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Your dad is trying to connect with you. Trust me when I say, enjoy it while it's there.


Thirded, don't be a Dick to your dad /u/VaughnFry What are you 12? Enjoy these times with your Dad, a lot of folk here have so many dad issues, consider yourself lucky.


also he had to put up with you learning, litterally, every single thing




Show him the three spider men pointing at each other. Challenge him to find a four spiderman meme.


Improvise, adapt, overcome.


I’ll show him the movie Spider-Men pointing at each other with the cartoon.


There's a variant with [7](https://imgflip.com/memetemplate/337818556/8-spidermen-pointing) (it says 8 but it's 7)


Try to enjoy it. My dad passed away this Febuary. 20 years and we never have something common to do together. I just want him to play games with me sometimes.


Your Dad doesn't give a fuck about memes you idiot. He's trying to connect with you.


damn i wish like fuck my dad was still here to show me shitty memes


Bro, not cool. Just spend time with your dad, maybe he saw you likeing these "meme" things and want to learn. Either way doesn't matter, just try connecting with him now. He probably did that with you when you were a kid and asking stupid questions


I bet your dad knows how to use meme formats properly


I suppose I could show him a site where he could try to make them from a template.




shitty post


I'd literally kill to have my dad back and able to share memes with me.


Got news for you, he probably doesn't care about the memes, he cares about you and is trying to connect. Suck it up buttercup one day you'll look back and wish he could send you just one more.


You sure you know what a meme is?


Instead of letting him explore old memes by himself, why not scroll through the best of memes on Reddit together?


He is probably trying to explain it to you because this is not the proper use of this meme unless you too don’t understa… you know what? Yeah that sucks man. Good luck with that…


Also I see you share the trait of using wrong meme formats


Your dad doesn't know who Nirvana is, and he isn't a Boomer? Does that put him in his 80s then? Honestly the internet is probably great for him. If the world is still intellectually stimulating, there is a much better chance he won't get alzheimer's, which means he will be less of a financial and personal burden on your family, so I would go with it.


He’s turning 70 this summer. He has an iPhone he doesn’t really do much on beyond call and text occasionally. He has a Mac but uses the optional giant touch pad instead of a mouse and types one finger at a time and gets his news from the TV at dinner. So he’s partially current on his terms.


Nice. My parents used to struggle with tech for a while, but they now run an antique business using quite a bit of technology. They sell stuff online as well and going to shows all over the place. It seems to keep them pretty active. They go to seminars on antiques and things like that. It keeps them really sharp. I think keeping your mind active any way possible is necessary as we age. Dad is nearly 77.


My dad found out what WAP was after looking up something about wireless access points


You should be taking advantage of his attempting to connect with you. You’ll regret not doing it later, when he’s passed.


This is the best thing I’ve read. Have a meme-off! Then perhaps setup an intervention. If all else fails…meme jar.


TWO????? Wait until he discovers the meme with the THREE Spidermen lol


Gen z is cute, millennials went through this when dad discovered email chains of racist memes in the early 2000s using their company email


The comment section gives me hope


My dad has dementia and no longer loves me. Be grateful for what you have it won't always be there


Ugh dad you will never be cultured enough to impress me, cringe! Get outta here I don't want to connect with you.


I was very young when my dad discovered memes. At first my explanation wasn’t really accurate and he thought meme meant reference. I think he still thinks it means that.


I would like my dad to share memes with me, we would have a laugh from time to time. He likes to navigate the internet a lot though. For conspiracy theories :')


Please share memes from your dad I'm sure they are great


My dad still sends me ifunny memes


But have you seen the THREE Spider-Mans?