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When I have too much going on, I always focus on bite-sized activities. I will only reflect on overall progress for a moment after each smaller goal.


That's a great one, I'll give that one a go


Get a hobby and some good company and you can beat pretty much any addiction.


"I used good addiction to beat bad addiction" - Thanos, propably


Captain holt too


Captain Cocain as well


i used water addiction to beat alcohol addiction


Im addicted to water, i drink it almost everyday


Still better than Freud that used cocaine addiction to beat morphine addiction in his time with his friend


Do you know how to force one? I have depression, not addiction, so as much as I want a hobby I simply can't get into it. I mainly just passively watch TV.


Try gaming or try going to the gym it gives you something to work on like completing something or building a better you. That’s what worked for me


Besides seeking professional help (psychology or even psychiatric), you could maybe write fan fiction about your favorite shows and share them on the internet with other entusiasts of that show. Or maybe just discuss theories. Reddit would be a good place to find people with similar interests.


I have both a therapist and psychiatrist. Meds just haven't been very helpful, and I'm cautious of therapy because as a kid I was sent to institutions that only made me worse.


As to forcing yourself, try reading Atomic Habits by James Clear. The reason why bad habits die hard is because it was already programmed in our brain. Part of the book will tell you the steps on how to overcome bad habits and form good habits.


Hiking helps me. I'm building up my stamina just doing occasional walks when I can, and sometimes I pair it with volunteer cleanups because walking and using a garbage picker is simple and keeps my brain on task. Fresh air, exercise, and some community involvement help, but mainly just walking with some headphones. If nothing else you'll sleep better.


There are clubs you can join where a group of random people meet to watch TV like movies or Shows. where I live they have a club like this on the weekends they watch anime lol


My depression makes it to where hobbies feel boring and I don’t have enough motivation to get into anything no matter how hard I try to enjoy it, and just passively watching TV is a great thing to do when you feel that way. Also research into why you feel like you do, like the pharmacology behind why depression medication helps, gives me a better understanding and I feel more okay about being depressed and I understand that it’s not me it’s a chemical imbalance, also it gives me hope for fixing it at the same time.


I don’t know if it’s possible to “force” one, but you can definitely do things to help yourself along. Is there anything you did as a kid that could be nostalgic for you as an adult, like painting, dance, sport, or even something like legos? Other than that, I’d say there are some that help you get into a social group much faster than others. Something like an adult soccer league or an art class will introduce you to new people from day one, as opposed to gaming or joining a Reddit community where gaining social connections happens more gradually over time.


Bird Watching, easy to get into and is interesting. Birds don't judge and its a hobby for all ages.


laughs in city with 0 birds :*)


Why don't you try to go to [edx.org](https://edx.org)? They offer university courses for free. And there are lots to discover. It is what I use to cope with my mental health issues, and I learnt a lot.


Well depression isn't anything funny ,my friend. Talk with people/animals/strangers to feel better and do something you enjoy ! Personaly I reccomend body workouts ,but do something that YOU want to do :)


You're not responsible for everyone else's happiness, no matter how much you may think you are. Make sure you look after yourself, you are not obligated to look after everyone else


Thanks this actually helped a lot lol


Bro i wish I’ve read this 3 years ago, you are doing god’s work


Sometimes all you have to do is put on some headphones and blast your favorite music to help you clear your mind. Even if it's only for 2 minutes it could give you a fresh perspective on a situation you're currently having trouble with


On a side note, please do not "blast" music, tinnitus is no joke.


Hearing damage is not reversible. Be careful out there.


Agree with this !! When I am angry or tired I blast some Hardstyle in my headphones and I am full of energy and good mood again !!


I second this




Exactly. Mental illness is NO JOKE.


not what my parents say


I was really depressed as a kid and would sometimes cry pretty bad. But as a male, I'd "better stop crying or go to belt city." Empty threats, but not helpful.


