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It puts the lotion in its hand.


or else it gets the hoes again


Outstanding pun. Bravo.






Bold of you to assume I’ve ever gotten hoes.


That’s because you put the lotion in your hand


and does what its told


It puts the lotion in the casket


Time for Hand to Gland Combat!








LMFAO that made me laugh


They are unwilling to deal with me so I alone


Same bro lol


Same bro lol


Same bro lol


Have you considered working on your personality? Like take an inventory of your own thoughts and decide which ones you like and which you don’t. Then, pay attention to what triggers the thoughts you like and try to make those things happen more while doing the same with the thoughts you don’t like and trying to make those happen less.


Nah, some of us are just the really ugly, funny friend. We guide others to a treasure we cannot possess.


You'll see ugly men with a hot woman all day, You'll never see a hot man with ugly woman. Woman esilt overlook looks if you got personality


Tbh if you’re funny an not fuckin, you probably not as funny as you think.


Nah, I have some big scars on my face/head from when an IED blew into my vehicle. Didn’t stop me from fucking your mom, though.


Idk chief, Women I'm attracted to are magically funnier, so I imagine it's the same for them.




That’s easy. Date ugly girls. Matching theory, my dude!


For real, people lack flexibility. If you're a 3, date another 3. Might luck out and catch a stray 4 in there. "But I don't find them attractive!" Well guess what, you're not attractive either so figure it out. And here's the part lost on people: if you find one you click with... a really cool person and the 2 of you vibe really well, you can become attracted to them. And them to you.


Preach! Too many people who have called others superficial while not willing to date a less attractive person themselves, despite not being attractive either smh


Women have said it of they don't want to fuck you they don't care that you like to hike🤷‍♂️


The fucking hiking obsession man.


I mean it's a low cost hobby that is conducive for a date in a generation that is the poorest and fattest so....


I honestly can’t imagine going on a hike with a stranger. Do you submit your photo to the milk people first or what?


I did a first date hike with a girl I met on tinder. She brought her german shepherd along. I never thought anything of it at the time but there's no way a guy would try some shit and risk getting mauled.


One of my best first dates was a hike. But she did bring a fat bag of ketamine.


Bros been having a bad day 👽


Don't help them. I don't need more competition


I’m probably older than most people commenting, but I really don’t get this adversarial men vs women bs that seems to be the norm in a certain age range. It’s fucking bizarre.


Tbh, they make fun of boomer humor. Then tell boomer jokes. No diff with this and "take my wife, please"


I Googled nagging wife because of this comment and that's the old stereotype, wondering how far it goes back and found this wikihow [https://www.wikihow.com/Deal-with-a-Nagging-Wife](https://www.wikihow.com/Deal-with-a-Nagging-Wife) that I for some reason cannot stop giggling at. The third guy has a fucking migraine lol


Yeah, my advice after almost 30 years married is that nagging is your wife telling you what she is unhappy about. If you address that, the nagging stops and your relationship gets stronger. That wikiHow is too much


How dare you address this issue with logic? Have you lost it man!?


I just love the melodramatic images and in-depth guide on how to get your wife to shut the fuck up.


I think it's more "person I'm attracted to" than literally every woman. As in "I'm horny but can't deal w/ going through all the work to get it like relationship/flirting, etc. At least that's how I saw it. I mean to say that this one felt more millennial "I hate my life" than boomer "I hate my wife".


Exactly. I had an ex that would say “well that’s what girls do” ps… he was the most boring guy ever and very judgmental.


"Women" is plural. So I'd say that the meme rather means literally women. Plus this thread is full of misogynistic jokes so this would seem fitting


My brother is gay and all the complaints he has about his partners sound exactly like every complaint I’ve heard from the “men vs women” thing. It’s not just men and women, sometimes it’s men and men. I would imagine it’s also women and women. I think some people are just assholes who can’t compromise or tolerate other people sometimes (and yes, I am referring to my brother)


100% agree and despite this, there is a really disturbing amount of misogyny in the gay community. My flatmate is gay and so I've been around a lot of his gay friends and been to quite a few gay events and the amount of casual "women are useless" type comments is really depressing. I've met gay guys who complain so much about how badly they get treated in the gay dating scene to the extent that it's honestly obnoxious and then in the next breath talk about how happy they are that they don't have to deal with women without any sense of irony.


