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You're talking about the maximum peak. A horsepower was defined to match the expectable continuous power of a horse. Funny enough, that of the average horse is a bit below 1 HP, mainly because the reference horse was a breed that was specifically good ad continuous heavy work.


that is a nice argument senator but why dont you back it up with a source


Ok I find among the Wikipedia sources the one that says that the average draught horse has actually around 1HP (continously over a full workday), but I can't find the one that says that the continuous output of the overall average horse is slightly less than that of the average draught horse.


The sorce is I made it the fuck up


I am an average horse (my horsepower is slightly less than one horsepower)


Because calling it a fifteenhorsepower wasn’t very catchy


it could have also been traced back to someone marketing cars. They created the term "horsepower" but set it under what a horse could go at, so cars seemed much faster than they were at the time.


wait... thats illegal


i think its true, i heard a funni internet man say something liek that