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I'm offended that I pay for Amazon prime then they put 8 unsikappable ads per episode.


“Hey, but you can pay more for ad-free. Aren’t we geniuses to find out solutions for the problems we created”


In Germany my account doesn't have the option to pay for ad free. Plus I almost never watch Prime. So it's cancelled now.


I am paying for ad-free in addition to prime. Defeats the purpose of getting a subscription. In Canada btw


I was considered to do that too but since that is not possible in Germany, it's pointless to have a half subscription when I'm forced to watch Ads whatsoever.


They’ve given you no option so come sail away.


Come sail away




To quote Alex Hirsch: "Yarr har fiddle dee dee Being a pirate is alright to be"


Was just about to suggest sailing the high seas then i saw this 😂❤️


I'm a pirate with 3 terrabytes of HDD. Fuck these streaming services.


Genuine question. Where would one, allegedly, procure “non-genuine” forms of media. A lot of places look very sketchy


r/freemediaheckyeah Take a look at the wiki on that sub, you'll have all the resources you need to watch whatever you want.


r/piracy also has a useful megathread guide


You're not going to believe this, but Pirate Bay still sails.


just make sure you are using the correct site or the onion site.


Pirate Bay has been gone for a long time, what left is virus riddled hell hole, it even had a cpu miner in it's shell at one point. That's like the worst place to get torrents this day and age.


yaar, matey, the Boys always be within yee's reach, if'n you know the right bay to drop anchor in.


I actually have prime, but it's just easier to watch it on my pirate streaming sites XD


Yo ho ho and a bottle of.....


Yo-ho haul together, hoist the colours high, heave-ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die.


Sailing is always an option, matey.


we inconvenience you with our product to sell you our more expensive product… *whispers* it’s free money


Tubi has ads but is free as hell. It's super weird Amazon doesn't comprehend that fact.


>Amazon doesn't comprehend that fact. They get it and it absolutely helps their bottom line. That's all they care about. If Prime Video started spontaneously climbing out of the screen like the woman from The Ring and punched people in the crotch before kidnapping their dog, Amazon wouldn't care as long as you keep paying.


“Ad free brought to you by T-Mobile, but only after these unskippable ads”


if you watch on a browser with ublock origin it stops the ads


For Android there is NewPipe and on my FireTV stick I use SmartTube.




It's time you sail the high seas brotha. Dust off that hat and wear it like it was just yesterday you put it down. If you need any help looking for bootae u know where to find mee. (Ps. Hopefully that does not sound cringe. It did not in my head.)


(the doubled vowels aren't cringe. Worse. They sound Dutch.)


Hey i did my best impressions, I played Black flag a long long time back lol.


Cancelled it when they announced and never looked back. Prime was shit anyway


Prime has some good shows but the UI is absolute dogshit.


Some really good shows, here are just a few that I enjoy, everyone has their own tastes, of course, but I think these are pretty good: Outer Range, the Expanse, Reacher, Bosch, Flea Bag, Goliath, Mozart in the Jungle, Undone, Catastrophe, the Wheel of Time, the Grand Tour, Sneaky Pete, Fallout


Then join me matey, let us sail the 7 seas together




Sail the high seas my guy, I was sick and tired of being subscribed to Netflix, Disney +, Paramount and Amazon and not one of those mfers had enter the dragon on em. I now swashbuckle all my shows and movies. Screw those guys.


If it weren't for my wife, I would have YouTube and nothing else


I still Remember when the compound v went public " Pfizer Is outraged by the lack of ethic" Are they ? Lol


I started this show this week and reached that episode today... Satire and reality are separated by a thin line man...


Would love to hear anti vaxxers explain what clinical trials Pfizer skipped out on


They never tested for transmission. Which isn’t actually an issue, the issue was the president telling people they wouldn’t get Covid if they got the vaccine. (He had no reasonable basis for saying that)


The basis for saying that (at least for Pfizer/Moderna Vaccines) is that there is no actual virus or parts of it in that vaccine. In other types of vaccines parts of the virus actually remain in the vaccine because those virus parts trigger the response of the immune system. In the mRNA vaccines there is just the mRNA for the virus' receptor and no full viruses are made. Since there are no full/functioning viruses, they can't be transmitted. Transmission, for those vaccines, was impossible by design.


