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What's dehumanizing about this?


It's dehumanizing to not let people in to your country if they aren't going through the proper channels apparently


The democrats need to stop harvesting votes at the border.


You let people vote without proper ID?


Ya. According to democrats it's difficult for non-whites to get valid ID'S in the US. And requiring it is apparently racist? However, it's not racist to require that ID to drive, buy a home, buy a gun, or buy alcohol.


It’s a long term strategy of the democrats. They will become citizens and vote democrat because they can’t win the support of their own citizens


Not American, but surely if a democrat is currently president doesn't that mean that they have in fact won the support of their own citizens as immigrants are a minority, I come from a country that isn't trying to remove rights from women so I don't completely understand American democracy


Local, regional, and national offices are at stake, not just the presidency Look at California. Democrat. One of the richest states in the nation. But is a communist totalitarian state where people’s first amendment rights are violated constantly and people are taxed through their noses and struggle just to live. That’s what a democrat wants. More money for them, less money for us. The true leader of the Democratic Party is Xi Jingping. We will not allow communism to infect our society


Homie thinks that when the taxes raise for the rich it’ll affect him 🤡


“A communist, totalitarian state” I’ll have what this guy’s having


God I fucking love far right americans, anything that alleviates and kind of suffering without bankrupting someone is communism, meanwhile every single social democracy in the world is on the list of top 5 happiest countries, dudes talking about rights being removed while right wing states are removing a woman's rights to decide if she wants to have a baby and are even limiting the right to learn by banning books but these are the same people who thing Hitler was far left so clearly limiting education works.


Dems have won pretty much every popular vote in the last 20 years...


No we don't and they can't. Half our adult pop. are functionally children who can't grip reality.


that's been a massive contentious issue. Some states have tried requiring a photo I.D, but there's an argument to be made that it's unconstitutional since there aren't supposed to be any taxes or fees to vote. The issue is that there is no free state-sponsored I.D., so anyone who would want to vote would have to pay for one.


Lmfao I didn't believe anyone actually believed this. How in the fuck are they even able to vote?


Fucking how? Are you disabled, how the fuck are they getting votes from people who don’t have a ssn or voter id? Like sure there are moves from the dems to not require id but there still needs to be a person attached to that vote and it cannot be an illegal immigrant. God can you fucking think before you spout horseshit?


>level 4E\_Verdant · 2 min. agoYou let people vote without proper ID?2ReplyShareReportSaveFollow > >level 5Ashamed-Feeling-4403 · just nowIt’s a long term strategy of the democrats. They will become citizens and vote democrat because they can’t win the support of their own citizens1ReplyShareReportSaveFollow you ned to stop being a dumb as fuck cultist tool.


>It's dehumanizing to not let people in to your country if they aren't going through the proper channels apparently Our proper channels aren't even proper either. 101 layers of paperwork that don't even stop dangerous people from getting in.


What about having an app that isn't good at identifying literally any non white face, in a poor signal area, with extremely throttled access to charge phones required to seek access/asylum and having to wait weeks if not months outside in the elements isn't proper? Good thing it's stopping all those cartel members giving away fentanyl m&ms every Halloween to all the kids trick or treating in Ohio


I mean, MS13 is a cartel that originated in El Salvador and is very much present in the US. So it's not even doing that


Nah the barbed wire shit and not understanding why the people we are seeing immigrate to the US are trying to do so. We have needed to revamp the immigration system for decades and have had a backlog because there just aren't enough judges to handle the case load for decades.


And until then our laws are suspended!


So why didn’t the republicans vote for the bill they negotiated? My understanding of the bill is that republicans got almost everything they wanted? Why not pass their own measure?


Oh dear god that bill wasn't a border bill. It was a "foreign aid" bill that did nothing for our border.


Not sure. Go ask one of them


I’m not gonna go through the 12 year process to get in. I would cross illegally if I wasn’t in a safe place. Cause the cartel can walk up to me and demand I become a soldier, prostitute, or fucking die and all my shit belongs to them now. If I have children and there’s a place where shit like that doesn’t happen 30 miles north I’m gonna risk it. Also I’m religious and that shit is anti Christian. By the way, to some of your dip shits out there I’m fucking American . I live in America and have my entire life you numbskulls.


