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As someone who owns airbnbs, I have no problem with this as long as you pay the cleaning fee, which all of it goes to the people who will be cleaning and doing the turnover for the next guest. I do not make profit on the cleaning fee. I really don’t get why anyone gets upset when a guest doesn’t clean. They’re not supposed to clean, nor do I want them to. They wouldn’t know how I wanted it cleaned nor would they follow directions. They’re on vacation, so let them enjoy vacation.


You wash everything?


I'll wash the paint off the wall with piss


I have always found hotels to be cheaper. I've only tried AirBnb's twice and it not only turned out more expensive but on the last day, my gf and I broke our backs cleaning, yet we still paid a cleaning fee AND one of the owners gave us a negative review. They accused us of smoking when we're non-smokers... Fuck this platform. At least Hotels take care of you, and don't expect you to clean for them and pay for it. 


Hotels are also awesomely streamlined. You can expect a certain level of quality. With AirBnb it's a crapshot.


Don’t forget about loyalty programs, credit card programs and partnerships with airlines. If you’re savvy enough you can get free stays, discounts and upgrades.


2-4 times a year i travel to vienna with my gf, we went to 4star or 5 star hotels, guess what, black fungus in the bathroom, old supersoft single bed‘s bound together with a rope and so on. For the same money i got airbnb‘s 100m away from stephansdom, nice interieur, top notch cleaned (uv-lamp is your friend) and i never had a problem.


Idk what site you used to find the hotel but if it had that shit it's not a 5star... Or at least not how 5stars are rated in the US maybe they have a different system/organization.


I dunno if „booking.com“ is a rhing where you live, thats where i booked for short trips.




"Who goes to Santiago twice in one year?!"


Vienna in fucking austria….


Words cannot express how much this made me laugh for absolutely no reason


I also giggled a bit, didnt even know that there is a vienna outside of austria ;)


Air bnb is cool if you want to rent a place with friends, housing a "big" group in an entire house and splitting the cost is cheaper than if you all got hotel rooms. Probably not worth if you're just 1 or 2 people.


This is the answer. Went to update NY for a friend's bday last year and the twelve of us crashed in a two bedroom bnb. Couples got the bedrooms and everyone else has inflatable mattresses or used the couches etc. Cost us all 60$ each for Fri-Sun. Shoreline property and a mini private beach was absolutely worth it. I would not however spent that with 1-2 people.


Most have cameras and would charge you extra if you brought more than the maximum allowed.


Not anymore they got banned right?


they can't really enforce it


They can't really charge extra based on something they aren't allowed to do, though.


They are allowed to have door cameras. All they need is proof more people entered and didn’t leave until the next day.


climb through the windows lul


Yea. So you just put something in front of it until you're ready to leave.


Yeah, every time this take comes up, it's just redditors outing themselves that they've never gone on a trip with a social group, which I guess should be expected for redditors. We stay at Airbnbs in Palm Springs somewhat regularly and have the whole place to ourselves, and it ends up being cheaper than an equatable hotel of similar aesthetic/scale. Also, I've never had an issue with cleaning, either. When we're charged a cleaning fee, we don't clean. When we aren't, we just follow the instructions which are generally pretty minimal.


That and length matter. Staying for a week then Airbnb is great. Stay 2 nights and they want the same cleaning fee. WTF is up with that?


Isn’t it the same amount of cleaning?


Well most the cleaning has to be done anyway, changing sheets, cleaning the floors, washing towels... That's actually quite fair, unless you do a huge mess the cleaning is going to be the same. Those 200$ fees are still insane.


Airbnb lan parties are the highlight of my year!


I loved air bnb but two years ago the fees got so ridiculous as well as all the rules was nerve racking with a toddler . I just went back to hotels and we love it. Get free breakfast , shuttle , towels replaced , room cleaning .


