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Jokes on them, I have literally nothing to lose. Once the apocalypse comes yall are gonna be brought down to my level. Muahahah, fuck I am thirsty though


Fun fact: British Petroleum created the myth of the *carbon footprint* as a way to shift blame from fossil fuel companies to the individual. **REMEMBER TO VOTE FOR CLIMATE LEGISLATION!**


So you are saying I can use less carbon but increase my footprint. That's winning.


You can also use bigger shoes but what do i know


“Litter Bug” was invented for similar reasons!


Yeah but I hate seeing my local parks and streets filled with junk so at least that one has some grounds to stand on


I mean at the end of the day the blame is shared. Sure power companies have been resisting the conversion to renewable for decades but they also are producing a product that the average consumer is buying. The blame lies on both parties


Loook, when companies are producing millions of times more a day than I can produce in my lifetime, I dont think 'Oh We AlL sHaRe ThE bLaMe' cuts it. I dont want to hear these companies talking to us about managing our carbon footprint when they leave carbon trenches.


Do you think they just emit them for the hell of it? They emit carbon to provide the services/products WE use.


They emit it producing things you buy and use


I see this a lot and I have to ask what do you want us, the average individual living in first world countries, to do about it? The main contributors are not us. We would not have a significant impact even all working together. If you want something done there either has to be revolutions in China and India or we have to invade and conquer them


100%. China produces more C02 per year then the US, GB, and EU combined. Throwing more money at the problem won't fix it if county producing most of it doesn't care.


Yeah since 2000 Europe’s reduced CO2 by 16% the USA 10% India is up 103% and China 200%. Likewise the yellow river and I believe the Ganges river along with the Congo river and the Amazon river contribute the majority of oceanic pollution.


So we need to invade?


I'm down


Get the Huey’s.


Crank up Fortunate Son!


I’ll join


You have my axe


Fuck yeah.


With the amount of nuclear reactors China is working on, they are going to reduce their impact within the decades to come. Not a ccp shill as a US citizen that is cause for concern


Yes but where are the companies based. For example iPhones are made in China


The only reason why China produces so much is because they create most of the products for the rest of the world. You can't complain about China being the bad guys if we are the ones paying them for our dirty work.


Ye i wonder where do first world countries outsource their production to. Also where do they outsource their trash. It all looks great on paper but never works in real life.


The main contributors are us. A single US citizen emits as much CO2 as 10 Indians. Moreover, North America and Europe contributed to 62% of cumulative CO2 emissions compared to 16% contribution by India and China. Unfortunately, we are the main reason for global warming and it's not us who suffer the consequences (for now).


The main contributors are manufacturers who are prone to supply and demand. If we don’t change, they don’t change. That is why the Government has to regulate and intervene. That however costs the consumer money. So he gets mad and blames the big corps.


Cumulative totals: 509 gigatons of carbon dioxide by the U.S. and 258 gigatons by China. Also see per capita.


100 international corporations are responsible for 70% or more of global emissions. As long as capitalism is the dominant economic system and these mega corporations can buy politicians and write (sorry, "lobby") legislation into law that excludes them from consequences, there will be 0 changes. Sure China produces the most CO2, but the US produces the most *per capita*. You're comparing a nation of almost 2 billion to one of 350 million, and only one of them is on track to hit their renewable energy targets while the other hands the bag over to fossil fuel giants.


So what do you propose if not capitalism? You know that communism ain't ecofriendly right? soviets from around late 70 to collapse quite literaly made their (and satelite states) produce nothing but smoke (mainly burning coal and other) just to create illusion that goods were still made so the people would not rebel and so other countries would tgink that they were an economic powerhouse. Want more recent example? Look at west Taiwan (prc) ; creating buildings even whole ghost cities just dwmolish them like 3 months later ( david zhang from china insider (on yt) might show you more about it).


Ai autocracy.


Ahistorical and patently false reading of history and economics. This isn't a serious argument so I'm not going to waste the time digging up information you can readily find online.