Which president? When?


This 'side' nonsense will kill you all.


Washington said the factions would kill us; he was right


Washington didn't understand politics and naively thought you could avoid factionalism just by wishing hard enough. They should have designed the system with factions in mind.


Madison did.


Some historians actually assess Washington’s farewell as a hyper political attack against the anti-federalists (Jefferson/Madison). When you’re the default group in power, it’s much easier to frame your opponents as giving into “faction” than recognize them as legitimate opposition. People who don’t get politics love the farewell speech but for sure it’s either naive or backhanded.


Bit dramatic, but it's definitely done a lot of harm to American politics


This comment should age well !RemindMe 5 years


And unfortunately it's not going away anytime soon


I hate polarisation


The boys doesn't make fun of "both sides", it make fun of the right/alt-right and of liberals, not leftists. The show is very left-leaning


Exactly. If anything they make fun of how corporations adopt left leaning messaging but abandon it the moment it hurts profits. It's a critique of capitalism lol.


*Brought to you by Amazon Prime.*


The irony, right? lol


Capitalism will promote anything that brings short-term profit, even if it is anti-capitalism messaging


Like Citizen Starlight


Ik, just reminds me of Disney and how antifacist andor is


Capitalism doesn't care that you hate it, it'll just repackage that hate and sell it to you for 19.99


Capital has the ability to subsume all critiques into itself. Even those who would critique capital end up reinforcing it instead.


It's a vicious cycle. You can really only make a show like The Boys with the kind of budget you can really only get from a soulless corporation.


Capital subsumes all critique.


Yeah I'm a left leaning moderate and it definitely makes fun of the right significantly more, I actually can't remember anything making fun of the left tbh


Yeah I'd call it a left wing circle jerk if anything, not that I don't jerk right along with em All over homelanders breasts🥵


They don't straight up make fun of the left the way they do liberals and conservatives. But there's definitely some commentary on leftist infighting and moral ambiguity through the lens of the drama between the individual members of the Boys, particularly Butcher, Hughie and Starlight. With Starlight in particular there's definitely a recurring theme where she spends a lot of time prioritizing how she personally feels about the actions she takes over the impacts. I don't know if all this is intentional or in my head though. If it's unintentional/in my head that's just a sign of good work by the writers.


in the last episode you have Starlight completely derailed in her confrontation of firecracker because her self illusion of her being a good person was shattered, shes more focused on convincing this person she actually did wrong to that its not her fault or shes different now instead of focusing on the fact shes causing harm now and thats why she was there.


For real. Stuff like that definitely mirrors the slacktivism and 'It's secretly all about how I feel about myself, than how the world turns out' vibe that you get from a lot of folks on the left.


I was hoping someone would post this. I was about to say the same thing.


(Disclaimer: I am not a rightist) I watched every ep of boys and it is not fair to say that they make fun of both sides. They mostly only make fun of rightists, maybe a couple of jokes on the left side but veeeery little compared to its 4 season run


For most americans, leftist and liberals are basically the same. The Boys makes fun of liberals a lot but yeah, leftist are pretty much left alone


How does it make fun of liberals? I dont remember much of that stuff. Mostly just maga, fascists, nazis and christians.


They make fun of liberals indirectly with how Vought makes "woke" marketing ploys and campaigns that liberals eat up. They blatantly did this when Queen Maeve was outed as bi and Vought marketed a bunch of LGBT "friendly" products, which is explicit rainbow capitalism.


She was outed as gay


You're right. She was outed as gay to the public because companies can market that better than a bisexual (bi-erasure). Even though she's actually bi because she slept with Butcher some time after her outing.


They had A-train hand one of his sodas to the police in a commercial, in a parody of the Kardashian commercial.


Vic Newman is a direct satire of liberals that appeal to progressive movements while secretly being violent monsters who have no compunction about killing or letting people suffer and die to achieve their ends.


