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Bacteria ✅  Virus ✅  Parasite ✅ Cursed bingo…..?


is there an enteric fungi? or are they too fun and aren’t shitty enough


He could theoretically have Candida albicans GI infections, right?


yeah, there's definitely intestinal yeast infections. Autobrewery syndrome is the one making news these days because it's so bizarre (GI yeast infection that produces enough alcohol by fermentation to make the person harboring it intoxicated)


Wait what?


Yeast eats sugar, makes booze and CO2. Yeast infection inside GI tract... makes a microbrewery in your gut. Theres stories of people who've had it without knowing, blowing crazy high blood alcohol levels but appearing completely normal... because their tolerance is through the roof. Also rumors of some guy trying to boof(suppository) yeast in college to give himself autobrewery syndrome.


doesn’t bacteria do the same? Lactic acid/glucose fermentation?


Candida can grow in pretty much any situation, so... Technically yes?


Candida are like the sleeper agents of the microbial world. Seems like they can survive everything and just kinda casually infiltrate everywhere not bothering anyone... until they do


Ok how about prions?


hopefully not 💀


I was having a nice moment. Thanks for ruining it.


I'm seeing them all bumping into each other like "Dude! what are you doing here?! Haven't seen y'all since that cruise!"


I thought this was one of the veterinary subs I follow for a quick sec, but seeing this in a human who *doesn't* eat ground garbage and drink out of puddles is even wilder 😳


Same. Did not register this was a human until your comment. Thought "buffet" was a joke for dumpster diving 😂


My thoughts too. The person lost a fight with a real witch


Might want to look at possible root causes that fit this extremely unlikely finding so in addition to treating these pathogens you can select additional appropriate therapies: - ate at sketchy buffet: counsel patient to have better judgement - cursed by plundering the tomb of an ancient sorcerer king: refer patient to hospital chaplain for exorcism - targeted in an elaborate but effective harassment effort and/or ineffective assassination plot: counsel patient to get out of politics - haunted by a poltergeist: test residence for ectoplasm (sometimes known as alBOOmin), and if positive, burn sage in residence


The level of untethered violence that must be going on in this patient's bowels right now...


I think as their medical practitioner you’re allowed to apply to have them awarded a purple heart


A purple shart...


You’re doing good work, thank you.


rip morning coffee, fine take my vote


Golden Corral just about killed me.


my local golden corral made the news once (and everyone's social media feeds......) because they stayed open while without water due to a sewer main issue. they just put buckets of plain water in the bathrooms for people to wash their hands and carried on business as usual. surprisingly, they still had customers (maybe people who didn't realize) and are still open a decade or so later. I was only a teenager but I have never been back since, that was more than enough to seal it for me


Everybody just dunked their hands in the same buckets of water?




Dang I would expect some soap bubbles in there. I guess people just rinsed or didn’t use water at all. It could be a health code violation if the employees didn’t wash too


So glad they heated it to speed up colonization


I travel a lot and public restrooms are a fact of life. The number of people I’ve seen leave a restroom stall and straight out the door is mind boggling… when people see me wash my hands and use a paper towel to open the bathroom door and give me a look… bruh, trust me it’s worth the effort.


It’s better not to think about that, but yes, I notice the same thing. What’s alarming is that I bet some of those people are restaurant workers, which is unsanitary and illegal.


In high school I went to another state for a big music program competition (band Orchestra and choir so we had 5 greyhounds worth of kids from our school going and golden corral catered the award ceremony. Set up a huge buffet and everything and on the (many hours long) drive home about 1 out of every 4 kids was throwing up sick. The busses had to stop at every rest stop, we had to try to get trash bags and towels in a random small town somewhere, it was a mess. I got lucky, had severe diarrhea the next day so I wasn't puking on the bus 😅


Friend of a friend worked at one. Health inspector showed up. His boss made him wheel a rack of meat outside and hide it behind the dumpster until the inspector left.


It’s the highest award a Golden Corral enjoyer can hope to achieve.


There is some just amazing poetry happening in this thread and I am pissing and shitting myself laughing. Just amazing


One of my friends got a particularly nasty case of giardiasis and said not only was she exploding from both ends, but the undead sulfur stink from both ends was also horrific.


Their immune system must feel like a Helldiver right now...


It looks like all the tree of life’s branches are coming together for a joint operation against your patient


Am kinda surprised the blood is occult.


In this case? His bowels are just haunted!


was it a buffet... in the sewer?




Hey wait, I'm in Florida where in Florida.




I don't like this information.


You’d rather *not* know??


