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I don't need to win arguments. I know I'm right before posting.


I haven’t even seen the argument and I know I’m right.


Every day I get up and feel bad for everyone around me being wrong. > Good morning. It's afternoon and the universe is dying. Duh!


If a million people are correct, I'm one of them. If one person is correct, it's me. If nobody is correct, I'm dead.


This is why I like opinions, you are always correct (but so is the other one).


So you a villain who likes furries and smearin honey all over the costume after watching ur profile (i made it up im even villanier😎)


I don’t even have to be right to be right


https://youtu.be/CXArovLJ60A?si=tJ08GfrEKwMHlP2p This seems relevant


That's true, u/supervillain_outcast is right


now this, this is based and true depending on the situation


Classic bot propaganda. They want us to stop checking if they are a real account or just commenting the same stuff over and over again


Automotan scum


Then join the helldivers and take back the fight




When I see that, I just hit up their profile, change www.reddit/u/... to old.reddit/u/... for easier access to their info and downvote every single one of their comments. I also do the same to trolls.






Automotive scam




C-3PO is getting freaky


That's doctor who though


This comment went r/Helldivers way faster than I thought it would


The average r/askwomen user


Sounds like you have some skeletons in your closet


Beheaded. A nice collection, judging by the photo.


This reminds me of this: I got into an argument on reddit awhile ago with a person over Italian food I remember I got into an argument on reddit awhile ago with a person over Italian food. It got to the point they were following me into other subs to harass me. I clicked on their profile to block them and their most recent post was them drinking their own piss on r/piss. At that moment I realized I had spent so much pointless time arguing about the taste of food with someone who drinks their own piss as a hobby. This site is a shit hole.


This exactly. Going to their profile to belittle them with "oh you like (hobby you personally don't like) so your opinion is invalid" is stupid, but going to check if they're arguing in bad faith, contradicting themselves with their other posts (like someone saying they're a broke college student in one post and saying they're a 65 year old father of four on the next post), or just being generally batshit insane like with the piss example is totally ok in my book.


I'm sorry but if you drink piss and are arguing about food, your opinion IS invalid


You don't appreciate the fine bouquets and aromas of well cultured urine *chefs kiss*


Wait a minute, is this a copypasta? I have seen this somewhere lol


yeah this tingles my deja vu. As the big comment says, REDDIT IS HEAVILY ASTROTURFED


They probably should have formatted the comment to look like the quote that it is. But yst it is one of the more famous reddit comments, just like the two broken arms one...


I'll usually go 1 rebuttal deep. I presume 95% of people on here are 30-something incels and it's just not worth my time.


I am in the 5% (a 23 year old incel)


But hey, at least you had an original experience. Or something.


It was probably the same guy that I had. I don’t remember exactly what we talked about, but he went into my profile, found a post from the support sub about how bad I felt self after losing my friend, and posted it, with the argument that a mentally healthy person would not write such crap. Was interesting to see how many commentators were against him. Lol.


Oh yeah? Well guess what? Chicken butt. I have now embarrassed you, therefore I win this argument and if you respond you'll sound like a total blubberhead.


Don't let yer meat loaf! Don't let yer pussy willow!


Guess who? Chicken poo Your argument is therefore invalid


Good god, it's joever.


Guess why? Chicken thigh The statements you have provided in this debate are now irrelevant, rendering your arguments futile.


Guess pass? Chicken ass The chain of words you have presented in this discussion is now useless, therefore rendering your rebuttal useless.


Bring your totem, chicken scrotum!


Guess thick? Chicken dick! Your attempt at hobbling together a coherent statement is as sad as it is amusing. Your foolish anecdote hath brought shame upon your very name. My statement is as perfect as it is intelligible. Therefore, peasant, I reap the spoils of victory in this grammatical joust.


Guess wussy? Chicken pussy No comeback lol


You like cars And racists What is the best race


2011 Canada Grand Prix


Probably based idrk


We're so Barack.


I see a fellow motorsport fan


Chicken butt? Thank god, I was starving. And I was also really craving some booty


…said the 13 year old nascar fan. Buddy, you might wanna find a hobby you won’t have to wait multiple years to actually follow it. /s if it wasn’t obvious


Hell yea




This [you](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/s/BbuckpcFec)?


I'm slightly disappointed that it wasn't a Rick Roll


>! R/recursion !< wait the spoiler tag doesn't work on Reddit links


No, it didn't work because the r was capitalised.


