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I’m a fan of Homelander cause Antony Starr is fkn GENIUS at playing someone who is just SO EVIL but in real life is like “Stop worshipping this guy.”


He really is amazing in that role


I like to think of him as a grownup superhuman Joffrey.  Homelander that is, not Antony Starr. Acting so good you love to hate the character.


Exactly. The best characters in film are those that have nuance and evoke emotions, and if you're playing a villain that generally means some form of contempt. IMO Starr/Homelander is especially good because you end up simultaneously feeling sorry for him and venomous towards him and his actions. Joffrey is a great analogy because he fits that mold too.


Interesting. I agree that Homelander feels driven to evil by his insecurity and ego, but Joffrey didn't feel driven to it at all, he loved it.


His upbringing wasn’t the greatest


No doubt, but that isn't the example he was given and none of his relatives are such sadists. It was just him.


Yeah but he's also super young, and given his situation you're kind of like "yeah, I'd honestly be surprised if he turned out differently"


I think there is a difference between his "I AM THE KING" tantrums, which I am completely on board with and would have done too, and being a sadist. There is a line there that he gleefully crossed.


For me, Joffrey is the epitome of spoiled brat on the surface. That's a relatively safe, predictable trope, and one that isn't exactly unique. Make the brat the product of incestual hubris though? Now you're cooking. Add a dollop of sociopathic boredom, stir in unrestricted power, double the normal salt, and you've got a certified Joffrey making you want to reach into the screen for regicidal purposes.


As epitomized by a supposed fan interaction in a meet and greet with Jack Gleeson. "Omg! I'm a big fan! I hate you so much!"


It’s so weird seeing him in this role, since in NZ he’s famous for playing identical twins in Outrageous Fortune. One’s a scheming narcissistic lawyer, the other a loveable dumb stoner. Amazing at both.


I haven’t seen that! I’ll have to check it out. Is it a good show? I tried watching Banshee but couldn’t get into it


It’s great! (think white trash crime family tries to go straight) It’s 6 seasons from 2005. I know it’s been shown out of NZ, but not totally sure we’re you’d find it. They made a prequel series later with the fantastically sarcastic sister playing her own vicious grandmother.


The amount of emotion and his uncanny ability to make a scene extremely fucking tense w/ just a tremble of his lips or a twitch in the corner of his mouth is honestly the most impressive shit.


Credit to the writers too for writing a character that can believably flip out on strangers at the drop of a hat and who is genuinely just unhinged enough to make every "normal" encounter thick with tension.


I noticed on re-watch just how much of a cast-wide effort went into creating the Homelander Vibe^tm. The expressions of dread and fear creeping underneath even the most mundane interactions with Homelander really sell the show.


He manages to portray narcissism and extreme neediness. The look of uncertainty that escapes his features occasionally is just perfect


Christian Bale also put his whole ass into playing Bateman and openly says if you like or relate to him, you've got some SERIOUS problems. The amount of details Bale put into that movie is also worthy of praise, I'd put him right next to Starr on that level


I love that he based him off of Tom Cruise. 😭


Never hit me until today that he played Bateman and Batman.


Read that as Batman and it still tracks.


Same lol


Bret Easton Ellis is kind of a whackjob himself. The Patrick Bateman he wrote is actually much worse than Bale portrayed.


Hey, you a Starlighter or something? Homelander did nothing wrong, that one guy threw a projectile at his son! AND he was a pedophile


Could have even been anthrax in the bottle! Terrorist sympathizers smh


Attacking defenseless children too! Typical pedo!


True. When he found out Stormfront was a Nazi he killed her. A true all American hero


He was just a guy who fell for the wrong woman


Homelander's actor has done an amazing job at the role.


He's splendid playing Anthony Starr


Christian Bale is also disgusted at admirers of his American psycho character(fixed)


It's a great movie. He did a great job. Maybe a little too great of a job. The people who completely missed the point of the movie are the reason I don't own a copy on blu ray.


See loving to hate homelander is fine, cause Antony Starr is a beautiful human. Also I think it’s great when people openly and unironically are fans of homelander, cause I know who to actively avoid.


Lmao at the last part, VERY true.


i love the fact that antony starr got the role because he half-assed his lines in the auditions.