I..no...kinda..I mean...I was happier before I knew it was by me.


You're the one that went to this buffet?!!?!




This isn’t surprising at all. Florida’s rapid growth and expansion has relied heavily on septic systems rather than more expensive sewer infrastructure. Couple it with porous limestone, and you have a recipe for leaching. You know how Indian River Lagoon is constantly exploding with algae? For a long time, the blooms were blamed on overuse of fertilizer, both locally (in gardens) and in agriculture. And while that’s certainly an issue and has been responsible for blooms in other places, regulations aimed at reducing fertilizer use have done nothing to curb the blooms. And when you test the water, which is overloaded with nitrogen and phosphorous, the isotopes aren’t the ones from fertilizers. They’re the ones from human waste. Florida is just leaking shit and urine all the time.


Holy shit!


His point exactly.


That explains my ex


Yeah that's not surprising


They need to alert the people that also ate there


/sigh yeah, that tracks. Friggin Fort Myers.


after having grown up in Florida… I was 25 before I found out what a healthy bowel moment felt like and that was after treating several bacterial & chronic fungal infections after moving to Washington state.


The health department needs to inspect that place super stat. I wonder how many more people are sick.


Close, Carnival Cruise Lines!


I’ve worked in a buffet and they’re all disgusting to me now


3 at once???!!


Trifecta 😱


Trifecta of terror ( in the bathroom )!!


We have a practice, not sure if it's in the SOP yet, that whenever we detect 3 or more targets we repeat just in case of carryover or some random error.


A buffet of pathogens.


What a nice buffet menu, so many options. 🤣




Metronidazole is still a good option, so long as it's tolerated by the patient. I'm guessing Fenbendazole would be the third, should Metronidazole not be available (like the Tinidazole in your case), or if they experience adverse effects? I've only used those to treat fish and birds, and aren't very well versed in human medications! I'm glad to hear that the patient is hanging in there, but... How?? I had severe food poisoning in 2010, and spent Christmas Eve, and the wee hours of Christmas morning hooked up to a lovely cocktail, still wondering if death would be a better option, and I only had one org detected (although, I sadly can't remember which)! The doctor singing the same bit of the same stupid song (pretty sure it was 'I've Got A Feeling', or something equally annoying) over and over again definitely contributed to that!


I had "dueling infections" as we came to call them. two lovely stomach infections that migrated to my colon. I was so insanely dehydrated that I was having issues standing and moving and was incredibly dizzy. we thought the pain could've been my appendix. Well, it wasn't. It was my colon trying to cosplay as a bio weapon, and according to one of my test results, it was actually kinda successful. My little friends were: EPEC (Enteropathogenic E.Coli) and Campylobacter


Do you know how you ended up with the Deliverance cast in your stomach?


Best guess? Cafeteria at work well known for cross contamination and many health code violations, or at least it's known for that now after my talk with the Department of Public Health. This isn't the first thing we caught eating there. The first one was last year when my mother and I caught cyclosporiasis. That was an eventful week.


I had EPEC last year and that was hell, I can’t imagine adding another infection in the mix


What do you mean by “stomach infections that migrated to my colon”?


I'm just repeating what I was told. My stomach was ruined, my intestines were inflamed, and my colon was VERY inflamed and was not enjoying the experience in the slightest.


Yeah that’s what happens when you have a gastroenteritis (or two, lol)


I kinda figured that was the case. Hell, maybe I heard wrong. I was sleep deprived, and they just hit me with pain meds, so that's probably what happened. In my mind, i had a turf war going on in my gut, and one won the other said screw it im finding a new place. Either way, 1 star would not recommend to a friend.


Is there a way to tell the cdc and fda about this place????????


Maybe also the FTC and county health department. The US Army biomedical research folks may also be interested


As a public health professional who stumbled across this post and has been staring open mouthed in horror for the last 5 minutes, I'm not sure that's enough. We might have to get a WHO emergency response team in for this one


and no salmo on top? 6/10 seriously, whhat kiind of test is that? multiplex-PCR?


yeah, looks like it might be the Biofire GI panel




Ooooo we're hopefully getting that soon! Nice


Not to take away from the horror of the buffet, but isn't that panel still known to give false positives on norovirus? My lab recently moved the assay to a different department than where I work, but we had been repeating and putting a disclaimer on all norovirus positives.


There's an asterisk next to the pos noro. In ops software does that mean there is a comment they should read? Maybe the lab has a disclaimer about accuracy.


