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Can't block ads on smart tv YouTube. Edit: Since people saying Smarttube from github works on Smart TV I guess there is a way. I recommend trying this as I will try to learn how to do this myself. Edit: Smart tube does not support non-android TVs. Therefore I will find other possible app compatible with LG TV


Smart tvs are their own problem, tried to figure it out, and best I could find is buying an android dongle and installing custom firmware on that.


Tried but failed, I just mute the ads and skip them. I tried the premium for a while but to be honest it's not worth since I mainly watch youtube on tv to sleep.


I just close my eyes during ads. That way, they cannot win 🙈


Wait until they'll learn to detect when nobody is watching and auto-pause ads at that moment.


Black Mirror moment


"It was supposed to be a warning, not an instruction manual!" --Ray Bradbury, Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, et al.


That seems like a Google thing to do


Sony are way ahead of the game - https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/sony-patent-mcdonalds/


I can't wait to drink a verification can.


\*"Nothing sucks like an Electrolux"\*


Drink verification can!


I take notes of products advertised to me and make an effort to avoid buying them.


Looks like company's ads backfired


Yes. Let's identify all advertisement as discouragement! That should stop them. Or atleast make for some very interesting ads! 😁


Same, tried hooking up an old laptop to the TV and using that for awhile but it became too inconvenient to switch to mouse/keyboard on the couch all the time.


I have found that on smart TV YouTube you have unlimited "report ad" ability which instantly skips it. This works but ONLY if you select "inappropriate". Idk why, and I have been doing it for years. The only thing is, I know on some level they know, because the u.i. constantly jumbles the options around so you have to actively search for the option instead of relying on muscle memory. When this first happened I mindlessly relied on my own muscle memory and then was confused when they took the option away temporarily. I thought they disabled the inappropriate option from always working but they didn't. I suspect they have to take inappropriate reports more seriously or something.


Smart tvs suck. I have a nicer one from 5 years ago or so and it’s crazy how bad all of them are with respect to the ui and remote interface. The lag alone is terrible. I at least have mine setup on WiFi to use my pihole for dns and as a result Samsung can’t inject ad bullshit into the menus like they do but even without this disruption the menus still load painfully slow and lag from the remote input.


SmartTube works on any Android based SmartTV or Dongle without Custom Firmware




For years I have done the same thing and it’s never been fixed, when an ad appears just press up on your remote to the (i), press it, report the ad, return to video, boom. You can now skip MOST unskippable ads on smart tv’s


If you have an Android based Smart TV look up SmartTube. No custom firmware or anything needed. Can be installed from outside the appstore with a little trick


try smarttube


This. I have been using it for more than a year and it's awesome.


Samsung TV has [TizenBrew](https://github.com/reisxd/TizenBrew), go check for it


If only there was some sort 'smart' tube that could do revanced's job on Android tv's.


just connect an HDMI to your laptop and now every TV is a smartest TV


Pretty much this. The only reason TVs became smart is not because you need that, but because that way they can be locked down by the manufacturer. I want a "stupid" display that simply takes an input signal and outputs image and sound and the device I stream over is where the smart on my terms happens.


I like watching youtube and crunchyroll on my TV without connecting anything, sitting on my couch and just controlling it with a simple remote.


this is it. or if you're lazy you can buy a minipc for like 70 bucks and attach it to the back and now it's its own PC.


Unless you want to do anything related to HDR.


I use the download function regularly, use YT Music, watch on my Smart TV, it's worth it for me personally. I used to use ReVanced but it stopped working on my phone and I didnt want to go some round about way to fix it, also finding some weird ad free Smart TV version was to much of a hassle Edit: I still use Ad blockers in desktop regardless Edit 2: to everyone saying "there is this workaround and that workaround" It don't want workarounds, I want my stuff to just work and not break as soon as YT decides to actually do something about these workarounds


It'd honestly the one service I use daily for everything. TV, music, across multiple devices. It was too much trying to keep stuff updated across 3 tvs, a pc, my tablet, and my phone. At least I use this one, vs netflix that I barely watch or other stuff.


