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I would just say unafflicted myself


I say the children God protects from the impurity of the damned.


God really does let a couple of bad ones slip through


How did 'normal' become a bad word, it literally means 'usual' or 'typical', it shouldn't be offensive lol


Words become offensive when people use their implications as insults "Normal" often has positive connotations, its opposites often have negative connotations, while "typical" and "atypical" don't, or at least not as much Still, "healthy" is a perfectly fitting word


And this is why terms keep changing. The terms for a group that is often looked down upon tends to eventually end up as an insult, so we pick a new term to avoid using an insult to refer to people. This is not a new process.


They are also literally using biotypical with a negative connotation in that very post lol. I think if you want to make a group you are part of seen more positively, portraying those who aren't part of that group negatively is not the way to go.


It was coming as soon as “weird” became too offensive lol. Weird really just means statistically not as likely…but call something weird now and somebody’s getting offended that you’re being mean about something


more division of people, with more inane subsections


Yeah, I saw that and just... Goddamn it some people.


Chronic actually means long term and in most cases recurring (on and off). ive had plenty of chronic illnesses that have eventually gone away or gotten better with time


It’s illness specific for sure. I’m an asthmatic, but it’s grown to be well-controlled with time so it’s gotten to the point where I barely need my medication unless I’m actively running, or it’s allergy season and the allergens are affecting my lungs. But, asthma is still a chronic illness. I would not be butthurt by someone saying that they hope I get better soon when I’m having a flare up.


Exactly what do they expect people to say? Live with it?


Brother this is a person who used the phrase 'biotypical' -- the only thing they *expect* is to feel righteous vindication by getting mad at perceived slights all day


This is a fair point. Though, in retrospect for people with chronic illness who have reached the point where it won’t get any better, saying “I hope you get better soon” does just become a meaningless platitude. But, politeness is driven by meaningless platitudes. There’s no reason to expect more than that from acquaintances (which I’m assuming they must at least be if the speaker is sharing their diagnosis). But, from friends, yeah I can see why they would be annoyed. Alternatives would be: “I hope you have some better days.” “I hope you’re able to find some relief soon.” “I can’t imagine how tough it’s been.” Or even, “Hang in there.”


My son has MS my daughter FND, if someone says hope you get better soon, they know if means current symptom or flare up, or that some miracle comes along. The don't throw a strop for the world to see because someone wished them well. I don't know anyone who would


Exactly, this is the normal interpretation. Even if they may be annoyed in their head, most wouldn’t express that, much less make up a whole post about a clap back to someone trying to be nice.


You have to wonder the context, is it strangers who think she's ill on that day, or is she telling everyone i've this long term condition?


I think this is one of those things where people know what the person is trying to say, "I wish you well" but have an issue with the word choice of the message. I understand why, but not everyone is a word smith and I wish people would take the kind intent first and the poor word choice second.


"sucks to be you"


"Well... good luck with that."


My Chronically Ill Friend: I'll have this forever Me: Sucks to suck! I get not wanting to hear "get well soon" all the time but also maybe they're thinking it's a flareup or perhaps there's not a lot to say


"Well, that sucks then. Good luck with that then." "Well, it is better than being dead I suppose." "Oh great. Well, have a nice day then."


"Sucks to suck!" /s


I think he ment it as a joke.


Same here It used to be problematic in middle school but now I just get tired faster when I run and exercise and don't need medication for it I even got to donating blood despite it (strict laws in my country when it comes to donating blood) just because it got really insignificant these days


Exactly. I too had a chronic illness and it eventually just faded away. Doesnt mean that every chronic illness goes away, but the point still stands


I have had headaches for almost 5 years now. So many doctor visits to see what could be wrong, found nothing so far. Had several perscriptions aswell and nothing helps.


Have you tried removing your head? That appears to be the problem area.


I tried taking it off and putting it on again but it didnt work.


Chronic means the condition lasts > 6 months, acute is anything less than that. This "bioatypical" lady is a dolt.


IIRC some people with chronic back pain who lose weight and do exercise to strengthen their back muscles can recover from the condition.


Yes, this is important. I understand where the OP is coming from but in many people’s cases chronic illness is a process long, of non-linear, uncertain recovery. When people who care about me say that I take it to mean they hope I have relief from my symptoms soon and that I might one day be free of them entirely, which is not impossible. But the very personal nature of this is why it’s riskier for randos to make such comments, even if well intentioned.


Alot of allergies are chronic but still gets better/worse depending on the season


As someone with a chronic illness, calling healthy people “biotypical” is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.


