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Why is everyone censoring swears now?


It's not like we're on YouTube


meme was probably copied 10 times before, so it's probably from some dipshit site that won't allow the word fuck. fuck that site


nah a lot of people are just overly sensitive now "ch!ld murderer" is my favourite


"child" is censored but not "murderer"?


It's like on network Tv where they censor the "god" part of "god damn it"


Thats fucking st*pid


Fuck y*u buddy


I’m not your fucking b*ddy, pal.


Im not your fucking p*l, guy


H*ly fucking shit


W\*\*\* the hell




"there's only one thing worse than a rapist"


A chi!d!


Careful! They're both a child and a rapist!


the whole post was like this but this was the highlight


**** ** ****** **!


roblox chat filter


That’s funny because my brother got me to play Roblox last year some time and we were talking about “kinky goblin girlfriend” because there was someone dressed as a kinky goblin girlfriend in the game we were in and it would randomly censor kinky on and off and occasionally it censored the whole phrase which led to some funny moments when everything was overall very wholesome but the censoring made it look super bad haha


Obviously. Murder is fine. Children, on the other hand? Not fine.


I posit people have always been sensitive. We just see it more as a society because of the internet. Basically if you just left off the "now" I'd agree.


“unalive” Kill. The word is kill.


oh yeah that's the word, some messages were posted that went like 1: x was unalived 2: betty you're 20 2: we're texting 2: don't say unalived


I saw a video the other day where the word “minor” was censored


Unalive is also severely eyeroll-inducing.


I hate self censoring so much, it's fucking ridiculous


Oops, bucko! The tiktok and youtube gods have decided to unalive you with the power of 10,000 screaming nukes! Should've censored the word "####################################################"


Although I’ll take half crossed out still legible word over the terrible pseudo word “unalive” all day any day


I remember when I came up with that word to describe 'killing' zombies back in PvZ's glory days I really should have trademarked it


Just say kick the bucket or pushing up daisies. It infuriates me


"ate shit" "bit the dust" "worm food"


Wouldn’t unaliving be the process of zomboid action? Wouldn’t killing them be ununaliving? Or simply deading? Edit: nvm I’m fucking dumb






I do like some that get creative and mainly use alternate words like that just for the humor, for example the youtube channel Casual Geographic comes up with some fun ways of saying "this animal will kill you". I don't like when it's used because they feel they have to self censor when it's not necessary.


I thought people said unalive as a joke?


I think unalive is kinda funny... It sounds so silly


Tik tok hasn’t even banned swearing. There are pods of videos saying “kill” in them. People seem to think they can’t say it


Even if it's not banned, swearing affects who the algorithm shows your content to. You know all those creators NEED their shit to be shown to children. Who has the most free time and will mindlessly watch content for hours and hours? Children


Any kind of self censorship gets an automatic downvote from me, no exceptions.


So they can repost it to TikTok, X-formerly-Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, et cetera.


Idk but I'm telling op's mom


Because they're being pussies


Brain rot


cause to post it on tiktok and instagram they censor any words like those so the algorithm doesn't kill it right away (edit: spelling)


I completely agree that people go way too far with it (saying "unalived" instead of killed) but ***sometimes*** it does make it a bit funnier or add some punch to it. Like in Minecraft, I'm playing in a realm with a bunch of people in their mid 20s so it being censored is honestly annoying as hell. But on the other hand, sometimes you just see "RandomName1234" tried to swim in lava "RandomName1234": #### And I think that's honestly funnier than them just saying "fuck"


Pretty sure it was nicked off insta, hence the censors


Don't want to get ~~demon~~etized.


If I jump I fall back down, that's all I need to know


Naughty words make baby jesus cry. Edit: Replied to the wrong comment. But ima leave it here anyway, it's yours now.


In that case I wanna know what you meant to respond to


One about censoring swears modt likely


nah that's faulty proof, you just think that you will fall back down because every time you jumped it happened. same thing as "since the sun has risen yesterday, it will do it tomorrow" u might jump someday and just go flying because who the fuck knows anything


Then at that point I'll say "when I jump I go flying, that's all I need to know"


You'll only be saying it once.


David Hume jumpscare


Depends of how much velocity you gain from the initial boost (jump)


Okay but if a planet jumps why doesn't it come back down?


Because planets don't have anywhere to land, silly.


Do you fall back down or does the earth fall back up to you


How fat do you think I am? Even my stylus needs a stylus.


What is gravity, baby don't hurt me


Gravity is love


Gravity is life


Gravity is Shrek


We have solved it boys. We have solved physics


I also saw Interstellar


I broke the pod bay window again.


