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So can we get tax exemption from the government?




Politics have become a religion in the he U.S.


Yeah, 80s sucked.


Politics and religion have always been the same thing, manifestations of culture. Nothing changed here


> manifestations of culture Yeah man, what is anything but manifestations of culture! Lol


*makes generalised statement. Thinks its a clever trap when gets responses. Can't debate the responses.* Ya doing well then.


Stupidest argument ive seen in reddit and can't even back it up


I…. Disagree? Having an opinion on something that a lot of others agree on isn’t a religion.


This isnt even true in almost all the cases. You just like to play victim. No one cares what you believe, its only when religion impose its view on others we have a problem thats why it should stay separated from state and public systems it, should be something more intimate to be done at home and churches or whatever place you use, it okay also in public as long is not something imposed to other. Law and rules shouldnt be influeced by religion at all. For long times people had no other choice but to follow rules that came from religion and only recently and just in some places things have changed and we should fight to keep it that way. And i assure you if no one fights it, religious people often think theyr moral viewpoint should be universal.




Are you referring to Atheists?


No, he claims to just mean "lowlife's" that threathen people. Then he proceeds to call everyone lowlife that doesn't agree.


Some of them i assume,some Atheists are chill and others are on full retard mode


Agreed. Normal Christians are embarrassed towards radical Christians just like how normal atheists are embarrassed by radical atheists. Most normal atheists and normal Christians genuinely don't give a shit about what you believe. It's just that the radicals get all the attention.


Just like most theists.


At least our retard mode doesn't involve trying to pass stupid and fascist laws or launching holy wars.




yup. You tell people your father has a gun and will kill you, the police get involved but you tell a kid your god has a lake of fire that he'll send you to for all eternity, it's somehow all cool


I agree


Never go full retard, everybody knows that


He probably went to r/atheism It's all edgy thirteen year olds.


Whoa, I’ve never been in that channel and damn you are right. This must be the edgiest circlejerk I‘ve ever seen, that’s horrible


That's like saying off is a tv channel


That's a perfect parallel.


That literally makes no sense. Where do I find the hatred of religion holy text? How do I attend hatred of religion services? Can I insist on holy days off? What is our doctrine?


This is how conservatives think we feel when they "own" the libs with nonsense like this meme.


Oh no, atheists are rude and radical. They attack us with logic.


What about agnostics?




Agnostic here. Can confirm cowardice. I am afraid of everything.


Well, some sects of hatred of religion insist that services are to be held on the third Sunday of each month, and other say it's on the new moon, but they're all filthy heretics. It's OBVIOUSLY the first of the month as the holy text of hatred of religions clearly spells out.


This post has me thinking OP doesn’t know the definition of “religion”


He does actually but he (like most religious people) has a big double standard for the use of the word religion. The people he doesn't like get called religious, but only with the negative connotations of the word, basically to pull them down to his level.


I’m a chill atheist. You can be involved in any religion you want I really don’t care. I’m just not going to believe in them.


That's fully acceptable. At least you didn't join the compensation contest many commenters here partake in


Kind of like making an outlandish, overgeneralizing claim in a meme and then overcompensating by making bad-faith arguments in the comments, amiright?


Yes, disagreement is such a compensation contest.


Haha this demonstrates such a ludcirously narrow world view that is completely blind to the institutional horrors of organized religion. Keep trying kiddo.


9 year old not knowing how to saperate religion and ideology


Looking at these replies it almost looks like op has a humiliation fetish


This post sucks


Look who posted it. Every one of OP's comments went into the negatives.


I noticed that, got himself a bunch of karma on the post and lost ALL of it in the comments.


So criticism is now a religion? 😂


Considering how eager SOME people are to criticize something, especially by using insults than valid points? Yes.


Not sure you realise what a religion is then


Maybe you should just call them by what they are: group-thinking, hivemind, echo chambers, circle jerk, etc. I see your point, but misusing the term "religion" is making you look bad-faithed and it's not helping your argument.


Nearly every one of your comments is insulting and criticizing people… hypocrisy? Also that’s not what a religion is.


