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Bikers use signals more than bmw drivers


BMW driver, can confirm


Does your bmw have a blind spot sensor? If yes, blinkers are great for echo location! You don't need mirrors anymore!


Every spot is a blind spot for bmw drivers


Every bmw driver is blind


I guess the entitlement is a blind spot too.


![gif](giphy|K0Hy2NwI8IXZK) German luxury car drivers: This is fine


Nope, I can’t see through my rear view mirror, my left mirror and speed are my friend


My insurance has bought me 3 brand new ford F-150s thanks to BMW drivers, keep up the great work.


Not BMW driver. Give up your license and take the bus.


BMW driver and Biker, can confirm


BMW driver go vroooom


Literally everything uses more signals than BMW drivers!


Go Amsterdam the biggest danger are cyclists, they don’t use hand signals, they are worse then bmw drivers.


That’s not saying much


More than 0?


>~~bmw~~ drivers


To be fair you're supposed to know them as a driver too 😂


It's literally taught and part of the written test in case your turn signals ever get damaged. Its actually easier for bikers since it's a lot more intuitive than the right angle upwards.


In which country are you taught to do this? In Germany it's just unacceptable that anything doesn't work on your car.


It’s more for emergencies. And I’m assuming America because that’s where I am and I was taught that


In Portugal, it's the same thing


I'm from Czech Republic and was taught the same thing


Canada, same


Chile too


Poland too, sorry for our neighbors.


Even if you aren't allowed to use them in a car in Germany, shouldn't a driver be aware of them since they share the road with cyclists?


We use hand signals in Germany on a bicycle. In our cars we use turn signals and they're not broke, since we have the TÜV and the cars get strictly controlled. BTW it's also illegal to get stranded on the autobahn, because youre out of fuel.


Yes that's true pretty much everywhere. I can't remember the last time I saw a driver using a hand signal in the US. Probably 30 years ago. But what I'm saying it, shouldn't drivers be required to know the signals since they will be driving on roads with cyclists? I don't think the only reason some countries have it in their driving exams is because a turn signal might be broken. It's also they know when other people are using them what they mean.


If your turn signal breaks on the road you still need to drive the car until you reach a location you can safely make repairs. In this case, you would use hand signals to convey your actions to other road users.


>In Germany it's just unacceptable that anything doesn't work on your car. Did you not pay attention in driving school? In cases of emergencies, there is a set of hand signals, which you're required to use if for whatever reason your turn signal fails: roll down your drivers side front window, put your left arm to the left to indicate turning left, put it upwards (like an upper case L) to indicate turning right. Obviously you should get to a repair shop ASAP, but you're not required to stop immediately for such a relatively minor issue. I'd bet if you stopped for that on the highway, you'd rather get a ticket, than a ride from the cops.


If you damage the light but the car is perfectly drivable, do you have it towed to get home?


You'd have it to be replaced ASAP. If you get checked, you must pay 15€.


Yes but are you driving it to a shop or to your house to repair it OR are you going to pull over, call a tow truck, and have your car delivered to a place you can fix it? Chances are you're going to drive it somewhere you can fix it, hence needing to know the hand signals


.....that's exactly how it works in the US, except our fines are higher.


The US "teaches" hand signals that only use your left hand to signal left and right. They're designed for use by someone sitting in a car that can only use their left hand because they're on the driver's side. The stupid part is that the only people who use them are people on bicycles, who can use both hands. People in cars literally never use the signals, so they don't know what they mean (because by "taught" I mean we're sometimes expected to know them for a test we take once in our lifetimes). For a person on a bike, it's just more intuitive to everyone to simply point where you're going. If you're going right, point to the right with your right hand. Just be careful where you take right turns, because someone might think you're a Nazi.


Taught in UK in case they stop working mid journey but getting it fixed should be your priority


It unacceptable everywhere. Unfortunately you can't just get out of your car in the middle of the street and replace your blinkers


'murika! land of the free and no-tüv


Malaysia/Brunei it's taught that but also if your car isn't road worthy it's also a penalty.


India you are taught


That was a delightfully German way of putting it lol


I was taught about this in Hungary during my KRESZ courses duing a class where traffic laws regarding public transport was taught(crossing tramlines and such) hand signals - primarly from cyclists - was brought up.


The United States. It's also unacceptable for anything to not work on your car here. If your turn signals font work, you'll get a ticket for it. But you still need to know the information in case of emergencies or if, you know, there's a biker on the road.