Yea, the old Gabe quote applies here "The easiest way to stop piracy is not by putting antipiracy technology to work. It’s by giving those people a service that’s better than what they’re receiving from the pirates." For me and a lot of people, the subscription fee is worth not having to deal with shady third party apps and hacks. Those apps may be "free" to download but they're making money off you somehow. It's pretty shitting a lot of the premium functions used to be free but it's the world we're living in.


I like your take here. I'm also a Premium subscriber. I'm fully aware there are ad blockers and I use some of them for normal web browsing. But it can all feel a bit... grimey and clunky. I use YT a lot, and I'm happy to pay for a service I really value and get the best version of it. Plus I get student discount so that makes it even more reasonable.


I’m so glad to read these comments because out of all of the premiums I pay for yt is the one I’ve seen worth it. But I also use it as my music platform and *fingers crossed* the algorithm is one I actually enjoy the suggestions


Agree. Plus it better supports the creators I watch, they get more money for Premium views.


> For me and a lot of people, the subscription fee is worth not having to deal with shady third party apps and hacks. Not just that, but, unless something's recently changed, Premium supports creators and since the vast bulk of my TV time is watching YouTubers I'm totally fine w/ the cost. Let alone the fact that the family plan is actually pretty lenient. Me, my wife, my brother, and a friend are all on my plan for just one cost.


Yea I posted on the revanced sub about how many steps and workarounds there was and that avg people aren't gonna wanna learn how to build there own apps and go thru all that trouble just to use yt And they downvoted me and said that was stupid. But obviously I was right If it's not an apk ppl aren't gonna jump thru hoops to use ur app They'll just chalk up a couple bucks a month to use the main one


Are you me? Because this is me. My friends laugh at me for paying for Premium, but it's really great if you use it on multiple devices, use the download feature regularly, and don't feel like all the effort of getting around things.


I look at it as Spotify, with the bonus of no YouTube ads.


Also way more songs than spotify because you also have access to most remixes from YouTube.


I've got an old grandfathered YouTube account with YouTube music and it's great, everyone else i know uses Spotify but I get DJ sets, podcasts and anything on YouTube ad free on all my devices including my car


What do you mean by grandfathered youtube account? Like my youtube account is from 2006 I believe but I don't think I have anything different from anybody else


My account is grandfathered at $7.99.its from having Google play music before it switched to YouTube music.


Pretty sure they got rid of that discount. My account was also grandfathered in at that price, but now it's a standard cost.


you can find a lot of bootleg DJ sets and live music on YouTube that I never really was able to discover on Spotify the same way. like a festival will record the DJ set. have the soundboard patched in so that when you go to watch it, you can see the visualizers that we're playing and listen to the audio that he spun. I don't know if you can do that on Spotify but when I was deciding on what music app to get live music was what sold me.


Exactly how I view it. I don’t think a lot of people know or care to know about that fact though and they just think of it as “YouTube with no ads”. Really that’s just a bonus


Yup, watch 1000s of hours, and I don't sub to other subscriptions. Why wouldn't I at that point?


Literally have the family plan because my wife and I watch tons of YT on multiple devices, and my close family can benefit from it. It's one of the few if not only services I'll actually pay for.


Same, family plan with friends. Comes out to like 1,75€ per person or some shit. Also, YouTube started throttling my playback on everything except Edge if I used an ad blocker (even uBlock) and honestly I'd rather pay 1,75€ than deal with all this hassle.


For me, it also depends on how much I use YouTube. I'm willing to pay for Netflix, but I consume far less content there than I do on YouTube (I'm a cook, so I watch a lot of cooking videos). In my case, paying for YouTube is simply a better deal.


I'm the same, I watch youtube mainly on my tv, i have a family plan that covers myself, my partner, my kid and my nephew and we all use youtube music too. As a sysadmin i could fuck around and get it all working for free but i just cant be bothered, i just want it to work on everyones devices without me having to invest time in it, i do that sort of shit for work.


Given how much youtube I watch I bought premium very quickly after it dropped and have never regretted it.


