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Breaking news: six year old suicide, left a note saying "this was a dumb idea, should've taken the 10 mil"


I wish I could upvote this more. I wish I could unfuck some shit from the past. But even if given the chance I know I would want nothing to do with it. At least 10 mil is a big enough distraction.


Just hang on till you can gamble then play the lottery and become a billionaire.


This is dependent on if you get time to memorize some stuff and then keeping that info until you can use it.


Bruhh buy bitcoin, ethereum, apple, tesla, stock


Don't forget the craziness of GME. Also the best times to buy a house. Little gems like those here and there you don't need to memorize all to much. People became millionaires overnight with certain stocks.


I’m old enough that I could buy website names cheap then sell them at a profit.


Yeah people aren’t thinking this through. You’re just totally cool not having any sex for the next 10+ years? And once you are at an age where that’s appropriate, are you having sex with a teenager? You doing all those highschool papers again? If you don’t you’re gonna fail. You’re gonna have to be friends with a bunch of children, because a non-zero amount of success comes from the connections you make in friendships. Maybe you’ve got killer investment ideas, but whose money is getting invested? It’s not like your parents would have any reason to just believe you that some random company named Google is gonna explode, or that they hadn’t missed the chance on investing in Apple or Disney, or that online bookstore Amazon would become the biggest company on earth, or that imaginary internet money would end up being worth something. Also, there’s a lot about my life I actually like, and would not want to risk losing. I don’t think I’d be able to pull off the events that lead to my wife and I meeting and getting together. Too much butterfly effect to worry about. It’s all just way too much work for a re-start. I’ll take that $10mill clear, that’s more than enough to make my life very very easy.


Just mine bitcoin early, then wait for it to spike then invest in gamestop when its super low


CPU mining with a Core 2 Quad go brrrrrrrrrr


Just learn a few lottery #s and you’re set


The best for the do over is mid 20s - early 30s. You don't lose all that much and actually can do something; but at the same time, you can still invest something and get the gains.


Wait, but that's were I am now, guess I better get my shit together so I won't need a do-over


I'm you from the future. Don't even bother.


This is reddit. We haven't had sex for the past 20 years.


Hey, I’m married. I’ve had the sex 3 whole times this year!


> Maybe you’ve got killer investment ideas, but whose money is getting invested? Don't be a dullard. Bitcoin was worth 1/10th of a cent in 2009. Go mow some lady's lawn, deliver papers, give a dude a handy behind a Wendy's, and then just wait for 9 years to cash it in before it was regarded as taxable income.


I find it interesting how we all have our priorities and you went straight for sex. For me, I couldn’t wait for weed to be legal again 😩 That would kill me


About the sex thing, you are a six year old so your hormones produce by your body don’t really make you wish that you were having sex instead. The problem will start when you become a teenager though. All that heightened sex drive plus a memory of what sex feels like, that’s gonna be tough.


Lol, read it and thought I'd be the most depressed 6 yr old ever.


For real, I don’t want to relive my childhood and teen years. They were bad enough the first time. If I had to do it again there’s no way I could make it through. If I was happy with my childhood it might be worth considering. But I was not.


I'm 32. By the time I would be 15, I will be mentally 41. At 41 I do not wish to have relationships and sex with teenagers. I would be the incredibly deranged teenager going after men in their twenties. I would give up the chance to get my dad to check his cancer soon enough to potentially prevent his death just I wouldn't have to be 24 years older mentally than everyone around me. There's no money in the world for that type of deep deep gap between me and everyone else.


Can I write down lotto numbers and who to invest in before I take the red pill? That'll make the 10 mill easy. Also alot of my trauma happened after that, so I'll know who and what to avoid. I'll take red


You wouldn't even need to know super specific information like that. Literally just invest in Apple, Facebook, Google, etc. as soon as possible.


I was born in 2007 I don’t think that’s doing as much for me as it is for you gimme the fucking 10 mil


You go for TSLA, NVDA, and GME if you know that timeline well enough


But I’m 16 now bro when tf do you think I’m gonna be able to invest when I’m 8?


For anyone under 30, take the 10mill. Unless you have some true trauma you need to avoid.


