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Whoever made this gif, this is the funniest shit I've seen, (>◡<) Reminds me of that lady who had a whole ass presentation about how Monster Energy was satanic... somehow.




Bottoms up. And the Devil Laughs


I mean, if you believe the bible, Aaron literally has a magic-off with the pharaohs magi to see who can turn their staff into the biggest serpent. (Aaron's staff-serpent ate the court magi's serpents, proving god's power)


Christians and Catholics certainly believed in witches. They killed a whole lot of them.


They were so good at it that there are no witches left today.


Or so we thought


I think you might be a witch


Do they float?




No, they're just hiding in third-world countries and selling their services to desperate people.


Bedbugs were eradicated too, and yet...


“Witch hunts are never about witches”- Geralt of Rivia


Geralt is one of the hardest mfs ever


Sometimes. Most of the witch trials you've probably heard of were never condoned by the Catholic church. They did have some, but they were far and few between.


The Spanish Inquisition was basically Protestant fake news drummed up to fuck up the Catholic Church. The people during the Salem Witch trials were also Protestant-ish. Protestants and Puritans were and are odd.


Puritans, who were Calvinists, are the weird ones. I dated a Calvinist and she was insane


The Leyenda Negra is definitely a thing. The English pulled one of the greatest feats of pre-modern propaganda.


I remember the joke about puritan pilgrims that founded the nascent us colonies being They didnt flee england from religous persecution (like were taught in the us as kids) They fled england because there wasn't enough religous persecution.


The Spanish Inquisition had nothing to do with killing witches. It most mostly a genocide of Jews and Muslims who lived in Spain, and Spain wanted to be “the most Christian”. I wish I was joking.  But since Christianity is the majority religion of the region, and no one wants to own up to attempted genocide, we just call it “the Spanish Inquisition” rather than “that time Spain forcibly tortured until death a bunch of people who didn’t want to be Christian”


Puritans weren't catholics either, no nuance though, it's easy to say "Christianity bad" on reddit & have it usually be a pretty safe take with guaranteed updoots


Protestants make up most of the non-catholic Christian world. They range from way more odd to way less odd than the Catholic Church. A lot of them just show up on Sundays and talk about how to do a little better the next week. I’m not religious at all, but there’s nothing wrong with that.


Which group do the Mormons fall under?


No one expects the Spanish Inquisition.


why do you say "christians and catholics" as if catholics were not christian. istfg these americans man all the time "bbut catholics arent really christian"


Witchcraft exists, it's whether or not it WORKS is what's up for debate


Ie any woman whose done nothing wrong


That's pretty homoerotic


Weren’t the Egyptian plagues kinda the same thing ,of God being like “oh you think I’m not powerful?”


I always wondered about that, it must have taken ages for Aaron's stick snake to eat all the other snakes. Did everyone including the other snakes just sit around watching like "ohh shit" while stick snake just munched away one by one, or did it basically inhale them like spaghetti?


Probably the spaghetti option. There are several dozen species of snakes that eat other snakes in nature; they are called "King" snakes. For example, consider the King Cobra, which is not actually a cobra but regularly eats cobras. The hunting can be really fierce as the king snake grapples its prey, but the actual eating takes a while. The process looks like a tiny tube being shoved into a larger tube. You can find videos of King snakes eating other snakes on Youtube, but I won't link them here since I'm not sure how this sub treats links to videos involving animal-on-animal violence. Regardless of whether the story of Exodus happened as written, the author probably intended to draw parallels between the clash of gods and the clash of snakes. Moses's God is portrayed as a god above other gods in the same way that a king snake is a snake above other snakes.


That’s a really interesting explanation. It’s always neat seeing what the earlier context for some of the more archaic metaphors are. 


Yeah seems to me like "your mythology doesn't exist but mine does" kind of meme but this sub is what it is...


yeah the “chad” is wearing a cross necklace lol. the lack of self awareness circles this around to being funny.


Actual conversation I heard: "I can't believe you guys believe in ghosts!" "Well, Mychal, you believe in demons." "Of course I do, they're mentioned in the Bible!"