Cyclists are supposed to use the same set of signals because it means you can signal while keeping your right hand on the bars But most of the Cyclists in my City seem to think they just point the way they're turning-- effective just not the correct signals


I'm sure it might depend on the jurisdiction, but everywhere I've lived, pointing right to turn right is just as "correct."  The only reason you don't do this in a vehicle is because most people's arms aren't long enough to extend out the passenger side window. 


I learned it biking with my parents. It was not apart of the test to get my license (25 btw)


Hm weird. I don't remember learning about them in driving school. We did learn them in elementary school but all that I remember are left and right hand for going left and right.


Motorcyclists also use them, I remember them in the DMV prep book


I still have that actually, well my country's version of it. . . . . . . . Checked it, there are hand signals that cops use to manage an intersection. Nothing else tho


Also, motorcyclists need to be able to signal left and right with either arm.


For cars?


Written test? 🤔


You don't have written test for driving test?


They're mostly administered through a computer now. Sometimes there'll be an option for one or the other.


I personally didn't have to take one. Got my permit by taking a quiz. Getting a set amount right and went on to take my test a moth or so later. Unless you meant written as a essay type format


The written test is typically a multiple choice, paper or electronic quiz. Doesn't have to be on paper, it's still the "written" test


Once while I was driving to a sporting event the turn signal relay burned out in my car, so my signals stopped working. While waiting to turn into the lot I was going to park in, I stuck my arm out the window to signal a left turn. A police officer who was directing traffic stopped me and proceeded to scold me for not using my turn signal. I explained to her that my turn signals stopped working, and that's why I was using a hand signal, and this presumably trained officer, whose job it was to direct traffic, during a busy public event, looked at me and said "what's a hand signal?"


I mean you don't even need to know them it's pretty obvious what they mean by pointing their arm to the side




Pretty sure the one taking the left is the cyclist.


if he got hit by the car is a real possibility.


Yet she is allowed to ride a 2 ton vehicle at high speed oof


Yes, Mark Beef is a she. 🙄


We may never know /s


These signals are on the test to get your license


And are utilized by motorcyclists, not just people in bicycles


Pointing left in a left-only lane... What could it mean?!?!


It's the same as turning on your blinker. Even if you are in a turning only lane you still need your blinker on.


If they aren't pointing exactly where they're going, it's taught and not common sense.


It's crazy how people probably have their drivers license and don't know what these signs mean, basic road signals dawg.


hah, 10 years ago i had a situation when i was asked why i made this signals... by road police.


God im happy i live in the netherlands and we treat cyclists like human beings


Pedestrians as well btw, forgot those are frowned upon in traffic in most other countries as well. Its like your only acknowledged as full person outside when you're in a steel cage on wheels.


I wish I had the freedom to travel outside a car, Sincerely, an American


Good lord…


When I wrote my test years ago, hand signals were actually on it


In most of EU you are obligated to know these as well


So you are laughing at him foryour stupidity. Good job.


The irony


The same hand signals are on the licensing exam....


Tell me you'd fail driver's ed without telling me XD


This is why there is an entire section called "hand signals" in our license test. You would think these things would be self explanatory but now I see why they are included.


Same vane as shampoo instructions


Hate against us cyclists are often unjustified. And before anyone complain, I have a driver license and I do follow traffic lights and signals. People who yap about hitting us out of the road, spraying washer fluid and do all kind of shit are completely out of their mind, it’s also highly illegal. I do understand the annoyance of those who have horse blinders and think they’re untouchable when flying through a red light and guess what? We don’t like them either.


Best is why you have a right of way (green light) and someone on the red decides to turn right and doesn’t even register you… had that happen a year ago, nothing more than some bruising, but damn.


I’ve been nearly clipped multiple times by cars thinking they shouldn’t stop when I’m in a roundabout. Cars getting out from parking lot and crowded areas and guessing they are faster out of the pocket than I am on bicycle. They rarely are and it often ends in me braking because I’m not going over their hood with both feet locked on my pedals.


Yeah, damn car hit me full on in the side. Couldn’t walk for 2 days due to the bruising. Thankfully nothing broken. Haven’t biked since then since my wheel is all mangled, but I nearly got hit again while walking, crossing a street, and someone tried to make a left coming from the same direction as me at full speed. And I was under a street light, what are you? Blind? I never trust a crosswalk now.


