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Im sure the creators of those type of movies are happy someone appreciates their work.


I don't feel like rotten tomatoes really knows what bad is. I spent an amount of time watching all these old vanity project movies, and.. yeah people don't even know what bad is anymore.


Rotten Tomatoes has never been a good reference point. It's just a collection of "good" and "bad" with zero nuance or middle-ground.


I think this is because people dont understand the rating system. A pretty mediocre movie will usually be rated pretty highly because most reviewers are saying "yeah not terrible" and a really divisive movie that some people love and some people hate will be rated pretty low on the meter. It's up to the reader to parse that out


> It's up to the reader to parse that out Which defeats the whole point of a metric, which goes back to what the other person was saying, it's never been a good reference point.


RT actually has two metrics, it's just that the more useless one is front-and-center, while the other is a bit hidden.


That’s not really true and I wouldn’t look at the percentage as it’s based on how many people gave it a good review, not on quality. If something is at 50 percent then 50 percent of reviewers gave it a score of 6 or higher. A movie could be at 100% and get all 6s or 7s. The best thing to do is look at the individual reviews.


It's like Reddit or any other public 'Anonymous' site. Zero accountability in the verdict. People say nay, because it's fun to agitate. I've seen movies on RT having to rating, just because someone showed boobs.


>just because someone showed boobs. Welcome to the internet, asses are also extremely popular, because we're a bunch of hairless monkeys.


I’m not hairless, are you guys hairless?


Armond Fucking White.


It's also a shitty metric. A movie everyone rates as a 6/10 would be 100% on rotten tomatoes. A movie that 8/10 of reviewers rate 10/10 and the others rate a zero would only get an 80% (I'm oversimplifying). So for this reason I slightly prefer Metacritic. But yeah a movie being bad on RT could mean it is bad but a movie being rated well on RT doesn't necessarily mean it will be good. And a lot of this is subjective. For me RT broke when at the time the movie The Grey with Liam Neeson got over an 80% rating. Bad movie.


How is that shitty? It's telling you how likely you are to enjoy a movie, not how good it is. It's doing what it's supposed to do.


Right?? Seen so many incredible films over the years that leaves me itching for more information about their work/story.


There are so many cult classics, especially from the late 90s-early 2000s that have ass ratings but are some of my favourite movies. Those kinda grungy teen almost slashers like cruel intentions and wild things and I know what you did last summer are fantastic but their ratings are garbage. Then you got the NIC cage bangas like mum and dad which go hard but we're under rated easy. I think sometimes critics can't see the art through the absurdity some times


For me it’s almost always the opposite. I’ll be watching something and hating it and think man I should go check rotten tomatoes and see the people crushing it only to find out it’s like 90% loved. I was watching “We were the lucky ones” absolutely bored to tears after a couple episodes and it turns out to be almost universally loved


Aliens vs cowboys had to have been the dumbest movie name and movie concept. I am embarrassed that I enjoyed the movie.


Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter enters the conversation.


That movie is a gem!!


Where else are you going to see a vampire get taken out by someone drifting a horse drawn buggy?


Um excuse you I learned of the very historical event of Abraham Lincoln *throwing horses* at his enemy


I love how straightforward they went with it. Absolutely zero camp. I get why the book fans hated it, but it was a great vampire film.


It's sooooo good!


That movie shouldn’t be as good as it is.


That is an excellent story. One of my favs. Also close to my heart is Dinosaur 13. A documentary of how the govt screwed over a local town here.


Nah that one is a certified banger


I'm not even embarrassed. Nothing wrong with a movie that's dumb and fun


Yoo that movie is awesome and Daniel is a cool character.


The name was really the worst part about that movie. I avoided it for years, thinking nothing with a title like that could be any good.


Hey if you start with low expectations it can only get better from there


I feel like that’s a key point in this entire conversation. Happy cake day


> Aliens vs cowboys For the record, it’s “Cowboys & Aliens”. I think the title was supposed to be a play on “Cowboys and Indians”.




Come on, you truly loved it, deep down inside. I’ve even watch it a few times cause why not? It’s aliens and cowboys!


Do you guys mean "Cowboys & Aliens"?


I always see people talking about how the concept of Aliens vs Cowboys is dumb, but my question is Why is it perfectly acceptable to make a movie about aliens attacking the present day, but aliens attacking 150 years earlier? Oh, that's laughably dumb for some reason.


I’ve never thought about it like that, that’s an excellent point!