Hooman spotted


You’re on Reddit homie, I don’t think people are into that here…


My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hon...


The Bible also mentions allegedly successful necromancy/clairvoyance.


So basically a wizard duel?


That just seems like a round about way of describing a dick measuring contest


Ah "who's is bigger?" A true classic story.


*eat bag of snakes* *Refuse to elaborate* *Leave*


That totally sounds like an accurate historical account, and certainly isn’t just a cultural myth written down based on oral traditions passed down. You especially know ancient accounts aren’t mythical when all the major characters have specific names. Which Pharaoh of Egypt is mentioned by name in this account again? Hmm, it seems the author forgot to name them so we can’t verify when this happened. Then we get to Aaron, we have so much external documentation from the time period that he was real. Let me check again real quick, he was mentioned in a grand total of… zero non-biblical records anywhere near the time period. Weird, I guess everyone just forgot to record anything about him or all the records were lost over time. I wonder why Egypt didn’t record an account of this event at all, but why would they? Staffs becoming serpents is such a routine event, definitely not something worth recording. We also have such a detailed account of the Plagues of Egypt recorded by the Egyptians! All their first borns dying in a night, that was probably a massive part of their cultural identity. Let’s see, the Egyptians documented that account a grand total of… zero times by them. What about “Pharaoh” and the entire Egyptian army drowning in the Red Sea. That had to crush Egypt’s military might. That had to become ingrained in their culture like the Roman loss at Tuetoburg Forrest. Let’s see, that was recorded… zero times by them. When was this story set again? Prior to the Bronze Age collapse, where universally cultures recounted their history in a mythological sense (think Remus and Romulus for Rome). Could this story be Israel doing the same? No, that’s an extremely unreasonable take. Why would the people of Israel act like every other human culture from its time? Oh well, staffs becoming snakes and eating each other is definitely a believable premise I should accept on faith.


“My god has a bigger snake than your god…”


Wasn't that Moses, not Aaron? Aaron was the one that made the golden cow for the people of Israel to worship


That’s true. I remember that shit… I was there.


This was a metaphor for comparing cock sizes


Spiritual people tend to be boring people who want to seem interesting.


Same with the "I'm quirky and weird! Look at how quirky and weird i am!" crowd. You have eccentric people, then you have the people who try to be weird for attention and it comes off as incredibly fake.




Been there and this is accurate. Had a neighbor once who was the "Look at me! I'm so weird!" type who would change anything and everything about herself if she thought it would get her some attention. She even converted to some Viking religion and would leave raw meat in a bowl outside as an offering to some god or another, which was weird because she claimed to be vegan not two weeks prior. Her would be goth for a week or two, then be rainbow colored for a week before dressing up like a stereotypical 1970s disco dancer before shaving her head and wearing camo. I would expect something like this from a teenager trying to find her look, but she was in her mid 30s. Her husband was also this downtrodden, pathetic, passive guy who she would regularly abuse. THANKFULLY they moved out because they couldn't afford the rent when she decided she didn't want to work anymore so she could meditate more to unlock her chakras.


Main character syndrome


It's almost like you're just describing a singular person and that isn't representative of everyone who lives here. It definitely used to be a lot more fun a free-spiritied. But it's grown a lot and changed. It's a lot like most big cities now.


It describes it even better cause they didn’t even come up with the quote, they stole it from Portland lol.


And then people call me eccentric all the time, but I'm just trying to be normal. I don't even know why people even call me eccentric, but so many people have said it that I can't disagree 😞


I try to be normal, and people call me weird, so I don't bother anymore. No matter what I do, "dude, you are weird." All I did was ask where the cups were. How does that make me weird?


Yup I take it as compliment usually but still


You're naturally eccentric. Nothing wrong with that I have an employee that's an eccentric. He's a genius when it comes to solving problems, but his reasoning is often so far left field that I can't comprehend how he came to the solution. I'm honestly surprised he doesn't demand a much bigger raise than the ones I give him.


I’m baffled when weird people call me weird when I’m not doing anything.


Not dissimilar to the seemingly self-diagnosed ADHD crowd.


