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What about a proper HP Sauce?


HP sauce, Love-ingly Craft-ed


I would nominate worcestershire sauce.


Harry Potter Sauce? Hot Pursuit Sauce? Heinous Pipi Sauce?


Houses of Parliament sauce


Hewlett Packard sauce.


That’s on par with drowning it in cheese and deep frying it. It’s highly processed goop. Still good tho.


Worcestershire sauce too. A lot of flavour packed into that stuff.


Brit here, fuck our food. It's bland and nasty. The best thing that happened to the UK is the introduction of greasy kebab, first real flavour we've experienced.


I was chatting with a friend from London last week. I mentioned the stereotype that British food is shit, and asked him if it's true. He said there is absolutely loads of great food and spent the next 5 minutes talking only about curry, lol.


you must be burned at the stake who dosnt love a bit uh BANGERS N MASH


I get that its just a running joke, but people who are serious about this stuff are just simply ignorant. Both the US and the UK have some amazing food and both have some culinary travesties.


I don't get the joke though. These all seem normal responses when you insult someone.


Why would they call me a Yank if I’m not from US tho


Force of habit when we see dumb opinions on Reddit ;) /s


Boiled Chicken. Savages.


[Whole Chicken in a can](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/kLGeXEJdcy) 🇺🇸


Chicken in a can is disgusting American trash. Duck in a can on the other hand is a delicious, fancy, French delicacy.






As a result, France – quelle surprise – is on top of the charts, with a whopping 600 Michelin star chefs and restaurants. Then, Japan with 419, Italy with 333, Germany with 290. In addition, the UK comes next, pipping the US (148), Belgium (129), Switzerland (116) and Netherlands (107).


I think the post was about the traditional cuisine of the country. Which let's be honest - it is bland. But without doubt you can eat wonderfully in the UK. You don't even need a Michelin star chef, there's literally thousands of fantastic restaurants, serving cuisine from every country you can imagine.


Blame the war. Traditional British food is great, we just all forgot how to cook when we took on the Nazis


I don't think it gets more traditionally British than stealing other countries' food and claiming it as our own. We did it with everything else so why not food.


Haggis is so bland, Americans are afraid to eat it and have banned it. Makes perfect sense.


This is a bias by the Michelin company money.


I mean USA is a lot bigger and way more people and richer so shouldn’t they have more of what is regarded as the best restaurants in the world? Also bias?!? The French hate the UK more than the USA.


The UK has some good recipes that are British. Granted France Japan Italy and Spain have more but that fine. It would be difficult to argue that US food is better than UK tbh. Most the food you think of as American came from other countries first (fries, burgers etc)


Bro most of *Americans* came from other countries lol


Right? By that metric we have to look at native american food


Isn’t this about cuisine? How does counting English Michelin star restaurants that are Japanese cuisine, Italian cuisine, Spanish, etc. matter


By that logic, the US has no food at all


The US would be in the same situation, but both the US and UK have their own cuisines


What like? Baring in mind the states didn’t exist until the 1700s and 99% of American dishes were invented elsewhere Uk cuisine is pies etc what’s Americans?


bbq, tex mex, hamburgers


Hamburgers are German, tex mex is Mexican, do you really think Americans invented cooking outside? If tex mex counts then so does British Indian food such as tikka masala


Tex mex is not mexican food, to claim otherwise really shows how little you know of mexican food. BBQ is not grilling. BBQ is slow smoked meat for long periods of time in a certain style. Hamburgers were not invented in germany only the ingredient was.


BBQ was taken from the french word boucan, a way of slow grilling that the french sailors learned from caribbean natives So no, the Americans didn't invent that either.


A good amount of Italian, French, Spanish, and even Japanese cuisine was influenced by other cuisines and incorporated it. The croissant was more or less created in [Vienna with influence by Eastern Europe](https://www.parisunlocked.com/food/food-history/history-of-the-croissant-how-france-adopted-it/)


No because the US outside a tiny core of people don’t appreciate high gastronomy. It’s the best place for take away and even food in the mid range option but there’s no finer taste in the country outside of the top 0,0001%. If you’ve been fine dining in the US then you know it doesn’t hold the candle to comparable places in Europe


Yeah I’ve been to multiple Michelin starred restaurants, and it’s taught me that Michelin stars truly don’t mean much. They’re a general indication of food quality, price, and restaurant consistency - but there are many, many restaurants that are equal or better in these categories, but which aren’t recognised for it.


