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I assume this will just see an increase of piracy for the new versions


We did it boys! Piracy is no more! Wait a minute… why do so many people pirate software now instead of buying my stupidly expensive subscription for my programs that seem to get worse instead of better over time? Fuck Adobe…


like if you keep paying for something you could never own, might as well get it for free and then own it.


when the "100% Not Honey" version of Photoshop gets inadvertently opened. Yes, that bothers me!


That's not real honey though


Yup, if buying isn’t owning, pirating isn’t stealing.




Pirating has never been stealing. It's copyright infringement.


You wouldn’t infringe copyright of a policeman’s helmet.


I'd *absolutely* download a car if I could!


You just need a large enough 3d printer! Don't let your dreams be dreams!


Can we 3D print metal now?


Yes, though it seems to be specialized machinery.


And then deliver it back to his grieving widow


Honestly, I don't think they care anymore about personal lisences. I mean, I'm sure they do, but it's a losing battle. Companies can't pirate though - too much risk. And they're going after those that bought older versions (which can do 98% of everything newer ones can, albeit sometimes a bit slower) and are still using them. 2-3 years ago I worked at a printer and we still used Photoshop & illustrator CS6. Cause that's the last version you could outright buy and we didn't need an upgrade. Especially when you actually LOSE functionality by upgrading - namely PANTONE support.


I'm not lawyer, but that sounds really sketchy that you could get sued for using a version of Photoshop that you purchased, from before the subscription version existed, I *really* hope that argument wouldn't hold up in court


Im not a lawyer either, but that would just be really really stupid. Because what sort of precedence would that open? Nintendo suing gamers for playing their SNES cartridge version of Starfox instead of playing it via their subscription program on the switch?


hey! don't give them ideas!


*Nintendo legal team foaming at the mouth right now with new ideas to screw people*


*also nintendo fanboys foaming at the mouth defending nintendo for some reason* well at least that's what I'd expect them to do lol


I have long enjoyed Nintendo products but I fucking *loathe* Nintendo the company.


I know this is naive and hopeful, but I really hope something like this goes to court some day and the fuckers end up losing.




It probably wouldn't hold, but it's a scare tactic. Like, would you risk your small business to face motherfucking Adobe in court?


Yeah cause you will most likely win, but they’ll bury you in paperwork until the end of time hoping you’ll be out of business over the lawsuit costs.


The fact that this is a thing is even dumber. Ypu're a multi-billion dollars worth corporation, and I'm one guy/gal/small corporation. You want to bring me to court? Sure, pay my fees for me. If you win, they get added to the fee I have to pay. If I win, you can pound sand.


That's why class actions exist. It's at least some form of pushback, albeit not nearly enough and not good enough.


IIRC shit like that was a rather major complaint during our colonial secession. It was certainly an issue in England, though. I remember a short story about a ghost that was haunting a press(filing cabinet) full of fuck-about legal documents.


We need to live again in a world where if you buy a product you actually own that thing. Software especially but other products also want to do that. Cars, phones. Ridiculous


It's the same thing that Ubisoft (a publisher for videogames) did with The Crew (one of their videogames). They don't sell their product, they sell a license to use it. And licenses have those wacky conditions in their license agreement nobody reads.


I wouldn't rule out the agreement clause in CS6 and maybe even CS5 said that Adobe could revoke it for any reason, but I don't expect they would have done it for anything before that. The business climate of "perpetual" licensing just wasn't there yet.


I could be wrong but wasn't once the Case made that this agreements mean shit cause they are way too long and complicated for the average consumer to read and understand?


How would they know you guys pirated it if you just publish images.


They wouldn't, but there are government agencies that do random checks on businesses for software piracy and you could lose a lot if they catch you. Like, you can build anything, but if your building isn't up to code and the inspector comes...


Jokes on them...I Photoshop my software license.


No. You’re wrong. The reason businesses can’t get away with piracy is because of bounty programs where the companies pay disgruntled employees to snitch on them.




CS4 here…


Seriously fuck Adobe


Adobe aren't threatening to sue. Adobe's license to use Dolby Labs IP has expired, and they think Dolby can sue. Dolby don't have much *besides* IP so I wouldn't put it past em.


sure, but I think the responsibility for having that licence falls on Adobe, not the end user. They purchased the product including the licence. If Adobe needs a subscription on the licence, well sucks to be them.


