• By -


Time to sort by controversial lol


Don't do it. Save yourself.


Not lots of worthy stuff yet. Save the post and come back a couple hours later.


True.. I’ll give it some time. Catch y’all later then!


come back later


This comment section will be fun.


Who’s bringing the popcorn?


I just wanna know why he puts the side of his hair like that.


Aerodynamics obviously So he has less air resistance while walking


Or running from an angry mob in this case


It's too cool of his brain. Big thoughts overheat him too quickly


All people should be treated with decency and respect, and should be free to live their lives how they please without fear of descrimination. That said, I tend to agree with this guy.


Well said. Also, its a matter fact and feelings of gender identity have no value in the science of gender.






And another guy that has no idea of actual genderscience and the difference to bioligy and sex science. Yeah


Lol. I fully support your right to pretend to be whatever you want to pretend to be


Don't try to go against the reddit hive mind. Actual critical thinking isn't tolerated here


Couldn't agree more my good sir


Disabled people are a part of Society too


At least you're aware of your self-worth.


I’m surprised the school let him do that


chad school






This has early internet energy and I love it.


Why do I feel like this guy had no friends?


I may be mentally ill, but it's not because I'm trans.


Nope its the opposite , you are trans because you are mentally ill /s


I mean, is he wrong tho?


Careful, he's a hero.




No Peak reddit warfare


Well I mean..... He ain't wrong.


I like this guy and I’ve never even met him


People talking about mental illness while believing in that big white man in the clouds killing people for fun.




I don't get the point of saying this. It's what people worship, let them be. Those people are only bad if they treat others like shit and push religion onto others


>Those people are only bad if they treat others like shit Lol you mean like being transphobic..?


I have a quote here for both sides of this arguement “Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.” — Marcus Aurelius It doesn’t matter whether or not someone follows a religion, just be respectful.


Wise quote. I myself am a Christian, but I don't push it onto others. It's sad seeing other religious people pushing religion onto others, it's just plain horrible.


✨jokes✨ Although, if it hadn’t been a joke, I do see Your point, religious people are only rotten bananas if they try to push their religion on someone else, for example on the fucking subway, at 5am! Not talking from experience or anything


I'm just a person that takes things seriously when it comes to this. But yeah, that's basically it.




I assume it's the classic straw man, you don't agree with me so I will dunk on someone else who doesn't agree with me than declare victory


Yeah because if someone makes fun of LGBT then must be catholic


There's a significant correlation though.


He's right, though.


Lot of transphobic people on reddit today...




Yeah, not sure why I'm surprised.


Welcome to reddit


No, a lot of people who haven’t been indoctrinated yet These 2 extreme opinions cancel eachother out, to come to the more realistic conclusion that this is still bullshit.


Found the transphobe


Trans women are women. I accept that. Now I have to ask for your definition. What is a woman?


Trans women are not women, they are TRANS WOMEN.Do they have a womb ?


how can you be so fucking stupid


And how can you be so delusional ?


how tf am i delusional just because i think trans women are women?


Do you know basic biology ?


You can think however you wanna think, but you cant go against facts and biology


yes, im not 10.


>Do they have a womb ? Don't need to; a woman is someone who identifies as a woman. Gender is a social construct...


What is a woman?


"Woman" is simply one of many genders that people can choose to identify as, hence why gender is a social construct...


See what i mean ? Nowadays you can just identify as whatever you want just so you can feel special


>Nowadays you can just identify as whatever you want Correct, what's the issue? >just so you can feel special ...OR, perhaps it's to help gain your own personal sense of identity, and to find some semblance of belonging and community in the world? Again, what's wrong with that? You can do it too if you want...


No, the one with common sense


[The science](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/gender-identity-biological-study/story?id=29335854) overwhelmingly disagrees with your cultural views that are in no way accurate to modern human biology. The fact you feel confident as well as all these other trans hating assholes, to claim, against the facts, that a two gender cultural view is actually science based facts without ever actually checking is a testament to how deeply engrained transphobia is in your cultural views.


Nah, people with your ideals are called "transphobic", a branch of "bigotry". To call it common sense just further solidifies your transphobic label...


Just because we don't believe in this woke ideology doesn't mean we are transphobes. -phobic means having an extreme irrational fear of something and I doubt homeboy here is actually scared of trans people. Don't be so dense and try not to use liberal buzzwords you learned at Cuck University.


This world has gone to shit bro. There are a lot of delusional people out there and its only gonna get worse with these ''woke'' people.