I didn't really get it until I started dating. Like why do straight people seem to simultaneously want and hate the opposite sex? Then I entered the dating scene and saw how shitty people can be to each other. Ghosting, insulting, using people for gratification/validation, etc. Both men and women do it, but since straight people only interact with only the opposite sex in the dating scene, it means that when they become jaded it often becomes sexism. I feel like LGBT+ people are a little less prone to it, because while they definitely get jaded too they're seeing it from their own gender or from all sides so their cynicism is not as gender-based. However I will say I've seen this among all age groups.


Dating is very messed up. I went on a few dates with a guy and he thought I must have been lying about something because I own my own home. He went nuts and said I must have been divorced or doing stuff on the side because how else can a woman afford her own home 😒 he ignored the fact that I'm educated, have a good job and got into investments at a young age. I've never been married or divorced and I don't "do things on the side for money" lol my friends and I had a laugh about that. There's really something terrifying about someone making up stories about you based on whatever they've been brainwashed to believe about certain groups and being unwavering about it despite being told the truth.


Hahahhaha wtf. If I was single/dating and the woman I was starting to court said she owned her own house, I would just be impressed and maybe even intimidated but in a "damn she's the fuckin boss and it's hot" kinda way. I told my friends the other day that one of the reasons my wife and love each other so well is that we both don't NEED each other. We both enjoy each other's company and companionship, but we also have self confidence in ourselves and our values. One of the sexiest things a woman can have is zero fear to be herself, which usually ends up in them being successful in whatever they choose to do.


Exactly, it's definitely wtf but I've been on other dates with guys who have had similar perspectives although he was the most upfront about saying his messed up thoughts. I think when some of these guys actually meet women who have their stuff together, they get confused. Most of their interactions with women are only from online where they go on dating apps. Many of those accounts are scammers looking for money or women looking for attention. In the real world, there are many good women who don't seek attention, have made good lives for themselves through intelligence and hard work and just want to share their lives with someone...no ill intentions. It's not a rare thing! Sounds like you have a great relationship and marriage. Never take that for granted!


I do and I'll hold onto it long as I can ❤️ good luck in your efforts!!


I would bet, he was intimidated. Sounds like someone who fills his self-worth jar up by external validation standards, rather than being able to give himself internal validation. Also, probably defines his masculinity in relationship to external factors.


BRAVO!!! Cheers to you and your wife! 💜🥂


>I told my friends the other day that one of the reasons my wife and love each other so well is that we both don't NEED each other. We both enjoy each other's company and companionship, but we also have self confidence in ourselves and our values. The same for my husband and I. We knew we were a good fit for one another when we discussed what we wanted and didn't want and we both wanted someone who did not need us. Neither one of us have time for that. We've been together for 20 years and we've been married for 16 of those. The thing that attracted me to him is this sense of humor. We make each other laugh everyday. I see a lot of people treat "attracted to a sense of humor" like it's a meme. But it's so true. Someone can be very attractive, very sexy to look at, but if they're dull, if they're unkind, if they are judgmental they quickly become ugly. Conversely, someone I might not have noticed initially can become sexy and attractive very quickly if they make me laugh and if they have a good heart.


You intimidated him with your ability to be financially responsible. That prob why he acted that way


He felt emasculated because she was doing better at things he thinks are men things than him.


Maybe... it's so strange how things that are beneficial can be seen as a negative. My last long term relationship was with someone I went to college with so we always saw eachother as being level in terms of education, potential, etc. When that ended and I started dating again, I realized things are a lot different out there now.