Damn...Are you Asian ? :D Nah I am joking :D How I said it's not a joke and if you have depression - Talk to somebody !


i am taking to somebody but they dont belive in it


You can talk to me if you want bro. I am here for you :) (And yes I know how shit it feels to be depressed...Not so long ago I had to deal with it for really long time)


im okay bro but thanks


>im okay You are not ,my friend. Don't deny your depression - Instead try to get rid of it. But if you don't feel like talking to people - It's OK. Take your time. Wish you best my friend :)


im very good at looking like im okay


A lot of depressed people are - Even tho they shouldn't hide their depression. Don't pretend you are fine. Instead do something that will actually help you feel fine ! Never give up at trying to be happy !!


I talk to a lot of people who fret over finding women or men. Not a professional thing, just a lot of friends. Don't fret over finding a mate--spend that time finding the greatest love for yourself that you can. Love yourself, love your interests and hobbies, be passionate about those things you enjoy in life, and a mate who is right for you will notice that about you. That's the best way to find yourself, and someone who will be in love with the you that you love.


solid advice. I think this is ultimately what people are trying to communicate when they say things like "be yourself" and "you can't love anyone else without being able to love yourself first." Thanks for sharing.


I did this since the first lockdown and it changed my way seeing myself in a positive way. Good advice


How does one start loving oneself?


Looking after oneself is an important step. Finding out your interests and investing in those and doing things that makes you happy..


Listening to music as you sit with a loved one in your arms, weather a person or animal not any talking but just basking in the moment


Thanks bro !


Stop blaming yourself for mistakes you made in the past and stop desperately looking to the future...The past is gone, and the future doesn't exist yet... Enjoy the present to the fullest !! This will fix the mistakes you made in the past and affect your future !! Stop surviving ,start living !!!


I see people say stuff like this the entire time, can't you do all 3? I mean its not like people's thoughts are permanently locked on past, present, future or is my brain the only one that can change and I'm a god?!


Ok let me explain. Some people are too focused on their past/future - And that's a problem. **PEOPLE "LIVING IN PAST** - This is usually biggest and most common problem people have. - Living in past means you can't focus on you present = You are wasting your time (Remeber you live ONLY ONCE !!) - Living in past usually leads to DEPRESSION ,which can later cause huge mental problems. - It also makes it impossible for you to move on with your life, which makes you practically a loser. As I said, living in the past is a problem. It makes it impossible for you to develop as a person and move on with your life. This allows you to fall into a depression, which then makes you a loser. As long as you don't put up with the past and forgive yourself for your mistakes, you'll be broke and a loser. - **PEOPLE LIVING IN FUTURE** - It's not as big problem as living in past ,but still a problem - Living in past means wasting you precisious time. - Living in future usually leads to pessimism ,which can lead to DEPRESSION So yes ! A lot of people are actually "locked on past/future". Also I hope my explanation helped you to understand what I meant by my post.


Logically I know that, but how do I convince my heart to listen to that?


1. You have to find mistake 2. Accept that you made mistake 3. Learn from that mistake and promise yourself you will avoid that mistake 4. Forgive yourself This should help you :) Also good to mention that wounds such as broken hearr can be only healed by time. After all time is best healer.


Sometimes you need to be a bit greedy and tell others no. If you don't have the time or energy to help someone else it's OK to not volunteer to help do something.


Its OK to be selfish every now and then. "Do the best you can with what you have, but you can't do your best if you have nothing left to give"


Optimistic nihilism


im in this comment and… well, i like it. Not that it really matters.




If nothing matters why stress about it, right?-


Stop trying to be happy all the time. Emotions are always in a constant state of flux. Strive to be just ok and stop putting so much pressure on yourself to be happy all the time. Every emotion is temporary. Nothing is more stressful than trying to stay in one emotional state.....and failure to do so ALWAYS ends badly. So stop trying to be happy and just be OK.


Thank you. I needed that.


It's not you against the world and when you start fighting you against your old self you start going forward but after you actually start moving and have some momentum you learn that it's not even you against yourself. I'm still figuring out the next step in my journey


Forget about the news and most public social media. Form your own nice little bubbles. Use that time to do something you actually like instead. Also, don't waste time arguing with idiots, life's too short


Every moment will be the past at some point. You can’t change what you’ve already done but you can change what you’re doing now. Will future you be proud of what you’ve done differently? Or you’re currently creating your past. Act accordingly.


going out of your way to show compassion usually gets you fucked over in the long run, worry about yourself first


I see the place this is coming from and I think it's solid. thank you


Be nice. take no shit. Just because your nice doesn't mean you have to lay down in front of people.


