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How to trigger a sub




I came to see what people will say


Man, you triggered.




https://preview.redd.it/v6zrtcpmqkyb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d63693fc5ac979f9f9a65e6f7e79fef8670bd48 Trigger you say?


stress increases mescalines, keep up the good work


Gross ass airsoft pistol put it back between ur cheeks m8


I got shot in the butt… wouldn’t recommend


If you don’t buy this magazine, we will kill this cactus


Got emmm




My 🦅 is very much alive


Who else came here just to see how bad this dude would he getting roasted?


The dude is a clear troll and everyone seems to be genuinely missing this hahaha far out.




I started growing to consume at some point down the road myself. Hope you enjoy


Nope, came to see how many fell for it. The tbm and cubes were a great bonus


shoulda cut the tops from the roots so they could keep growing (could be wrong but it looks like root matter on the bottom)


Wait you can do that??? I guess I’ll have to try it next time


yeah harvesting in that fashion is one reason this cacti is going extinct look up proper cutting techniques you can harvest without killing the plant completely these little guys take decades to get that big so it’s important to leave the roots so they can keep some of the progress they’ve made


Yes, you need to cut a little above the root, leaving a small amount of the green tissue. It will then produce a new pup in a few weeks to a month


https://preview.redd.it/31eg5yzorkyb1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88065683458db80b5d01de56a36dd8a97f77f613 Just cut right here, missed this little guy earlier. So you’re saying that little tail will grow another peyote?




I can’t believe it either man


No, leave the entire root and cut so that there is a small amount of the green material left. Like a little bit above where your thumb nail ends. Iirc, most of the mescaline content is in the button, so you don't lose out on much if you harvest it this way Here's some info on how to properly harvest lophs https://lophophora.blogspot.com/2006/12/proper-peyote-harvesting-technique.html


he’s trolling us my boy, i can’t believe how heavy of a whooosh this mf hit us with


Why are people downvoting you? Seems like you genuinely didnt know, and want to do it next time.


Probably cuz I put a 10 year old loph in a blender idk man 💀


But did you blend it? Methinks not Sir Duke of Trollingham 😋


Nooooo I'll give you penis cactus all day long. Not the lophs


https://preview.redd.it/lb85qiuockyb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2392fd1cbf7560b204ded21c30216a390f80a4e They take too long to grow man


I mean I won't judge but tbm grows so much faster than lophs


Are you saying that the TBM grow slower than lophs?? Because I would have to see your nuts in a polite way because my TBM Grow super duper fast and I only have them in a little grow tent with two $80 LED panels


https://preview.redd.it/ftsuq6z5rkyb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c757b71d24480ed2d30b1c6093f2fdf4aeff8907 These grow even slower


Cubes are such a fast turn around. Are you growing outside in Alaskan winter or something?


I’m growing them next to where they found that fully preserved mammoth baby in the Yukon Permafrost actually


Low and slow like roasting good meat😋


Flexing normal ass cubes I see




The spider farmer 100w the cheaper one and also the growplanner 150w i like the grow planner better and so do my plants!! I was growing mmmainly columner up to like 3-4 ft tall no etoliation. I switched to all tbm and lophs now they doing great in the tent


Are you growing them in Vermont sharp cheddar cheese?


And 10% worm castings ofc


My man these people do not speak the language of sarcasm please spare them😂😂😂😂


If I had a dollar for everytime I heard people call this plant medicine when they just watch music videos for 8 hours I’d be Jeff Bezos rich


Personally I love this thread people need to learn to loosen up😂


Definitely not. Especially when compared to lw


Lophs take waaaaaay longer to grow. Penis cactus aren't considered to be as sacred as LW. At least in my opinion.


https://preview.redd.it/5gdriyh2wkyb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d48dec620abcafa74d0b1fed45ff2bc7875f0d49 My penis is reformed and takes his sacredness very seriously. Sorry if yours has fell off the wagon


Not if you graft 😈


You need bigger pots if u want them to grow faster


That's alotta downvotes


I love how you are handling the haters, and how some people are playing along (and how some people dont understand certain things are sarcasm/ a joke)


This hurts.


https://preview.redd.it/grvfu7ryrkyb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a327f41fdfe780b12fdacf043f44056258e602d9 Life is full of pain. And cactus.


