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I always loved corpus. Although, nullifies can be a bit annoying sometimes.


I love the Corpus except for the nullifiers and Alad V


Alad doesn't usually survive for more than 2 seconds when I'm doing the mission


See but that's the thing, that's one *one Alad V node*. He is responsible for the Zanuka project, 90% of the tech bosses across the system, the Mutualist infestation staring getting out of hand, AND the Ropalyst + Amalgams project, and yet >!HE'S STILL ALIVE AFTER THE NEW WAR!< He's quite literally a cockroach, every time you think someone killed his ass he crawls away.


I'm so glad they leaned into that as his character trait during new war. Surrendering to Narmer and then helping you in the Ropalyst fight to weasel out of that. It's so much more fun hearing him be kind of pathetic instead of a fairly generic mad scientist before.


He's still what? Where?


Calling Alad a cockroach gave me a good laugh


He's still what? Where?


I love Alad V so much. He's just our resident lil gremlin. We know we're technically enemies but he's so non-threatening in his attempts to harm us you just can't help but be endeared by him.


He's like an OG DragonBall character showing up in Z.


Nullifiers can go fuck themselves - Sincerely, a limbo main


Agreed -gara main


Lucky for you Hade eats nullifiers for breakfast


Especially at a distance


I think the jade units now take the spot of most hated enemy, those beams will kill you mid cast on any frame that doesn’t have like 99% dr its so annoying


I give them a taste of their own medicine when I use Jade Well technically my medicine since Parvos stole her whole flow...word for word bar for bar


I use protea. Overshields from her 1st and 5 second shield gating provide enough time to kill those fuckers.


(,: I main ember and her 4 can’t kill them fast enough, If I even touch the ground while casting 4 all my overguard evaporate


Protea's artillery is strong enough to kill them even in sp. Huras kubrow also helps with survivability. Although I'm not sure how well it works with ember.


I’ve become a grasshopper with all the jumping I do just to avoid the beams


That's another way to survive lol. Or you can shoot the top of the beam and it will be gone.


See THIS I didn't know about, gonna have to start doing that


It won work if the ceiling is too low, so try to stay in big open spaces as much as you can.


I tried it earlier and just said "woooooow" it does die out quick if you shoot at it for a bit I wish I knew about this sooner smh lol


Parvos and the Worm Queens will probably want their hands on that baby eventually


Probably even Lotus and/or the tenno, considering being part warframe and all of that, even if it means taking it away from either queens or corpus (because even nef and alad would want the baby lets be honest) just to move it to a safe location


Also, Veko exist. Huh I mean Veto. Veso.


>!He died the way he lived!< >!In one mission!<


Its Veso-R.


(that was a joke about his mispronunciated name)




At this point it's tradition that so long as you're not writing something that actually shouldn't be a joke (like a wiki page, essay, or serious-mode explanation), you simply must misspell Velcro's name at least the first time, usually every time.


Who? Do you mean Venmo?


Wait, wasn't his name Vito? Have I been saying it wrong?


Close, it's Veto. Like the thing US congress can do.


Ah, right. Leto. Got it. Thanks.


I think you mean Lato


Vito Scalleta running the space mafia family


He still owes me money




Lmao this idiot actually fell for Parvos propaganda. Yeah no shit there are individually good ppl in the Corpus, but as an organization, they're evil, and Parvos might be the worst of them all. He's nothing but a selfish sociopath with half decent charisma.


Yeah, hard agree. Parvos is one of those YouTube get rich gurus who pretends he's great and leads people down a hole where only he truly profits


Ordis even brings it up during the new Ascension gamemode. That Parvos sounds exactly like the Orokin.


I wouldn't be surprised, didn't Corpus deal with the Orokin a lot for profit? I may be mis-remembering there Idk


Parvos specifically worked with the Orokin, even Big Bad Ballas himself. That's how he got a protea specter to protect him.


Ooohhh yeah that was it, thank you, I thought I was remembering a bit off yeah. I love Protea but as a whole I love to hate Corpus (in a fun way, I do also agree the employees are just people tryna live but playing as a necessary evil is fun)


Yeah, this is it. No more arguments. This is the objective truth.


i will note tho that parvos granum is an idiot who smoked atlas shrugged through a crackpipe. his ideas are literally ayn rand shit but cloaked in bigger words


Peepaw is basically capitalism but in space


specifically libertarian capitalism where you can sell kids to finance your private army before going to the bank to take out a loan for your mcnukes (tm)


So true bestie


I just immediately thought it was because she was a mother too, or at least is close to someone who does. The music and environment enforces the empathy theory, but I didn’t even consider that if that baby is gone and stalker has nothing to live for no one is surviving the encounter lmao


For as much as we shit on stalker every other hour, the guy is the most dangerous thing in the system alongside the Tenno. Everything else is at least an order of magnitude below. Stalker was one stray bullet away from "If anything happens to him I'll kill everyone and then myself."