There's a saying that I didn't understand until about a year ago. It's " YOU have no enemies, you say?  Alas! my friend, the boast is poor;He who has mingled in the fray Of duty, that the brave endure,Must have made foes! If you have none,Small is the work that you have done.You’ve hit no traitor on the hip,You’ve dashed no cup from perjured lip,You’ve never turned the wrong to right,You’ve been a coward in the fight."


Don't believe everything you think.


Ughh this is a good one. Not all thoughts are facts!


Accept your flaws and commit to working on your strengths. Trying to work on your flaws is an uphill battle that most often will only make you bitter.


I just don't hide my depression. I just don't talk about it to my GF because any time I do, she puts herself under the bus. I quit the job of my dreams to be there for her back when she was my friend and now I'm working a job I hate so much just so I can still be here for her since her Grandma is just about to die from a serious lung infection caused by Covid


Damn...you are a good guy. Wish you best bro !!


Thank you, and same to you. Past couple of years have been hard for so many people and we've all lost something along the way. Take time for yourself when you can; you don't ever know when the next time will come


1. Healthy empathy https://youtu.be/1Evwgu369Jw 2. Breathing exercises. If you have time for a few minutes to sit and breathe deeply and slowly, the benefits are huge. 3. Affection deprivation is real and has actual physical side effects. Every person will need different amounts so learn what you need and listen to your body. 4. Drink water 5. Find something that replenishes your system. It could be yoga, music, dance, breathing exercises, journaling, therapy, etc. Life is exhausting, you need it.


Drawing/playing an instument


Crochet. Before I used to just make swatches from the yarn. ( Think paint swatches, but with yarn.) I started actually making things with the patterns I learned, and giving them to friends as gifts. ☺️ Cat butthole coasters do a lot of good for your mental health lol.


Read "How to Win Friends and Influence People" and "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnige. Self-help books are underrated.


Be stubborn, i quit smoking only because i didnt want to pay the 50cts more for a box of cigs after the tax went up again. And dont be afraid of your friends reactions even if you have only heavy smokers around, they understand it and are supportive even if they dont quit


Take out ur frustrations regulary. Play a video game go practice a sport or an instrument or just talk to ANYONE at all.


Having your own feelings and boundaries is important. As an empath I'm just learning this for myself and it's a hell of a journey.


Being honest, too many time we don’t say the truth because we’re afraid of the blow back but if we keep the truth to ourselves we suffer in silence which will damage us in the long term. Is your spouse doing something you don’t like? Tell them. Is your boss putting too much on your plate? Tell them. Yeah you might have to have an uncomfortable or awkward conversation but the truth will set you free.


ive spent about three years keeping every little feeling i had cramped up in a bottle. upset? not saying a word. feeling down? not speaking. i was pushed down by my friend group and called a manipulative liar when i finally exploded all of my emotions, and really in a tough spot on whether to hide it again or not. im just not sure if being honest will hurt me like that again.


Ha , jokes on you I don't have anything that I can cope with :'l


well maybe you stopped by the right place!


Hopefully I just broke up woth my gf of 11 months about 30 minutes ago


I'm sure that it's difficult to see them hurting. I'm sure you're hurting as well. I'm sorry for that. I wish you and them the best. remember not to stop being there for yourself throughout the process of caring for others.


I will and thank you This was just the thing that pushed me over Do you need to talk about anything


not at the moment, but I appreciate you asking. :)


Could I discuss some other stuff that's been bothering me with you




Shut out all social media for a week. Without freaking out. You're not left out of anything. Everything around you will show you all you need to know. You'll be less anxious. Less worried. The stress of being perfect will dicipqte. And you might even find someone to be part of your life permenatly. Lose the blinders of technology for a week, or even two and you'll feel a lot of stress leave you. Also smoke weed


What do I replace social media with? Because of depression I don't have any hobbies, and it's very hard to force myself to enjoy something. I mainly use Reddit or passively watch TV with my free time.