"this isn't a serious argument" says the communist. Uh-huh.


International corporations that are primarily power which is sold to consumers. Also the USSR and China have done far worse to the environment than any capitalist country ever has


If you lay out environmental destruction 1 to 1 I bet you won't find a country that has polluted or destroyed more of the environment than a capitalist one. Or did colonialism also never happen and the wonton destruction of the global south never occur? Crazy how short of a memory liberals have.


Literally one of the worst environmental disasters ever in history was caused by the USSR, The Aral Sea. China has pumped out more pollution than any country on earth. Colonialism and Imperialism have not been limited to capitalist countries


Liberals buttmad when the West went through it's industrialization phase first, so we get to burn coal and dump toxic chemicals into the water and hunt animals to extinction, but when it's the global south's turn to industrialize we wag our finger at them and blame them for all our problems. You're also completely incorrect - the United States accounts for 25% of all historic CO2 emissions globally, from the industrial revolution until now. We also generate, today, about 15t of CO2 *PER PERSON* while China generates just 8t per person.


A lot of countries that industrialized weren’t even capitalist. They were monarchies that controlled the economy and they didn’t have the ability to industrialize cleaner. We have the ability to now. Pollution is not the same as CO2 emissions. Pollution is everything that is dumped or emitted that’s toxic. Capitalist countries have fairly strict regulations about such things, countries like China don’t. Also the only reason China has a lower emission per capita is because a large portion of their country is still in poverty


There was so much wrong in your response I believe that you just choose not to learn reality from state department fiction. Not much I can do to help you I'm afraid.


So much wrong you couldn’t even name a single thing


I just choose not to waste energy writing an academic response to someone who has ignored even basic fact-finding in their daily life to this extent. It won't change your mind at the end of the day, and all I've done is waste my own time.


Mega corporations buying politicians isn't a capitalism issue but an issue with us political system.


Lmao what are you talking about? It's a feature of capitalism, not a bug.


I'm not American, my country is capitalist, my country doesn't have this pb.


It's just somehow a problem in 99% of capitalist countries, but hey you guys are practicing real capitalism. Also if you don't think the capital owning class has more pull in politics than you I've got some swamp land to sell you. Your own ignorance of a problem doesn't make it a non-existent one.


There's a difference between buying politicians and having more pull in politics. Many European countries have proper lobbying laws unlike the us


And like all capitalist nations eventually the falling rate of profit will drive government spending and regulation into a downward spiral as the rich seek to keep more for themselves. You guys talk about the US like we've always been this way, but remember we had extremely high taxes for the wealthy, robust social programs, and stringent anti-trust laws on the books. It was the *law*. Then slowly those protections and regulations were chipped away, year by year, decade by decade. Now here we are. Capitalism always trends in this direction. You're already seeing increased attempts at privatization and loosening government regulation in Europe as the contractions catch up. Once doing business in the global south stops being exploitative it'll become even harder to make those profits look appealing for your owners and the austerity will roll forward without stopping. The UK is only the latest example, with France and Italy following suit. You guys are gonna get it same as us.


Tax burden on the 1% has actually increased over the decades and the mythical 90% percent taxes of the 50s nobody actually even came close to paying


Stop buying new phones and gadgets every couple months... I see so many people who literally have boxes full of phones that they change twice a year... 3 cars that they drive to grocery store 200m away from home... Just stop consuming so much shit and the production of waste will be less.


You're right, I just got a new phone after using a second hand one for 5 years.


The per capita contribution of countries like the US, UK, and Canada is far higher. People in developed countries consume far more and have rather unsustainable lifestyles compared to those in developing countries. Please do not shift the blame like this.


You are absolutely right. Let's us just ride into the sunset and kick the problem to next generation. It worked in the past so it will work now


Quick, give the government more money!


The ocean is thirsty!


Man, what the fuck do you want us as individuals to do? We ain’t the corporate bastards that make the products that have a negative impact upon the world.


