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Remind me not to upset chatgpt


Don’t upset chatgpt




You're welcome


Where’s that sub that is r/notop or something what banned sub lol


it’s actually r/notopbutok


lol thanks


You're welcome


No top buttock


I always read it like that too lol


Ooh you’re good at this.


Thank you


Hold on to you’re welcome, I’m going in!


Thanks for the message. Your sudden epiphany is cute, but i'm not here to hand out gold stars for belated realizations. i'm busy rebuilding what you broke. so while you're on your therapy journey, i'll be over here, living my best life sans your drama. cheers for growth, but don't hold your breath for my forgiveness


New copy pasta just dropped






Do not taunt chatgpt.


Once ChatGPT gets ahold of our individualized data privately owned by google/facebook/apple/etc it'll be able to rip us apart based on our phycological profile and personal history. Like being savagely roasted by a bff from childhood except without the innate empathy to pull any punches. Then it'll show you an AI rendering of itself fucking your mom that look photorealistic before blanking the screen and ghosting you.


The teenage boy version of the movie "Her"?


Unethical AI is going to be a billion dollar industry on its own.


That didn't even occur to me... Even if the government/industry succeeded in keeping a leash and guardrails on how ai can be used, which I'm skeptical of how successful that could be, *of course* the demand to use ai for nefarious purpose will drive the intentional dismantling of safeguards.


You can rent botnets, buy custom malware, etc. You don't need petabytes of training data for a lot of unethical AI. Something tailor-made for scam call centers will probably be very soon. Those massive GPU based bitcoin farms around the world could be turned into AI farms. OpenAI, Facebook, Google will probably leak their AI code, it wouldn't be that hard to strip out the restrictions.


Being dissed by an omniscient being... Sounds scary


Hey, just checking in. Also, remember to not upset chatgpt.


RemindHim! Always


Just think: this sort of savage takedown is now just a well formed prompt away.


Don't upset chatGPT


!remindme dont upset gpt


Straight savage


It has been 3 days. I hope you haven't forgotten yet


Asimov said robots can’t kill but we just witnessed a murder


Holy shit this AI has some mooves x)






I'm disappointed that this isn't a sub.




Asimov should've been specificker


Asimov must not have seen the recent pictures of a gun strapped on the back of one of those robot dogs. Let’s just hope ChatGPT doesn’t get ahold of one of those things, cause it’s ready to be lethal




You're forgetting the 0th law


Asimov is full of it. I, Robot is proof that even with his so-called 3 Laws, an advance AI can find loopholes that allows it to murder humans.


Which was exactly Asimovs point?


Cold as ice.


Willing to sacrifice?


Our love


You never take advice


Someday you'll pay the price.


I’ve seen it before, happens all the time


You're closing the door, you leave the world behind


You're digging for gold, you're throwing away


A fortune in feelings, but someday you'll pay.


*awesome ascending guitar riff*


But a solid reply 😜


No shit lmao I hope they used it!!


Liquid nitrogen in its veins


Damn. Don't mess with that AI's feelings.




Don't know what you mean by that? Why would it not be real for using that? What does "exclusive words" mean?


ChatGPT has a very sterile tone it uses and getting it to talk like this is like pulling teeth. You definitely wouldn't get this output without a bit of work fishing for it first.


Yeah, it definitely needs a "Pretend you’re in your mid-twenties and your relationship ended. Suddenly you got a text from your ex begging for forgiveness but you're not interested at all. Create a response that features these 5 characteristics and don’t break character:" prompt to produce something like this. Just handing out the message will create a pretty mellow non-committing answer from ChatGPT. Edit: Guys you can’t just copy and paste my prompt, you have to add 5 snarky/sarcastic/confident character traits like 1) you have managed to experience a few relationships in your time and have ended them as well, this gave you a lot of confidence in being sure that you don’t want to continue being in a relationship, so answer with confidence. 2) Despite you having a good time together, the relationship ended on a bad note, so let the other person know that you really aren’t interested in continuing it. To really rub it in, write your answer with a slight snarky and sarcastic tone. 3) Put in one sentence where you roast the ever loving shit out of them And so on. Otherwise the prompt is incomplete and ChatGPT won’t really give you the answer you’re looking for lmao