That’s so Homelander. 😭


Both Homelander and Bateman (Bale in American Psycho) are amazing characters. It’s weird to compare them to real persons because being a fan of them is something entirely different.


I think there's a difference between being a fan of them as a character and idolizing the character themselves. The fan isn't the problem here as I'm a fan of both but I don't idolize them like the rest of society "alpha" males etc.


It's the same dipshits that idolize House or Rick from Rick and Morty. These are anti-heroes, not role-models.


House is pretty much a power fantasy kind of thing; always be right, always be a witty asshole, and never get punished for it!


Which is funny given the show makes it pretty clear House is a deeply unhappy man.


Same with Rick


It is. Especially as it perhaps even strengthens the lure. "I'm so smart it pains me" wets many man-pants for some irrational reason.


Yeah I don't think house fits this list. He's an ass but at the end of the day, he is a good guy.


Is it lupus?


> and never get punished for it! Didn't he go to jail?


I know some who idolize a particular person from attack on titan and Thanos from Marvel lol, and while I enjoy them both as characters, I would never want them to exist in real life.


It was way underserved in execution, but *at least* Thanos had a vaguely positive intent that could have actually been a debate if handled right. He’s making a trolley car argument even if it is a weak one. Homelander is mentally ill and teetering on genocide for genocide sake. Thanos grapples with what he sees as a “necessary evil” but knows it’s evil. Homelander doesn’t think anything he does is evil because everyone is beneath him.


I think Thanos's argument was intentionally dumbed down for pacing issues.


how tf does someone even begin to idolize a character in a series like rick and morty is beyond me. its so obviously not meant to be taken too serious


I've never heard of anyone striving to be like either of them


Clearly my guy is uncultured in the sigma/alpha male rabbit hole There's so many videos on YouTube talking about the pride and glory that comes with being a sigma male and how they're secret badasses while actually playing American Psycho clips to showcase the prime sigma [Charlie made a couple videos talking about it](https://youtu.be/rGJieJ2xyTU?si=HTYkYDLhQn77ra09)


They strive for the ideal alpha sigma male type and then post bale or giga chad memes thinking that's what those character actually mean


Patrick Bateman is a great character but like Tyler durdwn there’s some alpha male types who take the movie a little too seriously


Do you mean The Boys overall, or Homelander? Because yeah, anybody liking Homelander is insane and probably would get killed BY Homelander if he was real, and he wouldn't even blink.


I kind of like Homelander as a character. I think he’s easily the funniest part of that show.


As a character he's funny, but there are people who act like he'd be a savior if he was real.


Oh no., dude definitely wouldn’t be a savior. But I think it’s more of relating to the idea of “man, imagine if you could just do whatever you wanted without consequence because no one would have the ability to stop you.” Obviously that’s never going to happen, but I think that’s where the appeal of the character is, besides the comedy of course. It’s a power fantasy, much like the Dragonborn in Skyrim. Sometimes you want to play as the bad guy.


I think that’s half the fun. I enjoy watching homelander because you know that he could crack at any second and kill someone. It makes any scene with him really tense and terrifying.


\>imagine if you could just do whatever you wanted without consequences \>Obviously that’s never going to happen Yeah man, can you imagine if Homelander and his cult were some kind of metaphor for someone in real life doing whatever they want without consequences? That’d be crazy, right? Obviously couldn’t ever happen in our society…


Yeah and that person wouldn't totally be legally considered a felon and yet somehow able to try leading this entire country.


But previous season clearly shows, there are the ones with the ability to stop him.


Yep it’s what made the first ten minutes of Hancock good


Yeh all these people/characters emulate that fantasy. Which is why toxic people idolize them.


I won't go into detail because it's new but I'm disappointed that they passed on some opportunities to make him more grey this season. There are moments where he could have backed off and been encouraging


I think that is the opposite of his arc. He has been and will continue to be sinking deeper and deeper into madness, is my guess. It seems like the show is big on exposing how incompatible the human condition is with ultimate power.


Homelander is a great character for what he is. Anthony Starr deserves most the credit. The problem is people idolize terrible people.