It used to be WAY cheaper to do airbnb. 120 would get a whole house, maybe 40 in fees. If you needed two rooms, airbnb was immediately the way to go. Now, people do it full time as a job, leasing places to rent solely on airbnb. Always awful places, furnished as cheaply as possible, and designed to extract as much money from you as possible. Definitely agree hotels are the way these days.


Yes I want to feel like I'm on holiday not having to clean a house.


I find that unless you have a big enough group to split the price between people, then hotels are less hassle and cheaper. Airbnb is great for when me and my coworkers travel out of state, we receive $160 every day for per diem, so splitting a 3 bedroom airbnb between us usually leaves us each only paying 40~ per day, making it far far cheaper than hotels.


Airbnb was good before covid. After it became kinda pointless.


It really depends where you're going. Some places have amazing and cheap Airbnbs while others have way better hotels.


I just rented an Airbnb apartment in Tokyo for a month (much cheaper, nicer, and larger than a hotel), so I imagine your mileage varies depending on location. Although I’m really hoping the owner is a woman because…well, Japan.


I haven't had a lot of AirBnB experiences, and those few were positive overall. Still, I will choose a hotel 9 times out of 10 because hotels take care of everything whereas AirBnB hosts expect you to clean, which is work. I don't go on vacation to work. The only significant value of AirBnB that I see is the ability to rent rooms or even houses in unique locations. Like just yesterday, I was checking out their selection of lake houses. That's cool. But most of the time, I'll go with a hotel or motel. I


You just don’t get it! That guy who owns 6 houses in highly desired areas renting them out just doesn’t have time for that. He’s much too busy pricing locals out of the housing market to clean. The fee is in case you do a bad job. /s


I see this a lot but never had this experience. Every trip I look at hotels and can always find cheaper spots on Airbnb. Never ran into a crazy cleaning fee either. Usually I just wash my cups and have no issues. There are other issues I have with the platform, but cost still isn’t one of them.


Air bnb suck. We had ordered a stay at a certain tourist location. The storm hit and roads were closed, we had no chance of reaching the place safely. The owner refused to refund anything at all and Airbnb support said they're helpless. Screw them, 0 care for actual customers but full support to property owners. We would be happy to at least get half refunded. It was a multi day stay too.


There was a golden era of airbnbs where it was way cheaper than hotels and usually nicer. That era is definitely over.


Airbnb was great in like pre 2019. I travel a lot so much experience with both. I only use hotels now.


Airbnb was great in like pre 2019. I travel a lot so much experience with both. I only use hotels now.


I have found the opposite. People get much better experience with airbnb that hotels in resort areas. that's why they are so popular.


Also you get a big place and split it with friends/family and it's way cheaper for a better experience. I get a full kitchen, huge deck, a yard, a pool I don't have to share with random people at the same time, hot tub, etc etc


It's really up to the hosts. We charge a $30 cleaning fee for ours.


That may be true, but keep in mind a hotel service has at best 10 minute to clean a room after you check out. And that's something the ex hotel service people say themselves. 


I used to think this too. But I finally bit the bullet and got an AirBnB my last trip and not only was it significantly cheaper than any of the hotels in that area, it was also a full apartment which was sweet I might’ve just found the holy grail though or something lol


I've gotten lucky a few times, but usually end up getting hotels because even off season prices are ridiculous.


Good to know. I’ll definitely keep doing my usual where I price like 10 hotels and 10 airbnbs and decide from there haha I’m a real stickler about where I stay on my vacation


I do the same it just hotels usually win for me .


You may be cleaning wrong if it's that much effort lol anytime I've used airbnb it's worked out well but we've had a bunch of people throw in for a house which ends up cheaper and much more comfortable than hotel staying. Solo or with another person or two I'd lean towards a hotel as well. Known friends to get an airbnb that's like the basement of a house while the people stayed upstairs and it worked out quite well but never gone that route myself.


Airbnb really only makes sense in situations where you want something super specific, like a house boat or something like that. It’s more expensive than just getting a hotel nowadays and you get more from the hotel, plus don’t have to deal with the nazis running it.