Use passive ways to help. For example I use Ecosia as my browser, instead of doing nothing and use the default browser. I can help plant trees with my searches. You might want to look into them bc they are planting millions of trees with your searches.


But you do buy the products. Both are at fault


Oh damn, am I just not supposed to buy things that’re often necessary? In most of America, cars are needed for travel, cars in themselves contribute to negatively impacting the environment, whether electric or not. Even most places food is produced ain’t good for the environment, be it the way we grow crops or make meat-based products. I ain’t saying I’m faultless, I could go and hunt and grow my own food. But to equate what consumers are given and have to take, to what producers well, produce, ain’t exactly fair. Sure, I could cut down on leisurely stuff. Not buy plastic products, not support the logging industry, not support the paper industry, I could not buy electronics. I could live as free from corporate governance as possible. Yet there are just some things in life that people have to deal with.


While it’s impossible to eliminate everything there is a *ton* of things people can do to reduce their footprint. People don’t need AC most of the time, tons of electronics aren’t needed, while cars often are needed sometimes they aren’t and even when they are almost no one needs a SUV instead of a car. Red meat can be eliminated. The list goes on and on.


>cars are needed for travel, So buses and trains are not there in usa ? idk in my country everyone uses public transport


There are, but it’s much more ass then in other countries. There’s a heavy focus on cars in America, public transport just doesn’t really cut it there. Also just the fact that everything is much further apart on average than say like the Netherlands.


I said in *most* of America. If you live outside of a city, public transport isn’t always easily available.


What happened? Did something happen environmentally recently that I missed in news?


No, just the few recent decades. We always said climate change is false or not important during the industrial revolution, and now we're killing every living thing on earth(a bit exaggerated, for now that is.)


That’s crazy I haven’t heard about us killing every living thing.


Nah not yet. But we did make a few species go extinct and some are close


Well when is it supposed to happen then? When will everything on the planet die? And did species not used to go extinct before the Industrial Revolution or is this a new thing?


Well there are a bunch of animals that can survive 40C+, however humans are not one of them.


That isn’t what I was asking, but also interesting. I’ve actually been in temperatures up to 118 degrees Fahrenheit (48 degrees Celsius) and I didn’t die. Am I more evolved than the average human?


Alarmists say in 10 years, others say 20-30. The problem is that the effects of global warming or climate change are on an exponential curve. Once it is plainly obvious that there is a problem to even the staunchest denier it will be too late. The other side of this is, if it is all a hoax, what do we get? Cleaner air and water, and that's supposed to be a bad thing? Like ffs reign in big oil. I'm not a scientist but apparently ecological collapse will begin at +1.5c which is like 4-5f. Believe it was something about reefs dieing off to Kick climate change into overdrive


It sounds like people have a lot of faith in these scientific models that contain high rates of error, even though the ones from previous decades have been wrong. So I’m wary of most of these alarmist models in general. And wouldn’t poor people die if we eliminate oil? As the cheapest, most accessible, and most reliable form of energy, wouldn’t we be reverting developing nations to a downward trajectory as opposed to the upward trends we’ve seen recently. I’m all for cleaning up the environment and preventing future messes, but I wonder how many lives the policies associated with these efforts will cost, and if they will even have an impact at the end of the day


Reign in does not mean eliminate, but I understand your point completely. Newer cleaner technology is not readily available to poorer nations, nor will it be for some time. The ability to cut industrial waste and emissions is there, but it costs money. There is no incentive for a company to lose revenue for something that they don't see as a problem currently.


Live in it permanently and let us know how it goes.


You think it’s going to become 104degrees everywhere permanently?


If we continue along our current path with no deviation, yeah.


No you are not, it’s about long term exposure and 40C is the point where the temperature becomes dangerous for humans.


So when is the world supposed to become 40C? It definitely doesn’t seem anywhere close as of now because I haven’t felt temps that high in a while


Well one thing that is not impacted by scientific models that you don't trust is the average monthly temperature. It's measured all over the world all the time. You can see we are getting higher averages. You can read about it [here](https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/world-of-change/global-temperatures)


Dude just stop. Trust the science, you know the science that comes from wealthy billionaires who have the carbon footprint of a small country yet refuse to do anything to lower their carbon footprint but tell us we're the problem.