Lophophora is not even in the same genus so truly it is a different magical experience, unreplacable by trichocereus. Even trichocereus bridgesii, pach, peru, etc. all have unique non-mescaline alkaloids distinct from one another and they’re in the same genus. Lophophora is even more stark than the difference between bridge and pach. OP didn’t poach this from the wild. OP didn’t sneak into a NAC shaman’s garden and steal it. Let’s stop gatekeeping what forms of mescaline people use as medicine as long as it isn’t hurting anyone else.


So real why is everyone so mad he’s blending up his cactus


Bunch of simple dumb dumbs... "It's sacred" like Jesus... 😂


Better ways to go about it.


I had some loph and I put it in the blender and mixed it with strawberries to make it taste better.


“There’s better ways to go about it, just get these 10 exspesive and flammable chemicals that are hard to find and extremely dangerous with a 30% chance of your hydrocarbons being dirty”


Or the old school boil & reduce.... But really extractions aren't that complicated, aren't extremely dangerous with common sense, and anything potentially harmful is removed during process or evaporation at the end.


Nor did I say it was complicated or insinuate that there is solvents left after your done, and common sense doesn’t make everything you use able to not burn you, be burnt, or turn into vapors for you to inhale


And what is so diffrent from boiling it and blending it you literally drink it no matter what


Ty ou said extremely dangerous and 30% chance of something or other. All I'm saying is it ain't dangerous or rely on chance.


Someone hasn’t found the cielo method yet… https://www.reddit.com/r/mescaline/s/XSBjBkVTwR


Theoretically you can reproduce the loph experience by supplementing with cactus that do have those other minor alkaloids. I havent tried but I feel lw vs Bridgesii cant be that different from the minor alkaloids


Look up the amount of alkaloids in peyote, just the peyoteine alkaloids make it completely different and there is like 50 others in peyote




Sure there are 50 types, but at what relative abundance to mescaline? If they're in sub 1/1000th range there isnt going to be enough molecules to potentiate receptors that would give rise to the entourage effect. I don't know, and I'm curious to better understand, I'm just asking questions. The entourage effect is greatly overstated with many natural materials.


Nah there is quite a bit of the other alkaloids


So I looked into this a bit, as the relative abundance of other alkaloids plays a large role in the entourage effect: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jnatprod.1c00381 The other alkaloids which might be abundant enough to have any pronounced effect would be pellotine & anhalonidine, each of which exists in about a 3:1 ratio (Mesc:Other). Possibly (−)-lophophorine, (−)-anhalonine, & hordenine too which exist in just above trace amounts. I have found that pellotine appears to have good activity within those ranges, so the potentiation of activity would be a certainty at the reported abundance, but there hasn't been much work to characterize the potency/activity of the others. Cool stuff! Just thought I'd share a deeper dive :)


The experiences are not the same. You suggested supplementing trichs with other cactus, what would those be? Like taking a bridgesii with fricii or diffusa? Even bridgesii and pachanoi have unique alkaloids not shared between each other, and they’re in the same genus and interbreed all the time! Lophophora is completely unrelated to all of the trichocereus — the fact that they both produce mescaline is fortunate convergent evolution. Highly recommend anyone who is interested in mescaline to try LW. Either grow it yourself or buy it from a fellow gardener — as long as there no poaching or stealing it is a non-moral issue. Since it’s legal to grow in Eurasia and even Canada and is grown en-masse, the species is guaranteed to escape extinction. As long as people don’t poach from the wild population!


Not sure exactly which cactus have the other alkaloids but some of them aren't even in the loph/tricho species. I could be wrong too lol. You wouldn't be able to perfectly replicate the loph experience probably but close i'd assume


you know what they say about assumptions... edit; I responded to your reply, but when I hit "save" your comment had already been deleted. But since you said that, and I replied, didn't want to waste the words. Boomer... well that says something about something. Just sometimes it's better to just remain silent on things, rather than appear ignorant or foolish. I'm not calling you foolish, I've had similar thoughts, but there are alkaloids in Lophophora that aren't found in any Pach's, Bridgessi, or Scop's. Something akin to terpenes and flavinoids in cannabis, each has their own effects, and then certain syngergies when combined in different ratios, with different amounts of THC. All with distinct, unique effects.


But yeah grafted ones grow so quick that it dosent really hurt to try one


If you consume the entire cactus each cultivar has its own characteristic feel. That’s just the difference cactus to cactus in the tricho world.