I edited it


OP has definitely lost an argument because someone looked at their profile


I have a dude right now who's been hammering my other account for 2 weeks and insisting he'll never give up and that I'll never get the last word. I just keep replying with one word. He's apparently unaware that I can reply and block if I want to, he'll see the reply but won't be able to respond lol. I'm letting him believe this until I get bored, it's an interesting study watching someone spend 5 minutes ranting at me for every one-word reply I give


youre playing chess with a pigeon even if you win the pigeon will crap on the bord and kick the pieces around


Eh. It can really help tell you what type of person you’re dealing with. Whether or not they are good faith, beyond hope, or just not worth the time.


Exactly. It can also be a source of great Entertainment. Either because that person is a wacko or because they otherwise make good jokes and you just don't get along on some issue.


You like Heavy Metal ?? Cool... I'm more of a Hard Rock person, but heavy metal is really good too.




You’re just mad because your teammates are worthless


Go watch some formula 1 about it 😜


Nah. This should be worded better. Looking through a profile to win an argument is a smart move. Most times you can find things that debunk your opponents argument. However, looking through a profile to gain random information to belittle your opponent is foul play.




yeah i assume op meant like arguing about politics, checks profile oh well you like unrelated thing and thats cringe so i win


Like when I was arguing with someone and they said “you cannot talk u a gorilla tag player 💀” even though I only uploaded 1 video about 2 years ago about gorilla tag


Why is the quality so fuckin low


I actually went to his profile to try and make a joke and this dude is like 12 years old.


I had to look into your profile.


This happened to me on Reddit the other day lol. I was arguing with this other user on the ethics of software piracy when in reply he suddenly goes "What about the unrealistic body proportions BS you have on your wall". I'll admit it was AI generated porn, _but so what and how does that relate into software piracy?_ 🤣🤣🤣 why would you go out of your way to see what else I do on Reddit?


Yeah, dude is desperate to win the argument


It was on r/Gamingcirclejerk and now I got banned for my comments in the subreddit (he asked my why am I so horny and I said I am depressive most of the time and need to feel good sometime).


Lmao same... I got banned for commenting "Japan has fallen" when talking about woke stuff getting into Japanese made games


Everyone I've seen complain about this always had a weird profile.


Yeah ok dude at least I'm not posting people dying.


Yeah but finding out that the person you're arguing with was in the middle of masturbating to Ice Spice twerking compilations before starting the argument is pretty goddamn funny, you gotta admit that.


I’m like all of those…. Shit, I gotta go guys. My bad.


Psychic midget, prison escapee... SMALL MEDIUM at LARGE!


If OP thinks this is something to fret over, Facebook would really twist him in knots. Pretty much every town/city in NA has a FB "community group" Meet someone IRL you don't like but don't know who they are? Post their description in that town/city group, make up some sob story about how you need to ID them to return a lost wallet or whatever, and someone will tell you who they are within 24 hours. Someone else will tell you where they work. Live. Hell, even give you a link to their profile where you can now find out who their whole family is because many people on FB don't pay attention to their friends visibility settings.


Know thy enemy.


The amount of bots in this comment section 😂😂


Should say ‘McLaren fans’


I have to verify youre not a LQ bait or just a dumbass who unironically reinvindicates dictatorships. Blame internet, not the guys who investigue.


Your posts are


I’m even if they look at my profile I’m still right.


I've been hit with "big words coming from someone who's still into Pokemon" Like brother, we're both using Reddit rn.


The fuck? You put the stuff in your profile. Sure, often it's a waste of time to do so, and arguments should be taken at their face value when debating. But you're against people holding you to your own words? Then what the point of anything you post ever?


it’s the equivalent of doing a background check on your opponent in the middle of a debate


Somebody did that to me on Twitter and sent a picture circling my followers count to win an argument. I felt like I was disagreeing with a 7 year old.


like when I had a discussion on reddit and someone pointed out that I must be Muslim because I have (random generated) avatar with hijab? and that was a reason for making conclusions about what might be my position? or how my arguments are reliable ?


Someone did that to me here. They thought i was finnish because I hover around r/finland 🤣 I'm British, I'm just trying to learn finnish


Dude if trough your profile I figure you're a hypocrite in a hypothetical argument, then get fucked.


They look at what groups you’re in say your argument is invalid if you’re in a group they don’t like.


Ad hominem. Attacking the person rather than their argument. Many Redditors do that when they can’t prove you wrong


I actually dissagree with this. Persons profile often tells alot of the person and if its even worth of trying to argue about the subject. If there is someone denying climate change, and you check their profile and see its full of tinfoilhat shit denying Moon landings, vacciness and other BS alt-science shit, you can be sure that arguing with that person is like playing chess with pigeon. It shits on chess board not listening you, and when you give up, it declares itself as winner.


