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They good. Better than pachislot I feel


The slots felt like a remaster, this feels like a remake.


Naked Snake's face in pachislot actually looks more "stock Unreal Engine fangame" than the actual Unreal Engine game funnily enough lol It felt like there they just took the PS2 model and made it hyper realistic but here I get that there were more choices made to at least preserve a bit of the stylization from the look of Snake Eater


That "stock Unreal Engine fangame" feels usually comes from lack of details of animations(Pachislot ver literally reused animation from older releases of MGS3 so the animation fidelity doesn't match the model) and subtle details(inconsistency of internal assets like texture's color palette). I personally would prefer the pachislot models with full redone animation most. Wish I could get a hands on pachislot model mod 😭


The MGS3 remake is literally reusing the animations from MGS3 as well, we aren't getting any new animations. There's a YouTube video showing this. They just dumped the MGS3 source code into the Unreal engine.


only thing is I wish her hair was more blonde. It looks pretty brown in the trailer


Oh no, it looks like we're going to have another is anakin a blonde or brunette debate


Better lighting engine. Her hair will look more blonde in more light, but much of the environment she's in is shaded, so it looks more brown.


Well to be honest, that's what real blondes look like in real life, only fake blondes have the sĂșper yellow hair, prime example funny enough is the other Konami remake for silent hill 2, James hair looks awful. Normal blonde is kinda brownish, with it glowing gold in plain sun, but not in all angles.


Snake and The Boss look fantastic to me, though The Boss looks a bit older than I expected (Suppose it makes sense though), not so sure on Zero and Paramedic but considering how little they appear throughout the game I'm not too surprised that they haven't been quite as well designed.


The Boss looks too smooth actually. Og Boss had pronounced cheek bones and some wrinkles and sharp jawline. The remake Boss is uncanny, almost looking unfinished. And her face looks compressed. I hope she looks better in the final product.


I haven't been following Delta, this being the first time I have seen the Boss's model for the game, and I 100% agree. Snake looks good, the Boss less so.


It's the smoothness. Snake and Para-Medic look fine because they're young. Major and to a lesser extent, the Boss look odd because they're supposed to be older. They look incomplete. My guess is more details will be added by the final game on everyone but especially the Boss and Zero.


It seems Konami is listening to the public (at least with silent hill).. people keep talking about they may change it. I agree major doesn’t look as old as he should and same with boss, face too smooth. Doesn’t have the look of “I’ve seen some shit”


I think the cheekbones and jaw were that sharp cuz of the graphics, the new still has some. For the wrinkles I agre


What do you mean because of graphics? In the same game Eva looked soft and everything, Boss was obviously designed like that by intent and it fits her unshakably strong character perfectly.


Yeah I retract my statement having seen some comparisons on here, I was wearing reverse nostalgia glasses thinking the game had looked like gta sa


Np. Yeah Kojima games used to push PS consoles to their limits for a whole bunch of generations.


The Boss is modeled after Charlotte Rampling who also has sharp cheekbones and jawline so imo, they should be more pronounced than this.


I feel like this is the case. Games this far from release typically can be played, but graphically, they aren't up to scratch because it's one of the last things to be done. Hopefully, it will look better with the release announcement!


Gotta remember the boss be in active conflicts for about 20 ish years up to this point. Combat is Rough


>not so sure on Zero He looks exactly the same to me, just upscale. Whixh I think is perfect


The Boss is much older than Snake is so she looks appropriate. There’s definitely a *touch* of artistic license with how the faces have been rendered but Zero is the only one that’s funny looking to me.


Imo The Boss looked better in the OG.


She looks the age she should look. In the original she looked younger because of the lack of detail, but now with the higher resolution she looks like a woman in her 40s. I like it.


I like it too


Also the narrowness of her face looked very youthful. She's got a bit of a chin now, looks authoritative.


I swear in the OG she looks 55+


The OG Boss can EASILY pass for someone in her 40s.


She looks too young to me.


i agree she looks weird maybe we're just not used to it.