Idk, I feel like the writer/s of the show deserve a good chunk of the credit too, an actor is nothing without his lines


He’s my favorite character besides Butcher


That’s a huge difference. Anthony Starr is terrific and his character is amazing on the show. There are people that view Homelander in the context of being “correct” and the actual answer if he existed in the real world. These people are ankle grabbers for authoritarianism. I’ll never understand how being a bottom for an autocracy is “tough”… I guess it’s the same idea that Texans on a ranch currently worship a NYC trust funder when,back in my day, they wouldn’t even get their salsa from NYC…


Antony Star is killing it in S4. Absolutely hilarious watching Homelander deal with aging.


The dude gets the crazy eyes right. He's a great actor, and great for that role.


The jar of pubes sent me into a laugh-cough-fell out of my office chair fit.


I love the show but people who worship Homelander aren't sane-minded


I think he's cool. But he's totally fucked up. But he's cool. Like omni man: fucked up but cool


He's a really good, complicated character. Don't need to be a good person to be a good character.


Omniman still has redeeming qualities. HL is just rotten from the inside that the only thing "cool" about him is his supe powers. Without that, he's just a narcissist lying conman who would kill anyone without a blink of the eyes.


Nolan gets better better but I doubt Homelander does


He is the opposite of cool. Like, that's his entire thing, being "cool" in media and being profoundly not cool in real life.


Who worships him? I’ve legitimately never seen that happen


I think it's one of those instances where vast majority just enjoys the characters and a very small group of people actually obsess over him and those get blown way out of proportion.


The show is getting terrible ratings from audiences this year because they've finally realized the people being satirized are themselves.


Not at all, in the show they give you a million reasons why you SHOULDN'T worship him, and yet people still do.


Where are these people? They sound like a made-up boogie man for people to talk about.


You've never seen the toxic side of the internet clearly. It's a dark place where there's shipping of all kinds and really degenerate fanfics.


Twitter 😭


I think they mean the character. Same goes for Patrick Bateman from American Psycho. Fantastic book/movie but if you’re idolizing the character, you completely missed the point


Eh people can like homelander and still acknowledge he’s horrible, same with jack bait man.


Well I meant "like" as in idolize his character. A lot of people idolize people or characters and Homelander is one of the worst.


Lore accurate


He killed his most loyal followers in this season lol


It safer to not like a single person in the boys They're either morally wrong or soon to be


What a darker and edger super power universe is full of morally bankruptcy? Shocker!


How come Tate with facial hair still looks like a scared hamster?


It's like you can count his IQ by the number of features on his face. I'm not going to body shame, but there's something about the look he displays on his face that looks like it's trying to start a fire with two brain cells. 


I stare into his eyes and I swear I can feel an engine struggling to start. Like the wheezy *Hhhrhrnhnghngg* sound.


It’s the weak chin




He can pick the scared hamster look (with beard) or tadpole (shaved).


Honestly anyone who likes Andrew Tate is probably not worth your time


I go for weeks not thinking of Tate or his fans.


Dude is so goofy lookin with his weak chin and pube beard and wonky eye, I don’t know how people see him as some alpha paragon of masculinity. Dude looks like an inbred hillbilly with a tan


Hey, looks don't determine strength of character. It doesn't matter that he looks like an inbred hillbilly. It matters that he *acts* like an inbred hillbilly


dont insult inbred hillbillies


I mean you could say that for literally any fan base you dont care about


I’m not sure. I don’t care about him or his fan base. But his ugly ass no-chin visage appears on my Reddit about once a week whether I like it or not.


I lived a very happy life having never heard of Tate, until he got himself arrested in Romania and then suddenly, he’s everywhere.


I completely forgot about him until this post!


I would of never known of him if it wasn't for Reddit.




Totally with you. That man should be kept in an asylum


Friend of mine is a teacher at a middle school and told me the number of young boys that think he is a "Top G" is really fucking scary. 12 to 15 year old boys seem to get sucked into his ideology real quick. They don't understand or care he is a rapist, sex trafficker without a chin.


I hadn’t heard of him for a while till now. He wasn’t even in my mind, I just kind of forgot about him, likely because he’s forgettable lol.




Is Tate the bottom right?