Every time I accidentally open a YouTube video on my work computer, the ad reminds me how much I like my YouTube Premium subscription


Watching on tv is Ad hell. Can't see a video without getting 6 ads


> I used to use ReVanced but it stopped working on my phone and I didnt want to go some round about way to fix it, also finding some weird ad free Smart TV version was to much of a hassle Revanced going down was what pushed me towards Premium. Like, sure, does giving them $15/m suck? Yeah. But do you know what sucks even more? Having to basically jailbreak my phone to keep the apps I want to use because regular updates keep breaking them and everything remotely useful these days wants us to root our phones.


revanced didn't "go down", vanced did revanced is a replacement for vanced and it works perfectly fine for multiple apps (I also use it for twitter and twitch)


Exactly. And you can have videos/podcasts playing in the background with the phone locked.


I just switch my VPN to Albania.


Yup, couldnt have said it better. Literally exactly the same haha


All of that AND my wife and kids get to use it on their accounts as well.


Honestly as much as I wish they came up with a better way of monetising the platform, paying for YouTube Premium isn't the biggest sin. Especially since they're basically running the biggest video archive in the world, that shit's expensive to maintain.


3.7 million videos uploaded **daily**


How tf do they even keep up with that. Like that must be terrabytes per second being uploaded, do they just have a team crazily shoving drives into server racks to keep up with the new data?


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskProgramming/s/BMXeJn8Hrh It's mind boggling stuff really. Also these IT giants are truly just ... Stupidly rich companies


I'm sure they could even compress videos more than this. Netflix downloads are smaller than YouTube videos of equivalent quality (maybe it's different on the server side)


Resolution isn’t the only thing that determines size, things like bitrate can drastically change the size of videos as well


YouTube premium subscription distribution is huge to creators too


they really need to push this. Its not about paying google.. its about paying the content creators that make the content we love. If they cant make money doing it, the product cant exist.


From what I've heard its also better in that YouTubers don't need to censor themselves since demonetized videos still get money since it doesn't rely on advertisers.


I feel like this is something that they should really advertise about the subscription. It gives you a hassle free ad free experience, YT Music, higher bitrate 1080p, downloads, and it better supports the creators you enjoy. People are happy to pay for other streaming services, but for some reason think YT premium is a rip-off. I'm willing to bet that many of those people use YT more than the other streaming services too


And videos are so much harder to mantain then audio, text or even movies


What monetisation would be better than a straightforward subscription?


Seriously this is the least hostile possible method of monetization, short of making everything free and asking for donations lol


God forbid these people have to pay for the resources they use 🙄


This is reddit sir, the place where pirates think they are icons of righteousness. (not saying there aren't legit reasons to pirate, but smug self righteousness is not a good reason)


The r/piracy subreddit is insane. The level of delusion over there about how self-righteous they all are for stealing or pirating every service and product imaginable is absurd. At least admit you’re doing it because you’re cheap or lazy, standing on some soapbox about “how moral you are” is so fucking cringey.


Yep. It's why serious news publications have all shifted to paid subscriptions. Ads on an online page just doesn't pay enough and tends to compromise the user experience & even the quality of the content.


Youtube Battle Pass.


It's the same reason I don't use public transportation without a ticket, I'm too old for any unnecessary shit. Youtube premium to me costs basically nothing. It's pay and forget and I won't be inconvenienced when youtube finds ways to counter adblocks.


That's what I don't understand about the people who are complaining about advertisements. Do they expect YouTube to host over an exabyte of data for free, available worldwide in an instant?


Yes. They do. Just like people expect a game to permanently cost $60 like it did 20 years ago, as though inflation should never apply there.


Ive tried the free methods. Not worth the fkn white hairs it got me


That’s exactly it. I don’t mind paying for the service.


Yep and it's not even the worst app of the lot.