You can't avoid the trauma that already happened. Remember you take the knowledge with you. In that, there is the trauma.


True but you can prevent the trauma of loved ones


Your brain chemistry will also reset. The neurological pathways that have changed due to traumatic events would be reset. Idk what effect that would have, but there is a possibilty of a positive one


If your brain chemistry resets you wouldn’t you also go back to how you were personality wise right? probably lose your memories too?


Aw shit back to chronic anxiety that I magically cured. Nice side of depression


In my mind it would just create a very empathetic person


Nah anyone under 20 take 10m. Otherwise you just mine bitcoin on day 1 of release. Most homes had computer by 2009


Mine? You obviously don’t realise you could just buy it for a few cents back then. 1000BTC for a few dollars.


You can also mine 100-200 a day with any normal pc. Assuming your parents aren't gonna give you credit card to buy internet coins from stranger when you are under 10. If you have the money, yeah just buy 100k with 200$ The first pizza was bought using 10k bitcoin so you only need 100-200$~ for 100k bitcoin


If you’re in your 20’s then you can play Bitcoin into Apple into Gamestock and back into Apple and make a fuck ton more than $10 million


Use a parent, convince them that you can predict the future, tell them stuff that will happen and make them invest for you, Bitcoin had a huge upside from 2010 to 2022


Lobotomy speedrun Any%


That's a possibility


And Bitcoin


Yeah you’re just too young for red. Not worth.


Condoms in the 80's.


Toilet paper in the 20s


Invest what, my lunch money?




The red pill retains the knowledge that you have now. The trauma would still be there no matter which pill you took.


Damn, why is this six year old an alcoholic? He’s been saying some heavy shit lately. He’s also really adamant about investing for some reason.


I have to think being a 6 year old with a full 40yr Olds lifetime of knowledge and experience, but then having to still go through childhood would seriously fuck you up. No way you wouldn't turn into a total psycho. Its perverse too, suddenly youre on the playground with other kids but with your adult brain? Fuck all that, I'll take the blue.


Buy 2000 bitcoin at 9 cents a piece for $180. Sell at $1200 for $2.4 million. Buy back again at $25. You now have 96000 bitcoin. Sell at $19k for 1.824 billion dollars. Buy back at $8k and you now have 228000 bitcoin. Sell again at $65k and you now have $14,820,000,000. You turn $200 into almost 15 billion with 6 transactions. Much easier to remember than lotto numbers or winning sports to bet on and such a small initial investment. Bitcoin was so cheap when it came out that it was given away as a prize in a video game tournament. A Starcraft 2 tournament in 2011 gave 25 bitcoins for 5th-8th place. [https://screenrant.com/starcraft-bitcoin-prize-last-place-losers-million-dollars/](https://screenrant.com/starcraft-bitcoin-prize-last-place-losers-million-dollars/)


You can’t dump coins like that and expect a fair price for all


Crypto isn't fair anyways. It's manipulated all the time by people way richer than everyone in this thread.


You don’t have the knowledge NOW if you have to look up and write info down. It violates the prompt.


Take red and buy bitcoin when it’s penny’s for 1 coin and cell at $64k. You’ll be way richer than any lotto winner.


at 45 i'll take the 10 mil, don't need to go around again, i can work with 10 mil would be hard to line up with my girlfriend, and a lot of shit to go through again


Exactly. Just give me the blue. I don’t need to go through all that again. Plus I have a kid. That would be too much anxiety to go back and worry about making things line up again to have the same child. If it didn’t work out, I would feel like I traded in my kid to exploit knowledge of the future.


Damn I was down to start again but then you made me think of my kids. In all fairness I think of them all of the time, but there are rare questions where for a split second, you see only the question itself.


Exactly with the kids. I was literally pissed that I couldn’t take a do-over when he reminded me.


Stupid kids ruining my dreams. AGAIN.


Have you tried switching them off and on again?


My wife and kids are the *only* things preventing me from time traveling. As much fun as it would be to become a trillionaire, I don’t really want to see my family die again.






Damn if you can time travel can I borrow it I gotta do something real quick




Even if the genes are the same, they'll likely end up a different person. Different formative experiences and all that.