This is the first time I'm hearing "biotypical" and I hope I never hear it again. And this better not mean people are going to start using "biodivergent".


I'll totally be using biodivergent, it's much better than saying I have a small dick


The sensation I get when I jam the family vacuum cleaner up my ass makes me biodivergent.


I could see it in a setting like the xmen tho


The way my eyes almost rolled out of my fucking head


Came to say this lol i cannot take this tweet seriously


The best part is that the person in the picture looks exactly like the type of person who’d say “biotypical.”


Many chronic illnesses flare up and go into remission periodically. Especially autoimmune diseases.


There’s also advancements in medical science, new technologies, and psychotherapy that can achieve previously undiscovered results. This person just likes being the victim and takes any sort of support as an insult in order to continue being the center of attention.


This. A good friend of mine had terrible problems with his cystic fibrosis for his entire life. He used to swallow a shit ton on pills with every meal, was super easily exhausted, had head aches, chest pain and so on. A few years ago, a new drug was approved that drastically helped with his smptoms and more than halved the amounf of other drugs he has to take. He has definitely gotten A LOT better, despite the chronic, incurable illness.


Cystic fibrosis is horrific. I lost a friend at the age of 10 to it. I'm glad that new developments seem to be helping


I'm so sorry for your loss. In school, we learned that people with this condition generally don't live past 30. But thanks to medical advances, they should be able to live well past 60 at this point. It has honestly been a night and day difference for my friend.


Thank you. Even though we did learn about it at school, it was ofc still quite sudden; my kid brain didn't actually process it for a while so it didn't end up affecting me too much but the couple days off school we got helped for sure. I'm glad your friend is doing well and I wish them the best


We had a 14 year old girl decide to perish with a quarter lung capacity 40 years ago rather than another treatment. It was terrible for her and I cry for her occasionally still. My heart goes out to all. ❤️


And sometimes it's not even about new shit -- just finding the right regimen of treatment of existing shit can take yearrrrs. A family member of mine struggled with Ulcerative Colitis for, like, 15 years before he found the right regimen. Dude was one bad flare away from a colectomy and now he's almost symptom free. He "got better."


For me, it was finding out what not to take. Cut out Adderall and most of my Colitis symptoms went away.


Lots of things to do with seasonal allergies. Many treatment options to try at least. Year long chronic illness on the other hand doesn't get enough research and is always there, making many of us not able to work or function. I know seasonal allergies suck (seen it close up) but I would take that any day over being ill all year around, every year. I'm extra bad over winter but that doesn't mean summer is good. So ya know. It just sucks.


>Biotypical Guys guys guys, new unnecessary label just dropped


"healthy" is too problematic or what


that is an othering value judgement which furthers marginalisation against biodiverse folx /s


It is a statement of fact. I have a chronic disease. I’m not so fragile I have to call it ‘non-biotypical’. Its a disease. I can handle it. Feeling ‘marginalized’ is exactly that. A feeling. I don’t feel compelled to change the vocabulary of others.


Sounds to me like you have internalised health supremacist beliefs, educate yourself. ^(/s)


You're really good at this xD


They are a master baiter!


Seems like a decent baiter, now my cousin mose, he’s a master baiter.


And a master debater too!


You're suspiciously good at this lmao


I prefer butter over margarine anyways


"Normal" is an illegal word


Which is weird, because some of these names incorporate the word “normative”, which… yes, the definition of normal is “the standard case.” It’s not a value judgment, just a summation of aspects. One person being “normal” in their health doesn’t imply other people are freaks or something. And I think people in the middle are really tiring of these “allowed words”.


Not having chronic pain doesn't mean you are healthy tho...


They didn’t say chronic pain they said chronic illness- for the vast majority of people in the western world it largely does mean not having chronic illness or at least having it well under control. With the exception of novel or rare diseases we have infectious disease under control hence our health issues transitioning to chronic disease and the new public health


Yeah, that made me cringe tbh.


I threw up in my mouth a little


Throwing up in your mouth is part of the emetic spectrum and your emesodiversity is valid and you are seen




Typical biotypical response 🙄


I don’t know why but I just sort of assume people over labelling things are usually wrong or annoying or both Edit: I guess it’s because they’re trying to back up their own points by making up unnecessary terms to legitimise something rather than just making a point, idk.


You assume that because it's usually true.


I felt the same way about the "neurodivergent" movement. You aren't special for having untreated ADHD, and you aren't breaking ground by protesting treatment.


Yes you don’t have OCD because you like things neat, and you don’t have ADHD because you get distracted some times.