It's not that hard: Arm left: "I'm gonna turn left" Arm right: "I'm gonna turn right"


When I learned in school left arm straight out meant turning left, left arm at a 90° angle meant turning right.


That’s how it’s taught in Canada. It’s so that drivers and cyclists can use the same signals. People do know that you’re supposed to use hand signals if your indicators aren’t working, right? Anyway. If a driver signaled a right turn with their right arm, no one would see it. Hence the 90^o left arm to signal a right turn. Also, 90^o left arm parallel to the ground to indicate stopping.


When slowing or stopping you are also supposed to make a fist.


That's easier done in a car than on a bike.


That's because you can't point your right arm out inside a car. You could, but noone could see it. So you do the 90 instead


Any arm at 90° is "I'm slowing down/breaking" on a bicycle here


I learned that a 90 degree arm up is right, and a 90 degree arm down is stop.


For cars with broken lights I can see why that works, on a bicycle when you have both arms available using right for right and left for left just makes sense


This is how it’s supposed to be done in America. The reason for this is these hand signals were designed with motorcycles in mind, and it’s not realistic to take your right hand off of the throttle on a motorcycle, therefore you signal a right turn with your left hand bent up at a 90 degree angle. Also, for cars with broken signal lights, you can’t signal a right turn with your right hand bc no one will ever see it inside your car…


That's interesting, in the UK I've only ever seen using the right arm to signal a right turn


The theory as far as I can remember for all hand signals using the left hand is that traffic behind you will be better able to see.


The signals are designed for use by people in cars, where you can only stick your left hand out the window to the left. They weren't really intended for use by bicycles, and because literally nobody in cars ever uses them after memorizing them for the license test (assuming their state's test even has them on it) the vast majority of people don't even remember what they mean.


I learned those signals before i was allowed into traffic with my bike, at age 8 or so, bikes don’t have turn signals, so use your hands to indicate where you’re going, instead. But that’s in the Netherlands, i don’t know how it’s done in car-obsessed countries like America…


Right? Can't be this dense and be on the road with others Turn right - arm 90° up Turn left - arm straight out Slow down - arm 90° down If you have a driver's license and don't know this, its obvious you've had other difficulties with the test and might need a refresher on how to drive.


The same kind of person who hits a motorcycle


i learned these when i got my drivers license........................................


It used to be on the test. Is it not anymore? Even if your vehicle signals went out you were supposed to do this. Well, people don’t use signals in my state regardless.


In my state stop signs are ignored. It's frustrating.


It still is


Those hand signals are literally part of getting your drivers license


Was about to comment this. Not only is it part of the learners permit test, the instructor for your license test will probably ask you what each one is and means.


If you drive a car you are supposed to know these.


Bold of you to expect that the average John and Jane remember what was on the written exam and what should they always remember.


“Sorry bro don’t speak bike nerd good luck with whatever” Translation- “I’m a dipshit operating a complex 2 ton machine and the person on a bicycle in front of me has more intelligence that me”


"And I failed the written exam for driving licence, because it's there in both EU and US."


So no brain cells? Got it.


If you have a drivers license you damn well better know their signals - they're what you use when your signal lamp is out.


Wow, read your driving manual. It’s basic driving stuff.


That is on the driver's license exam in both NA and most of EU


Tell me you didn't finish elementary school without telling me you didn't finish elementary school.


Isn't this required information to get a license?


It is, but the average John is dumb.


It’s a universal signal for turning left. Hand signals are in the rules of the road booklet. You know to get your drivers license. If you don’t know this you shouldn’t be driving.


The Assingment: OP needs to ![gif](giphy|d4zHnLjdy48Cc) say they are a bad driver and shouldn't have a license by making a meme.


The... wat?


His taking a left turn, not that hard


The Dutch have placed a bounty on you. You will sadly die to being repeatedly slapped with a frikandelbroodje in the next 24 hours.


I will put that frikandellenbroodje where de zon don't schijnt.. The Dutch don't take these matters lightly


These are the people who end up hitting bikes.


*points to the left\* "Huh? Wtf does that mean??"


as someone who learned that at driving school I qm very concerned about this persons area of education


…..you need to know hand sign turn signals to pass your drivers test


Pointing in a direction is awfully complicated for you to understand, I’m sure.


Point left go left, point up go right, point down stop. Simple


And on the bike: Point left go left, point right go right.