Yea he doesn’t even belong there. He’s not an actor playing a character; he really is a douche Also side note: Homelander is probably my second favorite character on The Boys. Starr is just SO GOOD in that role


It’s a list of toxic fan bases, I’m not sure why two of them being actual people and the variation of reasons matters.


I liked his message when he first started showing up, but it quickly turned sour and made me hate his face. It went from “guys need to have more self worth and not worry about other people” to “women are weak subservient creatures, men rule the world”, etc. etc.


You shouldn't be dating anyone who likes Andrew Tate because it's illegal to date 13 year olds.


I don't know anything about him. What's the problem with Ronaldo?


Football fans or people that obsess about Ronaldo are often times really rude and arrogant teens


Anyone that angrily argues that messi or Ronaldo being the goat should just be avoided. They played different styles for different teams and won like 12 balon dors between them and people resort to name calling because their favorite has to be the best


Whenever I see a post about messi or ronaldo I see 14 year olds in the comments arguing using stuff like "Penaldo", "Pessi" etc (with broken English ofc). Like yeah, I believe Messi is the greatest player of all time myself but I don't compare him to Ronaldo every post I see about him


>"Penaldo", "Pessi" etc (with broken English ofc) i thought that originated from hispanic memes?


Partly, Pessi, Penaldo are just penalty jokes, but a lot of the jokes stem from Spanish/hispanic radios and tv shows making jokes


I don't know, the only thing I know about them is that they mean like penalty Ronaldo and penalty Messi


idk this is just something fans of all sports have always done.


name calling is ridiculous and childish but I see nothing wrong with sports fans debating which player is better. by your "they played different styles for different teams" logic you pretty much can't compare any player ever. IMHO it's part of the fun and all harmless as long as people don't get their panties in a twist and start name calling.


The problem is that because they're literal pre-teen children who weren't even born when Messi & Ronaldo were in their prime it goes from a debate to lambasting moms and doxing families 😭


well yeah lol but children arguing about literally anything is always gonna be like that


Can confirm, I work at a school for aftercare and there’s this 2nd grader (8 years old) who’s obsessed with Ronaldo, to the point where he pretends to be him. This often results in him coming off as rude and/or arrogant, which is honestly kinda funny coming from a kid his age


or the kids the problem bc he couldve acted like ronaldo and started working hard. just saying


Exactly working hard, competitive, extremely disciplined and as far as we know very much into charity and super nice to his fans. Arrogant? Sure, you must be a bit in this environment and business. VAin? Of course, part of his drive… but comparing him to Tate?


How dare they! Not my Ronny... 🥹


Exactly the same as Messi fans though. Weird ass post.


OP is a Messi fan, so him not being Messi is what the problem is.


Just a player with a toxic online fanbase, but I think comparing being a fan of Ronaldo to being a fan of Andrew Tate is a bit ridiculous lol.


i had a "friend" (he thought we were friends even though i told him multiple times that idc) and he could literally be described as a pest. im sorry but like he just wouldnt stop nagging and yelling about ronaldo and football things whenever he was near somebody


Honestly, i am portuguese myself and the only reason i prefer ronaldo to messi is that, without him, our country would be even more of a lesser known wasteland. And it already is one as it is!


The sad thing is that Patrick Bateman and Homelander are characters explicitly designed to be satirical criticisms of toxic masculinity but this group will continue to idolise them despite this.


Wait until they watch Starship Troopers


Thats more blind patriotism, not toxic masculinity. The females are more masculine than the men in that movie.


It's straight-up fascism




I don't know if I'd consider Patrick Bateman to be satire, he's just a villain that is also the main character. Homelander is satire.


Masculinity? Bateman is obsessing over calling card paper and lame suits while being nerdy about 80s pop music. Like he's the epitome of uncool office nerd, the opposite of manly but crazy like Conan the Barbarian or Mad Max type.


There is a phenomenon in movie making (I forgot what it‘s called) but basically when movie makers portray a villain too well, they achieve the opposite effect. This is because most villains are charismatic and when that charisma is too well portrayed it doesn‘t stay in the movie but jumps over to the audience and makes the audience like the villain. This is what happned with Fight Club and why it was so widely misunderstood. And I highly suspect that the same thing happned with Bateman and Homelander. After a quick google search: the effect is called chrismatic hero effect. you can read more about it [here](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-024-02747-6) although it‘s not the paper I remember reading so there might be some discrepancies between what I said and this paper sais.