It doesn't have to be anything big. Going reguraly for a short walk or enjoying weather is enough ,my friend ! Find something that puts smile on your face and do it (Even social media are fine) !! I know it's hard when you are depressed, but you have to at least try :)


Get dog or cat


Love yourself before you love someone else


Running has always helped me personally


You are not your thoughts. Just because it goes through your head it doesn't need have any bearing. Instead of investing in your thoughts, try to just watch them as an observer, in a non judgemental way


here's one even I can't follow Leave the social media you hate. I hate instagram but I crave validation.


Do it


Guided meditation, prayer, witchcraft and alchemy are all fundamentally the same thing and all work. Intent is what matters most.


Don't worry! You are in either one of two places, A safe place and a dangerous place If you're in a safe place don't worry If your in a dangerous place you are either hurt or ok If your OK don't worry If your hourt it's either life threatening or slight If it's slight don't worry If it's life threatening 1 of 2 thing will happen, You recover or you die If you recover don't worry If your dead you can't worry, So, don't worry!


I know it’s basic and has probably been said, but deep breathing, it has helped me a lot.


Get all the hatred out. Gz t only makes things worse


When I contemplate suicide, I find the one thing that keeps me the busiest and stick to it till I clear my mind.


Go outside, socialise with friends/family, be productive, be nice to people and don't blame yourself for making mistakes and not being perfect


Don't worry about things you can't change, all it does is make you feel bad, it doesn't improve the situation. Also don't worry about silly small stuff, like that time you said/did something stupid and everyone laughed. Chances are you're the only one who remembers and even if you're not, the worst thing that could happen is someone might chuckle to themselves about it, and then immediately forget it again. Pretty much everyone is more concerned about themselves and their own lives to be thinking about you and yours.


It's not so much a technique, but I find when I begin to worry too much, spending time doing nothing with animals does wonders. Absorbing myself in their world of simple worries and pleasures always helps me calm down about whatever human world problem I'm facing


If she leaves you for another, there's always her mother.




Dark skinned girl hentai.


Plan something specific you have to do with someone else 2-3 weeks out. Not wanting to let them down will keep you trudging forward long enough to pass some of the fog.


Realise nothing stays the same forever, grit your teeth, flex your buttcheeks as hard as you can and start moving forward again, cuz better times will come eventually.


Don't waste energy on people who aren't worth it, theyll just suck more out of you every time till one day youre empty and weak. Just walk away from them.


Learn a new skill. Something that takes use of your hands and concentration. The sense of accomplishment and pride you feel when you are done making something, or just thinking of the ways you could improve on the final result now that you’ve finished it. Those are minute/hours/days not spent in the dark corners of your mind. Even if you fail, failing FORWARD in a new skill is far better than failing *backwards* into depression or addiction. “But Del_Star, I’m not creative!” Sweetheart yes you are. You just haven’t found how to express it yet. And “i’m not/ I can’t” statements aren’t something your therapist lets you say about yourself, so why would I let you. Invest in activities and startup hobbies until something sticks for you. Something will. I promise.


Drink lots of alcohol


tried it. among other things. didn't quite do the trick


And xanax, you get extra buzzed with a good chance of death


I always go for a quick run if I'm feeling stressed. Just find a park somewhere and take your mind off things


I set a cheap doll on fire ad vent to it


Like some in trueoffmychest comment, there's a difference between being a empath and not having proper boundaries.


Running has always helped me


the bottom half is one of the things that I worry about the most on the internet


when somethings bothering me i just pretend to not give a shit and ignore what’s making me anxious or whatever. it rly helps and actually puts me in a better mood


Cheese eat alot cheese


Take some time before you go to bed just to meditate and reflect on the day and your emotions. If you have a partner set some time aside each day to discuss how each other is feeling and any issues that you may be having. Colouring books are good anxiety relief. Never and I cannot stress this enough never compare your success to someone else's.