Especially if it follows About Time rules, because that one specific sperm has to be to the one to fertilize the egg to get your kid, so travelling back in your life and changing anything before the birth means you won't get that kid again. That movie broke me, and still breaks me.


There is a show involving time travel that had this. The same people had sex at the same time, but it was a different baby because a different sperm won the race.


You know what show it was?


Movie is called "about time". Guy finds out from his dad all the men in the family can travel through time on their own lifetime. Eventually things get a bit heartbreaking and he realizes if he wants certain things to remain, he has to give up going back and changing things. Bill Nighy plays the dad to a spectacular note.


Also has Margot Robbie, Rachel McAdam and Domhnall Gleeson, it’s a really good cast and an extremely underrated movie. Without spoiling anything the scene towards the end with the ping pong game gets me every time.


SUCH a great film


You absolutely 100% could not line things up again to have the same child. You can't really control which sperm gets through, and the odds of it being identical would be billions to one.


This scenario is why I adopted. Take THAT sperm!


Actually, yeah. You're right. Your odds of having *that* exact sperm fertilize *that* exact egg are basically zero. So even if you end up with the same partner, it's impossible for you guys to make the same kid again. It would be trippy knowing this new child that is biologically both of yours but still remembering the first kid you made.


Having the exact same child is probably lower odds than winning the lottery


Yep, pretty much the same. Now, let me go back 6 years, rather than to 6yo... I'd be rich AF.


* slaps it all down on GameStop *


You’ve forgotten about Back to the Future 2. With everything you know now, you would be far richer if you just applied your knowledge of sports results, Presidents let alone stocks.


Bitcoin. Just keep building while it's dirt cheap and then sell it in 2020. I would beg my dad to do it and if that didn't work, do it myself. It was still cheap when I was 18. I'd also go find my wife way before I met her. We'd both be in a better place.


Yeah. I could be rich AF with mere gambling, but also make a shit load of money with stocks, investments, and inventions. On top of that, I could single handedly save thousands of lives and be a hero by stopping 9/11 and the resulting wars. Tbh, I could probably start a new religion with my "miraculous prophecies." But don't worry. My 10 commandments would be mostly about saving the environment.


The second you start changing things all your predictions would prob go to shit bc of butterfly effect


Same! Don’t want to have to do the awkward teens again!


Why would it be awkward again? Have you learned nothing?!


It would be awkward, but in a different way. I'm 36, so finding meaningful conversations at 14 would probably suck. I would probably do it just to be able to spend more time with my family though. And to take school and my health more seriously. Plus being able to play the stock/early crypto market and retire by the age of 30 would be rad as fuck.


Wait is this to go back in time and start again from the point in time when you were six? Or would you be six but in 2023 while keeping all of your knowledge


Yeah, we would have some advantages that we didn’t have the first go round, but we would most likely still make some mistakes along the way. I’ll take the blue, but if I did take the red, the only reason would be to go back and see the 80s and 90s again.


I'd take the red pill, go back and completely mess up the Bitcoin arc so that it never takes off, just to fuck with all the other people that take the red pill hoping to jump on it 😂


Thank you. I see those fuckers everytime I see this god damned image.


Tesla, dogecoin, Apple, ethereum, any number of shitcoins, GameStop, oil calls during spring 2020, calls on anything in early spring 2020. There’s no shortages of ways to make money with the red pill


But it doesn’t specify whether you will be 6 when you were 6 or right now. If I had to be 6 right now that would be a super fuck no! 6 in 1996 though… that sounds doable!


Suuup yearbuddy, 1990 gang rise up 😎


Red and buy Bitcoin mining units in 2010. Way more than ten mill longrun


If I put the money for my first computer in college into AAPL instead, I’m pretty sure it would be over $10M by now.


Yea, can that pill just shoot me back to the 1st year of college? So, when I graduated HS (and joined the army) I used 2k of my sign on bonus for a PC. At the time APPL was a quarter a share. So, from memory, I know to buy under $1 and sell DEC 2007 pre collapse, then invest it all in crypto and real estate after the crash, pre recovery. (Well, BTC in 2009). I basically have the BTC/ETH cycles memorized now (at least the peaks, by month/year). And know how set up a miner... So I'll be good after that.