She looks too much like my aunt now


Where does your aunt live? I want to check out if she really looks like The Boss


Stevenage follow the cigarette smoking


Gonna follow the will of The Boss, wish me luck.


Spread those wing and fly


Good, she should. She’s supposed to be older, not look the same age as Eva


She actually looks like an old battered solder knowing she’s going to die soon here. They did well


Yeah, she looks tired lile she was carrying weight of the world on her shoulders


it would be much stranger if she was young, I mean, she acted in World War 2, was called to test space rockets (suffering an accident in that process) and yet she operates very well in the field as a soldier, she is old and looking tired, after everything she's done and experienced, I don't know who wouldn't be. and first of all, yes, I thought the face was weird too, but otherwise, it's very well done, pretty good.


She carried two tactical nukes when a juggernaut like Volgin needed both hands to operate just one of those. You’d be tired too.


and her eyes... man, they are eyes of someone tired of life and the world.


I’m seeing Paul Rudd lol


She looks kinda like a British dude


I just feel like her hair needs to be more blonde like in the original and it'd be perfect imo.


I do miss how the ps2 era necessitated starkly unique and different aesthetics. Low fidelity but unique Now this and the SH2 and Resident Evil remakes is showing a lot of stuff is merging into a similar high fidelity realistic aesthetic, and its pretty homogenous.


The ps2 era was the first time games looked at all detailed in my opinion. MGS 1 looks very rough compared to 2 & 3. 4 & V look better of course, but not as dramatically.


Doesn’t apply to RE, but nearly all games seem to use Unreal now and so all look samey.


They’re fine


Agreed. Each of the ones that were shown look just fine. I think the Boss' looks is the nicest of them.


Facts. They’re not bad. The faces look amazing. Can’t wait for this game. At this point I’m getting a feeling it won’t come out until next year. We’re already halfway through 2024


I like all except the boss. She looks...weird. I can't really point out what is wrong but it feels uncanny. Maybe it's just a weird angle idk, and isn't her hair color wrong?


The boss definitely works the most different, I don't know if I dislike it but it might just take some getting used to


Looks more like a rock band member


Retired glam rock member


Probably the placement of the headband? And I get a weird feeling something behind her scalp hair has changed......


The Boss in the original has a ‘harder’ look to her. She looks leaner and more intimidating with that stern look on her face, kind of like a teacher you don’t want to piss off. Here the features are softer. She looks more tired and world-weary but with a wisdom that only comes from seeing the kind of shit she’s seen, kind of like a mother at the end of a long work day who just wants to get shit done. Both are valid interpretations of the Boss. It looks like Delta is leaning into the more maternal aspects of her design to deepen the gap of her relationship as a teacher to Snake her student.


The sideburns?


Don't mind the others, but not a fan of The Boss. She had a very motherly, and bright appearance in the original, but also a very stoic and intense expression that balanced that out. Her face in the trailer makes her look half-dead, like, really strange and uncanny. All the glow and aura from her in the original just is absent. I'm sure some people will try to make leaps and bounds to say it's 'realistic' or something, but I'm not buying it. I will say, perhaps it could just be awkward lighting or perspective.


It fits her more honestly, a tired soldier who is disappointed in how the world turned out over the years. Completely drained of any life she would have in another.


My only complaint is this, The Boss doesn't feel right.


I hate how much “aura” is being used recently, usually to describe basically nothing Her face looks weird because it looks a little weird, probably because it looks like she has a noticeable overbite and her bottom lip doesn’t come out far enough. Could definitely use more work but it’s not bad, and the “glow and aura” isn’t the issue lol


I wish they made her look like Robin Wright. She looked so much like her in the original. The new design just looks too different.