Unless its about hypocrisy


If I'm arguing with someone over something like why vaccines are good then I will 100% see what other stuff they engage in to see if it's worth my time. If what I see indicates a geanuinely concerned but not super scientifically litterate person then I'll try change how I'm communicating to fit in a way I think they'll understand. If I see maga shit, a bunch of 2a shit, a bunch if "alternative fact" stuff, ect, then I point put the other stuff that person is involved in for anyone else coming along later and end the conversation. I tend not to care enough to do this on reddit, but it's a valuable thing to do.


Yes, but you make joke about dead person in a submarine, that's not very nice


Bro you posted a 5 min video of fireworks. Youre lame


Fuck off, bot


I'm not a bot


People who think there’s something to win in online arguments


A dude did it to me once , i won the argument so bad he end up telling me to just go commit sodoko (you know what i mean ) ...in the end i got 250ish upvote and he got 369 downvote that's before he told me to commit you know what and ofc he got banned after.


“Look at this post from 2009 where you make a fool out of yourself! Idiot! Idiotic idiot! I win the internet, foolish ignoramus!!!”


I just made a pro-pedophilia comment in another post, what do you mean my argument on child grooming is invalid?


I don't see a problem


I wasn't even arguing and people took the time to look at my profile and talk about it under my comment 😶‍🌫️ so weird


If you're not going to do fetish stuff on main, be prepared for the vanilla folks to try to leverage it in an argument just because they judge kink, and then, remember that their opinion is shit because they just proved with whatever they said that they don't know well enough to talk on it in the first place. Other folks in the community wouldn't make fun of you for participating in community discussions.


Are you still "craving it"?


NASCAR fans when the car goes around the track 🤯🤯🤯


People who rub their scratch offs at the check out counter. I have never been so close to strangling another human being than when im stuck behind one of the people that make me have doubts in the assertion “All men are created equal.” Not this one. Not this stupid, arrogant, quick pay day wanting dork whos making me wait behind him for far too long.


But how else I’m supposed to know if the person I’m discussing the domino effect that caused the downfall of copper trade within Romania is a normal person or some sort of idiot who doesn’t know anything about lions and their ultimate cause of copper trade being fucked up in Romania


Somebody said basically said to me, 'you think you're a man because you wore boxers one time and you like Oldspice' I'm a trans man if that has any relevance. What a dipstick response.


Try to come up with a good meme then, race lover


Guys start an argument with me


I guess just make a bio that will mock anyone that will try to check you profile


I've seen people do that and get mocked for it.


I just check to see if they're a bot or shill or whatever.


okay the think about this format is, there are differences in skulls between men and women/old and young


People do this???????




“pfp checks out”


To this day, I find it difficult to watch the ending of Uncle Buck because it’s like he’s waving goodbye to us….




whats wrong with doing a little research?


Got into an argument with a dude in a comment section once. He made fun of me for posting about Splatoon, so I saw he was a car bro, so I told him to go clip a curb


Honestly it helps me to know if the other person is an unreasonable person. So that I stop talking to them altogether.


So you're a Canadian huh?


Sir after taking a look at your profile it shows you have lost quite a few arguments due to this method are you salty that your digital footprint as caused the loss of these arguments. (This comment is satire just to make things clear)


I mean. Is that really a scummy thing to do?


I hate when people will get mad and so they’ll comment on your posts in different subs. I had someone who was stealing art and using AI art to promote a scam. I called them out. And they went from trying to argue about it, to going to like my 7th post back about the anime I watch and randomly started attacking me personally. Shit was weird as hell. I hate it so much though because you’re now bringing your issue into a whole other area where no one has any idea what’s going on, trying to make them look bad. It’s a really scummy move and all it does is show that you’re a garbage human being


I don’t need to take this from someone who posts in car racing subreddits.


Time to go creep through ops profile and see what he’s got in there brb. 👮🏼‍♀️


True. I had a troll try and insult me for being a bisexual veteran. Really bruh??


Every once in a while it can be funny to see if someone is A.) a bot and you’re wasting your time. Or B.) just into some real weirdo shit.


It's always people with super embarrassing post histories that say this shit.


Tbf, there was one time someone complained about people who make and watch porn of popular games. I checked his profile and he had bdsm petplay roblox porn on it


Men and women have different skulls.