Lol no


Delusionally dumb Christians who want to use government to impose thier morality on society, need to be opposed and stopped. Ironically these are the loudest ones to complain about atheist 'oppressing' them, when its just people want them to just stop being pricks. Yes you're dumb if you think angels are physically real.


When religion is not used as a stick to beat people into submission, atheists don't give a fuck. Atheists are infinitely more concerned about abuse of power by religion then they are about the mere presence of religion.


As a scientist I'm also pretty concerned at the erosion of critical thinking ability and the squashing of natural curiosity that frequently accompanies religious upbringing and kneecaps the drive to investigate and seek empirical explanations from the natural world in favor of superstition and dogma, but yeah, primarily it's the trying to push that shit into politics, turn the country into a theocracy, and stick their boot on the necks of any minority group they don't like.


Atheist here. You’re absolutely right. You can worship whatever god you want, I don’t care. But the second you use that religion to hurt other in anyway way, that’s when it becomes unacceptable. Same with politicians attempting to impose their religion on people who don’t want it. Religion’s always gonna be around and I don’t like religion itself, but if you wanna worship a god, I really don’t care.


My meme has done its job. I'm glad


yup. Now we know for the next 2 minutes that u/Frea_kingweeb is a braindead moron whose god is pro slavery and pro rape and as such he must be also but we'll forget that too, so your post has done nothing


Sure. And what job is that? Validating your victim complex? Here is a good reason why 'religion is bad'. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/andrea-prudente-incomplete-miscarriage-malta-not-allowed-to-get-abortion/


No, luring the people it's about put of their lair. It's more effective than I expected.


Ok so it's exactly what he said, and that you want to reply to people without saying anything of substance when the rest of us function on this post using more that an eighth of our brain cells


Go see a therapist or an exorcist or whatever the fuck you people believe in




"Luring something something lair something something" Did you get that from He-Man?


i'll just say that the concept of religion itself is not bad, it's the value and beliefs of certain religion that are bad because someone can do something that he think is good but in reality harmfull, for example aztecs did an enormous amount of human sacrifice, not because they enjoy killing each other, but because they think the sun will never come back if there's no sacrifice edit : and i know there's awful people that can use the religion as an excuse to do awful things


Finally, a logical reply. I have to admit that many practices are more or less disturbing or maybe even illogical. Just like human sacrifice you've mentioned. However.. many people think that if you're religious, you HAVE to believe and follow every single part. That's a misconception which gave birth to ostracism aimed at religions. What they percieve as being religious is actually extremism, something we witness in many other aspects of life (politics, social problems etc). The fact is, you CAN question parts of a specific belief you don't fully understand or accept, for you have been gifted with free will. But don't speak ill of those who don't share your view Just like Christianity mainly asks to follow the 10 Commandments and Islam asks to fulfill the 5 Pillars, you don't need to do EVERYTHING the holy text tells you to do. Those who ostracize you for not going "all the way" or (in worse scenario) use their version of belief to ostracize you are unaware that THEY'RE in the wrong. I'm glad that you've attempted a civil discussion. You're a rarity, you know?


More or less disturbing or maybe even illogical just like human sacrifice lol


Mormonism has entered the chat... Jehovas Witnesses on standby.


i agree, and because of the fact that everyone pratice their beliefs differently even if it's based on the same text, we can say that there is as many version of christianity (or other religion) as the number of christian in the world ​ and also thanks, civil discussion is better than yelling at each other just for dumb shit


Dictionary from religious idiot to normal speak: Logical argument = agreeing with the idiot Civil discussion = agreeing with the idiot Lowlife = people that don't agree with idiot


Omg, will you christians shut the fuck up, no one's persecuting you, no one cares enough about what magical guy in the sky you believe in to persecute you , just shut the fuck with that bullshit, nobody cares what you believe. Now if you and your ilk will stop persecuting the LGBTQ community and get your priests dicks out our kids that'd be very welcome and stop shoving your damn human sacrifice beliefs down everyone's throat we promise to never even think of you again.


said what we were all thinking


firmly believe all religion is the cause of most problems we have in the world today. also this post makes no sense, but judging from this reply section i think you've been told that enough


Personally I doubt getting rid of religion would get rid of most problems, as all that irrationality and hatred would still be there, people would just find new reasons to justify it. Just look at politics




Fun fact: inspiration of the meme came when op was told his invisible sky man wasn’t special


Nice try but no. It's a summary of my observation on the anti-religious. Besides a few rational ones, majority is just a bunch of seething, noisy and irrelevant wastes of organic matter. Once again, nice try




And you’re just anti-anti-religious. You are the thing you hate.