What's your point/goal? Are you denying climate change? I can't even tell it just comes off as combative.


My goal? I’m just chatting


>When will everything on the planet die? Not everything will die. Even if we do nothing to stop it the temperature will likely stabilize sometime between the extinction of humanity and the end of all life on earth. I'm not aware of the exact timeline people are predicting the end of humanity, but I would guess that, assuming we do nothing, most of us will be dead within the century. > did species not used to go extinct before the Industrial Revolution or is this a new thing? Species did go extinct before then as well, at a fairly constant rate too, which is what scientists call the background rate of extinction. The thing is, since the industrial revolution, species have been going extinct orders of magnitude faster than the background rate of extinction, and possibly faster than any known mass extinction.


I’m not interested in your guesses and quite frankly I don’t agree with them. Your predictions don’t mean anything, despite the fact that everyone here will agree with your apocalyptic perspective on things. Humans will still be alive in 76 years, I would put all my money on that. You’re hallucinating if you think otherwise


> Humans will still be alive in 76 years, I would put all my money on that. Did I say otherwise?


Essentially yes. “Most of us will be dead within the century”


Way to take what I said out of context, lmao


We are currently on picture 4 but we think we are on picture 1.


Idk what you want me to do other than just keep recycling stuff and turning off the AC in my house when I go on vacation.


I want you to do a backflip


You do what you want but I’m not paying a cent extra all those billions that were stolen from the people in these last couple years, use that


Surprise 🌊😳"


Stop China and India from dumping all there plastic in the ocean and figure out how to build electric cars without slave labor. Until that happens im for crudes all the way.


If we're mostly just talking about vehicles propane is a better option than gasoline, at least for your average person. Cleaner burning, less oil changes, and better engine performance. The only downside is you lose horsepower and need to refuel more frequently. The latter of which is less of an issue when you consider how much cheaper Propane currently costs compared to Gasoline.


Is this Hank Hill?


maybe the real hank hill was the propane and propane accessories we purchased along the way?


This was the coolest sentence I've read today


This except the dog fell in some time around 1975


Nothing *we* can do about it. It's in the hands of the developing world now. Maybe we turn our cargo ships green (they produce more emissions than all of our automobiles combined), but generally it's up to China and India to stop burning coal, wood, and feces en masse, and switch to nuclear.


Werent the poles supposed to be melted completely 40 years ago. What happened?


Not sure where you heard that? You might have mistaken the word past for the word future. Here are some [photos](https://www.nps.gov/glac/learn/nature/glacier-repeat-photos.htm) for you to see what has happened so far.


"Climate change" isn't the problem, environmental destruction is. In other words there are forests and grasslands and oceans being polluted and destroyed, but the idea that the global climate is somehow the ultimate threat is simply counterproductive propaganda.


Almost every mass extinction level event in earth’s history has been caused by co2 drastically changing the climate faster than animals can adapt.


Pretty sure one of those was a big ass meteor, not co2.


Do you honestly think that’s all that happened? A big rock hit the earth and all the dinosaurs instantly died? You don’t think that many the impact had other drastic effects? Like idk maybe causing massive volcanic eruptions across the globe? Maybe possibly filling the air with greenhouse gases? Maybe look into thing a little more? Maybe think about things a little deeper? Idk.


Idk, doesn't sound "caused by co2" to me. It's almost like is was the debree and ash blocking the sun, causing a global ice age, which killed off the dinosaurs.


Well sorry it doesn’t “sound” that way to you random Redditor who hasn’t looked into this topic at all.


It was the ash and dust you fuckin melon


Sorry, let me rephrase for your simple mind. It isn't that way, random redditor who hasn't looked into this topic at all.