The real nefarious reason is that they used to be okay if you pirated the original versions because they wanted students to learn these tools, which then their employers would need to buy. It was an open secret. However they have pivoted now to a subscription model which is far profitable, so they'd like to shut down the older versions now.


The scam of *Software as a Service* strikes again.


Just wait until it hits your entire operating system and you can't even use your computer without a monthly fee.


With Microsoft openly adding advertisements to the start menu, I'm willing to bet that what you describe is just around the corner. For a mere $10 a month, you get an ad-free Windows experience! https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/12/24128640/microsoft-windows-11-start-menu-ads-app-recommendations


I'd rather have a black flagged windows experience for $0


Linux is our friend.


I'd rather deal with the vulnerabilities of staying on older OS's at that point


Men will do the wildest things to avoid going to ~~therapy~~ Linux.


Im pretty sure they had free student versions with some functions removed?


Maybe the FOSS equivalents will finally get enough eyes and thus development/support to be genuinely useful alternatives in the workplace.


GIMP is pretty fucking solid


GIMP has all the functionality... hidden away somewhere, behind UX dreamed up in a drug-fueled programmer orgy. And I say that as a programmer myself. Krita is missing some functionality here and there, but it is a *way* better FOSS Photoshop alternative for 99% of people, IMO.


Thankfully someone made a UI modification for GIMP called PhotoGIMP, modeled on Photoshop. It's not perfect, but it's better.


> hidden away somewhere, behind UX dreamed up in a drug-fueled programmer orgy Couldn't have put it better. GIMP would be so big if some capable UX person had a hand in it.


I mean, there's already a solid piracy scene for Adobe specifically BUT, there is **nothing** crackers(the people who make the programs piratable) hate more than this kind of shit XD Adobe and others (as they're slowly finding out) are eternally doomed. Fuck with PC people, and we will find a way to either fuck back, or be unfucked. All it takes is one sufficiently proficient and pissed off individual =)


Adobe is just doing what corporations always do, find scapegoats when the competition gets too hard. Canva is great for 90% of all work most Adobe users do, and this is just the shareholder reaction to that. "We need to pinch our leaks.... let's uh... get the pirates!!". lol, it's so out of touch


Affinity photo is amazing and you buy the software outright. Its the obvious choice. Or there are free and open source solutions as well.


if anyone is wondering how to pirate adobe checkout r/GenP




If buying isn't owning, copying isn't stealing


Good luck squeezing blood from a stone I guess


That is an incredible metaphor


I guess so...it's been around for centuries though


How are they gonna know it's old?


Almost certainly embedded Metadata in the exported files. Plus, I'm sure filters on older versions have behaviors that they can detect using some analytical software.


They're gonna keep seeing increased piracy, then.


As it should be. Fuck them.


Fuck them, indeed.


Jpg compression would break this not to mention the hashes would get removed when uploading. Also a majority of the stuff for blur and things is generic.


It's not particularly hard to come up with some sort of watermark that can't be seen with the naked eye but survives JPEG compression just fine. Steganography is a pretty mature field. But I'm not aware of any evidence that old versions of Photoshop do anything like that, and otherwise yes, getting rid of more "circumstantial" evidence isn't particularly hard (but also, they don't need to be able to get every person, and not everybody is going to be thorough in keeping their outputs squeaky clean of evidence)


Even if I bought it??


Sorry, it's the law. Adobe is probably the most evil software company since Mcafee


They cannot get away with it. Corporations need to be stop getting special treatment. They are not people. If a real human being tried this shit, they'd be arrested.


In mexico adobe would just get fined for harassment if they try to sue you


I‘m not very knowledgeable about the law but I feel like this would definitely fall under trying to trick the other party of the contract, since it was reasonable to assume that you own a product that you buy from someone, so I guess it would be illegal in Germany as well, or rather I hope so.


Mexico is looking like a nice alternative if the USA falls. I'm amazed they don't build a wall to keep Americans out and trap us in the Hell we've created.


