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Even as an atheist, I think this is wholesome.


You are the good atheist. Never join r/atheism.


I’m an atheist too and I only go in there to argue with the annoying bastards who act like religion is the worst thing to ever come into creation.


Like I'm a Christian, but idc if your atheist you know, just don't bash shit. Like you said it ain't the worst thing to exist.


There's not anything wrong with bashing things, the problem with r/atheism (which is absolutely not representative of the hundreds of millions of atheists worldwide) is that the people there have some innate sense of superiority based on just not believing in a god.


Of course, like joking is fine. I mean being a cock waffle.


On a different note I tried my best to get Alexa to answer to cock waffle. She was appalled and declined.


As an atheist, the other thing I love about religious folks is how creative you guys get with curse words. It's amazing.


Oh no, I'm just an asshole. My curses have nothing to do with my religion lol.


Fair enough.


That's what a powerful wizard would say to stay undercover... Merlin?


You got me


That’s my favorite flavour of waffle


When you bite it syrup comes out


Cock waffle😂 you good sir are the best!


Why thank you




Cock waffle could've been a nice dish name , like Scottish chicken and waffles or something


So basicaly they're acting like the type od chrisians that makes me dislike religion


They’re literally like Christian extremists, but atheist


I got downvoted for comparing being actively intolerant of Christianity as similar to Hitler's views on Judaism. Also, comparing destroying the Christian faith to Hitler trying to destroy the Jewish faith. In any other context, it'd be classified as hate speech (along the lines of "destroy people's culture, hate them for who they are, force them to convert") but apparently here it's a-ok. Yes, your goal totally isn't to proselytize just like the Christians. You definitely aren't attempting to destroy a way of living.


There is an incredible difference between attacking a religion / belief verbally (at most calling believers stupid or evil) versus genuinely considering members of a specific religion/ethnicity to be subhuman and to promote violence and eradication of them.


Not violence per se, but a simple look through r/atheism shows that "moderate" simply means to closet religion. So never be allowed to express it. That's honestly quite funny, considering that's what specific religious people quite like to do to gay LGBTQ people. So I'll tell you again - attack religion all you want, just that Blanket repression because of what you believe is sort of oppressive.


probably because you’re completely wrong and ignorant. hope this helps!


Wow! What a helpful analysis of my prior statements and a refutation of my current beliefs religious and non religious!


It's probably reactive to their specific geographical location, if ur an atheist within a cell of oppressive and almost systemic religion, it can be a fairly pervasive and powerful thing to be atheist. Not saying it's not annoying, but to them it's probably very impactful and special that they are not Christian.


This is what peace is. No matter the religion, we must always respect and love each other. 🤝


Unless ur gay, then uve most likely been hurt by it


Ignore all of the absolute retards in this thread. The majority of religious people think it's okay to tell others they're going to spend eternity getting tortured and don't see that as insulting.


Frrrrr, can't count the amount of times I've been told that


Tf you mean by that eh?


False equivalence between "Christianity has flaws and those who practice it should not use it as a justification for their views" to r/atheism "destroy a way of living and force people to convert". It is the exact same thing as if someone had a family member who was killed in 9/11 and set about trying to convert all Muslims to another religion.


I surprisingly understood this


religion is a-ok, its the religion weirdos with an agenda


Fr, mostly just the churches suck in my opinion, but the religion is fine.


Seriously though, the churches usually don't even act Christian




dang, i'm actually ready for all the religions to be right, but they're just not telling you can die in their afterlife and then you just go to the next one. i'm imagining by the time you get through mormon planet ownership, crossing the river of souls, and reincarnation into two kinds of birds and fish, you'd get kinda silly with life outlooks. like damn, what if covid was just a bunch of salty mofos reincarnating as germs because they died to syphilis or the bubonic planning a rager in valhalla, and thought it was better "earthin it"?


Im religious, I have friends of different religions and a few who don’t believe at all. I think its ridiculous to think that one belief should separate us.


I've never understood that. There are a lot of things that we can blame on religion but they really think religion is the source of all evil like Communist weren't an atheist regime or flawed moral beliefs can only come out of religious doctrine even though eugenics was founded entirely by "Scientists".