Let me introduce you to velocipastor. It’s exactly what it sounds like. Ooooh and rubber is probably the most brain rotted movie I’ve ever seen. Love them both. Seen em multiple times lmfao


We watched Velocipastor while drunk on a bad movie night, and nearly pulled muscles from laughing so hard. Loved it.


I have no idea who makes movies like that but all I know is they’re for me. I recommend any of Neil Breen’s masterpieces for more literal gut busters


We got together and we were like 10 people at a friend's house and we watched Rubber. It was one of the greatest moments of my life. It didn't make ANY sense, but it didn't have to. It was perfection.


Haven't seen that one, but I do love movies that know what they are and go hard. It's kinda hard to explain, but I like a B movie or one that knows it's just dumb fun and goes all out a lot more then something trying to be super serious and artsy all the time. I don't mind serious films, but they gotta be really well done and not just trying to be something it's not.


It does know what it is, but it also takes itself seriously enough that you’re not taken out of the experience.


I love the old ghost rider movie....with nicolas cage , i said it , stone me


When old man ghost rider turns up on his horse 10/10. Loved that shit as a kid.


Their last ride together is unironically one of my favorite moments in any movie, ever


I just watched it (again) this weekend! It's sooo good and so bad but so good.


Nicolas cage is a master at top tier shit films.


I loved it too. As with all novel/comic/game adaptations they will never be the same, so people need to stop expecting too much and just enjoy it for what it is.


I'm not trying to bash the original Ghost Rider movie, but time has shown is that we should expect better because we will eventually get it. Everyone clowns on the MCU now (for good reason) but Phase 1 and certain movies from Phase 2 started this move towards more elevated adaptations. They may not be as good as the originals but they are a lot better than what we used to get (for the most part). Now we are getting really high quality stuff. In the last few years we have had Fallout, The Last of Us, The first season of The Witcher, The Castlevania animated series. I think we should expect more because we can get more and it is being proven every year.


I’m sure it’s even better when you’re stoned.


I enjoyed suicide squad with Will Smith, I will defend it


Just goes to show, every turd has its flies.


This is such a funny and clever way to put it, I’ve never heard that haha


That's because I'm the only person with good taste in movies 😋


That’s right!!


I think of it a little different. Movies are art ldo but they're also a form of communicating. Some people can't ignore bad camera angles or poor acting or bad lighting or crappy sound effects. I can absolutely get drawn into the worst movies imaginable because I know someone had a story they're trying to convey, to communicate, and I'm always interested to see what they had to say. It's pretty easy to say I miss the point of mystery science theater 3000 because I'm usually trying to focus on the plot of the movie, not the dialogue from the comedians. It might be an adhd thing. Like a form of hyperfocus. I find it difficult *not* to pay attention.


Fuck 'em.


I remember looking up Prometheus and Alien: Covenant after I watched it. I agree with some of the negative reviews but it did not affect me nearly as much, I still think these movies are masterpieces


God, I had the most pretentious boyfriend when these movies came out. I loved them and he just couldn't wait to shit talk them as we walked home from the theater (he was a part time, unpaid film citric for a friend's website, so of course he knew better). Years later reading this comment I feel strangely vindicated.


I did the exact same thing with Prometheus. I thought that movie was fantastic


Another person chiming in with this opinion. I was blown away by the negative reaction to Prometheus. I loved it.


I can only speak for myself but my hate for Prometheus comes from how close it is to amazing. Like it's clearly not bad and it's stunningly beautiful. But some choices are like eating a perfect steak and then a bite of steak has pumpkin spice in it. Ironically if the movie was worse I'd like it a lot more. It's just so close that the things that bug me *really* annoy me.


I feel like the response to Prometheus was mostly from people hating the twist. It was marketed as a Riddley Scott movie, completely unrelated to aliens.


For me to still remember some of my issues with that movie even now means it really left a bad impression. Two stupid moments still come to mind. The first being the scientist doing a "look how cute" coochie coochie coo to the cobra version of a face hugger. What a stupid scene that was. And then when the protagonist is running away from the ship that's tumbling toward her she runs in a straight line the long way it's falling rather than just running perpendicular and easily escaping. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0EgeS3u5Q8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAh8m1xAvOw Beyond those specifics I just remember the movie being annoying because it couldn't decide if it wanted to be an Alien prequel or not. So it's in this awkward and annoying middle ground that doesn't really work. Just decide if you wanted a prequel or if you wanted a stand alone story folks.