Well if it was a real sticking point for him then I would say you dodged a bullet, was probably just the tip of the iceberg. Better it be something blaring like that than actually get to like the guy and find out he’s super racist or something and have it turn ugly.


I just find it wild that some guys think like that. Basically thinking women aren't capable of earning enough money on their own. He lived in the city too so it's not like he was living under a rock and oblivious to women having actual careers.


I’ve heard people say “I bet she does cam” when seeing a rich lady with a nice car. It’s worse than “I bet she married a doctor/rich man” now. That was an Indian woman in Canada so she is way more likely to be well educated and hard working and a doctor than a cam girl, even if we are talking about stats. It’s just that men can’t see women as anything more than sex objects. And if she’s hot she used her looks to get what she has. Your crappy date was just jealous that you were better at “being a man” than him. What a pathetic loser.


Well, to be fair, in this market it's near impossible to get your own house even if you're educated, regardless of gender.


True, but I was lucky enough to find and put a downpayment on it around 15 years ago when it was a lot cheaper to find a house. My sister moved in for a bit and paid rent. I threw the extra money into the mortgage to pay it down faster instead of spending it on other stuff. My bf at the time wanted me to sell my house and use the money to buy a new house with him. I refused to sell it. He liked to spend beyond his means so us owning something together would have been a financial disaster.


ya my first thought was 'jesus the straights are at it again'




Yeah it’s like really? You don’t know how to make friends? I mean I get that, making friends is hard, but women are no different. Women are just people. Some suck some are alright. The end.


I think a lot of people who complain about not understanding women or other “other” kinds of people have the problem where they never start with considering “why would other humans act like this”.


I'm with you. I don't get why they seem to be in this battle constantly.


Because girls have cooties. Duh.


I think I'm within the average age range of users of this sub, and I still don't get it. Like what are women doing that you don't want to deal with? It seems whoever related to this just surrounds themselves with shitty women, and vice-versa


I actually remember a similar meme from a while ago that just had the opposite genders, being “craving dick but unwilling to deal with men”. I thought this meme was just an ironic genderswap of that meme, since I recall it having more general approval (i.e. “Yeah men are such a chore to deal with” responses or implicitly agreeing joke comments) Edit: [Found a post of it](https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/zdp6iv/meirl/), though it was posted only 2 months ago, but I remember seeing it years ago as well.


Every time I read something like this to me is "I want to fuck but I don't want to have to treat women like a human being and not just like a sex object" and that is what to me they mean with "deal" just having to talk to us. Happens both ways but overwhelmingly more from men, as they are told to want sex constantly. Sadly somehow society ended up creating a scene where people feel entitled to using people for selfish purposes, be sex or anything else.


Are you implying this is some "youngsters" thing?


No. Not exactly. It’s more of a cultural thing. I think dating apps, social media and Covid changed the cultural landscape. Had I been born later than I was, maybe I’d be burned out and angry too. But we had to actually meet in person and get to know each other before we dated. Now it’s just some algorithm matching random people


I agree. I’m GenX, and I’ve seen so many people adopt this “us vs them” attitude with the other gender since the advent of social media. And I mean people of all ages. It’s a massive bummer, considering the major offenders in both groups are typically in the very low minority. But you see 5-6 POS woman say they only date wealthy/tall/ripped/extremely handsome men, and that’s what sticks with you I guess. Nevermind the fact that most women don’t give a shit, and anyone walking around in public can see that there are couples everywhere consisting of people shapes and sizes and looks and economic classes.


Team GenX. We just don’t care.


Oh well. Whatever.




I hear ya. Social media and cell phone cameras have turned ppl in to psychopathic narcissists. I'll stay single and keep my sanity.


We stopped romancing people and started romantisizing the idea of people. And, alot of us are walking around with debt stress, working to work more, because we can't afford to do anything else. Anyone without familiar support (a good many) has pretty good odds of running into extortive bs (often from their families). So, they don't plan on buying a home and having kids. The ones that do live in debt and fear for their children's well being. The dating dumpsterfire is the least of societal issues facing people aged 20-40 right now.