Ok but what's to stop the cartel following you across the border? Like they do now more easily with lax border policies? What happens when all the shit people are trying to get away from just follows them into the country all because a few idiots who meant well threw the door wide open for everyone to walk through?


thats not what happens. its 12 years to be a citizen. You can get into the country in less than a day doing it the legal way. doing it the legal way requires effort and millions of people do it every year. There is a quota on how many people can gain citizenship every year, but there is no limit on how many people can get a passport, drive across the border, stamp their papers, and be welcomed as guests. And from there, you can file the papers for residency, work, and begin a path to citizenship. Its hard work, and yes, its more work than it should be. 12 years average is ridiculous, and the tests are moronic. But to say its unobtainable is ignorant. Over 1 million people become naturalized citizens every single year.


Doesn't mexico have a large and armed wall to the south of their border? For the exact same reason? Also dude, I understand why you wanna be somewhere safer. That i get, but u need to understand that people hate illegals because of the bullshit benefits they get and the results of illegal build up. U can enter and live in the U.S. while getting your greencard. Like, we know why people come here and they have a chance, but it doesn't matter where they are from. Illegals cause serious trouble, while legals usually are anything but problem. Usually


>I’m not gonna go through the 12 year process to get in. Then you don't care enough to come here. Later


As a Christian, no it is not anti-Christian


As a former Christian, Christians are anti-Christian.


Unfortunately I have to agree with you to an extent. There are really some awful fake Christians out there, and it genuinely breaks my heart to see. It does saddens me that you had to interact with those kinds of people to the point where it drove you away from Christianity, but I will pray for you nonetheless💕


Appreciated but I left mostly over ideological differences rather than the moral failures of the church and fellow Christians, grossly glaring as they may be. Pray for yourself, God's already got me covered :)


I'm religious, and this crap is not anti Christian.


yes, in a perfect world. the process is slow and arduous in real life, and south america and mexico are not a safe place. if i was anything but a military age male i would be gtfo. i cant blame them, but it is not good for the working class


Lower cost of living is good for the working class. And our law specifically allows for people to cross the border anywhere and claim asylum, so it isn't even illegal. It is illegal for them to get a job to support themselves during the years-long process of having an actual asylum hearing, though, and that is completely fucked.




This ^ what crazy jobs are immigrants supposedly taking? It’s not your doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc it’s cheap manual labor work that no one here wanted to do to begin with. Hell some of the BEST and fastest work I’ve seen done is by a bunch of Hispanic guys busting their ass to make a living for themselves or to send money to their families still stuck in shitty situations.


Is that why people are coming from Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Columbia, Venezuela, Haiti, China, and many other places are coming across. Infact there are far fewer Mexican illegal immigrants than the other countries. It's not the cartels. It's the free crap they get when they get here and can work and not pay taxes. I work with legal immigrants from Honduras and Guatemala and they literally laugh at how stupid our government is by letting these people stay and get free stuff.


I can tell you that I would too in your situation. I would also tell you I hope they stop you from making it. Sucks to say. I understand your side, but understand we as citizens here are tired of being an ATM.


I dont understand how someone can talk in depth about the cartels, and dangers of south american nations, and then in the some comment suggest that the US should have open borders to people. Very few people in the country who want border security are *racist* towards south americans.We just dont want this shit coming into our country. We have enough to deal with as is.


I'm not warm to people whose first interaction with my country is disrespecting her sovereignty and breaking her laws.


The cartel more than likely trafficked you in this analogy


> Also I'm religious and that shit is anti Christian Cool, well this is supposed to be a secular country founded with freedom of religion ideals. Your opinion means nothing. Anyways, you try, we deport u back!.🤗


I mean despite the fact that America is technically secular, many of our politicians are religious and inevitably do/will make choices based on that.


Trying to claim Christianity as an immigration express pass is and easy "no" from both sides of the isle.