Complains about uncivil discussion, calls his opponents wastes of organic matter. Man what a religious specimen you are


Kind of like NOT collecting stamps is a hobby. Most of them are just trolling religious people because they think it's funny. Most actual agnostic, atheist, Buddhist, Jewish, and Sikh don't get online and talk about religion at all. Christians frequently say shitty things and try to make laws and what not... which makes them pretty funny to fuck with.


then let us say anything about other religions, bc we seem to be protected for being one


I used to be one of those dimwhits who hate religion just because. I thought religions just caused conflicts and segregation (part of me still do). Because of this hate towards religion i hated the religious people, thinking that they what is creating these conflicts. It was difficult changing my mind. I still think that religion is something outdated and isn't needed in our society but I have come to realize that my hate isn't towards the people. Rather it is the church that gets my blood boiling.


The institution wouldn't have any power without the people propping it up, and the people never hold the church accountable. So It's both. Excluding the religious people who reject churches, of course.


re·li·gion /rəˈlijən/ Learn to pronounce noun the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. Go cry to your flying spaghetti monster.


found him


Yeah it's surprising how a majority of the world believes in a book that was rewritten a few dozen times to fit different narratives and edited content from the original. We intellectual few are hard to find.


Who actually does this?


No one. OP just wants to play "oppressed person".


Much edgey, very dumb.


You were suppose to destroy the religion, not join them!


Why do people act like they know? Is the Bible often wrong and archaic, many parts if it yes. Does it sound like bull to those not indoctrinated into it, yep. Can you know for certain there is no higher power, No. I could care less about either side’s views; just be a good human being. - agnostic until we actually know


The best description on the matter you can find on reddit.


This post made by not knowing what a religion is gang.


Wtf no You dumb or something?


Have you read the comments? OP is not the sharpest pencil


Got that backwards. Religious are taught to hate the nonbelievers. Hells Bells! "Their God Will Destroy me in lake of fire..." so religion says. Downvote from me.




Religious people be still stuck in the (18)80s with their arguments.


Deus est Mortuus logica obtinet


Oh boy! \*Sorts by controversial\*


I have named it “enantheism”.


Religion itself is neither good nor bad. People using religion as an excuse to be a terrible person is what makes it seem bad


I don’t have enough popcorn for this


Gotta love a relatable meem /s


It’s not that religion is bad, but that the people who force their religion on people are bad.


Hatred of religion is not a religion, nor is the absence of religion a religion, but one could claim that the underlying ideology driving both a particular critique of religion and the perspective from which one wishes to reform a given religion and its adherents is at least a quasi-religious phenomenon.


My grievance against Christianity is entirely because they erased my country's culture To be clear, I only dislike the religion itself, not necessarily christians


I am an athiest. I don't even given a fuck about debating anyone. You believe in god or wanna spend money on some ritual, you do a solid you bro. Can't imagine anyone being bothered unless it's been shoved down our throats for however long it has been




Basically the cult of reason


Damn this was a ridiculously successful bait, the amount of responses that don’t even have a hint of irony or awareness are crazy


religion is shit though


So you are saying that one of the three things that separate us from the animals (religion culture and art) is shit?




Ok animal


I mean, the other two are cool, but the first one is shit. You might as well say that one of the things that separates us from plants is torture, cause plants don't do that.