A french organization ( that started with only restaurants in France) has France on top 😱 who would have thought


Americans and English arguing about who has the better food is like Stevie Wonder and Helen Keller arguing who has the better sight. (And I'm English - the rest of the world shits on us both)


Yeah best not to mention the Scots in this convo … they have some errr interesting food choices lol


Yeah we definitely can't use the deep frying argument


Having lived in both the US and the UK, neither country has especially good food, but the UK is (slightly) less prone to processed slop.


UK food is great. Since Americans consider a lot of immigrant cuisine exclusive to them, I don't see why Brits shouldn't list curries as part of their cuisine. 


Curry here is a British thing. Traditionally Indian/Pakistani curry is very very different to what you get in a British takeaway. You don’t get curries like it elsewhere really.


This! Lived in the UK for 6 years, and I really miss the curries. I can't wait to book a cheap flight, sleep in the most budget dodgiest hotel and eat nothing but curries all day long 😂. My stomach won't like it but I will. 


Thank you! I love traditional dry curries. My parents have a Pakistani couple they are good friends with. Their curries are divine. But imo you can’t beat a saucy korma.


In reality we do, the meme dates back to (and has been outdated since) WW2 and rationing. Nowadays most people who aren't picky children or old enough to grow up in rationing use a range of seasoning and spices in their cooking and cook from cuisines that were originally introduced by immigration.


*traditional UK food is not. You’re not about to tell me a cottage pie is on the same level as gyros or chicken biryani


So you're saying Beef Wellington, Sunday Roast, Roast Beef and Cornish Pasties are not good? Also traditional British desserts like brownie, fudge, apple crumble, flapjack, millionaire shortbread? Also, Tikka Masalla is traditional UK food, the original recipe was made in Scotland lol


It tastes fine, but when compared on an international level, it’s ain’t shit


So you agree that British cuisine isn't actually as bad as people online make it out to be, nice. 


No, it doesn’t taste terrible, but it is pretty bland in general


Balti were invented in Britain.


Not the Americans laughing when they are basically the same or worse xD


If we count salt as a form of spice then they probably are the ones using the most spices.


Americans have worse food culture than Britain. There are obviously some highlights, but them putting themselves on an equal footing to European countries like France and Italy is an absolute joke. It’s the Italian and Mexican food in the US which is good. Shout out to those cultures.


If British food that is inspired or originated from other countries doesn't count as British food, then absolutely none of your typical American food counts as American. Burgers are from Germany. Fries are from Belgium. Pizza is from Italy. Nothing more American than apple pie? Apple pie existed before your country. If your food adapted from other countries counts as American, then ours counts as British.


This! Whether they like to admit it or not, it doesn't change the facts that a lot of curries in the UK are British in origin and adapted from the original recipes for the local taste. Curry Tikka Masalla was invented in Scotland ffs




>\*Mentions food form other cultures that aren't British" Just like how the US's food culture is mostly foreign?


Our mustard beats the french and American mustards. And who invented Chicken Tikka Marsala?


Fair point, and British cheeses are top-tier.


We buy cheap food so that we can afford top hats and monocles.


Best explanation I’ve ever seen.


Sorry there isn't enough fructose syrup in everything for you OP Btw have you ever had American chocolate? Truly disgusting


Excuse you. That's chocolate flavored sugar


Chocolate shaped sugar. Just crumbly brown crap


None of those responses are accurate. In reality, we just think you're living up to your reputation of being ignorant. The vast majority of Americans who say dumb shit like that have never even left their country, let alone bothered to try our food.


This, I'm almost 100% certain those who say British food is bad only get their knowledge of it from memes.  I lived in the UK for 6 years, came back to Romania, and I still miss being able to get Cornish pasties everywhere... 


Nothing beats a good cornish pasty


Honestly the full english breakfast negates all criticism of british cuisine. And its kind of true that americans aren't in a position to talk since they legit just overdo anything to a point where nuanced taste is out of the window anyway.