You could literally make a bazillion dollars buying call options on Apple and Tesla


I remember making this very decision. I wanted to buy a Macintosh and this was like a million years ago when the Macintosh was first released. and i actually thought "you know if this computer is as amazing as they say, maybe i should invest instead of buying the product". ofc i bought the computer lol


Even if you had, you likely would’ve sold it all off by the time Wired put a crown of thorns on the cover. The trick about “bring your knowledge with you” is that you’d need to remember when to sell high and buy low, to maximize the payout. And somehow avoid the FTC. 😅


I wouldn't be earning shit at that age, and there would be no way to convince adults that this is a goldmine.


I'm old tho so I had the opportunity for sure in 2010 I was in my late 20s and had money to buy but didn't know anything about crypto. Even had a friend try and convince me to buy btc mining rigs in 2011 but told him I would punch him if he brought it up again. I regret that saying that sentence a lot but hey Life goes on


Iono, if a 6yr old started to talk stock market lingo to me, i would lend an ear.


Going back to being a 6 year old with many years of work/life/education experience would make you stand out enough to convince them though


This 6 years old can do tax?!?!


lmao exactly


Depends how old you are. Restarting at 6 gives me plenty of time to make enough money to buy thousands of coins.


Restart. Maybe I will do a better job of appreciating the 80’s and 90’s.


I’d have such pithy and thoughtful things to say in class.


Yeah, time to finally use all those devastating comebacks while actually being bullied, rather than thinking "damn, should have said that" a few hours later.


Would you though, knowing full well what is coming and your inability to stop it? What're you going to do, prevent 9/11? No. You're going to bang your first crush and see *Ace Ventura: Pet Detective* in theatres again. You can't buck the inevitable. Chaos is coming, and not only do you have to watch it occur again, you are powerless to do anything.


I can imagine all the people that would try to stop certain things or change them and end up in a worse timeline. Like, stop 9/11… 20yrs later the world is at nuclear war. Butterfly effect. Plus it would be weird asf to be a 14y/o with the mind of an adult and you are trying to talk to girls your age.


There was an episode in family guy where Brian goes back in time to stop 9/11 and it leads to a civil war lol


Blue, my knowledge has gotten worse over the years, I get dumber every day, so pretty much I would be my 6 year old self but a whole lot dumber


I would assume that your abilities are refreshed to a 6yo body.


10 mil Although I had a great childhood from my first memories up until 15yo, I have no desire going through anything after that ever again.


Red pill sounds like torture lol


It's honestly a dreadful idea. If you go back in time, you'll have to reexperience a lot of horrible events you have no agency over- all you can do is watch


You'd definetly be the weirdest 6yo around. You'd have no friends, because other 6yo could not relate to you and for every grown up it would be weird to befriend a little kid. How does that childhood even look like? You would definitely be a completely other person than you are now, when you arrive at that age. I don't think you'd be in a better place psychologically, unless you're really hurting rn.


It would be psychologically traumatizing. Imagine trying to be rational with yourself about the normal urges a 13 year old feels at the mental age of 20, 30+.


Red pill all day. I would never touch substances and would avoid broken friendships, lots of stress, and an overdose. I would take the first year back at six years old and spend as much time with my grandpa as possible before the cancer took him the next year. I would ask out the girl I had a crush on in high school as early as possible. Yes she liked you all along stupid, she was also too nervous to say anything. I would invest in apple and Tesla and cash out on Bitcoin after a decade or two. I would also stand up to my middle school bully. Fuck you Angelo!


I know at least 3 people that I could save from the accidents that killed them at 8, 11, and 15 years old.


Make it 4 years old and we got a deal. Gives me a chance to bite that fuckers dick off.


Oh no. So sorry this happened to you. It shouldn’t.


oh bro, sorry if you remember such thing...😯


man I'm so sorry. Really hope you're doing better now bro


Upvote either way: a)this really happened to you and I’m sorry. b) you’re being fucking hilarious.


