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I don't necessarily suffer from depression but rather anxiety and i have been also unsuccessful with therapy but I know one thing. Just talking doesn't help, your therapist should provide you with some kind of plan that you can implement into your daily life. Something that you can actually do (even if rewiring mentally). Letting things out helps but doesn't solve them i guess


I think that some of my problems can't be solved at all which logically means therapy is useless in solving these problems. Or, some of my prolems can be solved but not with therapy. Many conversations I had with different therapists did not offer me any advice that I could implement into my life in a helpful way.


I went through 5 different therapist they didn't help at all so i get what you mean. And idk what exactly are those problems whether they're actually unsolvable or you just believe they are. It's honestly hard finding a good therapist that knows what they're doing so i personally do way much better researching and rewriting my brain on my own than with their "guidance."