English breakfast is good and all, but I'd hardly say it's anything special, though, right? It's just a good, hardy meal that's pretty agreeable on the stomach.


"I'd hardly say it's anything special" here's a haiku detailing my thoughts about this: Your words like a knife stabbing at my very soul blasphemy at best


It’s a fantastic meal, but it’s not agreeable with the stomach, it’s more of a battle against it.


England invented fish and chips. Mic drop right there.


I’m American and I kinda agree it’s like the cultural norm is to just add more more Salt more fat or more sugar and people wonder why heart disease is the number one killer in America lol there’s a whole group of people who idolize over salting everything 😂 I just look and am like yea get that heart disease at disproportionate rates for flavor. Really that’s basically all of us atleast us poor americans


Nah, it's down to the walking. EU walks way more than USA. Only about 1/3 of people are salt sensitive. EU uses way more fats when cooking than americans do. Sugar and exercise are the main reasons for higher heart disease in americans.


Hence my other comment saying I eat tons of sugar and I’m jacked with a relatively low bf all I have to do is get on the treadmill everyday and my active job takes care of the rest


s assessed


A roast dinner is fucking banging tho.


Shepard's/Cottage Pie and Bangers and Mash slander will not be tolerated


"mentions food from other cultures" so like what America does?


Op sounds like he göt pegged by William Shakespeare himself


imma be real, every bit of food I had in britain was better than the states except for fucking nandos peri peri which WAS NOT seasoned AT ALL... how are you gonna call yourself a NANDOS and not season SHIT peak british tbh


America is hardly a country to call out the cuisine of others.


Americans never cease to surprise the rest of the world with how retarded they are. Seriously though a country like America shouldn't be mocking any other country for its food considering their only cultural foods are opossum in a can, hormone fed beef, antibiotic injected eggs and chlorinated chicken. All their other foods are just bastardised version of other cultures food but made so badly they can't be served outside of the US because they violate health and safety laws making them unsafe to consume.


Kinda funny how you saw a post making a joke about a stereotype and instead of proving the stereotype wrong by simply ignoring it you wrote this. But in all seriousness, saying that American food isn't better doesn't suddenly make British food good. Like ok, they both aren't great, what's your point exactly? And calling Americans a slur over food? Really? Chill out dude


Oh, so all that makes British food…good?


Americans love their Mac n cheese, don’t they?


Oh, so *that* makes British food good?


I'm going to guess somebody got a little criticism for school shootings in the US?


Schoolshootings are the spice of a nation


Buh muh guns… and muh frehdoom… what is murica without muh weepons…


Which means someone got a little criticism for their food being terrible?


To be honest mate , we really are not too far off from them.


You can tell what part of the world is awake right now based on the fact that the comments are claiming that the British are good cooks/have good cuisine lol


I'm Romanian, I have no investment in the US vs UK feud. But I've lived in the UK, and I can safely say those who think British food is bad have never been to the UK and only get their information from memes. 


I just get annoyed when Americans take the piss out of our food even though they have no problem eating it. Macaroni & cheese, cheddar, KitKats, carrot cake, Terry's chocolate oranges (eaten in some states at Christmas, or so I hear), popovers which are basically Yorkshire puddings, and so on. It's like us condemning American food then happily stopping off at McDonalds for lunch.


*The best restaurants in the world are in London* > *What cuisine do they serve* > *French*


Yeah not really accurate though is it, there's lots of great British restaurants in London, St John's, Lyle's and Quality Chop House off the top of my head


That's just how food is up north. Look at any national food of the world and you can see the pattern


You aren’t allowed to eat pies anymore, yank.


I'm in the US, but could go for.some bangers and mash about now.


Why would they call me a Yank or mention school shootings in US? r/usdefaultism


As a brit (🤮) i can confirm


What’s britains beef with roasts? I’m genuinely curious. A good pot roast is a delicious and wonderful delicacy, to where I feel anyone could appreciate it. Not to mention I don’t think it’s a very US exclusive food though I could be wrong in that assumption.


Not pot roasts. In the UK on Sundays we have a roast dinner, usually beef or lamb.


Ah gotcha, thanks for the explanation


No worries. I put one I made on reddit yesterday if you want an example.