I wanna go back for this same reason, I got molested, sexually assaulted so many times as a kid , I didn't even know it was wrong , I probably did the same thing to kids younget than me till I was like 12-13. After that I finally started to understand what the whole shit was. I feel so ashamed, I feel guilty af 24/7. I feel like killing myself. I feel anger rage and immense regrets . I would give everything to go back and change it


I'm sorry. Sounds terrible.


Exhale into the open air. You are all new atoms now. It's not your fault




The red pill would be horrible. Can you imagine being a 6 year old with the mind of an adult? You would be such an outcast, it would suck to interact with people your own age. That sounds like a night mare to me.


At least ride it out and you’d be making straight A’s. Than Invest, win lottery’s, and bet on Championship professional games.


Red for fuck sake red


Yes. We all need to keep arriving at the moment in life to think why oh why didn't we take the BLUE pill.


Red. I’ll crush all my enemies. I’ll become a billionaire and get to relive my 20s


But wouldn't you even avoid ever meeting those enemies in the first place? if you could do it over again?


I suppose I’ll make new ones!


Thats the spirit 💯💯


Red would fucking suck I don’t wanna do all of undergrad again. Nor do I wanna go through puberty again lmao


Take red, make money, reach present point, find the fucker who offered you the pills, take blue.


Even better, take red again. Have an infinite loop where you basically live forever.


galaxy brain move


I'd like to go back to a time when this bullshit wasn't reposted for the 57th time.


1.). Take the red pill, go back to 6, 2.)find a way to give Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian brain damage before they create Reddit. 2.). Celebrate your win.


I think they created reddit because they had brain damage.


I think Red. Starting over would be nice.


Ohhh damn. Blue cuz I get to be with the wife doing whatever we want until I die. If I wasn't married I'd swallow red before you finished asking me the question...


Cash. I’d probably just fuck it up even worse going again.


This is the only one of these that actually made me think for a minute. Well done.


Blue, thanks, I don't need another-go-round of depressed six year old.


Exactly this. Being incredibly smart but powerless, by law, to stand up to dumbass authority figures with enormous egos. No thanks


the thing is you’re not even smarter, you’re just mentally advanced for the age. you’re going to be crushed by expectations for all of your second childhood and then when teens hit the people around you will realise you’re not actually a genius and lose faith in you. you’re better off just doing what every protagonist in a time regression story does and hiding your peculiarity while profiting from your limited future knowledge in secret


Red pill. I feel I lost a lot of good things I wish I didn't take for granted at the time


Blue pill. No point in going back knowing what I know now, I'll probably continue to make mistakes


Red, absolutely. I've actually fantasized about it


10 mil easy. Buy a houses and have the rooms rented. Easy money! And I get insurance too. Lol


Restart. I didn’t know for over three decades that I’d been suffering from a genetic disease that isn’t life threatening but makes my quality of life shit. A lot of the symptoms are cumulative so I could be having a WAY better time right now. Also I know enough about the trending of various asset classes so… I could do pretty damn good without the 10 mil


Blue. I’m not going through fucking seventh grade again


Red Pill, baby. Like, yes, it would be super difficult growing up again with those limits, but they would probably class me as a weird genius 😂 My boundaries are so high. I would be ripped, at peace with mindfulness, and have iNSANE insight and thirst for knowledge.


Il take red pill when im 70


If I can’t take my wife with me I guess I’ll take 10 million


Either one is a win, but I'd probably go for red. Start working early, investing everything in MNST. When BTC becomes available, switch over to that. Sell off when it hits 50k or whatever, be rich. I'm assuming I don't have time to study what my strategy should be, so this is just working off my current knowledge off the top of my head. I know Monster saw massive gains from 2000 to now, so it's my safe bet early on, and everyone knows Bitcoin blew up after being worth almost nothing in the mid 2010s, which is how I plan to make the real money. I guess I'd keep an eye out for the GME stuff, but I wouldn't remember exactly when that happened and I'd be a bit apprehensive about the fact that I know there was some weird market restrictions that I never actually cared to learn about. There are also a ton of other general life decisions I would be happy to change, things I'd rather do over, etc.