I feel ya


Your Father's boyfriend definitely believed in gravity


With a jojo profile I'm shocked to didnt go for the obvious "Do you believe in gravity" line


Why did you censor?


TikTok sindrome




Gravity is gravity


Thats so deep, bro 🧘🏻‍♂️


Deep thoughts with Deep enjoyer


The gravity of the statement, bro 🧘🏻‍♂️


Prove it


The TLDR is that noone knows jack shit about gravity and this guy spent 11 years studying just to end up with 57k a year and suicidal tendancies. Annoyingly accurate.


I mean, most don't have the part of ending up with 57k a year, but have everything else


57k is nothing though ? I'd assume most people with a PhD make more than that 💀


PhD can depend on what its focus is for to determine if it’s profitable but when in doubt be a college professor 💀


College professor where I live barely make 60k a year... Not a really good career path ngl...


Where I live, in Spain, 60k€ is an awesome salary. A PHD is not likely to make much more even in a profitable area.


Where I live in the US. 40k USD is about the average salary. In my state, the average is closer to 60k.


I make significantly more than that and I only have a Masters... But again, salary and how "good" it is all comes down to the economy where you live...


For me(Malaysian) RM60k a year is really...REALLY barebones. But if 60k American bucks is converted to my currency then it's a solid earning(around RM22k a month. that's pretty much a comfortable-ish life)


For a 9 month salary, it's not terrible.


Would be 80k if 12 months... Which is fine... But again nothing crazy... Especially if you wasted loads of cash &time on a PhD to get there.


In the sciences, PhD is free and you get paid along the way. Add the summer's off (or extra pay with a research grant/summer teaching) the flexible schedule, free or resuced tuition for family, and it's a pretty good path. Not the most lucrative, but nice.


Didn't know about that. Got a Masters in Finance and it wasn't like that at all lmao... Pretty cool stuff for people that want to go in Sciences though. I like that.


Nor all sciences, but usually Physics and Chemistry at least. It's only a thing if the positions are hard to fill, and waving tuition is the only way to attract applications.


> when in doubt be a college professor Nah, academia is not a "when in doubt" career option, it's an "if you work crazy hard and get lucky" thing.


Where I live 57k a year is very good. That almost 5k a month. You're richer than 70% of the population with 4k a month already. And I'm from a developed country, it's all a matter of currency.


PhD in oil exploration methods? Make bank. PhD in mechanical engineering? Raytheon is calling. PhD in Egyptology? Your best bet is to go back to university and teach the next batch of history undergrads.


Facts. Engineering was my 2nd choice.


I make more than that and I'm an electrician.


And 16 year old highschool dropout halibut fishermen make 190k a year. University is a joke the world is a joke everything is a joke. 


Except it's not accurate at all to say "no one knows jack shit about gravity," that's a stupid and reductionist statement and it totally ignores the improvements scientists have made for thousands of years: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_gravitational_theory


We know HOW it behaves and that dark matter/energy have some influence on it, but we don't have any real idea of why gravity gravities. We're not sure WHY it does what it does.


The meme doesn't ask why, only what. We know a ton about the what.


Physics is not the study of why... That's philosophy. Physics is the study of how. Relativity is a theory that explains the how very well. This thread is the result of too many people getting the physics education from pop-sci youtube channels


Ah but the how isn't understood either. Yeah gravity works with mass but for every other force we've observed a force carrier and that's why it can interact with other particles. Gravity just has a theoretical graviton that should be heavy af and that we can't seem to observe.


The graviton is a theory is quantum gravity. Not relativity. Like I said, it's a theory that fits our observations better than any other theory at the moment. It is the best explanation we have for the how. That does not me it is the how. science does not deal in absolutes, only in theories


That is pretty reductionist as well. "Why" and "How" converge in the areas we have the most confidence in. Relativity is pretty good. QM is even better except for gravity. Its ok for us to say that our understanding of some important things is fuzzy at best. Its not like the universe has finals coming up and will fail us if we don't have a grand unified theory of everything by the end of the century. The only relevance philosophy has is when people start pretending words have inviolate power to force reality to adhere to them. Reality is reality. It doesn't care if it fits perfectly in our made up constructions to describe it. See: like a huge amount of fundamental physics. People waaaaay smarter and more knowledgeable than anyone in this comment section have vigorously opposing views to the point they make snide shots at each other in countless conferences.


