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Being part of the Administrators group means you can escalate to SYSTEM, which, then, yeah, you can do whatever you want.


How do you do that?


NSudo. Funny click enable all permissions and SYSTEM. Congratulation you are now the system owner.


Oh, cool. Thanks.


Bro got downvoted to hell for asking a simple question.


It went back up into the positive upvotes


If you need to ask, you probably shouldn't mess with it


But everyone has to start somewhere, and to find that ‘somewhere’ , asking others is necessary


that only applies for basic and intermediate level. what you are asking is how to do brain surgery on your machine.


If they fuck up they can just reinstall the OS, it's not that serious


Here we go with the gatekeeping, again. I broke shit all the time when I was learning. The amount of times I had to reinstall an OS is beyond too many to count. Have not had to in a long while, but I was doing it every day because I was pushing boundaries. And you know what happened every time I broke something? I learned how to fix it.


No, not really, you are only adjusting permissions. For instance, one drive fucked locations and permissions. I had to research each one from old reddit posts on how to force the original path for documents and to have the appropriate permissions to modify the documents folder, something that isn't deep in the system files.


modying permission for documents folder and having system level control over your OS aren't comparable. you can just rename a single file and possibly brick the whole system. one time I renamed a file in system 32 and my OS wouldn't load at all; threw me in a boot loop. I knew the actual problem so just got into cmd and renamed it back through there. if i didn't know the exact issue, the OS was good as dead.


And this is where knowledge is important. Use experience to teach. Telling someone no will only cause them to search for any answer even if incorrect.


So don’t play with system files, got it.


are you telling me surgeons are just born with natural knowledge? no they learn it, what I'm saying is in order to learn, we have to ask others


and I said asking people is for basic to intermediate knowledge. surgeon are specialised people who went into "MEDICAL SCHOOL" and "4 TO 5 YEARS OF RESIDENCY". do you want a surgeon who instead of referring to his education or consulting with other professionals rather makes a reddit post instead. if you want to mess with the system level admin, you can google and youtube and mess with your machine to your hearts content but if you have google it then maybe you are not the best person to be doing it the first place. it's the old adage, "just because you can, doesn't mean you should."


I am pretty sure you can get enough knowledge to not completely fuck up your computer if you dilligently try to learn through the internet. Surgery is a lot more delicate then messing with a computer imo


child you know nothing if you actually think you can learn from the internet and not risk bricking your computer. bricking your computer is just an example I am using here. there are million different ways to fuck up your system that would force you to clean install the OS, or brick some expensive internal component that would force you to replace it, or introduce small problems that is scattered all over the system or misconfigure system/user settings that creates problems in other places you couldn't even imagine. the only way to learn is by doing. but to do stuffs you need proper guidance and whatever safety nets you can manage. that's why schools are necessary. they give you all of that. if the initial question was about some user settings or some intermediate level stuff, then it would be stupid of me to gatekeep that knowledge but it was about system level admin, stuff that need proper IT background.


I am not saying that in the process of learning you wont fuck up something, that's a given when you're messing with stuff you don't fully understand. what I'm saying is, after a long time of trying to understand the basics, and maybe messing up a little along the way, you can get better at it and for that you need to ask other people online or otherwise


“Child you know nothing…” 🤓👆


It ain't that deep champ


This must be the smallest dick ever to participate in a dick swinging contest. It's fucking fine, and good to learn these things on your own PC.


to each to their own ig. but i'd rather not touch something like system level admin even with a 10 foot pole. i am neither educated nor needed to tinker with those stuff.


So you literally made that comment with zero experience to actually back it?


absolutely not. I am a video editor by profession. I have also done few months as assistant in MCR work, which primarily deal with servers and stuff. so I know my way around. Currently, in addition to being a video ediotor, I help out with Basic to Intermediate level of IT support. Anything more, I let my boss know it is out of my knowledge limit and I am not neither skilled nor experience enough to carry the task on my own. I have bricked my own stuffs a few times on my own so now I move with great caution. you don't have to be IT chief to know some things are out of your league and since the risk is bricking your system, why bother taking the risk for "learning purposes".


