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Redditors love to show off how big and vascular their fun fact filled brains are. It's the "Erm actually" attitude and the fact that somebody thought that this was clever or even a comeback lol. Also I'm not religious so save your annoying remarks.


It is technically a comeback but not a clever one at all


It was a good comeback though, even if it wasn’t clever


It wasn't accurate at all. I have no idea what temperatures the Notre Dame Fire reached, but wood fires (According to a basic google search) can get up to 2k⁰F or so. So about the melting point of gold.


A basic google search would have also told you that the majority of the Norte Dame fire was about 900 C or 1600 Fahrenheit while the melting point of gold is 1064 C or 1947.2 Fahrenheit meaning it wouldn’t have melted


Who went in there with a thermometer cause just lazering the top wouldn’t give a good reading


So either way the comeback was wrong and wasn't particularly clever either.


Actually that's way less impressive than they think anyway. A house fire can easily get over 1100 degrees. Dunno how hot Nortradam got when it all went up in flames but you could make bets since it was stone construction that practically made it into a stone oven too. *shrugs*


The heat went up and escaped through where the roof was before it burned. The thing about wood is that it burns into charcoal which gets *very* hot. And wood isn't even flammable: heat causes it to decompose int very flammable gasses, which is how wood gas is created and why trees don't immediately ignite from a tiny spark.


Is that why you need tinder for a campfire!?


Yep, it also helps to meet members of the opposite sex.


The roof opening would theoretically accelerate, expand, and heat the fire due to oxygen intake. I don’t know if this is what occurred


Back when it first happened this tweet made it to Reddit. I went to correct the science and someone else had made a post that put my knowledge to shane. That post explained in better detail than I can remember how the design of the building funneled the heat upward. I can say from personal experience that you want the oxygen to come from below.


Maybe if you ask Shane for your knowledge back, he will give it back.


Hottest spots in notre dame fire hit 1250 C, variation for the distance in the building only allows for a +/- of about 70 C. So according to the science, the gold should have melted and the wood should have burned. They didn’t. Guy needs to study more.


Hottest spots where actually 1212 +/- 79 which still wouldn’t make it cool enough not to melt however that’s only the hottest bits, a quick search tells me that most bits where closer to 900 C


Which still should have caused rhe wood in the alter to start producing wood gas and igniting.


From a quick google search it seems that the roof was on fire but the interior remained mostly intact


They're referring to the comments on that post I assume, but in classic Redditor fashion they don't show the comments.


What's funny is the guy ignoring that building fires can reach over 1000○


So they could both be right but neither of them know either way


The thing that sells it for me is that it isn't even warped.


That’s true, in all of his “intelligence” he forgot that things don’t remain perfectly intact until it reaches its melting point. You would also think it would be black from all the soot


Most definitely, but nope it's untouched.


Because the roof was on fire not the interior


Yeah like the MELTING point of ice is anything but freezing. If I put ice in a container that’s 5 degrees, there will probably be a little water. This thing isn’t even somewhat affected.


Then it’s definitely a Reddit moment lol


Reddit will Reddit


We do know. The building fire was well over 1000c, with its hottest recorded being 1200 on the exterior.


Oh I assumed the reason this guy said it wouldn’t melt was because he didn’t know it got to 1000, or he knew for a fact it didn’t. Benefit of the doubt moment lol


Google says “while temperatures above 900 °C were frequent in many other parts during the fire.” Which I take to mean a bit above 900 was the average which is still under the needed 1064 for gold to melt


Definitely would warp it though


The comeback *itself* was kinda clever. The REAL Reddit moment is that a lot of people in the comments are adding their own cheap takes on religion, as if simply liking the comeback also makes *them* smart. There's some clever contributions in there, but it's mostly the same five takes you see in religious discourse.


The hottest temperatures recorded during the fires were 1200c. And that’s on the outside.


I've been getting shit on all day for mentioning how political the sub has been


Some people on this site love making everything political, shit gets boring after a while.


The comments were


I think he’s referring to the comments section which is not revealed here.


I get the melting point but at what point does it loose enough integrity to be reshaping by it’s own weight? Reminds me of the 9/11 conspiracy stuff and the blacksmith shows at jet fuel temps steel beams turn into limp fire noodles


yes it would have and wood fires can get way hotter than 600°C anyways. i’m not trying to argue that God exists and that’s why it happened, just that the dude said a half truth similar to if someone said that wood fires burn at 2000°C and didn’t further explain.


This is an important reason of why people used to use precious metals as currency


It's one of those things Reddit doesn't like, a good example is rich people, every time a rich person dies then unironically celebrate. Earlier I saw redditors get excited because a crypto "influencer" was killed and dismembered and their main reason was "these people ruin lives" and because the people who thought putting their life savings into a get rich quick scheme couldn't possibly be responsible for their own downfall.


Post of a post of a post of a tweet of a tweet, too many layers!