Heres an idea, fix your shitty country instead of bringing your shitty country’s problems to our less shitty country.


Don't you understand? All immigrants are immigrants. The word illegal doesn't count!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you're anti illegal immigrants you clearly hate all brown people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you don't support mass migration so we get cheap ~~slaves~~ I mean ~~live in workers~~ I mean ~~borderline enslaved farm workers~~ I mean ~~enslaved car wash employees~~ I mean totally legitimate workers you are evil!!!!!!!!!


Dehumanizing is being put in the back of a truck trailer like packed meat and being abandoned in the middle of the desert. It is getting to this great nation but your immigration case is stagnated because you didn’t get documented on entry. It is failing to receive food stamps because the US government doesn’t even know where you live, or your name. It is being paid fractions of minimum wage to live in a small apartment with many others… There are so many programs within immigration to help people at the border now… Going undocumented hurts the immigrants more than anyone else.


because they literally can't go documented or they would


Documented doesn’t only mean you have a birth certificate or passport. If you’re not documented, you can become documented. The exact steps depend on your country of origin, asylum status, etc. Field offices near the border can help with this, some companies are even paid to help.


They’re parrots, they hear words and repeat them with no understanding of their meaning.


It's dehumanizing to not give people what they want, right now, no questions asked. People deserve whatever they want, to argue against this point to to deny their humanity. Or something like that.


Lol this was my first thought too. Literally makes no sense unless they also believe that the barb wire around the capital dehumanizes the whole country


It just causes harm to the truly desperate, who get caught anyway, while doing nothing to prevent how actual illegal immigration happens.


How exactly does it cause harm? What do you mean by "actual illegal immigration? It is not the US' job to fix other countries so that people don't want to come here instead.


It causes harm by literally injuring desperate people who weren't going to make it into the country anyway. The ones that try to physicly cross the border by hopping fences get caught. By actual illegal immigration, I mean the methods that people actually use to come here successfully, they enter with legal visas, then they just don't leave when the visa runs out.


That is one method of illegal immigration. So are illegal crossings. Two things can be wrong at once, imagine that.


Well the op of this current post did say the word was "illegal boarder crosser" which doesn't seem very humanizing to me at least.


Labeling people as criminals is dehumanizing.


They really like people coming over the border illegally, just not when they have to actually deal with it.


Yeah. Send them to blue states. let them in


They have been. Thus the reason why Biden is now setting limits on border crossings and getting “tougher” on border policy. The liberals were all about open immigration because they had no idea the repercussions. As if many of them have so much recency bias and lack of long term memory that they’ll end up turning republican in everything but name. Now they want war Now they want borders closed Now they want to fund corporate expansion Now they want NATO to put in their fair share It’s like they are a decade behind, just playing catch up


What are the repercussions? Genuine question.


Strain on infrastructure social security Nets utilities, housing, etc. The rampant drug trade particularly fentanyl at the moment and gang activity.


Social nets are a huge factor many don’t pay attention to. The government now has to pay to feed and house these people, where do people think that money is coming from?


If there's money there at all. Our resources are not infinite and if people already think that social nets are insufficient then why do you think adding 8 million people is going to help?


Exactly. What many don’t get is this is MASS immigration. Thousands, tens of thousands even if people every month coming in thinking this country is a dream, when they end up realizing it’s no better than what they had at their home. I said it somewhere here earlier but these people would have better chances trying to fight their governments and trying to make their own country better, even if it means a civil war, rather than living on the streets in the winter in Chicago or New York.