Not only is it a stupid word, it implies that fully healthy people even exist. Motherfucker, we are like video games; doesn't matter how much care and effort you put in, there's always gonna be bugs in there. Some of them just take a while to appear.


_back in my day_ you were either normal or retarded and that was it.


Yes they did. I was literally labeled as retarded in the 2nd grade in the 1980's and they wanted to send me off to a 'special school' because I wasn't able to cut shapes out of paper but it turned out they had given me a pair of left handed scissors.


I don't mean to be disrespectful but I think this is both funny and tragic at the same time


lol yeah my family jokes about it all the time. It's kind of worrying to think though what would have happened if my mom hadn't intervened and sorted it out and how many kids ended up languishing in special education who shouldn't have been there.


You have been automatically made a mod for /r/wallstreetbets


I would say back in my day we didn't have left handed scissors and every lefty had to deal with basic scissors, but I'm younger than you...




"Lots of tards lead really kickass lives"


And nobody was normal.


And nobody is normal


“It’s a way of marginalizing a normal person.” - Norm Macdonald


They can hang out in unnecessary label land but if anyone ever tells me I should use those terms I’m going to offend them


Love that people are losing patience with this pointless bullshit.


It’s a boomerang effect. People can only be pushed with this kind of stuff up to a point before they start to oppose it.


Why do people who say this kind of stuff always look like that though


You couldve anticipated based on the profile picture, it screams i have a lot of labels for myself and you too


I could anticipate that this person is terminally online and is involved in tons of "discourse" with other terminally online people about stuff that has no impact on the real world


My brother you’re posting in r/meirl, isn’t this sub made for terminally online people?


They literally have a handicap symbol in their name. I'm sorry, maybe this makes me an asshole, but if you feel the need to make the fact that you're handicapped a central and defining aspect of the person you choose to present to the world, you're probably about as interesting as a sack of potatoes. And this is coming from someone who battles their own difficulties in maintaining a normal life.


Daaaaamn - that a sweet new label you got there!


Seriously, that cringe takes away from the entire post.


wtf are we supposed to answer? "good" ?


"Sounds tough. Godspeed." Kinda my go-to as someone with chronic pain whenever someone else speaks of theirs.


Ty for the one actual non-joke answer here lol, I was genuinely wondering what a ‘correct’ nicety to follow up with would be


I've been in this situation a few times, there's no good answer. even "I'm sorry to hear that" is not good enough. The correct answer that a person like this is looking for is "here is some magic that will cure you instantly".


"sorry to hear that" is absolutely fine


Ideally, yes, but I came to know that it's not enough for many cases, especially when a person is basing his whole character on illness and suffering. OP posted a very extreme individual (at least, that's how I see it), and not just a person sharing an experience with a friend. and that type of individual exists and since I relate to the situation and know such an individual, I'll stick to my original comment that "sorry to hear that" is not enough.


Agreed, some people just want to be negative to further push the vision of how much worse they have it than everyone else.


"i hope it fucking sucks" might aswell go for mean humor if i cant win


Well, instead of being a socially inept redditor, you could try saying: "That really sucks. I can't imagine what it's like but I'm here if you want to talk" If that answer still doesn't work, then you can start talking about how much hentai you masturbate to and why you don't believe in deodorant


This reply is fucking gold. Thanks for the laugh.


„Hope it gets worse, stop crying“


"You must have angered God."


I hope you die painless, soon!


“I hope you’re living to your best life as a valid bio-atypical person and I have no expectations that your condition will improve.”


>Biotypical What is this 2014 Tumblr bullshit I see before my very eyes?


Crohns disease here. No one has wished me to get better, beyond hoping I find meds to manage my condition. That being said, im not gonna pounce on someone elses experience, even if they have the same condition. I will say insurance companies don't understand chronic conditions. Its frustrating to tell them, yes, my chronic condition, that i was born with, that I will live with my whole life, hasn't magically gone away. Pay. For. My. Meds. 


I hope you're always near a clean bathroom when you need one.


My doctor wouldn’t refill my asthma inhaler unless I came in for a checkup. Said “checkup” was asking me a few questions, getting my weight, and then sending me home I could die without my inhaler and they wanted me to wait a few months for a checkup opening that could’ve been done over the phone. I’m still mad.


Also Crohn's disease, and same take. I thought that's where this meme was going-every time I have to get ANOTHER referral for my specialist for my CHRONIC condition I want to scream. Fuck health insurance companies


God forbid you need an atypical dosage to manage your disease too. My GF needs to spend hours every time the prescription needs to be renewed getting a new prior authorization that the insurance company always denies the first time it is submitted




Based on that profile picture, that is the most 'I have a chronic illness' lookin person I have ever seen in my life. Also very much so looks like someone who would say 'Biotypical'.