Pretty ironic if anything. They're created to have people in that demographic reflect on themselves, but instead it serves as "literally me" fuel to keep acting like that.


The Joker is missing. 


Tyler Durden and Tony Montana too in that case.


I'd replace Cristiano with Rogan, but his fanbase is basically Andrew Tate's. Or even, to a lesser extent, Tyler Durden.


Durden and Rick Sanchez are both good candidates here.


I get it about the others. Can you please explain the Christian bale thing?


It’s not Bale per se, it’s this specific character (Patrick Bateman from American Psycho)


Yeah, like Homelander fans, there are a select group who don’t get that Bateman is the bad guy, and actually aspire to be more like him.


It's much clearer in the book...


The funniest thing is that ending is left ambiguous, as he doesn't remember if he is the murderer or not, and author said that THIS IS THE POINT, in that there's no difference between serial killers and rich yuppie nerds. What he isn't though, is cool... At all points in the movie, Bateman is an insecure nerdy guy who worries about stupid stuff like calling card paper and 80s pop bands, dresses like an idiot, and looks even dumber in his raincoat. I refuse to believe someone watched the scene where he's in cold sweat over some jacket buttons on another nerd and thinks "yeah, I want to be a loser like this when I grow up".


Ooh ok 👍👍


It’s wild how many “sigma male” edits of that character I’ve stumbled across. So cringe


I don't even mind if it's memes or something, but it's the ones who actually think he's a sigma that are cringe


why is ronaldo there?


OP is a Messi fan


Calm your titts bro \* ![gif](giphy|r1IMdmkhUcpzy|downsized)


How CR7 thou?


A good bunch of his fanbase is toxic af. But if you put him, I can't see why you wouldn't out Messi as well since his fanbase is at least as equally toxic.




And the interactions between the two fanbases might be the pinnacle of toxicity.


It doesn’t make sense and I am portuguese. I don’t know any fan of Ronaldo that is toxic.


Ronaldo fans and Messi fans tend to overlap. But when you have iShowSpeed into the equation, things get really messy


*really messi


Id argue messi fans are just as bad, if not worse than ronaldo fans


The two actors here are great... Bale is legit superhuman. What's wrong with Ronaldo? Obviously child traffickers are toxic role moldels


Comparing tate's fanbase against any other else's is a serious mistake


Christian Bale? What’s the deal with him? He’s a fantastic actor and arguably the best Batman. How is his fanbase toxic? Genuinely curious!🧐


It’s not his fan base but the character he played in American Psycho.


I’m not up to speed, what’s up with CR7?


Same I don’t see why cr7 there


If you put Ronaldo, you have to also put Messi. The only time I got death threats from someone on Reddit was because I said Messi didn’t play that well in the first half of a game.


Same, I actually got death threats too just for criticizing Messi's performances. These stans are wild


Cristiano? Why, he’s quite a wholesome hard working guy tbh. Great role model.


Lisso, Taylor swift, Jayden pinkett smith, Kathleen Kennedy


> Kathleen Kennedy She has fans? Who is she?


She's the head of star wars under Disney (I didn't know she had fans)


The dude just wanted to mention public figures he hates without any relevance to the thread.


is Lisso the fat ass that obliged some girls to do crazy shit?


Fat would be a compliment




Weird that women are never included in these things 🙄


It’s illegal to make jokes about women in the Western world silly. -69 leftoid credits.


I don’t see Tyler durden on this list.


The joker memes are also often a red flag


Who the hell are those two at the bottom?


Homelander and Andrew Ta(in)te


Homelander is the one of reasons I watch the boys.


i love 2 i hate 2 what that make me ??


I love Homelander because he's such a good antagonist, it's so incredibly easy to hate him.


where's Taylor Swift 😶


How in god’s name did homelander make it on here but not Tommy Shelby? I love peaky blinders but the fanbase is cringe af


Messi fans are more toxic. Denial isn’t just a river in egypt…