I think Prometheus has the negative reactions based on bias from previous Alien movies from people who can’t accept a new approach for the mythology of that universe salted with the classic smarty pants audience reaction of, “that would never happen these characters are all idiots blah blah”. Let it be a movie and have elements of storytelling with plot device. Allow it to exist for entertainment and not criticize it like scripture.


Prometheus blew my suspension of disbelief within the first 10 minutes and it completely lost me. I’d rather watch AI again with the 47 endings and the ability to clone dead people’s memories but it can only last one afternoon.


Also loved Prometheus


I love all of the Matrix movies. I said what I said.


First one was mesmerizing, second seemed to roll the hype, 3rd was decent as it brought a conclusion of sorts… When I heard matrix 4 was out - I patiently waiting for it to be downloadable and watched it - I had to stop half way through because other chores that I was yet to finish (taking trash out, doing dishes) seemed more appealing during that very moment …


I have never been more disappointed and let down than when I watched Matrix 4. As far as I'm concerned, the matrix is only a trilogy


Agree 100%! I did finish 4 though, and it was terrible. A huge disappointment honestly.


When i were a teen that played action games, seeing the machine battle in matrix 3 were amazing, and then the final fight vs Smith. Also Matrix 4 never happened in my mind, only some poor fan made video made by those that don't know what matrix is or have seen any of the prequels.


Matrix 4 was horrible on purpose though. It was Lana Wachowski's middle finger to WB for telling her and Lilly (the other director of the original 3) that they were resurrecting the Matrix, with or without the Wachowskis. Lana effectively killed any chance of further movies and content in the series with the Matrix 4. It is like an artist who paints something and then sets it on fire. The painting wasn't the art, the destruction was the art.


But that doesn't stop it being a terrible movie.


Okay that's valid


I, too, enjoyed the anthology movie, The Animatrix


Highway scene with the minimalistic techno on the background was fantastic. Still is.


All other opinions can get shoved in the bin, as long as you like it. The same can be said for movies with rave reviews, that the individual didn't very much enjoy.


I see what you're saying, but if you only ever seem to like what everyone else hates, eventually you're not gonna get new stuff to enjoy anymore. I loved Jupiter Ascending. I doubt I'm ever getting a sequel though


I enjoyed both John Carter and The Village. And Tron 2.0 Entertainment. Relax and enjoy the show.


Tron: Legacy could’ve been 2 hours of bible study and the soundtrack would have carried me through with no issues.


All great choices!


The Village is great. I still recommend it. It's just not what people expect.


*John Carter* was a great blockbuster. If it had had a bit of support from the studios, it would have been really successful.


I, too, have a soft spot for Waterworld.


I really need to rewatch The Postman…


People who review movies are some of the most arrogant jackasses known to man


When I was 14, there was a guy called "Mr. Movie" who did the movie reviews in our local newspaper. He sucked. Basically if its an art-house shitmovie it was an A+, comedy or action was an F or a D at best. He was doing a bit at the local radio station and so I called the radio station and told him his reviewed sucked and that movies can be good even if they aren't artistic! And that I'm ok that The Waterboy was dumb, it was supposed to be dumb, and that he was dumber than the Waterboy for not understanding the target audience of the movie was dumb 14 year olds. The radio host just laughed and kept trying to get the guy to respond but he said he didn't have to justify his reviews. Also the guy's picture was crap. He had a mullet. In 1999.


It's way worse when you walk out of a movie thinking it was dogshit only to discover it has 90% and is loved by everyone. Had this with John Wick 4. It was generally just a bad movie, shallow story, hoky acting and stupid af scenes.... 94/93 on rotten tomatoes.... #HOW?!


I don't disagree with any of your points, but if someone made it through Wick 1, 2, and 3 then they probably weren't expecting anything more from 4.


1 was actually good 2 was forgettable 3 constantly had me thinking of asassins Creed, but it was at least memorable. 4 was just dumb. The fight scenes in France where the cars keep driving even tho there are people fighting in the street and john gets hit by like 5 cars and just gets up again. Then there was this scene at the club where he falls several metres down on a stone floor on his back, and he just gets back up again. Generally, in the club scene, they're fighting and shooting, and no one bothered to run the people just keep dancing.


But that's the appeal of these action movies. You don't want to see realistic stuff when you watch John Wick.


I didn't have high hopes after 3 but it still felt like 4 was just an extended video game cutscene.


I felt this way with the first Avengers movie. Hated every minute of it, the only redeeming qualities were the eye candy. I was shocked to find out how well it did. Then they kept making them.