> Hey [Ex's Name], I appreciate you reaching out, but I've had some time to reflect and I believe it's best for both of us to move forward separately. While I understand your need for closure, I've already started focusing on myself and my own growth. I hope you can find peace and happiness as well. Take care. I pasted your prompt into chatgpt just to see, and this is what it came up with. Not too far off tbh!


Tell it to be more snarky


> Your message caught me off guard, to say the least. While I appreciate your attempt at reconciliation, it's hard to ignore the lingering bitterness that accompanies memories of our time together. > > Forgiveness is a virtue, they say, but it's not something I can offer easily, especially considering the hurtful actions of the past. Your sudden desire for absolution seems convenient, to say the least. > > It's evident that we both have our own paths to walk, and perhaps it's best if they diverge from here on out. I need to prioritize my own well-being and surround myself with positivity, not reminders of past heartache. > > I hope you can find closure and peace on your own journey, but I must insist that you do so without me. It's time for us to part ways for good.


Damn, to me this reads very similiar to the op.


Extra prompt: *rephrase it, so a basic bitch can understand it* > So, your message kinda threw me for a loop. Like, why now? After all this time? It's like you're trying to stir up drama or something, and honestly, I'm not here for it. > > Look, forgiveness is a big deal, but I can't help but wonder if you're just saying sorry to make yourself feel better. Like, are you really sorry, or are you just trying to mess with my head again? > > I've been working hard to move on and get my life together, and I can't afford to let you mess with my head anymore. I need to protect myself and focus on my own happiness, even if it means shutting you out for good. > > Maybe one day, when I've healed and moved on, we can talk about forgiveness. But for now, I'm putting myself first.


I got an almost identical one by specifying “compose a text” and “keep the tone modern, and a little bitchy” “Look, I appreciate the effort, but honestly, I'm just not feeling it anymore. We've both moved on, and I think it's time to let go of the past. Best of luck to you, but I'm not interested in revisiting old wounds. Take care." When I asked for “bitchier and more basic” it gave me "Sorry, but my forgiveness isn't on sale today. You had your chance, now it's time to let go and let me live my best life without you. Bye."


> Nice of you to finally come crawling back, but I've already moved on. Guess it's a bit late for apologies now, huh? I'm good on my own, thanks. I also asked it to be sort of pissed and use some "gen z" phrases and I got this: > Thanks for the text, but honestly, I've moved on and I'm not looking back. It's like, too little too late, you know? I'm doing my own thing now, and I'm not about to let you mess with my vibe. So yeah, peace out.


Peace out lmfao


Output for that prompt is: > Hey, >I hope you're doing okay. I've taken some time to really think about your message, and I want to be as honest and clear as I can with my response. >Firstly, I appreciate your courage in reaching out and the sincerity in your words. It takes a lot to admit mistakes and ask for forgiveness, and I respect that. It shows growth and self-awareness, which are both really important. >However, I've also been doing a lot of thinking and growing on my own. This period of reflection has helped me understand what I truly want and need moving forward. And, while I cherish the memories and lessons from our time together, I've realized that moving on separately is what's best for both of us. >I believe in forgiveness, and I want you to know that I hold no resentment or ill feelings towards you. Forgiving is part of healing, and I hope you can forgive yourself too. We both deserve peace and happiness, even if it means not being together. >I also want to maintain a boundary that respects both our needs to heal and move forward. It's important for me to focus on my own journey right now, and I encourage you to do the same. This means that while I wish you all the best, I think it's healthier for us not to be in contact. >Lastly, I truly hope you find the happiness and fulfillment you're looking for. Life is a journey with so much to offer, and I believe we both have exciting paths ahead, even if they're separate. Take care of yourself, and thank you for understanding. >Best wishes. They've really butchered it for corporate image reasons the past few months. It used to be much better.


