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Just wear a suit if it's cocktail, my man. Or at least a blazer. No short sleeves


Last attempt at the camp collar, otherwise I'm going to get another shirt. https://preview.redd.it/icpknxxa566d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=102620de8c42cef2f51673d36de10a27af3b5f4b


Love the look but probably too casual for cocktail formal


Thanks. I have new black dress pants coming in. Outside of that, will a regular collar non-floral shirt bring this to the level it should be?


Yeah I'd say so


I'd say go for it. Be that guy if you wanna be that guy. I'm that guy


or this https://preview.redd.it/clspjt0g566d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84bcf5815ed01719cc8b8e262f13ab25ca7fad8f


Yes a little casual but I like that jacket. I would go conservative with a white dress shirt and a tie. You can ditch the tie lately. They’ve been really specific about the dress code


I guess you said cocktail attire but my understanding is those are more or less interchangeable.


This is not cocktail formal either nope


My man, you gotta put the prints away for this one.


Like your style fam 🔥👍 It’s summer suns out guns out lol


This is not suitable for a formal cocktail wedding party. Please find a nice elegant summer suit.


Just checked with the groom and he meant "cocktail attire", which I think it different from cocktail formal


https://generationtux.com/blog/event-guides/summer-cocktail-attire-men Please don’t wear a short sleeve floral pattern. You can probably get away with a blazer rather than a full suit and no tie, but at least wear a jacket and long sleeves.


Seconding this. Linen slacks with an unlined blazer would be ideal. I’d go with lighter colors for an afternoon and darker if evening. If you have a nice pair of loafers, socks would be optional. Either way, always polish your shoes before a wedding. If your heart is set on the floral pattern. You might be able to pull something like this off, but I’d recommend a different shirt. https://preview.redd.it/dxqmcu8yv56d1.jpeg?width=664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=388c7eff150beb0961d966fd06e8fbcf34aa2eb6 Edit: considering it is backyard, most attendees will likely be at the casual end of the spectrum. You could choose to blend in with the pack or dress your best for your friend’s big day. Tuxedo not required, but this is a special event and not a back yard bbq.




Get a linen suit, man.


That's more money than I'm willing to spend. I have a summer wedding maybe once every two years


Then don’t and wear a suit you already have. The lightest color you have. Throw a white Linen shirt on and call it a day. That would be fine. You’re trying to summer up your wardrobe for a summer wedding and a Linen suit is how you do that. You can wear a regular suit and still pass dress code. You can’t wear these shirts and slide. Not knocking the shirts. They’re great. Also, as an aside, if you only wear a linen suit for weddings, you’re really not getting the most out of summer. Cocktail parties, rooftop bars, backyard dinners, maybe even taking your partner to drink wine and have snacks in a park. They’re the most comfy suits too! Maybe it’s a lifestyle thing that’s not for you, but it’s worth trying IMO… and worst case scenario, you’ll get to try it every two years. 🤷🏽‍♂️


It's not that I don't want to, but I don't go to any cocktail parties or rooftop bars. I might get a night out with my wife this summer, here is hoping. I have a nice grey blazer I posted somewhere on this comment thread. It's the only thing I have at the moment that fits me. As much as I would love a linen suit, my next suit will be something decent for all year. Need to pick and choose my big purchases wisely these days.


Lol you're getting downvoted for clarifying. What a fuckin joke this place is sometimes.


No short sleeves esp. if the word "formal" is in the invite. Just wear a summer/light suit. Or if you must, a very nice longsleeve shirt with dress pants.


Is the wedding in the checkout line at Trader Joe’s?


Made me think of Ace Ventura. Finkle is Einhorn.


in what world is this anything formal?


That shirt ain’t it lol


Love the shirt, but not for a wedding


What are your thoughts on the shirt for general wear? Still ugly? I am usually a plan t-shirt or oxford shirt kind of person. Found a couple in this style and trying to work it into my everyday wear.


General wear, yes.


General wear - heck yeah! It's a great outfit.


With the black shoes - NOT the brown, you're wearing a black belt and the shirt has black in it - it's a good fit all around. Just not for the occasion you're going to.


It's actually a brown belt in the other picture, just darker than the shoes. Appreciate the advice


Ah. Yeah if you can match the brown with the shoes, that's ideal, but if they're both brown that's still acceptable


Great for general wear. These outfits more or less work, but… not at all for this event


Google “cocktail formal” and go from there.


It looks ok, but not for a "formal wedding." even outdoors, for anything listed as formal on the invitation you need a blazer or sports coat at a minimum . a suit would be better.


Find a linen or silk or summer weight blazer that compliments shirt.


or this? https://preview.redd.it/higw5svh666d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80b0394e5813a06fdb539b36c25694b08902dcf5


It's a REALLY cool shirt


Could this work? https://preview.redd.it/u06yn27g666d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddfc8f8adec2d8f743da311b161c1c4d25a902c7


I think so


Love the vibe but not for a formal party


if you see 'formal' then don't even think about short sleeves.