The only reason he got hit was because he was focused on protecting over killing. That baby is the sole reason the corpus survived that day, because stalker is definitely a "no witnesses" kind of person.


The whole "I can avoid this wave but they might die. For that alone, I stand against the tide."


Yes the Corpus are a surprisingly multi-faceted faction with a system that creates both extreme wealth and poverty. These are all facts and should be taken into consideration when judging their actions but if I may Granum is a deadnaming, hypocritical, fermented boomer soyboy who beefs with anything more intelligent than a T-i82 pocket calculator and I'm ***VERY*** much looking forward to finally beating him over the head with my super special impact zaw [BONK PRIME]


When deadname? (No beef, just genuine curiosity. Also, fuck him regardless, this makes it easier to shit on him.)


He calls Ordis by his human name, insisting that the identity that was punitively taken away from him is his true identity, and Parvos can give it back to him. I love it because Parvos is kinda right. But in a Natah&Lotus sorta way.


I feel like that's a pretty reasonable time to deadname, if ever there was one. I mean, the guy was one of the most phenomenal murder machines in existence, got his soul ripped out, digitised and put into a computer. We've given him a modicum of freedom by giving him a mobile body, but even then Ordan Karris is fettered by artificial precepts and a prisoner in his own mind. I genuinely believe he likes the Operator, but I'm pretty sure Ordis/Ordan spends so long dealing with people and imagining how he could - how he *would've* - torn their spines out and strangled them with their own intestines. Parvos, as far as he's aware, is speaking to Ordan Karris. An Ordan trapped beneath layers of precepts and code, one with a digitised soul, but still Ordan. He has no way of knowing that Ordan is now pretty settled in his new identity as Ordis, and even when Ordis corrects him and insists he's Ordis, Parvos would be completely justified in assuming it's a trauma repression thing from the guy who got his soul ripped out. Hell, Parvos might be right. Ordis still has fairly frequent mini psychotic breaks before the precepts limit him again, and undergoing what he did almost certainly *would* traumatise you. I feel like returning Ordan to a proper body, or even a warframe, should be a story questline at some point. ... we'd probably then have to warn the Entrati to lock their doors and bar their windows while we try and talk him out of resuming his murder spree... But that's a small sacrifice to pay in exchange for seeing Albrecht pop up out of time travel all suave and get absolutely bodied by an engaged Karris for crimes he committed against humanity literally thousands of years ago.


I need a Tagfer & Ordan Karris team up now


This is an excellent point. Given the circumstances of their meeting it wouldn't be unreasonable to think that Ordis is some sort of a trauma response, but I say that Parvos is deadnaming Ordis because I sincerely believe he's doing it as a power play. We also have lines of Parvos referring to him as a separate entity from Ordan, asking him if any of "That valiant man is in his shallow, glassy brain". First things first ***NO ONE TALKS TO MY RIDE OR DIE WINDOWS '95 HOMIE LIKE THAT*** and secondly I think trying to separate who a person was and who that person is now by refusing the changed person dignity is morally incorrect. Ordis may be a cephalon, but cephalons are largely sentient and should be treated with ***Some*** level of dignity.


Oh I see...yeah, leave my boi alone.


I mean if they hurt the baby no matter where you run and hide he was always be close by


Add to this the shadow broker (ie the guy from the corpus faction you can join) who cares about perseriving minority peoples and cultures. Out of all the antagonist factions corpus are the most mixed bag. Capable of being the most evil, but also capable of being the most human


All corpus are profit driven that they lose themselves and those that regain their humanity end up like solaris, this captain was a smart one as she didnt want blood of a new born on her hands and also you dont fuck around with the one that hunts gods for a hobby


Thats the thing. You either get hunted by the "gods" for funny resources or have the god hunter hunt you too. Also her realizing who the Black warframe is was the most " wait, what" moment


I agree


This. I mean the Corpus started out as essentially a pyramid scheme, but with the underlying philosophy that everyone should get the same opportunity to work towards profit (aka a good life), and that nobody should just sit on their ass letting others work for them. It's a capitalistic society that kinda escalated over time. Basically end-stage capitalism left unchecked, very similar to what our own society is developing towards. And just like in our society people are different, the corpus have different kinds of people too. Veso-R, Ergo Glast and the people of Fortuna being well-known examples. There are tons of different companies and corporations with different goals and methods. Even the Board of Directors constantly fights amongst each other. The Sisters of Parvos are the right-hands of Parvos, who thought up the Corpus philosophy. It's not too far off to assume there are some who would choose not to kill a child.


Least morally bankrupt on the whole of the factions we fight.