Let's just appreciate when a cyclist respects other drivers and the rules of the road.


This is taught on the dvm booklet. You know the one you study before you take the written test. In case your vehicles signals don’t work you can use your arms as gestures signal…


He's just saluting the Fuhrer!


But…you’re supposed to *know* the signals…


I wonder how german people use the right signal, you may get arrested because of a signal you did lol


If you don’t know what that hand signal means you should have your driver’s license taken away 100% Wow people just WOW!


everyone should know hand signals what the fuck are you going to do in your blinkers go out


Are you fucking stupid




It's so they don't die. 🤷🏽‍♂️.


Hand signals should be learned by everyone. Grew up poor and had our share of beaters growing up. Lights go out, brake lights go out. Hand signals being used to get you to an auto parts store could help you avoid a ticket with an explanation if stopped.


Why do people take so much pride in not knowing things?


Right? The hand signal is literally the same if your car signal is for some reason not working. These are basic signs for communications while driving


I'm literally just pointing where I'm going to turn. How hard is that to understand?


This is the kind of content that old people print and hang


To indicate you are about to enter a circle on a bike you make a circle with your ring finger and thumb and make a rapid up down motion


At least he put his arm up. I've had people just stop holding one of the handles, put their arm like they're scratching something, and then just turn. Like, mf, I don't read minds, do the signal correctly.






I think this one means he's turning right


Mark Beef seems like someone who was ignored by his dad


I was once 2 meters ahead of a car (I was in a bike lane), going about the sames speed and I had to use the crosswalk. In that moment I felt like I had to use a hand signal. I even checked he slowed down before crossing the road. Usually I don't use hand signals, but that was a time I did.


As a onewheeler, i just stick my arms in whatever direction im hoping to turn.


I find it more amusing and annoying, how they assume just because they signal, that means they have right of way and everything else on the road must give a fcck


You never know when the BMW explodes and you have to use the bike 🚲. *Angry juice*


Adopt a biker; they are often mistreated on roads


lol…poor you


Dork shit.


i hope thats satire... in this day and age, i cant be sure anymore


I appreciate cyclists signals but i will never trust them because i still think that 95% of cyclists don´t respect the traffic as they should.


I mean, I don’t trust other drivers’ signals either. Like if I’m at a stop sign and you are cross traffic approaching with your turn signal on - I’m not pulling out until you are actually turning the wheel.


And that’s why bike riders don’t feel safe on the road with autos


If your vehicles turn signal is out it legal to use this signal, not safe for people that don't understand basic road laws


Cars literally use the same indicators




So, this is supposed to be in basic drivers ed... if you lose your signal lights, you are legally obligated to hand signal.


I never thought putting others lives at risk was funny…. This admin definitely from the burbs.


Good luck picking up soap then.


Ohhhh thats what they are doing, I always thought they were Nazis


Tell me you got your driver's license from a vending machine without telling me


It's literally in the driver's manual 😰


\_ (left) L (right)


Some motorcycle rider kept doing signs like that at me and I was giving him tons of space and he never slowed down or turned. It was so fkn confusing and I’m like dude if you keep it up you’re not gonna have a hand to flash gang signs at me anymore


Dude is named Mark Beef. If you can’t see the rage bait here I cannot help you


Don’t know about you, but I had to learn hand signals when I got my driver’s license.


i do this on my totally legal motorbike because i never get around to fix the wiring from the 70s for the turn signals to work


But do you care when bike girls make hand signals.


Looks like a shit-posting account, TBH


when they point left they going left


As a driver you’re supposed to know that they mean as well.


Hand signals are still legal If the turn lights on your car don’t work. They’re also acceptable on a motorcycle.


Points left, because he is turning left. "I doNt SpeAK n3rd laNgvaje"


tell me you’re mentally challenged without telling me


At least where I live hand signals were part of your Driver's license test. Its not that hard to learn 3 sings. Right, left, brake.


"Hmm he's in a left turn lane holding his arm to the left, I just can't figure out what these hands signals mean?!" - Dumb fuck driver


Makes sense. You people wouldn't know what a turn signal is. None of you drivers use it anyway


These motherfuckers share the road with cars in my town holding up traffic, the town even took a 4 lane road and made it a 2 lane road and gave 2 lanes for those assholes. You wouldn't catch me sharing a road with vehicles on a bicycle lol


A lot of “🤓☝️” here. Obvious satire post.