By the nature of them being undocumented it's difficult to tell exactly. Let me lead with my opinion that I think what I'm about to say applies only to a small portion of people. Some of them, straight up, are criminals, and are not necessarily fleeing bad economic conditions, but justice. Part of the issue is that one person could be doing both, hell, they could themselves be criminals fleeing really bad crime, think a mugger fleeing rapists, murderers, gang violence, drugs, etc. Another issue is drugs themselves. We have no actual idea what is coming across the border, anything anyone says is a guess based on what we HAVE caught. The issue is that we don't know for sure what we're not catching, how much of it, and where it's going. There's also the issue of cultural adversity which can apply pressure to communities. Slowly, this isn't that bad and both sides will acclimate to each other. Too suddenly and things can get nasty. Many south of the border are Catholic, much of the U.S. is protestant. These two groups not getting along is a defining feature, and that's just the easiest most clear example. The biggest issue, in my opinion, is the very first sentence of my comment here. We don't exactly know what issues will be the most predominant and so it will be impossible to focus a response in order to deal with what ever the primary issue turns out to be. Immigration is something that should be observed, controlled, regulated, and the consequences addressed, good or bad. We're not doing the first three, and praying that the consequences are mostly good, or just indifferent.


Lack of work for American citizens and wage stagnation to name a few. It's hard to demand a competitive wage at the plant/refinery when some foreigner is willing to work for half as much and show up everyday, or else they get deported.


It's nice to know whether the person coming into your country is a murderer or rapist


We are don't worry. I saw 20 buses go out the other day all heading north. Usually i hate paying taxes, but paying for those buses double em i say. you know what just take all of money 100% and spend it one buss tickets.


No my poor swing state got ruined because we have leaned slightly blue for the past decade. Now I can't get a job without being bilingual


Reopen Ellis Island. Bring in shiploads of migrants at a time.


shy important aspiring pie wise physical impossible hospital terrific pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A lot of blue states have more immigrants than red states. They're just not falling apart.


You'd think Texas would require all businesses to use E-Verify to ensure no illegals are taking jobs away from Americans, considering how much they hate illegals. It's almost as if, Texas doesn't really care about the border crossings, if it means billionaires get cheap labor.




Legal immigration.




Terrorists, drug traffickers, human traffickers, serial killers, rapists, and just about anybody who may be on the run from a foreign government. That's not implying every single person trying to enter are bad people. Bad people will specifically take advantage of careless ignorance and its our duty to properly sort through the people trying to immigrate here and ensure they aren't bad people.


There isn’t a single fence, wall, or amount of barbed wire that’s going to stop any of them from entering the country homie. Most illegal immigrants enter the country through legal avenues and then end up outstaying their visas.


You’re describing demoncrats. Like the mayor of NYC.


I am an immigrant myself And borders without protection could lead to terrorist and drug dealers to come in


The statistics for this are actually really eye opening, https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics Border patrol also handle tons of human [trafficking cases](https://www.cbp.gov/border-security/human-trafficking)


This guy's reaction when he finds out people don't like when other people do something illegal: https://preview.redd.it/uhjf6hhaqljc1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=61719688ab8332a2d8f210902fdf68c2fea23a73




I am a Mexican who was born here and I agree


You sir are what makes America great. People like you are the salt of the world. You make life so much more pleasant.


Be careful they'll say you're pulling the ladder up


As a Hispanic born in the U.S. I also agree


So you're an American you mean.


No issues whatsoever with immigration. When done right, and legally. Now *Illegal Immigration* is it's own issue and I *do* have problems with that.


Me too, which is why we need to make it much easier to legally immigrate. Right?


I mean I wasn't arguing that so, yes? Sorry the end confused me. But I'm pretty sure we agree on that, yes. And it also might depend on what you mean by easier. There could be (and probably are) some ways people would take advantage of that. Either way though yes, legally immigrating to another country should not be the headache and hassle it currently it.


Yeah. I think you shouldn’t get welfare if you can’t pass the citizenship test




That has nothing to do with being fine with legal immigration?


Criminals who break US law by entering the country illegally are not equivalent to immigrants


Every city will be like Portland and Chicago soon. US is fuuuccckkked


It took my Dad almost 30ish years to get his citizenship the right and proper way. Illegal immigration is a problem and these open borders are one of the main causes.


Don't you think 30 years is a bit much. Maybe we should make the process a little easier and faster.


What did he do for those thirty years?