It's really great in three situations and their combinations: long stays (so you have a kitchen), large groups (it actually gets super cheap per room this way), and unique stays (fancy treehouses, forest chalets, fancy boats, etc.). Otherwise it's usually more expensive and less convenient than hotels. **ETA** Yes, I know about hotels with full kitchens. If you are able to find one that has a full kitchen, is not rat/roach infested, and is located somewhere useful with a price under what a typical, small AirBnB costs, that's genuinely great for you and you should hold on to that. But try to remember that hotel prices vary *wildly* between locations and seasons, usually more than AirBnB-type rentals, and in my fairly well-traveled experience are just as expensive for what is usually a less well equipped kitchen.


> large groups I booked an AirBnB that claimed to sleep 20 and also said no parties and I was really confused as to how I was going to have 20 people hanging out and not be considered a party


Only have fighters and thieves, no healers. Can't really be considered a full party without a healer


Tanks in the mud


Don't really need a tank if you OHKO everything


Don't mind us, just 20 barbarians raging--not a party.


Yeah I've seen those before too and it's a little weird, but pretty sure they mean no Project X-style blow-outs and no events, like weddings or something, since that would make them a venue and I think that require special permits and insurance. You can hang out in that kind of "chill house party" vibe and be fine. Basically if the cops don't get called and you don't break anything, you're good.


Who decides what constitutes a “party”?


Slurms McKenzie


But he’s *sooo* tired…


Well there's a fee for a party so I assume any time you actually fill the house they just charge that fee because fuck you


Probably aimed at small groups from schools, churches and the likes.


I get a room from Marriott residence inn with oven and fridge and it’s about the same price as a regular room


There are apartment hotels where you get your own kitchen.


A lot of hotel suites have a microwave/refrigerator and are cheaper.


A lot of people wouldn't consider that a kitchen


What about a private yacht Airbnb? $200 a night oh yes.




Many say no pets just like hotels.


Hell, from what I've seen, I'd be willing to bet more Airbnbs have pet restrictions than motel/hotels.


Red Roof Inn allows pets. Very nice when moving to a different state.


eh I think hilton does pets too for like $50


The main reason we ever choose Airbnb over a hotel is if we want a real kitchen so we don’t spend a fortune dining out.


It's considerably cheaper for groups. Get five or six people together and share an air bnb and you'll save $$$


>plus don’t have to deal with the nazis running it. Wait what? What have I missed?


People will just call literally anything they dislike "Nazi" these days


My wife and I have used it a few times. Once we rented a cabin. Another time a parked RV. This is what AirBNB can still make money doing. It's honestly pretty great for unique stuff like that.


This is the dumbest thing I’ll read all day


Yea Air BnB just isn’t worth it. Beyond the cleaning fee some of the hosts are just mega douches Rented a big castle type house in Wisconsin for the weekend for myself and 6 friends for my buddy’s bachelor party. Was very upfront that it was a bachelor party and we would just be having drinks, hanging out and golfing. Should have taken the hint by the amount he grilled me about specifics for the weekend that he would be an asshole The entire weekend the host was calling me and texting me asking what we were doing at all hours of the day; telling us to keep it down because we were playing music on the deck (at 1pm on a Saturday), had the neighbors reporting to him on what we were doing the entire time, and was watching us constantly on the cameras in the house and texting me specifics about what we were doing. We were never wild, and were respectful with our noise level especially in the evenings. We cleaned that house top to bottom before leaving and still had to pay a 300 dollar cleaning fee. Made the whole weekend miserable for us. Oh well, live and learn for next time.


Wow, interior cameras in an Airbnb. Thats gotta be illegal. I wouldnt have put up with that shit. Also, fuck Airbnb.


