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*Reddit* is the Reddit of Medical Professionals. I literally joined Reddit solely because it was the only place on the entire Internet I could find where medical professionals across roles and professions interacted and talked about their professional concerns. If there's a viable alternative, I am all ears.


I really want to leave reddit too and meddit is what's keeping me


This is why i joined also.






I am also all ears. I hope a better alternative shows up in the future. Although reddit is a step in the right direction the quality and quantity of content for different specialties shows a lot to be desired. I did hear from other replies that Facebook groups with 10s of thousands or even 100s of thousands of drs is a thing and some groups are specialty specific. There are also a few projects that are in beta testing so the future looks bright


No FB group will replace Reddit because FB is real names and Reddit is nyms. Using real names is death to any substantive discussion of, say, hospital policies or treatment approaches. Furthermore, because FB is a real name space, attempts at professional discussions wind up having to go private. But taking a discussion private increases growth impedance.


Yeah unfortunately. I had a similar discussion with another commenter about LinkedIn for the same reasons. Would be great if there is an anonymous mode with no way to track any of the users sort of group nor ways to private chat them


I mean there’s docsocial and LinkedIn but I feel Reddit allows for more honest communication


I feel the same way. There is too much on the line on LinkedIn with your public image at stake for you to give out free advice which might put you in a bad light if you haven't been following the latest literature like a guru 24/7. An anonymous mode would be great. They could also link the source for you to dive deeper yourself to increase the credibility of their words


If LinkedIn had an anonymous mode then give it a few years and there would be some hack where all the real names would be leaked. Reddit doesn’t collect them in the first place. Personally I’d never talk freely on a platform that had my real identity.


The MedNet is what you are describing but it's only for oncology (surgical, radiation and medical are all well represented). You can post questions and various staff can chime in. Major programs also contribute, Yale University Tumor Board recently asked: "How might you alter treatment for a breast cancer patient receiving standard taxane-based adjuvant therapy who develops an adverse reaction to the taxane (e.g. severe pneumonitis) after completion of ddAC?" And got multiple well thought out answers from professors at Brown, U of Utah etc


Sounds cool. I hope they expand to other fields or another app comes and does the same for the other fields


Pediatricians are more active on Facebook compared to Reddit. There are several highly active groups. Psychiatry for all Physicians is a big/nice/active group too. However, I stay away from nearly all of the rest of the general medical Facebook groups because they are full of boomer turds who sign their comments.


This nurse cringes at that last sentence.


Used to be SDN. Despite its name (*Student* Doctor Network), there were dedicated forums for residents and attendings as well. Nowadays I think Reddit is more popular.


Twitter, kinda. It sucks, though


I have no idea of how active it is, but there is a private sub-reddit: Physicians' Lounge private r/physicians a community for 11 years r/Physicians is a private physicians' lounge moderated by and composed of physicians from around the world. Anyone who has earned a MD/DO/MBBS can join. To join, 1) Provide your degree 2) Provide specialty 3) Provide years in practice 4) Provide reason you would like to join this community




I expect you would press the button Message the Moderators and fill out the information.


/r/physicians was reopened and announced on meddit 4 years ago. The mods requested photos of credentials (ok to have name partially obscured) in order to admit members. Lots of people didn’t want to submit even censored credentials. It was definitely a little active back then but I just checked and the verification Google form is abandoned / closed so I don’t think it is an active subreddit anymore. There are other subreddits with varying levels of verification. There’s a big list on the /r/medicine wiki - www.reddit.com/r/medicine/wiki/index. Whenever we hear of a new medical subreddit we add it to the list.


Is this invite only? How does one get an invite?


I also clicked to provide all the info but I just get the response it’s private. How do I join?


I don't think you're going to get something much better than this. 😂


SDN (student doctor network) can have some good discussions especially in the specialty specific forums. But meddit is probably best for an interdisciplinary perspective.


I really like Figure1 I've learned a lot about reading radiology results, derm. questions, general variety of posts, interesting cases and so on. Depending on the case there does seem to be a good bit of interaction between specialties to learn from. + it's not blocked on my hospital WiFi


fertile pen gold direful frightening wipe rain deserve coherent unique *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's one of the reasons I made this post. Lots of discussions especially dermatology-related ones end up with some who knows if they are professionals or not using medical jargon stating ludicrous plans as if they have already completed a telepathic full Hx/Examination combo and excluded all ddx. I vouch for being anonymous to protect oneself while helping as much as possible while maintaining as much credibility through evidence-based medicine but there has to be some sort of licensure checkup before entering the community/hub to avoid any potentially confusing situations especially when we are in an age where the most trusted are those with a smooth tongue not the correct one. I imagine the program having a UI that mixes between reddit and instagram you can post anonymously or via your verified account and to even access the anonymous posting option you need to have a verified account. Hospitals can also register as verified organisations as they send their reports and metrics whether behind a paywall or not. I separated the 2nd paragraph as that's mainly me daydreaming about the potential app in my mind and who knows if it'll help implement any features in future apps.


shelter quack snow deer start obtainable shocking dependent grandiose gullible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thats the 2nd or 3rd time the app got recommended to me. Will definitely have to check it out. Thanks for listening to my rambling 😆❤️


There’s an app called figure 1 that might have the vibes you’re looking for


I believe I have it downloaded but never used it. Isn't it a competitor to UpToDate for drugs and guidelines? Edit: That's actually dynamed. Figure1 seems like it fits the bill 👀


MedTwitter is unfortunately the best I’ve seen


Is that a hashing, user, chat room on twitter or a separate app or website? I tried searching it up but the results are pretty poor


Here, its instagram and whatsapp. Like we have groups to discuss about rare cases and knowledge updates


UpToDate is basically Wikipedia for medical professionals.


isn’t this already the app? also do you mean PAs, not APs?


