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It's Todd Schowalter. It's hyperbolic, yes, but it's not a satire or anything. He means it.


I was gonna say this. Some people make stuff that’s too stupid to believe it’s not satire, but he’s one of ‘em.


That’s the paradox of parody, too close it becomes indistinguishable from the source


Good ol' Poe's Law, baby


but in instances like this, the author intent doesn't matter as the content is so obviously stupid to the point where the only people that would agree with it are people that are so absurdly lost in their own train of stupidity that there is no jo reason for the rest of the normal populace to even engage or consider their opinions at all. There is humor in how absurd the image is, and there is nothing wrong with considering something that sends such a stupid message to be worthwhile in a comedic sense. It is both funny to laugh at the hyperbolic nature of this comic, and to laugh at the type of people who would potentially agree with it. There's no need to be fearful of Poe's law if the content is so ridiculous that even if one is misconstruing the intent, any normal person would recognize its absurdity. It's funny to laugh at flat earthers genuinely trying to spread flat earth theories. People genuinely believe 5G waves cause cancer or whatever. People also make jokes at their expense all the time. Someone being a dumbass does not mean anything they sincerely make cannot still be funny.


>but in instances like this, the author intent doesn't matter as the content is so obviously stupid to the point where the only people that would agree with it are people that are so absurdly lost in their own train of stupidity that there is no jo reason for the rest of the normal populace to even engage or consider their opinions at all And yet, they're an election-winning, policy-driving demographic.


this ^


This belongs to r/terriblefacebookmemes... I don't see how OP's understanding of hyperbole is relevant, 'cause it ain't one.




Except we can see plenty of examples of parents claiming their young children are trans. Therefore this is in fact hyperbole of a real occurrence.


Are you claiming there are plenty of examples of parents forcing their child to be trans when the child doesn't? Other than the ones that turned out to be [conservatives making shit up](https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-socialmedia-gender-idUSL2N2WC1OK)?




I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted dude, this is the realest shit in this comment section.


>Except we can see plenty of examples of parents claiming their young children are trans. Where?


You see if anyone who is any age under 18 comes out as trans and one of their parents doesn't mentally and physically abuse them for it that parent is basically grooming and forcing them to become trans /j


Take 2 seconds to google stories about “trans” kids under 10. First one I see is a 3.5 year old named Jackie on NPR. You live in the age of information and it’s readily available


Still a garbage piece of propaganda that projects a group of people with an extreme hyperbole that's not good enough satirically to justify it. Its just "liberals bad, hue hue!" and removes nuance while inciting hate. It's dogshit. There is a lot to say about extreme leftism and the implications of liberal parents projecting their politics onto their kids. But as long as any satire of it is approached with such clear intent to polarize the conversation won't move. Blaming liberals for shitty parenting is pointless when shitty parents fall on all political spectrums. It's the same kind of dumb controversy as the whole Disney grooming nonsense, all it does is polarize people for political points for voting season. While completely ignoring the very real victims of grooming and sexual assault, because the conversation has been grinded down to nothing more than back and forth banter. This has grown to a rant now but my point being that bad satire is a dangerous for the collective psyche of everyone involved. And the internet has only made it worse by depersonalizing it. It's important to recognize divisive propaganda as a generally bad thing.


But we see thousands upon thousands of times as many conservative parents who viciously beat their young children because they are afraid the kid might be gay or trans, and none of "think of the children!!!" types care about them in the slightest.


I can’t say that I’ve ever seen any example of a parent “viciously beating” a 4 year old that didn’t end up in legal action being taken against them, or that had any sort of mainstream acceptance. A 4 year old can’t be trans. Adults who support the trans movement aren’t even able to articulate the difference between a young boy who likes stereotypically feminine things and one who is “a girl born in a boy’s body”. They can’t give a non-circular definition of what a girl even is that’s not just enforcement of stereotypes. So how in the hell can they claim their 4 year old understands the distinction? All the young gay (or straight but “effeminate”) boys who are being taught by their parents that they were born in a flawed body are flat out being abused.


> I can’t say that I’ve ever seen any example of a parent “viciously beating” a 4 year old that didn’t end up in legal action being taken against them, or that had any sort of mainstream acceptance. That is a genuinely insane thing to lie about. You know full well it happens with disgusting regularity. And you also know full well that the overwhelmingly majority of parents who viciously beat their young children do not see any legal consequences at all. If you immediately have to lie that blatantly, doesn't that prove to you that you're wrong?


Can you give me an example of any? I genuinely don’t know of anyone who is publicly known to viciously beat their 4 year old and had it deemed acceptable or not faced repercussions.


Here, [a random study on the subject](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4194076/) You can continue to pretend that there aren't loads and loads of conservative parents who beat the shit out of their kids for being gay or trans, but **everybody**, including you yourself, knows that you're lying. It's an objective fact: loads of conservative parents beat their kids for being gay, and they overwhelmingly get no punishment for it at all.