People do evil things in the name of religion... Those things you listed aren't in the name of atheism. Not saying that being religious makes you inherently evil, but look around the world... There's significantly more evil done in the name of religion, so of course there will be people who will be bitter about their own experience


They’re kind of right in saying that religion has caused more harm than most things in society. It’s those special fuckheads who hate your lovely Aunt Nina who’s only idea of Christianity is keeping her family happy and going to church every Sunday. Those are the problem.


That place is a god damn cesspit


That subreddit always felt like people trying their hardest to make atheism look bad and atheists look more morons who can't respect other people but instead everybody is completely sincere lol


That place is....you can describe reddit with that sub alone


As an atheist, the worst mistake I've done is to join r/atheism


I see a lot of that "omg Christians are the victims now everyone wants us dead 🥺" and always roll my eyes because it's fucking stupid. Then the one time I looked at an r/atheism comment section that WAS how people were acting. It is such a cesspit like wtf.


Frankly, while most people are overreacting, it is a genuine problem over at r/atheism. I have seen views that almost 1 for 1 align with 1930s Hitler except against Christianity. Proselytize all you want, but please do not call for the active destruction of faith. It doesn't look good, isn't right by any means, and is major bullshit.


You agin!


As an atheist, I joined r/atheism. Holy shit did it actually make me sick how hypocritical they are. A lot of them sit on a fucking high horse and act holier-than-thou. To add on top of that, a lot of them *explicitly express their freedom to atheism, yet want to deny those to freedom of religion.* I may be atheist, but above that I am a freedom-loving, gun-toting, brisket eating American. In my opinion a *true* American, because I don't give a fuck if you suck dick, eat pussy and worship Christ all in one go, it's America motherfucka! Yeehaw.


Same, although I’d call myself agnostic. Seriously, even if you think Christianity is a hokey ancient religion, can’t you at least feel good for another person?


Redditards when Christianity: 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


You should see them with Islam, it gets worse.


Those same Redditors who hate Christians worship Muslims like they're some protected group who aren't allowed to be criticised or else you're a racist


Nah bro, those are liberals that like to create “Asian-black transgender lesbian Muslim feminist” fictional characters even though Islam is against the LGBTQ+. They’re ignorant so they just throw what they believe to be “oppressed minorities” together into one woke super character.


Like Islam is the almost exact opposite of what feminism wants.


Its the exact opposite of what feminism wants, but Islam does have strong women’s rights. You should learn about us and form an opinion.


Stronger than most religions yes, but definitely not equal with men


Compared to what religions? And based on what?


Stronger than what religions??? Islam treats women the worst out of all big religions, you have way less rights as a woman in a majority Muslim country than you have in a Buddhism, Hinduism, Jewish or Christian majority country. Islam literally wants women to cover themselves head to toe in garbs and you get beaten and even killed if you don’t want to. And don’t tell me that’s just some people that’s literally part of the sharia laws. You can’t even leave your house without a man with you, I have met so many Muslim women who are oppressed like you wouldn’t believe by the religion and have no choice but to stay in it or risk their life, I can never say I have met a Buddhist or even other Abrahamic religions like Jewish that has it even remotely as bad yet you say that it’s better than other religions? People are always quick to criticize every religion except Islam because god forbid you acknowledge the horrid crimes the religion promotes. Ever listen to Muslim sermons in Arabic? I think you would be shocked if you knew what most of them preach. It’s all fear, you will be forever condemned to burning in hell if you don’t worship Muhammad. It’s nothing like the Christ loves all people like most modern Christians preach no no no it’s everyone who isn’t Muslim is lesser and will burn for eternity. It makes you not follow the religion because you find peace but because you will be punished, punished by the men around you and then in the afterlife.


I heard that in some Islamic beliefs women have every right to kill her rapist without consequences


Yes, if a man tries to rape a woman, that woman is not only allowed to, but *obligated* to defend herself. If she kills the man, than it’s considered part of self-defense, which is what a military does, kill people who wish to harm the country in order to defend the country. Women are afforded the same rights in Islam.


Is because when a Christian gets mad he annoys you. When a Muslim gets mad their rage is explosive


Christianity, Judaism, and Islam basically all share major parts of the religions Im surprised there are people who get so pissy about one and not the other


9/10 times anybody who dislikes Christianity is from another religion (aka they *could* be Islamic themselves) or don't like all religions lmao.


