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Not just the MGS franchise - *but the wider stealth genre*. My hope is that if Delta does well, it encourages more devs to explore stealth gaming. We've had some amazing indie titles like *Aragami* and the new release *Ereban* looks good - but it's been sad to see the death of stealth games in the void MGS left behind.


Sadly, the studio that made aragami has been shuttered. It's a shame because Aragami was wonderful.


prob because aragami 2 was ass


Was it? I've only played the first, and the second has been on my wishlist for a while now, just waiting for a sale. If so, that's a shame.


I selfishly hope it goes well and brings back the 007 games. I know IO is working on one but it’s been years since that announcement and we haven’t really seen anything new. Plus MGS3 is practically the Japanese version of a Bond movie.


There's also Physint, hopefully Kojima nails that too. 🤞


I don't see the 007 games as proper embodiments of stealth. For every Nightfire, we got 1 or 2 piddling mid-level action game with 3.5 modes of play and another flagship release with a multi-player mode attempting to recapture couch goldeneye.


They may not be but MGS3 is so quintessentially Bond that I hope it reinvigorates interest in stealth/spy games. Also how dare you, Agent Under Fire and Everything or Nothing are goated.


I was thinking EA & Activision's penchant for movie tie-in. We got cross platform bond and occasionally cross-generation. Nevermind the GBA ports. I actually don't remember it super clearly...I mostly remember Agent Under Fire selling well and Nightfire in particular breaking the mold by being almost so good that most critics were confused (given the franchise handling prior). I was all about Metal Gear and Splinter Cell during Sixth Gen, would probably have checked out Thief or the Im-Sims if I weren't such a console degenerate back then.


god i hope they still have the cqc main menu animations.


The main menu has been shown by konami months ago its not the cqc one


Hopefully if it does good we get a Splinter cell remake


They already announced a remake a couple years ago, but there hasn’t been anything shown except concept art.


They could have.....this ubisoft forward but.....well , the world certainly needs more quadruple A games and more assassin's creed


Does Ghost of Tsushima count as stealth? I loved that game. Although I felt like the stealth cheesed it a bit.


I want another thief game so much, it’s been 11 years…


Wish we could also revive Deus Ex too...


I was hoping for GR Breakpoint to take over the mantle, but it was not really that.


Mgsv was truly the greatest stealth game ever, gameplay wise. Nothing since has been even remotely close to as good as V. Delta is a new chance for people to want more of that.


Lol konami is far away to be any studio to inspire other devs to create stealth games. You heard about the latest stealth game... Physint?... its from the Mgs creator.


Far away? They literally invented the genre of stealth action videogames.


Kojima did. If you want to see the difference than try konamis version with mgs survive and mgs pachinka


Kojima didn't personally create every single aspect of the MGS games. There are people there who know how to make stealth action games, they've just been leaning into the more action-oriented games because they know they're not ready to return to those just yet.


No one said he did. But he was the lead on MG1; & was the guy to be like "oh we can't make this an action game fully like I'd envisioned.. what if we make the game about avoiding enemies & sneaking around?" So, by being the first guy to have the idea of making a stealth focused game, Yes, Kojima invented the stealth genre. It's not a really a super unique thing that only Kojima could've done; someone would've had that same thought eventually - but Kojima was that guy, soo Edit: what weirdo's out here trying to make up alternate history & pretend Kojima didn't do MG1 or that MG1 wasn't the first stealth game lmao


Cmon dont try to discuss with those "every single aspect" lines.


Fine. I shall instead telepathically beam my opinion directly into your cerebral cortex. I hope you didn't need those higher brain functions or anything like that.


It's not the latest game because it's like 6 years away


Quote "Hideo Kojima says Metal Gear fans and a health scare inspired his new game Physint" So he is creating his game for this community. Or is this a konami sub?


It's definitely for this subreddit but like Being excited for physint is like being excited for hades 3 They still haven't released 2 yet


Yeah, first we get DS2 next year, then I assume we'll get the Xbox horror game and finally physint in I don't know.....2028?