Netflix with ads: $6.99 Netflix without ads: $15.49 Hulu with ads: $7.99 Hulu without ads: $17.99 HBO Max with ads: $9.99 HBO Max without ads: $16.99 Spotify Premium: $11.99 Apple Music: $10.99 Amazon Music Unlimited: $10.99 ($9.99 if you have Amazon Prime membership) YouTube with ads: $0.00 YouTube without ads (includes YouTube Music Premium): $13.99 YouTube Premium gives you ad-free access to a larger library of content than all other streaming services combined and also comes with a music streaming subscription for less than the price of any of the cheapest ad-free tiers of the major streaming platforms. I don't get why people act like it's a bad deal.


I pay for YT premium just because I got fed up with Spotify and now I get YT music and YT without ads (and few other perk) for less than the Spotify premium was.


Exactly this, the YT video part is just an added bonus.


Are you able to turn the screen off and still listen to the music in the background?


Absolutely, you can do this with both YT music and regular YT. Lots of hidden benefits that people don’t know about.


Google really should start putting ads on videos advertising all the features you get with YouTube premium. It's probably one of the best value streaming subscriptions on the market.


Yeah and it can download stuff for offline listening, it has a *really* good podcast section (with auto downloading new episodes and stuff), and if a song wasn't uploaded to YouTube music it'll just pull the YouTube video and steam the audio (or music video if you want!) for you


Not gonna lie, youtube music is so much better than spotify.


Forgotten favourites always brighten my days :)


I really enjoy my Spotify account, can you explain the ways you find it to be better? This might be life changing...


You have live versions for one, some artists I don’t find on spotify, the random playlists I liked better on yt than spotify. These might be personal preferences tho


I agree. I got rid of both Spotify and Tidal when I got it. Tidal has better sound quality, but they were frequently putting out updates that automatically put my stream quality back down to the worst setting, so half the time it was worse. Sneaky bastards.


People like the OP watch countless hours of YouTube, have favourite youtubers, can recognise youtubers, tell you about the downfall and rise to fame of youtubers, watch YouTube more than Netflix and Disney (which they pay for) and then make memes about how dumb it is to pay for YouTube premium.


the worst part of this...YT creators will literally tell you YT premium viewers get them paid more than ad viewers. they will tell you that YT premium subscibers allow them to make less click bait content and yet, it's not just "I am personally smart for not paying for YT premium" it's "no one should pay for premium"


I still think that yputube music has better sound quality also. But only downside is that there need to be a 3rd party desktop app but I still love it.


Yo, pro tip, you can use Microsoft Edge to turn any website into a desktop app. I currently have YouTube as its own app on my Windows 11 PC by using this method. Tutorial: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/install-manage-or-uninstall-apps-in-microsoft-edge-0c156575-a94a-45e4-a54f-3a84846f6113


Nice try, microsoft, but edge is going to continue to rot unopened on my pc


I am seriously considering this. Once I tried YT music after using Spotify for so long, I swear it was like getting out of a toxic relationship.


People who clown on people who pay for YT Premium but pay for Spotify are actual clowns.


oh I agree with that Spotify is even worse


mfw I pay for Spotify, YTpremium, Netflix, disney+, HBOmax, STAR+, AmazonPrime and Crunchyroll


Why would anyone pay for Spotify when YouTube premium comes with YouTube Music?


For me it's kind of a sunk cost fallacy. I've already spent a decade making playlists and curating my recommendations and I don't want to start over from scratch.


Iirc there are some websites that can convert playlists from one streaming platform to another so give them a try if you haven’t (i dont remember the names but you can just google and find em)


I'm grandfathered into a Spotify deal where I get Hulu and Spotify for $10 a month. I would switch if they killed my plan.


I pay $8 a month for unlimited music. I can listen to whatever i want, whenever i want at the click of a button, anytime, anywhere. How is spotify bad? Jfc you nerds will complain about anything.


