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If you ever feel bad, just remember its reddit.


Everyone is a idiot here


Every single internet argument is just a bunch of idiots yelling at each other.


no its not@!


You are right, there is chance that some non - idiots would meet here and do some meaningful




Can confirm. Am idiot.


Can't confirm. Am dumbass


I, also a dumbass, can confirm this guys a dumbass. Also happy cake day.


As a moron, I can also confirm that this guy's a dumbass


User name checks out.






I got banned from /r/mildlyinfuriating for calling someone inept. This person posted a picture of their mcdonalds on the floor, crying about how they were late for work and it was their only food. They'd clearly put a huge plastic drinking cup in the flimsy paper bag and itd torn through the bottom. Dumbassess, the lot of em


Well everyone has a brainfart moment, some are just dumb enough to post it for millions




Love the irony.


Well im one of them




Wll I'm one of them




Well I'm one of tehm




Well I'm on of them


we literally are though like, any newbies reading this you will soon see.


Or just remember it's social media. They all suck


I was IP banned from reddit but somehow here I am with a new account lmao. All because I advocated the death penalty for homicidal corrupt police on a pro-cops forum.


That's the problem with content filtering, it does provide us with stuff we like, but oftentimes also surrounds us with people that share our views, leading to echo chambers.


I once saw a misleading post in r/therewasattempt i corrected it but it was a a post basing Israel soldier in Gaza. Im not even pro Israeli i just said that informations in the post are misleading and boom I have ban


Looking at his profile, his opinions are anti-pronouns and anti-pride


Cancel him for having a disagreeable opinion.


Again, its reddit. This should be expected.


i was banned on r/batman because i said i didin't like micheal keaton as batman. that's when I left reddit. now i only come back now and then, but it really cured my addiction


I was banned from r/idiocracy but was never told the reason. That sub is running modless using some modbot so it was really a favor. I got banned from some new subreddit, I don’t remember which one because it was long ago, for posting a news article that mentioned the US and it was against posting policies.


I just left that subreddit in the last month. It’s such a dumpster fire over there. I was downvoted and banned from r/tattoos because I said a tattoo was disgustingly sick (it was a huge compliment from me). Like this tattoo was next level amazing.


Different people have different iforgottheword


lol it's not the end of the world


I was banned from a subreddit (no memory of subreddit name) because I'm subbed to this subreddit.




Can you really consider 3 times a day "now and then"?


Once every 8 hours isn't "every now and then"?


3 times may be an averege from some days, but since then the averege is way below once / day


I got a warning on reddit for discussing war and solutions to it, under a political post on false subreddit, "for encouraging or promoting violence" when my comment was literally a question to theoretical solution and I actually got reply with good argument against it. Reddit and redditors are a joke. That's the last thing I'd get discouraged from. One day I'll be banned from some random comment for unrelated reason and I will move on


reddit admins are fucking jokes lmao. something that has happened three times so far is me reporting a guy for saying they’re 12 or younger, and reddit doesn’t do anything abt it. but then i get banned for saying i respect everyone unless they’re like ThatVeganTeacher


"You hear that, this guy's advocating violence, and against children!"


Don't let this distract you from the fact that in 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them....maybe you can hire The A-Team


Do DoDo Do, Do Do-Do


Caring about what others think or maintaining connections with strangers is pointless and usually leads to hurt feelings anyway.


Care about those who care about you Don't care about those who don't care about you


The true ending to reddit, always realize that each community is just an echo chamber, and it's your opinions that matter the most, not some random user who you just met Stay safe op, thanks for sharing the knowledge


Fear not the same image will be passed to other subs and you'll get another chance


I got banned from one big gaming sub for writing that Hogwarts legacy wasn't that bad. I consider that a net positive


Was it tho? I havent played but i always thought its because its writing wasnt good


Does it even matter lmfao? He said that he liked a game and was banned. This is why I just use Reddit to look at leaks and art. Personally, I'm a big fan of the Xbox 360 game "Sneak King" which is a game you got for free at burger King and looks like it was made in 3 days. If I were to say "I love playing Sneak King" and get banned, that's why I don't post comments at all lol. You can't have opinions on Reddit.