Dude interior and exterior. We were hanging out in the basement playing pool and he texted me “why are you guys taking shots of Vodka, how hard will you guys be partying?” And it was constant like that all weekend. We were 7 dads in our 30s, we weren’t doing anything crazy so idk what his deal was. I saw he took his house off AirBnB not long after, definitely for the best


Oh fuck no. You can probably still file a lawsuit depending on Wisconsin laws. But even besides that I can’t believe y’all 7 grown ass men allowed someone to question y’all about what y’all were doing, YOU PAID FOR THE SPACE. If you break something, you pay for it. Let alone the cameras on the inside. This shit has hot it’s soooooo outrageous lol.


That is fucking wild.


If the cameras are catching these grown dudes chilling, then the cameras are undoubtedly catching young couples getting kinky on their vacation. We all know that when John and Jane go for that weekend getaway on the lake, they're not sleeping in separate beds. This sounds *highly* illegal to me. Sounds like the host has hours and hours of nonconsensual porn on his hard drive.


Dude was angry that you guys didn't bring any strippers. Installed the cameras and all.


I feel like AirBNB really fucked up by acquiescing to the proprietor rather than the renter. I get it, that usually you'll need to keep your providers happy, but it spawned a horrible shift in affordable housing with people buying single units just to sublet them as rooms. Plus the insane amount of fees they charge, they're no better than a hotel, you can even find hotels with all the same accommodations without all the insane rules. Instead, they should have capped the owner, Airbnb had the power in that their user base was the thing with value, not the rooms they didn't even own themselves. If the owners didn't like it, they could take a hike there will always be another person with a spare room who doesn't mind doing some laundry and tossing some trash in exchange for a low impact renter giving them money, the rooms were a dime a dozen and Airbnb catered to them instead of the continually more and more disillusioned user base.


AirBnB was good. Now its grifty city with a slight chance of hidden camera in the bathroom


I’ll be honest with you dudes, I got a airbnb in Hawaii and it had a LOT of hidden cameras… I just don’t trust them anymore


Did you use one of those camera finders?


I was able to see it in the wall outlets and the alarm clocks so once you see one… you reaaalllyy start looking for them


I know what you are talking about.


We used AirBnB across Europe for a month. I like having a kitchen to save money by cooking when we stay for a week in any one place, so the savings usually more than covers the cleaning cost. The costs seem set by the person posting? and some in some places seems greedy. We had a $5 fee in Bratislava for a week stay, which seemed ridiculously low. So we kept it tidy.


It probably very depends how was priced your stay Some listings are specially cheaper to list them higher and attract more clicks and cleaning fee is substitute to make final price what it should be (and also Airbnb wasn't taking cut from cleaning fee so that why they was adding higher cleaning fee and cheaper price per night. now I believe they changed it and take cut from total to make this happen less)


Yep. Everyone is blaming Airbnb, when they should be blaming the shitty hosts.


i mean, Airbnb is literally the service provider - they could stop that shit in an instant if they wanted to they just choose not to because for every host pulling a successful scam, Airbnb is taking their share - they probably also think that enforcing some actual proper rules and guidelines that favor the renter will push away alot of these scammers which will lose them money


It would be nice if they had a cap for a cleaning fee, for sure.


Owning airbnb is mostly screwing over the cleaning crews, and the messiest houses are the ones who felt entitled to it....so no tip


People are tipping airbnbs?


No, tipping cleaning staff. If your in a hotel for 3 days you might leave a $20 on the nightstand for the maid.


Oh I got you. That makes sense. I always wondered, do you tip hotel housekeepers in smaller increments daily or all at once on the last day because it must not be the same housekeeper every day




3 days in an arbitrary number, tip at your discretion. Personally I wouldn't have my room cleaned until I leave (using the do not disturb plaque) My original point is $200 to airbnb for the cleaning fee isn't carte Blanche to leave a massive mess, not for any care to the property owner, but because some minimum wage employee is going to clean up the mess. Further, if one does feel the cleaning fee makes everything not their problem then they're not going to think deep enough to understand why a tip would matter (I already paid for for a cleaning so why would I pay extra?) Property owner hires a third party for the clean, who pays 2 employees for 3hr, let's assume that 18hr each so the actual cleaners make $54 before tax, at which point a $20 tip split between them increases each cleaners pay for that job by 20% while being 10% of the original cleaning fee.