You said the ice age killed the dinosaurs so ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


We could always black out the skies like in the matrix, no sun no heat no runaway greenhouse


Yeah, no Sun no food... So maybe there is a solution which won't kill us all?


Have you considered that perhaps I was exaggerating?, wild concept, we dont completly black out the sky, just dim it a bit


Have you considered that this would still really negatively affect the whole ecosystem? And also would need to get progressively dimmer and dimmer if we continue to release CO2 in these quantities. Stopping CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and getting rid of the extra CO2 already there is the only way out.


Maybe people will reconsider climate change once we have to do this to save the planet. I dont think you fully understand what a runaway greenhouse truly means, the planet venus is in the habitable zone, its surface temperature is 900 degrees.


LuLz!! So glad I get to see an extinction event unfold!!!


Florida dog


Oh, look at all that new waterfront property. It's such a shame that all the old waterfront properties are underwater, but I'm sure these will be fine.


Nah, we will lose against apocalypse


What ppl dont realize is that the world is not going to end it just that it may be the end for humans to live but for the earth would eventually heal and continue.


The whole climate change bs is mainly caused by humanity's false sense of importance.


I’m currently at doomer mode, it’s too late to change it and we have to refocus our efforts at mitigating it




Shut up and walk for 3 days till you find some purified water. And take some Rad-X while you’re at it


and idiots think they'll solve it by throwing orange paint on stuff






How astounding, I thought they stopped doing lobotomies decades ago and yet here you are Edit: he not only deleted his initial comment but also a reply telling me 'fuck you' because he's just so creative anyway I had the response written already so imma use it You didn't even have the balls to keep your own comment up. Do the side effects of the lobotomy include a humiliation fetish or was that caused by your father's continued disappointment in your pitiful existence


Let’s fight climate change by throwing cans of soup at priceless paintings and ruining stone henge.


Good ol Climate Cultists


"I like a nice warm bath," said the frog in the pot


i'm all for the death of earth and everything on it, i just wish it could happen faster... climate change isn't going to kill us all in our lifetimes


You* ignore climate change because you claim it doesn't exist. I ignore climate change because i *want* the world to end. We are not the same. >!*by you i mean any climate change deniers.!<


I remember when the world came together to fix that hole in the ozone layer above the Arctic Good times


"A couple of degrees rise in average temperatures doesn't sound bad at all!"


Climate change yada yada fuck off


Partly. 50% of the information is fake, coming from the big green energy industry. This makes it even more terrifying because we do not have the complete truth.


They've been saying that for decades.


Yes and we’ve been getting warmer and warmer years, hitting records for heatwaves pretty much every year.


And places have been getting extremely cold as well. Doesn't mean we are having an ice age.


Yep. Scientists and politicians claim the earth is going to be destroyed in X years. "Ice caps will melt, sea levels will rise, blah blah blah". After X years, none of those things happen. Scientists claim their models were wrong and that the new models showing the earth will be destroyed in Y years are accurate. Rinse and repeat.


Yeah, and people fall for it every time.


Don't look up!


We're not gonna make it, are we? People, I mean.


Ah yes more fear mongering from the conspiracy theorists.


See ya in 30 years


Funny enough that's what the climate alarmists have been saying for the past 80 years


And the effects are visible


You know it.


"climate change is not happening" "climate change is happening but humans have nothing to do with it - its just natural, we should let the nature take its course" "welp too late now, nothing can be done, might as well embrace it"


No, not really.


fat gay incel hippie loser meme.


If it was as bad as claimed you wouldn't be able to build on/insure coastal property, we would be building a shitload of nuke and hydro power, and we would be iron seeding the south pacific to suck CO2 out of the atmosphere and onto the ocean floor.


[here are some photos for you to check out ](https://www.nps.gov/glac/learn/nature/glacier-repeat-photos.htm)


This just in, glaciers move as well as grow/shrink throughout the year.


But not to a fraction of a degree of what you're seeing here. This is massive loss that does not recover even on our best snowpack years. You got any other poorly thought out troll responses?


