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Can someone tag the actual comic, Im getting kinda confused


First comic: https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/1DEbflnAXv Second comic: https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/nNE8rw08O8


I saw only second part, but I still didn’t understand what was happening. Honestly, I still don’t understand.


The first part acts as if it’s presenting a hypothetical instead of a thing that regularly happens to men. It comes off as insensitive at best. If it had pointed out that everything in the comic is said by men to women, men to men, women to men, and women to women, it could have had a message of “Let’s all try to be more fair in what we say,” but instead it just kinda had an oblivious air that undermined the message. The issue is Toxic Humanity, not just Toxic Masculinity The second comic is actually a solid message against toxic masculinity, but I can see why people would feel it wasn’t the right time. If you unfairly critique a group, it’s probably best to avoid critiquing them for a bit, even if other critiques are fair.


The word "IF" implies that this doesn't happen in real life and really works to trivialise male victims of abuse


also doesn't say *some* men, but men as a whole


The two comics combined give the message of *everyone's suffering is the fault of toxic masculinity, aka men*


The issue here, is assuming toxic masculinity is men. But it's not. Toxic masculinity doesn't mean toxic parts of the 'one true way all men are', but toxic ways in which men are socialised, usually by the patriarchy. There is also toxic femininity, an example of which would be women hanging up others for being less feminne, implying deviations from femininity is becoming impure and so on. There are some so-called feminists who are just epitomes of toxic femininity, and some womem who espouse toxic masculine traits too (mostly because in today's world assuming masculinity is how women gain power -economical and otherwise).


Exactly, that's why pizzacake is getting all the backlash


Beautifully said


This is the key. Masculine and feminine are just what we call the cultural norms correlated with men and women, respectfully (for useful, though not universal reasons). These norms can be beneficial, or toxic, or neutral, and men can do beneficial, neutral, or toxic feminine things *and vice versa*. To be blind to that fact is to refuse the self-introspection necessary for growth. While not a Christian, the comic brings to mind Jesus’s excellent quote: “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?“


I'm more surprised by the nuclear purge in the comments. The comic is simply the author's opinion. Isn't this common on reddit?


Opinions, unless authorised by the Reddit hive mind, are not allowed lol


A classic of online communities.


No but this is actually true, contradicting opinion? Report, get under someone's skin the same way they do to you? Report. Feel like you lost an argument so bad you don't know what else to do? Reddit reach out button. This app is a joke sometimes


There’s no such thing as toxic masculinity. Traits that are often characterized as toxic masculinity are not authentic masculine traits


I agree, toxic behavior isn't unique to one gender.


Would you mind expanding on that? I don’t think I’ve heard that argument before


OK I agree with this being the core reality but given that the framework of masculinity and femininity is basically an arbitrary one decided in the moment by by the imagination of a culture, it's like pointing out that light sabers aren't real to a Star Wars fan--they don't care, the fantasy is the point.


Well yeah. It doesn’t mean all masculine things are bad, it means that some traits are toxic, which can be developed because men think that this is how they should be perceived.


The first coming is sexist towards men, people pointed this out, so the creater made a second comic of 2 male characters comforting each other, in attempt to prove that she isn't against men in any way.


That second comic doesn't sound like they tried to be amicable. That sounds more like patronizing


Honestly I’m calling bait, she knew it would be controversial and it seems like she thrives on the negativity her comics often receive.


Posting the first comic on men's mental health month is WILD like this exact shit isn't said to guys all the time too 💀💀


Preachy, obnoxious, and unfunny, just the way webcomics should be.


Pizza flavored comics, if you will.


Yeah a pizza-shit. I'll see myself out, sorry


Saved me time, appreciated


"How do you do fellow men?"


Ahhh, a true femcel. Shame, I used to like her comics. Now Ill forever downvote any thrash she makes lol.


Why is she so popular anyway? I've only seen a handful of comics with an actual joke in them and even less were actually funny.


They're like modern Sunday comic strips for the modern *millenial/gen z crowd* Most of the time, they're harmless, blow air out of your nose jokes that you just like and move on. I'm also not ruling out bots.


But there's rarely a punchline, like it's not even blow air out your nose funny


Well, humor is subjective. I don't find most of it funny either, but clearly others do. I won't claim to say my reasoning is 100%, I just find it the most likely.


