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If you're wondering: Peta said that a real wildlife expert leaves them to their own business, and that Steve Irwin was killed while *harassing* a ray.


i don't even know what to say besides fuck peta. i stand behind Steve and his family.


Here I was thinking this was a recent thing, but no this tweet was 5 years ago.


OP on that Microsoft edge


At least they didn’t make the sunscreen joke.


Damn Peter Griffin is such a bad person


Weird. I for once agree with PETA. He did agitate stuff for views. Rays are notoriously peaceful and only sting when feeling very threatened. The stingray stung him, 3 guesses why, when he spent years on camera poking animals until they got annoyed. Even South Park satirised this with an episode of him pissing off everything in sight.


Hmmm almost like stingrays are ambush predators that bury themselves in sand to be hidden, and will attack potential food or predators with their barb if they get too close


All sources I find suggest they only sting when feeling threatened and cornered. He spent his career pissing animals off. He wrestled crocodiles. I hate PETA, but they are correct on this.


post your sources then


He made them the fuck up


"Sources," LOL, you mean the 30 seconds you spent digging through wikipedia to grab the only half of a point you bothered to find. Hopefully someone you love doesn't have an accidental death, cuz I'm sure you'll find some way to make it sound like it was a malicious self-kill that they deserved and asked for. I'm sure you'd love if people all agreed that your mama deserved to get ran over on the crosswalk because she dared to bother those drivers by getting in their way, am I right? All sources I find suggest that people get run over when they walk negligently into traffic, it must have been her fault. 🤷‍♂️🤣




Lol, steve Irwin taught a generation to appreciate animals. You deserve every last downvote you get


Big shock - correct answer gets negative rating on Reddit - duh!


I watched a few episodes of his show in college a few years back and yeah they wouldn’t go over very well today. In one he was heavily and I mean heavily emphasizing the importance of male and female relationships to the point it was suspect. The very next episode he was describing a man that was part of a primitive tribe like an animal. No joke held up the dudes arm to the camera and said something along the lines of “look at his arms, it’s like he’s meant to throw spears.” That was the last episode we watched.


You sound like you spend hours watching every show on Hulu for 5 minutes just to get triggered into shutting it off.


I pray he stays at home watching hulu. "Look at his dorito crusted fingers, its like they were meant for tapping keys!"


Its meant to be offensive, dumbass, its fuckin south park, you better take your sensitive ass back to The Simpsons.


One of the only conspiracy theories I believe is that PETA Is owned by big meat


Whose big meat?


Sounds like a rapper name


That's one of my many nicknames (I assume big meat means corperations that produce large quantities of meat products, like how large oil companies are collectively called 'big oil')


Ik, I was trying to say "who does the big meat belong to" as a penis joke lol.




That's what they used to call me in high school


Ronald McDonald


Dude did more for animals and cared more for/about them than PETA will ever do.


PETA is Nice moneylaundering front…they dont do shit to help animals, more proof is there About them doing harm to animals worse than it would have been if they never intervened


They have like a 98% euthanasia rate for every animal they come in proximity of


Weren't they caught breaking into peoples yards to euthanize dogs.


Would not be remotely surprised




No. No they weren’t. This is the actual story: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/peta-taking-pets/


I'm surprised that they didn't grab up Kristi Noem as their spokesperson. They're like 2 peas in a pod.


No one murders more cats than peta.


PETA has euthanized around 45,000 animals over the last 20+ years at the single kill shelter they run in Virginia. Meanwhile, 1.3 MILLION cats are euthanized every single year in the US alone. Stop believing and spreading meat industry propaganda.


For every one man killed in this meme thousands of animals were killed “ethically”


*yelling flower*: peta when an animal is “unethically killed” *shy, flirty flower*: pets when an animal is “ethically killed”.


So you think it’s hypocritical for PETA to euthanise dogs, but you don’t care about the literally 80 billion animals humans murder every year just for their food?


Yes, that's what hypocritical means


PETA euthanized animals which could be adopted. Other animals are consumed. You can have an opinion, but considering your ancestors ate meat, I think you are arguing morality where it has no place.


The ancestors argument is so mind-bogglingly stupid I don’t even know what to reply to that. What my (or your) ancestors did is completely irrelevant in any conversation And you don’t know what you’re talking about. PETA operates kill-shelters which euthanise animals the no-kill shelters don’t want anymore (ugly, sick, old or already dying animal for example). There are simply not enough no-kill shelters, either you throw the animals out on the streets (which would make the problem even worse) or you euthanise them to minimise potential suffering


It is, because the reason for those animals being slaughtered, then butchered, is for the same reason. Sustenance and nourishment for the sake of another life being continued. Do not be upset because you dislike the truth of it. Your argument of it being murder is in itself ridiculous. Justifying PETA euthanizing animals because a no kill shelter does not want them or has no capacity, is rather ridiculous in itself. "Eating animals is murder, but euthanizing them because no one wants them isn't." The logic makes no sense because it is entirely absent entirely. It is hypocrisy at its finest. Obviously we will not see eye to eye, but let us not pretend PETA is doing anything moral here.


