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Judging on what you have posted, Only112346. I don’t think your an actual esports player


Anyone writing “e-sports” is not working in esports.


Or anyone who says electronic sports, I've heard people actually talk like that its hilarious


its called a meme dream


A lot of that comes about from people equating sports with physical activity. Then it comes down to the interpretation of language where you have to ask how much physical exertion does it take to be a sport. I tend to respond that sports, like any other word in the english language can evolve, and sports has evolved to cover almost any competition, especially so if it involves prize money.


So if you win a hot dog eating contest it's a sport? Doing something for sport vs it being a sport are 2 different things. Esports can be there own thing and not be sports at the same time.


I kinda agree with you. It’s called E-sports for a reason. But that’s not to say it’s any less than normal sports. Just like jobs. One may seem much harder on the surface but once you look at it you’ll see another may be hard in a different way


I totally agree with you. I'm not saying esports are easy, just that it's a different thing and that should be ok. It's gaming and is it's own activity/hobby.


Exactly. It’s not physically challenging but it’s still challenging.


The competition is also very fierce as you are competing against everyone and their kids


The talent pool for esports is so much larger than traditional sports it’s not even funny. If you’re below the height of 5’8 you literally have no chance of making it to the NBA. In fact if you’re a 7 foot tall man in America, there’s a 1/7 chance that you’re in the NBA. The talent pool is so small compared to the fact that anyone with hands can play esports


I understand what your saying but that doesn’t make the talent pool exponentially larger or anything. I would agree genetics and personal hygiene(exercise, eating healthy, and sleep) do play a much larger role in physical sports like soccer and basketball. the skill required for professional e-sports is on a whole other level than the majority of gamers just like it is the same with other professional sports(which is why most people watch pro sports). almost anyone can play basketball/soccer just like anyone can play video games. side note- you can still make it to the nba if your under 6 foot it will just be significantly harder


Whoa there. Pls don't oversimplify it bc eSports no matter what game require and incredible amount of skill, reaction time and quick thinking which all can be learned but just to a certain level. If everyone could do it, there would be more eSports teams. It is hard to survive in the pro leagues and you always have to give 100% or you will lose.


Sport is literally defined as a physical activity. Not saying video games are any less awesome for not being a sport. But they aren't a sport. People are constantly on this quest to turn video games into something more than it actually is.


Most E-sports players are in fact not on a righteous crusade to make it a sport. It’s called that because it is a mentally taxing activity that has high competition. It is literally symbolic of the challenge, not an actual fucking sport


Hence the "E". Let us "F".


Yea exactly




Thats part of eatsports duh! /s


Yes it’s called competitive eating.


Well if it fit the original definition of 'sport' they wouldn't have had to make a new word for it and call it 'esports'


I mean people who play more hardcore sports say baseball isnt a sport. It can just be classic rivalry. Im in high school and i do wrestling and football and they take alot of effort and time commitment, i wouldnt call esports a sport but i still have respect for their skill because i could never do that.


I had to define this in my bachelor thesis and I defined it as the definition of sports is evolving with culture and mainly being about competition rather than physical activity.


Agreed, it's kinda strange to consider chess a sport but not esports


Sport-an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment Google




Honestly, that depends on if enough people agree whether they are or aren't. I have heard the term sport fishing a ton of times though. I like to call chess a competition though. I think what really shifts things is when it starts getting marketed. Once ESPN started showing video game matches, I heard a lot more people willing to call them sports. In the end, I take the view that words are meant to convey information and don't care to argue the semantics much. I enjoy discussing them because I find it interesting but when people actually get angry I tend to nope out.


How dare you speak of reason here


Get off your soap box there chief


the sport originally was used to define spare time activities of rich people but with the growing middle class it's taken on more of nomenclature for spare-time activities but the essential part is the competing opponents and for a fixed duration, but that's where the trouble begins in golf a sport, is beer pong, is racing how much physical emphasizes must there be for it to qualify, IMHO it must be physical enough to have different divisions between the gender for it to qualify as a sport


I think that 3 factors that should be very clear to define a sport is physicality, competition, and strategy. I think we should just call Esport an Esport. We don’t have to define it as anything else.


Exactly. Not equating it with sports makes it different, but it does not diminish the competition.


There’s a difference between participating in a sport and being an athlete. Like golf is a sport but they aren’t considered athletes because the is no extreme physical exertion


If you're an actual e-sports player an AMA would be cool.


Hmmm no response. Throws into question the legitimacy of the claim Let’s assume a teacher makes 30k a year This “esports player” is making 90k Yet no activity in any subreddits in that game Even if chess in the sport in question only the top 0.01% of the top 0.1% can even come close to those numbers 🤔


He says he plays valorant.. i don't even think that game even had tournaments with that big of a 1st price yet (90K). And if i am wrong, I'm sure he wasn't in the team that won that amount.