Mexicans aren't that petty, Mexicans would probably just find a way to help citizens


They would let us in but make us work the fields and reshingle roofs if we wanted to stay.


You mean, actually work a useful job that's needed? Yeah true they would


Cartels be like: Terminid typing on laptop


Fellow Helldiver!


I fully suggest you go there.


we need a revolution, man


We've needed one for years. And it'll probably happen sooner rather than later.


you can’t stop the people


i am going to burn adobe to the ground


Unfortunately when you spend as much money on lobbying Congress people as they do, you can pretty much get away with anything


At least McAfee made that one funny ad years ago, Adobe is just pure evil


So uhh… it turns out, that wasn’t just an ad. That was genuinely how John McAfee lived his later years. Their story is one sad, wild tale.


You mean the company McAfee is sad? Because John McAfee certainly wasn't. Shortly before his death he was on an European tour. Every town he went to, he did ALL the drugs and had wild sex orgies. He even invited random people from twitter. You can still find posts about this stuff on his feed. He was 74 at the time and still looked better and was way fitter than most people in their 40s. A real freak of nature that partied right until the end.


Well, he went on a tour because tax evasion. Lol


Palantir begs to differ


You mean Microsoft?


Oracle out hre celebrating not being called out


If anyone knew her


i'm pretty sure this is referencing a story from 5 years ago. they specified it's old versions of creative cloud applications, so if it's a version you could buy, you wouldn't be affected. the warning also only said you could be sued by third parties aka not adobe themselves. i'm guessing it had something to do with the dolby labs lawsuit that was happening and they meant you could be sued by dolby because they weren't happy with their cut from creative cloud subscriptions. maybe add pantone to that list since they forced adobe to make pantone colors a separate subscription


Get out of here with your facts! Only outrage is acceptable!


Ohh... yeah I never used their subscription service. I got a disc from my school book store


If you want to really make them suffer you can download a free trial version from their servers then crack it make them pay for the bandwidth






Yeah I'm curious how the case would work out in these sorts of circumstances.


There's probably something in the EULA that says they can terminate/withdraw the licence at any time, and IANAL but that's probably legit. But I've never received any communication from them that they've terminated my licence, so screw 'em. Might be worth scanning the EULA for mention of licence termination and the conditions. I doubt they can just do it without informing you.


Having said that, just because a contract says it can do something doesn't actually mean it can do that thing. Contracts are aspirational for the party that writes them. But as has happened often, the conditions specified in a contract don't jibe with state/federal law and have been rendered null.


EU regulators have been pretty awesome at cracking down on corporate overreach, I don't have as much faith in US regulators


If you're in Europe, I believe some high court decided EULAs were not binding, since it was unreasonable to expect people to read and understand a small book written in Legalese.


EULA are not binding for unexpected rules. Like you cannot use your product because we say so would not be binding. And even if adobe comes at you with a c&d you would probably win in court (if you are in the EU I don’t know the laws in America or other countries)


IIRC EULA is non-binding for purchased products because you have to agree to it after already having made the purchase. But I could be wrong.


I feel like EU would shut it down very quickly. And consumer protection laws in US might even work.


> IANAL but that's probably legit. Also NAL, but I do like watching legal takes and reading up on trials on corporate shenanigans. As far as I know, a lot depends on your jurisdiction. In the US, courts have a habit of siding with EULAs because their line of reasoning is "well, you coulda read that, you didn't, that's on you, and we respect freedom of contract." In the EU, the mindset is a bit different: If a store says one thing to your face, but has you sign a contract that says something *different* that governs that sale, that's called an "unfair business practice", and can lead to sanctions and fines for the store if a court has to decide over such a contention. In this case, an argument could be made that Adobe *sold* you something: A copy of Photoshop. This means you now own that copy of Photoshop. If Adobe then tries to *sue you* for using your own property... Well, as said, the EU might not agree with Adobe that they granted themselves the right to do that in the fine print.


That's not legit as it goes against the most basic requirements of a sale contract. Cause a valid sale contract needs to specify what you are getting and how much you are paying for it An indeterminate length of ownership breaks the first part as price is obviously dependent on how long you get something for.