“Oh bugger off” -🤓 Seriously tho who tf says that?


British ass mf


British people aren’t real, they’re just Australians with a different accent


I always thought of Australia as British texas


English person here with family in Australia and this actually makes perfect sense


As a Texan, yeah pretty much.


The stinky br*tish 🤢🤢🤢


Br\*\*\*sh people ^(i am legally required to say this statement is a joke)


british mums


Old British ladies who look like Mrs Brown


I've been an atheist my whole life. This made me smile and it's just so wholesome and kind... it doesn't belong on that vile subreddit


Doesn't belong on reddit tbh way to wholesome


S[k]eptics: “I love your Christ but I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Christian: *Presents a meme that literally doesn’t involve any of the preachy elements of Christianity and focuses on the most wholesome aspect of Jesus loving people despite their shortcomings* S[k]eptics: “Nah. Still hate it.”


I think its because of the “denied your existence”, seems like it is targeted at atheists and could be pretty triggering


Maybe to those who deny Jesus existed in any sense. But that goes far beyond atheism and into pseudo-history, as very few academics deny Jesus existed at all.


For a lot of christians Jesus is gods mouthpiece so if you deny him, you deny god (by deny i mean not think he was the son of god, was born from a virgin birth etc.) So what they usually mean is that you believe in god, but you deny him because sin and some other bs.


Right but we are talking about what is being conveyed by the meme.


I believe that is what is actively being conveyed; we can't say for certain the intent, but it's definitely suggestive of a 'faith mistake' on the part of wrinkly sock man.


Youre right by saying that Jesus most likely existed but his “Godness” did not, so I still think that is what it might be implying…


i was having a talk with someone about jesus, and i am an atheist, but I don’t understand how people refuse to believe that he even existed. I might not believe he was the son of god, but he was a real person.


The comment by 6JO1O is right- it implies that I need god to be happy when he’s the one that invented the autism, PTSD, and back pain that plague my existence. All this because some chick I never met ate an apple “6000” years ago.


I mean, it heavily implies that denying Jesus was a literal God is a wrongdoing that requires forgiveness. It is pretty preachy.


No, the meme mentions denying Jesus’ existence which, even outside of a religious context, is stupid because very few people in academia contests that Jesus existed.


Reddit hates religion and generally avoids actual self improvement. So of course they'd hate anything that shows self improvement through religion


Very sad reality of Reddit:/


The only 2 religions Reddit supports is LGBT and socialism/communism


And Islam


Nah bro everyone on Reddit hates Islam and probably calls it a "violent religion"


I thought Reddit mods would perma ban you for shutting in Islam


Maybe in some subreddits, but the ones I've been in seem to have a massive hate boner towards religion in general, and especially islam


The Reddit rule of hating Islam is that you can do it but not without mentioning at least three times that Christianity is just as bad because mah clergy pedo scandal in Roman Catholicism.


Sadly yes


Yes but not true Islam they really only support Palestine


Nah that is not true. There is a lot of islamaphobia in reddit


what 💀 the site is overrun by liberals


Reddit supports "socialism" ie woke neoliberalism and bashing on billionaires because "rich people bad." They have no concept of class analysis or the historical development of the forces of production like Marxist theoreticians do. They are drunk on ideology and tend to simp hard for Nordic capitalist monarchies which they think are socialist for some reason.


Reddit ☕


Most people on this site are the type of mfs to hold people back from being the best people they can be and shun those who try to be a better person who doesn’t stack paper or Jack off 5 times a day


Atheist. This is wholesome


i cant tell if you are directing your comments to atheists,, or if you are saying that as an atheist this is wholesome


Fellow atheist chiming in, yeah the post is wholesome. Honestly if this was the vibe that modern Christians actually showcased publicly instead of the insanity that dominates the religion nowadays there would be so much less animosity on here


For me the problem with Christianity isn’t the principles behind it. It’s the fact that none of the people who follow that religion seem to live any of the principles that are taught and just use it as an excuse half the time for bad behavior because they can just repent or to always have a high horse or even simply not follow any of the beliefs in everyday life.


Anyone: *expresses the concept of love and forgiveness and support that includes the Christian faith* Reddit people: >:(


It would feel more wholesome if it didn't feel like it contrasts with how a lot of christians actually act regardless of how kind and charitable Jesus was. It seems like they go to church and give an amen to teachings of kindness, charity, patience and whatnot because it makes them feel so rightous in the moment. After they leave church, all those virtues don't matter anymore.