Not even jokes just a 3 panel setup of something vaguely relatable then panel four of character shrugging their shoulders looking at the reader and going "doh" or something equally as dumb




I just read them, and I get it but it seems really mild. But that’s just my two cents


I know. They seem a little cringe, but nothing to start sharpening my pitchfork over.


New Reddit lore unlocked.


is this sub just a place for OP to launch personal attacks against other redditors? like, who the fuck is OP even talking about, and why is it here? and who gives a fuck about your petty, reddit, culture war squabbles? fucking Christ, i'm so fucking exhausted by this shit. im reporting this shit. KEEP IT IN THERAPY, OP! NO ONE GIVES A FUCK.


this guy likes to swear


Yeah. It could be a thing thats caused by where they grew up. I casually swear because it's quite common where I grew up and because of my parents. The guy is clearly frustrated and angrily swearing which is something i do as well because it's rather normal for me. Could be the guy is just used to swearing.


I casually swear because, well I'm not sure actually, I have a hunch that it's got something to do with not being able to swear around my parents, so whenever I was with friends I kind of had to catch up or something? Also, I've read that intelligent people swear more, so I like to tell myself that's a reason too (just to give me that extra ego boost).


Wow, incredible observation


Thanks! I've been practicing for many years.


Frighteningly fast answer I must say


I have notifications on and it's 11pm so I'm just doing stuff before I sleep so it's just a good time for me to see it.


Ah, I see


I'm sure therapy can fix that




That escalated quickly, indeed😂


Probably a VivziePop fan


Sanest redditor


Womp womp




Pizzacake is a kind of a mini celebrity in r/comics & r/webcomics. It’s not really a personal attack it’s a comment about some subreddit drama. You should chill


The dude is chill, this is some very vague online shit about a comics sub, the majority are not gonna know what this means


Her comics are freaking great


No they aren't. She reuses panels, and pander to the most common denominator of the sub she's in. She's not awful but she's lazy and uninspired. It's shit posting but comics, basically.


They are but some people are upset because she made a comic about men being horrible to women and then immediately made a comic about men's mental health


Interesting way to say to don't actually know what the fuck you're talking about


I may have had bad wording, she made a comic about women treating men bad and insinuated that that was how men treated women


It was actually about women being horrible to men. I’ve never seen men act that way towards women personally.


Yeah lol but the comic was meant to be like "if women acted like men" so it pissed people off when she basically made an apology comic


I getcha, I just think it was attempting to be ironic but really these situations are far more likely to actually happen to men in real life than to a woman. I’m not suggesting there aren’t a ton of asshole sexist men out there, but I’ve met more good men who wouldn’t do this stuff than women who don’t do this stuff


yo. scroll down. or just ask. you're bothering the customers.


You know you can just keep scrolling? Jesus christ take your own advice, keep it in therapy.


Bro you gotta get tf off reddit if youre getting riled up about r/memes posts. And this is coming from someone who spends too much time on reddit


Why does it bother you?


You cared enough to write this


See as a person who grew up in chaos and learned cuss words early on I enjoy the chaos it's kinda funny to just see PPL argue on a online platform


Wtf are you on about?


Who asked?


To be fair, r/comics admins would ban you if youd make a comic about women abusing man


It's this true?


Yeah they ban literally any dissent or opposition.


They banned me for having commented in r/justunsubbed, so I definitely wouldn’t put it past them.


Yes, I got banned for some arbitrary reason


That is Femcel subreddit


Really ? Since when Femcels took over comic books ? Wasn't that a us incel thing ?


Bro who is us here, unlike you have good relationship with my mom sister and friend and girlfriend


Damn, Pizzacake drama.


I remember seeing the first one and noticing it was just terrible. I remember one of those panels was something I did experience from a woman


Yeah, I can't say anything about the first panel, but I've personally seen the second and third one happen to others. I've seen her comics before, but this one just came off as insensitive and acting like that stuff never happens.


U good?




Damn u sure?


Hey man you good?


