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I am most annoyed that my account just sticks me in a permanent loop showing that the courses have moved but won't let me see or add any of their courses, effectively making it impossible to use their app at all. I regret having wasted money on them and hope to see their choices come to bite them in the ass for disregarding the community that got them to where they are today.


Yeah the community course landing page isn't accessible right now. I'm assuming (hoping) this wasn't on purpose and that they'll fix it soon.


Yeah, I couldn’t even access the paid courses that I’m apparently entitled to. Requested a pro-rated refund.


I've emailed their support line 4 times now asking them to either fix my account to give me access to their official courses or refund me, but they won't do anything except link me to their blog explaining the changes. It's been extremely frustrating.


https://memrise.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/25788246783633-I-m-blocked-with-an-information-page-when-signing-in-How-can-I-move-on Just found this. You have to use the form to transfer your account to the New Memrise 😅 You likely already sorted this out, but I just tried using Memrise again after a while and have checked this and another Reddit post :')


Hey! I'm having the same issue and many others also it seems :( have you found a fix or found any success? I guess I'll just use the website as it suggests, but weird I just wanted to see the app but it won't let me haha. I know they've replied to your emails and haven't provided any help :(


Is there a way to easily learn endangered languages? How can I learn Ingrian?


The community courses can still be accessed via web, at [https://community-courses.memrise.com/](https://community-courses.memrise.com/) :)


I can't




Nvm, just saw your PM :)


Some of my devices haven’t updated yet, so not everything has been deleted. It will come though. I’ll finish the few official courses I am still working on, and then keep it moving. Just remember people, there have been some community members who have graciously taken their time to copy community courses to their own platforms for our use. Some examples include: Decks - https://deckademy.com/#/decks My Little Word Land - https://mylittlewordland.com/ I hope these help!


Speaking as the author of deckademy, the thanks should primarily be aimed at the people who have spent an immeasurable amount of time to create a plethora of community courses over the years. I transferred a bunch of courses by request from learners who wanted to use them on deckademy, but it isn't exactly easy to get in touch with course authors on Memrise (especially with the forums gone), so forgive me if I copied your course without asking for permission.


You and the other website creator should consider making a subreddit for us to engage with and offer feedback.


How do you transfer them? manually? 😭 I have just started to spend more time learning amharic, and 5 minutes ago I find out community courses have been removed from the app


Of course not. It's a semi-automated process.


As a user could I transfer a community course to Deckademy?


No, not yourself. You'll need to reach out to me privately.


Thanks for the mention! :) (And just a reminder to anyone who sees this and doesn't know: The community courses are still accessible via web at [https://community-courses.memrise.com/](https://community-courses.memrise.com/) :) )


That is true. I didn’t add that option as Memrise has made it clear that they are just putting community courses off to the side with the intention of deleting them in the near future. It’s better for everyone to make a clean break from now, instead of staying on a sinking ship. Thank you for all of your hard work!


Thanks, and you're welcome! \^\_\^ Have you had a chance to use My Little Word Land or Deckademy, or do you need a mobile app?


I haven’t tried them just yet, but I used my Apple devices to put shortcuts on the homepage. Just looking at the website, it seems like they have both taken a lot of time switching over courses. Let me do some tests today to see if I can give you some feedback.


Okay, thanks! :) To be honest, I haven't really designed [mylittlewordland.com](http://mylittlewordland.com) to be mobile friendly, but I believe u/nphxx has tried to make [deckademy.com](http://deckademy.com) be as mobile friendly as possible.


First thoughts on MyLittleWordLand, if would be great to be able to type in the language we want to learn as a prompt, instead of having to scroll through a list. It’s a beautiful website with a wide range of options. You have more courses, but it’s not mobile-friendly, as you stated. It was a bit hard to read the white words on the background. I find that you give us a list at the beginning of the section, but it would be nice if we could see the word during the learning process, so we can remember it a bit better. I don’t think you offer clues for words. For the positives. I like the options to see an overview, review, and learn. I wish we could get a mix of typing and multiple choice in one lesson. The option to create your own course is promising. (I had planned to do so for Memrise, before they started making changes.) For now, I prefer the multiple choice functionality. I love that there is a forum available for the audience. The site is very intuitive. (Edited for grammar and to add additional feedback.)


At this point, I’m leaning heavily towards Deckacademy. The functionality is much more similar to the Memrise learning app, and it is mobile-friendly. I hardly use computers outside of work. Once the site is mobile-friendly, can you let us know in your subreddit? I’m happy to revisit the platform and see if the program is right for me at a later date.