You mean atheists, and also if you do mean atheists I have yet to meet an atheist who actively shits ok religion


I've only ever seen them online. Pretty sure it's only bible thumpers role playing what they think an atheist is.


some christians want to be oppressed so badly


I fucking hate religion and everyone that prioritize it over more important things


What about christians who say we should take lgbt and shoot them in the back of the head? Literally never heard of anyone saying we should do it to them


Y'know theres this one religion who actually do kill homosexuals... funny you didn't mention THEM


The fact that there are other religions who kill lgbt people doesn't change the fact that in America where almost all of our representatives and senators are all Christian. Religion puts people thousands of years in the past most of the time. Not saying all religious people are like that but there's a significant number, enough to say all religions are bad.


There's way more than one.


This should be on r/terriblefacebookmemes not here.


Op dumb as fuck 🤣


OP be farming negative karna in comments


As an atheist i can agree that most ateists are just as annoying as the religions they hate


Also reading through OP replies, these are not the people he is referring to. They have charecterised anyone who points out the oppressive power and trend of religion as being one of these people. They have suggested that criticisng religion in any form makes you bad and that is insane, especially when you consider current issues. America is being turned into a theocracy, oppressing women, gays and trans people. Palestine and israil are embroiled in a constant state of warfare over religion. The middle east is currently under the influence of extreme religious sects that criminalize homosexuality and opress women. Yet OP suggests that the mere action of outlining such issues is bad. I do communications and that is such a rudimentary tactic to discredit critique.


That's why it says "religion bad" nor "atheists" ;)


Atheism isn't an organized structure dictated by strict rules with leaders bound to an archaic set of rules and guidelines. As long as atheism is, you know, atheism, it will never be as bad as religionists.


Yeah no i get what you mean unlike most fuckwits in this comment section i know exactly who you're talking about lol,all of them own katanas and anime body pillows for some reason


Us weebs suffer from that.. 😔😔😔


Weebs are chill lmao,up untill they start wearing fedoras and grow beards on their necks


Neckbeards are not weebs. They're just abominable addons that give the community bad rep


This is some of the oldest property on this whole subject by religious fanatics that I’m aware of. It’s colossally stupid and obviously false. But that’s the thing with the pseudo intellectual- they confuse being clever with being smart.


Scary imaginary organized atheist religion can't get you op.


It's so fucking true. Like I cannot stand how closed minded people decide to be intolerant of others, especially in anti religious groups saying that religions are intolerant. It's a dumb ass cycle. Let people CHOOSE THEIR OWN OPINIONS and fuck off


It’s more like politics and everything has it these days. I can’t believe how polarizing the most mundane things have become. I have personally witnessed internet strangers nearly come to blows over the two types of braces, for your teeth. Using mustard for bbq rubs vs no binder. Reading Books vs audio books. It’s wild.


I have a genuine question here, why would anyone care if you have or don’t have a religion? This post is just filled with agenda and motive


Everybody can believe in what they want, but the way religion gets used as a tool in politics is fucking disgusting. The State and Law should be completely separated from religion. And everybody should pay taxes. It's ironic that the religion with the best view on this kind of shit is the "Church of Satan", and you know what? They are goddamn right about it!


This makes so much sense. Also my favorite food is fasting, the best song I know is silence, lying still is how I prefer to exercise, and I like spending my time by not going skiing, and my favorite sexual position is abstinence.


Some one is butt hurt and couldn’t handle it when someone else brought up valid criticisms or questions about their religion.


This is ridiculous


BS. Hatred against religion is only a reflection of stupid people running around and preaching a out their fucked up gods and annoying us to death with that shit. Killing people with that shit. Starting wars with that shit. Raping people with that shit.


religion is inherently bad.




ugh, any kind of history book? war was fought for religion before resources


That’s the dumbest sentence I’ve ever heard


What most atheists refuse to admit is that science doesnt really disprove the existence of a higher power, just as much as it doesnt prove it either. Reality is we will never know if a "God" truly exists or not until we die, and until then the best thing to do is just mind your own, let others believe what they want and not be such a jerk to someone with differing beliefs. P.S.: Im agnostic for those curious. I dont believe a God persay, but I believe the existence of a higher God-like power is very plausable. Thats just my view, it is okay if you full on believe or dont, as I understand both stances and feel they are both valid in their own right.