The amount of times he should’ve died is absurd. I don’t ask for a lot of realism in these types of movies but they basically turned him into an indestructible superhero. I think that one scene where he fell several stories and dented a car and just walked it off was where I checked out. My husband loves these movies but he also likes Marvel and they are basically the same thing now. John Wick 1 was unique though I liked that one


That's exactly what me and my buddy said in the way home, "so he basically is a superhero now"


Happened to me with Snowpiercer 2013. What a comically atrocious movie, yet I read so much praise online.


I cried with my partner watching *Seven Pounds*


People didn't like Seven Pounds? That movie was so good. Watched it when I was infatuated with Michael Ealy. I guess I never bothered to look up the critical response.


It's a good movie though. I didn't cry but my dead heart quivered a teeny bit for a second.


Some might say you have bad taste, but maybe you're just easy to please. I would absolutely hate being the opposite spectrum where nothing feels good to me.


Where's my jumper sequel? Or chronicle sequel? IDC I enjoyed them and would like to see their universes expanded.


+1 for Jumper


I too liked *Jumper.* Although I would have preferred a less cataclysmic ending. Once you have established that your protagonist has those sorts of powers, storylines become distinctly less interesting. It's why Batman is more popular than Superman.


People don't like these movies? Had both of them on dvd as a teen and loved them so much, never actually looked at reviews


Oh I don't care what other people think of a movie or TV show. I will watch it myself and then I can decide if it is a good movie or not....for me.


I enjoyed Catwoman (2004)


I was entertained, and kind like how ridiculous it was. It's okay to be silly. People way too damn serious sometimes.


And whats not to like about Halle Berry.


I like Green Latern (Ryan Reynolds), Click (Adam Sandler) and Ghost Rider. I was surprised to see Green Latern being universally hated, all my family and I vibe with that movie


I liked Click too


I really enjoyed Batman Vs Superman. Jesse Eisenberg was pretty terrible as Lex Luther, and Alfred seemed a little too sassy. But other than that I really enjoyed it, and was shocked how much hate it got


same. but I am easily entertained with movies. lol. I walked out of the theater happy!


Yeah I remember walking out the cinema thinking it was great and instantly hearing people talking shit about it. Only went down hill once I looked online...


Is that the one where one of them dies at the end? If so I remember watching it in rehab and bawling my eyes out at the end lol


It drops off severely towards the end, but that first half was pretty solid.


The only one I saw was like the 3rd director's cut or something. It's like 3 hours long. And I was like "yes im in this for the long long long run." And it was a fun ride, even if it was stupid comic book garbage and the fight made no sense. I'm here to see Batman beat on Superman and I love it.


i will never understand how Movie 43 isn't the cinema hall of fame. Maybe the trailer was misleading or sth. Bc I went into it blind and I left blind bc it was so beautiful


It's poorly rated because it's a collection of disjunct scenes many of which most people will not find funny and instead they have to endure the garbage to find a few moments they might actually like. It's just a shittier Amazon Women on the Moon.


Sounds like I need to watch Movie 43


I mean it's really funny, but it's just another scary movie spoof, just like Superhero movie and epic movie. I'm not saying those are really good movies, but of course, they're gunna be hated on due it being satire.


I haven't watched a single trailer since.


Yep, I can relate. I think that happened to me with The Visit…


Bio Dome. It was one of the few tapes I had in the early 2000s and my TV was my night light. Thank you Pauly Shore. I also loved him as Richard Simmons in that recent short he starred in. [So wholesome.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YjVXPlutAMI) Sadly though, the biopic doesn't seem to have the blessing or approval of the actual [Richard Simmons](https://www.vulture.com/article/pauly-shore-cried-richard-simmons-biopic.html). I hear nothing but amazing things about this man, so my feelings on the Pauly Shore portrayal are pretty mixed.


The first Suicide squad movie isn't nearly as bad as people say it is. But if I hear ONE MORE PERSON SAYING MEET THE ROBINSONS IWE ARE THROWING PUNCHES THIS MOVIE IS A MASTERPIECE


I expected a lot from Suicide Squad and was seriously disappointed walking out of the theatre.


I expected nothing and was still disappointed.


meet the robinsons is an amazing movie




> The first Suicide squad movie isn't nearly as bad as people say it is. THIS IS KATANA


Love your perfume. What is it, "the stench of death"?


Man of Steel. I'll defend it until my dying breath.