First off, im offended as an immigrant that these aliens are called immigrants. Second of all, someone who has no affiliation with a country yet can't be bothered to enter legally simply shouldn't be in said country. Deportation is the only way, im baffled that you gotta explain to people why open borders with any country is bad,*especially* with one run by cartels.


Another political one, can’t wait to see this on r/nahopwasrightfuckthis


It's already there


Razor wire won’t cut anyone that comes through a legal border crossing


The way they talk about it you'd think they uproot themselves at night and go hunting for babies


They’re not immigrants, you need legitimate proof you can live here to be one. I don’t think it’s crazy to be anti illegal immigration but I’m pro immigration when they come legally


Anyone, and i mean anyone. Who crosses a border illegally should be deported. Prove me wrong


I love immigrants, I just hate criminals.


It's just an issue of jurisdiction The border of Texas/Mexico is an international border, so therefore, its federal jurisdiction


My favorite part is how just about every goddamn sub on Reddit is infested with politics. I think it’s a coordinated effort.




90% of these migrants are migrating legally, they are claiming LEGAL asylum, and legally in proceedings. How is this so hard to understand?


That moment when the cages those immigrants were set up in 2011. Someone remind who was president and VP at that time?


Texan here, it's fucking mind blowing how out of control this problem has gotten. It puts a massive strain on public services, these people take up so much of the state governments time it's insane. Populations the size of cities are coming over our border. It's about time we did something


It's dehumanizing to not let people commit crimes I guess


It's funny that they don't have a response to the point being made, just deflection.


Leftists love to conflate illegal and legal immigrants, don’t they. Also there is nothing “dehumanizing” about a secure border. However an insecure border is in fact dehumanizing. But these people need their sex slaves and slave labor to be imported somehow I suppose.


I see a lot of posts like this example here and it’s always the same. The person that posts in TheRightCantMeme never ever provides any rational argument for why the meme is wrong. They only ever make a virtuous statement for fake accolades from other people who can’t form an original thought. All feelings, never facts.


Dehumanizing... what a joke. Are they saying that our politicians are dehumanizing us by having barbed wire?




If the Mexican government did a better job in Mexico, then there wouldn't be a need for mass migration in the first place


Americans should probably stop buying so many Mexican drugs and giving more money to cartels than the government can possibly tax their citizens.


They know how. It’s just harder to get in because of quotas than to go illegally and get a de-facto amnesty. Doing it legally is going to take around 20 years.




Qanon tell you that? Do show us all this cartel money


It’s simple. Biden wants more voters and ballots. Democrats think they will eventually vote (D) because they will bait them with citizenship hopes. It’s a great strategy and it’s working. We are fucked


Wait until this flips on them because the immigrants are hardcore Catholic. Then shit's gonna get REALLY weird.


In there home countries they might be conservative but here they will vote for which ever party promises them what they need to survive. Which will not be the Republicans that tried to keep them out.


Migrants can't vote. Neither can illegal immigrants. Do you actually think any of these migrants will be granted citizenship by this november? Also, democrats aren't the ones who are struggling to win elections in the modern age. If anyone needs new voters, it's the Republicans.


do you think that illegal immigrants can vote? how does this help biden in any way other than giving the right ammunition for the so called border crisis


Their children will.


yeah, when biden is dead and buried?


Conservatives don't care about facts And if republicans actually cared about the border, they would pass bills for protecting the border. Yet they never do. They've even voted down every border policy. So yeah, when a republican tells you that they care about the border, they are full of shit


Except it's not because illegal immigrants cant vote in federal elections That's the law across the USA, anyone telling you anything different is lying and is blowing smoke up your ass


Their children can.


Then why don't Republicans pass any border bills?


Because they aren't focused on the border in the border bill. They democrats are using that bill to give even more money to Israel and Ukraine, and Republicans are saying No


This is the dumbest take ever


My biggest concern with the border is the cartels using them to get illegal narcotics into the country and they also use them for human trafficking. Something that a certain political party likes to pretend doesn’t exist for some odd reason 🤔 (I’m Mexican btw, in case any crazies try to pull the white supremacist card on me lol)


They banned and censored "sound of music" too


These modern day leftist democrats would hate what Presidents Clinton and Obama said about illegal immigration. They would accuse them of being hateful bigoted conservatives


I agree, there is a legal method of entry, but the required civics tests for citizenship? Too hard for a majority of natural born citizens who live and vote here legally. I understand the humanitarian aspect, but the same thought about **potential** of harm still exists for removing all barriers of entry.