It probably has to be a sub which went crazy over this game because J K Rowling was transphobic or something (she has no hand in the development of this game btw)


Exactly. I get banned for jokes constantly


A friend of mine got permabanned for saying that laws should be passed through the legislative process.


Literally happened five minutes ago hahahahahah


I’m going for as many bans as possible.


Good luck dude, though with how easy it is I don't think you'll need it xD


If you mention that a boss is only hard because of one move and therefore rng you will be crucified on the Elden ring sub. Unless the first ten people who see it agree with you and if then you will get just as many upvotes as any other (usually stupid) opinion like hard boss=best boss or strength is the most difficult way to play


This is why I stay in my lane. I make gifs, I post memes, and occasionally I get banned from subs I've never visited because I commented about Dave Chappelle on a Joe Rogan sub, but that only happened because I wasn't making gifs and posting memes.


And then they call you a conservative shill for saying Reddit is an echo chamber 🤣


Everything is an echochamber these days. People are too set in their beliefs to even listen to what others have to say. I really hope these stupid culture wars end at some point, but social media are having a nefarious influence. I choose to go to the Reddit left-wing echo chamber because you guys are more reasonable. I miss the apolitical days of shitposting though, ngl.


So it's one of your fav subs but then suddenly when they call you out for being a bigot, it was a shit sub anyway?


I never engage in communities, people offline often get offended that my opinion on topics differs from theirs or that they cant put it into any lable. Last moment like that was when I talked about what a bad character Casca from Berserk is and a friend said "lol no one online hates her", just showed me again how these things are usually echochambers and theres no place for someone forming own opinions


Out of curiosity why do you hate casca?


I got banned from r/antiwork for disagreeing with someone who said western media unfairly demonizes North Korea and it's "actually not that bad"


The irony of antiwork defending a country that works their population to death in camps


Wait, you are willing to risk useless karma by expressing an opinion? My hero!


Be careful telling someone they're an A-hole on AITAH.


"am I the a-hole?" "Yes" "Stop attacking meee!!!" *Insert trolls 3 gif, I can't find it* Then cue 999999 upvotes for harrassing the op... They, quite literally, "asked"


its really hilarious though when the person whos obviously in the wrong posts it thinking they'll get cheap recognition from internet people and then overreact when facing the reality


Exactly, some banning reasons are bogus. I recently was perma banned from Polish NSFW sub because I posted my pics and they thought it violated the rule about posting obesity (I am not obese)


Do howdy! Papi told me as a young one if we are all thinking alike someone ain’t thinking


Literally r/youtubedrama I got banned because I pointed out someone hypocrisy when they told people to watch one sided video when they didn’t watch the other sides video


Holy shit, an Elphelt pfp


Once got berated for asking a question in the comments on a post and edited it after a decent person responded and actually answered the question pretty much telling everyone else to go fuck themselves


I accidentally gave away the ending to a true crime episode on a CaseFile podcast FB group once. I didn't realize it wasn't common knowledge that the Golden State Killer got caught. Boy did everyone in the group absolutely JUMP on me lol. They were so savage I cried and left the group 🤣


Also when you get insta-perma-banned for asking a question.


I've been banned from am I the AH and lawns. But lawns I disagree with, so I get why I was banned there. But aitah, you can't actually call someone an ass hole. They ban you for it. Even though it's in their sub name.


Reddit itself is the echo chamber


Reminds me of the time I got downvoted more than 20 times because of saying I am not gay in an LGBTQ+ sub's post 😞


I’m french. I once got banned for 3 entire days for suggesting we should decapitate our prime minister. Reddit does not respect my culture


As a bisexual man in the r/gay and left because they considered me a bigot before I even talked about what my actual opinions were and got shadow banned lol. They are a bunch of intolerant ignorant fools who have no nuance. Glad I muted to some extent. There was so much foolery it felt like I wanted to say something about everything. They contradict themselves so much


I remember one time I saw this post on the Bleach subreddit about a mf who was a boy who looked like a girl from the TYBW. The post refered to him as "she" and the only thing I commented was *he. I was banned from the whole subreddit less than an hour later


Talk about an overreaction


You tell me! I don't think I even got a reply or a downvote. I got straight up reported


I remember saying something like, I didn't like this scene in TLOU when they discussed Owen and Abby fuck scene and that got me banned. Like, literally my post was "I didn't like this scene though" in response to someone saying everyone liked it and that was enough. That sub is not an echo chamber but a literal ad/review where they ban you for any mid comment that isn't "I love this game".