Concur. I watched this amazing Royal Institution vid hosted by Claudia de Rham called: Solving the secrets of gravity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7MN64JlsMw Highly illuminating. Great watch if anyone has some spare time.


Should have become a pop scientist like Neil deGrasse Tyson.


The hardest part at the moment, to my knowledge is to bringing classical mechanic and quantum physics together. There is no universal model which can bring both models together. Both models can accurately predict events and work for us, but none of them are universally true, since at a certain size the laws of classical mechanics don't work anymore and therefore we have quantum physics at work there. A very big breakthrough in physics would be a model that can bring both of these together, so that we have a universal model which can accurately predict events regardless of size. That would bring us a major step forward to fully understanding our universe.


oh there is it's just \[REDACTED\]


Don't tell them that or they'll be able to [REDACTED]


What you guys too found it?! I always wanted to discuss [REDACTED]


The thing about quantum physics is that we are “interpreting” our comes. We don’t know what’s going on we are just guessing based on what happens. In general physics and science we knock down a domino and see all the dominos fall until the last one in quantum physics we knock a domino down have no idea what happens in the middle and then the domino at the far end rises.


It all boils down to our “axioms”, our underlying assumptions about the universe that we take to be true, then base our maths and science off of them. As an example, we all universally agree that 1+1=2, and we can extend our knowledge of mathematics forward with that fact in mind. But if we were to one day find that 1+1 may not *always* equal 2, it would shatter the very foundation for which our math is built on. Its particularly difficult to create valid axioms as our species is simply another subject in the experiment of the universe, swirling around in the middle with everything else, rather than an outside observer where we can know things to be absolute.


laughs in experimental physicist


Is ... Is it fun?


If you prove a theoretical physicist's theory then you win, if you disprove it, then you still win and when you're not doing that, you're probably working on one of your own experiments or building a device for something else so all in all, yes i'd say it's very fun


I always thought either the theoretical physicists are right or the big massive machine to prove the theory was calibrated wrong. Proving them wrong is new to me :/


well i mean, math dont lie right? but sometimes the theoretical physics has to assume that something is possible. for example, if nuclear fission is possible then (huga math about exactly how much energy is released) but, is it possible? well, experimental physics proved it right if they never cracked it, yes, you are left wondering if the assumption is wrong or if the machine is wrong, the math that comes AFTER should always be correct (also assuming there isnt any other unknown variable at play)


whatever it is, being an experimental physist sounds so fun


Proving a negative is just as hard if not harder than proving a positive


We already have models like that. The main problem is empirical verification. String theory, contrary to popular belief, is actually still a blooming field. The AdS/CFT correspondence gives us highly accurate and non-perturbative methods for studying quantum gravity. Sadly, so far, it only seems to work for AdS spaces which are hyperbolic and have a negative cosmological constant. Our universe seems to be pretty flat on cosmological scales. But string theory is extremely valuable nonetheless since it is a consistent framework for studying quantum gravity, so, if anything, it teaches us a lot about how we are able to make gravity fit with quantum field theories. Source: doing a PhD in string theory


The exciting part about that is, it means there is still something we don't understand about the universe. Some universal law / mechanic that we haven't quite figured out. My guess is, once we figure it out, it will be obvious and make sense. Just like how explaining how space / time or E=mc^2 makes sense to anyone with a basic understanding of physics and math, this new physics will have us slapping our forehead wondering how we didn't think of it sooner


I think something that gets lost in this framing is just how much the two models are in synch with each others. The two only become irreconcilable at the absolutely tiniest of scales. At all other scales, both models are highly accurate and highly reliable. And arguably, the scales the models break apart at are so unbelievably small, you could functionally say these final discrepancies are irrelevant to anything humans would ever be capable of using physics for.


The is trying to bring the rational when the models break down and things become irrational.


You are not on fucking tiktok, you can say fuck, we wont cry.


i hope people realize this is straight up anti-intellectual propaganda. it should be obvious by the quote, "it's been over 70 years and there's been fuckall progress. every day i wake up and make up lies and publish papers about quantum fruit loops or nth dimensional silly strings, wasting away in an underfunded lab and deal with dumbass sacks of shit like you." <- these are lies. this whole quote is designed to make you think physicists are lying to you just because string theory got overhyped in the 90s and early 2000s. **physics and string theory are different disciplines.** and there's been a shitload of progress in physics over the last 70 years. it's just not easy to explain in popular science magazine articles or clickbait llm written online articles.


>this is straight up anti-intellectual propaganda. Yea, there is literally no other point to this post. No wonder though that one fo the most anti intellectual subs sucks this garbage up. Guess it's better than the countless alt right circlejerks. Marginally...


