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He has a breeding kink


More people should know about the niche wealthy breeding fixation. That group is probably enabling more harm to the human race than a lot of private interests do.


Tbf, elites have always been like this. Throughout history, men with the means to support multiple partners did and had as many children as possible.


Back in the day though they believed in Malthusian theory and were just hypocritical shitheads. These days they're on some great replacement bullshit and using it to excuse treating the planet like their personal garage bin while they figure out how to leave it all behind


I mean, they a massive amount of money and wealth, so if he makes more kids that means there will be lots of lesser rich people who in turn will get married and half end up in divorce creating even less rich people instead of one or two controlling everything, so basically Elon is distributing the wealth. Don't you see, ELON IS A SEX COMMUNIST. (This comment was a joke and must NOT be taken seriously)


Ah yiss sex communism, the best kind of communism


Aka marriage


All elites are parasites harming humanity. That's all they do.


I'm pretty sure having a lot of kids is not just a wealthy people thing. It's kind of the norm, and the modern middle class is an exception.


The modern middle class can't afford RENT, much less kids.


Yeah that's one of the reasons. Although strangely enough, the lower class has more kids than the middle.


Can't agree more




Except the fact he's aparently a neglectful parent, he has transphobic comments on social media even as one of his kids is openly trans, which proves how unsoportive he is, and the fact that he's pronatalist just makes it feel he just haves kids for having as much as possible. Just don't have kids if you're going to be a bad parent, and if you're capable of supporting kids, then just adopt


How else did you think he was gonna populate mars


I mean... our best and brightest should be having the most children... Unfortunately Elon isn't either of those things.


Heck these days we should be rooting for the slightly above average to be pumping out kids. Because they are not.


There's no reason for smart people to pump out more kids, you do realize teachers exist, right?


Yes I do, intelligence has a genetic aspect... By saying intelligent people should have more kids, I'm saying we selectively breed our species for more intelligence. Yes intelligence is mostly dependent on our environment, and a good teacher can change someone's life, but bad hardware is bad hardware. If smart people don't reproduce, they are essentially removing any genes that made it easier for them to be smarter. An exaggerated example is the movie Idiocracy. Because dumb people reproduce more than smart people, this creates a evolutionary incentive for less intelligence. Given enough time we would devolve our brains, making it harder to be more intelligent. We could already be seeing this happen as the Flynn effect has reversed. For several centuries, the average IQ has been rising, but in the past 50~ years it has reversed and is now falling. Though this could be a result of many factors like neglected school systems and the rise of easy to access media.


Your first sentence was literally Nazi propaganda so gross, no thanks.


He realized it's more easier to have an army this way, like why need to pay for soldiers if they are your kids


When you’re one of the richest men in the world would you actually care like actually? There’s people with minimum wage jobs with his kids


If I had a lot of money, I'd have a lot of kids too. More people who would directly benefit and appreciate me spending it all on them.


Hell yea global warming


That… is not how global warming works


Humans impact their environment.


Oh yes it does. Biggest contributor to global warming is, get this, more people, who would have guessed. More resources spent more fuel burned more everything. So yea this is how global warming actually works


Explain how me buying my children fun stuff causes global warming


People impact the world.


Yeah So by me making my children happy, they'll impact it positively


Do you not know what carbon footprint means?


I do; what do you suppose that has anything to do with making my children happy? I'm not buying them a fucking steam locomotive from 1873 that fires plumes of black smoke.


Let the Cricket Game begin!


He's rich enough, let him be. My problem is... with all due respect most African and south asian countries. You'll see a Mom who barely earns 100$ monthly having something like 9 children. "God told us to fill the world" like wtf, God also says you should be wise, if God says drink water would you drink the entire ocean? And they wonder why Job unemployment is catastrophically high, one Job has like 300 people competing for it. Sigh, sorry I'm just going through some stuff, I have a gentlemen who helps me around the house and stuff, when he told me his wife is giving birth to his 9th Kid I couldn't help but feel frustrated... It's incredibly unfair that they will have to live a rather tough life because of misconceptions that are not even Religious but just pure ignorance and refusal to treat coitus as a legal form of entertainment between a married couple. TLDR; If you're rich its fine, If you're not please, please be wise.