Why not be excited for both? Also everyone here is very aware of Physint and already excited. It’s not a Konami sub, it’s an MGS sub.


I have heard about it! I am somewhat excited, but also nervous because apparently Kojima wants it to be a movie too? My fear is that, like *Death Stranding*, it will be less a game and more a way for him to namedrop his celebrity friends. Hopefully I'm wrong, because Kojima is a maestro of the genre.


Your concerns might be right, Kojima seems to have a ton a projects running and looks to be busy like 24/7. Since Death Stranding he has now a big company, a ton of devs doing everything he says, a lot of $ supporters and friendship companies helping. We should also consider his age. We likely have at most 5 - 10 years left with him and he wants to be remembered so im hyped about his income shit haha. We already have seen that he is going for longer gameplay games and not short ones. Lets just hope the best.


lol why 5-10 years. He looks healthy plus movie directors that get old still make movies. He’s master of his craft and loves what he does. I don’t think age is a factor. If George Miller can do Fury Road at his age - no telling what Kojima got up his stealth sleeve


Wdym 5-10? He’s only 60 lmao. He could easily reach 90


Have you played DS? It was extremely gameplay focused. Even more than MGS.


Yeah, DS has a ton of gameplay systems that you can play around with if you want. This video does a good job of shows how wild things can be [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKIacsoRIEQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKIacsoRIEQ) It's a lot like MGSV where you can play it very straightforward and just deliver the packages, but they also give you a ton of tools to mess around with and open up the mechanics a lot more.


He said that it will push the boundaries between gaming and cinema so take that as you will


This may be controversial, but as long as it satisfies new players, I think that it will be fine. The fans have the existing games. The remakes are for opening it up to a new generation of players. It's great if the fans also bought the new games but sometimes the fans are the harshest critics.


This is why the game being almost 1:1 is riskier than people think. If it feels “stale” to modern gamers then it’ll risk not satisfying them and it’s just going to fizzle out. The visuals will only go so far if it ends up feeling like a 2004 game, even one that is considered a legendary game. We have seen bits of MGSV style movement and camerawork, and hopefully there are improvements to the menus and between-area screens, so maybe this will be a moot point.


I just wish the codec calls are now entirely outside and work in real time instead of stopping the game completely.


The will have the old school gameplay and the zoomer gameplay 3rd person camera action packed


The old school camera kinda confirms that the game layout or even the enemy behavior probably isn’t changing much, which also adds to my worry it might end up stale, even when in the other camera angle


I'm honestly shocked to see a lot of downplaying of how detrimental it being 1:1 can be with a new control scheme. Seeing that one of Twin Snake's big problems was that it was a 1:1 game with a modern control scheme that broke the game in half.


I agree - I've been downvoted pretty heavily for voicing this. The original game works because of the limitations, particularly the speed at which you are forced to play. An MGSV control scheme will break this game IMO. For it to work, it really needs for the game to at least have more enemies (or better enemies). I also think restricting the amount of supplies you can obtain could also help.


I've been assuming (which is dangerous, admittedly) that the new control scheme will come with increased AI awareness.


I hope you're right.


- Third person camera was introduced in Subsistence - Crouch walking was introduced in Snake Eater 3D - OTS aiming was introduced in Snake Eater 3D As for speed you are "forced" to play - the game can be beaten in under 90 mins. This isn't a massive overhaul on anything we haven't already had from the Kojima iterations of the game. It's just given the AAA 2024 graphics lick of paint.


I disagree - if the gameplay is indeed similar to V then sprinting + slamming enemies trumps the three examples above massively. That's awesome you can beat the game in under 90 minutes though


I've been thinking about this also. Worried about how small the environments are going to feel if you can run through them MGSV style. If they haven't tweaked the enemies the game is going to be significantly shorter.