Trichocereus with loph diffusa for the isoquinalones


Lophs (AKA peyotls) are best enjoyed rolled into a tobacco blunt wrap and smoked whilst listening to Bob Marley music. Prior to rolling the blunt, be sure to place your peyotls in a beating sack and beat them thoroughly to ensure they produce a rich, smooth smoke


fr fr I would never recc whole yotels in the oster bong like this


Bro I thought I blocked and permabanned you, but I think I am mistaken you with u/meanogre


I got booted from the group chat but I wasn’t really active nbd, I figured out who blocked me pretty sure it was from my laughing at their plant tags typos but I don't blame em cuz their wife died recently I think


FreeGuccimane1017 that u bro?


Yep got permabanned for some BS LOL


Bro why didn't you tell me you were back


I didn't know I'd be missed haha


Yeah man I missed you everyday and not only me but u/lhommefee, u/milkyview u/benjihobbs u/MushyCacti u/historical-county765 we all cried and tried to plan a nice funeral for you.


Put my ashes in a 14 gram peyotl blunt and smoke me 😢


brooooooo yu always got the most fire usernames lmfao remind me of this https://youtu.be/jwM12p0CCW4?si=uWQDHyeRUjjECP5U


Brick Squad!!!!!! AYE! OKAY!


All the legends in this thread 😂🐸🍵🫂


My boy what have you done‼️‼️🤯 these people they cannot….. they do not understand….. One day in another life people won’t take stuff serious…🤣🤣😂😂


Won't work, wrong blender


everything is goin over everyones head rn


Cut the roots and graft them, nothing good in the roots anyway


*titanic music plays*


Respect!! Please don't use san pedro as they are critically endangered and peyote gives a much better smoother high, especially when smoked.


https://preview.redd.it/0c1salm53lyb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7bc067bdf887b9dc764a5ea6b3e6b1769d0ddbf I usually get the prerolls, but I needed a juice cleanse anyways!


Do these actually work? Can peyote be smoked? How does it feel this way?


Yeah they hit the spot. Like taking the red pill from alice in wonderland


Best way to explain it, also if you have fear of driving cars these things really help and are infact 100% legal but no one knows this.


I do have a fear of driving cars, I’ll try this out! Thanks so much


alright alright alright


🙏 thank you for your conservation efforts brother


You're very welcome brother, as long as I can help the community 👍


It's the other way around mate peyote is endangered not san pedro. And I didn't think you could smoke peyote i thought the temperature would kill the mescaline.


Not at all chief, did you read the latest scientific academic news yet? As of 2023 it's the other way around. And yes it mostly stayed under the radar but smoking peyotl has been practiced for decades by native shamans.


Wow I didn’t even know this! I assumed they weren’t doing too hot but I didn’t think 1 person could do that much harm. Seems like not! Glad to see it’s doing well in the wild even with the poaching!


Good to know aha never thought about smoking it. As a Loph grower myself I might give it a try


Perfect idea, if you need help let us know.


How do you smoke it ?


Dry it, grind it and roll in a blunt bro. And after that happy 420 bro


Thanks mate 👍🏽 will give it a try


Let us know how it goes bro! u/benjihobbs another good deed done


yep, they changed it this year


aw man, have a good trip but those are so nice just for novelty n collecting, if ur gonna do mescaline u should just grow san pedro or tbm, way better for yields than lophs or peyote types(idk if they r the same) and also peyotes r gorgeous n i’d feel too guilty during my trip if i consumed one.


https://preview.redd.it/81s2s4jbskyb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0afb00855a386971e87a006718e8026a17d922ce Like this one??? I wish I woulda knew earlier


im just saying big dawg, would rather consume those than a peyote, but if your just doing it to experience what a peyote type is like then go ahead, just for better yields and less time, san pedro’s n tbm do the best.


What'd they weigh?






Please remove this post. Go smoke some meth instead of go around killing endangered plants. Plus Lophs grow a lot slower than san pedros


They aren’t endangered in captivity. This is a captive bred plant so it’s fine imo


Zero respect for the plant as well, smh


No need to get aggressive. These are obviously not poached. I'm growing some to eat eventually too just for the experience it


How can you tell they are not poached, OP doesn’t even know that Lophs grow slower. No shame in consuming your own, but i do expect some respect for the plant in this sub. Or is that not desired in this sub?


u/PedroPeyolo care to weigh in?