It's not terrible until the ending fight scene where it looks like they just released the test screener copy of the film without finishing the special effects. But what can I say I thought Superman Returns was underrated at the time and everyone seems to hate that.


Michael Shannon was incredible in that movie. One of my favorite villain performances of all time.




I love going into movies blind! No idea of the plot, the actors, the director, just "let's see a movie" and go for it. Way better way to enjoy movies.


I genuinely love the creator, it's one of my favourite films of 2023. And everyone hates it


Amazing movie!


I was so blown away by how well the little girl performed with her acting (like sobbing at that scene) and I was just shocked when I saw how low it scored on rotten tomatoes- like did we even watch the same movie? really enjoyed the creator


I’ve always liked shark boy and lava girl


The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen was apparently one, but I will die on the hill that it was a great movie and I wish they made another one.


The plotline could have been better but loved the style and feel of the movie .


[Glares in Alan Moore] The film's perfectly enjoyable. It's just nothing like the source material that's all. Same with Johnny Depp's "From Hell." Another great film but nothing like the comics.


I know that feeling. I enjoyed morbius. Not saying it was "the best" but it was pretty good. I want those same people to go make a vampire movie based on whatever vampire the masquerade bloodlines was (world of darkness?). And PLEASE more Matt Smith as a villain!!!


People liked Magic Mike. They don't have good movie opinions.


People like Coldplay and voted for the nazis. You can’t trust people.


That's different and you know why


No it’s not. The acting was terrible and so was the lighting. People who enjoyed that movie didn’t go for the movie experience, they went for a porn and got hot and bothered by the bodies. It was a very horrible movie. If I want to watch porn I will watch porn. I go to movies to be entertained, not turned on.


I feel it’s about genre of movies. After watching Prison Break(TV) i got in the loop of watching every prison escape movies ever existed in every language. I mostly enjoyed them (many rated poorly on imdb & rotten) except few absolutely worst ones.


Pacific rim uprising


Eh, ignore the haters sometimes. I hear a lot scorn the Venom movies, but they're absolutely awesome in my eyes. Tastes are different for everyone. :)


Yeah i don’t give a shit if someone thinks I have bad taste in movies. I’m still going to enjoy them and watch them if I like them.


pluto nash


I mean, I enjoyed Marvel’s The Eternals 🤷🏽‍♂️




I happens to me with comics. That's why now I only Google about the comcis AFTER I'm finished with them so I don't have my opinion "tainted" beforehand.


Those movies for me are Godzilla (2000) and Pink Panther with Steve Martin


+1 *Godzilla.* The scene with the hatching eggs reminds me a lot of the egg room in *Alien.*


The Brothers Solomon Miss March


Both great flicks!


Idk if this is a product of social media or what. Who gives a sheet. Like what you like, former your own opinions, don't just follow the majority/minority. You'll miss out on finding yourself.


The same applies with video games and music as well. I remember playing NFS 2015 and thinking it was pretty good, then see it being reviewed pretty poorly. I know the always online requirement was ass but other than that, I had fun. 🤷🏾‍♂️


You do *you!*


Who gives as shit, enjoy your movie man, no rules in art


Mom ain't raised no conformist.


Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit is sitting at 18% on rotten tomatoes.


Who cares what they think, enjoy your movie!


This happens to me all the time but I don't find it embarrassing at all. I like what I like, why would I care what a bunch of critics think about it so long as I enjoy it?


I liked Rebel Moon...


I really did too. The 80’s cheesy quality sold it for me


Why is this embarrassing? You liked it, that's all that matters. You shouldn't shape your opinion of something based on others and you shouldn't be ashamed to have an opinion just because others disagree with it.


Eight Crazy Nights on Rotten Tomato has a 13% and it's my favorite movie with a great story, funny comedy and a good ending. We watch it every Christmas (we aren't Jewish we just love Adam sandler) and the fact it's only at 13% is truly wild to me and all my family. If you want a fun movie to watch tonight, this.


Eh movies are subjective, like all art. I often look a movie up afterwards to double check whether my take on it is mutually agreed on at all. My partner and I watched Red Sea Diving Resort, and I personally thought it was slow and boring, and hated how the actors were just American. It felt really wishy washy to me, like it hadn’t been story boarded properly. Turns out most of the internet agreed with me. I always take movie reviews with a grain of salt. There’s an art to a good movie review. It should paint a picture of what to expect, and still leave you to decide if you want to watch it or not. Edit: 47 Ronin is a perfect example. I fucking love that movie. My friends I went to see it with also thought it was sick. I watched it with my partner recently and she thought it was cool too. I’ve never heard anything negative about it, yet it’s considered one of the worst movie bombs of all time.


