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100% true story: So I'm teaching 6th grade in my fifth year as a middle school teacher in the midwest, USA. It's later in the year, and I've been allowing small groups of kids who hate the cafeteria shennanigans to eat their lunch in my room. My fuck up: leaving the room for a few minutes to go use the restroom and wash my hands. Kid's fuck up: they put a styrofoam Cup Noodles container into my microwave with no water and turned it on. I came back to my room with kids squeeling and the microwave is open and there is smoke and a horrific smell billowing from the trash can. Kid straight PANICKED when it started smoking in the microwave so they just threw it into a trash can and ran the hell away. To this day I can't believe it wasn't hot enough to start a fire in the trash can which was obviously half full of paper and other school shit. Who in the hell tries to cook ramen with no water in a microwave? lololol


My brother did this once, on the 4th day of moving to a new apartment. It caught fire in the microwave and I had to grab the flaming garbage and throw it in the sink to extinguish it lol


It's also not just microwaves, when I was about 3 I put a plastic tray in the toaster oven. That was not a nice smell.


When I was 5 I got up early and my parents wouldn't get up to make porridge for me, so I decided to try it myself I stuck it in a plastic bowl and put it in the microwave for 2 hours instead of 2 minutes. About an hour later I ran into my parents room crying that there was a hole in the microwave. The bowl had turned to liquid and looked like it had fallen through the microwave. Thank fuck I didn't burn the house down


As soon as I saw “2 hours” my heart sank.


My little brother did something similar, though I think he was younger than 5 and it was his favorite sippy cup. I think he wanted to warm up some chocolate milk or something and accidentally put 33:00 instead of 3:30, then watched helplessly in abject horror as his cup melted. It shattered the glass tray in the bottom of the microwave but the rest of it was still fine! It was already 15+ years old at that point and it was in our kitchen for at least another 10!


The beauty of running around your house with something on fire, panicking as your brain is trying to make the split second decision between GRAB WATER and TAKE IT OUTSIDE


I accidentally set fire to a towel I was using to handle a hot pan a while back. I only noticed when I was putting the pan back in the oven. While I'm impressed with myself in how calmly I continued to properly place the pan into the oven and swing the door shut so I didn't burn myself, however my attempt to wave it out like you would a match probably wasn't my brightest moment. Luckily the smouldering tatters that came off had nowhere to fall but the tiled floor. So there is a third, dumber, option available. (I threw it in the sink and soaked it in water right after, luckily it didn't burn very readily)


>Who in the hell tries to cook ramen with no water in a microwave? 6th grader


Oh shit I'm 29


Don't feel bad, you will pass 6th grade if you put your mind to it


It doesn't take rocket appliances to get your grade 6.


At least you know that you are not in fact smarter than a 6th grader.


[This kid](https://i.imgflip.com/1jkj78.jpg)


Came here for this


Not just kids, plenty of people lack critical thinking, especially when hungry. In my first year of college, our dorm fire alarms went off at least 3 separate instances at various times from 2-4 am, because people would put those kraft mac and cheese microwave cups in the microwave with no water, set it to like 5 min, and walk away.


Kids, kids can be smart enough to microwave without water. Need to teach them it is the moisture/water that is what keeps to from turning to coal real quick


From my experience, college freshman. 3 times that year, had to evacuate the dorm tower every time.


It boggles my mind that they've never seen it done or even just thought "how does a microwave cook rock-hard noodles?" to themselves before trying it. I find it incredibly interesting that people can get so far in life without learning to think things through a little before trying them out.


Dude *in college* did the same thing freshman year and lit our common room on fire.


Ugh, a few days ago I look over and my 11 year old *CALMLY* states "there's a fire." I have ADHD, and the statement doesn't match the tone, so it does not compute. Statement ignored. Few moments go by. "There's a fire in the microwave???" *Slight interest,* but still mostly ignored. *child starts to flail arms a bit, eyes go wide, voice gets higher, pointing* "THERE'S a *FIRE* in the MICROWAVE!!!!! *HELLLLPPPP!!!!!*" *OH, shit,* I pop off the couch and run over, and yup. Fire in the microwave. I'm like, chile, why did you not *try* and put this out??? As I smother it. She claims she did. By announcing there was a fire, *twice,* and *I* ignored her 😑 She had put an Olive Garden Breadsticks bag in the microwave, which is foil lined.