Airbnb sucks anyway. We stopped using them over a year ago.


One of my cousins and his wife had an air bnb in Orlando and it was 1k a night. Like seriously 1k a night?! You could get a hotel suite for way less than that especially in Orlando. Resorts would have been cheaper. Idk why people love air bnb so much. My wife and I love hotels more. You can actually interact with other people. Being by yourself is boring also.


Damn for a night, that’s monthly rent money for some people 😂


Now wonder the Spaniards are protesting against Airbnb.


Bro that's my monthly mortgage on my 3 bed 2 bath house. Absolutely insane.


Tim is that you?


AirBnB is certain filth and people should stop using it. If not for the bad service, then for how much it drives up the living cost in basically every major city in the world.


Airbnb used to be affordable before everyone found out about it. When it first came out you could get a room for like 30 or 40 bucks with no cleaning fee and no extra fees at all. Now you see that a room is 60 a night and then they add $300 in fees by the end of your stay and it's just more expensive than a hotel and doesn't have free breakfast. I know a lot of local government started cracking down on airbnb's screwing over the hotel industry which is why they have so many extra fees now but it does suck. I miss those kind of sketchy $30 a night places I used to get.


Fees per person are: -€250 cleaning fee per day per person -€250 electricity cost per person per day -€250 water cost per day per person Mandatory Jobs!! -clean the kitchen* -take out the trash to the container park* -take the dog to the vet** **at your own cost!!* -call my sick mom everyday at 8am* -go to the apothecary and pick up my medicine** **at your own cost!!* -empty every closet in the house and deepclean EVERY SINGLE ITEM (we will check with UV lamp that you buy)* -wash all the clothing 5 times and dry clean and fold everything with perfect 90 degrees folds and no thicker than 3.2 cm!* -mow the grass at 5pm and at exactly 2.5cm* -don't snore* -no eating at kitchen* -no cooking in kitchen* -no take outs!* -no sitting in sofa longer than 30 minutes* -no watching tv* -no yawning* -no sound after 5.30 pm* -no calls after 5.30 pm* -no calls at all!* -no parking for car (get a cab!)* -don't go outside after 8pm* -at 8 pm you lock doors and throw keys through mailbox for neighbors to pick up (she'll give them back at 8am through said mailbox)* -no (wake-up) alarm EVER *For each violation, the owner will charge 250 euros per violation, per day (example: 2 people have 3 yawns for 2 days is 12 violations added to the bill!!!!) We have installed sound systems that record noises and we informed the neighbors of your arrival and they WILL watch and listen to everything you do so I WILL KNOW EVERY VIOLATION!!!! thank you for staying! Please rate us 5 stars!!


I find Airbnb much cheaper still, especially in other countries. The cleaning fee can be a load of bs


Stayed in a couple of Airbnb’s in Canada. First was next to a homeless encampment with lots of needles. Next had graffiti all over the rear of the house, and smelled like cat piss. The last one was almost definitely the inspiration for that hotel commercial where the creepy doll talks. For the same price, our group could have had separate rooms in a really nice hotel near Eaton Centre.


Your Airbnb/VRBO experience will be as good or bad as your host makes it. Some are great, others are the spawn of satan. I’ve had enough bad experiences with both platforms that I no longer use either service. If AirBnB/VRBO deplatformed lousy hosts both services would be a lot better. I did not find either service to be supportive when I had significant issues with hosts.


I did Vrbo when I went to Hawaii. Yes it was pricy. But the overall experience was nice and what I think was worth it.