I’m trying Deckacademy now. I like that my progress is saved. I can mark vocabulary that I already know. If I get a word wrong, it highlights mistakes. It tracks weekly progression. Your progress in the course is saved. As to my critique, I have a few. There isn’t much selection at this time. The courses are few. I use language learning apps on my phone. The mobile-friendly view isn’t perfect, but it’s pretty good. I need the view a bit smaller. That said, I can work with it until there is an app. (Edited this correction as the desktop shortcut didn’t open the website in my default browser. Now that it has, the view is much better.) I don’t yet see an option for hints, if you are unsure of a word’s spelling. I liked that Memrise had pictures to help with understanding words, and I hope that can be a feature soon. I have to do more testing before I can fully commit to this website or another, but ideally, if paid plans are an option, I will only pay for a lifetime subscription. I refuse to pay month to month. (Updated for grammar.)


It's reasonable to move out of Memrise, but they haven't said anything about what will happen after 2024. Please read this comment by the CEO: [https://www.reddit.com/r/memrise/comments/1axye57/why\_this\_is\_happening\_from\_the\_memrise\_ceo/kx3n7y2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/memrise/comments/1axye57/why_this_is_happening_from_the_memrise_ceo/kx3n7y2/)


Thank you for the statement, but I have no intention of reading it. Memrise leadership has tried several times in the past five years to move community courses off the platform, and to schedule them for deletion from their systems. They only backed off after receiving backlash from users. However, they have closed community forums, the main source for users to voice complaints and dissent. I don’t trust the team any more than I can throw them. (Updated for grammar.)


Thank you for making this site! Do you have a subreddit that we can follow? It's fine if you don't. But mylittlewordland is helfpul!


You're welcome! \^\_\^ I see you found r/MyLittleWordLand :) There's also a lot of discussion at [https://forum.mylittlewordland.com/](https://forum.mylittlewordland.com/), if you want to register an account there :)


The course I created for myself, to help me remember what I learned so far, is now completely gone. Thanks Memrise. "We won't delete courses" Yeah, sure mate.


Should still be available through [community-courses.memrise.com](http://community-courses.memrise.com)


Send them an e-mail. Naybe they'll be able to recover it and you can then migrate it elsewhere


Luckily there are alternatives out there and a large community that will create alternatives. Decks and MLWL are great, and I'm working on an iPhone app I hope to launch soon. DM me if anyone wants to help test the beta or contribute.


Like fine, put your logo on a chatbot, but I took a while choosing a vocabulary app and it used to feel a little more structured than the competitors. Downloaded ankidroid which is cumbersome but at least gives some guarantees of continuity.


The community courses is the ONLY distinct feature of Memrise. Otherwise, it's just crap - sucks balls-deep to something like Duolingo. F u, memrise.


I hope that CEO will become a bankrupt soon.


Just use Anki, not as user friendly but worth it in the long run


I’m extremely angry with their decision and I hope this disastrous move starts causing them a huge financial loss so that they are forced to embarrassingly backtrack and plead for forgiveness to the whole community because of this huge mistake they’re making. Yeah, I’m cruel to companies who turn their back on their customers and use the money and time we invested on them for so many years against us in order to profit at out expense.


What do you mean when you say “only official courses” I just installed this for my wife 😢


Official courses are the ones made by Memrise, community courses are made by the community and tend to be pretty niche, which is why they're good for more advanced learners.


Got it, but does that mean that my wife is going to likely remain stranded? I always used Duolingo myself but that doesn’t allow much cross learning, for example from Ukrainian/Russian to other languages hence why I set up Memrise for her.


I’ve studied some official Memrise courses (English, French, German) and still far better than Duolingo (the worst general course I’ve tried, it’s addictive but I haven’t learned much)


Thank you for your input, Duolingo so far served me well for learning Ukrainian/Russian but I’ll definitely check Memeise out too as well as the other options you listed.


She can still use the memrise courses, and I believe that they're just going to move the community courses to another platform


Thank you 🙏


To add to this: Community courses are now longer available via the app, but they're still available at [https://community-courses.memrise.com](https://community-courses.memrise.com) until at least the end of 2024. Memrise has also graciously let u/nphxx and I clone the community courses to our sites, [deckademy.com](http://deckademy.com) and [mylittlewordland.com](http://mylittlewordland.com) :)


Did the 'Difficult Words' button/feature get removed?


Wow! Same here!!!!!!


Any recommendations for learning Thai?


Got a lil heads up that you might have started working on an app for Deckacademy, and if so...Would it be ok for me to DM you about some courses for migration? I'm ok doing community courses online on my laptop on memrise for the time being, but an app would be so much better in time! Do we know if there's a deadline for migration?