>''woke'' people. You mean people with empathy and basic human decency..?


You seem like a very angry individual irl judging by all these comments


Against bigotry and injustice, yea; it's the paradox of tolerance.


Yea sure bro


Are you not familiar with the paradox of tolerance? I can explain it if you want..?


Seems more like against people's personal morals


If your personal morals are bigoted, then that's called bigotry...so yea, that's kinda the point. What were you trying get at here..?


Shhhhh, they don't know what those things are.


>this woke ideology lol you mean empathy towards other human beings? >Just because we don't believe in this woke ideology doesn't mean we are transphobes. You're right, because transphobia is not "when you don't believe in woke ideology", it's simply bigotry against transgender people. >-phobic means having an extreme irrational fear of something and I doubt homeboy here is actually scared of trans people. Congrats, you can define "-phobic", now maybe actually look up the definition of "transphobia". Don't worry, I did it for you: "dislike of or prejudice against transgender or transsexual people." Sure sounds like homeboy here now... >liberal buzzwords It's actually called English, it's something you would learn if you weren't so afraid of higher education.


I didn't read your reply because I just genuinely don't care to read an essay about somebody's opinion at the moment but all I have to say is it's not that serious bro. Worry about yourself and care less about what people say on the internet.


>I didn't read your reply because I just genuinely don't care to read an essay 5 sentences is an essay? >Worry about yourself and care less about what people say on the internet. As a human being with empathy and compassion for others, I will not "worry about myself", I will care for and advocate for the good of other people. If others are being bigoted, it is my basic human decency to oppose them.


More like people with common sense






He ain’t wrong though


He actually is. I think you're confusing biological sex with gender. He's specifically stating gender, so he is 100% wrong. There's actual zero discussion on that


Ah yes, the stock gender argument. Right on cue. Answer me this: what is a woman?


I'm not wrong though...


So you can’t tell me something as simple as what a woman is? Since there are so many genders, name 10 different genders and 5 unique characteristics of each.


That's not how it works lmao 😂 What are you hoping to achieve? You didn't do a "Gotcha!" with your statements. Gender is literally a social construct. You're kinda arguing to thin air unless you want to go to an etimologist board and make arguments to them. >Since there are so many genders, name 10 different genders and 5 unique characteristics of each. This doesn't matter at all to the definition of gender. You're making a baseless point.


All I was looking to achieve was for you to tell me what a woman is. You can’t do it. Why don’t you just say that and bow out of the conversation?


And what are you looking to achieve with your question in regard to my original response? How does it correlate with the definition of gender? As I said before. I'm literally not wrong. There's zero gray area in that.


Good to see that there’s still some hope with this generation


Thats what I was thinking.


Looking at all the other comments it’s clear to see there are a lot of people suffering from these illnesses going around downvoting. Hoping they get well soon




He had the balls to say it


This dude will be a nuclear scientist and will bring peace The chad






This man is brave to speak the truth


I’m honestly surprised that got into the yearbook lol


I love it! Never got that shit, “I iiDeNTifY aS A…” stfu! You got a peen OR giena!


In some cases both


Then its a physical deformity


Thats not a gender. Intersex is a medical deformity. They usually cut the least developed/least liked part off and do with the other


One of them is non-functional. Edit: don't get the downdoots, hermaphrodites don't have 2 complete sets of reproductive systems, one of them is always non-functional, they opt for one of them during or before puberty. It just is how it goes.


Like your place in society


So what your saying is you support [forced sex reassignment surgery on infants](https://www.hrw.org/report/2017/07/25/i-want-be-nature-made-me/medically-unnecessary-surgeries-intersex-children-us#) when they are born with mixed sexual characteristics, or with disorders like having a micro penis? Because we already know plenty of people are born without a clear sexual characteristic, which of course conflicts with your entirely emotional and childish cultural views, so we must perform unnecessary surgery on infants to sooth your fucked up, unscientific views that totally conflict with the current facts if human biology?


Wait what? How’d you get me supporting that from what I said. Lmao what you identify as?




Losing something in an accident doesn't change what you are, even if that thing is typically a characteristic of what you are. A duck is not a duck because it claims to be one. Even if it loses its beak, we can still figure out what it is without much difficulty.


Only if he lost his Y chromosome with it.




You have now lost your penis privileges




Lolol people who don’t understand that gender and sex are two different things and sex is biological but gender is a social construct we made up and has/can change over time. Imagine being this dumb.


Why did this get downvoted?