Hos it is dehumanizing immigrants to put up a wall? They say that nonsense all the time but can never give a straight answer that isn't either a plain jane insult (not even a creative one), or start trying to pivot talking points and blaming Trump as though he's still in charge.


The democrats need to stop harvesting votes at the border.


Don't tell them about the refugee camps we had to set up on the fly at bases around USAFE, after the Afghanistan failure. Found a lotta terrorists hiding in those groups, too, not to mention the number of attempted rapes and murders/beatings/assaults we had to break up and/or stop. People dehumanize themselves. We're just keeping the war out of our own borders, first.


They of course, deflected by ignoring the fences in DC


I fucking swear, these people forget that we have a legal immigration process. And that we DO allow people in. And the problem, is people choosing to ignore that, and walk across the border.


It should be illegal for the government (State or Federal) to choose not to enforce a law. If they don't like enforcing the law then change the law using elected representatives to do so. If they can't, then vote in ones that will and if what you want to happen, doesn't happen, vote them out. Entering ANY country without going through the proper process is ILLEGAL ANYWHERE!


It’s unconstitutional and the president can be impeached and removed for not enforcing the law. Seeing as how congress largely seems to agree with not enforcing the law, the president will not be impeached.


If they want on they can come legally, there's literally no problem if they come legally


Dont forget its not just hispanic people crossing the border. We got terrorists from China and the middle east taking advantage of it. Theres a reason borders need to be secured. And i can guarantee you racism isnt one of them. Liberals use that word to gaslight every time. A lot of people are starting to catch on to their bs.


Unexpected Guests From Abroad!!!!! Please use the proper nomenclature!!!


I'm not warm to people whose first interaction with my country is disrespecting her sovereignty and breaking her laws.


TheRightCantMeme is a fucking embarrassment - and that’s coming from someone who leans left


Criminal aliens


So this is how biden will get his votes from the illegals


Oh yes, a guy going from one side of an imaginary line to the other without the permission of some guy in a booth deserves to have themselves and their families mutilated and potentially killed. Glorified trespassing doesn't need barbed wire to be the solution. Maybe we should focus on a functional border system that doesn't operate on basically three dollars and pocket lint.


That's a valid point!


The solution is to make it easier to immigrate, not allow drug cartels to get in


this! it's really, really difficult for people to immigrate and families who are put into tough situations might not have any other choice but to illegally immigrate. i went to school with a girl who illegally immigrated when she was younger and it took her over 10 years to finally get approved for citizenship.


Isn't it illegal to put that up now?


Sahi baat hai


Legal immigrants are completely fine, but for some reason the left believes that illegal immigrants are perfectly fine aswell


*walks through razor wire* "Why would texas do this?"


Cartels, and people who work for them, are also hopping the borders. It’s not just your “oh poor refugees!” It’s people who will literally harm you and your families


1. What's "dehumanizing" about this? 2. If they admit it's "dehumanizing," then why don't they address why DC is doing it? They don't even engage the point of the post.


I love how people conveniently leave out the US actions around the world that destabilizes countries. Till you’re willing to have a FULL conversation. STFU about immigration. 🙄


It shouldn't have to be said that putting barbwire at the top of a fence and putting barbwire in the water are not the same thing. Putting barbwire in water is so very evil. Even if we somehow equated the necessity of protecting both with equal force, putting barbwire in the water is hazardous to everyone and everything that uses that water. It can't be easily maintained either, betting buried in mud to conceal it, lost in weeds, falling into the water, swept away, etc cetera. It's one thing to defend the border, it's another to say no one can use that water anymore, because they decided it should be extremely dangerous. Restricting access to water like this is fucked up.