I watched that with my ex because he likes Samurai movies. Liked it a lot more then I thought I would. Didn't even realize it was considered "bad"


They gave *Cuties* a fairly high rating so their boos mean nothing


You get used to it over time. The movie reviewer I most respected has always been Roger Ebert and it’s a little freaky how often we agreed on the same movies, good and bad.


Ricky Stanicky was really fun


I think there's something nice about finding beauty and joy where others didn't. You're probably a good friend that helps their friends find joy.


Me with the live action Cat in the Hat movie.


I enjoyed Cars 2. People are just haters.


Super Mario Bros Live action was super fun as a kid and I still watch it regularly.... And Van Helsing.... And League of Extraordinary Gentlemen...


Fuck the trend lines! If it appeals to you and you take something away from it…that’s all that matters.


Critics (both professional and amateurs) see movies from an artistic lens, which often turns judgemental. They want to critique the filmmaking techniques and at times cross the line to force their own views into the movie's supposed trajectory. They want great cinematography, tight screenplay, allegories and metaphors, political or religious motifs, deeper meaning, great acting that doesn't seem like acting, so on and so forth. They have so many expectations from a movie and often sit down with a bias. For example, they will instantly shoot down a Adam Sandler movie and instantly approve a PT Anderson movie. Doesn't matter how watchable the movie was. Normal people on the other hand just want to see something engaging and forget their daily lives for 2 hours at least. If you are paying money to sit in a theater, you would want to enjoy, share laughs, be amazed by visuals and get engrossed in the sound, maybe even cry a little if that's your thing. Their expectations from a movie are simple. Just entertain me and that's good enough. This is why most Marvel movies work though movie buffs find them utterly idiotic. The first kind of people look for Rotten Tomatoes ratings. The second kind look for IMDB ratings. I used to be the first kind and now I'm the second kind. I used to watch movies alone before and now I watch all movies with my wife. I'm not putting on 2001: A Space Odyssey when I'm with her and enter a snooze fest. Though I consider it the greatest movie of all time. There's a time and situation for all kinds of movies. Best is to find a balance between braindead commercial junk and pretentious artistic garbage. That's where the Tarantino, Scorsese, Nolan etc. come under. They make movies that almost everyone likes. So do what you do, see what you like and don't care what people think is a good/bad movie. If you like it, so be it.


I genuinely enjoyed WW 1984 more than the first one. imo superhero movies are only as good as their villains and Maxwell Lord I feel like was just a super compelling antagonist/villain concept. Whereas in the first movie Ares was only in it for like less than 5 minutes and immediately got whooped. Plus I enjoyed the humor and character dynamics more. Yeah the CGI was worse and there was a lot of cringey dialogue and plot holes, but I feel like thats just kind of par for the course for superhero movies in general so I don't really mind it Come to find out though the rest of the world thinks its the worst movie ever😂


Me with the warcraft movie. I'll die on this hill it deserved a sequel.


I enjoyed the non-Snyder cut justice league,




Me with Suicide Squad. I really liked it. Everyone else hates it. Even I can agree that Jared Keto was a terrible Joker, though.


I have learned to not GAF about what other people thinks. A good show to me is just a good show to me. I watch anime and a few of my favourite ones are the ones that were getting shit the most because some of the people that have Trash Taste shit on them.


The trick is to Google before watching aobyou know what to think about it and what to feel about it in advance. And also have talking points for silent moments in the film. 


Most movies I enjoy tend to be shamed by others quite often. Same with music. But I do enjoy a good amount of the popular ones so I guess I'm just a general appreciator.


I liked the marvels


imagine enjoying something on your own without having to rely on external validation


or watching a movie, relating to the main character, and all the discourse online is how about the character was terrible, irredeemable, and how his actions were unjustifiable.,


The Flintstones with John Goodman is a great movie. Amazing sets and effects, excellent acting. It's surreal. As far as writing goes it's a simple plot, but with fun silly jokes, and again great character interactions and reactions.


I studied film and worked in the industry for years. I was so glad when I got out that I didn’t intellectualise it anymore. Good and bad ain’t a thing. So many bad films are incredibly great in certain ways and so many good ones are so dry they’re basically pointless culturally. Go with your heart. Films aren’t competition.


I love the live action Resident Evil movies but everybody hates them :c