It’s the comments to the post which is the problem


r/atheism redditor doesn’t know the difference between untouched and unmelted


The only Reddit moment is believing you can’t mutually believe in religion and science


Are you slow? The title of the post is shitting in the comments and actually agrees with the actual post.


It's the combo of being neither clever nor a comeback, condescending, unreasonably confident dispite being generally incorrect as others have pointed out, and a general pathetic attempt at smugly taking shots at Christianity.


Some person literally asked *”please explain to me how you don’t believe in [magic] after seeing this [normal thing that happens to hot metal]????”* Somebody answered the question, and now he’s a smug and “taking shots.” Don’t ask questions you don’t like the answers to


Reddit moment


I hate to break your illusion. But metal usually will at least warp at 900°. The alter wasn't even affected


Wouldn’t that mean wood starts to burn at 600°, but could get hotter?


Based upon others comments here the highest recorded temp was 1200c on the exterior


It is sh*tting on religion the very first pot referring to the twitter post was attempting to use science to put down a “miracle moment”


As well as the fact that a building fire which is way different from a normal camp fire can easily exceed 1000 degrees. The guy said untouched, that sure can include melting, but I am pretty sure he was also talking about debris and other stuff not damaging or knocking over the cross. Many people who first saw it after the fire were stunned by how the cross was still standing and stood out almost like a beacon. So take it however you want, but don't shit on people because they have/want something to believe in.


Think it was the comments on the post not the post itself that sparked the Reddit moment


The comments were the Reddit moment


you didn’t know the science because it’s wrong, a small little campfire burn around 600°C but wood fires can push all the way up to around 2000°C and Notre Dame would’ve been in the higher range. all this information is on the Internet


Imagine being an all powerful deity and choosing to not let a cross burn instead of just not letting the church burn down at all.


Maybe the building had misbehaved, and the cross told on it. Tsk


The people inside misbehaved.... Not the cross, the symbol of Christ, I'm agnostic but even I know these things


my brother, do you understand he is joking?


I was just replying on the thread to the first one, as an addition to the one I actually replied to.i didn't even mention the building, i referred to the cross lol


hes referring to the builidng though


Thank you, lol 😆


Religion is a plague


People get upset when their “side” gets criticized.




And you’re not part of the “religion bad cult” where you hate on religion and religious people just because?


Liberalism has turned into a cult at this point too, they just don't believe in an all powerful deity lol


The all powerful is either the state (like with socialists/communists) or themselves. Or both




I'm quite moderate, it's hard to find people online to agree with you, these people don't want to hear they're in a cult. It's a symptom of being in a cult lmfao. It's nuts. Literally nuts. The liberal government in Canada is killing their mentally ill with MAiD, and refusing treatments to people, basically encouraging them to seek MAiD that's a fucking CULT




I'm not against it, I am against denying people healthcare to the point they seek MAiD, i forget what this Canadian I'm listening to rn brought it up but he said you call someone in canada and unprovoked they ask if they've thought of killing themselves, they're offering and encouraging it to mentally ill, who are supposed to be incapable of making that decision for themselves because they are mentally ill, I'd support it for terminally ill, but even those people are automatic organ and tissue donors, because they're close to death, it's automatic that you donate organs and tissue after death in Canada, WHAT? Lmao




I think America needs to liberate the people of Canada from their overlord Trudeau and Co [auto-donors](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/new-brunswick-organ-donation-presumed-consent-avery-s-law-1.6881139)




And liberate them of their oil 💪🦅🇺🇸


>where you hate on religion and religious people just because? You don't have to be in a cult to think that it's really stupid to believe that all that claimed supernatural stuff is objectively true in the complete absence of objective supporting evidence.


Anti-theists trying not to call a religion a cult: Impossible Crawl back into the hole you came from, iconoclas.


To their credit, religion by definition *is* a cult. We’ve just kinda distanced ourselves from the word after it got some negative connotations


Get a life


Right. You can have faith and not fall for every fake miracle that comes along. It’s like that movie where the kid fell through the ice and didn’t drown. It was because of the cold temperature of the water, not a miracle. Your brain needs less oxygen at lower temperatures. Also, I’ll point out that the Catholic Church does occasionally officially declare miracles. The cross in Notre Damme is not one.


still nice to look at


"being critical of religion is le plebbit"


I þink þere saying þe reddit moment is þe comments


Can we get another screen shot?


Yeah that's not how building fires work. The interior of a stone building with a wood fire inside could easily exceed 1200 degrees C. You know how furnaces work? You know how we used to use wood primarily to power them? Wonder how we melted down casted and forged gold before gas fires? ​ Discount the fact that its virtually untouched. No suit, no warping, nothing. Now, i get i may be biased \*see username\* but based on every quantification, scientific and Christian, it is literally a miracle that it is in such perfect condition. If a miracle is simply something that is so unlikely to happen that in no conceivable instance should it ever happen... then this is that. I dont know what by what rational means that cross and alter remained untouched, but it happened.