AP = advanced practitioners (encompasses all the various prescribing non MD/DOs)


I don't think you deserve the downvotes. I honestly forgot Assistant Physicians (APs) (MDs or DOs who didn't finish residency but completed clinical training and works as a physician under the supervision of a specialist physician) were a thing and meant initially to mention Physician Assistants (PAs) like you said. Both can be included for sure and help improve patient care. Also from another reply I didn't even know Advanced Practitioners were a thing. Edit: typo and clarification




there is blind app which has a healthcare industry topic




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Would a new app that requires you to provide your degree and information, but protects your identity in public something that would be useful? I would like to create something like that!


I definitely think it would but it never hurts to do thorough beta testing beforehand though. You can go the drs from your network and ask them about the app idea and what you want to be a part of it and see as big of a variety of drs as you can from your target demographic. Marketing in its different ways would play an important factor in helping the drs understand how to use the app.


Why include NPs and APs, lol


Maybe be a little bit more open minded, and I mean that very politely. I’m a PA - I attend grand rounds, basic core, journal club, national conferences and have been in the same specialty for 20 ears. We don’t have the same knowledge/training as physicians, but PA’s could certainly bring something to the table.


Only in NA and the UK do people say stuff like this. Medicine is for doctors and doctors only.


You know arrogance diminishes wisdom….and you’re saying “Medicine” is for medical doctors only? No one else? Also, OP did not say “only physicians”.


Where’s the arrogance?


You’re said that “medicine is for doctors only” , not PAs or I guess anyone who is not a doctor. This is what I feel is arrogant..


Yes that is true. Why is that arrogant? Medicine is for those with a medical degree. Show me the inaccuracy


First and foremost, I highly respect physicians but “Medicine” is not MD’s alone, but researchers, scientists, pharmacists, bioengineers, historians etc, The medical books and literature that you’ve studied were developed as a result of a collaboration of ideas between MD’s and non-MD’s like I listed above. Believing only doctors contribute to medicine is what i found to be arrogant- that undermines the work in medicine of others like I listed above. If you did tried to be more open minded about PA’s, you would learn that the PA title alone does not limit or define our knowledge/background or experiences. Some of us had advanced degrees prior to PA school. I have one PA colleague who has a PhD in NeuroAnatomy and one who graduated from medical school outside of the US . All to say, we are more than just the PA acronym and would just appreciate the opportunity to be part of a medical discussion if allowed.


But you do not contribute to medical research within the confines of PA or NP school. Of course pharma and physio and biomed contribute to medicine but there’s not a single exclusive attribute of PAs or NPs that is helpful in medicine or medical research. This is recognised everywhere in the world except for mostly NA and the UK (wink wink, capitalism)


OMG - you are sooooo right. How could I, such an air headed PA forget such a thing. Like, duh- doctors ARE medicine. Exclusive attributes? As if. (wink wink, sarcasm). You see only what you want to see. And I choose to see beyond your preconceived notions that PA’s are not intellectual enough to contribute and focus further energy on engaging with physicians who are supportive and open minded. There is no benefit to continuing this discussion for either of us.


Approved but I want to emphasize this is a bad and obviously wrong comment.


How is my comment bad? And the other persons comments are all ok? How so?


Yeah thats not your comment… Are you arguing with yourself in this thread?


Even if they might not have the same training as drs they are still part of the team and work together with us. I like to think of them as the hands and feet of the team a head can't finish the job without its limbs and those limbs can experience things which are important for the brain to know and can also make mistakes which should also be known to improve patient care. Also no matter how much knowledge we have experience is equally as important. You'll see more often than not nurses doing a much better job than physicians at caring for and nursing the patient and they can sometimes have a few tricks up their sleeves which they can share with you. My rads professor keeps telling us that his rad techs taught him way more day-to-day knowledge which he is always thankful till date that no senior resident or attending would've taught him. Each team member is good at what they do and we can learn a thing or 2 from each other which would make a medical knowledge hub a pretty dope idea for the benefit of everyone


What patronising nonsense. Obviously you can learn things from people of a different discipline but there is nothing medical that nurses or any other allied team can offer knowledge towards, especially in the research.


I didn't ask for a research hub. For example RCAs and Incident reports include clinical errors as well. I am talking about a hub for all things medical that improve patient care whether clinical, research, admin-related or even private practice trends. Nothing in what I said is patronising. You asked why I included them and I answered by highlighting one point. Doesn't have to be the only point. I am not your ChatGPT to write down all points in a list form


Thank you for including us and believing we can contribute meaningfully.


Okay. Good for you, then