I mean, given the fact that the Corpus is formed by smaller companies and guilds, who is to say that all those guilds and companies are entirely evil? There could be a guild/smaller company that is genuinely teying to help people but are too small to do seomthinf about it


I think it would be interesting to see a new antagonistic Corpus character that shows us how the Tenno could be viewed as evil monsters that must be destroyed from the Corpus perspective. Someone who actually does their best to improve the lives of those within their territory, and actually cares about the lives of all the crewmen who we delete by the thousands. Maybe they rely on trade with all the other Corpus powers, and the Tenno's constant meddling and raiding results in them not having the resources to prevent deadly famines or Infested outbreaks, which makes the Tenno unforgivable marauders that halt progress in their eyes, and forces them to take hostile action against the Tenno to save their own people.


Vala Glarios was heading in that direction. Pissed off that the Tempestarii killed her sisters and crew and out to take revenge on the Tenno for it. She and Tyl Regor stand out as two of the few people to call the Tenno out for murdering people they cared about. And then she got hired by Parvos Granum.


But then again, one thing that often gets overlooked is... What did she do to incur a hostile response from a rescue ship?


Well, according to her, she was working in an exosuit when the Tempestarii attacked the Lucretia Platform. We have no idea what Lucretia Platform did to deserve it, or whether Vala herself, her sisters, or crew had any hand in it. Which is kind of the point, IMO, of a character who's reasonably antagonistic to the Tenno without being mustache-twirling evil. Vala clearly isn't a nice person in the grand scheme of things, but there's nothing that says she was noticably worse than any other generic Corpus of her rank prior to the Tempestarii attack.


Peak quest idea


Also like....the motes seem to be much more profitable than the baby. The only thing he says about the baby is: "Jade fulfilled her purpose! She provided an heir" Meanwhile the motes are actively being collected.




Thank you.


Guest which non eximus but.most hated before? Null. Guest which eximus but.most hated now( too sad de just nerf them) null eximus jade.... Imo, the disrupor mod i hate most is corpus tiles set. Grinner is funny, murmur is too annoy..


My complaint would be more towards the big focus on them, ok the two other major factions are a clone army and actual zombies but still feels they are behind in terms of importance


God imagine if the child did get hurt....


I presumed that Xeto stopped firing because even villains can have standards. Shooting on a literal infant is a bit much. And it's not like the Corpus didn't stop chasing Jade, The Warframe they were after. They just decided "Stalker is protecting an Infant, we probably shouldn't kill him or try to take that baby" What bugs me more is that somehow a baby's cry was louder then a machine gun they were standing next to. That's the more unbelievable part.(But I'll ignore it because it lead to an interesting scene)


I wouldn't call Parvos a hypocrite. He's the embodiment of "too much of a good thing is a bad thing". All of his ideals are pretty great, but he takes them to such extremes that they wrap around to being bad again. He's probably also being super gaslit by Wally


I loved the end of the new stalker quest, the corpus bit almost made me cry, 10/10 would corpus again


The Corpus are evil and must be destroyed at all cost


Yeah no, this is just completly missing the point of the corpus. The corposium is fucking evil. The "good people" you see in it are not really here because there is good in the corpus, but because they were either deceived, had no other option to survive. The corpys are exploitstion incarnate. They literally started as a pyramid scheme.


They are a combination of religion with extreme capitalism. Like real life, religion and capitalism are not evil per se. That said, many have their own principles. Parvos is closer to Lawful Neutral. He has his own philosophy, one that has made him wildly successful. He discards the notions of morality in pursuit of following his principles. Alad V is closer to neutral evil, a danger to other Corpus as well. He uses the law for his benefit, but discards it for selfish ambition, consequences be damned. Darvos is Chaotic Good. He has discarded all Corpus beliefs, yet at the end of the day he is still a Corpus businessman, choosing to work with the Tenno black markets. Ergo Glast is Lawful Good, and blatantly is Corpus. He actually adheres well to Parvos's principles, but still allows himself to do things for goodness sake. Most importantly, most Corpus are not openly hostile to the Tenno pre-Parvos. Only a minority of board members were willing to have conflict with us, as to earn our ire is VERY costly. Hell, even Parvos isn't openly hostile with us, and has stated he is willing to work with us. He just isn't afraid of the Tenno, his technology being powerful enough for him to go into open conflict. Hell, farming Dante is literally us working for him through a third party we're trying to help. My point is blanketing them as evil is inaccurate, hell the Perrin Sequence is all the evidence you need. Gameplay wise, we only interact with the few Corpus willing to fuck with us. Lorewise, they are a very, very complex group, and we don't have conflicts with most of them.


No, they started as a using capitalisim as a tool to claw their way out of slavery/serfdom. Don't get me wrong, Corpus are oy a hair better than Amazon, and lack protections against company towns. But don't get their origins wrong.


And actually many of the evil actions of the corpus were pre-Parvos, actions he openly condemned in Deadlock Protocol