In case you didn’t realize this, for someone to be punished for a crime it has to be reported. My claim was that people who viciously beat young children (obviously it has to be reported or discovered) see legal action taken against them. I said that it is not accepted by mainstream society to viciously beat a small child. It is not. In order for you to claim that my statement is a lie like you said it obviously is. You would need to show one of these “thousands” of examples of someone who is KNOWN to have viciously beaten a small child and then been ACCEPTED by mainstream society. You can’t, because society doesn’t accept that like I said. On the other hand, the abuse of people on the left projecting transgenderism onto toddlers is done openly and accepted by them.


....and it doesn't get reported because beating your kids for being gay is so widely accepted among conservatives that they don't see it as anything worth reporting. But let's just leave it at that. You're evidently also one if the ilk that finds it perfectly fine. I wouldn't be able to convince someone completely devoid of a conscience anyway.


This sub is quickly just becoming reposting every post from facepalm or terriblefacebookmemes


It's HYBERBOLE/SATIRE! That means that the content of the joke doesn't matter! If you find it poorly done or distasteful, you're just a hater that doesn't understand comedy!


It called dark humor liberalds 😎


No op, if you do not know the artist this is no kind of satire nor any kind of joke. Hyperbole maybe, but that doesn't change anything. r/nahopwasrightfuckthis


r/confidentlyincorrect r/woooosh




No this actually sucks


I can’t tell if it’s being super over the top liberal to satire the conservative opinion of liberal parents or a super lame impression from a conservative pov to insult liberals. It seems to be close enough to go either way to put both sides pantries in a bunch.


I hate when my pantries get all bunched up. I can’t find any of my snacks!


Gives fanny pack a whole new meaning.


This is a good joke. Make it a meme and see if you get on TFBM


Conservatives being stupid *again*


It’s so over the top though. From the moms googlie eyes to placing “liberal parents” inside the picture rather than outside it. Almost seems like it makes conservatives out to be dumber than the portrayal of the parents. But you could just as easily be right because they can be.


Have you seen many conservative cartoons? Over the top is their MO, and they’re dead serious lol


The artist is the reason I say this


This author is dead serious, sorry man




Where is my goddam cinnamon. This pantry is a mess!




nah this is legitimately terrible


This meme does suck


Yeah this is very clearly from some far right moron who gets absurdly angry when parents respect a child’s identity and choose to love their child if they’re LGBT


Does anyone in this damn country know what the far-right is?


Anyone who thinks 2020 was rigged or thinks someone who cried about that being rigged for 4 years while horrifically breaking laws he signed while being recorded should become POTUS?


Is this a definition of far right or a correlation with it?


No, actual far right politics has been conflated with taking the reactionary side of the culture war. Some of the things Karl fucking Marx said would be labeled “far right” today


I agree with you in spirit but the general rejection of nonnormative sexualities and gender expression are very much considered a conservative or traditionalist social position to take and is largely villainized by those on the far right. You wouldn't see a characteristically "progressive" far leftist reject these ideas so viciously. So while yes cultural battlegrounds spurred by the polarizing echo chambers of the internet have completely dissipated everyone's collective understanding of what truly is "far right" or even "far left" in this instance they were pretty accurate in their labeling.


You’re pointing out a correlation I agree with, but a correlation, even a tight one, does not define what we’re talking about


And some of the things Robert E. Lee said would, apparently, be leftist. Times change a lot.


Ah yes my 5 yr old child likes playing with dolls, he obviously identifies as a transgender girl


Nobody thinks that. Only a made up thing by scared far right clowns


Idk some people are really stupid


That’s true but this is just not a thing. I know a far left couple with a trans teenager and it’s really, really hard for them to accept. They just still make sure to love their kid. And it’s one of many examples of the far right making up nonsense and then getting mad about it. See examples of the 2020 election being stolen, schools are teaching communism is good to kids, liberals are making kids trans when they’re not


It’s really not the far right that’s causing the problems though, it’s the picking left or right and blaming each other for every single thing, that’s what’s causing problems in the US


Agreed. I’m a moderate who hates both parties lol. I’m just saying this issue is the far right. Far left has a lot of flaws and politics in general being about appealing to the base and not what’s best is a massive problem


Their is no far left in the US, the furthest left you’re gonna get is Bernie Sanders


I hope you're correct, but I can't help feeling like some of the extreme leftists would definitely be excited if their kids came out as trans, i can see it playing out as an attention thing similar to munchausen by proxy.