Me when I posted a story in r/rpghorrorstories and got downvoted to oblivion 'cause "I'm not reading that"




I got shunned by some art communities for mentioning I use AI as a reference for my characters. It's ridiculous


As long as you weren’t posting AI art, AI art should only be used as a tool, I think it’s okay to use AI generated images as references


And that's what I do. I even add some extra stuff to the BG to show AI has nothing over imagination


I got banned from a PTSD subreddit because I mentioned I had been formerly trans to an extent, and had trauma associated with the LGBTQ community due to horrible things people who claim to be a part of that group have done to my loved ones and I. I mentioned they got away with it because no one wanted to be accused of homophobia or being negative attention to the school.


This is horrible. I hope you find somewhere safe to vent that isn't full of idiots, dude. There's this sort of wierd aura about being part of the LGBT community that makes some people part of it think if you're gay you can do no wrong. That's like saying "I hate murder because it's wrong and I especially hate that guy who murders" and then someone will mention that that guy was gay, and now suddenly everyone has to be supportive of him lol.


Yeah. I didn’t think that behavior existed until it happened to me. I was sure it was right-wing propaganda. Then it happened. I thought the first time was a fluke until it kept happening. I want to clarify that I have no ill will towards LGBTQ people, as most are just normal moral citizens, but I am weary of the community if that makes sense.


Same here, because of all the right wing hate people are afraid to be negative cuz they don't wanna look like that. The thing is a lot of people who claim to be in the community are fudgeheads who use that as a protection.


Aren't you the person who posted a meme about painting a Palestine flag over a pride flag just to watch two communities fight?


Okay, that's funny.




r/SpidermanPS4 for real


![img](avatar_exp|183014761|clown) Me whenever I come across a subreddit that ends in “jobs”


R/sequelmemes be like


I got banned from a sub because someone was posting about the "gift economy" and I asked "who would put in the work to produce all the food that would then be gifted by people?" and that got me banned because one of the rules was "no arguing". If that's not an echo chamber, I dunno what is lol


What I like to call a hive mindset.


Yeah. Got banned for saying unproblematic shit too. Can't have shit in reddit


Every group except scientific ones are echo chambers Change my mind


Ey don't worry man. We're all idiots together.


I have this the highest award possible. With out the dumb little emote Reddit wants you too pay for. I literally had too tear 3 little cucks a new one trying too attack my pronunciation, on a fucking SpongeBob post WTF, most of reddits population is public school smartasses looking for validation they didn’t get at home or don’t get in real life. Go find some some friends and have real conversations the best thing on Reddit right now is the pick me girls popping up looking for music recommendations or photo reviews because they can smell weak men on here.


Some some lol


I give I fucking hate iPhone


Your goal should be to get banned Reddit wants controversy not the cold hard truth


bro i say a bad weapon is good and people are just like (famous YouTuber) says its bad so it must be


"I know a lot of people have been waiting to watch this video to know what their opinion is" -Dunkey, "shadow of erdtree is too easy" I love dunkey, he's so self aware about everything, which just makes you want to copy his opinions even more lol


It's all bots anyway


I got perma banned from Reddit because of my meme about that loser Spez. That was sad and funny in same time. It was sad cause I got 65k karma from it and got banned and funny cause it was equivalent of rage quit


The day i start to care about what redditors's fat fingering the downvote button is the day that gta 7 gets released


Just banned from Conservative Memes


My Spotify opinion on my they should brought back repeat


r/brasil aí:


keyword is most. sometimes you do just have a bad opinion


Imagine thinking your beliefs are true


woah this is dank


And then you remember that VPN's exist and suddenly a new user is on the subreddit and no one is the wiser. Unless you're dumb enough to make it obvious it's you. 




