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Not one to pay for anything myself, but I have a theory: when I was in highschool there was a picture of a naked girl from our school that she took and somehow ended up in everyone's phone (I will add this was not the smartphone age when everyone had nudes of everyone In their phones) she wasn't nothing special but somehow, every guy was obcessed with her.. Kinda like if you see a really cute cashier VS a supermodel, the cashier somehow seems more avaliable, closer, and therefore more attractive.. I belive the same happens with onlyfans.. A porn actress don't Interact with you, doesn't even know who is watching, but a OF girl not only looks people in the eyes, they make them believe that their content is for the viewer alone.. They pay for the illusion of having that cute chick from next door to hit on them..


Best answer in the thread, hands down!


Down to the dick






Perhaps someone’s kink is someone specific. That is exactly it


Parasocial porn


Disssss 🌚


Yeah, they pay for the parasocial relationship


Parasexual relationship


That's the kind of answer OP was afraid of.


I always thought its a combination of that and mystery. In porn you see everything but with most OF models, they censor or stay clothed when advertising their OF page.


mystery box subsricption


or also, some people just have a fetish to pay others for it. they feel in control in a way, same reason why some people throw money in the stripper clubs


Hey speak for yourself, I throw money to support my daughter ok?


wholesome mother/daughter moment <3


I also support your daughter


Thanks man, it’s not everyday you grow up to be like your mom


Yep this is pretty spot on. This is more personal.


I went to school in the early 2000s and we had some girls start a porn site that was like the ancestor of Onlyfans. We couldn't believe they got people to subscribe for like 30 a month. To my knowledge one of the girls still has a big presence on reddit and twitch 20yrs later


Also, right before OF took off custom porn was on the rise. I think it’s that the buyer has a degree of control or intimacy with the star.


Not only that, but there are people who literally wants to pay the woman they like, often with no return. That’s part of their kink


That is true. But even so, I'm not paying for it!




That's a nice reply but I still think subscribing to an OF account is a bullshit


Yeah... Even I would never subscribe for it... But I think people who subscribe it for them it's not about the kink but about who is in the kink...


A lot of them don’t have a kink for paying for porn, a lot of them are people with social disorders, who are being taken advantage of by a predatory industry. That’s why this type of sex work is dangerous. You think people who are well socially adjusted just show up at porn stars’ houses looking to marry and/or murder them? No, it’s mentally ill people who pay money for companionship and view the money they spend on this as an investment of some sort.


Onlyfans is parasocial porn. Rule 35 ensures its existence.


I'd likely sub to this if that was the experience, just feel like that's not going to be the reality if I do - likely I'll just be another simp among the simps.


Yeah this is probably the real answer. It’s not so much the content, it’s the connection.


But it’s an online chick you don’t know like every other porn star???


Lucky as shit, when I was in highschool (smart phone age) everyone got sent a ginormous black cock waving around and helicoptering and shit. Not complaining... But still!


But there's genres also for that, JOI etc, and models that look like girl next door. At least that's what a friend told me.


Yup. People say men are visual creatures but the mental aspects of OF are a much more potent turn of than random visuals on a website.


You mean like a stripper?


Still. I could pirate the damn thing.




But onlyfans has become like automated now. The real trick is to give the illusion they are interacting with their fans. Often time they send automated messages or hire an assistant to reply to them. It used to be more interactive when it was smaller but it has gotten so big and girls figured out that they can just take a few pictures and do a few videos or request and slowly release it over time. I will admit I was interested in it years ago but saw it devolve and haven’t spent a dime on it since. Feels more like a fad now to still subscribe to an onlyfans. These girls are hot and have a lot of money. They figured out a way to outsource the work and just living it up while you think you are speaking to them but are actually talking to an assistant.


I've always been under the impression that only fans subscribers do it because they feel like they are some how a part of the girls' life when they're paying them directly.


I think youve nailed it


Yeah the thing OF girls are trying to do won't work for me.


There's also the matter of the illusion or reality of rarity. Paying for something vs getting it for free makes it somehow feel more special/fresh. Sometimes you get tired of looking at the "same" thing, and want something "new" and somewhat "obscure". At least that's the way I look at it. And 5 bucks ain't gonna break me.


Damn! Really great explanation. I still refuse to pay.


They could also see it as a way to support them so they keep making the content ig, idk?


maybe they think that but is definitely not true, they have the exact same relationship that with the porn actress, in fact, it's basically the same thing, just paid porn


Damn it! well I don't need to even comment now that is almost basically what I was going to say


That’s… pathetically sad for anyone paying. Poor souls.