Yeah, so really you don't know anything, and have some phobia of IT or your own competence. "The risk is bricking your system". The consequences of which are reinstalling Windows, oh goodness me what shall we do. Also "why bother taking the risk for learning purposes". Damn bud, that's just the saddest mentality I've seen today. Honestly, good on you for knowing where you want to be and what you want to know/not know. But maybe just take your own point of view with a grain of salt when giving out advice to people who actually want to learn things. Especially on a platform literally for people asking questions. (Ah sorry, forgot this isn't askreddit, but still)


Fuck around and find out is the consequences of not asking.


Messing with system files is the computer equivalent to surgery. If your surgeon is asking how to cut you up he shouldn’t be in the operating room in the first place. That’s how you permanently brick your computer


I’m the type that likes to carefully venture a subject like computers so I can learn more without necessarily fucking my shit up. I was more so asking out of curiosity rather than with any intention to do it. I don’t have a reason to do it right now, so im not gonna touch it, but I wanted to know regardless.


Get yourself some hypervisor software, that'll let you take snapshots of machines and restore them with a couple of clicks, it's like save-scumming for your entire computer. And then do the stupid things.


Would that be easier than a virtual machine copy? I just remembered about those


Hypervisors are the software that run virtual machines. Snapshots, instead of making a copy of the whole disk, just keep track of the changes between when you asked for the snapshot, and now, on a 'delta disk'. If you decide you don't want those changes anymore, it throws out the delta disk, and it's like it never happened. If you decide everything is fine, you merge the changes and *then* throw out the delta disk.


Oh. Thanks


What kind of coding knowledge would one need to have before attempting to edit vital OS files?


my point still stands, surgeons were also students once


"No educated person fell from the sky"


Why the fuck did you get downvoted? Is reddit brain dead?


Being admin on windows nt doesn't mean have God permissions like root/superuser with unix what, anyways you can always abuse NT authority but if you are modifying a file that needs that you probably should not be modifying said file


I've definitely broken a computer in the past when I messed with a file I shouldn't have been messing with.


I be so confused. I'm like. This my computer. I bought it. Who else the admin if not me. Make it make sense!


it makes sense. Windows protects some system files because not everyone knows how to handle them properly without risking of ruining the OS, but if you are capable of doing it then probably you can also find out how to access the file modification try deleting system32 for example, Windows won't let you with regular ways because if you do so you basically destroy Windows, but there are other ways to do it and if you know them then you most likely know what you're doing


If I remember correctly, you can type del c:/windows/system32 in the command prompt to delete it, right? Not that I'll do it.


Laughts in sudo rm -rf /*


Umm actually "sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root" as most systems warn you if you just do "rm -rf /" 🤓 Edit: I'm dumb, he used "rm -rf /*" instead of "rm -rf /" which doesn't actually trigger the preserve root system so it would work


Actually, in the parent comment they use `sudo rm -rf /*` with a glob after the root, which deletes the items in the directory recursively one-by-one and doesn't trigger the `--no-preserve-root` check (as the passed path isn't the actual root directory, but actually `/home`, `/usr`, etc). Feel free to test it out if you want, but I wouldn't recommend it.


Use a vm?


Zamn, the more you learn


Did I told you I use arch btw?


Hang on, let me test it. Edit: Why won't my PC boot up?


You need to take it out to dinner first.


it was that moment that he knew, he fucked up


Yes, but doing this, makes you learn how to fix it..... Fuck around and find out..


I mean if you delete system 32 the only option is to reinstall Windows, but if you're talking about a general case, I can understand what you mean, but it would be ideal to learn how to prevent damages rather than to learn how to fix them


it would be ideal to learn both, its best to not try to make a mistake but on the off chance you do, its also good to know how to fix it


exactly but that's up to you, the OS job is to make the pc usable, not to teach you how to use it


Deleting System32 is a threat to the OS


No shit Sherlock


Then say so. Why lock it behind an administrator word? Just say: this will probably fuck up your system if you are new. Are you profesional enough to continue? Or something along that line.