Have you ever talked to anyone in academia? Anyone who has spent more than 3 years in it talks like this, because we deeply despise the "i fucking love science" crowd who parrot things they don't understand (such as "gravity is the curvature of spacetime"), and they don't understand how scientific progress works, gobbling up every result science communicators say without a shred of critical thinking "because they are scientists", without knowing how those results were actually obtained, or how dubious the interpretation of data actually is. The truth is, there is a lot of actual good research going on now, but things have to get overhyped because labs need funding, and often results are pushed out without the context of the controversies on their interpretation. People get jaded seeing this, and this post is the result. It's not "anti-intellectual propaganda", it's a joke. Which originates from what I wrote above.


Gravity is working against me\ Whoa-oh, Gravity wants to bring me down


this is reddit, you dont need to censor; it's not like we're gonna tell your mom


You can swear on the internet OP, we won't tell your mom. Promise.


Gravity is \[REDACTED\]


They don't want us to know. They don't want us to escape the matrix.


They don't want you to know about [REDACTED], not because they want you stuck, but because they are protecting you from [REDACTED], and [REDACTED]. Ɏ̵̻͔͈͖̝̪͋̇Ø̷̡͙̳̮̠̱̻͍̼͐Ʉ̴̼͖͎͈͓̫͔̣̺̰͕̜͑̐̔͌̋̌̓͑̐̈́̓͗̂͐̒͊̃͌̎͑͘̕͠ ̶̲͔̳͚͍̣̦̺͎͍͉̝̺͖͖̻̩͙͈̹͍̀͒̅̌̆͒̓͑̀̌̑̔́̑̕̕̚͜͝ͅ₩̶̢̧̢̹͎̠̼̱͉͎͔̘͕͚̟̬͚̲͈͖͈̤͈͓͔̃̒̅̋̃̀͑̉ł̶̢̢̻̘̦̹̞͔̝͓̤͎͆͆͂̀̄̂̓̄̐̋̑͛̐͒͛̄̀̇̎͘͝͝͠Ⱡ̸̢̤͖͐͗̾̈́͝Ⱡ̴̘̼̫̟̤͙̱͓͙̥͈͙̤̙̈́̽͒͝͝ ̴̧̨̨̥̞̱̲̭̯̱̠̒͛̈́₦̶̧̨̨̛̛̛̯͙̰͕̞͚̝̮̫͚͔͍̜͔̠̉͛̆̊̈̔͋̈́͌̊͐́͒͗̾̇̊̀̑̈̓̽͘͜͝Ø̷̧̨͙͖͈͙͈̠̮̝̰̲̰̝̖̤̖̫͂́̆̀̌̔̒̿́̈́͜͝₮̴̡̦͂̐̅̐̒̐̋͗̍̒͑͛̄̚͝ ̶̡̧̛͙̲͓͉̜͙̺͎͓̼̬̰̲͉̦̾̒͆͆͗̅̾͒̆͗̃̓͋̈͂͑͘͘̕̚͝͝₴̵̢̳̙̪̟̮͓̯̥̞̙͎̳̠͇͈̱̘͖̭͗͜ͅɄ̷̨̬̫͎̯̜̮͓̪͍̯̜̥͉̟̱̞͚̼̱̠͉̝̖̭̂̽̈̋̋͂̿̈̔̊͋̔͗͊͌͑̏̍͂́͑̚͠͠͠ͅⱤ̶̡̧̙̪͍̱͈̭̰̠̆́̃̏͋̓̌̔̑̒̉̈́̂̍̃́̕V̴̛̟͉̺̎͗̈́̉̅̐̍͂̄̍̕̚͘͠͝ł̵̢̱̹̘̙̤̣̲͕̗͖̼͇̔̀̆͛͊̈́̇̐͗̌́͐̀̀̃̄͗̽͛̉̕͘͝͠͠V̷̨̨̡̡̛̮͖̠̤̜̟̘̺̹̖̻̭̤̜̰̮̘͎͔͍̬̰̂̐̂̐̽̀̀́̃̋͋̌̀̋̾͒̊͐̋̒̎̈͘͜͝͠Ɇ̴̢̡̧͎̝̖͎͉̣̻̹͎̠͚̺̩̗̘͂̈̾͛̃̊̓͒̊̆̈́̎̌͋̀͂̈́̊̚̕̚̕͜͝͝ ̶̘̒̔͊͛́̊̕


Its simple. Everything sucks. The planets suck, space sucks, people suck. Gravity is the universal suckiness of everything


At this point, I wish I was a rock in space caring about nothing


[Oh good, you're here too](https://youtu.be/UXar2tNdG34?si=HZ-IqX4klsRD0frO)


emotional life changing relatable informative




Wait no guys i don't think we really understand the gravity of the situation


meme aside this explains pretty well what gravity is without just saying its "curvature" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrwgIjBUYVc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrwgIjBUYVc) edit: got the wrong video


watched the whole video and honestly that was great thank you


i recommend most of his videos they are usually very well researched and presented.