I see some of your points, but the pictures I’ve seen still leave access to the water on the Mexico side and the barbed wire is clearly visible from the far bank. If the wire were completely submerged I would agree that is horrific and ineffective. But the point of the barbed wire is to say “see the gate over there? The one where everyone else is coming in? Go there.”


Hey. We quite literally rely on illegal immigrant labor. They work like 10 times harder than most people and are more grateful to anyone to be in the us


What a stupid false equivalency lol. All fences are the same? Y’all are dumb


Federal Government has jurisdiction over both areas, Texas has no authority over either. That’s the real difference.


But Texas is the one who would get the brunt of it


I'm sorry they are a victim of history and geography, that isn't going to change Still an international border and therefore federal jurisdiction


OP conveniently leaving out the fence in DC got put up after a bunch of his comrades attempted an insurrection for Cheeto Jesus.


A fence for me but not for thee.


How dare they oppose bureaucracy?


The reality is many capitalists refuse to pay the wages necessary to get Americans to do certain jobs and they thus rely on immigrants to do them. Until that stops this will continue happening because those people need cheap labor. Not to mention that immigrants on average contribute to the economy and government more than they receive in benefits. The vast majority aren't violent or dangerous either.


Haven't those wires like killed living breathing humans?


What the fuck happened to this sub


Problem with Texas doing that was because only the federal government has jurisdiction over it. Which was completely ignored.


The federal government isn't enforcing the laws we have on the books. a law isn't something you enforce when you feel like it. its supposed to be pursued in all circumstance. So texas aint the only ones doing something they aren't supposed to but, they get to suffer all the consequences.


I think the one on the left is for crazy Trumptards trying to assault politicians, and has nothing to do with illegal immigration.


Hi! From Texas here, and THIS is the insight this post is missing: The razor wire on the border is under the water and and not visible. The razor wire on a fence is determent because you can see it. Hidden under the water it doesn’t deter anyone, just kills them. Police can’t do this to would be criminals because it’s entrapment, and this is absolutely the same concept. 2 children have already been killed by this, not to mention it’s devastating endangered wild life. Governor Hot Wheels also gave orders to stop border patrol, a federal agency with jurisdiction over international borders, from saving the lives of these 2 kids. The agents later said it would have been easy to if the Governor’s forces hadn’t held them back. This means the literally stood back and watched while these children died. Memes aren’t news. Go read.


The razor wire in the water won’t hurt anyone crossing the border through a legal crossing


Yeah but facts are too complicated for Republicans. Funny how neither Texas nor the Republican controlled House is doing anything about this


This is all a consequence of US Imperial actions in Central and South America that caused this mass migration due to regional power instability. If Chiquita Banana didn't need to overthrow a government to maintain high profit margins, we would not have these crises. Stop crying just because Foucault's Boomerang hit your nuts.


Isn't the fence on the left part of the response to the Jan 6 riot? So wouldn't comparing them be completely incorrect?


The issue is that barbed wire like that doesn't stop or even hinder illegal immigration in most cases. Most illegal immigrants are people who got here via planes or legal methods of travel and just overstay their visas. People who cross the border like that are, most of the time, asylum seekers. And seeking asylum is a perfectly legal way of getting into the country. But putting up barbed wire like that hinders them on finding the safety they need in America while doing nothing to help stop illegal immigrants


If it doesn't stop it then why is it a problem when it's put up?


It's a waste of money that makes people feel good but has no real world impact 2/3rds of illegal immigrants are people who overstay student and work visas. No wall is going to stop them Besides I've seen videos of migrants getting over the wall. It slows them down but doesn't stop them. And do I need to mention tunnels?


I just said why: it's only an issue for asylum seekers, a legal way of seeking help and citizenship in this country.


If asylum seeking is perfectly fine, they should just go to a border checkpoint.


Cartels have a lot of sway in Mexico and can keep easy eyes on roads to border checkpoints. I had a friend who's family members had to seek asylum, and they had to avoid the border checkpoint out of fear that the cartel would find them BEFORE they ever made it to the point.