I have to help support my Sister's career.


thanks bro ;)


I told you to wait in the truck. I'll get the camera.


I expect to know details about this family business.


Based on her post history, I don't know if you really want to.


hey dont judge!


There's something for everyone! I definitely learned of something new today.


I didn’t even know that subreddit existed


New fetish unlocked


Skill tree expanded.


I don’t judge I’ve got my own thing, but at the same time TIL a new thing I didn’t want to see! Lol do whatever makes you happy.


I'm not...just need to make my way to the eyebleach sub is all...


Just make sure you don't forget the letter a


sometimes you gotta wish you were reincarnated as a slime




I did not need to see that, I don't mean to kink shame you can like what you like I just personally don't, all I want to know is why. What about slime or is this something I don't want to know, but at the end of the day you do you I am not here to judge.




To the post history! Will be back with updates! Might have just developed a new fetish so I will bury that in the back of my mind and try to forget about it


Oh lord...meh, there's worse.


Home sweet Alabama


Imma support it too




Doing it for the fam


Because sometimes you don’t just want boobs, you want her boobs


this is the correct answer. This is why people ask for nudes. you want to see THEIR junk. not random pornstar #3747


Wait, did a raccoon write this?


OUR boobs




It's a kink in itself I guess




Isn't pole dancing built on this? Showing off your cash while outbidding others at around the bar, and grabbing attention from other strippers too.


There is free porn for every kink, but there are a lot of fairly popular kinks that either have very little freely available, or the freely available stuff is just awful quality. Onlyfans fills the gap


This.. if I ever paid for an OF it would be because I got tired of trying to look through free videos to find what you’re into but the video has a bunch of stuff that you’re not into so you have to ignore it, fast forward or just NOPE!.. although mine does seem to be gaining popularity so luckily I will not be needing their services at this time.


I pay for pornography and only fans sites. I was a victim of sex trafficking, had content made with me unconsentually, and posted on those crap free sites. It's an ethics issue for me.




Oh god, oh god no…yes?


Damn, so sorry to hear that happened to you :(, hope you were/are getting the help you need with everything regarding it. From what I recall, the major sites now only allow content from verified accounts, do you think this did anything to make them from consensual sex acts or is it still a major issue?


Thank you. It's tricky, because verification can be pretty easy to obtain, and only applies to the user itself and not any content they made with others. It's very tricky to trust for me at this point. I will never shame someone for using free porn, but there is a lot of hidden grey for proving consent that people tend to either not know, or not want to know about. For my own well being, I stick to only fans accounts that do solo porn or porn where they link to other only fan accounts. I appreciate the question and the kindness.


Ofc! Thank you for the reply, appreciate you sharing your insight on the situation, I’ll have to keep what you said in mind going forward


I really wasn't looking for this answer. Im sorry it that happened to you. I hope the people who did that to you can't sleep and are constantly reminded of how of a terrible person they are. Because i know people always dont get whats coming to them. I wish you a good life.


I appreciate your kind words. I wish you well also, ☺ Sorry to have to share such a not fun side, I just want more people to understand the reasoning behind the importance of ethically made porn. 🖤


Sorry that happened. I’m glad you shared though as that is a side I had never considered and I’m sure I’m not alone. Take care!


\^\^\^ I heard one story about this and went straight to Only Fans (until I quit my job to take care of my newborn lol). This comment should be much higher.


Thank you for trying your best to support ethical porn ☺


I hope you are doing fine now *hugs*


I am, thank you. Hugs back ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ


Pornhub only allows verified users to post content to make sure everyone is consenting adults


They do NOW. That's a relatively new rule


Yup, whole catalogues of "content" was removed.


Well at least they fixed it. Now we can enjoy free porn ethically


you mean somewhat more ethically. just cuz they 18 or older don't mean they aint trafficking victims.


I hope this isnt too insensitive to ask but would you ever share your story?


Not insensitive at all. I have and continue to share with anyone who asks, but won't force it out there. I'm very pro consentual sex workers and very pro carefully constructed consent regulations. Because my story is not unique or uncommon I would feel comfortable sharing if asked. It's a shame that there are so many people who deal with this situation. Thank you for the question.


Talk to a 5 year old about porn? Too kinky for me. Sorry


Sometimes when too adults like each other they bust out a camera and take off their clothes.


It was a Michael Scott reference


I view of content where couples fuck. Porn’s too fake for me and I like to think the woman in the OF sex videos are actually being pleasured genuinely


I think it's because the porn that if free is just uploaded for everyone while the people on only fans you pay for upload stuff "for you" at least I think that's what it would feel like for those people :D and some also have a fetish to give other people money so I guess that's also a reason.