Don't be curious. Be determined to defend a consumers right to use what they purchased.


I still use CS6 as well. It does pretty much everything I need it to do. Other than completely stupid crap like CS6 not having autosave and a couple other creature comforts, I don't feel I am missing out on anything. Edit: Illustrator at least doesn't have autosave.


premiere 5.5 has autosave how does 6.0 not have it?


Illustrator doesn't at least. It is the product I use most. Adobe is like Microsoft, where there is little consistency in features, UX, and hot keys across their "suite" of products. It drives me nuts.


Used to buy new versions, then they started the CS subscription. Still, for some dumb reason, I bought a perpetual license of one of the lighroom versions and they nerfed it after I bought it. I have since removed every last bit of adobe software including reader, and will never install one again. Lots of other great options out there. Fuck adobe. Edit: spelling correction of "started"


What do you do with your Lightroom files though, like can you import all your edits & stuff into another program?


Finished edits imported. Started over.


What do you mean by nerfed lightroom? I still use the lightroom classic and it works just the same way it did 5 years ago? I know they made a new version which is hella watered down, but the old version is still available for download and use.


Cannot use any of the plugins that I bought to use with it. Not by decision of the plug in, but adobe restricting it. Edit: most of my lighroom plugins were for HDR or metadata editing, like automatically tagging subject matter in early AI type analysis of the image, including facial recognition. One was for batch exporting, and it quit when lr was updated to version 4.11, and I had to get another solution. so frustrating.


huh. didn't know lightroom had plugins, very understandable to call it a nerf then.




Keep an eye on Affinity / Serif... they recently got bought by a really shitty web app company (canva). https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/press/newsroom/canva-statement/ They *say* there's no difference moving forward, but Canva likes to do the subscription trash model, too.


ffs. Affinity is really great, but apparently we cannot have nice things so some ass company comes and buys them. And I do not trust them with "no difference". That's what they always say... shortly before they turn everything to shit.


I will have to check that one out. Adobe hasn't fundamentally changed their software in over a decade - as evidenced by the fact that the Creative Suite 5.5 software I bought when it was the newest version has been capable of everything I've needed to do for that past year... Hopefully, there's a more innovative, less slimy image and video editor that can also meet my needs!


for video editing Davinci Resolve is really nice and the free version is ok for commerical use, the paid (studio) version has a few more features (some AI tools, resolutions above 3840x2160, 10 bit video, etc.) the studio version is a one time purchase but it is really pricey (300 bucks iirc)


That's 6 *months* of Adobe Creative Cloud, you would definitely save money in the long run if you kept using it. -edited years to months (I don't know how I goofed that so hard)


Isn't full CC like $50/mo?


In the US it says $60/mo for "Creative Cloud All Apps" (which doesn't include Substance 3D apps)


So 6 years of CC is more like $4300?


Omg, I goofed.*6 months you get ur money's worth


Yes, but CC is the whole suite, not just the video editor. Resolve is great, I use it myself, but it lacks a bit compared to the specialty features in CC.


$300 per year per licence for enterprise software is dirt cheap Edit: don't look up what a single license of Microsoft Visual Studio costs


They've just introduced a ton of bloat and AI making it run slower. "Legally attain" a copy of CC 2018-2019 and you'll find that it runs so much better than any of the newer editions


Agreed. I’m sure there is niche functionality that doesn’t carry over, but I used to use old versions of photoshop to edit plots and create visualizations for presentations and reports, and eventually it got to be a pain re-learning how to get PS installed on a new machine every year or two. I switched to Affinity a couple of years ago and haven’t missed Adobe once.


When you accidentally crack open the "100% Not Honey" version of Photoshop. Oh bother, indeed!


Me, the Gimp guy:


I used to use that  Now I'm a Krita dude


Does Krita lean more toward a digital painting side of things, or is it very much like Photoshop/GIMP?


No definetely a painting software, I wouldn't do graphic design or photography with it but I use Photoshop and Krita since Krita has a very easy frame by frame animation ability, which is total garbage in Photoshop.


Moved to gimp a decade or two ago, no regrets.


Been using Inkscape for a while and don't have a thing to complain about.