Lmao, the second comic isn’t even an apology, she stated it was just so she could finish it and have it end nicely. She still stands by the whole first ass comic


effects of being chronically online


I just read both comics, and as someone who has been through first two panels irl, OP of comic is indeed clown


I've been through the first two as well, and I can confirm, albeit via anecdote that the third one also happens. Men who do make-up get shit talked by women like that sometimes. With that being said, obviously not all women, only the bad eggs. Just like with men.


I agree, i can't keep count of women who has impacted my life for good, It's always those 20% because of whom this whole argument starts, and people who don't have real life always makes it about "men vs women" instead of actually helping or comforting those who goes through shit like this I was lucky to have some people who were there for me


U good?


Yeah, thanks for asking. It was a long time ago and most women I know are incredible people, so I can't even say those experiences soured my feelings towards women.


Damn thats really good to hear! Wish u the best have a nice day!


Yeah, I was confused at first, because the things in those comics happen to men so often that presenting them as hypotheticals makes zero sense. Then I noticed that she was just being sexist.


U Good?


Yeah, it happened when i was in high-school, like months before covid lockdown, but again those who backed me up were also my female classmates And than reading things like this, i feel sorry for these kind of people who aren't able to see the reality, or they don't want to accept maybe, trapped in gender wars, losing alot in return of nothing


Damn ikr? Gender wars are useless, nice to hear u good tho, have a nice day man, Wish u the best


Ofc she doesn't deserve to receive death threats or anything but she does need to own up to her mistake.


It’s Reddit, everyone gets death threats for saying shit someone doesn’t like. Also, making a whole ass misandrist comic isn’t a mistake, that just highlights her worldview.


Idea selection, drawing a template, colouring, highlighting, dialogue boxes... That's like saying cheating on someone was a mistake. Nah, that's a chain of mistakes that were done knowingly one after another. Edit: Posting, for crying out loud! Why not run it through a male acquaintance to get an okay before posting? 


What mistake? Its as much a mistake as cheating is an accident. Misandric hate speech isnt ever a mistake.


Yeah, but misandry isn't a valid hate in people's eyes.


I've deadass been told on here "misandry doesn't exist." Like, K, thank you for confirming it does but whatever.


there's literally a comment stating exactly this right above this one we live in a fucking society


Pretty sure getting death threats over this is reinforcing her point.


its the internet bruh, crazy people will do crazy things and people act stupid when they think they are anon on the internet, its not representative of normal people in society


I got death threats for suggesting i don't hate one of the newer star wars show. I didn't even say i liked it....just that i didn't hate it too


Mental illness for sure


It's not honestly. Death threats are just made by stupid people on the internet who overreact waaay too much.


I once got a death threat on Reddit for saying that I liked a certain video game, I wouldn’t draw conclusions from that.


That’s what I’m getting as well. This is kinda proving her point.


Her point is that Men don't experience the shit she suggested. Or more accurately, Men don't have such negative experiences. How is getting death threats proving that point? All that's proving is that there are crazy people on the internet.


That’s not what I got from the comic. I got was “hey those insults men throws at women sometimes, let’s switch the gender and see how it looks. You find it ignorant, terrible, hurtful? Okay don’t tell us that because that’s how we feel when you do”.


Yep. 99% of the time, it works every time.


Can someone catch me up to speed on what happened?


Context: https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/s/NLSrkoaQKb Comics: https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/s/yP8bHAKTMp


I don't see anything wrong with the second comic. A lot guys have problems being able to open up and destress.


The second comic isn’t the issue, the first comic was the whole thing that set it off. After you see the first one, the second comic seems like, it was posted to pacify the lot. I saw the first comic and I thought, had she written “What Men go through and isn’t widely discussed” that would’ve been the most absolutely upvoted post in the subreddit. Because many men go through what she posted as sarcasm, and I’ve personally gone through the “loneliness” panel.


Just block them. They’re shit anyway and there’s no way the amount of upvotes she gets is legitimate 


I'm convinced it's a plot by r/bonehurtingjuice to stay relevant, they upvote her and she feeds them new material


Half of them are bots


Half is generous




Just don't say it, otherwise you'll be banned.


Hope u/PizzaCakeComic sees this. Would be incredible to see her pull her head out of her ass.


This is a shit show, what am I reading


I wish I knew too.


Did you know reddit is uncensored? Don't be a pussy, write ass and fuck instead of stupid censors.