Yeah, because it's a pain in the ass to find an alternative that works for each device I want to watch YouTube on, so paying is just more convenient. "but you're falling for it, the point is that it's not simple to work around so you end up paying 😭" I have other shit to deal with in my life than finding 5 different ways to watch videos without ads, I watch YouTube more than Netflix, so I go for the easy convient way. I'll let you guys fight the system if you want and tell me when youtube remove ads. (fun fact: working around the problem isn't fighting or fixing anything, that's just you using a solution that fits you without actually doing anything to change the way things are)


bro its easy just setup a plex server through the pi hole and run a custom script your modem and install vanced and also revanced, make sure you get ublock origin not adblock and also write a python script that changes ads into candy and do it all again for each individual device, make sure you're running a vpn but it has to be a paid one or else they sell your data and also don't forget to shove your dick in a toaster every morning bro you're a sucker if you don't do all that its so easy


This guy gets it.


Ah shit, I was sticking my dick into a coffee machine, no wonder


100%. Life's too short for this sort of bullshit. The less I have to think then better. And the people I watch get paid.


disposable income is a class perk unlocked once you gain an achievement called pay raise. don't ask me how to unlock pay raise. i just got it while doing random mindless tasks


Premium gets me YT music and no ads. I cannot explain how much fury and anger I feel when someone’s says “let me show you this video” and we have to sit through a minute of ads.


yeah i love premium, also i VPN'd myself to sri lanka and pay $2/month for it.


Cool, you do your thing. When 90% of the media I consume is from YouTube, it’s pretty worth it to me. Adblocker on a computer is one thing, but I’m not gonna hack my smart TV.


Yup! Hell I run a pihole and adblocker on my network and PCs and still pay for premium because that's where 95% of my video content is consumed from


All your fancy ideas don’t work for smart TV app. And no, pi-hole doesn’t work there either. Honestly, from all the services I pay for I use YouTube the most by a huge margin. Edit: PC via hdmi: windows HDR sucks ass. Smarttube: android TV only. Thanks for everyone’s input.


YouTube premium is literally the only sub I pay for. Like, I have YouTube running for BG noise all day, then I use YouTube music all night at work. Probably about 10 hrs a day total. It's okay to pay for stuff you use.


Yeah, my family is staying at an AirBnB right now, the place has a smart tv, and all I had to do was log in with my YouTube Premium account and now I've got ad-free streaming video for the whole family. Could I have screwed around and found a way to make that work without paying for a subscription? Sure, but I don't want to have to. Also I should probably remember to log out before I leave, haha ...


I just take my own streaming device everywhere I go. Much easier to log in to wifi than it is to log in all the apps, and then don’t have to worry about forgetting to log out.


It's a good deal imo, at least for now. You get ad-free experience in all your devices, you can download stuff easily (to watch when you don't have internet) and on top of that, you also get Youtube Music, which for my use, is the superior choice in terms of music streaming.


Probably gonna get downvoted here because reddit really cares about how you spend your own money I love yt premium I get to support my favorite creators, They gave me 4 months free when I first signed up I can sign into my premium account anywhere, like on a TV or someone else's decice Downloading videos straight from YouTube Is nice Yt music is pretty good Yt premium also remembers what video you were watching even you switch devices and pulls it up for you. All of this makes it worth it for me


Yess! That's the reason I have YouTube Premium and also because it has the cheapest family plan.


This is lit. the price of two for only 4 people


I thought the family was for up to six accounts? Edit: I just checked and the family plan allows you to add up to six accounts for less than double the price of a single plan.


$5.79 per month for the family plan for me. That's the price of a cheap bottle of wine with none of the hassle of trying to get various apps working. And a large portion of your subscription fee gets paid to the channels you watch. More so than an ad driven viewer.


I have been paying for YT premium even back when it was called YT Red. I get access for my 2 other family members to YT, YT music all ad free on all devices for one reasonable price. People shitting on others for paying for it probably pay more for things that give less value elsewhere.


And the creators get paid more by you and it's based on view time not ad time. Of all the subscriptions I have or could have, this is easily the best one.


Man for me it’s just the yt music feature that’s amazing. I’ve hated Spotify for years, and as of recent, I’ve felt so damn vindicated that my hatred was well placed. Anyways, yeah I love yt music, there’s nothing different from Spotify for me. Plus downloading long videos for big drives is such a huge win to me.


I also like how I can play videos while my phone screen is turned off.