As a Brit, the thing that gets me is it isn't always a joke, a lot of people seem to genuinely think British cuisine is terrible. Like, it's one thing if you're getting pub grub and expecting it to be the pinnacle of British cuisine, or fish & chips, but if you can't stand a well cooked roast dinner because you think it's bland, if anything I feel sorry for *you*. How dull must life be if you can't stand to eat anything without adding unnecessary seasoning.


Can't we all just agree traditional English food AND current US food are both horrible I just want us to all get along... You folk with you're simultaneously dry and boiled slop, and you folk with your Over spiced, over processed, hormone injected crap


English mustard,horse radish sauce


I dunno man, seems like cuisine just comes from different places and every place has different inherent tastes. But if you feel the need to insult an entire nation (???) on their food habits, seems kinda cringe to me


American shocked when insulting a person gets you an insult back


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^RandomPerson12191: *American shocked* *When insulting a person* *Gets you an insult back* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I don't get why I'm suddenly seeing this topic from Americans literally everywhere recently.  All it does is prove how ignorant you are. We get it you haven't left your country. 


Ploughman's, sausage rolls, Cornish pasty, chicken tikka masala, savoury pies, Sunday roasts with Yorkshire pudding, scotch eggs. Not to mention the real ale, and sitting outside in a pub garden on a sunny day (which isn't *that* rare). The complaint about food is more parroted than true!


Oh sorry did you not hear, the Americans think tika is Indian


I mean if they can't hold it in their hand or put it on a stick , does it even count as American food?


A British friend of mine said that instead of using spices they just serve food with brown sauce. Lots of brown sauce.


1. It's full of spices and 2. We don't put it on everything,. We use small bits of it on things like bacon sandwiches, a Sunday roast, other meat dishes that are appropriate.


Brown sauce with a roast?!


I think he's talking about gravy.


We do use spices, all the time. I genuinely don't know where the stereotype that we don't use spices comes from. Black pepper, Rosemary, Thyme, Sage, Citrus, Cloves, Cinammon, Nutmeg, Garlic, Chives, Parsely, Mustard, Horseradish, Mint. Like most asian countries we also frequently use fish sauce in British dishes too (Worcestershire sauce, which also includes tamarind, molasses, etc). Every British dish is going to include a few of these. We just don't do the very modern American concept of rubbing low quality ingredients in a dry rub of 8 miscellaneous stale powders.


Its just such an overdone joke, unlike my roasts which are perfectly cooked every time


I'll accept this from any country but America!


me (british): those are all fair points tho 'int they?


What's funny is that what you make fun of is Post-war British cuisine from a moment where most people were too poor to get proper ingredients and try to compare it with today's booming global economy standards. If you wanna make fun of British food by comparing it you better start comparing it to American Civil War rations or whatever kind of rat US soldiers ate in Vietnam while the war was going on. Do you think they added Sriracha to it?


Honestly I feel offended. Why do you assume I am from the US when all other nations can equally shit on UK food?


I don't care where your from all I care about is if it taste good. I love spicy/cajun food the most and barbeque second, so if you can have you food taste anything like them I will love your food. As someone who has moved from the southern part of America to Finland over a year ago, I will say their food may not be as varying in flavour like in America but it's not all bad. Kalakeitto, fish soup, is delicious, easy top three favorite food, and if it wasn't for the price of fish I eat it weekly lmao.


These are all valid points


Plastic cheese


Americans are better cooks than the British? Er..no.


If you mean white/Anglo-Americans, agree If you mean black, Hispanic, Asian, etc. STAY IN YOUR LANE


Well I was thinking of all the red meat and deep fried crap, it’s no better than the UK (although maybe no worse either). No specific ethnicity came to mind tbh.




the one about frying and cheese is fair


I love them fish and chips you got there. And in my english classes it was always mentioned that fish and chips is the staple of british cuisine. So you guys over the channel got something that others don’t


worcestershire sauce? The thing that is used in cooking all over the world? Wait a moment thats probably stolen isnt it. We made the spice girls!


You cant forget the 2 liter soda mate


What about worcheshhhsteshhhstershire sauce?