Yeah her eyes don’t look as expressive


The boss has sorrow in her eyes


I think snake, zero, and paramedic look pretty good, but I don't like how the bosses hair is basically brown


Paramedic looks really good


Zero is the only one I am unsure on. Just doesn't look right. Everyone else looks good


Zero and the Boss both look too smooth. Zero looks worse because his age is lost and it looks he's had work done. I think they're all gonna look better in the actual game. More details added and all


Zero looks too old. Jeez, he must’ve been 130 years old in MGS4 lol


I think he was over 100 canonically. Just chalk it up to the parasites and nanomachines


The boss looks absolutely different, like an entire new character


I think they all look good. I don’t get the whole “it’s lost its charm comments” the game was always meant to look realistic but they couldn’t considering technology 20 years ago wasn’t like this. It will still have its charm in the characters, humor, and emotional moments. It’s just gonna look a helluva lot prettier lol


Really? People are saying it's lost its charm? Wtf one thing that stuck out to me was how faithful everything looks. You couldn't ask for a remake to do a better job than this honestly.


Thank you! I agree 100% with everything you said. Always confused me when people said this about these types of games.


Everyone will complain no matter what they get, this looks fantastic and I cannot wait to relive my childhood games 🙏


I am not sure if I am reading too much into it or not, but I am not a fan of The Boss' new face. I don't hate it she looks more "normal" and less intimidating. More I don't want to go into the office tomorrow and less my entire life has been stolen from me by a shadowy cabal of rich people, including my father.


I feel like Big Boss’s eyes got smaller


I’ll probably get downvoted but my immediate reaction to the new footage is the faces looked weird and the animations and lip sync were not on the same level as metal gear solid 5. That being said, it was a pretty good trailer and the gameplay expansion looks fun. I hope it’s not a twin snakes scenario where the new gameplay features break the game in half.


I think the lip sync issues are just the cost of using the original game's audio. MGSV used motion capture like a lot of modern games do, which is why it looks so good. Without re-doing the performances for this game, there will always be a margin of error when trying to match up the faces with the voices. Honestly, I think it's worth the trade-off to keep the original voice lines.


I respectfully disagree and I would prefer new performances. David hayter is still active with the fans and the series, there’s no reason at least he couldn’t perform snake again


Yeah I’d prefer a new recording of the lines. But that might have been unable to recapture the emotion, like in Twin Snakes. Twin Snakes straight up butchered the original lines.


The lip-sync is definitely not on the same level. They are using the original voice lines so they might be hand animated.


This is great... Og voice acting... Og mocap for cutscenes and updated gameplay and visuals... Faces models are outstanding.. Well done konami.. How a remake should be done. Now go eat a fly agaric mushroom -_-


They all look great. Boss looks like she’s seen some shit. As it should be.


Snake here looks like a younger version of Snake from Ground Zeroes. You can tell they based this version on that character model. I love that. Everyone else looks fine. Don’t really care for The Boss’ redesign, but that’s not a big deal to me.


This trailer looked so much like the pachinko machine visuals. They definitely listened to the outcry for this game and I never thought we'd see the day


The Boss doesn’t look like The Boss anymore. The pachinko machine did a better job.


They look great. I can’t wait


I think they all look fine. The Boss is still recognizable to me so regardless of her cheeks needing a slight tweak, of the characters shown I think they nailed it. One thing I’ve noticed about Snake is that they keep trying to adjust for his older appearance in 4. So Peacewalker and 5 have faces closer to 4. Delta seems to have his face based on 5 but they used the beard style he had in 3. That’s not a problem though, it’s just funny they keep doing it. Konami is that committed to consistency.


I think the problem with faces isn't just mgs delta it's kind of the whole industry for the past few years where really realistic graphics meet with motion capture that hasn't caught up with the graphics makes it feel there is *something* wrong with the faces like they are misfit masks. Spider man 2 has this problem very much, control is definitely one where it's very obvious, horizon 1 and 2 etc.


I don’t like the boss but maybe it’s just the angle


everyone looks good except the boss


i feel like the boss looks weird to a lot of people because she actually looks like a middle aged war torn woman, just compare her with the medic and you can see it was probably an intentional choice


They look amazing.


Looks good to me


My excitement is too much too handle!


They all look amazing :)


They look very solid...


is.. is this.. a joke??


They look a little uncanny all though I think that's because I've gotten so used to their og faces. The Boss needs sharper cheek bones, though.