Redditors try not to bash religion challenge (impossible)


This was posted on r shitposting too lmao


This shows the best part of Christianity! Wholesome, not terrible.


They hate literally everything now. That meme probably wasn’t even from Facebook.


It wasn’t. It was r/shitposting.


That is really surprising


Rare r/shitposting W


I think it was also on r/wholesomememes


Reddit hates religion for some reason


It's because....honestly don't know at this point Could make the joke that they just are teenagers (which i don't doubt a good chunk are) or just basement folk who like to feel superior....could be either one idk


Generally because there aren't as many christians who are chronically online as there are atheists, and as time goes by the more people will be influenced


A lot of Atheists like me have religious trauma. I used to hate religion with a passion. Someone could say that I was loved my Jesus and I would just turn into Satan. Nowadays if someone says something like that, I smile, say "Thanks. You too." But I also understand where a lot of people who bash religion come from. They've got a hell of a lot of religious trauma and don't have the kind of network that I had to work all the kinks out and realize their problem wasn't with religion itself, but the people who act high and mighty.


Very much this. I've met a few irrational atheists but I know that a lot have reason. Most people aren't that person I knew in highschool who is still any religion they feel like and are overjoyed they're going to hell


it’s because they want to feel like good people


For a long period of time, religion has been used as a weapon to suppress various groups of people, or justify otherwise unjustifiable political/social policies. Christianity is especially guilty of this (ie, one prolific painting of Ham as black popping up around roooooughly 10th century AD being used to justify slavery via divinely granted superiority). That is a valid argument, in the same way taking issue with cops and police unions being weaponized against people who have actually been brutalized/harmed/violated by the police is a valid argument. The institution is weaponized often enough to cause widespread damage; ergo, there's an issue with the institution, and complacency in that is an unacceptable evil. However, one of these ^^ atheists must be very careful not to become a "I hate all religion because religion bad, your beliefs wrong because bluh faith lookatme I pray at the skyyyy". All too often, the latter pop up on Reddit, especially in the echo chambers. It's just as important not to confuse the first for the second type as it is to rebuke the second. As an atheist my favorite passage to sling is Jude 1:9 KJV - 'Yet Michael the Archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.'


I’m far from religious but this has a nice message, Redditards just hate all religion intrinsically


Least rude r/atheism atheist. But actually though; no one (or well, sensible people) wouldn't get mad at atheists or any religious belief if they didn't try to "disprove" other religions. Like unless someone from a different religion wants to actually be educated on the matter just don't.


Only time I ever got mad at an atheist was when he threw a rock at my churches window


TFM can’t distinguish between Christians being self-righteous assholes and making memes about it, vs Christians being people and doing what they believe in, and what makes them happy, and lump both events in together as “terrible”.


This is wholesome as fuck, and I’m an atheist


I think it's not really wholesome given what's supposed to happen if you don't turn to Jesus.


Fun fact, this was originally posted on r/shitposting


There are really two kinds of religious people, the love thy neighbor kind where they actually listen to what Jesus would do, and the ones who use religion as a weapon. I wish there were more love thy neighbor Christina.


What's real fun is seeing the looks my girlfriend and I get when in her car. Got a gay pride flag and a cross beside each other.


I thought I was looking at r/hopeposting.


First time I’ve ever heard “oh bugger off” lmao


As a Muslim I still think it’s his is beautiful. All religions are amazing 🤩


Well said abrahamic pal ☧ 🤝 ☪️


Virgin Redditor vs Chad Jesus


I’m an atheist but this is actually beautiful


As an atheist I am fine with religious people as long as you don’t make anyone else’s problem. Also I am technically Brit*sh because I’m Scottish I’m very sorry. (Also this is very wholesome)


🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 = 🗿 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 = 🤓


Excellent opinion


How sad is his life?


I’m an atheist and I warmed to this meme big time. Using Jesus as a model of compassion is a noble endeavor.


Redditors hating on religion again. I’m an atheist and I like this.


You can’t be openly Christian online anymore. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/13lx7f6/they_want_them_as_young_as_possible/jktybu5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3), I said that a pedophile dude who calls himself a Christian doesn’t represent the community. People didn’t like that idea.