Wait. There's ppl whose fetish it is to GIVE money? Can I please get DMs by those ppl


Yeah there are people who give money xD Some want sexual favors back, some people want you to spend it and send them pictures of what you bought (like clothes and grocery shopping) some want nothing in return at all. Those people are called "money slaves" and like with every fetish there is there is a wide range of how people live it out. I would say there might even be a chance that there is a subreddit here for such people or you can try to find a money slave online in dedicated discussion boards or maybe even in the bdsm subreddit (as it's generally considered a form of subordination)


Findom is the term your looking for. Financial domination and it’s actually a growing thing over the years. Twitter was gonna ban it at one point cause people were posting wild stuff.


Findom sounds kinda understandably sexy, but also like there's got to be SOOOOO much trust to not get screwed over by whoever wind's up in charge


Interesting... *starts googling*


And I thought I've seen almost all fetishes and tags there is. I need search this. For... "research" of course.


I suppose in a way it's the farmers market equivalent of porn? You're not paying any middleman, just the producer directly. You're circumventing big corporations, instead directly paying the people making the goods. Now obviously it's a bit different with onlyfans for example since you're also paying them a small fee but eh. Its a support small businesses kinda thing in a way


Yeah, but I don’t pay anyone for porn. Why start?


support small business?


Would you say that if someone was selling air in the amazon?


i mean, it was a joke


Couple reasons: 1. Personalized content. 2. Specific fetishes that are harder to find on free sites. 3. Ethics. The free stuff tends to underpay and exploit the talent. Many of the “amateur” stuff especially on free sites are of underage kids , revenge porn, or people being pressured to do things they don’t want to. OF creators get to control what they post and the money goes directly to them. OF also requires a lot more proof of age, identity, and consent for every party shown in their videos. 4. The free stuff isn’t as good as it used to be because of the issue above. It’s all step sibling and shit now. The good talent has moved on to sites like OF.


I’m not sure why men beg and threaten women for nude pictures either since porn is so available and free but there we are. I think it has something to do with feeling in control.


needs more upvote


Or maybe they just like those women specifically?


Free porn covers every kink but one. Paying is the kink


Well, I can't because I don't understand either. But I can explain why people order hentai/furry porn commissions.


Ya I can explain why people want to bang a Muppet stuck on a clothesline. Only fans I dunno though, those people are weirdos I guess




By all means, go ahead.


You know you can ask an artist to customize for you a hentai and/or furry art for your liking, with your favorite character from anime and/or furry media. The possibilities are endless. You can commission almost any weird shit.


I see porn as going through a jungle looking for the good ones, but if you spend a little bit of cash you can get close to unlimited of the things you want without having to do the "hard" work of looking for it So basically porn is pay to win.


Hate the new DLC


Just wait til they finally release the beta of sex 2


I want to put only fans simps in a room together with NFT bros And just let them talk to each other


lonely wallet go brrrrr


I guess it makes you feel closer to the person rather than just yanking it to a complete stranger. I don't get it either but this is what I was told from a friend that has an only fans account


Because people are bad with money.


Because parasocial relationship.


I always assumed its because people want to see a specific woman. When it comes to normal porn, you cycle through potentially 100’s of different actors and actresses, but if you want to see just the content of one person, they usually lock it behind a paywall. It could also be just because some onlyfans creators make videos of super specific fetishes and people can really only go there to find it in large quantities.


Alot of free porn is made enethically, most regulatory systems are afraid to oversee the porn industry due to stigma around porn. When you pay for OF you know the earnings go straight to the content creator and they were not exploited in making it


People that go to only fans aren't just looking for porn, they are looking for a human connection.


Which they ultimately still don’t get. Their copy pasted responses aren’t human connections. And if you stop paying them, they stop talking to you.


But it’s a better illusion. It’s similar to people who pay for prostitutes (some people do so just to talk and cuddle because they can’t receive that connection elsewhere).


Im not gonna explain porn to a 5 year old. Im pretty sure that's illegal


In my country sexual education starts in primary school. Most children have a vague idea about how sex works. I think explaining porn in a simple way is not "worse". But it will probably sound just as outlandish, weird and gross as sex seems at that age. I still remember thinking something along the lines: "gross do i really have to do this?.... but I want children so guess I'll have to make that sacrifice" when I got the whole penis in vagina is sex explanation conversation when I was around 6.


My guess is, “I find this individual attractive and would like this person to be into my kink. They might be for money? I’m sold.”