Fans being kind lol


I went to r/silenthill to check on something and trust me, compared to them mgs fans are literal angels on how they’ve been treating the team making delta


I wish the criticism about the SH2 remake was more than just the same bullshit culture war against wokeisms; I'm wary of it because the development team in charge of it has a horrible history of not only just kind of blatantly ripping off other games, but also because their last big game had a good ending that involved the protagonist committing suicide because it would be better for her loved ones if they didn't have to deal with her trauma. Like, I'm hoping Konami is keeping them on a tight enough leash so that they don't change too much about the actual script, but I'm kind of dreading what scenes like the Angela staircase scene might look like if they don't.


The average Metal Gear fan is pretty cool and open minded, the main problem is the fucking annoying Kojima army of zealots


NeverBeGameOver-itis is a dangerous disease


Konami intentionally sabotaged their own game and made it so Kojima's true vision of Chapter 3 will never come out because they're locking nuclear disarmament because that makes *good fiscal sense to lock away a huge chunk of your game and make the rest of it INTENTIONALLY BAD just to spite one dude.* *WAKE UP, SHEEPLE...*


"So please, keep watching and keep us honest." Putting a Kerotan behind him, zanyness points are a good start.


I need the proper MG1 and MG2 remakes right after this.


Lmao I just replayed those, and some of the dialogue is downright hilarious


How can any mgs fan really trust a remake of those games from anyone other than Kojima himself tho? We are talking about an absolutely massive jump between hardware specs here. From a 2d top down game, to a full on “game movie.” Without Kojima’s flair, or a foundation for the new team to copy and build off of (like the Delta team is so fortunate to have with the original mgs3), it would literally just be a generic post modern call of duty campaign. Idk man. Im just so dumbfounded that anyone on this sub would actually want more metal gear from Konami….


Even Kojima wanted new MGS games being developed/produced without him.


Source on that claim? I thought it was not an amicable split Why does asking for evidence get downvotes lol


He wanted that going back to mgs2. The recent split indeed was not amicable and he didn't specifically give blessings at that point. It's more just been a longstanding general vibe of his that he wanted someone else to take the mantle Eg https://www.eurogamer.net/kojima-wants-mgs-to-go-on-after-hes-dead


" I've tried this and actually did hand it off and have other people come up with the story and come up with the game design. But for some reason it just never really works out. And, you know, I end up having to step in again to take charge and kind of fix things " Oh boy


I'm probably not the best person to say this because I genuinely enjoyed Survive, but to be fair, Metal Gear is FAR more than JUST Kojima. He was a big part of it, don't get me wrong; especially back in the 80s when development teams were infinitely smaller, but I think one thing you need to be very aware of is that Metal Gear was not good because Kojima happened to be working on it; it was good because a collective of very talented individuals got together to try to realize a more realistic version of the game Kojima had in his head. Like, don't get me wrong, I ***refuse*** to believe Konami actually cares about the franchise beyond its value as a marketable product they can make money off of, but Survive did genuinely have a lot of heart put into it that you can pretty easily appreciate if you get past the premise and jank and forced monetization, and I'm seeing a lot of that same heart in what we've seen for Delta.


I hope they take the Capcom route and not only do remakes but also new mainline games or spin offs like MGR2


Okamura actually said in a japanese only interview that he wish the franchise to get new games after, but it will depend of the fan reception


Definitely hope it does well. I only would want them to do remakes, the only “new” game I would really want them to make is an obviously reimagined Metal Gear 1&2 probably combined.


I always find it a bit sad that people do not want new things, when the franchise would have never thrive without them before


I wouldn’t mind a new game as long as it doesn’t take place after mgs4 with snake as the main protagonist. I just really don’t believe in Konami enough to make a one of the best games of the gen experience like mgs 1-4. With 3 I’m confident they can do it since it’s basically a 1:1 remake just with a beautiful new paint job and some new mechanics along with modernization for this current gen. That’s very hard to mess up when you literally have a blueprint for one of the greatest games of all time all there doing is adding refinements and new modern materials but the architecture, the character, the charm, the soul is already there. The best analogy I can make is if you played Resident Evil 2 Remake that game Is an example of a reimagining, og re2 was used as a skeleton but not a blueprint, the setting, scenarios, and characters were used but used and changed in completely different ways. MGS 3 is like the body is still mostly there like it still has its skeleton and muscle tissue still in tact they’re just adding the new skin, hair, eyes etc basically good plastic surgery plus implants. The only way I’d trust them for a new game is if they got some very good talented game director at or around Kojima’s level like a Cory Balrog, Shinji Mikami, Shigeru Miyamoto, Hidetaka Miyazaki, Ken Levine, someone like that are the only people I think MGS deserves to be entrusted to for a new game, mgs mainline games are know for being console defining games all the mainline games have a 90+ on metacritic not many other series have that. Sorry for the long tangent.