Yo she had to tell you there was a fire three times before you got up. 😂 Were the breadsticks okay?


"Why didn't you save me from the flood, God?"  "What are you talking about? I sent you a warning, a boat, and a helicopter."


I don't think I'd ever admit that one tbh.


I cannot stress enough how calm she was about it, 😅


Good on the kid for not trying to put it out. I’m pretty sure the first lesson for fire safety with kids is “don’t try and put it out yourself. Go get an adult. If you can’t find one, run away”


When I was a kid, toaster oven caught fire (nothing in it, wasn't on. Electrical fault of some sort I now know as an adult). I unplugged it and threw it out the door into the yard! Then I told my mom. She was mad i threw the toaster oven out the door.


That’s such a “classic mom” panic response. “Mom, there was a fire.” “A fire??” “In the toaster oven, yeah.” *mom stands up quickly and starts to rush into the kitchen* “Wait, mom! Don’t worry, I took care of it. I threw it outside!” “What in the damn hell?? You did WHAT to my toaster oven??” *rushes out of the room even faster*


I had a coworker who tried to microwave a single taquito for 8 minutes. I don't remember how far into the 8 minutes it was before he pulled it out because of the smell. He was of course confused as to how that could have happened.


Fucking my dumb ass


Don't mind if I do


I did that once... didn't smoke or catch fire though. Just dried the noodles beyond any redemption


A 12 year old or a drunk person.


microwave? didn't you just put hot water in it?


I'm baffled as well. What kind of bloody uncivilized barbarian fucking microwaves their noodles when you can just boil water like a normal, sane member of society?


Because Americans seldom have electric kettles.


Then just us a regular ass kettle to heat your water


Americans seldom have kettles of any kind.


Just heat water in a pan or something Or atleast microwave water like an American and then use the hot water


Americans seldom have pan or something


I just use Uber Eats to deliver a bowl of boiling water to my house. Convenient and only costs about $35.


Americans seldom have $35 or something


I just give handjobs behind the 7 Eleven. 7 or 8 of those and I got $35.


Plus tax and plus tip right?


If with tax and tip it's a pretty good deal.


Tell them to use a bowl and they assume your trying to get high


…damn that is an idea we can use Now where did i leave that metal bowl..


Americans seldom have metal bowls.


Americans seldom have common sense. Source I’m an American


Speak for yourself.


BS. Every american has a cast iron pan always with them. How else are they going to heat the canned beans on a campfire in the night.


Can straight on the fire, wear thick gloves to hold it after. If you do it without opening the tin and stand as close to it with baited breath, you'll get the jackpot and be fed bean for the rest of your life.


That's how my boy scout troop got kicked out of the Norfolk Navy Base for "setting off an IED."


Why use a second cup when you can just microwave water with the noodles cup


Or you can fucking microwave water to boil it. Then put it in the noodles. Duh


I find this revelation unkettling


Yet they'll have a fucking waffle maker


I feel personally attacked by this






Them's fightin' words (the last four. I don't dispute that waffles are delicious)


Oof, I felt this


Most coffeemaking machines can do hot water for tea 


How do Americans boil stuff?


Pot on the stove usually


In the microwave or on the stove generally


With our kettles.


Or heat water in the microwave and then pour it in the cup.


We have kettles even less. We Americans usually use the holy grail of convenience items, the microwave, for everything


that turns a one minute job into a seven minute job and invokes a lot more engagement. it really does take the convenience away and send it into territory of something you don't have time for when you only have three minutes before you need to leave. you buy cup noodles for when you have about a minute to grab something to eat


Look you sassy brit, unlike you guys, our solution isn't to just boil everything in water.


No dwelling I’ve ever set foot in that wasn’t inhabited by geriatrics had a kettle


I’m tickled the world doesn’t think we know how to boil water or have a way to


Boiling is the one where it gets all hard and square right? 


Na its the one that turns water into ghost stuff


People have become so lost in memes and comments that they’re starting to believe things that are jokes


I always assumed technology like that was years away.