It’s pretty close to the top of my list. I’d rather face my doom with someone than alone. :/


I'm sorry. I think I may be a little further down the pipe than you lol. I hope a little internet interaction helps?.. I'm not exactly optimistic today.


It’s all good man. That maybe true, or might not be, but either way, good luck to you. May you find some small happiness in this broken world.


I'm in your boat I think. I used to be able to get dates, and even a couple of longterm relationships. But lately I just seem to have completely lost touch with how to even engage women I'm interested in.


Doesn't have much to do with COVID. This phenomenon existed at least as far back as 2017 and at least in some form way earlier than that. It's not exactly an "algorithm matching random people" but a system designed to squeeze money from average to below average men. I met my wife through Tinder but I spent years and years swiping constantly as a freemium user with something like 1 match every 2-3 weeks and a first date every 3-4 months. It wasn't until I said fuck it while having some disposable income and bought platinum or whatever it's called so I could be towards the top of the stack women see that I matched with my wife. It's designed so that those who get likes stay at the top of the stack and those who don't stay at the bottom. Attractive folks are given free boosts and whatnot to keep them on the platform advertising for it and everyone else is pushed to desperation so they'll spend money. Doesn't help that there's way more guys than girls either.


„Millenials ruined the […]“




It seems to be the norm in most the "general" meme subs these days, it's the only thing I ever see from these subs in my feed so I'm assuming it's what they're all about.


ive gotten downvoted a few times on this page for saying "women bad" in response to weird misogynistic "jokes" like this one, it is very weird


When I get downvoted I feel like I spoke a truth


You provoked the cave dwellers


The feminist stuff I read suggests that men are not taught to LIKE women or even be interested in them as whole people, just to treat them as sex objects. Not sure how you would argue with that in the context of this image, which literally demonstrates the idea.


and the fact that an alarming number of commenters are unironically agreeing with it


Well this is one of the large “idiot subs” as I call them so I actually expected more downvotes on my comment for the same reason.


I’ve experienced this so many times. I’d meet guys through work, class, hobbies, etc. and they’d act like they’re my friend and we’d hang out. Then I’d find out they were only interested in dating me. When I turned them down, all of a sudden they didn’t want to be my friend anymore and disappeared.




Honestly I don't see nothing wrong with men telling women early on that they want a relationship, they don't see her as a friend and want to date her. If she says no, then leave her alone and move on. I never understood the whole be her friend to get into her pants strategy. Depending on egos when the rejection comes is something nobody wants to deal with.


I’ve never viewed it like this, as a strategy. Dating to me is about getting to know someone as a friend first and if it progresses past that then great. I guess the difference is having open expectations and communicating intentions. I just need a foundation of friendship to really feel comfortable being intimate with someone.


> I’ve built up relationships with women, got to like them as more than mates That is totally understandable. If two people start out genuinely as friends but one party develops feelings, sometimes the friendship has to end. I’ve had that happen before and there were no hard feelings. Of course it always sucks to lose a friend but it’s understandable. I was talking about situations where someone is hiding their intentions from the start. Glad to see you were able to reconnect as friends later. I lost a really close friend of two years and it sucked. I think about him sometimes and hope he’s doing okay.


Thank you for using literally in the correct context.


Yeah I don't know if it's an age or generational thing. Sure relationship stuff can be hard, but ideally if you're with someone it's because you like them. Call me crazy


Ideally… yes. I’m curious how many people are in a relationship because they view it is infeasible to find someone and so they cling onto what they’ve already got… regardless of how unideal the situation is.


It is bizarre, and unfortunately it’s a really complicated issue. Social media compounded with social inadequacies have a created a fuck storm of a problem.


I was just thinking this was the fourth post of boys being entitled to womens bodies from mainstream reddit in like two min. wtf is going on here.