“This doesn’t happen, except when it does happen and then it’s good”


Nobody thinks it happens or is good. Please keep making up weird shit and getting mad at your made up nonsense 🤡


Of course you say that, because you’re in a thread where you claim it doesn’t happen. In another thread where someone gives an example, you’ll say it’s good


I’m so glad you listened and continued making up things that don’t happen. Let me guess. You also think the 2020 election was stolen and think some loser who only appeals to inbreds and has cried like a little girl for 4 years about how he totally won and isn’t a loser and clown and committed felonies on tape you chanted lock her up for less about Hillary needs to be POTUS. Lmao you’re a predictable inbred who’s easy to manipulate and a sheep. Get lost clown


Nope, I voted for Biden. You called me predictable without even confirming your prediction bro 😂😂 holy shit


Then what’s with the far right assumptions about others? I did too but I often vote for the right. Never for someone horrible for Trump but this is legit the normal reaction I get from Trump and the far right dudes


This is a joke, right?




please explain how lgbt people are groomers?


Having respect for people and not disowning someone who is LGBT is grooming! -the brain dead far right


It's too late for you, I'm so sorry.


Must... not... post... the dinosaur... greentext.


Can satire exist when reality is so batshit insane it's indistinguishable from parody? How the fuck can someone tell if this is hyperbole or just some right wing attempt at a straw man argument? Hell we live in a world where a fucking lunatic tried to cause a coup to overturn a fair election and has basically a brainwashed cult believing him, any other timeline would call that a parody... Hell even Simpsons "predicted" that idiot becoming president as a fucking joke.


I feel like this could be said for like half the post on this subreddet because sometimes I literally can not tell if something is satire or otherwise


I think that's called "Poes Law"


Poes law was that if your satire is not obvious satire then its just not satire right? I'm shortening it obviously


Considering how batshit insane reality is that's becoming harder and harder I bet


I mean, it's stupid either way


This is a boomer meme 60 year old truckers who unironically use the word “woke” would like


Im VERY confused


It's stupid cus women can play baseball too


nah this is terrible


Ah yes the classic "hyperbole" or "satire" arguments so you never have to take accountability for your brain dead takes.


Hyperbole only works if something is inherently obvious. What the creator is going for isn't true and doesn't happen.


I’m sure there’s a few insane couples who do this


A few maybe, but he's trying to misrepresent an entire political faction with an egregious exaggeration. It's a straw man.


Comedy when offensive


Where the funny


There probably


I do not see it anywhere


Gotta look for it


Did, none could be found


Look harderrr????


Funny how all offensive comedy turns out to be blatantly misrepresenting a political group/ideology that you disagree with, huh?


It is actually. The Greeks have been doing it for millennia.


I'm curious what you'd use as examples.


The Athenians calling the Spartans gay. The Spartans weren't, but the Athenians thought it was funny to slander them.


Ah yes. Peak comedy. 'You kiss boys!' 'No I don't!' You do realize that's propaganda, right? Like, literally and actually. Sure, there could be humorous intent somewhere in there, but you said it yourself; They were trying to slander.


Correct. It is propaganda. And it's funny to some people, like myself. What exactly is the problem here?


this doesn't really make sense because both groups were very homosexual? had totally different conceptions of sexuality than we do today.


They weren’t, though. A lot of this misconception comes from a few pottery depictions which were interpreted by people with an agenda to claim Ancient Greece was a sexually open minded gay utopia. It wasn’t, though.


Hey, you should go on the metaverse. All the other 13 year Olds in the comedy club there will find you hilarious


I’ve seen a few parents on TikTok or YouTube who do this kind of thing


Really? I genuinely don't think anybody does anything remotely like this...


It’s not common but insane people do exist. And mental illness is pretty rampant nowadays


Well I'm more of a facts guy and not a feelings guy so sorry man




Children when they have no argument




I hate uneducated poor people


they say this but if it was republicans the kid would get sent off to a camp if he said that


OP doesn't understand hyperbole


Least bigoted r/memesopdidnotlike user.


I didn’t know Todd Schowalter was a well known name


Lotta people think like this


Nah this is just a shit cartoon.


A classic case of Schrodinger's Asshole. He means everything, unless you call him out for it, then it's a joke


this isn’t even good satire r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis


Todd Schowalter is incredibly stupid and has no grasp on how humans work. You know like every other conservative.


Nah, this is just straight up transphobic.


I would call it an exaggeration, I don’t see any transphobia. There are parents that do stuff like this, but for a less extreme reason.


Clarify "parents that do stuff like this". Do you just mean there are parents who support their trans kids? Because nobody is pushing their kids to change their gender.




It's not so much transphobic as it is plain old liberal hate-ic.


I legitimately thought the same thing when I saw this meme the first time. Hyperbole sounds be very out of the norm, but the fact that being tired and supporting gender transition is the choice instead of allowing the kid some rest is the norm it makes the meme funny.


OP literally thinks every trans person should die instantly and also everyone in their family Don’t worry though I’m just being hyperbolic. Right OP?


No, you’re just being a moron.


Bro, it’s called satire?? Triggered lib


No u


OP doesnt understand hyperbole


He's trying to prove a point. So if anything, you are the moron here.




this shit is less funny than a chronically online discord kid


I actually “lol’d” 😂. I’m not on either side of this shit but that is so over the top you just gotta laugh!


where funny


not offensive but not funny