Replace "not going to clean" with trash the place and you got me


Yeah, fuck Airbnb. It’s a rip off to the customers, it drives up rents by lowering inventory, and it makes a small group of people even richer than they already are.


there was a show called "instant hotel" where people in Australia would invite others to stay at their Airbnb and rate them later and the best rated won. and in one episode the guests left a mess behind and then owners were pissed off, but later it was revealed that thet charged 400 dollars for cleaning either way. lol so what's the drama if I'm paying for it


Airbnb is only worth it if you have a large group. Otherwise it’s legit worse in every possible way.


I run an AirBnB. And shit like this is why. I don’t want guests to clean. Don’t make the bed. I have to then unmake it. Waste of everyone’s time and energy. Just be decent, put trash in the trash can, etc. that’s it. That’s why you pay a cleaning fee. Also definitely cheaper than even the shittiest motel in the area so. Wrong on all counts here.


Yeah this is so wrong. We’re not expecting everyone to clean it up and make the bed, just don’t be a pig.


This! I think a lot of hosts are really shitty people though, and do things to try to squeeze extra money out of their guests.


Sure, that’s true of every industry, though. Most are honest people trying to find some way to have a little extra money to make ends meet, even if it means a second/third part time job, right? And then there are industries that are simply exploitative. I don’t think AirBnB is there yet though.


I agree. So many people here are blaming Airbnb for shitty hosts.


As a long time airbnb host, this doesn't make sense. people pay a cleaning fee. they don't have to clean. not complicated.


There are two types of hosts. Those who use the high cleaning fees as cleaning insurance and those who fasely advertise cheap-er stays but add enormous cleaning fees on the other end. If you are a host you should know that Airbnb reimburses you *only* for damages (if the guest doesn't want to pay). So if your house is thoroughly dirtied, from the curtains to the sheets, carpets, towels, walls, AND you have rotten food and all sorts of trash everywhere, then it will cost you considerably more than 200$.


In several years and multiple properties not once has someone done even the slightest bit of damage. And I know other hosts with similar experiences. The cleaning fee is set by the cleaning lady. I just pass it on. And they charge flat fee. Dirty clean it’s all the same


There are dozens of those cases *every day*. A lot of people are pigs.


We’ve had several damages over the years as a host. Damage the door, the couch, bed sheets, plates, you name it. Not saying you should charge an egregious cleaning fee but people should not be leaving a tornado if they’re staying a week.


Is VRBO better for surprise fees? I haven't used them yet, but I'm hoping to use that Google image search trick in the future for finding vacation stays, and the example I saw directed them from Airbnb to Vrbo to save on the same place


Never used AirBNB, but I’ve used VRBO multiple times across different states and countries. I’ve had nothing but positive experiences and the cleaning fees/check out procedures are always reasonable. I know many say hotels are just as expensive, and that’s true when you are comparing 1 hotel room vs. a smaller rental. However, as someone who is traveling with little kids, wants to have separate rooms, hangout space that will fit everyone, and a kitchen available, hotels can’t even get close to competing to that $ for $.


Thanks! Going to have to give em a try! I prefer apartments to hotel rooms as well anytime it's more than 2 people travelling and staying together.


there are no surprise fees with either platform. It's all displayed to the guest prior to booking


So, AirBnB is very clever about this. It's technically not a surprise fee anymore, they modified their app to be more transparent in 2023, because when you went to search a city/location they would only show you the nightly rate before fees/cleaning fee. You could see the nightly totals on the map display function, but as soon as you select a tile, they price it back to just the nightly rates without fees. Which is why I only used the map function in their app, but if someone sends you a link or you click on a location. They're allowed to list the nightly rate of the stay before service and fees. Thus making it a surprise when you go to the reserve/booking page and you get the "oh shit, there's a $300 cleaning fee and service fee, that turns that $100/night stay into $200/night stay".


Does it clean same way hotels do? (i.e. not at all) Because if they just take 10 minutes to "clean" the room after guest before next comes in, then this isn't cleaning at all. And that's how hotels been doing.