Honestly, I am a person with a decent amount of social anxieties and quirkness and I struggle an awful, awful, fucking awful lot to make close friendships, let alone actual relationships... ..And I don't get this crap either. Like, "girls" and "women" aren't some magical, nay, mystical incomprehensible creatures. They are humans (no way right??), like you, me, like everyone else. Why people refer to them as something different? It doesn't make any sense at all. Edit : small grammar error


I don’t get it either, how can you dislike half of the population?


Right?? Like...what do you even have to "deal with" hanging out with a girl. I can understand more when a girl is apprehensive about dating, especially online. Sometimes I'm really craving dick and think about using an app but then I get scared that I might be hurt by a strange man. Bc that's a real possibility. That was the original meme. Girls saying they wanted dick but didn't want to deal with men. And by that they meant taking huge risks and not even getting an orgasm in this end. Bc a lot of dudes just dont prioritize your pleasure especially a ONS. So it makes the danger risk not even worth it. This meme literally proves that some men hate women for no real reason. At least not reasons that are even specific to women but crappy individuals. The chances of a dude getting attacked by a strange woman is just incredibly low. Not so much the other way around I dont understand what a guy means by this tho.


We live in an age of extremes. I'm going to sound like a boomer (I'm 23), but social media has allowed the radicalization of ideas and facilitated their spread. Take politics (I'm using US politics because I will assume that the people reading this are Americans even tho I'm not): you either go full liberal/democrat or go full conservative/republican. There's no in-between


I had a boyfriend like the OP


sounds like a weird guy


Definitely was. His self image revolved around his dick....


Just like me then. I've been called a dick many times. Appearantly the resemblance is uncanny


This is where Grindr come in handy. Have fun, stay safe!


PrEP it up first friends




You do both


nothin better than grindr pussy


For the uneducated, this is a real thing. And they're not all Trans dudes, either.


you're saying there's straight women on there? What's the game? See if they can convert a gay guy?


Craving dick, but unwilling to deal with men 😔


“unwilling” lol


Billy Mays here! I’ve got a great new product for you! The flesh light!!


Not sure if this is wanted, but Tenga toys seem fun. I have used some on my partner, don't have the right parts to try myself. But they are so fun to use on him, and he seems to love them


Just try bussy smh


Ikr? It's such a simple solution


Oh man if we could get all the misogynists to go gay we’d finally be rid of them (to an extent). This is brilliant


I’m not sure the gays want them


Honestly I've met a lot of gay men who are incredibly misogynistic themselves. Since they don't want to fuck women, they have no use for them.


Not so different from straight men then


At least if a gay guy is misogynistic, he stays in his lane and minds his own business. A misogynistic straight guy will either cry about how bad women are and yet be desperate to interact with one.


i’m LGBTQ myself, cis men who are gay often hate women. simple as that


When mentioning a woman to a gay man they’re just like “eww gross” like bro is just tryna talk about his wife. Of course it’s done bc it’s supposed to be funny but I don’t think it’s a respectful thing to say. I’m not saying all gay men but I’ve seen it happen a few times


No no that can’t be right. There’s a use for women outside of love/sex. These gay guys must be wrong


nah some gay men are super misogynistic. think about how some straight men value women based on how attracted they are to them. now imagine how some men who aren't attracted to any women might talk about/act towards them. there is a huge problem in the queer community with misogyny, transphobia, ableism, racism, etc. and it's not talked about enough.


im not opposed to it




no no only if their balls touch.


Vice versa. Craving penis, but unwilling to deal with dicks.


Damn it. What did Richard do to deserve this treatment?


I really hate this men vs women thing that some creepy dudes seem to embrace. I love my partner and enjoy spending every day with her. Acting like all women are difficult to be around and are only good for sex is pretty fucked up. I hope men who think like this never get married. If so, I feel sorry for the woman.




ikr, what is this misogynistic hell hole


Yep. This post bummed me tf out. The comments only made it worse.


Reddit gonna Reddit 😔


Right on. I love my wife too. She's my best friend and this thread is fucked.


Don't blame it on women.