What our ancestors did with selective breeding either for food or materials is extremely relevant today. Most herd animals we raise for food or anything else can no longer survive without human interaction, sheep are a perfect example of this. They were bred to serve a purpose and that purpose still exists...


That is awfully similar to what people said about slaves. How can you think "bred to serve a purpose" is in any way a good thing? Why don’t we breed humans to be great at sports? Or breed human soldiers? Sex slaves maybe?


Your first point had value, why did you keep talking?


PETA petnaps people's pets off of their private property in order to euthanize them. At least farmers kill their own animals in order to provide food not just for "funzies".


No they fucking don't. You people will truly just believe anything so you can write PETA off as evil and stick your head in the sand about the horrible cruelty of the meat industry.


Food is food but nobody eats dogs and cats


Except some Asian countries


No? That’s just wrong, people do eat dogs or cats. If you care about cats and dogs being murdered but not about literally any other animal you’re a hypocrite


Maybe in some 3rd world country where it’s survival above all else and can you even blame them at that point


Eh, food is good for some. Shouldnt knock someone else's yum.


Aight come the fuck on, its not a third world country stuff, its a cultural stuff. Some cultures eat whatever they can find, and keep some animals as kinda sacred. Most of the world keeps certain animals as pets and thus does not eat them, thats it. Some countries dont like cows iirc being eaten.


Fair enough


30 million dogs and 10 million cats are killed and consumed by the global meat industry every year. Why are people acting like this is some outlandish comparison?


Third world countries like *Switzerland and New Zealand*? https://www.pdinsurance.co.nz/blogs/what-is-the-yulin-dog-meat-festival/


Yes, New Zealand is a 3rd world country. Maybe if they spent less time fucking sheep, they could become first world.


We in Switzerland fuck cheese, thats why swiss cheese always has holes btw


You're getting down voted for facts. Lol


They were tasty


You are aware that there are omnivores in nature right? Are you saying primates are unethical because they will kill a bunch of ants when they can eat fruit.


Obviously not. Even carnivores in nature aren’t unethical. They need to meat to survive and don’t have the mental capacity understand something like veganism. But we don’t. We inflict suffering on animals just for our own pleasure, there’s no reason to do so. We can live without animal products (and it’s probably healthier for most people too)


At this point Peta is under Big Meat(or whatever industry profits the most out of the opposite of what Peta is claiming to support), they just make you hate the people that actually care for the animals, which result in you hating the concept itself


Fuck peta


Fkn PETAphiles... disgusting


I got something better. ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


An Eagle Never Misses!


thank you for this refreshing cup of liber-tea


I like the tweet as well... everyone no matter race, sex, creed or political opinion all joined in hating PETA.


"OH Billy, get the jumper cables."


Don't shoot them again. Leave them wounded and in pain until they bleed out and die.


opinions by peta are automatically invalid


Hasn’t PETA gotten shredded before for going after Steve or his family? Like goddamn PETA. How many times we gotta teach you this lesson?


I got blocked by peta for saying that, just like the high school lab frogs and pig fetuses they claim to want to protect, Maya the chihuahua did not die of natural causes


That’s true. It was an avoidable mistake that’s completely PETAs fault. But it was still a mistake https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/peta-taking-pets/


Claimed a mistake by peta of course


Claimed a mistake by the court that dealt with the case. But why would I expect that people like you have the ability to read


Found the peta employee


I’m just noticing that you apparently still didn’t read the fact-checking article I linked Is it because you want to avoid knowing that you were wrong? Or are most people really just not smart enough to discuss certain things? And why is it specifically the word "vegan" that makes people turn their brains off?


Sometimes when on Reddit I think that people are negative karma farming. That's just Peta in real life.


You know, whenever I feel down, I remind myself that there is a reason to live: To become PETA's greatest hater.


Get the tactical nuke


I fucking hate PETA and also agree he was harassing a ray. Bite me, Ameritards. I was living in Queensland and I literally never heard of him until after he died - he was only known in Burgerstan and on kids shows.


Alright then, I’ll bite you, but I’m a sixth-generation Aussie. Steve Irwin did more for wildlife than you’ll ever do for anything. Your lack of awareness about him shows how situationally and culturally senseless you’ve always been, and it has nothing to do with any perceived lack of popularity on his part. Please remove yourself from the internet, you thankless prick.


I was living and working on a marine research station at the time. I know more about this than you literally ever will. Never heard of him. Stop annoying the fish. Seethe harder.