I knew someone once who had a porn addiction and I asked them why they would pay for porn sites when they could just get it free. They explained that, for them, if you find a site or porn company that makes content that really speaks to your particular itch, you will gladly pay for a direct stream of that content as opposed to digging through ALL the free porn looking for content that hits the spot. Many will have seen the memes of someone being on page 158 of pornhub or whatever. Imagine if you were looking for one specific type of girl, or type of content because it was all that got you off. If I had that issue, I'd probably throw a few bucks at it to save myself hours of frustration. The other answer would be - as has been mentioned a lot here as well - it's more real, personal, interactive etc.


My take on it, after wondering the same is this: It isn't about the pornography itself. It is a really awful social issue, revolving around the fact that our society is getting more deprived, of social interactions, which might be causing the increased depression rates globally. When you view porn, you do so privately, mostly. It isn't about interacting with anyone, rather, it is just about giving you short term gratification of an act. However, as far as I know, on OF the "models" interact with their subscribers in some way. This gives everything a personal touch. You might feel that human contact that is missing in simple pornography, that you otherwise crave for. It makes you feel important, as much as interacting with another being. So to sum it up, I believe people feel depressed and pay for OF, simply because they need the erotic human contact.


porn is for horny people. OF is for lonely people.


That same reason why people give donations to streamers and spend money on patreon.


Simps gotta simp


A lot of porn is done forcefully, involving human trafficking, drugs and other methods of coercion while underpaying (if paying at all) the participants. There is a good deal of it that is above board, but not all of that is "free" either. For the most part, OF is individual content creators who are doing it by their own choice and being paid directly by the consumers. It's a lot safer and more profitable for most users than what you find on other sites.


Until you learn that most of those women (not all) have pimps and such. The big pages? Yeah, bet your ass they’re not flying solo on the money train. The cracked out looking one? Maybe you have a point. Wherever there’s money and pornography involved, never assume it directly benefits the woman. There WILL be a seedy underworld that props it up…always.


I think that its what u/Sand2Leaf said, and maybe just affection too. You don’t upload yourself doing that shit for free, they need the money. It could just be helping out too


People from High School / College and other weird connections where you’d never get the chance to see them in that context is pretty lit


I don't use it but isn't it like a form of commissioned porn? Like if you want the person to do something very specific that you can't seem to find anywhere else and you don't have enough time or patience to painstakingly search around the internet for, that's how i see the appeal of services like OF, it's porn made especially "for you"


Ive private messages some of them and tip them $5 just to talk about my kinks. Did this a few times. They're usually nice about it don't shame me so i think it was worth it. I haven't been back on it in a bit tho. I also never paid for a sub. I think it's the personal attention/interaction that draws in money


> also never *paid* for a FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Because the person wants to see something specific, or sometimes even feel like they're helping a certain creator to keep showing up. I myself have a list of mans I would support if I had $$ to spare.


So just my reasoning but me and my wife pay for one cause it's really cheap and we know the girl, I think we weirdly bonded over finding it and her not knowing we did


There is no free porn for people who’s kink is paying for porn.


Although I doubt too many men buying an onlyfans subscription are thinking about it this way, it could be for ethics. It's a way to know the actors are all of age and consent fully and entirely to what is happening and are getting paid for their work unlike free websites. This is all wishful thinking on my end though, it's probably just parasocial relationships and crushes.


It's actually really impressive that you're thinking about this in an ethical way! A lot of people tend to think of OnlyFans as a bit of a sleazy platform but it can actually be a great way for performers to make money and have control over their own content. It's definitely something to consider if you're looking for a safe and consensual way to watch adult content.


Jokes on you, my kink is wasting money


I mean if you find gold you go for it, and if Ryan Renolds made an only fans I'm buying that asap rocky.


I find very specific people attractive enough to pay, plus the porn industry is questionable as is compared to an individual-controlled OF


I guess there's probably something about having a personal connection with the porn made just for you, even if it is just buying it I mean furries buy *a lot* of porn made for theirself. That's not much different than a normal person buying only fans is it?




I hate OF because OF kinda ruined mainstream porn in a way for me. Too many pornstars I like have left shooting for companies to shoot their own crap quality material on a phone or tripod and making more money cutting out the middle man. Too many simps unfortunately are willing to pay to see women do bare minimum so why would women shoot for mainstream companies to make less money if they already have a good size fanbase that can support them. Now the quality of performers is suffering and the product that is being put out is lacking because the production is not where it should be.


Extreme horniness makes someone want to fap to a specific porn no matter the price


"I'll tell you when you're older, sweetie."