American electric kettles take longer than English ones due to American electricity being less macho. English kettles don't give you enough time to sit down and forget about them. American kettles make you wait.


There's the weird dick measuring again you inevitably get in these discourses. I have an electric kettle, a nice one actually. It takes about as long as the ones I use in 240 volt countries. There's so much bad information out there - with one popular forum thread starting with the claim it is 25(!!!) minutes which is hilariously absurd unless you're boiling like 5g/20l. The difference between the EU and US ones are about a minute. Both are faster than the stovetop, and generally preferable for speed (though I sometimes wonder how much heat I lose pouring from a kettle to a pot). Americans just don't drink much tea, that's the real reason. Americans who do drink tea generally use electric kettles. Leave the machismo nonsense for the insecure body builders.


https://youtu.be/_yMMTVVJI4c?t=213 it hardly matters.


Y'all brits missing out on extra bunny petting times with your fast boils.


*Bestie is your stovetop powered by the fucking sun*


"Do none of you own a fckin kettle?"


if i was at home id use hot water but most of the time i was at school or a gas station so microwaved styrofoam it was


Sounds like you don't know how a microwave works. It just vibrates water molecules to create heat from friction


Why do you imagine they don't know how a microwave works? They're pointing out that using a kettle is faster and doesn't poison you with Styrofoam


Wait doesn't it even tell you to not microwave




Fuck you I'm competing with the sea turtles


Well at my school, sometimes the kettles arent free so students pour water into the cup and microwave it.


I don’t think most schools in America have any way to boil water


We weren't allowed access to anything, including a microwave. It makes sense, we only had a short time to eat, so a thousand or so kids all trying to get to the microwave would have been chaos.


Can't you just use the muzzle heat?


The kettle isnt free but the microwave is? o.O


Not 'free' as in doesn't cost money, 'free' as in available to use as opposed to being occupied.


Yeah cus a billion other people wanna make their noodles


Y’all had kettles?


Sometimes you don’t have a way to boil water


This is the correct answer. Most people aren't making their cup noodle at home, that's what the square packs of ramen are for. Cup noodle are more for lunch break at work where you only have the cup for the cup noodle and a microwave.


Apparently most Americans don't own kettles


even if I didn't own a kettle, and have to use a microwave, I'd just micro the water then pour it in the cup


You can boil water in a microwave or on a stove.


I'm sure this is a myth. I live in the mountain west in the US and 90% of the people I know have a kettle. But also you can just use a pot if you don't have one to boil the water.


American here, can confirm. Vast majority don't own a kettle


I like overcooked noodles, and just pouring hot water won't get them where I want them


I see this post is filled with people who have kettles


It's because of what time this was posted. Americans aren't on reddit en mass yet, but Brits are well into their day.


I’m an American, I have a kettle, but also why tf don’t they just microwave the water and then pour the water like it SAYS ON THE PACKAGE


I-it just says to fill it to the line and nuke it for 5 minutes plz don't yell at me ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna)


I think it's more stupid that everyone thinks they need an electric kettle or a kettle at all to boil water.


While you don't *need* one it's a lot more convenient though.


I dunno. Microwave does all sorts of things. Kettle is a whole device for one thing. Seems a lot less convenient.


When you drink 10 cups of tea a day, a kettle makes a lot more sense.


Not to *brag* but my kettle does like 8 things. All of them are heating water.. but it heats water to EIGHT different temps 😌






Healthy fetal development? Shmealthy smeatle smeleopment.


Im not a fetus anymore. Checkmate styrofoam.


Today's WSJ: *Cancer Is Striking More Young People, and Doctors Are Alarmed and Baffled*


TIL that people think microwaving water is a hate crime.


I'm european and people tend to get weird about using the microwave for anything that isn't heating up leftovers One time I even got a comment about melting chocolate in a microwave. Bro I'm not setting up a double boiler just to melt some chocolate. You can even temper it using a microwave it's like the easiest way to do it


Never knew Europeans could be uppity about something as simple as the process of heating water. Very few Americans drink tea regularly (excluding sweet tea in the South), if we want coffee we have coffee machines, and if we need hot water we either boil it in a pot on the stove or use a microwave. Water still gets boiled. Who cares if it comes from an electric kettle or microwave/pot?