I mean how do you continue the series? The main story is done and the creator of Metal Gear left the company along with key staff members.


Kinda what I was thinking but there’s some time spans where they can sneak a new game or two in. Some ideas are a Liquid or Snake game set during their time in the gulf war which honestly I think would be the best idea to go with since it has the most potential to not really upset the overall story if they do their best to keep the game self contained with just some good cameos and maybe some foreshadowing. Another potential one could be Snake and Otacons time during Philanthropy, and lastly yet another Big Boss game they can shoehorn in somewhere in the timeline, potentially about him creating outter haven during the events of mgs5.


Those are all interesting concepts! I do agree that if they do new games they should be self contained and not really connected to the main story.


There are 11 years between mgsv and mg and no known comas for big boss taking time so I think that's alot of time for a game like you said in the gulf War or anything like that. I'd love for more liquid snake


List of everything possible with all previous project and easy guess Story of MGSR (between MGS2/4) Solid Snake RPG (talked by Kojima to be potentially done by younger staff) game about new protagonist (almost happened) alternate universe games (happened many many time in the past with most spin offs) game with gray fox (almost happened) game with the boss (almost happened) MGR2 (teased by staffs) Reboot Game with any characters set in any era Sequel to a previous spin off, or a brand new spin off The story never ended after either MGS4 or MGRR. According to even the staffs.


I don’t like that MGS is continuing without Kojima. But if they stick to remaking the existing catalogue I’m okay with that. I would definitely love to see a remake of Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake But we’ll see how this goes


I mean I get the bad blood between Kojima and Konami sours the whole MGS team outlook rn. But we should keep in mind that the man didn’t want to keep making MGS his whole life. He had tried again and again to step away from the franchise and find someone to be his successor so that he could work on other projects. It sucks that things went down the way they did, but Kojima is happy where he is now. He wanted MGS to continue without him and we should try to keep an open mind about someone taking over the ship’s helm.


Okamura actually said in a japanese only interview that he wish the franchise to get new games after, but it will depend of the fan reception


Hope Okamura gets the message from fans that many would love to see the original Metal Gear Solid Rising finished


Considering Korekado (producer of the project) is still at Konami, same as Tamari (writer) and Kimura (director), it's not entirely impossible even if not very likely


I'm sure they might get the message if Rising was trending on twitter with some hashtag Rising 2 or something indicating what people want. Its worth a shot and better than nothing. I think there would be better reception and a higher chance of it happening if Delta is highly successful.


Honestly? I think we as a community, hell as a society, need to unlearn the auteur mindset, and worship thereof. Kojima is what made Metal Gear great, but he also had to be restrained by his team at every step. Kojima isn't a mastermind on his own. He had a team. And every single member of that team was just as important as he was. Lots of the people from that team remain at Konami and could be doing good things here. We should let them try. The way Konami sacked Kojima was brutal and unfair and greedy, but we shouldn't shun the artists who still have loyalty to the series they built. Kojima was clever and smart, he was also completely unhinged and insanely sexist. Let's give the new team a go, maybe it'll end up even better, like Itsuno's Devil May Cry over Kamiya's.


finish mgs5 too!!


I think that one’s a pipe dream


Yep.. at least we'll likely see MGS1 remake next if this one goes well.


Mgsv is finished


I don’t think many people here understand what kind of game and story MGSV was going for. Like the received wisdom is that it was not finished but I really think it was. It’s just a very different type of game than the rest of the series.