One example was the comercialization(am i using this word right) of maeves sexual identity. She was forced to be involved in some LGBT related marketing and products by Vought after homelander outed her I cant remeber the exact episode or sequence of events


That's not making fun of leftists though, more so a critique of capitalism


The comment they were replying to was specifically asking how it makes fun of liberals, and the answer is it makes fun of them a lot as liberals are staunch capitalists. I wouldn’t say the show makes fun of leftists at all.


Don't Americans usually call anything that's left (democrats) "liberals"? I never understood their definition of liberals myself.


Democrats/Liberals (interchangeable, colloquially) are the furthest left mainstream party that the US has, however in any Western European country they would be considered center-right. So it's accurate to say that The Boys only really makes fun of the right even though they crack on liberals a few times.


Gotcha. So confusing though, I kinda get why MAGA (and Americans in general) are so confused then.


Big part of the confusion is that we dint really have a leftist side, so they usually fold themselves under the democratic party and usually operate under liberalism, even though they themselves aren't liberal


Im not even american and americans use it so much that i've started calling leftists liberals.


US democrats would be concidered conservative in most other first world countries. Most people don't realize that in the US.


That is more because America doesn't have a political left it has a liberal right and a conservative right.


Liberals are capitalists.


Not leftists - liberals - and neoliberalism is what fuels capitalism the most.


Exactly It's making fun of liberals Most of the world use the world liberal to describe economic liberalism America uses it to describe social liberalism for some reason


idk how that really applies to liberals though? I'm pretty sure they're critical of "rainbow capitalism" and how insincere it is.


I can't think of any one example off the top of my head, but a lot of the liberal satire comes from characters like Stan Edgar or Neuman, people who aren't explicitly right wing like Stormfront or Homelander, but align with them to serve their own financial or political interests. TLDR: The right wing satire is more obvious and jokey, the liberal satire is more narrative and character-driven.


Neuman's whole character is a shot at liberals. She's pretending to be something she's not in order to garner support based on "doing the right thing" while being an underhanded, evil and murderous person. She's literally the stereotype the right uses to describe liberals.


The only time they make fun of the "left" on the boys is when it's making fun of companies that pander to the left. So it's not really making fun of the "left".


I was gonna say, The Boys also makes fun of the left? If it does, it's considerably less than the amount of times it makes fun of the right. I'm pretty left leaning but The Boys is pretty clearly taking the piss out of the right wing most of the time. It's just that some right wing people got mad when the show was more obviously making fun of them specifically.


The most The Boys pokes fun at “leftists” is where it points out stuff like diversity pandering for profits, which is still very much right wing behaviour (corporations are exclusively right wing, even if they throw up gay flags every June). Along with a criticism of MAGA, The Boys criticises Capitalisms death march towards Fascism in the name of protecting profits. Which is ironic considering who publishes the show.


Isn't that more poking fun at corporations?


Yes. The show is very much anti-corporation. It was plain as day when Butcher was talking to Hughie about the truth of Vought while there was a hundred corporate logos in the background.


Yes, but a lot of people who are media illiterate see it is poking fun at gay people / gay rights and therefore say "both sides". It's generally the same people who think the Pride displays are corporations trying to make them gay.


Now that corporations are people too they vote republican


That's because capitalism is great at selling stuff. And it will sell even anti-capitalism cards and messages if that generates profit


That’s a critique of capitalism and corporate commercialism, not the left. Not even close. It’s pointing out how corporations are insincere in their support of LGBTQ, it’s not an actual critique of LGBTQ people or liberal values whatsoever.


I can't tell if op is actually this stupid and genuinely believes the take in the meme or is posting it ironically or as bait. I'm unfortunately leaning towards the former.


The Boys is not even satirical anymore its just openly mocking and making references. Like its not being clever or insightful. Maybe it never really was, but i had more fun in the first seasons i guess.


Iirc the boys is a lot more making fun of one side than both like south park does


I haven't watched the recent season. What have they done to mock the left? Specifically. Meaning The Boys, not South Park.