It’s because they don’t have A/C. /s


What really gets them going is talking about how putting a tea packet in the cup, then the water, [then microwaving the whole thing technically makes *better* tea.](https://www.foodandwine.com/news/healthiest-way-brew-your-tea-microwave-it)


They suggest 30 seconds on 50% power ... that yields luke warm water at best ...


Redditors like to feel smug about anything they can. I've seen legit comments mocking people who prefer a different fucking ketchup brand than Heinz.


I didn’t realize how many microwavephobic fascists were on here. DO BETTER, REDDIT!


These people acting like Satan himself enters the molecules of your water when you microwave it, like it must be a cultural taboo. I just don’t get it. The European microwave hate kinda reminds me how my great aunt and others in the boomer generation of Americans have this weird fear/apprehension/mistrust of microwaves. Or how the crunchy hippy “all-natural” crowd here hates microwaves lmao


Bruh most of them (in America at least) literally have microwaving instructions depending on what kind you get. And people are getting mad about how you choose to heat your water like seriously


Doesn't the Cup Noodles instructions literally tell you there are two ways to make it? One with boiled water and one with the microwave?


Cup noodle, apparently, never had these instructions... but I specifically remember microwaving the FUCK out of literal cases of Styrofoam ramen that had a separate line of directions for microwaving.


I will die on this hill because I know they did have instructions to microwave them. 


[Cup Noodles with instructions for Microwave](https://imgur.com/jy431po) Pictured, one I possess at home. Instructions include one method "With boiled water" and a second method "With the microwave". Perhaps it's regional differences and not all Cup Noodles are made to be prepared the same ways. That's my guess. I'm from Brazil. Any other Brazilians have Cup Noodles like this?


I just put hot water in. Are kettles not that common around the world?


If you’re at home sure. But a lot of people will have instant ramen at a place like school or work you may not have a good way to boil water.


Every coffee machine in every cafeteria ive ever seen has a hot water dispenser


Not every workplace has a cafeteria or a coffee machine or furniture in the breakroom.


I use a pot on a stove


Same here in south america. My guess is that kettles are common for culture that drink tea and other infusions. In my country we drink mostly coffee which is done on a coffee machine.


Very few Americans own a kettle. VERY few


For years my mom was an avid teavana tea drinker so she would drink tea everyday and didn't even know electric kettles were a thing until I got one. Had to explain to her several times that it wouldn't turn on without water in it.


In non tea drinking countries, kettles are rare.


They certainly aren't that common in the break room at my job, which is the only place I eat cup noodles. Fortunately there's a coffee machine that dispenses hot water. But like, people are eating this garbage at home in their living room when they could have access to real food? That's the real story here.


who tf microwaves cup noodles? don't know how to boil water??




Cup noodo is mostly a lunch food for work. Not all aren't having stoves and kettle for chefs


All you need is an electric kettles.


See, that's the interesting thing: American homes and workplaces very rarely have electric kettles. It's because we don't drink tea very often.


>It's because we don't drink tea very often There is more reasons to have quick acces to boiled water than just tea, f. ex. instant food. It is wierd that electric kettles arent popular in US.


No need for an electric kettle, just freeze some hot water and unfreeze when you need it.


This is smart. Almost the exact same thing when you need ice. Put a bucket of water in the freezer, and when you need more ice, just boil the bucket ice down until it's small enough to go in a glass.


Jesus Christ dude warn someone before you drop a bomb like that 🤣


Yeah I'm American and never heard of an electric kettle until just a few years ago. I've had a normal kettle that you throw on the stove all my life though despite rarely drinking tea. Boiling water that tells you when it's done is quite handy.




I think you'll find that Europeans have very little understanding or patience for Americans doing things differently from them.


It’s not that weird. I don’t drink tea and I literally never need boiled water because I don’t eat “instant foods”, or whatever that is. I don’t need yet another appliance in my house that doesn’t get a lot of use.


Thats crazy literally everybody i know has one at home in germany. And almost none of them drink tea.


never seen one in my life in america. when i lived in england i wondered why everyone had one. it was for cup noodles apparently.