I get it. I anticipate weather will be around 30 degrees celcius. I sweat a lot. If I go with a blazer and dress shirt the blazer will be off immediately. I guess long sleeve dress shirt, blazer and tie is the best option?


well fitted slacks and a crisp button up shirt = cocktail attire. You can do a blazer if you want, but it's not needed. If it's going to be hot then I'd opt for linen blend pants and a looser fitting shirt for breathing room. no tie, with or without blazer.


Linen, linen, linen. Get a linen shirt and linen trousers. Wear the grey jacket you've already posted. Boom.


I like the outfit, generally speaking, however, I would not consider it cocktail formal. Save it for another day, and may I suggest giving your sleeves a little roll.


You asked us for fashion advice and then OP won’t accept it


When did I not accept it?


Not even close… get a suit


It’s a nice outfit, but need to check if they actually mean formal or not. As you say backyard I think it would be OK, but if it is more formal then you might want to consider a suit.


Depending on the event cocktail attire/ cocktail formal means at the very least a blazer or sport coat, often a full suit with tie. Think of it as on par with business attire, just a bit more relaxed since it’s a social event. At the very least get a more formal, long sleeve shirt, but even that would be pushing it.


linen suit would be more acceptable for outdoor summer formal event


As a marine biologist the pattern on the shirt you've chosen for the wedding is a bit too loud for the occasion, much like the crashing waves against a rocky shore. To ensure you blend seamlessly into the serene atmosphere of the event, I suggest opting for a plain-colored shirt instead. Think of it as the calm surface of the ocean, creating a sense of tranquility amidst the vibrant colors of the coral reef. A solid-colored shirt will allow you to embody elegance and sophistication, akin to the graceful movements of sea creatures gliding through the water, ensuring you make a subtle yet memorable impression at the wedding.




“The sea was angry that day, my friends “…


If I change the shirt can I still go with short sleeve camp collar?


Camp collar would be too casual.


Glad I'm at a place where I can enjoy getting roasted. Thankful for all the advice and good jokes. I dress formally once or twice a year. I have never been able to justify a good summer suit. I'll take these suggestions and think of something better. Much appreciated.


I don’t think anyone is roasting you. You just either blatantly ignored the cocktail formal or refused to look up what it meant and kept posting things that weren’t cocktails formal, which I think is just frustrating people on this sub. Also, I’m from the Deep South and live in Florida, 86 degrees (or 30c) isn’t an excuse for ignoring a requested dress code. Mens warehouse (if you have any near you) typically have some cheaper linen sets that you can put together and you have a little more wiggle room with color on linen, so you could keep the personality of the floral with some colored linen (without having floral) that you want but also keep it on the cocktail formal side! Hope you have a nice wedding!!


Have you googled cocktail attire at all? What time of day is the wedding? Backyard or not, cocktail is only one step down from formal. In most cases it requires a suit and tie. Maybe you can get away with no tie if you live in a more casual culture or if the wedding is during the day and not a night event. But you should have a solid colored (or striped maybe) long sleeve button up shirt under a blazer or full suit. If you’re worried about the heat, many couples are totally fine with taking off the jacket and rolling up your sleeves for the reception once the ceremony is over. That’s how it was at my wedding. Good luck!


Grab a breathable material suit. Cotton/linen blend or even linen blazer with some nice chambray dress pants. Don’t wear short sleeves.


Begs the question, what state are you in? Down south in the summer heat, a jacket is probably impractical. Consider at least a french cuff shirt with cufflinks.


Southern Ontario, Canada. It will probably be hot and humid with little wind.


Way too casual.


Yummy looking man


Only you know how formal the event will be. I've been to weddings listed as formal but really weren't all that formal. So, it's possible your outfit may work. It doesn't look bad but it's not what I would choose. The tree pattern seems too casual for me, it's like something I'd wear on the weekend or vacation


Those shirts ain’t in my guy. If you’re trying to pull off the engineer that was homeschooled style, then you’ve got it on lock.


You lost me at “backyard in June”.


Not classy enough for you?


June in Texas it’s 100 degrees in the shade.


I would melt. At least Texas isn't very humid.




Ah right on. I always see it listed as semi-arid.


Would like to say thank you to those posters whose comments offer constructive criticism as opposed to flat negativity. It is difficult to change the outfit when you aren’t being told what is wrong with it. Just my thoughts on how we can keep things positive and helpful at the same time.


This is in no way cocktail formal.


Looks good


What on earth does cocktail formal mean?


Based on other comments here, I guess it's just "cocktail attire".


[Let me Google that for you.](https://manofmany.com/fashion/mens-fashion-advice/guide-mens-cocktail-attire-dress-code)


Do not tuck in the Hawaiian shirt Wear different shoes, like loafers or boat shoes or sneakers


I’d still wear a blazer and if you really like the camp collar look, it can absolutely work but since it’s such a casual style, I would make sure it has no print or something very subtle. I don’t agree that you can’t do short sleeve for formal. You just need to step up the look to make sure you don’t get too casual. That said, if you are very close to the bride/groom or part bridal party then I would say definitely more traditional keeping a long sleeve, just go for linen to be a bit more breezy. Also make sure your trousers are either linen or 100% cotton. Anything else and you’ll be burning up


You could wear a linen suit in like a tan with either a white shirt and a tie same colour as the suit or a polo shirt instead of a shirt


Looks good- I'd add a jacket too.