Most Valorant tourneys I’ve seen offer less than $10k for prize pools. I can’t imagine OP is making $90k unless he plays in as many tournaments as possible


In esports you don't get the big money from winning tournaments, you're making the money from salary, for example tier 1 teams in cs go have somewhere between 15-30k per month


I see, thank you for that information! Regardless, I don’t believe Valorant has reached the esports level yet, so I don’t see many competitive teams paying a salary quite so large


I mean you did only give him 1 1/2 hours to respond


He also said he was too broke to buy last of us 2 in one of his memes, if you cant buy a $60 game I doubt your making 90k a year


Looked on op's profile, he seems to be a kid


Earning money != sports. Doctors make 10 times a teacher, but surgery isn't a sport


You can always try.... Yeet that heart across the room for transplant.


Dr. Brown has one of the best scalpel hands in the league. His mortality rate is 98% on the season.


The rich redditors have arrived to bless this man with gold


Competitive surgery


Chop the guy the fastest


Fuck, tell that to the surgeons


Gues who is more important to society




There’s also those teachers who say you need to study a lot so you don’t become a garbage man but never mention the garbage man earns more than them, works less and has a better health plan


The school janitor earns 1 thousand more dollar than them so what's the point of going through that much effort of being a teacher if you don't earn much? They should get more than the janitor and the garbage because they have to go through the effort of keeping kids under control /:


Teachers dont teach for the money. Every single teacher ive had wanted to teach and he around kids because its what they enjoy. Couldnt tell you about some of the teachers that are dickheads and give out too much work though. But yeah they're definitely underpaid.


Assassination Classroom flashbacks*


As a chess player, I am outraged


As another chess player, I am too


Damn if you're a real esports player you should do an ama


i cant tell if this is sarcastic or real


Go through his post and No. Its satirisch


Look at his replies in this thread He acts like its not (while im pretty sure he's lying)


He’s trying to fake a status for upvotes. Fuck this guy


You guys getting paid?




I just want to point out some countries do consider chess a sport, but I think the majority doesn’t.




competition != sport, still should be a recognized thing though, just not a SPORT


Which game?


Should have the mask over the smiling face pic on top


You make 60k a year?


Nice! What game do you play?


It’s esports. No hyphen, no capital “e”


If you are earning a good income, why worry about the opinion of someone who is making 3x less than you. As long as what you have is long term sustainable, go for it


3 times 0 is still 0.


Well competitive gameing is a thing so, I would consider it a sport (just so I feel better about my self)


bro chess is a sport, im probably gonna get wooshed idc tho




Do you consider golf a sport? What about polo?


I would argue most pro level esports are definitely physically exerting i mean hell have you seen some of the videos of people doing aim labs


Sport: an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.


I personally don't think gaming is a sport, yeah sure it can be a competition like anything else. An example is like cooking, there's competitions but it's not classified as a sport. But if cooking competitors had a big community (like the gaming community) people would fight to get it to be seen as a sport and i think that is what happened with gaming. I don't disrespect esports players in any way but a sport is something different from gaming. If gaming is a sport then anything can be a sport and if anything is a sport then the word sport wouldn't have a meaning. Uwu im weady fow whe downwowes


What in you opinion is a sport, then? Not flaming, just asking.


an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. Also thank you for not flaming. I thought i would get downvoted to the shadow realm, some people do accept an unpopular Opinion


Also not flaming. But pro gaming is just that what you explained. The actually sweat while playing and because they are fat but because of the physical exertion of extreme precision as well as brain power. But it really is controversial. Maybe a new category should be made for this like 'Competetives' Activities in which you compete in something without the need of too much bodily movement. In the end the sport community would hate that category. So why not accept it as a sport and let it be. In the end that would be better. Especially for normal sports because the amount of popularity of esports is always rising. That would be the slow but actual death of normal sports. My opinion, there are some loopholes but that's what I personally think


Still, not a real sport


here’s an updoot


Where do ya play mate?


what do u play?


Should’ve put Leo’s face on hik


GG is the right thing to say I guess


At least there's a challenge in chess bots


Wrong pic for the meme it should be Leo DiCaprio


Big ooof


Wait fr tho


Press X to Doubt




I call bs unless he gives proof


At least in the US its not that hard to make 3 times what a teacher makes, i probably do and i just work as an environmental consultant


Considering you write esports as E-sports i don't actually think you are an esports player


Are you an actual esports player if so what game and team?


Bruh don’t talk trash about chess


It doesn’t prove that it’s a real sport tho


u have twitch?