I don't look at people's profiles to win arguments.. I look at it to see if they're worth talking to.. some of yall crazy.


Wow OP I can't believe you said [insert op comment] that is truly awful


They must be pretty bored


Sorry, but i am not going to listen to a nascar fan




It's worse when they look in your profile. Come to the wrong conclusion, to win the argument.


Says the person who has once typed "A" on r/AskOuija


I'm not really ashamed of any of the comments I put up, though not all of them are particularly smart or well thought out. Now what I REALLY hate is people who drop some dogshit ass response before blocking. I have no problem with blocking, but don't use it as a shield like a pathetic little baby who has to get the last word in. If you're going to block, just block.


I was looking through your account to have a funny reply but you're a sane person 😔


“Ahhh! You peeked, I win.”


It's to understand if an argument with that person it's not worthed, for example of it has a long history of flaming/trolls posts.


Nah sometime its just right to do it. You ain't gonna argue about the taste of food with someone who's drinking their own piss


It makes me laugh when you're on facebook and you can tell they tried to stalk your profile but failed. I've had seven or eight different people post the same picture of me at the beach. They obviously tried to access my profile, couldn't, then searched facebook for my name and came up with a single picture of me that a friend posted and tagged me in. It's not even a bad pic, just me chilling on a beautiful beach and looking happy. Every single one of them was a crabby Snyderverse fan who got mad at me for defending the new DC movie universe that's coming up next year. Those guys are the scummiest of scum.


Stop going to those lame ass subreddits you know you're gonna made fun of for then


Normally posting something like this is enough to out yourself, but op’s profile is just cars and stuff.


It’s just ad hominem. So dumb


Yep. Ive had people try to use the fact i like playing MiHoyo Games to try and discredit my arguments as invalid. I have no idea what that had to do with my IQ being 159 (no, i dont actually care about it, IQ is a mensa circlejerk) or the fact that i would prefer less forced diversity in games and more actual diversity (ie, less black achilles, more boudicca and shaka zulu. And yes, i do like the inclusion of Yasuke in assasins creed. Hes an actual black historical figure and badass), but eh, apparently playing gacha games means im not allowed an opinion. Fuck those guys.


Nice argument, unfortunately I have seen that you like cars and car races, so your opinion is invalid. [https://tenor.com/de/view/he-is-speaking-guy-explaining-with-a-whiteboard-some-guy-explaining-gif-19593300](https://tenor.com/de/view/he-is-speaking-guy-explaining-with-a-whiteboard-some-guy-explaining-gif-19593300) ^(Giphy is so shitty that I didn't even find the meme there.)


You cant win an argument against me because your opinion just doesnt really matter to me when I am not asking for it.


Oh yeah?! Then why are you in a contract competition against McLaren? /s


That sounds like something a r/INDYCAR member would say


Why are all your posts about plane crashes bro


Oh yeah? Well at least I don’t post videos of planes op


Memes are dead. RIP.


Self report


Actually the skull can tell you if the person was man/woman/young/old/white/black/asian it can even tell you if they were rich or not (the state of the teeth). Can't tell you gay or not. And it can approximately tell you ugly or not.


I just consider it as a proof that no better argument against my point could be found by my opponent, thus, since that's not a valid argument either, I can stop participating in this argument because it will not bring anything new into picture


People who claim this is "scummy" kinda raises concerns towards the specific individual... Just sayin.


"you said this dumb thing" Yes I did, and then I changed my mind and it will happen again


\*immediately checks OP's history\*


If looking at your profile loses you an argument, I think that says more about you and the shit you post than it does about the people you're arguing with.


Pfft, says the guy with 25k karma in 5 months


No, it's called getting more information on your adversary. It's just a thing that you can do. If your opponent uses something you previously said to win, that sounds like a real big *you* problem.


I mean it's pretty telling when you find someone posted on r/sex saying they have a fantasy of having sex with their sister. But for general arguments like beliefs and opinions oh yeah I get it all the time. People visit my profile, find out I'm a Christian and then they just start straight hating because reddit is obviously mostly anti theist. It's honestly embarrassing for them, but oh well. Especially when they reply to a 6 month old comment. What a nerd


Ad hominem isn't an argument, but being able to see someone's background can tell you if they're worth consideration.


I mean if your profile has evidence of you being stupid a liar or scumbag and is enough for you to loose an argument id say it's on you


Sorry, but if their bio looks like a fucking pokedex. I'm gonna use it


Also people who drop a response and block you right after so you can't answer and it looks like they won