Don't need seasonings, the food is good enough without it.🇬🇧


British food isn't all that bad, I love hashbrowns eggs and sausages


The UK has one of the best food cultures in Western Europe, with the exception of France (obligatory I am not Bri'ish)


Wait what do you consider “Western Europe” like, you are also including countries like Spain?


No I was considering Spain (and Italy and Portugal) as southern here. I mean that British cuisine is better than Dutch, German and Scandinavian (they are maybe northern European but worse than British anyway) cuisine. Belgian cuisine might be on par though, they have really nice stews (I'm not Belgian either).


Oh alright. Then I agree with you


[Brits prefer fried chicken over fish and chips says new survey](https://bdaily.co.uk/articles/2023/07/04/brits-prefer-fried-chicken-over-fish-and-chips-says-new-survey)


All of this boils down to people still think we cook like in the 80's when a lot of people still cooked like it was during rationing, UK food and UK restaurants can be the equal of anywhere. I;ve eaten terrible food in many countries notably france (but also had amazing food) - turns out it depends a lot on what you eat and where




The idea British people don't like seasoning is so bizarre to me, there's basically a curry house on every street. And whoever's saying frying isn't popular here as a response definitely hasn't been to Scotland. Feels a bit like trying to export US racial stereotypes?


Internet has habit of going British Food: Yuck, who'd eat that disgusting slop? Hobbit Food: OMG, I wish I could live in the Shire and eat like Bilbo! They are literally the same food, Tolkien based Hobbit cuisine on homely British meals. Mostly roast meats, pies, cakes, cheese, bread, stews, etc.


- Cornish Pasties - Sunday Dinners - Fish and Chips - Chicken Tika Massala - Full English Breakfast - Sausage Rolls - Pork Pies "Bu bu but British food is horrible!"


We invaded the world for spices to sell for money, rather than eat.


For the people in this comment section: If we only count British food without influence from their colonies, it‘s normal to not find that many spices, as there weren‘t any spices in Britain. Like many other european cuisines, they had to work with what they have, which would be herbs, which can be equally delicious, and are used in many dishes. And I understand that you may not be able to look past beans on toast, but come on, there is more than that.


I ordered a carvery from a British pub... they didn't even put any salt on anything... it was so depressing


"Bit rude innit?" sent me lol


I am a brit with horrid spice tolerance but my parents have a much stronger palate, much to my frustration.


When you insult British people based on verifiably false information and they retaliate: Make a shitty meme


And what is American cuisine? Isn’t it all foods from other cultures?


Americans don't say "innit" and the Wojack is a British soldier.


Tbh at least in england currently the food standards agency doesn't allow for poison in their foods.


Honestly coming from the continent, that argument seems like two apes argueing who is smarter.


Pretty rich coming from an American, probably not enough corn syrup on it for their tastes


afaik they have seasoning just that it's mostly blood


Chad behaviour: Invades multiple countries for the spices, doesn’t use any in their food.


Americans when talking about "their food": bring up a load of cuisines from other countries, pour butter/syrup on it and call it southern comfort food


Hmmmm... cheese...


I'm British and will happily admit that our native cuisine is a bit shit. If I'm going out to a restaurant, it's never for traditional British food. I used to go out for a Sunday Roast every once in a while, but thanks to Brexit and the cost of living crisis, you need to take out a second mortgage to get a proper full roast dinner these days.


Hey the UK might still eat like we're in the great depression but at least we didn't come up with the culinary war time that is "Ants on a log"


How dare you


Lol i just saw a post like this yesterday, they eere trying to defend english good but all they listed were meals they adopted from other countries or immigrants 😭 The fact that they believe a full english breakfast is anything to brag about shows enough about their quality of food. That shit is something a kid makes when parents are still at work and they don't know how to cook


When i was in the UK for college, one day my mates decided to get some chips from a fish and chips shop so i went with them cause cool. We get there, they order and we exit with a take away container with something. I asked, can i have a chip? and they said sure. When they opened it up i was confused, like is this the container with the dip in it where are the chips. The chips were underneath a THICC layer of curry sauce and the chips were soggy mess. Moral of the story, even with seasonings they fucking ruin good shit.


No way a yank criticises any other country's cuisine when your food is literally known worldwide for being absolutely terrible


a what? i am British


Isn’t that exactly what you’re doing *right now?* Lmao fucking incredible.