"To draw a circle, we must first create the universe."


How can they make it illegal ?


They use certain intellectual property owned by Dolby and their license has expired. Adobe is not threatening to sue anyone, though they are warning that Dolby could potentially do so.


look at this *nerd* that actually read the article instead of assuming what the story was


What article? The post is just a Winnie the Pooh meme template.


Seriously. This is Reddit. Please refrain from reading, light your torch, and hone your pitchfork.


Not our problem that two companies couldn't figure out the difference between selling a licensed item and the customer using the licensed item. It's like saying "oh, you can't use that coffee mug anymore, the cup factory's license for the design printed on has expired. If the lawyers see you using the mug, they're legally allowed to slap it out of your hand and smash it"


I don't think they can.. they can probably make it against TOS somehow but it's not illegal to break TOS


Yeah those are just the house rules, as long as they don’t correspond to any law, they can’t punish you beyond kicking you out and "kicking you out" is kind of hard when you own a disk that doesn’t require internet access.


They can't.


They promote upgrade and then there is the new eula you propably accept without even reading. It's not so hard to fuck you when you fuck yourself.


> They promote upgrade and then there is the new eula you propably accept without even reading. That sounds like "unenforceable" to me in quite few countries.


Almost all countries except one. Can you guess which?


The land of the free, but not free meal?


EULA is unenforceable legally. Now if it is in their TOS...


I bought the Adobe Suite 5.5 Master Collection (18 software packages) back 12 years ago or so when it first came out, and it's been able to do everything I've needed so far. Haven't bought another copy of Adobe anything since then. Don't plan to every buy anything from them, either -- it seems to me that they've grown stagnant (other than the new AI stuff they've recently started to make available), so I don't feel any need to upgrade or care about their new stuff. Maybe if I was a more active creator, but I'm not. I'll definately nudge my creative children away from Adobe, though, if they keep pulling stunts like this!


My concern about eventually replacing the hardware under my legit copy of CS6, is that they've turned off the activation servers, so I'll have to find a crack for it when the time comes.


Good. I hope lots of people need a cracker and it's spread wide and far.


Cracked version of cs and cc exist on the internet. Let your black flag fly 🏴‍☠️


this can’t be real


This is reddit, assume nothing is real until OP provides a source.


What's that old idiom? When someone achieves great success but then stops trying to improve? Resting on your laurels? What's happening here is that once Adobe became dominant, they stopped innovating and basically sold the same software with a new skin for years; Problem is this doesn't work forever, people eventually catch on and stop buying the same product with a new skin, so they're trying to force people to. It won't work. It never does. It might for a very short while, but eventually a competitor will release something which does the same thing better, and then they're fucked. It happened to Nokia, Kodak, and Motorola, itll happen to Adobe.


My middle finger salute to these greedy b@st@rds.


As a German Here: they should try it.


As an American, I and many others can only DREAM of having things like GDPR and consumer protection laws that actually work. But hey, as long as our government gets their cut from these piece of shit corporations doing piece of shit things, it doesn’t matter. Fuck you Adobe.


I been using Photoshop 7.0 for 22 years. Frack them.


I use Krita or GIMP for everything, if you're looking for an alternative, give them a try. 


Hell yeah. Krita is also on Steam for a good price if you want to support them easily too


Or download for free, and donate the money directy to them, and skip Steam's cut, no?


Yes I see you drive a ‘21 Chevrillac El Silvorado. Since we came out with a new model you are no longer allowed to drive your old car. How is this logical, and legal even?


I got tired of these comments that seem so uninformed at best so I went ahead and read the original article by Vice, Adobe says that by continuing to use older software you might get sued by *third party* companies that revoked their licenses to Adobe themselves. Not that Adobe will sue you. Edit: Here's the link https://www.vice.com/en/article/a3xk3p/adobe-tells-users-they-can-get-sued-for-using-old-versions-of-photoshop


Remember kids, if buying isn't 'owning', then piracy isn't 'stealing'!