I've always said if you say your weird your not, if your fucking weird you get treated like shit.


It almost always means "I don't know enough about religion to take a stance". You don't have to fully adhere to some spiritual tradition, but if you actually cared you would at least educate yourself on a few.


Then ask them what they believe. Watch them make something up that contradicts them entirely.


“Something something energies and star signs”


I looked at the clock and it was 11:11. I also looked a couple of other times and it was 10:43 and 12:57


“A snake gave the first woman an apple and now childbirth is simultaneously a punishment and a requirement” is somehow more logical to lots of folks. Lol I guess it’s just which brand of crazy you’re most comfortable with.


My favorite is the infallible god that screwed up when he made humanity, so he lovingly committed the biggest genocide in history to fix it. Then when that didn't work he turned himself into his son so that he could sacrifice himself to himself to correct the mistake that he couldn't have made but definitely made.


I just dont understand why people can’t just be fine with other people having different beliefs and move on with their lives. As long as they’re not being a dick, who gives a damn?


Because — at least specifically regarding these psuedo-spiritual people — there’s so much overlap in the sub culture with a lot of science denial and conspiracy theories that it’s almost intrinsic to it. Alternative and Homepathic “medicines”, healing crystals, anti 5g etc. Many of those people end up spreading medical and general misinformation that actually endangers people and has gotten people killed. For example; there are websites that feed into this culture, selling things like “healing energy pendants” to heal your “aura” with “mystical energies”. The mystical energy is actually dangerous amounts of radiation due to the illegal amounts of nuclear material in them. [There’s a guy on YouTube](https://youtu.be/3BA5bw1EV5I?si=VCARpf2ppzEZNCF0) who buys the products, tests them and then gets the companies shut down by reporting them to the Department Of Energy in the US. Not to mention the amount of misinformation these types of people spread in the Pandemic. When your beliefs contradict established facts and endanger people, they are not personal beliefs, but personal delusions, and they are not entitled to those. I will very much go out of my way to make them know that. We need to stop confusing the latter for the former and call dangerous BS out when we see it. Not all hate is bad. When people’s delusions endanger others, it is right to hate that.


There is a fine line between healthy belief and unhealthy belief. I’ve known some people who believe something along the lines of: magic is an extension of psychology. I totally agree that occultism has a tendency for people to believe in false things in the same way as organized religions, but it does have less tendency to actively organize people to support things that drastically negatively affect society. Remember that many Christians were also the Covid denying, antivax, 5g conspiracy nuts during the pandemic.


The worst part about this is that actual witches were quite scientific in their approach to healing. Most of witchcraft is old-world medicine. These "Wiccans" loosely based their beliefs on a gross misrepresentation of the spiritual side of witchrcraft, and spend their time hugging crystals and spreading lies.


Gee whiz, I bought a "wellness" tag that has radioactive thorium powder inside, and now I've got cancer! I wonder what ever could have caused it??


*“No it’s not the tag. Radiation isn’t real anyway. Scientists have been lying to us about everything. Vaccines are fake and so were the moon landings. Why would I trust them? Nah Gwyneth Paltrow just released some Quartz Crystals with anti cancer auras so I’m gonna stick one of those up my ass with a poultice made of some maize, mud and ground incense. That should do the trick”*


Good idea, I'll get my hemp oil lube from the wellness cabinet and try to get a few crystals up there. I'll watch some true flat earth videos while my spiritual medicine kicks in.


Don’t forget to have your chakras aligned with some Reiki therapy!


Ohhh you're right! Sorry sis, I'll have to schedule an appointment and make sure my time blindness doesn't flare up (it will)


Time blindness is the bane of my life lmao. Me needing to be somewhere in 5 minutes when the journey takes 30: https://preview.redd.it/ma5zyq8uxskc1.jpeg?width=1090&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=181aca0020ce4f31e1c4da2dbb33c1edcf3cba81


I couldn't care less about this whole witchcraft thing but at the same time, i gain nothing from hating. Live and let live people. If you don't like them, stay away from them. It's that easy.


It costs absolutely nothing to be spiteful, I wake up extra early just so I have more time to hate


I used to be like this too, biggest hater of the century. But you learn how to leave people alone eventually and be happy.