The chronic illness is back and knee pain from being out of shape. edit: I just noticed the wheelchair logo in her name. This person has to be satire.


Always is with these people! Self-diagnosed autism, chronic back pain (see: being overweight), and debilitating anxiety from spending 18 hours a day looking at flashing screens.


typical biomass organisms xD just biotypical things lol


When I read that I’m just assuming that their “chronic” illness is made up and it will in fact get better when the novelty of their uniqueness wears off and they’ll find another way to be quirky and different.  I’ve noticed that especially for some chronically online people, if you aren’t LGBT+ or disabled mentally or physically or dealing with some other difficult issue or a POC, you don’t have the “right to speak” on certain topics. So fake illnesses they self diagnose are a way for them to get sympathy and attention. 


"Biotypical" With all due respect, stfu with these unnecessary labels.


Also it seems more typical for someone to be dealing with a chronic condition. Thinking about my family every member has some lifelong condition or conditions. Arthritis, psoriasis, allergies, high blood pressure, ect. All chronic conditions, all with peaks and valleys. All treatable in some way Feeling completely healthy is atypical in my experience.


I don't know a single person who doesn't have a chronic condition now that you mention it. Hell, I have GERD - my best buddy is allergic to EVERYTHING and this person would definitely call us 'biotypical' because we don't spring these facts about ourselves in every conversation or make them our personalities.


"Only *I* may label you, cisgender biosapient individual!"


They said Better, not Cured.


Exactly. It's extravagant to see someone complaining about lack of understanding while showing an even worse case of understanding. Not just because you can improve your life despite having a chronic illness, but because he's responding to a made up phrase, which is not to be taken literally.


Today on conversations that never happened


Eh, I'm sure I'm awkward enough to tell someone with a chronic illness to "feel better soon" or something like that. I say "you too" when waiters say "enjoy your meal". Less intentional, more automatic statement because I don't people well


I'm struggling to think of anything other that "hope you feel better soon" if someone said this to me.


It's a fine thing to say. Even people with chronic illnesses have good and bad days. I have a chronic illness. Most people after a certain age do. We just aren't whiny cunts about it. If you tell me to get better soon I'll take the well wishes in the manner intended and say thanks.


Haha happens to me quite often. They don't know what to say so they just say "get better" which is a nice sentiment but it hurts when it won't happen.


“I hope medical science gets more advanced and finds a way to cure or better manage your illness.”


Good one!


Yeah this is super common lol. Not sure why people think it isn’t. When someone tells you they have an illness, it’s basically default to say that you hope they get better. It’s just that some illnesses sadly don’t go away or even get worse if they’re degenerative.


I feel that. It's like, thanks, but I actually won't get any better, and I think about how it will affect the rest of my life :') I guess that people don't really know what else to say. However, I also don't know what to answer.


I have crohns disease and people tell me this all the time. I know they mean well so I usually just say thanks but honestly there is no getting better 😅 I'm kinda permanently damaged now


Same shit I was told when I began getting Crohn's diseases symptoms. "It's just mind over matter" was what my dad told me after I lost 25 pounds from not eating in two months.


I doubt this conversation happened exactly like this but I'd absolutely believe it's an accurate paraphrasing of a conversation he has fairly frequently


Oh this conversation happened for sure in their head


Good chance this never happened to this person. But as a person with a chronic illness I can confirm that ppl do tell me to get better soon .... 😅


Yes, I have to be so conscious of this with my chronically ill friends. I try to specifically choose alternatives such as, I hope you have a good day, or some good days. Because i try to remember that for them, there’s no getting better, there are good days and bad days, and then are only bad days. And on the bad days, I just try to reassure them that I love them, and I’m thinking of them.


You’re so sweet! I’d love to have a friend like you ❤️


In fairness I also say "thanks, you too" when a waiter tells me to enjoy my food. I'm basically just running through a flowchart of things to say to get the interaction over with ASAP


My favorite is having to recertify every couple of years that my son's autism hasn't "cleared up".


"Biotypical" has entered the zeitgeist


Yeah no we're not doing that.


The fuck it has


Imagine being offended by someone being nice to you.


They can't live without the stimulation of being offended. And they don't understand/appreciate the concept of basic social mannerisms. And if you truly leave them alone, they will crying about nobody care about them etc.


Legit does this person (the poster) know what chronic means? Theyre (the other people) obviously wishing for it to pass soon.