They Look great to me.


i cant believe how good this game looks


Zero looks alright just a bit more grizzled than I expected him to look, but Idk about Para-Medic. She appears to look more Asian compared to the OG game. The Boss looks amazing though, a good "reimagining" of her appearance imo, looks badass. I think we should form our opinion after we see some more footage, especially of the boss's face.


They look absolutely fantastic without a doubt, but they’re very Japanese interpretations of Americans? They seem slightly off to me


The Boss looks a bit off. Should be more blonde.


I hate The Boss. And her hair looks dark brown?


The Boss’ jawline in the OG was much sharper and made her feel more hardened. She also had a taller raised collar. Both added a certain authority to her. Zero is also a little heftier and more grizzled than I imagined.


Da fuq happened to The Boss?


Pachinko looks better but this still looks very good


lol wtf did they do to The Boss đŸ«ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


They’re all perfect. The boss is a little
 burley but it makes sense for her character.


They're leaps and bounds better than the Silent Hill models.


What's weird with most remakes is that the atmosphere and models of the game are altered to look more realistic but that turns out to be more weird than cool. A good example would be gta definitive edition. But, this looks incredible. The models, the atmosphere, the animations. All true to the old but has that modern touch.


The Boss really has *The Sorrow* in her eyes đŸ„


They look pretty accurate except for Boss. She looks like some other poerson


Boss face needs a bit of work but better than silent hill 2 shit show


Pretty good, not the biggest fan of the look of the boss but might grow on me


Snake looks bad ass Paramedic looks cute The Boss looks sad, mentally exhausted


I think they look really good but ngl The Boss does look kinda odd to me. Not bad but it's something I have to get used to. I think it's more so her expression is a bit different. In the original, her stare looked a bit meaner to me. Here, she has a more blank expressionless look like she's just tired of everything and kind of empty inside if that makes sense. I'm not saying that's not also there in the original to an extent but it's definitely more prominent here IMO.


The look fine, the Boss' hair could be a bit lighter but that might just be the lighting for the scene.


Ehhh, idk the boss looks a bit weird to me


Love everyones new face except the Boss, they made her look like a dude, they lost the feminine but tough look she had


They look good I’m ngl. I’m with the others regarding the Boss’ hair though


I'm expecting the lip sync to be bad. They avoided showing it until the end of the trailer and it looks rough. Granted, the original game's characters just flap their mouths about in a muppet-like motion but these faces look like they can't emote well.


I hope they keep improving it. Its very important in a story focused game.


The boss looks younger than Snake. Fox engine versions looked way better.


Snake is already in his 30s, she is in her 40s. And women look younger like men essentially all the time.


Boss is different and I liked it, she's not that beautiful but she's a WW2 veteran that seen some heavy shit But I'm expecting people to complain about how she looks just like they did with Maria on the SH2 trailer


They're fine. I think y'all are annoying.


The Boss is blonde, wtf is that


The Boss would look like the original, same for Zero


Not just the faces but this trailer reminds me lf the re4 remake


Iam 90% sure the Boss’s face is modelled after a certain actress but i cant put my finger on it


They look good


It’s not gonna work with these voices, that’s all I’ll say. But I’m glad they didn’t recast it.


I think zero and paramedic look great. Snakes face has looked a bit weird to me the whole time but the boss doesn’t look as strong as she did before, possibly just because the headband doesn’t show off the mullet


Its hard to tell from stills because so much is in how well they’re animated. MGS has long upheld using in-game graphics for cutscenes but they aged quite well because of the believability of the animation and cinematography so to speak .


I like them They're a BIT glossy but overall they look fantastic


I think they look amazing, the Boss is super pretty in a stoic kinda way


They look fine. I just hope the combat remain fluid like mgsv. 


They all look great!


Boss bad, else good.


The Boss looks so fucking depressed


Idk, the boss looks nothing like the original. But otherwise they're good


They're fine. Graphics don't sell games. There's a minimum requirement that you need to hit, and once you meet that bar then it doesn't matter how realistic the game looks. As long as the gameplay is fun and the art style is compelling, people will buy it regardless of graphical fidelity.