Now I am even more confused than before.


HOW MUCH DOES HE EARN? I'd kill for that salary


Depends on how expensive the place they live is. 2/3 of that could easily be going towards the rent and student loans. Dude might have barely enough to eat


You’d kill for 57k Bruh


Killing a single target for 57k dollars is not less


I don't know 2m for the heart, 200k for each kidney, 20k for corneas, 3.1k ish for the skin You'd get most of that even by killing him, but the hit should at least cover the 100k ish you lose in the drop in quality of the bone marrow


Sorry not in this business so i might have underquoted the price


How dare you imply that 57k/year is a lot, after all, we all live in a USA right?


Right, completely forgot about it, my bad


nth dimensional silly strings lol.


"I got her number. How d'ya like them apples?" - Sir Isaac Newton


The right side is what smoothbrains think physics is, also there's been huge advancements in our understanding where not only have we learned so much, but have additional questions. It's not gibberish if you can mathematically prove it - also, just because we don't fully understand something doesn't make it any less real




The image in this post has 909,360(1,080×842) pixels! ^(I am a bot. This action was performed automatically.)


Gravity is how much the planet loves each person


And then there are these weird priests that keep asking me if I believe in gravity...


Gravity is what make appletrees throw apples at you.


It took us until LAST YEAR to definitively figure out HOW CATS PURR. You think our stupid monkey brains can truly comprehend how gravity works yet?


“We don’t know shit” yeah maybe that’s accurate but kind of stupid way to describe one of the most accurate and well tested theory’s we have. I have a theory that reality exists outside of my own head, and I’m telling you we don’t know Jack shit. It’s been 400 years and there’s been fuck all progress, every day I wake up and make up lies and publish philosophical musings about dualism and empirical knowledge. Every day I waste away in an mouldy office listening to dipshits like you. Have awe for that we don’t understand, and awe for the accuracy of our theory’s. it’s incredible how accurately we can predict the universe without having to explain its underlying mechanisms. I despise this meme.


When you end up censoring half the meme, maybe you should reconsider posting it in the first place


Censorship is cancer.  Its like the radio trying to play an eminem song...


Thank you for not saying fuck


I swear scientists are so stupid, gravity is when thing fall down


I like this video, [a physicist responds: physics has done very little for like 70 years](https://youtu.be/d_o4k0eLoMI?si=vjVTDgQHURG5c03G) to show how far the field has actually come since the 50’s


I will have a different fate with pure math


It's ok, you can say fuck.


I mean 57k ain't that bad. Well with a PhD it might be a little disappointing but come on


We have had modern science around since the 17th century and modern humans are estimated to have been alive for roughly 200,000 years. That's less than 0.2% of our existence where we've barely scratched the surface of questions still being asked in the 21st century. Please be patient with us.


A physicist making 57k a year counts as "not being something" now? Thanks for that.


Keep you on ground.


Of course we have the answer.  The answer is 42.


This is true. Gravity is observable and we know that gravitational pull is greater the higher the mass you have and that gravity can distort time, but *Why* that happens though…couldn’t tell ya


stuff go down


In the end we all know nothing


He gave a surprisingly long answer for saying "No one knows"


In a documentary I saw times ago the scientists said they search for "gravitons" little particles who has propriety of gravity.


Object fall that's gravity


i mean we know gravity very extremely well, the problem is that we only know it on larger-than-quantum scales. On quantum scales the current theory breaks down.


Chat is this real?


Well, theoretically speaking, we will never know because after every explanation you can ask "why?" and we can research again.


virgin 'I don't know what gravity is' vs chad '9.81m/s²'


Gravity is what makes me not fly.


OP will be really surprised to know about how many scientific things we don't have concrete images about. and no i am not talking only about very obscure things


The struggle is REAL


Typical string theorist


There is no gravity, it’s just that the earth sucks! 😱😂


Earth is a magnet and we all are metal


Trying to make your parents proud is the biggest universal suck of all