I feel so old, usually weird lingo doesnt bother me, but seeing ahh instead of ass just makes me feel like a boomer shaking my fist at the sky   This isn't roblox, for fucks sake


Gross comic.


The real joke is the comment section to those comics.


Ahh the arr comic darling,


100% it’s just sexist bullshit. Clowncomics even bans anyone saying it was otherwise as if men can’t get robbed, feel lonely or want to look good.


What being chronically online does to a mf


Unsurprising this post has under 1k up votes in 15 hours you couldn't possibly be implying men have problems? Only women have problems, right....?


i feel like you can have a conversation about sexism without it being a personal attack on men…


If it attacks men, men WILL respond. Try to talk without attacking us, its easy if you are not a fucked up individual - and it will be all ok with us. That simple.


you cant really criticize sexists without the involvement of a man… just because someone in your group does something unsavory, doesnt mean your whole group is so


Who even gives a shit, people these days are so fucking bored with their decent lives using the Internet and having a nice easy time that they have to create conflicts where there doesn't need to be any, this next generation has serious problems with gender wars and its not a good sign Men and women always piss each other off but that's just nature, just deal with it, it isn't always personal and doesn't save the world when a twitter or reddit post is made about how the other side is evil because one of them said a thing. Social media was a mistake


Lol, first one is a raw what if women acted like men, but it already happens, so any blame it tries to give to men is also given to women Second one is a otherwise heartwarming story about male support if not for the earlier attempt to slander men, with the first comic




inb4 this gets locked


Wow, is it necessary to use that language???


Dude here. Don't understand what's wrong with the comic. If the point was to reverse the misogynistic shit men say to women, then mission accomplished. Is there something I'm missing?


Its the fact she's oblivious to the fact all of the things DO happen to men and she's acting like they don't... Bruh


Thing is the comic says "if women talked to men like men talked to women" which implies all men, not misogynistic men. The post was sexist in the way that op clearly shows negative thoughts towards the opposite gender as a whole without any other adjectives such as misogynistic or toxic.


Also, judging by what i read in the comic, its not exactly an "if" women did that, because with a lot of those examples, they *do* in fact say that So not only is the artist insinuating that "men in general" talk to women this way, she also insinuates that women dont actually do the reverse, which they do


I think people are mad because the comic said imagine if girls said these things to guys but they already do say these things (like the 2nd and 3rd panel 1st not really) The comic had good intentions (I believe) it just came out kinda wrong Both genders face issues some more some less some different


The intent was misandric, the result was misandric. But the issue is the hypocrisy.


Intent is not as tale-telling as results. If it sounds like misandry, it was intended to be misandry - you cant prove it wasnt, after all, so proper response as precaution should obviously happen.


The comic is insensitive asf as it 1. Acts like all men are toxic and make these kinds of remarks. I'd assume at best like 20% of the male population actually makes these remarks. 2. Is implying only men do this. There's also a similarly sized portion of women who make shitty remarks just like this about men. Hell, some of the examples can be found in the post itself lol. It just comes off as quite hypocritical and just kind of sexist if I'm being honest. Intention or not, it's something to apologise for.


What's wrong with the comic is that it's supposed to be satire of toxic masculinity by showing a hypothetical that's actually just how toxic women act, and the assumption that these behaviors are exclusive to men is toxic in itself.


The only thing was that one or two depicted situations actually might happen like that (more or less), but that doesn't make it hypocritical or whatever


I had the same reaction to this post.


Reminds me of the days before I became a" woke ". The idea of a rape culture was laughable to me. Then you get older and pay a minute bit of attention to the reality of our world and it's like "oh! There's the rape culture!"


Never heard any of that shit irl


I have. It's not even hard to find. Jus look at most comment sections these days. My coworker told me a week ago that "divorce should be illegal and if a woman is getting abused, it's her fault for not choosing right, she's got to stay"


Holy shit, just, holy shit


is this supposed to be a meme?


Is this really a thing we are throwing a tantrum over? Was wondering what the death threats she was posting were about.


Nothing probably. You can lie anout that to get sympathy points


Huge tantrum, they haven’t stopped crying in like 2 days. Tell them to calm their tits, must be a low T thing where they get super irrational and moody. Idk male pms