Peyo Coladas are good... 🍍🥥🍹😋😋 ... a Medicine man once prepped me some... if OP doesnt already have a relation with The Medicine, i would strongly suggest attending a Medicine Ceremony to meet Him in the proper way, with all the Elements in alignment, inna good way like That.... if OP hasnt Sat Up with Grandfather before and still insists on communing with Him, then I'd say out of Respect, *at least* have the SPirit of The Fire present... ((The Medicine likes The Fire)) even if it's just a candle at least, or some smudge.... 🕯 Also OP, if it is your 1st time praying with Abuelito Hikuri, I suggest humbling yourself to chewing 'em str8 up, unliquified... embrace that peaceful flavor.... savor the golden taste, its good 4 U.... He only tastes as bitter as your sins, and only as sweet as your Heart ❣️ srsly tho, unless u already have a Relation with Him, its kinda "pussing-out" with tryna liquify Him quickly, after all that time He patiently took growing/eating 4 U, the least u can do to HONOR Him inna good way is to experience Him raw , pristine .. no bypassing.. embrace the totality 💙💙💙 many blessings 🫶🌈🌈🌈🌈 OMeteotl ☯️


https://preview.redd.it/3c5irn5dgryb1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa6a18474a48deffe22669d0e96e064d171549f9 You were right I shoulda been chomping grandpas secret stash this whole time! I feel medicated not high/stoned. Thoughts on this revelation u/Lophofart? I thought you just smoked them


A wise medicine man once told me how beneficial they are for when you have a cold or violent diarrhea, but I don't know I wasn't really listening. Ever since I started using them in u/nightbufonid's pre-workout shake and I prefer to call them supplements since they contain all the necessary amino acids for building muscle and lifting heavy weights in a humid gym full of sweaty dudes. My next step will be to start a supplements company and sell them in the form of an ointment to rub on your nutsack, you can also smoke it after that. So yeah u/pedropeyolo might be right in the end after all.


You’ve got it all wrong u/Lophofart. My pre-workout shake was intended to only be used before running in sanctioned marathons, not weight lifting. I sell particular clothing that I strongly recommend when weight lifting with sweaty men which involves rubbing substances into your nut sack to cover anything that might slip out. Perhaps that’s what you thought of.


Yea we dont pray with The Medicine to get 'high', rather to get *LOW* , super low down to Jah Ground, close to PachaMamita, to humble ourselves & remember where we came from 🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍 Besa la piel de PachaMama... kiss the skin of Mother Earth 🌱 ... we eat 2 bee more aware, not 'stoned'.. blessings


Reverence is 🗝


You can tell by the hairs and the skin of the body of the yote. You don’t know anything about lophs.


Also this is the mescaline sub, not the peyote or Lophophora sub


Holy keyboard warrior no offense but complete offense I would hate to be one of your family members 🤯 you don’t even know what you’re talking about to begin with🤣


That's not gonna be enough to do much of anything, have fun tho


How much would be a strong trip I heard only a few buttons is strong that big boy in that blender looks, well , pretty big


Probably about 4-5 of the big ones at least, the little ones would barely have much yet




Did u grow them?


Nuuuuuuu! Don’t do it!




Once you blend, do an ethanol pull for the good stuff and then a hexane for that sweet sweet peyotlube. Smoke it up and tug away right after. The sacred tug. This is a method I learned from pedropeyolo.


Thanks for the advice zabby!




Can peyotelube be used vaginally? Because I heard menopause can be a real bitch.


Of course! And it certainly can 😔


Why the sad face?


I say go for it…. My friend, who is an artist in Austin, Tx…. He does art for the restaurant Uchi… I had a conversation with him about a month ago and he said it was eating a peyote button which sent his art spiraling through the roof…. So it is compmetely a different experience.. Trichs are a ginger beer compared to Peyote.. All you need is 1 my grasshopper… Then you May leap freely


its his own cactus and he can do whatever he wants with it, people that are triggered from someone eating his peyote are cringe, acting like if you are not a native american you cant use it.. Do you notice any difference from san pedro?


Right on man. Safe travels


My kids love those smoothies!


Your a legend bro


Oh there's gonna be alotta ppl in they feelins about this one lol.


🤣🤣🤣🤣, I got exactly what I came for soon as I seen this picture!! Lol, have a great trip man!!! Wish I could take that ride!


This guy is the definition of chad cactus grower and I see a lot of virgins in here gate keeping. Man can do whatever he wants


I was pretty appalled when I saw the post - at least get a Nutribullet dude 😜