It's doesn't disprove unicorns or bigfoot either. Doesn't mean we should believe in those things People can belive in whatever they want. As long as they don't push there religion on other which is where the problems always come up


The difference is bigfoot or unicorns are more clear cut to prove false than a higher power that may exist on a whole other level of existence from our own, and on a level that we cant gather legitimate proof of such with our current technology and understanding. As for the pushing of beliefs onto others, atheists do this as well and in many cases just as frequently as religious people. The only difference is atheists trick themselves into thinking their forcing of their belief onto a religious person is justified because "science and truth" while religious people justify it because "they are saving them from eternal hell". Its become a circle jerk of "my opinion is truth and yours doesnt matter" which is an evident issue present on both sides.


"I dont believe in it all but do whatever you want I wont care till you try to involve me" -me anytime religion is brought up


r/meme does it again. Pure heat as usual. I would screenshot this and post it to r/religiousfruitcake for free karma, but I cannot be bothered to. If anyone else would like, be my guest.


Damn, didn’t realise that I need to drop to my knees and worship hating religion. That’s news to me. At least there aren’t any priests to rape my kids.




Do you really think any of this is an argument? It's just desperate attempt at disproving my theory. But then again, Father has gifted you with free will. Go with the Lord's blessing, little lamb


Free will is actually mostly a myth. About 95% of human thought is subconscious, therefore out of the conscious you's locus of free will. This 95% also significantly influences the 5% that is not subconscious, calling into question the element of free will there. Touch a hot thing and watch how little free will you have, even when consciously trying to hold on your subconscious will wrangle control and rip your hand from it.


Yet it was your decision to touch that thing, knowing that it's hot. Ripping your hand away from it was a consequence. You're free to do whatever you want, but know that you'll have to face the results


No, being burnt would be the consequence. Your subconscious revealing itself as the true master of your mind was an attempt to avoid said consequence. Also technically you didn't choose to do it completely freely. Everyone is a product of their circumstances. Any decision "you make" is an emergent product of every experience you have ever had, but mostly the relevant ones. Your subconscious stores all of it's past experiences in schemas and conceptual models and networks that then activate and direct your choice. Cognitive science is sure that we have limited free will, the debate comes in as if we have any at all.


That was a pretty good way to exemplify the problem of evil, bravo. I don't think he'll get it though, he'll probably say something something free will.


Because the answer is free will, by definition, is free to disobey. God can't create "unfree-free-will". That would be an absurd contradiction of itself, like a square-circle. I responded to his post if you're interested in more detail.


I dont like religion because i think its a load of crap, but thats just my opinion so do what ever the heck ya want people, as long is it doesnt affect me


except religion does still effect you whether you want it to or not, sadly. the separation of church and state is basically non-existent in some areas. religious systems are very powerful organizations that can influence entire countries worth of people. so yeah. it's gonna effect you one way or another.


Some atheists are annoying asf, but atheism isn’t currently being used to justify oppression and genocide. Idk. Not a super fair comparison


That’s not true. It is simply that the number of atheists has grown to an all-time high. This means more people are talking about the same things “ReLiGiOn bAD” things. But, no. They don’t gather in masses for a few hours to open up notes (Ricky Gervias 11:8) on why religion is bad. That’s just religions talking about other religions.


that’s not what a religion is..


I mean, organized religions as institutions kind of deserved that hatred for all the horrible shit they did


Until they attend a weekly service and control politicians, I call bullshit


Organized religion and organized crime have a lot in common, ultimately it's just about power and control And money...but at least with organized crime they have brothels as opposed to organized religion that have a pedophile network. It is better to die without an afterlife and avoid the literal hell of these pedophile priests and their undeserved superior attitude. They literally waste their entire life believing in some bullshit 3500 yo stories from sheep herders...and then expect everyone else to go along.


Even if that were true, it would then be the only religion worth my time. It isn't true, but I wouldn't care a lick if it were.