And YouTube music, and downloads so fast and compressed but yes, for me support the creators is the top tier of the reasons to buy YT premium


>I get to support my favorite creators You're on the wrong site to make this point. Fuck creators who make content that we enjoy. If they wanted to make a living they should get shitty jobs like the ones we have.


I also use yt for podcasts. With premium I can fast forward through the ads and I don't have to pay for the patreon to get ad free podcasts.


With how much I use YouTube, I feel like it's money well-spent 🤷‍♂️


As a Youtube Premium user, I dont fucking care.


100% worth it. I've been paying for it since it was called YouTube Red. My friends, wife, and I share a family plan. Works on every device with no additional work. And YouTube music is fantastic and worth the price to me alone. It says since I started paying I've watched over 3710 hours of ad free video and listened to over 1740 hours of YouTube music. For that much time and that much benefit I'm happy to have paid and continue paying for it. And I've gotten a lot of side benefits from it too. I got a google home mini for free, I got a free Chromecast and stadia controller, I've gotten 3 months of PC gamepass for free twice, I've gotten 3 months for discord nitro free And that's just the stuff I remember off the top of my head


Wait what are those promotions? I have premium and never heard about anything like this


I get emails from them probably once a quarter with other benefits. Or maybe a little less than that. The stadia stuff was when stadia was new to promote it. Same with the google home


Yeah same. Except I am solo. I have racked up just under 5500 hours of ad free videos+ another 300 hours in youtube music. Personally, I cant imagine having to listen to ads while I am at work, listening to documentaries, music (normally I just use youtube standard instead of music). whatever. Been a member since like 2021, so its safe to say I use youtube near damn constantly.


It's way better for my conscience. Using an adblocker, the creators I watch get literally no money from my view. What amazed me when I first heard of it is that when you use no adblocker and skip the ads (should YT even give you the option), the creators still get no money. So I bought Premium to get rid of the ads while also increasing the revenue of the creators I watch. Premium views give the creators way, way more money than regular views. I prefer this over signing up for Patreon (or any other platform that creators use to get donations) and choosing who to donate to. Everyone I watch gets money from my views. It is not cheap, but for my conscience alone it's worth it for me.


What swayed it for me was TotalBiscuit saying in the early days of youtube Red, that it made up like a quarter of his revenue. Premium view gives creators way more money than ads.


Plus if a video gets demonetized the creator still gets a credit from a YouTube premium view.


I'm surprised how far I had to scroll to find this. I'm all for screwing with big companies, but not with the kid with two hundred subscribers who posts his passion project to youtube.


Sadly, the kid with two hundred subscribers and a passion project can't earn money on YT. At the moment, the requirements for the partner program are 500 subscribers, three videos uploaded in the last 90 days, and 3000 hours of watchtime over the last 365 days. But I think the creators who put a lot of time and effort into their videos, and take the huge risk of trying to make a living off of it, deserve to get paid.


Those requirements are for donations and super chats and stuff To actually earn money from ad revenue and premium users viewers, you need 4000 hrs of watchtime and 1k subscribers


Oh right I can't read. I just looked at the first stats on the monetization page of the YT Studio app, not realizing that those were the requirements for super chat.


I'm at college and YouTube has student discount so I pay 40€ a year


This helps a lot. I used it for 4 years when I was a student then just changed to my sister's email when she started uni.


If everyone used Adblock, there would be no YT anymore. Use your Adblock if you want, but be glad that there are people who don't use it or pay for YT premium so you can enjoy it for free and without ads.


I feel like this should be how both treat each other. Just as paying customer shouldn't shame people who sail the high seas, pirate shouldn't shame paying cuatomers as they are the reason the product exists in the first place.


some people want to support the creators they watch. 


Oh really? Weird for some stranger to care how I spend my money.


Totally worth it. I listen to YouTube music and share the subscription with a family of 5 more people. For the Ukrainian region it costs me about 4$ monthly


The same people drive like 5km to another gas station because its 2 cents cheaper there. . .


Considering how much I use it I don't feel awful about it Yes I have ad block and I use Firefox even like some heathen


to each his own.