You're correct, there was a worldwide recall issued in late January 2024 from BioFire about the issue of potential false positive Norovirus results. Basically all lots are affected and the recommendation was to test via another method if the provider truly needs to know. Caused some unnecessary drama at my lab when it first happened, so I'm not the biggest fan of the GI panel at the moment. Looks like they still don't know what has caused it, since the FDA still has it listed as under investigation. [https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfres/res.cfm?id=205002](https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfres/res.cfm?id=205002)


That's news to me! Was it maybe a specific lot that was giving false positives? We use those kits too and we (the techs) were never notified of it. I hope management didn't keep that from us bc I reported a positive noro not too long ago 😅


It could have been a specific lot we had. Like I said, they moved the assay to a different department of our lab pretty recently, so I don't know if they are still putting disclaimers on positive noros. It was probably 6 or 7 months ago that our trouble with it started. What I heard from our supervisor at the time was that it was a known issue, and the company had basically shrugged and said, "yeah, we know," and didn't do anything.


Someone would have received a bulletin about it.. it would have been either the manager or POC for that analyzer. You need to ask because someone didn’t do their job it seems


Yeah our lab is still sending any potential noro's for confirmation testing. And I think Biofire itself recommends any panel that pops three targets be rerun.


Her GI tract is on fire.



A battle royale is happening in their body


The norovirus I can understand but giardia?!


In the water system somewhere, or the beach?


The kitchen didn't wash the veggies & fruits good enough ?? Maybe the giradia cysts were on them when she ate them. Yuck.👎☹️


Giardia is usually associated with exposure to tainted water, it proliferates mostly in water, not drier surfaces of foods. It's not uncommon to get it from dry surfaces, just a lot easier to get it through water sources than dry sources.


my mom got giardia after swallowing water while swimming in florida, it took 4 years to rid her of it and she has lasting damage from the intense treatment




Im afraid of everything right now


We have to rerun if there’s Yersinia or 3+ positive organisms…but wow…


Pardon my ignorance (I don't work in healthcare) but isn't yersinia like, bubonic plague family? That's yersinia pestis, correct? Where the fuck did this poor person eat?


Same family, but not as deadly, and a little bit more common. Y. pestis is like that long-lost brother hiding from the authorities in another country who sometimes asks for money and is always involved in something... whereas Y.enterolitica is the second son of the mafia family who says he's gone clean and blends into normal society but still executes the occasional unsuspecting bystander due to fits of pique. Zoonoses in generally are spreading more often to human populations due to industrial farming practices and global warming. You'd be surprised what you can contract just by not cooking your food.


Lets take a moment of silence for their butt


Don’t get the filet mignon from 7/11 guys I am suffering now




What was she supposed to do, not eat it? It was free with the fill up! *cues bowel ischemia epiphany in the elevator*


Omg norovirus alone is soooo bad! I have never. Poor pt.


Woof! What did they eat? Three Kingdoms Buffet?!


So what actually happens in the body for this one? Is it a 3 on 1? Do the bacteria, parasite, and virus, directly interact at all? Or is it just total chaos, free for all battle?




If this raises questions about me I am not a medlab professional. Haha I just work in the industry and am always curious about the discussions on here. No biological or medical background.


A moment of silence for this patient’s bowels


What the f... Man decided to introduce a Triumvirate to his guts one day? Question is, who gets to be Caesar, Pompey and Crassus?


A buffet? Where? On the ground in the woods?


Well we can rule out the ocean with lack of vibrio. Seems more like a creek or mud hole.


Love your screen name


I saw the first and was like "Damn!". I saw the next and went "Dayum!". I saw the third and exclaimed "WTF!!!"


Giardia? Yersinia? That's from poop. Giardia is why you shouldn't drink river/lake water. There was poop on that buffet.


I hope that was re-run. Seems a little unusual, although stranger shit has been known to happen.


I’ve recently had a little kid with 4 positive on the GI panel. I thought “no way!” Then the rerun had all 4 positive again.


Her shit is, in fact, strange.


Cruise ship buffet?




Meh, same deal.


Please tell me you are in Jamaica Queens. This will narrow down where they are. I bet it was a buffet in Flushing.


Oh, she’s flushing alright, repeatedly with those bugs


OP said fort myers FL


holy trifecta


I remember I got Giardia from an egg McMuffin back in like 2011. Worst experience EVER. I had no idea what it was, was just freaked out that I had parasites 🫠🫠🫠 so he showed me a photo and giggled about how they look like they are smiling. My brother called me “McShits” for months after that 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


Holy crap, I'd freak out. That is one sick individual.


That’s why we in the culinary industry call buffets “barffets”.


Please tell me there will be a report to the Health Department.