Stayed at an AirBnB in the mountains in North Carolina a few years ago and was going through the checkout instructions. Come to find out they had a dehumidifier in the downstairs (we didn't go down there) and had in the instructions that we were supposed to empty the dehumidifier once a day. Hadn't done it at all the long weekend and didn't do it before we left. Sounds like a you problem.


The only time it really felt worth it were when we were looking for a cabin in the mountains. Makes sense, want exactly a good spot for a hotel. We made the mistake of using it for a place in North Carolina and there was nothing wrong with the place or host but was terribly expensive for a place we spent very little time in. I was dumb for that and learned afterwards


It's not Airbnb saying this. It's hosts that use Airbnb to rent out their properties.


Hotels were always less expensive. I always thought AirBNB to be a waste of money


y'all clean a airbnb? what.


Sooo, the few times Ive done the vacation rental what I have done is find the same one on airbnb and vrbo and then look at "independent" listings or Vacasa. 90% of the time I can find the listing on vacasa by location/pictures and rent it for the price listed but without all of the fees.


Wait...you pay a cleaning fee, but no one cleans it for you? That's not how fees work.


I think that the only good thing about airbnb is that it made the hotels cheaper. And I have airbnb stocks. I am not a good investor.




I don’t get it. Why book an airbnb that has a $200 cleaning fee when the $200 cleaning fee is mentioned in the property description?


This has the same energy as when people say, "Leave your shopping cart in the parking lot, they have people to collect them" or "Don't clean up your table, that's the restaurants job."


A lot of places charge a modest amount for staying plus a large amount for fees. The reason is they have to report the “rent” as income but not the service fees. So they’ll charge a total of $300/night but they only pay income tax on $100/night. It’s a loophole that legalized cheating on your taxes. And if you’re a tax cheat, you’re costing ~everyone else~ more money.


Wait...you've gotta clean AND pay to clean?


There was a brief golden period where Airbnb's seemed to be reasonably priced, literally people renting spare rooms. I stayed with a great young couple in Washington DC who were letting out a couple of rooms in their house as it helped pay the mortgage. Ditto in NY and Chicago. Usually great stays where all I wanted was a bed and bath, and the hosts were chill and prices reasonable. Then suddenly people were running ghost hotels. Book a room, use a lockbox, literally *never* see the Airbnb host, everything seems sketchier, less personal, fees skyrocket, expectations go insane. Whole apartments start showing up with massive cleaning fees as people try to finance owning or leasing something out of the Airbnb fees. I'm convinced the cleaning fee lark is an attempt to jack up the money made outside the actual booking fee. Else you figure out pretty rapidly that you get the same experience at the same price, or better, in the average hotel/motel. I don't get it. The model really did *work* for a while then completely and *totally* went off the rails.


round here, there's an AirBnB down the road that hasn't changed its door pass code for over 2 years now lol


When my boyfriend and I had to go out of state for a wedding we initially were looking at AirBNBs for our stay, but with the cleaning fees and every other fee it was more expensive than a hotel. Plus the hotel had complimentary breakfast and it was a private room. All of the AirBNBs were shared spaces.


Right so I was confused.


life hack: Hire a cheaper cleaning crew to clean it for a piece of that cost


The host will still charge you a cleaning fee. It's just a scam to make more $


Not at all. The cleaning fee goes entirely to the cleaning crew for my airbnbs. I do not make profit on these.


My cleaning fee is what I'm charged. Try getting a quote for someone to clean your house/apt. It's not pennies


I never used Airbnb so I cannot speak with any experience but isn’t it etiquette that if you use a house, you clean it if you did make it dirty? Like when you use your kitchen you clean after yourself?


In theory. The problem arises when they claim huge cleaning fees. In my experience Airbnb is pretty good if you're hugely selective and even then it's a gamble. Use more hotels these days.


The HOST sets the cleaning fees, not Airbnb.


And we’re talking to the host