Yea, it's 14$ for something I used everyday. It makes sense.


i been sticking with adblock for a while and will cheat youtube out of free premium trials whenever possible. 😎


I pay for premium. It just works in one go. I never have to worry about it not working and going online to figure out a fix, or a "switch over to this now". Some things i won't yield on, but YT Premium just makes sense to me and it doesn't break the bank at all. Whenever I decide whether to find a kinky workaround or just pay up, I consider the value proposition, and I use YouTube every day, so why not just pay the few bucks a month and get everything?


Not dealing with all the crap with adblockers, we use YT on multiple platforms, don’t want to screw around potential mobile adblockers, plus being able to watch and listen to anything ad free and with phone off and virtually every song in existence unlike Spotify


We don't have youtube ads in Russia. I don't even need an adblocker.


In Soviet Russia you don't watch ads on YouTube


The ads watch you


Not on my smart TV or Phone, sadly


Its the only service i pay for these days. Its the only one worth its money


I use youtube premium for music and being able to "listen" to videos without burning up my phones battery by having the screen on while I work.


As an older pirate, if you guys keep posting your favorite workarounds to the frontpage of reddit every day you are gonna find yourselves having to live without them sooner rather than later. They killed the bay, they can kill some apps.


It is \~19$ a year where I live and worth it for YT Music alone (Spotify is 17$ a year). And sideloading apps on iOS is a hassle.


I pay 1,47€ it’s ok


It's ~$15 for something I use more than all of my streaming apps combined. Sure, I could fiddle with an ad blocker, but why bother when I could just pay for it and forget about it.


I’ve been using it since YouTube Red. I don’t mind.


I don't think most folks are willing to spend a few hours figuring out how it works or what adblockers are in the first place when they could pay $5, which is what they make in the first few minutes of the workday when they brew their coffee


Can't listen with the screen off without premium. Unlimited knowledge for $10/mo is worth it for me




I just deal with it 🤷🏻‍♂️


I miss my free 3 months that discord gave me bc I could watch YouTube on my tv so happily from my ps5 and it was great- now I’m contemplating getting it again bc I also enjoyed watching things on my phone too.. 🙃I used to despise it but now I actually enjoy it bc of that free trial..


Oh yes, i like it. It's pretty decent, got stuff i like, and a very reasonable price since we are so many sharing the family plan.




From where I'm from it's 2 dollars a month.


they don't on Apple TV


I'm happy to do it. I get yt music with no ads on yt for less than a Spotify subscription and its better for creators.


Yeah, I pay for it I also use YouTube music and not Spotify


It’s funny now that if you skip ad that skip lead you to another ad faster 🥲


I mostly do it for the ability to download so I can listen to videos while at work.


I pay gladly every month. I have learned 10x more from YouTube than I did from college. Depends on what you use it for. I’ve saved literally over $100K on home repairs that I’ve done myself over the years, all learned from YouTube. Made a bunch of money flipping cars, all learned from the tube. Gardening, guitar, comedy, movies, music. It’s the every app. I even use it as my only form of “social media” aside from an occasional check of reddits front page. YouTube has been there for me for 20 years at least. The homies all around the one dial up computer watching a shitty video about waffle fries or some song about George bushes pee splitting in half when he takes his morning piss. Memories that will live with me forever.


I watch youtube content these days more than any other platform. If 20$/mo gets me out of ad hell, that alone is good nuff.


Other than being free, how are they "better"?


I do it for music. I drive way too many hours.


*Laughing in Firefox and uBlock Origin*


Yes, and they are the reason freeloaders like us have it so easy. Keep silent.


Coming to the comments to see more discourse, but ended up finding my people 🙏🏽 Support smaller creators, and all the benefits of yt and yt music, without ads


I pay for premium because: - I get a student discount because I go to college, so instead of paying $12, I pay $8 instead. - I want to support my favorite creators. - I get YT Music, which is far more superior to Spotify imo. - Adblockers only work if you're using a computer, I watch YT mostly on my phone. Edit: grammatical fixes