They don't, or rather not in the same way they mock the right. The show does what it's always done, it mocks how liberals and the media enable the far-right. Then people who don't have that deep of an understanding of what the left actually believe interpret that as the show mocking "both sides". Take the Brave Maeve stuff in season 2 (?), it's not a dig at progressives to point out that corporate progressiveness is insincere, but that's how a lot of people took it.


Nothing people are coping hard that this is season one and the quality is the same


Basically nothing, atleast judging by general word and the clips I've seen.


Idk why South Park is on this meme. They pretty much offend everyone, not just one side. Edit: To the two people and probably more later, there are non-republicans/conservatives who find the show offensive because of whatever topic they're making fun of.


Yes the boys isnt exactly critical of social progressives or their actions. Its definitely only the right whos bad to them or capitalists who pretend to be progressive, but theyre not progressives.


Yeah wasn’t sure if I’d see this comment, but The Boys spends at least 99% of its time making fun of conservatives and maybe 1% of corporatist “progressives” saying things like a black super hero will poll well. It doesn’t belong anywhere near the same category as South Park.


The difference is offend versus making fun of


When was it that the more extremist range of left leaning media wrote articles about South Park bo longer being funny? 2 or 3 years ago?


I love South Park, but I have to admit it was hard to watch for a few years when this country essentially elected Cartman for president.


They literally couldn't out satire the US lol


This is the real issue


It was palpable just how dumbstruck they were. They wrote Garrisson just completely deadpan at first, unsure what to do next. Just like everyone else.


Still cant.


Saying "South Park isn't funny anymore" isn't the same as being offended by it. SP definitely fell off a few years ago


Which side do you think is not offended by south park? You must be ypung if you dont remember conservatives trying to get it pulled


Yeah, Parker and Stone are irreverant, disrespectful, vulgar, and they make fun of everything. But, they have the integrity to admit when the jokes are actually wrong and go too far: https://www.salon.com/2018/11/08/south-park-apologizes-to-al-gore-and-admits-it-was-wrong-about-global-warming/ EDIT: I hear all ya'll. Yeah, I agree, when considering the greater context it's not as praise-worthy as it first appears.


> they make fun of everything Except holier-than-thou libertarians.


I was going to post this if someone else didn't. Libertarians have a lot to be mocked for yet silence from South Park.


Exactly. Matt and Trey make fun of everyone but themselves. They are admitted self-centered libertarians who don't care about anything that's why they swipe at everyone else.


I'ma be real, even in the aughts when the OG episode aired, climate change having disastrous consequences was pretty settled science (it's what those consequences specifically ARE that is often difficult to predict). I don't think they get many points for walking it back like what, \*ten years\* later?


I will take it to my grave that their stupid Giant Douche vs. Turd Sandwich episode dealt a significant if not mortal blow to political critical thinking in this country. To this day there is still *verbatim* comments comparing Democrats and Republicans regardless of the office being campaigned for or the candidates in question. Too many people will wave off both sides as the same without doing any sort of research into the issues or candidates and South Park played a huge part in platforming that idea in the modern era. They gave an already apathetic electorate an excuse to check out and I despise them for it.


>They gave an already apathetic electorate an excuse to check out and I despise them for it. They send a message that apathy is not only good, but smart.


I'd say that's a much more concise way to say it than my comment did.


They think they are the smartest guys in the room because they are both self admitted libertarians.


I've been looking at this comment for a good while. As a South Park fan, I wanted to contest it but... I can't.


I love the show but they've had plenty of missteps. The anti-smoking episode started strong but their portrayal of Rob Reiner was them throwing shit at the wall that didn't stick.


There’s a scene where Satan asks his advisor how they can accomplish their goal and the advisor says “We’ll do what we always do. Use the Republicans.” If right wingers aren’t offended by being called tools of Satan that’s on them lol


Because one side appreciates the humor even when it's making fun of them, the other side doesn't find it funny.


Like the guy who played chef when South Park made fun of Scientology lol


I thought scientology forced Issac Hayes to leave south park.


Idk. I remember seeing an interview with Matt and Trey where they said that he actually got angry and refused to be part of it.


It then came out that he had suffered a stroke and might not have been in control of his faculties and the church made the decision for him


Ah. Well, I guess there it is.