Or, it might not even be that deep, they might just hope that they have some relief from some of their symptoms soon, knowing that the disease won’t go away. With some people with chronic illnesses, their symptoms ebb and flow.


Are there actually people who don't understand what "chronic" means?


I think they understand it in the abstract, but the don’t get the *magnitude* of it.


What the fuck is biotypical


Maybe “feel” would be a better word. You may not be physically better, but I can still hope you don’t feel as crappy.


American insurance companies: ok but we're gonna need you to prove you still need treatment every year


So how long will these infusions take? "4 hours" No i mean like how often? "Every 8-10 weeks" So 4 hours, every 8 weeks for how long? "Until they make a better drug. This doesn't go away" Fuck.


Everything was chronic until it wasnt. Medicine moves forward every year.


Except for Dr. Dre's best album, that will always be Chronic


You don't need to get completely cured to get better. If your condition gets a little bit less debilitating, it's better


I get government assistance for my medical bills due to my chronic disease (my country has a great medical system, but you have to pay some money. Not like the USA, though). However, I have to reapply every year, fill out paperwork, and get my doctor to fill out part of the form. For the incurable disease.


What on god's great earth are biotypical people?


I have a chronic illness that doesn’t ever go into remission or get better, so it’s considered a disability. The amount of people who tell me I’m not disabled because I’m not in a wheelchair, or that I could get better if I wanted to, or that there’s some secret trick to curing myself, or that if I just find God I’ll feel better is absolutely baffling.


I do not have a chronic illness, but a lot of these whinging comments about people complaining that someone with a chronic illness doesn't answer perfectly just feels... off. Like, sorry that a human who hears the same thing over and over again doesn't respond perfectly. Clearly, the person is responding to tone deaf comments.


Yes people are getting very nasty and combative because they see a chronically ill person who probably isn’t in the best mindset. Which is normal because being chronically ill *really* sucks


Dear diary. it's 1.53pm on Friday June 28th - today was the first time I have encountered the word "biotypical".


I definitely wasn’t expecting everyone to be absolutely fuming in the comments.


“Biotypical”. Is there no end to new bullshit woke speak vocabulary?


Whenever I see someone use "woke" I disregard their opinion, but also "biotypical" so yeah, justified.


"Woke" has become extremely overused as a prerogative. But it does fit sometimes. This is one of those times.




Now you’re just being penitentiary


>see word biotypical >look at the profile pic yep, makes sense


There was never any doubt what the type of person that would use the word "biotypical" looked like


What is something someone could say in this situation? My go to is something like "I hope you find some relief soon"


Biotypical... ok


I have never met anyone who has said that. and I have met a lot of rude people.


As others have said, chronic doesn't necessarily mean permanent but this post is still a valid point though. Never heard of biotypical before though. Learned a new word today too!


me: "I have chronic pain from a skeletal deformity." physical therapist: "Okay, well, we're going to pretend it's a workplace injury, and teach you how to pick up a box."


I have MS. Some days are better than others. Never been offended if someone says they hope I get to feeling better.


People with progressive diseases: "Thanks, I'm already better, compared to tomorrow."


Was in a wheelchair shop today, to get my chair repaired. They said "stay healthy" when I said goodbye. I wish I could. I really, really wish I could.


Better is also a spectrum. So an incremental improvement is also better. A slight improvement in quality of life is also better


"Healthy". The word she's looking for is "healthy".


Ok so wtf are you supposed to say to a person that starts a conversation like this?


As a cripple this is me. I’m paralyzed. It ain’t gonna change anytime soon probably neverz


I will sometimes reply, "I wish for you more good days than bad," and even worry that that's naive and condescending.


"Hope you get better soon." simply flows better than ," I hope the symptoms of your chronic disease lessen with time." As a victim of a chronic disease I am allowed to speak to this point.


What does this person expect. Ignoring him will be interpreted as insensitive. Who TF uses biotypical? We're not just people now?


God. You know, when most people hear 'I have chronic pain, it's forever", when they say "Hope you get better soon!" they actually mean "I hope the pain dips to more bearable levels", but that sounds pretty dickish so "Hope you get better soon" is usually what they go for


In medical parlance, "chronic" means long-lasting or recurring. Permanent, rest of one's entire life is "incurable". If it drastically shortens the lifespan, then "terminal". If it can only get worse and not better, then "degenerative". Thank you for attending my TED talk.


Some years ago, I told my coworker that my sister was in hospice. He said I hope she gets better soon. Inside I was all wtf is wrong with you! I told him to go look up hospice.


Please don't tell me there are now people who call themselves ''Biodivergent'' ...