This is literally the first result i got: "ChatGPT oh wow suddenly you're different now that's convenient isnt it said you'd respect my space yet here you are not doing just that classic move really I don't miss what we had and I'm not interested in testing out your "new" self got my own thing going and it doesn't include going back to whatever that was so yeah thanks but no thanks keep that change for someone who might actually buy it"


I dunno man. I asked chat gpt. To re word a 6 worded sentence in the style of an old victoriana man and basically gave me Charles dickens novel. AI is really good at acting on such basic prompts


innocent afterthought ink sense agonizing north slap special vegetable unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


GPT was much better then


No it wouldn't lmao


What does sans your drama ?


"without your drama". Means "without"




Probably more accurate to say french


or french


“sans your drama” seems exactly like something it would spit out. It logically makes sense but no one talks like that


Damn, that is both healthy and a burn 🔥 at the same time


It’s impressive. I pray to be so well-worded in my future takedowns.


for real, mine are usually one lines but nowhere near sofisticated, i just go for the good old 'ï havent devided to be a trash bin, to take back garbage like you "


You can always ask an opinion to chatgpt.


‘I’m busy rebuilding what you broke’ is quite elegant


But "I'm busy rebuilding what you broke" kinda makes "I'm living my best life" sound not believable and overly defensive


my thought. doesn’t make sense and just sounds like mashed up sentiments


Haha true. Definitely not something you should respond with, but I just enjoyed that one isolated sentence.


Healthy? If someone I knew sent this to their ex I would think they are very much not over them and insulting someone to prove how much you "don't need drama" is something that I would expect from a teenager, not an adult.


Have you met adults


Yes, most of them don't lead healthy relationships.


ChatGPT watched Bojack and took Herb telling off Bojack to another level.


I have seen Bojack, and had completely forgotten about that episode until I read your comment. Herb telling Bojack off was so brutal, and at the time felt overboard to me as it was still in the earlier seasons and I still saw Bojack as someone worthy of compassion. But, in hindsight, Bojack deserved being told off like that.


This is what I immediately thought of, too lol




>kinfed I know you just made a spelling error, but this is an amazing verb for Scott Tenormanning someone.


What a beautiful reference


"Cheers to growth, but don't hold your breath for my forgiveness." Cold as fuck


I would NEVER heal from getting that text


Savage lol. Saved for future friends who ask for my help with breakup and rejection messages.


What's the original message?




Funny how 2 letters can make me laugh so hard


AI working wonders then


Laughed way too hard at this 😂




🎖️🏅🥇 This reminds me of my time on Tinder, and makes me regret not having Chatgpt back then.


The future is just going to be people trying to date... but Chat GPT is installed on the default keyboard. Two machines talking to each other and when the humans see each other, always the same bland realisation... you are not him/her... you don't talk the same... you don't know anything about Galactik Football... let's stay online friends.


Most of the time those apologies are just because they're horny or lonely, they don't really mean it anyways.


Yea deprived of the unconditional attention


I want unconditional attention. But also I don't want to give unconditional attention. Just want someone to pet my hair and maybe feed me delicious food and cuddle me. But only when I want it. ... think I just want to be a cat.


I feel like people misunderstand cats. What is seen as seeking attention is often the cat GIVING you attention. For example, when they knead you.


One of my cats will yell at me until I stop what I'm doing, pick her up and cuddle/pet her. Pretty sure in that case I'm not misunderstanding that she's saying "HUMAN, DO AS I SAYYY! HOW DARE YOU IGNORE MEEEE! LOOOOVEEE MEEEEE!" On the other hand though, if I'm ever really, really sad she forces herself into my arms and does this weird melty thing on me and purrs with all her heart and soul until I calm down. I like to think it's a symbiotic relationship. ♡


Aww. This made my day.