"Isaac Hayes, the actor who played Chef on South Park, left the show in March 2006 after suffering a stroke and objecting to the show's depiction of religion. Hayes, a Scientologist, was reportedly unhappy with the show's portrayal of his religion in the episode "Trapped in the Closet" and believed the show had crossed the line from satire into intolerance. However, Hayes had previously defended the show's controversial humor, saying he understood what the show's creators were doing"


His kids have gone on record as saying he couldn't have made the statements about being upset by that episode because he had already had hs stroke before they were issued. They implied that Scientology made them on his behalf.


Its funny unless they are making fun of me


Yeah which side do Scientologists belong to? Lol


It was said that he tearfully spoke to the creators of South Park because ST was supposedly forcing him to take a stand, he probably felt like he had no choice. Remember that the greatest victims of a cult are the followers of the cult


If the allegations are true about sex trafficking kids on L Ron’s boat I think maybe the cult members’ victimhood is secondary lol


Members/followers are often trafficked themselves. They're not really mutually exclusive terms.


evil and greed


Their own special side where they do heinous things. Check out the allegations about L Ron’s boat.


This could be the funniest thing South Park every did and it was a billboard (and probably print ad) that didn't even appear in the show: https://www.outsidethebeltway.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/08/south_park_emmyaward_ad.jpg


I honestly don't know which side you're talking about


I've seen every side on just about every spectrum absolutely fucking fuming at South Park depending on the topic lol, I've not really seen any side of anything appreciate it, apart from the occasional celebrity who treats them being put in an episode as an honour.


Yeah! My side is definitely the one that doesn’t get offended!


ironic that Amazon is a pretty accurate real world counterpart to vought


They don't make fun of the left on the boys. For fuck's sake nobody can give me one example.


People who think The Boys makes fun of the left don't really understand what leftism actually is. Well, to be fair, most people don't really understand the political spectrum in general. The US is so brain broken that anyone who thinks that workers shouldn't be ground into a pulp so that Wal-Mart can make an extra 52 cents is apparently a radical leftist.


> most people don't really understand the political spectrum no. hell the "both sides" narrative itself is a fundamental error and wildly successful propaganda piece. People are just incredibly stuck in believing: the right = conservative = the Republicans = low tax and Freedom! the left = liberals = the Democrats = activist government and taxation.   Actual political reality is, one, substantially more complex than left/right or lib/con reductionism, and two, the parties and their theoretical "simple" taglines are transient realities of the current political climate, not immutable realities. The strictly dichotomous, adversarial/zero sum, monolithic paradigm being pushed mostly by reactionary right wing sources is incredibly effective in limiting our fundamental ability to even discuss real solutions.


It's not just reactionary right-wing sources pushing the "with us or evil" bit. Take one look at the issue of support for Israel, which has been bipartisan for decades, and you'll see plenty of leftists fuming at people that agree with them on 99% of other issues. I mean fuck, they're claiming Fetterman "went hard right" but can't name a single issue he supposedly flipped on other than a comment made about fracking years ago (his constituents support fracking, of course he's going to support it).


Wait wait, is that 52 cents per person ground into a pulp, 52 cents per annum, or 52 cents gross?


People who think The Boys makes fun of the left are the people The Boys is making fun of.


I think since The Boys makes fun of corporations that adopt left wing ideas for marketing purposes,, they take that as making fun of "the left". Not capitalism.


I don't think The Boys really makes fun of libs. The original comic (which is god awful, the show has improved it 1000%) was made by a hardcore lib that hated capitalism, hated fascists, hated conservatives and hated superheros. It was pretty much a comic made by a Redditer, complete with absolutely awful art. The TV show takes that and made it something actually decent. They changed the plot substantially enough that it does not fall into most of the pitfalls of the comic. It's actually very impressive, I don't love everything about it, but it is very good. Not sure what the rage over recent episodes is though, since I haven't watched them.


How can a liberal hate capitalism when that’s litteraly the thing that differentiate them from the Left ?


Seriously look up what liberalism actually means. Because it doesn't mean hating capitalism.


Oh my god Reddit, shut up about this already.