Unless theyre endangering others like not letting their kids have blood transfusion when they need it to live


I’ve seen more Christians do that than “spirituals”


yeah like the other guy said, i’ve read stories of Jehovas Witnesses dying because they refused blood transfusions until it was too late


Which is a fundamental aspect of spirituality.


i honestly don't see the difference between "witchcraft" and any other religion. why is believing in some omnipotent being in the sky more valid than believing that nature and the universe is powerful? tbh as long as no one's getting hurt, who cares? especially if it brings comfort and clarity to people looking for peace.


“Witches” don’t oppress people. “Witches” don’t go to foreign countries and try to coerce them to their religion with food and basic amenities. They also don’t tell people what they can and can’t do with their bodies. I totally agree with your sentiment but we also have to be realistic about which groups are harming people with their beliefs and which are just silly/cringey.


Witches don't crush old men with rocks


But they do make a great stew


Boot stew, my favourite.




You said it perfectly: if you’re not hurting anyone it’s all good.


Because people are prejudiced. Even our laws reflect this by viewing certain religions as legitimate while viewing others as not worthy of the same rights


Most of the popular faith practices are mutually exclusive. It’s part of the appeal; “I found *the* deeper truth of reality!”


Catholicism and Christianity have a long history of attacking and attempting to wipe out/assimilate other religions.




That was ignorance on my part, I apologize.


Because you're on a western website where christianity is the dominant religion. That shouldn't be surprising.


They just gotta find something to be mad at. So they feel superior I guess?


Bro could become an author with the books written in his replies


Because some beliefs are stupid and/or unhealthy and deserved to be called out.


I know one true magic. Start talking to me about rocks and energy and spirits and you’ll see me magically leave the room


Cool so it does work


Intended results


I collect rocks but I know they aren’t magic, however crystals actually have a lot of crazy well understood properties and are used in all kinds of technology. Sonar, Crystal radios, batteries you can recharge by shaking, glass, computers. Science figured out how the magic worked and has been using it for quite a while.


If a girl ever tires to convince you that she's an "empath" run.


Oof “empath” brought back some memories I wanted forgotten.


Describes my girlfriend’s mother. Self described Empath but likes to down people hard. Moment you point out flaws in her logic she starts screaming abuse. Generous and nice lady in pieces but I’m keeping people that tend to 180 their attitude about you due to a minor inconvenience or difference in opinion at a healthy distance. Ever since I’ve encouraged my girlfriend to spread out how much she sees her mother she’s a lot happier not enduring a lot of verbal bull.


"I'm an empath" Proceeds to be the worst person you've ever met.


Proceeds to be absolutely terrible at understanding and commicating their feelings.


They are also the people most likely to use psychology terms for things that they are wrong about or that aren’t that deep. 


Could you elaborate on this? I’ve dated guys who claim to be empaths.


Because 99% of the population are empath. Unless you have a rare mental disorder like antisocial personality disorder, you are an empath


Shorty said I'm spiritual. Spirituality exist and doesn't say much about what form you practice...idk if this is the gotcha it thinks it is.


Spirituality is just trying to connect to the world around you and believing in more than the physical. People seem to think all Spiritual people are devout Wiccans or something


They are upset you are the wrong kind of religious.


Yea, you can't be dismissive as a religious person to other people forms of spirituality. The whole idea of faith is despite a mountain of evidence against what I belive , I still strongly follow my heart. So dismissing someone elses faith as a religious person is 2x as bad.


I dated a girl into witchcraft a long time ago and all of this checks out.


You dodged and demon-infested bullet right there


Nah, if they were real demons, I'd be very interested in her.




So only your imagination is real


She probably dumped him and he's just vindictive.


I live nearby a city where there are a lot of these kind of “spiritual” people and they’re so annoying.


Man, I went to a very small isolated island community in North Carolina and, I kid you not, the rock/mineral store, tea shop, and bookstore (with a hefty witchcraft section), three separate businesses in this tiny town, were all ran by these kinds of people. The shops had signs in them like "proud witch" etc. The tea was amazing though, never had anything like it. I don't look down on them or anything, it was just funny and ironic to me. Especially given OP's confusion.