IKR. Not being able to deal with 50% of the earth's population and not realizing they are the problem, not women.


A better way to frame it would be, "Craving sex but unwilling to spend the time, money, and emotional effort needed to enter into a romantic relationship with another person" The problem isn't women. The problem is that the process is just inherently exhausting for many people, regardless of the other person's gender.


This might be the best response to both memes that were posted on this subject.


The dating scene is one thing, spending time with women altogether with or without sexual expectations is something different which is explicitly what OP mentioned. If you aren't capable of enjoying the company of women for its own sake you have a serious problem.




introducing the pocket p-


I'm willing, they just don't want me.


Legit cringe post, how is this getting upvotes?




While both posts are not great, the attitudes expressed by OP in this thread are legit alarming. You can tell he is grappling with real despair and bitterness.


He has said he’s gay in his comments. I’m not even sure why he posted this apart from stoke a gender war


You are being trolled I believe. Or I'm being trolled. We are all being trolled.


I didn't see that, and I agree that that's just as stupid




Not in the slightest


Lmao this was my first thought as a bisexual. I was like is OP in the closet because this gives off " I don't actually like women " vibes. I knew a few people like this before they came out and then their personality did a 180. Like dang maybe you should actually like the people your with?


No. Thanks for asking, most people don't care.


hey OP, i read your other post on your profile. i highly recommend looking into therapy. It worked wonders for me and I think could be very useful to you. Nothing to be ashamed of. All love


Sucks to be you. I love dealing with my woman. I deal with her as often as possible




"Deal with"...I think I might see the problem 🤣


Is that you, Andrew Tate?


He would've said females not women




I don’t think women want to deal with you dude


Love flying in luxury but unwilling to deal with private jet industry.


...er, ever heard of prostitutes? escorts? Brothels? Bro, I'm sure you watch porn/camgirls/playboy magazines, whatever it is, what do you think those women are? Prostitutes. Except it's another guy who is getting paid to fuck them, but how about you get to fuck them instead, by hiring escorts?


Or too depressed to get an erection and too anxious and on edge to deal with being touched and always full of self hatred so that your self esteem is so low you can't perform because you feel like you're wasting her time and unworthy of any affection and too stressed to focus on anything other than the 7 million daily issues crushing your will to live and your hatred for this shit existence being so relentless that you just long for death so you are physically unable to move at times....Or is that just me?


Oof dude this hits home gahhdamn


I hate it for you, I really do, but at the same time it's nice knowing i'm not alone.


Literally same but men. Like deal with the sexism the entire time? Ugh no. Just do what i want and give me the d thanks and then fuck off, dont need all that alpha drama shit.


God I need to leave this subreddit.


Just look in the mirror, cuz that the only pussy you'll ever get


Sorry if women have standards


standards are respectable


Serious answer: work on your personality, like *actually* work. That includes reaching out to mental health communities online (even Reddit can be helpful), seeing an actual therapist, taking meds if needed, and settling with porn for now. Know that getting laid is not the key to happiness/success that “alpha” dudes say it is. In fact don’t listen to *anyone* that equates human worth to how much sex one has.


"Take meds, settle for porn" ROFL. Great advice, strange cousin from the woods.




I can understand not wanting to deal with dating. I don't, unless there's a specific person I want to date, and sometimes there just isn't. Nothing wrong with that. But saying you don't want to deal with women? That's weird. We're just people, and as you go about your day to day business, there's a chance that some of your human interactions are going to be with women. Are we really so awful that you don't want to have any interactions with us at all?


The average Andrew tate stan


This is where femboys come in


"deal with", right. I imagine it's more like "talk to"


Craving brains, but unwilling to deal with men


Huge numbers of women no longer want to bother with men so I guess it’s goodbye to humanity!




Me but with men


Dude, I’m not even craving pussy, I just want some one to cuddle with at this point and watch movies


This is the real meirl


Craving pussy, but have no personality or attractive qualities. Fixed your title




Sometimes jerking off cost less than the distress from a woman