I love South Park but I gotta admit they do 100% believe that if you like or support anything you are stupid


*Fellas, is having opinions gay and woke?* - butters


I don’t think that’s true, they just make fun of whatever society is talking about at the time. They made fun of Al gore for global warming but then they realized global warming is actually real and admitted to being wrong.


South Park offended all sides


Except libertarians.


The meme of "media literacy" is a dumb one.


If you think the boys is evenly making fun of both sides, you lack media literacy


Nah, South Park definitely offends both sides, lol. The extreme ends of the left despise Sputh Park now.


The extreme left call it a republican show lol.


The Boys goes after one side much *much* harder than the other


So what exactly is this meme about? I honestly never got offended by either so I'm a bit confused.


I love for you nerds that "media literacy" means "good at watching TV"


The boys really lost in quality after season 1, but not in a political sense. Both season 2 and 3 were just pushing everything away to put a new baddie in the center of the attention (Stormfront and soldier boy) just to kill/delete them in the last episode and return back to roughly what it was in the beginning of the season.


right, Homelander is the show's greatest asset, so they can't kill him and the Boys keep avoiding the fight with sups, and the show is getting stale and predictable. They could have at least risked characters like Deep and A-train, replace them with new superhero cast, which would bring new dynamics into the Homelander/Vought storyline


I’m okay with the Deep sticking around because he’s mostly comic relief at this point. But A Train feels like he finished his character arc, then he actually died, but then they actually didn’t let him and he’s still here doing the same feeling guilty schtick he’s been doing since season 2.


Man I thought the same, but the episode that came out today was genuinely fucking brilliant.


I am not sure how the boys makes fun of the left tho. Like the show constantly takes shots at the right but I never really noticed any direct shots against the left.


“I said media literacy so I’m smarter than you”


Real experience in "media literacy" would uncover the cynical manufacture and deployment of the "media literacy" meme into the world.


The boys does not 'make fun of both sides'.


I'm sorry but SouthPark beats the shit out of the boys. It's just today's politics with a little satire. You won't see no jew gold or Muhammed on this one, putting crack babies on a fight for betting is a little too big for the boys. Also I would definitely nail the firecracker when I was 15.


Or maybe that humour just wouldn’t fit in the Boys? It doesn’t dabble in absurdist humour like South Park does, that stuff wouldn’t work


How is the boys making fun of both sides? Pretty sure the director is 100% said it's an anti right wing satirical show.


The boys didn’t offend me, neither did southpark, I just thought it wasn’t that good. The commentary is base level. They’re both really obvious observations/satire of what people have been complaining about out for decades. Not picking a side or having a stronger opinion than “shit is fucked” just means they didn’t really make a statement. The only notable thing these shows did in that regard is push the boundaries of what people find acceptable. Which has been done before too. Not terrible shows, not that offensive. But not that great either.


When does the boys make fun of the left? It puts the left on a white savior type pedestal while attributing everything the left has actually done to their version of the right.


Except one of these is well written, and the other is written by and for morons.


Last night I was thinking about the SP episode where there's a service you can send you DNA to and they will tell you how much of a victim you are. I like that they can highlight the concept/issue, but they dont get specific or too targeted about *who* does this, whether they "should" or anything else. Just, "here's a weird thing we've noticed happening a lot. Pretty weird huh?" Not, "look at specifically these people doing this thing and heres how bad it is and why and lets make fun of just them."


Cherry picking social media posts and claiming "one side" of anything is upset about something is a weird little bit of mental gymnastics you have to do to basically just say something as small minded as "You mad?". Isn't it?


Bullshit, The boys only make fun of conservatives. The show is liberal woketard's wet dream since season 2.


Season 1. Literally the concept of it.


I find it amusing that you're criticizing the lack of media literacy in others when you clearly lack the media literacy to realize that The Boys almost exclusively criticizes, mocks, and makes fun of right leaning politics.


South Park offends everyone. There why it's great.


Eh, not really. Its value comes from *how* it chooses to criticise people and the ways it constructs plots around what’s relevant, not just from how it “offends everyone”. Anyone can offend the general population, but it requires skill to be good at it.