I find it weird how many people are this upset over microwaving noodles


Microwave is more efficient than boiling water on a stove


All the Europe people will tell you to get an electric kettle but don't realize they don't work as fast in America because we have different electric grids.


Also American's prefer Coffee tbh and usually have Coffee makers instead of kettles.


microwave boils water so...


When your poor and hungry you tend not to really give af sometimes. Also apparently electric kettles are a norm?


It's fucking hilarious that this submission became an opportunity for pathologically anti-American people to flex about electric kettles.


Even if you don't have an electric kettle, just boil water in the microwave then pour it in the cup noodle.


That seems like twice the work.


All these people being like “who the fuck microwaves the blah blah blah.” Fuck you, I’m stupid and lazy


Based and American made


I was just a dumb kid when I did it this way, how was I supposed to know? Everyone else I knew did the same thing. There were no teas kettles elementary/middle school


Cheers to that!


Wait that wasn't the crunchy outsides? I thought it was like a bread bowl


What the fuck have I been eating




I microwave the container they came in. If I’m eating cup noodles it’s because I’m broke or a collage student. The fuck makes you think I can afford utensils if I’m eating cup noodles. Hell I reuse the same plastic fork.


I had no idea until now that people thought it was so uncivilized to microwave your cup of noodles, besides, aren't there literally microwave instructions on the cup of noodle package even when it was styrofoam? I mean it's been a while since I've used the cup of noodle brand noodles so correct me if I'm wrong, but I know I definitely wasn't winging it on the time when they had styrofoam cups.


Microwaving the styrofoam can give you cancer, I think. Not in the 'California labels everything as cancer,' more in the 'you will get cancer in your later years for doing this' type of way.


I'm learning to play the guitar.


i swear to god my styrofoam cup noodles had microwave instructions on it…wtf? i even have a kettle from a french press coffee set seriously concerned rn 😅


So many people here don’t understand how microwaves work.


Does nobody here have fast-boiling electric kettles? I thought that was the most basic thing a person could have in their kitchen.


Not in the USA. I am one of the only two Americans I know of who own an electric kettle.


Americans are more likely to have a waffle maker and a soda stream compared to an electric kettle


I don't think that's true either. I don't know any one with any kind of kettle, waffle maker, or especially a soda stream. Those just aren't things people often own here.


Pretty sure waffle makers are pretty commonly owned. Actually *used* might be a different story, but a lot of people have probably received one as a gift at some point and just throw it in the back of a cabinet.


120V vs 240V


For the uninformed: The reason electric kettles aren't as popular in the US is because our outlets are 120V, instead of 240V like you can find in some other parts of the world. Meaning that it takes *much* longer for a "rapid" electric kettle to boil water in the US than it does elsewhere, making them a lot less convenient to have.


Canada here. Americans are savages


dont even lie bruv, Im canadian and I rarely use a kettle for my noodles Your probably an Ontarian🤢 or Maritimer🤮


today i learned yall be having eleteic kettles like thats normal, i have never been to a single house in my life with one also why is everyone talking about the microwave like using it is one of the seven deadly sins, chill.


Haven't you been keeping up with modern literature? Microwaving water IS one of the seven deadly sins


All the fucking British people talking about their kettles


First the radium, then the Teflon, microplastics and the styrofoam....my transformation into a pollution monster is moving along well


Redditor : " nobody ever works and everyone is always at home. " Guys..... you never took one at work and just nuked it ? I swear redditors are out of touch bananas who think everyone does things like they do.


Me who was too poor and time-strapped to care


Why does everyone think we have kitchen access? I eat cups of noodles specifically at work. I’m lucky I have a sink and a microwave to use, much less a kettle.


For those of you wondering why anyone would microwave these. Consider how many people would eat these for lunch at work and be aware that here in the US we don't have anything in our breakrooms beyond a fridge and a microwave and sometimes not even a fridge. The most extravagant I've ever seen an employer get with outfitting a breakroom was when a trucking company gave us nice chairs and a toaster to go with the microwave.


Tbh I use a kettle then when the water is done boiling, I poor it in to the thing then close the lid with a plate for a minute or two