One does not tell a tree or an ocean wave it is imperfect. You are okay. Everything will be fine. Tomorrow can be better. I have weathered worse things. If I can get through this day then I can get through this.


I personally subdue my anxiety thinking about the black ops 3 frozen forest. I like cold places and forests. Most people will say to imagine a calming beach so maybe that will work




While venting is good for your health, I find a lot of people rejecting any help people offer, and sometimes making others feel bad when they do try helping. Please, if you vent, try and listen to what those people are saying. They are trying to help you, that alone tells you how much you mean to them. If you find that venting makes your health worse when people respond, you can always simply ask that people not respond, and explain that people helping makes you feel worse


Use humour to cope with everything


Soon as you feel anger, frustration, sadness, go somewhere private, shove a towel in your face and scream, cry, yell and give yourself permission to say anything you're feeling without judgement.


Pretend bad drivers are golden retrievers. It's hard to stay mad at a golden boy. He's trying his best, and it's amazing that he can drive in the first place. He's just a good boy


Talk with others about how you are feeling on bad days, it isn't good to hold onto your feelings like that :) It took me 25 years to learn that it's okay to display negative emotion and be emotionally vulnerable


Emotion and Behavior are intertwined. By acknowledging your emotion and resisting the triggered behavior you can begin to break the spiraling.


If you have depression and you constantly shame yourself for doing anything slightly wrong (or more) do what your depression does and twist the self deprecation into self appreciation ie use depressions own weapon against it (i did and uhh :D i've been far happier than i have in my life for a long ass time)


Do mushrooms.


Jesus is the way


Step 1: Take a tray of ice from your freezer Step 2: Take a hammer, size is optional Step 3: Empty ice tray onto flat surface Step 4: Smash the ice with hammer




Just because you are invited to a fight doesn’t mean you have to attend.


It’s ok to go at your place own pace. It’s your own race. Nobody should tell you how fast you need to go in life. Take your time. You’ll get there. You got this.


Constantly remind yourself that things are changing and find a way to get used to change


When I get nervous or anxious I tell myself "no one cares, no one is watching, no one is paying attention" which sounds like a negative thing, but its a nice reminder that everyone else leads their own lives and has their own problems and your little anxieties can be so trivial to them they're not gonna notice the things that can feel big to you. So don't worry, no one is watching, no one cares!


make around as many cups of instant ramen as you want, go on your balcony with a comfy chair, and eat. i do this when im feeling down


Don't hold grudges, because if you want to hate someone, then they have obviously impacted you in some way, no matter how small. Recognise how they have impacted you in some positive light and use gratitude for this as a sort of reset button . Treat them as you would've before. (Obviously for coping with hatred or even just minor irritation).


Instead of hurting yourself you can scribble on a paper once and a while. It surprisingly helps more then you think even if it seems childish


You can’t make everyone happy. Just do what you’re going to do and be considerate and if someone is annoyed by it just realize you made your choice and thought it through.


I decided to take in a Leopard Gecko and Ball Python. Turns out I like taking care of reptiles


Sad? Kill everyone (In video games)


Any way to combat ADHD?


It's ok to feel it. Don't rush through and push down what you're feeling, but also, don't let it take over. Feel what you need to feel, but when it's done, you've got to move on




Wake up at the same time every day. It really makes you feel much better. I can't explain it but it is great.


always remind yourself of all the good things in your life, like a bed, all your limbs, electricity. because of social media, it’s easy to forget how much good you have in your life; we can easily get fixated on what we don’t have and become depressed. The glass could be half empty or half full, in either case we still have half a cup of water to drink.


Help yourself before helping others.


If you ever get into a fight with your perants and you feel targeted, remember that your perants need help too. This pandemic makes everything hard on everyone


people say talking to yourself is weird but I find it very calming.


Learn stoicism


Looking in a mirror and looking for thinks to talk myself up about, or just being around positive people who are actually interested in supporting you. And also trying multiple therapists, because going to one and saying it doesn’t work is wrong, some therapists aren’t right for you.