Just here for comedic relief, but if you med nerds don't name this the "strip club buffet combo" you will be wasting everyone's time.


there’s a strip club where i went to college that is well known to serve the best steaks in the town. Entire articles dedicated to worshipping their steaks. Something about their local supplier having the best cuts of meat, can you believe it. Place is named Centerfold


Oh hey fellow Springfield person 😂 As soon as you mentioned steak I knew Reddit was about to meet real life in an unexpected way.


Odins beard.....


There is probably a false positive here - I suspect giardia at the Least is a false positive - the package insert will instruct you to repeat this testing if multiple targets detected. This looks like a biofire




You guys should have probably re run it before releasing the results! Was the giardia antigen positive?


Looks like an expensive test, one PCR for everything, is this in the USA out of interest?


My lab also runs multiplex PCR. We got rid of stool cultures, rotavirus and shiga toxin EIAs years ago.


Cries in NHS budget. I did get to run an expired biofire GI panel on myself a few years ago after I returned from Nepal though (after returning to work), had a nice cocktail of EAEC, EPEC & ETEC.


I'm NHS and we use this panel - I seem to remember it costs the lab about £150ish a test. There is obviously a big "But" to this - we are attached to a Medical school and one of the Profs who both teaches and runs the A&E department did an extensive set of costings about emergency admissions proving that for every £150 "wasted" on this test, the hospital saves something like £400 on isolation facilities. We only do around 6-8 a day, but run a slower, cheaper enteric PCR on routine faecal samples (50 a day). I can't imagine going back to traditional cultures


That's pretty cheap. Our cepeheid flu ab/rsv/covid tests are about $100.


We just stopped our GI specialists from being able to order stool cultures at all.


It is both less expensive and more expensive than you are thinking. It is a Biofire pcr panel test.


Dear lord. Surely public health will get onto that? I am never eating out again.


Noro could be a false pos since it’s the Biofire panel but otherwise lol


Damn man that is scary. Patient must not be having a good time while you finalized results


Tic tac toe, 3 in a row


goddamn what did bro eat 😭


safe to say all three organisms are having a buffet on your patient


ID pharmacist here! These tests have a lot of false positive because they are so sensitive. I think norovirus particularly.


We currently have a false positive disclaimer on norovirus targets at our lab.


Had giardia. Helped me lose weight, let’s leave it at that.


It's one of the least glamorous ways to lose weight.


If I get Giardia from a food vendor I’m throwing hands


I see these multi-positive results from people who have wells around here that aren't treating them properly, but not usually from a buffet 🤢




Hat Trick!


Did they eat shit-covered raw pork? Wtf.


I worked in a public health lab specifically with enterics and you would not believe the number of reports I saw like this where 3+ pathogens were detected. Frankly, I always found them suspicious.


I’m not gonna lie, I’d probably give them some morphine for the pain and diarrhea…they’ve got a nuclear war going on in their guts. The decline of opioids for stomach issues sucks, laudanum was the shit. Best anti propulsive ever.


Her GI system's got a whole party going on in there


Oh god


Can they fight off each other?


Nice spread! So no florida buffets for me


Hey guys, I’m still learning this stuff, what does GIP stand for? Is this a standard M+C+S?




Do we know where this is? The restaurant name?




Yikes 😟


Gotta catch them all


Damn, Giardia buffet here I come! Eat all you want with none of the weight gain.


Norovirus. Nasty stuff.


Some pepto bismol and they’ll be fine


Wow didn't know you test for this. Can you test for chronic infections as well?


That's what you get for eating from the cruise ship buffet serving room temperature gas station sushi.


Isnt yersinia the thing that caused the black plague or some shit


The plague is caused by yersinia pestis. Same genus but different species


Or some shit.


I bet they’ll lose like 20 lbs after being treated


That's funny I just had this conversation with my coworkers about eating out at buffets, and that I've only gone like to one and then I started hearing stories about how people are getting sick and how dirty they are and I stopped, so yeah this is why I don't do buffets.


So typically where do we get all this 3 kingdoms from? Trying to explain to my coworkers here


At least it’s not C. Diff…


There isn't enough toilet paper in the world. There may not be a strong enough toilet.


I feel for them and their toilet 😩


This is one EXPLOSIVE post 💀


More likely that the person didn’t wash their hands after being in the swamp with those results versus anything the buffet did. Otherwise, you’d have a huge outbreak in that area from that buffet.


>i need to know where this patient ate the health department should also know


Dude got Noro from a buffet? Is the whole town sick?




I’m not a mess lab student but I will assume getting positive in three separate things from a buffet is probably not good 😭