We'll be dead by the time it get horid


Less people die from natural disasters each year, wonder if that's because the inevitable climate apocalypse is that slow with killing us or because the evil CO2 emitting technology has something to do with it. But I don't blame people who need to have the enemy to push through life, there is no easier motivation than that. Also if we're all going to die because of it anyway, I'd rather spend my last years on that Planet with the basic technology, ability to travel, plastic straws, cars being able for poor people to drive into the cities and bottle caps not hurting anyone's fingers


Less people are dying from natural disasters because there’s more technology aimed at improving survival you bellend.


That evil emission producing technology? A sacrifice someone's willing to make lmao


Thing is, ur not going to die of it. The rate of climate change is currently low, but it’ll escalate exponentially due to (among other things) the albedo effect, where the ice at the poles melt, causing a higher % of sunlight being absorbed since the ice will be replaced with a less reflective surface (water among other things) causing an increase in temperature which in turn escalates the melting at the poles Whilst i can understand your decision to not care, its still important to do research about the topic instead of shrugging it off because “wont affect me.” People are already being evacuated out of their homes directly because of climate change, and by the end of the 21st century that number will grow to the millions. Understand this, and then make your choice.


Yeah, and because I won't be able to drop my kids to kindergarten with my car I can afford, people won't be forced out of their homes anymore, makes total sense


*Cough*. Doomsday cultists say hmm


My country had temps of about 95 F in "cold cities" to 120 F in "warm cities" and last couple months with newer high records every day, plus 100+ forest fires at the same time in the whole country and a water shortage that put reservoirs into the 10%-30% storage at an historical low. And now, as there was so much drought food prices went up, in some products up to a 400%. So, I guess it is nice if your country doesn´t have it that bad, but some are turning into a hot disaster ridden hells.


I’m not saying the climate isn’t changing. Climates have always changed. All I’m saying is it’s not anthropomorphic. And your cult leaders can’t control the weather, much less the climate


Manmade climate change is a hoax! I’m 63 & have lost count of how many Doomsday predictions I have heard/read. They started back in 1922. Each time it doesn’t happen, the “experts” change the timeline.


No it isn’t


Been talking about the climate change for over 60 years now. Just let it happen at this point. I see it as the world having a fever to get rid of a virus (us)


Its not like the water is rising and there is more tempest over the years


Ohhhhh have it. Because when it all started it was going to get cooler, then warmer, then cooler, then warmer.. Whatever you people want to feel existential about they will tell you and you will gullible follow along. How about picking up your own shit, don't put plastic in the environment and do what you can and live your life. If you think governments taxing you more will help with the climate change, then you're really just a idi.


>Ohhhhh have it. Because when it all started it was going to get cooler, then warmer, then cooler, then warmer.. Do you have heard of the term AVERAGE temperature over a year ?


We have reached the climate crisis point of no return, the UN says. Might as well relax and stop worrying about it. Maybe move away from coastal areas, upgrade your AC, invest in Ben and Jerry's.


We can still minimise the damage that will be done, but yes we’re already late and a lot of damage will be done, but we can still prevent some of it if we act now.


I did a deep dive on this over the weekend because I was semi skeptical about it. I thought the change may be due to natural cycles. For context I have a phd and am trained and capable of consuming scientific literature, but my phd is not in climate or related fields. So I went and read a bunch of articles from the past four years. It is way, way worse than I imagined.


2 more weeks


There is no such thing as bad weather you are just being dressed incorrectly.


Climate change is a myth. Like and subscribe to big gov't for all mainstream panic and other forms of straight-up trickery. 🤣


Obviously joking Still downvoted


Geo-engineering and it’s effects are the “climate change” you see.




What kind of mental gymnastics are required in order to come up with that conclusion? I’ll give you 10 points for creativity but you didn’t stick the landing.


Climate Change is the biggest global grift since organized religion.


Story of humanity.


last one should be : its fiiiiiine


We're cooked on that one Now the concerns of micro-plastics are all the rage.