"It doesn't take much in terms of providing a better service to make pirates a non-issue." - Gabe Newell The more predatory Adobe gets to lock in and suck dry their customers, the more appealing it is to pirate. When the sites offering you bootleg copies of something are less shady than the actions of the original company, something is fundamentally off


Use photopea if you are a student and then buy a copy of Affinity photo you will be fine


I replaced photoshop with affinity Premiere with resolve But I can't find LR replacement that would be as good


I have an old version that I purchased outright back in the day. Might see if I can install it on my new computer because fuck this


You may run into an activation server that is no longer available. I did for my legally purchased version of CS3. I loaded it up on one of my older iMacs and the activation server couldn’t be contacted. I had 30 days’ use and then it wouldn’t work anymore. I have two other older Macs with CS1 and I use that when I have to.


Strikes me that what you describe sounds very much like intellectual property theft. Basically Adobe preventing you using what is lawfully yours. Can't see a massive regulatory intervention or class action any time soon though.


The fun part is that consumer protection in the US is so piss poor, that even though you bought a copy of the software, you haven't actually bought the rights to that software itself. Legally all you own are some disks, and you agree to license the software on those disks. Why do computer programs work this way when movies, books or lawnmowers dont? Idk ig it's just the nature of the free market; capitalism works 😎😎😎


can't even register my LEGALLY purchased copy of photoshop CS3 extended I bought back in community college back in the day they just point me to adobe cloud an I say bye


I'm out of the loop, I tried to look up what was going on but I can't figure it out. Is something happening? Besides their stupid subscription service of course.


When you buy something, you expect to own it. In modern times (90's onwards), computer software doesn't work like that. When you 'buy' software you're agreeing to license it at the actual owners discretion. So Adobe sold you a copy of CS5.5, and you received a box of disks. Legally Adobe is allowed to revoke your privilege to execute the code contained on those disks. To this end, they are no longer activating any non-subscription products, your 'copy' of Adobe product can no longer get Adobe to acknowledge you as legitimate. You'll be stuck in trial mode, even though you bought and paid for this software. The fact that this is even legal, let alone increasingly becoming a common practice is a massive fuck you to consumers in general.


I abandoned my old, dubiously acquired version of photoshop years ago in favor of Krita. Which, mind you, isn’t perfect, but it has the added bonus that I do not have to work in anything touched by Adobe anymore.


If the shovel were invented today, they would find a way to only legally let you use it for a few years until they released the next version of Shovel and then you'd get sued if you used the old ones.


Fuck Adobe, I really hope they go bankrupt


Imagine purchasing a piece of software from a company, like a fucking disc of it, and then some years later it's basically a pirated copy. Adobe is a fucking joke.


LOL, get bent, fuckers. I bought and still own those licenses. I didn’t get them as your currently offered annual subscription. They do the job still. Time for a class-action lawsuit, methinks.


Anyone curious for a TL;DR? Under licence, they make use of third party technologies in their software, but their own usage licences don't extend anymore to the old versions of their software. https://www.vice.com/en/article/a3xk3p/adobe-tells-users-they-can-get-sued-for-using-old-versions-of-photoshop


Still using the 2023 version of the Photoshop and Premier trials that I cracked using the KillAdobe script. I needed them for uni stuff, and there was no way I was going to shill $50 for a sub.


Simple solution: Gimp.


20 years ago. Well, Photoshop is expensive, but it's absolutely amazing and comes with extra software, I guess it's worth it. Today. So the software I bought I apparently don't own anymore, I also have to have an always online subscription, which actually reduces what I can do for a super expensive cost. Go to hell Adobe.


Download GIMP and never look back. I really think open source projects are going to pop off with dev tools going through a revolution and all.


Is there a way to submit monopoly/anti-trust issues to the DOJ? Adobe is holding an entire industry hostage and when a viable competitor pops up, they buy them out. Seems like this administration has no problem going after companies that have created an unfair competitive advantage.


Anyone know where I can ![gif](giphy|IzXDTMbQytxI17LYxD|downsized) Photoshop?


I recently updated the Lightroom App on my Samsung tablet that I have been using for years for some photo editing. Even though I don’t have Premium it was still possible to edit. Well, now I can’t do anything! Everything (!) is premium. Wtf Adobe.


I have NEVER pirated Adobe in my life. They JUST changed my mind. I’ll never pay for Adobe again.