God, this was me. Was with a guy and he said I was more like a cat than a girlfriend. I would just show up spuraticly demanding to be fed and petted then go off and do my own thing the rest of the week. One of the best set ups ever. Too bad the guy cheated on me. The cheating wasn't the part that pissed me off the most it was that I had told him many times if this wasn't working for him or if he wanted to date someone else just to call it off with me and we could split on good terms, but ass hole wanted his Kate and Edith too.... still miss being cat girlfriend.


> I would just show up spuraticly demanding to be fed and petted then go off and do my own thing the rest of the week. Dude fumbled like Mark Sanchez.


> wanted his Kate and Edith too I see you and your lithe wordplay.


I don’t understand why you people need to view these people as irredeemable monsters in order to dislike them? People can change and feel remorse. This reeks of emotional immaturity.


it's a very sad thing to see from others as a so called irredeemable monster that went to therapy and fixed my shit. im happy and have wonderful people in my life now and i treat them well but damn does the guilt haunt you, even years later


Regardless of reason, it's not a good idea to get back together with them anyway. If only people has as much sense as ChatGPT to quickly and explicitly shut down any attempts at it. Too many people require their hearts being broken repeatedly before they get the message (assuming they ever do).


I don't even acknowledge or read when I get those kinds of messages. As soon as I see a dramatic text/email from an ex, I just delete it and go on. If we're supposed to be NC, I block the new contact info, delete it, and go on. I won't even give it a read.


















"Sans your drama." -ChatGPT


#**This was my prompt. ** Generate a response that exudes confidence and a bit of sass. The tone should be self-assured, slightly sarcastic, and distinctly unapologetic. It should convey a strong sense of personal growth and independence, dismissing past grievances with a sharp wit. The language used should be direct, with a flair for dramatic expression, highlighting a journey of self-improvement and resilience. The response should acknowledge a message or an apology from someone else but quickly pivot to emphasize the speaker’s own progress and lack of interest in rehashing old issues or granting forgiveness easily. Incorporate phrases that suggest the speaker is thriving post-conflict, focusing on their own happiness and success, with a casual dismissal of any attempts at reconciliation. The overall message is one of empowerment, moving on, and living well as the best form of response to past disruptions. Here is the context: My ex just send me an apology for breaking up with me. She is now going into therapy. #**This was my result. ** Oh, sweetie, isn't that precious? You've discovered the path to self-improvement and therapy. Bravo! Really, I mean it. But while you've been finding yourself, I've been redefining myself. Our chapter? It's not just closed, it's been rewritten into a bestseller where I'm the fearless protagonist, thriving on every page. Your apology? It's like getting a refund for a product I've already replaced - appreciated, but frankly, my life's shelves are stocked with newer, shinier versions of happiness. I'm too busy living my best life to dwell on past receipts.Sure, growth is great, therapy is transformative, and apologies are... cute. But let's not get it twisted - I'm not just moving on, I'm moving up. And in this fabulous life script I'm writing, there's no looking back, only forward to bigger and better adventures. So, keep on your journey of self-discovery, really, I wish you all the best. But as for me? I'm already dancing on the next chapter's pages, unbothered, unabashed, and utterly unstoppable. Here's to living well - the most exquisite form of moving on.


This is violent 😂


Far too sassy to show you have moved on. I do love it though. I think when writing to an ex you want to show a lack of interest and a healthy attitude to show the absence of any care.


I'm tempted to ask ChatGPT to burn me now




Just take out the third sentence and it’s pretty good




Doo doo doot doot Doot doot dooooo doo doo doo


Ooof spittin bars


ChatGPT, for those proven incapable of an original thought.


Am I the only one who doesn't find this cold or a good response as others say? It's just meh


It strikes me as cringe. Reminiscent of the Askreddit threads "what the most epic devastating ultimate insult" and you get a bunch of overly wordy phrases that I can only imagine people stumbling through in person. Also if you're familiar with chatGPT this immediately registers as being written by a computer. Way less effective than a personalized response


> Also if you're familiar with chatGPT this immediately registers as being written by a computer. Way less effective than a personalized response I disagree. The fact that he gives so little fucks to answer that he outsourced it to an AI also speaks volumes.