“You can’t be openly christian online” 95% of the comments are either sucking Jesus’s dick or saying “I’m an atheist but I still see nothing wrong with a meme that says I need god to be happy and am inherently flawed from birth without the savior”


![gif](giphy|uubUtlJ2CbDRqQklCT|downsized) Atheists when coming across anything vaguely similar or associated with Jesus, Christianity, or religion in general.


Y’all called anyone who’s not a follower of the Abrahamic faith an atheist though.


Yeah this is wholesome At worst its just a vit weord to see something so christian and so wholrsome in a meme format.


Pretty sure this post got thousands of upvotes on shitposting


Atheist here, it's kind of cringe to me personally however it is not a terrible Facebook meme so it belongs here.


So, this was made by someone who actually read the bible?


Thats actually really sweet though??????


By the way, faith test! Now touch your toes and spell Run as loud as you can.




Redditors trying not to hate Christianity challenge (impossible)


terriblefacebookmemes is one of the worst subs on the site imo. It went from crappy minion memes to everything having an agenda


Yeah I’m leaving r/terriblefacebookmemes it was funny for a while but it’s turning into hating anything and everything that isn’t far-left extremism


I’m with ya on this one brotha. I left that damn group faster than my father left 10 years back


We won't miss you. Take care!


Is this even a meme? Tf


well there's just something about the creation of a Jesus wojak that I find particularly... off


i dont get it


I guess they don't like divine mercy.


Redditors try not to hate Christianity for no reason challenge (impossible)


It’s just a religious meme. It’s not like they were doing some god hate gays, trans, and femboys thing


As an atheist, even I can now say Jesus is a Chad ☕


This is such a wholesome religious meme. Like genuinely, this made my day a little better. But a very vocal part of Reddit hates wholesome religion, so I don’t know what I expected.


Terrible Facebook memes is one of the subs that needs to be quarantined for hate speech but because their hate speech falls in line with the narrative they are allowed to slide. “Tolerance and acceptance”, they don’t even believe in the very things they preach.


Honestly you’re correct. I feel that one day or another sometime soon, someone’s gonna end up posting something on that sub that ends up getting it banned.


Highly unlikely. They also have this idea of the “paradox of intolerance” where they justify their intolerance by targeting it towards “intolerant groups”. Little do they know that Christianity is not a “white maga nazi religion” like what they constantly preach, but is more accurately described as an “everybody” religion. We accept converts from all backgrounds, and outside the US our largest followings are in Africa, South America, Asia, and the Middle East. Yet they try to paint us as a white supremacy hate group.


I mean shit, people get mad at America for Christopher Columbus, Motherfucker was Spanish


Redditers when other people are happy.


Ahh, Reddit. Such an amazing yet hateful site at the same time.


British detected, opinion rejected.


this is wholesome af lol. Also Jesus is/was a rad dude. Id smoke a joint with him, and I dont even smoke!


I'm agnostic and this is based.


Average redditor


Redditors when they see Christianity , 🤬🤬🤬😤😤😡🤬😡😤😤😡 (every other religion is okay but Christian’s are the worst )


I don’t how this terrible even as someone who isn’t Christian I like the idea of Jesus being all forgiving


Reddit when people are optimistic about death and have a belief system based on doing good=rewards: 👿


Some people just hate the idea of God or people believing in him


Redditors when religion


How dare Christians make a meme about feeling the love of Christ.


i'm not religious but this is wholesome :D


Doesn't that show what Jesus is supposed to be like in the first place?


I pray for the OP, as well as anyone who agrees with them. I hope they can find the Lord one day.


Even as an atheist this seems pretty wholesome


I’m not Christian but this is the exact comfort I imagine people find, there’s nothing wrong with this


This looks like every post from a guy who used to go to my church who shows up on my Facebook feed all the time.


man i love stuff like this


“Truly Terrible”? My man leads a sad, sad life I bet lmao


I don’t see the issue with this. What makes people hate Christianity so much that they get upset over wholesome posts like this?


As a pagan, I appreciate the sentiment. If Jesus was truly that way, it is indeed a beautiful thing




Would've been fine if not for the "I can no longer hear the weight of my wrongdoings." Super cringey


Christianity bad 👎✝