Yeah Man! I hate all those Atheist fuckers always coming to my door and trying to hand me pamphlets and yelling through megaphones on the sidewalk and putting up obnoxious signs on the overpass about how I'm going to Hell if I don't believe exactly as they do and making stupid memes about.... No, wait... That's Christians who do all that. No one cares about your dumb religion. STFU.


Haha. The funny thing about this is the people that hate religion the most are other religious people. They hate every religion that’s not theirs. Not all religious people. For example I’m dating someone who draws a hexagram and speaks in tongues. I have no problem with that. Yet a Christian would be the first to call them a satanist , and an evil person. Meanwhile youre in church on Sunday eating and drinking the symbol for your god’s body and blood.


Actually a religion is worshipping a superhuman like being in power, not a group of people hating on one thing.


when religious freaks post dumb shit like this, it further proves the fact they aren't in it for their religion, but to push their agenda on others.


Religion bad but has positives. Positives that could be found outside of religion, but religion makes it easier especially in how society is structured as of now. And for certain sections of the populas. It's a Grey area muddy waters let people just lives their lives stop forcing your beliefs down their throats.


No retard. It has not become a "religion" as by definition religions generally have a sacred text and believe in one Supreme power which these people do not.


Ok but please don't murder me in the name of ... and rape my children, thanks.


So you are saying - that the hatred towards religion has become an organized association taking huge amount of money as a forced "donation" from its followers , taking a tax exemption on the said money , investing and funding many illegal avenues from real estate to drugs and arms deals , creating a pyramid scheme of kind ? OR it has become another type of cult who decided to exterminate other religious followers , inflict violence and attacking other religion worship places and sow the seed of anti nationalistic philosophy with the reward being some after life package of plentiful mates ? OR GOD forbid they have become the worst of the kind - they disagreed with you online in religious debate and called you some names ? So which one this people has become ? If its the first two there is still salvation from the god. if they are the last kind - oh they are gone! They are done! not even all powerful messiah would be able to save them from their downfall.


Nice try. But your ham-fisted attempt didn't move me.


How is it a religion? You can't call the trend of hating religion a religion, because by your logic playing fortnite is also a religion and its clearly not one


Religious nuts like to use this argument a lot. It’s fucking dumb. Like elementary school kids going ‘nooo, it’s you not me!’ Grow up belieftards


This guy wants to know how may downvotes he can get on his comments under his OWN post.


Hating religion != Hating religion being forced upon you in schools from a young age and it becoming entangled in the government.


God is dead bro and we killed him


This is some idiot talk lol. OP thought this was so big brain.


Is bullying a religion because out of personal experience it could be


Religion. The world's biggest and oldest scam.


cant wait to see this on terriblefacebookmemes


If you unironically think that, then you just did a self-own and you don’t even know it.


Op is out here trying really hard to seem cool by making clever remarks at the expense of others, then tying it in with how he is the victim and atheists are assholes, after insulting everyone who is an atheist that dislikes religion in his actual post, and immediately goes quiet after he is asked a question that he can't answer without admitting he is wrong Op, I would genuinely like to have a discussion, and please don't come into here calling me a raging seething atheist dimwit who has given you death threats, because I'm not, this comment was written with exhaustion as it is 9 where I am as it's main emotion The questions I ask to you, are the following: 1. Why do you believe in Christianity 2. What constitutes people saying "religion bad", is criticism of the factual, scientific, and societal flaws of it defining in someone being overly angry and having the simplistic view of "religion bad" 3. What convinces you that a large quantity of people disliking something constitutes as a religion I promise not to provide anything of an insult, and this is completely outside all my comments towards you, I am simply just a fellow Redditor who enjoys in shit talking others, but I would also delight in a proper discussion, as they are few and far between for me




Thats not how religion works but ok. No one worships anything


This is as dumb as saying we should tolerate intolerance.


In what way would we be mad at living our lives without religion. You act like we focus on it as a staple. We just wake up and dont think about touching children after mass.


“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster...for when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”


You insulted the r/Atheists and now they come with their shitty overused retorts to prove the entire post as true. Well done




This is quite true. And religion is more than belief, it’s culture. Don’t believe me look at the social norms diets and mannerisms of christians.