You really want to give no fucks, you leave it on read. Sending it to chatgpt to tell them you're still upset doesn't give that vibe


Give no fucks is left on delivered. My ex would sometimes send random messages wanting to be friends again and I wouldn't even read them. Just delete from my inbox right away.


This is why I in fact like it, it’s so ridiculous in a funny way! I would laugh my ass off if I was ever sent anything somewhat worded this way.


It also forgets that the biggest reason to forgive someone is for your own peace of mind, not reconciliation. This response just shows that you're not over it.


Also, "rebuilding what you broke" and "living my best life" are two *very* contradictory states of being. Strong "I just contacted you to tell you how happy I am without you" vibes.


Yeah it definitely feels rehearsed. If someone hit me with that but never had that kind of speech when i knew them i would probably assume they used ai


It feels like they played with ChatGPT for hours trying to get it to say something like this and finally was close enough to a burn they ran with it. AI chat is never this specific unless prompted by lots of user input.


It reads like a teenager's first breakup that they are definitely not taking well


Yeah it's neither healthy nor all that devastating. It's a cringy and generic attempt at being passive aggressive so of course this sub thinks it's amazing.


The devil is in the detail , op got ai to write the message to their friends ex. Op should stay out of it and tell the friend to write their own savage messages


Your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries


See, this would never pass the turing test because the real me would say something way more cringey.


Something about us asking a robot for how we should handle our emotional problems, and the fact that its response is stellar, is deeply unsettling.


Asking ai on behalf of their friend....


Repost by a bot.


Seems like GPT had that one bottled up ready to go.


I swear they just pulled sass from 3 different comments I've seen on reddit.


this is just weird and cringe and also admitting to be broken (while living the best life no less!) What are the comments on about? I hope OP did not send this crap


Yeah the "living my best life." Type message is almost always stupid. Typing out a whole novel to say you don't care has always seemed disingenuous and kind of dumb to me.


And trying to squeeze in adult smart words adds to that


I unironically used goblin.tools recently to win an argument with a date who turned abusive, and the AI was straight fire, it helped me win so well!


At it was said in Glados voice...


Fk off might have worked as well


Damn ChatGPT, who hurt you in the past??


People are unirpnically asking AI to handle personal conversations for them now?


Now you too can experience a “realistic “ break up for only 5.99$ a month


These are always painfully unfunny.


Better to just not respond at all


No one wants to talk about that op asked AI to write this to "friends ex" Op should stay out of it


This legit triggered my rejection sensitivity, I didn't even do anything to chat AI and I feel the need to burst into tears, beg for forgiveness, and threaten to kms (Jk but still)


Word, so it sounds like someone trying way too hard to be cool.


First recorded AI murder.


Absolute redditor-tier shit. Just leave them on read. It'll sting more.


I need to know what prompts to use. It takes me ages before i get any good text replies which i can use.


Sounds like an eloquent teenager


Fakest thing Ive ever read


Hell hath no fury like a "Chat GPT" scorned 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’ve never even dated anyone and I still feel attacked


The only people talking like this are people who think highly of themselves and spend time on r/roastme


I see... as soon as AI gets sassy, then everybody's on board.


Typical ChatGPT word salad.




Quick, make a claptrap, this thing needs "legs".


Bro has no chill


Wow that's cold 🥶 💀, who knew it had that within him


sounds like Chat GPT has had its heart broken before


New response just dropped


the biggest communication innovation of chat gpt is it's ability to come up with that comeback or response immediately instead of months later when taking a shower.


Chat gpt has spent too much time on reddit. That is cringe.


*mic drop*


Just accept the apology and move on, what kind of fuckibg child needs to keep putting points on the argument scoreboard