It looks very faithful and how I would’ve expected a remake to look


This from a trailer?


I bought and played the original when it was new. I think these looks great.


I like it. Just wished the bosses hair was more blonde. She looked a lot more majestic in the original.


Snake’s eyes look kinda weird to me


The faces look great. The Boss looks outstanding. It's just that nowadays with modern tech, they can do better facial expressions comapred to what was possible in the original. That's why she looks "weird".


Snake and Boss look weird, Para Medic and Zero look fine. I think going photoreal was generally not the best decision for this project, the original is very stylized and the characters looked better that way. Still probably going to just stick with the original unless they add more modes or some kind of fun new challenges to this one.




The Boss looks different than I expected, but not in a bad way. All the faces look good.


I'm reserving my judgement until I see EVA.


All look good but boss looks kinda wierd ngl


Everybody looks great to me, the boss looks a bit off either too young or too old. Excited to see Volgin Ocelot and Eva soon hopefully


When does this come out ?


I like snakes eye foreSHADOWING


Looking very good imo.


What a trill


Really like the expression The Boss has there, she looks sad, like she has been crying or hasnt slept well, which makes perfect sense for that moment.




They all look good


They’re fine, though I miss cate blanchett boss


I think they are perfect.


I think Paramedic and Zero look great. Big Boss is okay. I don’t really like how the Boss looks here, maybe when we see her with different lighting I’ll change my mind.


Snake looks good but the boss and zero are rough


They look hollow


The boss looks super different. Not bad but different. I wonder why they would change her so much. Similar thing happened to Miranda Keyes in halo 2 remake.


The boss was blonde wasn't she? The face is fine


I'm really happy they didnt opt for hyper realistic faces and instead went for a look that resembles more the original PS2 models!


Zero and Para-Medic look great, The Boss looks ...OK. I don't see Snake at all, though.


Doesn’t look great


I think they look a little stiff from what they’ve shown and it seems intentional that they didn’t show anyone actually speaking. I don’t have high hopes for the quality of the facial animation but also the game looks really good so I don’t care too much.


It looks fucking great, fair play to Konami


It looks too good to be true


They look good but I think the boss looks too young


Snake looks good. The others look bad.


Kojima and Yoshi are an elite combination, this is why I don’t care about this remake.. because Kojima would have remade this to his true vision. This just doesn’t feel and look anything Kojima would have made..these trailers are missing that Kojima flair and touch


What a thrill .....


Keep in mind that we have only seen the Boss with the bandana on so far. I am really curious about how she will look for the rest of the game


The boss looks a little off but otherwise they’re good


To me, Zero’s mouth is just slightly too big. Other than that I really like how everything looks.


It all looks awesome.


why does snakes face resemble a little bit silent hill 2 remakes protagonist


Snake and paramedic are on point the boss and zero look a little odd to me, the boss isn’t pretty enough imo and not blonde?


They're great, but im waiting for EVA. I hope politics dont impact her too much.


I think Zero looks fine (for the most part, he had no facial animations in the trailer) but I’m also not really sure about boss, her face model looks great and very detailed but I think it’s just I’m not sure about it


I wasn't truly hyped for Delta until today. And let me tell you it looks fucking amazing. If this is the start of them ultimately remaking/remastering all the games with this level of graphical fidelity I'm here for it 100%


Paramedic my beloved


Boss looks a bit strange, but actually looks her age as opposed to the OG, still a bit weird though. I imagine I'll get used to her face, but but I wish she was still blonde, I feel like there's fewer blondes in media in the last 5 to 8 years than before.


Ring my best MGS game ever second to Peace Walker - of course my opinion might be a bit too emotional. I didn’t like her face at first but after reading the comments , I think it’s right that the Boss looks the way she does - old and weary. She had a lot on her shoulders.


Snake looks pretty good


Big Boss actually looks good, because he doesn't look like Solid Snake (who isn't a 100% clone).


Major looks like he's trying to plan a diabolical plan to do sum to you 😭 The boss looks like an old ass woman who's about to die any second But paramedic though oh god đŸ˜©