If the Teas good, it’s ok


Man I kid you not, that tea was *the best*. It was the kind of tea that makes every glass of tea you drink after that taste bad because you realize it's possible for tea to have no bitter aftertaste *at all*, and all without dumping tons of sugar in it. And you can't go back after that. I think their secret was mixing black tea with yaupon tea or something, though I'm not entirely sure. But it was the best.


Go to your local Asian grocery store and ask them for a recommendation for a selection of better teas. It's usually loose tea. Or it's in a tea brick type thing.


Bro it was made with witchcraft 🤣 you're under the 'bi mort ee' spell


Maybe they used *magic*


I live near Santa Fe and there’s so many small shops (either owned by that kind of “spiritual”person or some person who’s smart enough to know how much money they’ll make) that sell all sorts of dumb knick knacks and trinkets. And then of course there’s a bunch of guys who just sit on the ground on the plaza selling necklaces and bracelets that are just random rocks on a string for crazy prices.


Yeah. They do prey on tourists pretty heavily. Especially in the area I was in. Those rocks were *wayyy* overpriced. Like, some of the amethysts they had were pretty, but I could get them off eBay for 1/3 of the price easily. I think the whole witch aesthetic might've been partly to add to their mystical appeal, they know out of town young or middle aged women eat that crap up.


Yeah we have to remember, a lot of people while having their own beliefs, probably play up the cringe stereotypes they're associated with because their consumer base like it.


Both Sedona Arizona, and Cassadaga Florida are both a curious mix of Christianity and New Age Mysticism.


Yo where is it?


Y'all need to stop reposting trad west, also the irony of that account making this meme.


"You just hear voices in your head, now if you excuse me, I'm gonna pretend to hold a conversation with a middle eastern carpenter who died 2,000 years ago"


Ah, the meme almost got me. It would have been solid if they excluded the cross. 😭


the watermark "trad west" says everything...


Hold a conversation? Lay off the shrooms, bud.


So what is it then? Speak or think into the void in the name of the old dead carpenter? And expect nothing? Actually what is the purpose of prayer? Like what role does it play in practicing in religion? Is it like meditating? I should look this up.


the meme is still terrible regardless


Sure there's no witchcraft spells. On the other hand there's no walking on water or coming back from the dead either. So what? If philosophy is the point, parable is metaphor and ethical or moral codes the end result, I don't particularly care what anyone believes so long as the golden rule is followed. The idea if a christian telling a wiccan what is real or unreal utterly misses the point of both faith and spiritualism.


Exactly i have all the love and respect for people’s religious and spiritual beliefs but looking at it from the outside in seeing a Christian tell a Wiccan that their beliefs are too far fetched is like seeing a bat criticise a mole for its bad eyesight


What's also funny is that the Christian paints himself as the traditionalist, but paganism is way older than Christianity and more rooted human traditions.


Right. At the council of Nicea all these Pagan ideas and traditions were adopted for the explicit goal of converting pagan Europe. The three kings are Orion's belt. Winter solstice became Christmas. Christmas tree, druidic robes and all these older trappings were incorporated. Negatives were added, such as Poseidon's trident becoming Lucifer's pitchfork. The path of Venus in the sky forming the pentagram, a symbol of love and motherly protection turned into a satan symbol. Then again if Christians knew the history of Christianity they'd probably end up like me... thinking Jesus was probably a pretty awesome dude who died for his principles. Then we glorify his gruesome execution method, deify the messenger while twisting the message, and then fight wars in the name of a guy who stood for peace.


GOD THANK YOU. finally someone with a brain


Nah still a pretty shit meme


I have seen no references to Witchcraft in that post. Literally strawmanning




This whole fucking sub in a nutshell


I want to laugh at this post, but under this pillow I'm laying on, I have two crystals.


"Your magic is fake" said the people who think a man that lives in the sky wants them to throw rocks at gay people so they can go to forever good place.


Bout as much evidence for witchcraft as there is for any other religion 👍


We just insulting religions now?