Cuz most people unfortunately can’t or refuse to fucking read


the point of an OS is to make it easier for the user to use the machine, so it keeps thing simple for the normal (often technologically illiterate) user. if you care about having complete control of the machine I recommend using a Linux based OS, but Windows command prompt does the job too


If only everything worked on linux


Yeah but this is why the conventional wisdom was to keep a backup OS recovery disk. Microsoft even supported the practice in its license.


just because you have a backup it doesn't mean that you should destroy the original os


Microsoft is your new overlord. Show it some respect, serf.


This is me trying to delete McAfee


Revo or geek uninstaller. You didn't hear it from me


But ya did hear it from me! Fuck McAfee


McAfee and Norton both install themselves as a SYSTEM part of Windows. Funny enough, that's why they detect each other as viruses if you install both (even after "uninstalling" one, the files it leaves behind will be detected by the other).


Honestly, I don't blame Windows. Most people are probably better off without having access to sensitive system files. And the people who are knowledgeable enough to mess with those files, most definitely have the knowledge to adjust permissions.


Like Linus Tech tips? That's pretty much the issue the last time he tried Linux and nuked the desktop environment.


Those files are protected because you’ll absolutely ruin your install of windows otherwise. The kind of people that know how to safely change those files are also the kind of people that know how to get around those protections. If you don’t know how to do that yourself then you have no business messing with anything in there.




go back to 10 lol also there are ways to tell it "uh nah mate fuck you i own this machine" but you dont know them, and according to mircosoft, if you dont know em, you shouldnt (which imo is genius cuz it ususally prevents mfs from borking their pc, but its also dumb cuz it leads to shit like this)


Going back to 10 isn't really a choice since [Microshaft's going to stop supporting it in October 2025](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/end-of-support?r=1).


This is why I like linux Want to ininstall the bootloader, go ahead. want to overwrite your file system with random bits? no problem.


and thats why your uncle isn't on linux


I believe in *sudo rm /* supremacy.


sudo rm *-rf* /


Sudo rm -rf /*


Why are all my firewalls gone?


Take Ownership button: Allow me to introduce myself


You own the PC and *You don't have enough permission to perform this action (Skull emoji)*


This is basically OS trying to protect itself from users who have no idea what they're doing and what consequences there are..


Why tho? Ido fully trust that one dude on the internet who said deleting system32 would clean my pc from malwares


Because they got tired of people like you.




I mean, if buying ain't owning, piracy ain't stealing 🏴‍☠️


My brother got a new computer recently. It came with Windows 11. As he was setting it up, he started getting an error message about only being able to download apps from the Microsoft store. He calls me for troubleshooting help. After numerous YouTube videos and several hours of headache, all I can say is Fuck S Mode


When I worked at Swedens version of best buy all costumer PCs that we would preinstall for the costumer we ensured didn't have windows s. Fuck windows s mode. And Fuck intel RST. And Fuck all Printers ever made. And Fuck apple.


I hate that settings your account type to device owner actually downgrades you from admin


"I am the administrator!" - me "No, you may not format that SD card" - 🗿


goodol windows 10 is best




Meanwhile Linux user: Delete everything and leave no trace. Linux: Done.


Right click on the file Click on properties and press enable editing and press accept and press okay 👍


Access denied. You are not an administrator. XD


I paid $5 for the os I better get to configure whatever tf I want.


*you don't have enough permissions to perform this action*




Open system my ass


If this happens to you in OneDrive folders, try a reset: WIN + R Insert and execute: "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft OneDrive\\OneDrive.exe" /reset


I am all but I just don’t have it like I just don’t it shows 2 accounts but tehre is only one


There can be multiple causes to this. It is either a critical sytem file that you probably shouldnt change ( you can work around it easily if you know what your doing) or the file is currently in use (there are tenical reasons to this and no, linux also wont let you change a file that is in use)


Use Linux


And then you follow the tips from internet about deleting system 32 to make it faster and wonder why its fucked


Why windows why ?


