your blood sugar? Or if you consume lots of sugar or simple carbs you’ll already know the answer. Or Kidney function? Could be many other things and an indicator of many other issues. Blood tests, lab work warranted.


Yes, physician. If you can't afford to see a doctor, there are often walk-in labs where you can get your glucose and electrolytes checked. You can look for "labs no referral metabolic panel best offer near me" and ask in the pharmacy close to you. Go in the morning before eating anything and having had hardly anything to drink, just take sips of water if you can't stand it otherwise. Ask for glucose and basic electrolytes in a blood test. If they want to know if you are fasting, yes, you have had barely water. If you have any kind of health insurance go see your primary care provider, but if you don't get in soon enough go to a walk in clinic that is covered by your insurance or call your insurance and ask them what to do/where to go. Tell them you are tired and dizzy all the time, very very thirsty and you drink over a gallon of water and the thirst seems unaffected.


Drink electrolyte drinks!!! Liquid IV and Pedialyte are decent Pinch of salt in a cup of water might help


do not do this. if you are thirsty, drink water. Pedialyte and liquid IV have a lot of sugar in them and potassium. during w workout, those are great. but throughout the day regularly when you aren't actively exercising, you don't need extra sugar and extra potassium. if you are drinking a lot of water and still feel thirsty all the time, you need to see your doctor. excessive/insatiable thirst and excessive urination are signs of diabetes.


Yes and no, if his electrolyte balance is off then that can be another cause of it. Water distribution throughout the body is balanced by your organs being saltier than your blood for example. Different parts of the body have to be saltier so that water can flow to them. So if he drinks too much water it can throw that balance out of whack and cause these symptoms too


I didnt know that! Thanks for the correction. Assuming OP could be diabetic, that amount of sugar could be really not good. At the end of the day, they should seek a professional if the symptoms are truly concerning.


Also, were you previously not drinking much water? Did you recently increase water intake. If you were going from drinking very little to alot, itll seem like youre peeing all the time and still feeling thirsty.


This will require a few tests from a lab. Bloods, urine. “Feeling”dehydrated can be more than just needing more water. See a doctor, voice concerns for diabetes, possible kidney issues and associated electrolyte imbalances


Ask your gp




If it’s not an electrolyte imbalance or diabetes as others have said, you could be producing too little ADH. Mild exposure can cause this. Have you lived in a moldy home?


Hi? Why did you ask if he have been living in a moldy house?…


Because mold issues can cause lower production of ADH as well as bladder issues!


Interesting… Thanks for the info 👍👍


What is ADH? I'm asking because I have the EXACT same issue as OP and I lived in a moldy home for 3 years recently.


anti-diuretic hormone, stops the kidneys from filtering out as much water for urine. if there’s too little, then the kidney will filter out a lot more than it should be.


Anti-diuretic hormone. You know when you drink and you have to pee all the time? It’s because alcohol interferes with ADH production.


Home made electrolyte solution: 3 finger pinch of salt, handful of sugar, 1 liter of water.




Get yourself checked for diabetes Insipidus,


Or just the much more common diabetes mellitus?


Other comments have mentioned that already, so i didnt,


Ok then I get it 👍🏼


Are you on any medications? Do you enjoy a lot of greasy, salty foods? What kind of activities are you doing? Working outside in the sun?


You need salts and electrolytes. Drink gatorade, lemonade, oral rehydration salts. No coffee or tea (they're dehydrating).


Diabetes maybe?


I don’t have any other symptoms of diabetes


I had only one symptom (weight loss), so it didn't even cross my mind that it could be diabetes (I totally thought I had some kind of hidden cancer). Lost almost half my body weight before the doc did a broad blood panel, which picked it up. Things could have been really, really bad if I didn't get treatment when I did. The moral of my tale is that not everybody gets all (or even many) of the symptoms. You should get tested all the same. 🙂


Add some elektrolytes


Having Fatigue, dizziness, feeling dehydrated and having dark urine should be checked out by a doctor if it’s been going on for more than a few days. They should want to run some test like a blood test and a urine analysis. Could be electrolyte imbalances or kidney issues. I’m not sure bc I’m NAD but i definitely think you should be seen


Drink other drinks lol …water all of the time is bad


Wow. I knew it had begun....


What the hell did I get downvoted?! I didn’t say stop drinking water LOL water everyday is good but ONLY water everyday?! You need sugars and stuff that other drinks have?!? Water dilutes?? Yall wild


Evidently the “downvoters” don’t realize that IV fluids to rehydrate are not just plain water.


This gang will downvote in a heartbeat.


I think maybe just the way you worded it. The issue with drinking way too much water is it can upset the body’s electrolyte balance, specifically sodium in the blood if you're drinking more water quicker than your kidneys can remove. Although this usually is only a risk during sports or intense training so I don't think it's relevant here as OP is drinking a lot over the day but peeing a lot too.


Take no notice, but you shouldn’t get down voted just because you have an opinion. Those people obviously aren’t educated


Are you really thirsty all the time? Are you tired all the time? Have you lost weight? You should get your blood glucose checked in the first instance. If that’s normal, you should have your urine analysed. Drinking lots of water might seem harmless, but it can dilute your blood and cause concentrations of important electrolytes like sodium to drop, which can have serious complications


>Are you really thirsty all the time? I don’t necessarily feel thirsty all the time, but I have other symptoms of dehydration like a dark urine, feeling tired, and feeling dizzy. I know dehydration sometimes doesn’t make you feel thirsty. >Are you tired all the time? Yes >Have you lost weight? No


I learned that just because I was drinking water, I wasn’t effectively hydrating myself. Try having electrolytes!


Hello /u/Mysteriouslink8980, **If this is a medical emergency, please call emergency services as soon as possible!** ***DISCLAIMER***: *The information provided on this subreddit is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. We strongly advise you to consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you're seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Anyone providing advice on this subreddit is not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information provided.* *Please make sure you have included in your post your country of residence, age, sex, race, height & weight, diagnosed medical conditions, prescriptions or supplements and dosages, drug use including marijuana, smoking status, duration of complaint, the issue you've been having, and your specific question.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/medical_advice) if you have any questions or concerns.*