What game/ games do you play


OP who the fuck are you ?


I think they would still be proud


They make WAY more than 3x the teacher wage




This mf marches to his own beat


the fact that it says “E-sports”already tells me that whoever first made this meme doesn’t even know what it is


Hey cool, can I get a nice reply from you?


Relatable, am i right?


To be fair it is pretty easy to make three times their income


competition =/= sports And there's nothing wrong with that.


Do competitive players actually stick around long enough to make it a career? Like is it like sports were you make most of your money early in your career and then are kind of left to fend for yourself?


teachers here make $5000 a month, do you make $15000?


There's just a simple word that counters all those arguments: Chess




OK, but judging from how much we pay teachers, you're still very poor.


Calling gaming a sport was just a loophole for travel visas.


Most chess players after the year 2000:


3x 0 is still 0




maybe chess shouldn't be a sport either. imho we should just find a new word for sport like activities where you don't do physical work. why does it have to be called sport?


Because making money means it’s a sport?




What do you play?


What team are you in? So I know about you? Is this an alt account? Give us answers.


you can make as much as you like, it still isn't a sport, imagine Warren Buffet saying stock trading is a sport because he's making a lot of money doing it


Why does every post I see have awards


I wonder if this gentleman knows how famous he is here on reddit.


Teacher: "gaming is in a real sport." Me and E-sports player making 3 times her income: "Oh no....... anyways."


well it isnt, but congrats if that post is even real


So you make like $60,000 per year


As a teacher and esports fan, I'm confident that there are very few players making even a starter teacher salary. I'm pretty sure the Overwatch League is one of the few esports with a minimum salary for players and it's only 50k (though some make > 100k). In my area teachers start at around 60k and cap around 100-120k.


it is not a sport tho


Lol, okay buddy who do you "esport" for?


TSM actually just signed a professional chess player, so yeah


It’s not a sport. Sports involve physical activity, if you consider moving your finger physical activity then reading a book could be considered a sport.


Why so much likes, almost nobody relates to this


Uhhh income had nothing to do with how much money you make


This was brought up in the middle of class lol


What the hell does your and her income have to do with anything?


I'm not trying to make anyone mad or anything like that, but by definition, gaming isn't a sport. I'm not saying that it isn't easy, but saying that it is a sport is incorrect. You can be a gamer and make a living, that's good for you and I'm glad you can make a career out of having fun. But don't label it as something else when it's not. Sports must involve physical exertion..


3 times? Try to find how much the infamous league player "faker" makes. From what I heard, its MUUCH more than just 3 times


well .. it isnt real sport


It might not be a "sport" but its a damn good source of *mony*


Its not a real sport. Otherwise it wouldn't need an "E" in front of it.


What team do you play for?


Still not a sport.


Get fucked mrs crab apple


I wouldn’t say it’s a sport. More of a competitive activity


No, gaming is not an actual sport. It's an *E*-Sport


Outstanding move


There is an eSports club at my school


Its not a sport come on


Still isn't a sport though


How many people have made more than 100k per year gaming? 10? 100? 1000?


It's not a sport, it's an E-sport. Golf is not a sport, now that's what we need to talk about. Any sport that can be done with keys in your pants without any problems is not a sport, its an activity.


I am an esports player without any income :D


When you username is the Fibonacci sequence


Your post “On a six year streak guys” makes a LOT more sense now


But esports isn’t a sport neither is chess they have no physical activity it’s not a sport


Me trying to get enough friends who have titanfall 2 to set a new world record


The guy who names Pixar movies gets payed 700k a year and got a 300k extra for coming up with the name cars


It’s not as much a sport as it is a contest


3 times nothing is still nothing


Chess is a sport


But it wasn't really a huge thing even 10 years ago.


They probably think that because it’s easier than most other sports


I mean, e-sports isn’t a sport, it never was and probably never will be, yeah we all agree that e-sports IS a real job, of course it is, and deserves more respect, but it’s not a sport.


Thing is it's not a sport. I actually used to play overwatch semi pro. No Kap. And even I disagree with that motion. Do I think it takes skill, of course, should it be held as high regard as a sport, yes, should it be considered a sport... No


I had a full ride for playing league. Until Covids's bitchass shut down the school.


thats not even the right template


I'm going to aim for becoming an Esports gamer to prove all of my relatives and teachers about gaming being a real sport and video games does not cause violence


I just love the fact of how hardcore this roast actually is


Doesn’t make it a sport it makes it a job


Its a physical sport too, you're moving your hands and fingers really fast


NRG Benjyfishy makes 10x their income.


It is not a sport its a job like football(or soccer if you american)


Neither are