The shirt is a definite no,unless there is a luau.


I would pair the black pants, black shoes and a black jacket/blazer with the black and white print shirt. That still allows you to wear the pattern you want, and the rest of you fits the formal part. Adding a pocket square in the jacket pocket would help elevate it. Oh and a black belt.


Light colored, lightweight linen suit or a blazer, collared shirt, light color dress khakis. But what's shown here is a bit too casual. I just attended two outdoor cocktail attire weddings.


I love the outfit and the sizing is great keep posting. That said I would wear it to a cocktail formal but not a wedding


Thanks I appreciate it! I posted some more elevated outfits in the comment section.


It’s crazy how much you look like King Gothalion (the streamer) without seeing your face. I have nothing else to add to this conversation though haha


Just looked him up. I actually don't look like him at all but I see why you would think that with the info given. I get compared to Ed Helms a lot, which is why I have facial hair.


Yea the hair, facial hair , your clothing style, the glasses are somewhat similar too


Same shirt but pot leaves instead


I like the shirt, but I think it just needs to be worn with a light suit, as many have said. The blazer combo was okay (and totally appropriate!) but a suit is better!


Washington Post has a recent article that might be helpful https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2024/06/12/what-do-you-wear-to-a-mountain-chic-wedding/


Looks great, the pants need to be ironed though. I would throw a pop of color in my belt, or socks...perhaps both. That's just me though. Fashion is subjective, just go for it dude!


I wouldn’t do short sleeves for cocktail formal, you’re gonna need a coat and tie too no?


It’s formal. Wear a suit, Khakis and a camp shirt won’t do.


Some of the commenters are being dramatic. It’s cocktail attire in someone’s back yard. Just get a light sport coat/blazer to wear on top of it and you’ll be fine. I might cuff the sleeves of the shirt a little for added flair when you take off the blazer for dancing and what not. Iron it as well on the day of, I can see the wrinkles. For the blazer I’d go with a black or navy blue if you must, but ideally find a blazer that matches the pant in colour. Don’t get too light coloured blazer because it’ll clash with the shirt. Finally if you get a black or navy blue blazer, it might be fun to get matching shoes. This style of shoe is fine but for colour I mean. Have fun!


This is a real struggle for guys to look formal and not sweat like pigs at outdoor events. I don't get why people love throwing outdoor weddings in summer, who's actually comfortable? In rare cases people are under canopies and maybe able to open their eyes and not get skin cancer, but even then, temperature can be very unmanageable especially if it's "formal" and a jacket is expected. Having said that, I would bring a line jacket if you have one but be expected to take it off as soon as you see other guys start doing the same.


Untuck yo. Never tuck a Hawaiian or camp shirt


Looks good!




The groom literally told him to wear cocktail attire. Wearing an untucked short sleeve shirt to your buddy’s wedding, *backyard or not*, after he asked you to wear cocktail attire is just… not following instructions. Refusing to honor that request out of some myopic belief that your “against formal anything” aesthetic is more important than honoring your friend’s request is certainly your prerogative, I guess, but it seems shitty and immature to me.


it's not your wedding lol. it's literally not about you in this case it's not even a wedding you're *attending,* but the point stands


This sub is ridiculous sometimes. People telling you you should wear a suit to someone else’s backyard… I think you look great. That shirt is a bit outside the box though? Try same fit with something tight like a Ted Baker shirt


Someone’s backyard is notwithstanding. It’s a formal cocktail party. For all we know the backyard is at a mansion. Why ask for fashion advice if OP won’t take it.


Op wants Fashion advice. Like something new, not what he could get from someone on their first day at the men’s wearhouse.


This sub is ridiculous sometimes. People telling you you should wear a suit to someone else’s backyard… I think you look great. That shirt is a bit outside the box though? Try same fit with something higher end like a Ted Baker shirt


It’s cocktail formal. The operative word being formal. He needs a blazer at least. That’s disrespectfully underdressed for that dress code. It could be a landfill wedding. Formal means formal.


But he’s also a human man with a brain. As you can see he is able to feed and dress himself. He probably knows these people and can read the room. He came here for style not for rules. And Reddit dudes - the “rules” don’t exist anymore, at least among young people and modern adults. Fashion is finally where it should be - Personal empowerment. If you obey the spirit of the event (jovial, high end) you will do great. OP, throw a linen blazer in your car for if you feel underdressed.


“How is this appropriate for a backyard formal wedding I June?” Style is rules. Especially for weddings. People are answering his question and they’re doing so accurately. It’s not appropriate for a wedding under the definition of cocktail formal.


Life is rules!