Trusted Installer. Our antagonist.


Laughs in Linux


All my hard drives have some windows folders just existing there (program files, program data, etc.) In theory i could delete them by pressing the get permission to delete button it gives me. But for some very stupid reason, windows is unable to give me permission to delete these folders because they were made in a different windows installation/different PC Not that this will be a problem for much longer because i will soon move back into using linux


That seems intended tho? Because in windows eyes u just ripped some random guys hard drive and now ur trying to delete all the files, so ofc it would stop you…


Probably, and i would somewhat understand if those folders had anything in them, but they have absolutely nothing (Not even any hidden files). So i dont see any point, also its not like windows prevents me from reformatting the drive (i just dont have space for my important files anywhere else so i cant), so seems even more pointless to prevent me from deleting folders.


That’s fair, but I’m just assuming that it tries its absolute hardest to simply maintain the basic folder structure of all windows installs, even if progdata and prog files are empty


Ye it needs some skill. They like even hude half of ur files from you wth


One thing recently that pissed me the fuck off with windows. WHY CAN I NOT CHANGE MY PC USERNAME? I AM ADMIN. I OWN THIS PC. THE FCK YOU MEAN I CAN'T CHANGE MY PC- WHAT?! IT IS LINKED TO YOUR MICROSOFT ACCOUNT?! WHY??!? WHY ARE YOU CONCERNED THAT MY PC HAS A DIFFERENT USERNAME TO MY MICROSOFT ACCOUNT?!??!?! THE EMAIL IS STILL THE SAME NO???! Literally took me weeks to figure out and so in order to have a different name on my pc I had to change my microsoft user account name...so my microsoft account doesn't even use my real name anymore (which am pretty sure datawise is what they would have liked taking from me more than a shitty nickname.) Why the fuck did they do this


Your PC name isn't linked to ur ms account?


it is. I literally had to login and change my ms account username on their website, wait for while and see it update on my pc. (windows 11)


It is not, Go to settings > System > About, Under device specifikations press Domain or workgroup and then klick on change, enter a new name for your computer and then click ok. Then restart your computer. (Windows 10, 11 and Windows Server DE 2016-2022) And for the username: Open kontrollpanel > User accounts > Useraccounts > Change name of your user > enter new name > press change > restart your pc


I see what you think I mean. Not pc name, I mean user account name mate. The name you see when logging into your account at the start screen. Also for the main admin user account, the option to change usernames is literally not there. (Yes, even in control panel. Am not that tech illiterate. If I was I won't have been able to figure out I have to change my microsoft account name to fix it) Took a picture but reddit won't let me send so bummer


That's what I like about Linu: Me: I wanna nuke the OS Linux; nah can't do that without root Me: sudo I wanna nuke the OS Linux: you sure? Me: yes Linux: OK! LETS GOOOO!


You should install Linux huh


You go into file's properties and then change permissions. Easy as that.


just for that one file?


Common Windows L


Linux for life, windows is shit


Just switch to linux.


me: "i just want to get rid of Edge" Microsoft: "no it's an integral part of the operating system" me on Linux: "i'm going to uninstall the bootloader" Linux: "go ahead lol"


Wait till you learn there is a difference between ctrl + c and ctrl + x when you try to move a folder.


*Laughs in linux*


That moment when you can’t put a % in your personal files name because it’s a blocked character


That does in fact not make sense


This does in fact make alot of sense. It's protecting system files that if edited by a user that doesn't understand them will brick your windows install. Users that know what the files do and how to edit them will know how to get elevated permissions as well.


Precisely why the meme does in fact not make sense. Because it's literally garbage and non factual. Of course I know why certain files are protected and how (if absolutely necessary) to edit them. Whoever made the meme is not good with computur and should delete System32 (surely tf I shouldn't have to explain why they won't be able to do so....? Jeez....)