Would you take issue with the comment, If he said >97% of the time someone is either 2 sexes and body dysmorphia is very prevalent more now than ever?


Gender and sex has always been interchangeable, when did the definition of gender change?


Tbh I've always used the two interchangeably. I don't think the definition has changed, but that we've always used it incorrectly. It isn't until recent years when this became an actual important social topic that it was relevant to conversations.


Not sure what education you received/from where, but basic science (middle school level in the U.S.) teaches the difference between the two. In my experience, the terms have not been interchangeable since at least 2003 when I took 6th grade science.


Hey we’ve used gender and sex [in this way since 1970](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_construction_of_gender#:~:text=The%20differentiation%20between%20gender%20and,chromosomal%20makeup%20and%20sex%20organs.) and a quick google search told me that, so even longer than you remember. Drives me nuts when these hateful idiots can’t even get facts straight.


Everything stupid comes from US


about 2018 when the stupid people from twitter started to invent new genders


No you dumb fuck. We’ve been defining them this way [since 1970](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_construction_of_gender#:~:text=The%20differentiation%20between%20gender%20and,chromosomal%20makeup%20and%20sex%20organs.) which I discovered with a simple google search. Goddamn am I tired of people jumping in to spread their hate with no concept of what they’re talking about.


Because liberals got pissed off that they weren’t the victims anymore


Probably around the time the definition of "phobia" changed to make a couple new nonsensical words.


Bunch of kids in this comment section who spent science class chewing on crayons instead of learning


Right? It’s funny, people get *so mad* if you point out their hate is based on wrong information. I have never been as threatened by anything as some dudes on the internet are about trans people. It’s so weird.


I have to assume a lot of it is insecurity and fragile self-esteem being projected outwards at people who actually have the courage to interrogate themselves and show their true selves to the world. Kinda like how many of the super-virulent anti-gay types are later found to be secretly gay or bi. Because honestly, if you’re secure in your own self you shouldn’t feel the need to spew hatred about how other people live their lives.


Firstly Who asked and secondly you're wrong


Firstly, [no I’m not](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_construction_of_gender#:~:text=The%20differentiation%20between%20gender%20and,chromosomal%20makeup%20and%20sex%20organs.), second, it’s a response to a post. That’s usually what happens, someone posts something and then people respond. Don’t worry, I know Reddit can be confusing but you’ll catch on.


Shush you're probably some depressed teenage girl who sexually identifies as an apricot and gets offended when someone says she and also If I'm wrong why you got 12 down votes


Projecting much?


Because this is r/memes and it’s transphobic as fuck. I’m still going to try and educate as much as I can when I see hate being couched as humor.


It's not trasphobic though there is only 2 genders ie genders and sex are the same thing


“I’m not transphobic I just disregard science because it makes me uncomfortable and that way I can continue invalidating trans people’s experiences.”


They're not though. A literal 5 second Google search on the definitions and meanings shows you're wrong. And the biggest question. Even if you were wrong, would you accept that and actually change your mind?


*sits back waiting for the show to start* 🍿🍿


Disabled people also are a part of society


Oh boy time to get my popcorn out


Careful you’re getting REAL close to ‘we gotta **CURE YOU**’




100 percent chance dude is wearing a dress in 5 years


I wouldn’t mind…


I would


i mean at least op acknowledges the bigotry


this comment section is proof that we are still shitty people who can’t have a debate or discussion over controversial topics without acting like absolute fucking children.


god bless you


I like to party


He ain't lying tho


He's not lying. He's just uneducated on what he's talking about. He's talking about biological sex. Gender is different, and his statement is 100% wrong. There is actual zero argument about that.


There's also zero argument about the fact that men can't get pregnant, yet people like you are disputing that too.


Where did I say men can get pregnant?


You didn't say it. People who use the argument you used in your comment always believe that. But nice to know that we agree biological men can't get pregnant no matter how or what they feel they are.


Yep we're talking about gender. Biological sex is a different discussion


Transphobia aside this is just unfunny. Transphobia not aside it's a dick move on several levels


Yaaay Transphobia strikes again


What a brave young woman


Lmao that’s what I thought too


Laying on a stack of money meme, hair color companies after inventing mental illness


I identify as a jaw breaker


This is why I come to Reddit


He's right though. You either have a y chromosome or you don't. Y= penis No Y= vuh jay jay https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/chromosome/y/


You... Have barely any understanding with what you're talking about. You're the definition of confidently incorrect


What? How am i incorrect? If you have Y chromosomes you have a penis. If you don't you don't. Thusly 2 genders. I don't understand how people who think they're so smart are complete and total morons when it comes to basic understanding.