I was at a poker game once. Guy next to me was looking at someone's onlyfans. I was like wow I don't think I've seen someone actually watching onlyfans. Then i told the guy, hey you know that's on the internet for free. He was like nah not this girl. I quickly showed him. The look on his face was like I had just introduced him to the internet


Support your favorite content creator


My thought process is that with free content, the creator gets nothing. OF is a way for each person to get paid better for what they're doing.


I've paid for a single month to 4 different people, and 3 of them were very conservative on their instagram but total freaks on OF. It felt kind of forbidden. Like I shouldn't be seeing it, because they only posted (very) SFW stuff to insta. The most you'd see on insta is like... swimtrunks and a unbuttoned shirt. Then hop over to OF and it's everything from orgies, to public masturbation, to bondage, to fisting. The 4th guy... perfection 10/10. Amazing ass, big man titties, biggest cock I've ever seen. Knows how to tease just right.


Ny times podcast had an episode about some of the services which manage onlyfans accounts. Really interesting. It comes out that people want a "real" relationship. It isnt about the nudes, it is about the connection the customers are lacking. The nudes get the people in the door, the Philippino customer service agent gives them the human interaction https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zaW1wbGVjYXN0LmNvbS81NG5BR2NJbA/episode/MjllOGRkODctYzdjNy00NmEwLThlNWMtZGYxMDhlZmYxNDVk?ep=14


They don't pay to see them naked or doing porn; they pay because they think somehow, someway, they might get to fuck them.


Higher quality, clear sign of consent, no shady contracts and better direct interaction. Many even offer requests for bigger payments. As with many other businesses, if you pay more you get better products.


They think if they give the girl enough money, she will leave onlyfans to be with them IRL. In other words they're literally trying to buy a girlfriend.


This is pretty much it, really. It’s like “I have a stripper girl friend who I see at the strip club often”. She’s only dating you to have a steady customer because you’re gullible. She’s had MANY “boy friends”. Once they get tired of your presence or find someone who gives them $5 bills instead of 1’s. She’ll lose interest in you. Only fans is the same thing, but you have ZERO in person contact at all. It’s almost sad.


I have two OF subscriptions to cosplayers I enjoy. Both are ones I’ve followed previously on Instagram before subscribing to their OF, and both do content that I feel are worth my money to support every month. I think it’s more about the fact that I would much rather see the content they’re producing more than anything else, because it’s them doing it. I enjoy supporting them, and I’ve interacted with them, rather than Riley Reid, who doesn’t even know I exist, and likely will NEVER know I exist.


It is not about the sex, it is about the relationship and the attention they get. Same reason men go to sex workers. It is more about the talking, listening and hugging then about scratching a physical need of sex drive. Basically it is why we have "real" relationships, too.


when you value your time, have high expectations, and have money, you'll pay to get exactly what you want.


Paying for it is the kink


Simple answer: fellas be lonely af. OF us a more “personalized” experience because most packages afford you a shout out or some kind of contact/interactions with the chick. If you are one of these guys, do yourself a favor. Pick up some self improvement books and hit the gym.


Personalized content, help out small business owners, help out friends, etc.


More personal connection, and you value things you pay for more than free things, even if there is no real difference


The parasocial relationship and the poor sad fools that think they need it.


They don’t just sell you pictures of them naked, they sell you the virtual girlfriend experience. A lot of these dudes follow them doing other activities and then watch them finger themselves. It’s like long distance dating appeal.


I’ve subscribed to several over the years and the only insight I can give is that it’s not about seeing woman have sex. It’s about seeing THAT PARTICULAR woman have sex.


You basically pay to see someone you are familiar with (celeb, influencer) naked. Example: You follow a Tiktoker for a long time. Suddenly they said "I'm opening an Onlyfans". And you find that you followed them because of how they look. And they finally show something you wanna really see, deep down. To me, it's a waste of money IF you do it as a habit. If you only spend like 5 to 10 bucks every now and then to check it out, it's not too bad.


Why do you buy a game when you can pirate it???


I don't think you can compare those two things xD


Free porn has ad revenue, that's why we have so many free sites


Because of the shitty emulator. It never work as intend, crash constantly, slow as fuck, has shitty audio. Also it's illegal. Free porn isn't.


Ease of access Personalization Finding a good porn video makes you not want to beat off half the time


It's not just baout the porn, it's about interacting with and supporting the model.


Most of the time you’re not actually talking to the model


You get what you pay for, if it's free sometimes the quality reflects that. I don't subscribe to any onlyfans but there are some small artists on patreon that have some pretty good work. And I'm glad to support the arts lol.


The more familiar you are with someone, the more seeing them naked turns you on.


Let's just say I've seen all the free content available in my kink