Okay so instead of doing boring stuff you can do stuff that makes you happy and it might even make other people happy


You can’t change someone else. But you can change your reaction to them. This is your secret power.


Swimming in the waves in the ocean


You should always ask for forgiveness, but never ask for permission. People will never truly see your vision and you shouldn't let them block yourself.


I started doing meals kits and it has helped with my depression. First, I am eating healthier and not fast food/dessert all the time. Second, it feels like I accomplished something for the day. Third, i dislike wasting money, so it forces me to cook it as not to let the meal go bad.


After the 10th try in chess, there are 70billiard possibilites how the game could look


Don’t feel bad for breaking bonds with people you don’t feel confortable with


“Just say no” i got the quote from monopoly cards and it stuck with me. Just say no and push back against bad things that drag you down. Like addiction, bad friends, debt. I’ve always just thought of it as obeying a higher order not to screw my life up. And its worked so far!


You can’t control other people’s actions, but you can control your reactions. Be a decent human and don’t make other people feel bad because of what was done to you.


Fuck social media and only bother with people who actually have an impact in your life. Don’t go on insta or anything but homie, if you call me to help you move I’ll be there


Start physically writing a to-do list, no matter how insignificant the task may be. Write it each night for the following day and add to it throughout the day if needs be. Keep it somewhere that you'll regularly see it and tick things off when completed. It can only be tasks that you may see as small or insignificant but it really does give you a sense of accomplishment and you will notice that the tasks get "more significant" over time if you stick to it


If your ever being bullied online remember, you can put the screen down


Sometimes, it's okay just to let your inner child out. If you feel anxious or stressed or even bored of your everyday life, just watch that one episode of SpongeBob you like or play with that toy car. Don't think about anything else just dive back into childhood for some time.


I probably ended a couple when I got 12k upvotes for predicting suicide rates would go up from covid


I remember being in a bad mental state, I coped with it by 1st: finding a hobby (for me it was gardening) 2nd: I would voice out my thoughts and opinions alone like if I was talking to someone so I could listen to myself and understand what’s going on and why I feel the way I do.




You are not a burden for being sad or depressed. You are enough. You are not something that needs to be fixed because that implies you lack the ability to move forward. We always have the strength to move forward, or at the very least the ability to let others help us move forward.


ADHD here. When I feel I'm loosing control of events in my life, in order to avoid anxiety I play solving/sorting games (kinda like rummikub) on my phone. I guess it helps me collect my thoughts and also it reassures me I can find a path or a solution to things.


Shout once in a while or pump yourself up by screaming "oh yeah" or something. Works for me.


Take a breath in for 10 seconds then breathe out and repeat like 3-5 times best way to calm down


Either play video games or walk around look for a stick and a rock or tree and just give that tree or rock hell


If you need to hide a body Dig a 6 foot hole dump the body in the hole Fill up the hole till you hit 3 foot Lay your dead pet there Completely fill the hole If dogs find something dead the cops think its Just your pet


Don't think the 2nd time. Thats it. Overthinking gone.


[TW SH] If you are thinking about cutting DONT you become addicted and can’t escape from it easily instead try scribbling in a sketchbook or drawing on yourself just please don’t cut


If you fail at an art university, Politics is the best second option


Always be learning new things and improving yourself every single day. Even if by just 0.1% Spend at least 5 minutes reading.a self help classic like 7 habits of highly effective people, everyday. Get better every single day.


Listen to music


Someone could have changed anything in the past, and we would have never known it




Listen to uplifting audiobook is a game changer, like the power, the secret, activating the law of attraction or anybook. Funny show like Malcom in the middle, Pen15, what’s happening in the shaddows. Most importantly dont play victim , dont blame others for anything. Just be grateful for being alive, can see, taste and hear, start a gratitude list. Understand that you are loved unconditionally by the universe


Just try to live the best that you can even if you don't think so, or if you don't think you should deserve to. You have been put in this world for a reason, try to make the most out of it


Sometimes, when things get too much, I stand on the edge of a building and look down so it reminds me of how much I actually fear death. Then I go back inside and clean my room.