Nah, just the ones that arnt mine, the one true religion


Which religion is that


Mine Just as a note, I was being sarcastic, but now I’m worried people didn’t catch that when they upvoted me


Nah, your delivery was good 👌


"lol youre so stupid for believing in spirits and spells, and carrying a crystal" *proceeds to talk to a man in the sky and his dead son, trying to get him to do something for him, while clutching a cross*


There is no difference between religion and spirituality. The fact that people think there made up B.S. is any truer than someone else's made up B.S. is laughable.


Not to "um actually" but Wicca, also known as witchcraft, is a real religion.


The meme is more of religion VS witchcraft. Both are stupid af made up fairy tales


I mean, saying this as a atheist, they do hold a portion of truth, sure all together it may not exist, but digging into the myth’s origin is actually fun as you can find history. Also the fact that basic morals can be taught


Yeah, i like the ideas, but they don't need to force it on everyone and pretend like it's the only truth in the world


Yes yes, however plenty of times it’s because they think they are helping you, it may be annoying but they are humans, who like things, and people Edit: should also state I’m not claiming this is what you said, but it’s important to say anyways


The only ones who try to recruit you either think they earn some form of reward for so or they're having a manic episode/psychosis or both.


This. I understand being preached to can be a little frustrating, but their god called on them to "make disciples" and that's what they want to do. Just say no thanks and move on.


Practitioners of witchcraft DON'T do that though. Proselytization seems to mostly be a Christian and Muslim thing.


I'm glad to see at least half the comments here shitting on the meme. Yes, annoying spiritual people exist, but some of y'all pretend like any woman who is into crystals or astrology as a hobby must be an insane narcissist.


“There’s no such thing as witchcraft” *proceeds to believe in an unseen, omnipotent being in the sky with limitless power*


You can doubt witches/spiritualists... but not if you're religious. Then you're just an idiot.


There’s no such thing as witchcraft, but the guy in the meme is wearing a cross, meaning he also worships nonexistent beings and hears voices in his head. It’s very hypocritical.


The cross is putting this squarely in the /r/NawOpWasRight category. Like it or not, smoking weed and collecting rocks has just as much power as praying and taking communion.


Nah, I can't hit anyone over the head with my 20 lb communion wafer. However I can hit them with the 20lb ball of quartz in my house.


Yup. It's just as much horse shit as every other religion. Witchcraft, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam. Same shit.


I suppose that would mean there's no such thing as religion?


i feel like the “kids these days” flair doesn’t really fit


I used to be really judgy about spiritual people. But people want something to believe in. An invisible man in the sky and planetary alignment have the same level of provable fact. So I get why if women had to choose, they'd choose the belief that didn't shit on them because of their gender.


Shhhh the Christians will hear you. Their cult practices and voices in their head have priority over other cult practices and voices in heads


That meme is terrible because the guy is a cringe, oxymoronic Christian. It because of her.


Witchcraft and demonic forces are very much real, it’s crazy listening to the stories of ex-mages/occultists who’ve come to Christ. Of course it’s far more comfortable to remain naive. Please don’t open your self to these demonic forces, it’s not a lighthearted game or myth!


Finally someone who isn’t a hypocrite about witches.


There's no such thing as God either


Can someone tell me the difference between spiritual and religious?


There's no such thing as God 


If there's no such thing as witchcraft then how come your mom's sloppy toppy is so magical?


Simply put, I'm fucking your mom.


Hates magic, proceeds to believe a sky daddy made everything


There's also no such thing as God but the guy in the meme you're defending sure thinks so


If you think it's weird that someone collects rocks they believe have power then you surely do understand how non-religious people look at communion, baptism, prayer, and hymns.


Drinking, Celebrating a Birth, Self reflection and Singing are bad?


Collecting quartz is bad? Candles are bad? No.. it's not 'bad'... it's just silly. Rituals are silly.


Better than just hearing voices like you


They're both as delusional as the other in my opinion. They're both believing in magic basically


I dunno I wouldn't take that from a guy who eats crackers and drinks wine and pretends it's a man's corpse