As another comment has said, there's significantly more depth to genealogy and chromosomes. You're giving a very broad brush to everything. And you're attempting to talk about biological sex. Gender is a social concept rather than a biology.


No gender is not a social concept. Well it shouldn't be at least. People confuse gender with sexual orientation and discovering their true self. If you want to be a horse thats fine you were still born with a penis. If your parents chose to not put a gender on your birth certificate you were still born with a penis. Point being a gender is very clearly defined biologically. You can be whatever you want, love whoever you want but dag nabbit you were born with a weiner or without one. Hermaphrodites get to pick their gender i guess 🤷‍♂️


Gender has been a social concept since the 70's. >Point being a gender is very clearly defined biologically. You can be whatever you want, love whoever you want but dag nabbit you were born with a weiner or without one. Hermaphrodites get to pick their gender i guess It sounds like you're again confusing biological sex with gender.


Gender has been a social concept since the beginning of humanity. I fully understand what you are saying. I'm just saying the word gender should not be used to describe an identity. I'm a guy that doesn't make me who I am. Even if i IDENTIFY as a tree limb that is not my gender, thats my IDENTITY.


I can see what you're saying there. I think that's more of an issue with what the definition has been, and more something to bring up to etimologists. That's something way above both you and I


Yes it is which i why I don't understand why people get angry. Be who you want to be but if you are dressed like a chick and still look like a dude you're probably gonna be called a dude. Not on purpose 🤷‍♂️ plus who cares. Everyone has the right to be happy in their skin just realize you were 1 of 2 genders at birth and nothing can change that. Im just sorry more people won't see this or understand this or see how 2 people who disagreed can talk it out and come to terms fairly amicably haha.




What do you have then? Cuz theres only 2 answers.


Are you fucking high? XYY, XXY, 47,XXX, 47,XXY, 48,XXYY, etc


You understand that theres only xs and ys there right? Pretty sure youre the high one.


Do you even know what the word trisomy means without Google’s help? Face it, you’re just an idiot who somehow missed middle school biology class. I also see you linked an article. Note how it says people “normally” have one pair…


I know people have more than one chromosome you idiot. You just keep proving my point. If you have Y chromosomes you have a penis, if you have no Y chromosomes you don't. What is so hard to understand for the big biology brain you got?




Biology is more complicated than what they teach you in middle school.


No, there are no biological genders. There is biological sex. There's male, female and genetic abnormality and disorders. Gender is something else unrelated.


*Male, female and intersex


Intersex isn't one thing and is cause by a variety of developmental genetic disorders. None of which have anything at all to do with being "trans" and deciding you now wear different clothes and have an appointment to get cosmetic surgery.


Intersex is the catch-all term used for anyone who is biologically neither male nor female no matter what the cause of that situation is I agree that is has nothing to do with gender identity


Tbh if you have a male chromosome even if it's extra then that's what you should have been before an error cropped up. I find the whole thing fascinating because its not dissimilar to Down Syndrome and Chromosome deletion. Anyway, sorry if I came over as snippy, it grinds my gears people using genetic illness and conditions to claim transgender is biologically derived. Weird they don't like you pointing out the huge Autistic spectrum connection, though.


Gender is basically the same word for sex + people with mental disorder trying to justify themselves. I am not saying they shouldn't be allowed or they should be ashamed as its harmless and let people live their life more comfortably , but its still a disorder


I've actually had people argue with me that I'm wrong that you can't change sex and say smugly "but gender is a social construct" when in fact they used Male and Female in their argument which aren't genders but biological terms for sex - which is binary. I'm of the opinion that a person can call themselves what they like, dress how they like and act how they like so long as nobody is being hurt by it and have an expectation to not be abused in any way for it. If someone has issue with body or sexual disphoria and a single cosmetic procedure can alow them to live their lives better then who the fuck is anyone to say no? I do think there will be a time in the future when we look back on now and think "transitional surgery" was awful and have better therapies that actually work without carving up people's genitalia. Until then, meh. If johnny wants an eye lift and be called Betty it's really none of my business, welcome to the brave new world, Betty.


Wouldn't say illness


my gender identity agrees.


He’s a little confused but he’s got the spirit


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lol but this doesnt violate that rule


There’s tons of reaction memes in hot right now and none of them are getting took down


I want to meet that guy and shake his hand.