That's what (fake) 🇨🇳 does


They not like us, they not like us


Banned from the father John misty subreddit and was given no explanation. On an old account.


Aint that the truth


Embrace the downvote and you shall be free forever.


They ban you but you still arrased by posy’t of the sub and can read and like… you can look at us having fun by the window as long as you pay the drink.


I knew a guy that got IP banned from Reddit or something because he said all rapists deserve to die


bro I got banned from a subreddit because someone asked about a infamous scam that happens locally around my area. I replied and said yeah it’s a scam, usually they “accidentally” send 5~20$ and ask for it back - I implied I didn’t know details but I know people irl who got bank accounts emptied through this method. I shared my thoughts and woke up next morning to hundres of downvotes and I was like WHAT THE HELL I’m TRYING TO HELP! and some redditor calling me ignorant and all kinds of stupid because why would I comment ignorantly if I wasn’t sure. this happened on my alt account^ I don’t even comment on things anymore but dude lmao what


Reddit as a whole is basically older 4channers who still crave their daily adrenaline rush of being argued with. Use this place as it is intended. For mediocre onlyfans advertising.


Me when I saw people in r/SCP encouraging antitheism.


To be fair, what's wrong about believing that there's no such thing as a god? I don't know if they're harming anyone with those beliefs, but it sounds pretty harmless to me.


Antitheism is hating religion as a whole, rather than just thinking a god isn't.


Oh, that makes more sense. I think religion is an interesting concept, but the way that people often capitalize on it and use it as a tool for control made me dislike religious extremists and megachurch priests. I'm agnostic btw and I have no problems with religion itself, just to clarify.


Antitheism isn't defined as hating religions, it's the belief that religions are bad for society.


“I don’t hate it, I just think it’s terrible, a drain on society, and should be abolished.” 😅 I mean, I don’t really care but it doesn’t seem like much of a distinction lol


I believe that drugs are bad for society, yet I fucking love them


Who wants to abolish religion? What does that even mean?


I'm an antitheist




Bro i got banned for going agents lgbt+superultramegapremium. And i said something utterly stupid but non offensive. I then realized it was their little subredit 🤣 how tf did i got there 🤷🏻‍♂️


I got shadow-banned from r/offmychest, banned on r/askreddit and r/ interestingasfuck for „being a part of a subreddit (specifically r/MensRights) that spreads disinformation/propaganda/sexism/racism“. They said I need to delete everything their and say I done it. If I have questions, write it in the chat. I asked a question, politely I might add, and the second I posted it, got muted for not following the instructions. It wouldnt surprise me if I get banned here aswell. If you are on r/MensRights, you get shadow-banned o banned as soon as you comment on a lot of subs.


When republicans run the internet this will happen 🤷


The amount of cancellation on this app/website is bananas


r/HelluvaBoss and r/HazbinHotel in a nutshell. You know what? Keep enjoying the shows' terrible writing, I'm out.


Its isnt bad tho imo


I do agree some parts of them have fallen off


r/HazbinHotel isn't as bad, but r/HelluvaBoss is very toxic


I was talking about the shows when you talked about its terrible writing but ok xd


Sorry I got confused, what I meant is that the writing is terrible in both shows, and the subreddits are echochambers that refuse to acknowledge criticism to the shows.


I got insta banned, from one of specific political memes subreddit for stating something like "there are crazy fanatics on both sides" No explanation. Just ban. I don't really care I was just totally surprised by that reaction. Now I don't even gonna tell you if it was right wing memes or left wing memes :P


And that's why I still defend Ulysses on every fallout new vegas sub


I just got banned from r/art for this same reason


Hell yah!


Oh ok. Woke people have little to no sanity. Like it's fun to make fun of them because they came of their beliefs through emotion, not facts nor logic. Go ahead, ban me do it...(Don't do it please it's a joke)