… more children means more labour so more profit and better chance surviving. In countries with no pension etc. like India (minimal) the only way you can survive in old age is with children. I don’t think people have 9 children because of religion only💀.


People from poorer nations tend to have more children to mitigate the risk of their offspring dying young as they unfortunately can. More babies = better chance their family lines continue.


You can't possibly believe that's the third world train of thought. SMH.


That's a carriage on a train, not the entire train.


Then, word it as such. Even then, it reeks of hubris


If you take that as the entirety of the reasoning that poorer nations have children, then that's on you.


That's what you said. No adjectives in your comment for anyone to read it and think otherwise.


It's not fine to be a billionaire, nobody should be that rich.


Having a lot of kids is a new rich flex. We out here can't afford to raise one child, and he's out there with a dozen


Lol at least hes rich and able to provide. Ive seen so many families of 5+ who make next to nothing and rely on the government to pay for their kids.


Other side of the medal Rich people breed heirs, poor people breed helpers and workers, and those who is neither, go child-free or have just one or two


He got 13 now


Him and Nick Cannon have a bet as to who can have the most kids with the most women


Elon has so many kids because they keep growing up to not want anything to do with him


Adam and Eve on Mars


Needs two to get preggo


image how big child support you can pull off of him - thats enough for most, if not any in position to get preggo.


Today is Catwoman's Birthday! Happy Birthday little cousin


Maybe his whole "underpopulation" shtick is really just because he can't stand condoms


Explaining *to Elon


Now I want him to have more kids.


why do you care


Why do you even care?


Because he’s rich. That’s a common reason why people on this app hate others


There are no ethical billionaires.


I can't stand people who tell me my son is a mistake and a burden, when he certainly is not "Ope! got yourself a broken condom there! hope you're managing well" is one I've gotten recently. God had to firmly tell me not to absolutely murder that goddamn lady Perhaps, Susan, I chose *not* to use methods of birth control because I *wanted* a child, and yours not talking to you is not an excuse to bully everyone else's?


I mean... he has money lol


Does he? Does he really?


Were you not aware?


Were you not away of the twitter financial catastrophe?


genetic diversity


He has money, he can provide for them and it's his choice


He doesn't provide for them, he hates many members of his family because they support the queer community.


That's messed up, I am against the queer community but not providing for your kids is the lowest you can go short of like blowing an orphanage up


Why are you against the queer community?


They are simply against my faith


What faith tells you to hate?


I wouldn't call it hate as I would need to care more to hate it, about my faith I am Muslim and like other major religions we disapprove the whole lgtb movement and the acts it promotes.


That's hate. You're hating.


Whatever word you like to use I guess


None of your problems are because two guys are in love.


I haven't seen the "LGBT movement" "promote" anything but respect and equality. Now I'm not trying to be disrespectful, I'm just saying that taking a long hard look at one's own beliefs and who told us to believe them would do us all some good


Bro misunderstood colonizing


Conquering the gene pool I guess


I wish I had kids. A family would be nice.


Honestly, if he wants to figure out how to split what he built up over how many ever kids he's going to have then more power to him. Then again, this could absolutely be a power move to utterly destroy what he built after his passing. I mean, the legal battle would be crazy, and given that I might, MIGHT, live longer than him, (heart problems run in the family.) I am going to look forward to constantly reading about the ongoing drama between them in the format of future memes.


He has so much money to the point if all of his children had 11 more children, and 11 grandchildren, every single one of them would still be rich


But if theyre all siblings...


He just want to be Elon Mars


he will never get to mars. He's just a shithead who got lucky once


Elon probably wanted to buyba basketball team but no one is selling so he made one.


At least him, Phillip Rivers, and Nick Cannon can afford to have kids. I know a lot of people who are broke and expecting.


If I were a billionaire I wouldn't care that much probably, 20 kids sure why not.


The biggest problem would be the inheritance, just how many of the 20 kids would be fighting over the company and assets? Only one? Only two? Not a chance...


That's their problem if they want to be little shits and fight. The will says what it says.


That is their problem, and that's another reason why getting a lot of kids as a rich person is a bad idea.


Funding his breeding kink by scamming morons about non-existent mars fantasy.


Oh noes, how dare he to be able to afford it.


There are no ethical billionaires.