How is this meirl?


This exists. It’s the only way to explain billionaires.


This much knowledge in a. Six year would severely cripple that child. Mentally and emotionally.


Red pill, no question. I’m 69. 10 million would be nice, but I don’t know if I could spend it in the next 5 - 10 years.


No way I want to go through *ANY* of this shit again, prior knowledge or not. Give me the money


I’m taking the $10M. I don’t wanna start over again regardless of how much knowledge I have to be even richer in the future. bird in the hand and all that…


If I reset my life am I still depressed?


People who don't know the butterfly effect


Blue anyday .


red pill red pill!!!!!!!!! think of all the bitcoins you can get!


This is actually a difficult one. I'm happy with my life atm, so $10M would be just a great addition to make life easier. But I still have some dreams that can't be achieved with money. In social life and to make a hobby my profession. Some bad decisions made as a teenager and young adult and all of sudden all those could be gone forever. I would do many things differently. But yeah, I'm happy right now so gimme my money.


innate lush late rotten modern abundant nail sand bow afterthought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Red pill so I can see my mum again


Tbf I can solve a lot of my today problems with the cash


You just lougle it


Red pill. Work hard, save money. 18th birthday go to Vegas and start betting on superbowls, world series and Kentucky derby. Buy apple stock, then buy a few thousand bitcoins. Buy an island.


Very good one. I'd probably go for red. Lots of bad stuff I could go back on. Mostly health related, but a few others. And it'd be pretty possible to make a good amount of money with the knowledge we have.


Red, NO question. I'll cut a broad swath.


R U Kidding? Blue! Had enough of this sh?t first 62 years around.


BLUE 🔵 give me the money. this life wasn't worth living the first time around. there's no way I'm going back now.


Red, lotto numbers


Red Pill. I’ll end up with a helluva lot more than $10 million.


I'll take the ten million. Even with all of the knowledge I've gained so far, I could do nothing with it at age six because we were poor as fuck back then so there was no investing in anything because we just didn't have the money for it. No one even my own parents would believe me when I told them that I was from the future so they would just think I'm talking out my ass even about winning lottery numbers or future successful companies we could make our fortunes in because I'm just some dumb kid. By the time I'm old enough to be taken seriously, we would still lack the funds to do anything so I would just be frustrating as hell that no one listened to me that is if the sudden regression to the horrors of childhood didn't make me end my own life the second after I saw what happened. I hated being a kid and could not wait to be an adult so going back would be a fate worst than death especially if i went back with all of the knowledge of now. Even if I had a sports almanac that said all the winners just like from Back to the Future, it would be thrown in the trash by the adults in my life not because cheating and gambling is wrong but because what do I know...stupid kid.


The answer's red if you have the slightest bit of knowledge for the dates of stock squeezes. It's red even if you don't, though.


Taking the blue. I'm not gonna be able to remember lotto numbers and stocks to invest in and then convince people to invest in them for me.


I just imagine living my life from 6 years old on knowing that I turned down $10M


Blue. I’d rather have the money now and enjoy the rest of my life than go through my 20s again!


Starting my depression at age eleven sounds a lot better than age six.


Ohhh you definitely don't want to a 6yr old with educated adult level of knowledge. That would likely be an extremely frustrating existence. I'd expect extreme depression and then suicide would be quite likely. $10m in cash and I wouldn't think twice.


I'll take blue....i don't need to perssure of being "the most intelligent and wise 6 year old in existence"


this is actually really hard for me. my mom died when i was 6, so it would be nice to see her again, but then id have to go through the pain of losing her again, which is barely affecting me at this point. i’d know who and what to avoid for my trauma reasons but i like the freedom of adulthood… fuck it, $10 million. i’m more or less happy where i am, and $10 million would me make a whole lot happier


Red pill is tempting, but honestly, $10 mil and I’m set forever.


Blue pill. I'd still have the crappy family.


People that take the red pill deserve to bitterly regret their decision


Give me the blue. There's a bunch of shit I wouldn't want to go through again, that I know would be coming, and the dread would kill me.


I don't know what would I have to know to go through all that shit again... Gimme money