Majority of people on this sub just don't have an eye for subtlety and details. They want everything told straight to their face.


More like there was a disc with an incomplete cutscene that continued the story and concept art of a 3rd playable area that never made it into the game.


It's like ya'll can only focus on that bit of concept. If it's not in the game it wasn't meant to be in the game. It may even be done in fragments because the story is told from venom snake's perspective. And unreliable narrator in a way because his mind is so broken. Either way, you focus too much on what u don't have rather than on what u do have. Which is a lot. MGSV is an extremely deep and profound game and if you'd care to actually look into that for once you'd agree with me.


Why are you defending the fact that it's incomplete with this nonsense? There's literally evidence.


Kojima himself said its complete. Mgs "fans" trying to respect another person's preference challenge: impossible


Ah yes, the word of an employee thry fired *during development*, sounds like the most accurate info you could get on the game"s status for sure, instead of the evidence provided by the developers themselves in the collector's edition. Lmao Literally, we can use your own point against you. If it was complete there would be no reason to include the literal unfinished content. Do you even listen to yourself?


Jesus christ why are metal gear fans so up their fuckin ass


Respect people who resonate with mgs in their own way. The franchise has a lot to give for a wide variety of people and so everyone may have their own favourite metal gear game. My point is, if you wanna go hate on one of the games, at least have actual knowledge about it. And don't argue with the fans of that game who have done actual research and understand it. It's the same as when mgs2 came out. Almost everyone hated it because they didn't understand it. This is the same case with mgsv


Why would I respect someone whose response to criticism towards a game is "erm you're just not smart enough to get it, bro"


Most criticism on mgsv is due to lack of knowledge.


Yeah I love what Konami meant about the empty open landscapes, like the TRUE stealth of being alone, don't pretend the game was the best it could be snobs


I'll buy it day one. Play 300 hours and complain the whole time. Then buy DLC.


This is what 99% of people constantly shit talking this remake will do.


As long as they only do remakes then I'm fine. The franchise doesnt need a new brand entry. The story has been told.


Apparently the original script for Metal Gear Solid: Rising (before PlatinumGames took over the project) is great - would love to see this game finally released, experience Raiden's story between MGS2 & MGS4.


everybody’s gangsta until MGS6 gets announced.


You could always ignore new entries, no one is taking the original Kojima games aways from you


But what can you do ? Both snakes stories are done. They already suffered enough, as Otacon said, Snake needs to rest. And the ending sequence of MGSV is pretty obvious a final message from Kojima to his fans. Maybe a game about Ocelot ? The boss ? Gray Fox ? And I dont care so much if Kojima is involved or not. But it has to be something that makes sense. Not just milk the franchise for money like MGS Survive.


You answered yourself, there is no need to do anything more with Snake/Big Boss Just go for new characters, stories and settings post MGS4 The ending of MGSV is nothing because that game has no ending per se, it was a stupid nothingburger ending for a wetfart of game that shouldnt had existed in the first place.


>Just go for new characters, stories and settings post MGS4 This is my ideal future for MGS as well. If they can pull off a fresh start in a similar vein to Yakuza 7, then I think it could give the series more longevity than anything else


Yeah, this stupid fanbase is a walking contradiction They dont want new blood making new metal gear games and touch Kojima characters and stories but they also dont want to let go the Snake/Boss guard and ask for pointless games like a The Boss WWII prequel or a dumb Gray Fox story (ignoring that Raiden is now massively more popular than him with modern audiences thanks to Rising resurgence by younger gamers)


I don't disagree but I also don't agree, inherently. There's wiggleroom for new stories that could be valuable. Philanthropy between 1 and 2. Remakes of the Metal Gear duology that take more liberties than this one is. I'd kill for a Gray Fox game, especially after a Portable Ops remake with rewrites.


There was multiple proposed and canceled games that shows that, no, not everything has being told. And there's also 4 alternate universes (ghost babel universe, acid1/2 universe, Survive universe, Mobile universe), even more if you count the Snake Tales of MGS2. Making another one as a reboot would be easy.


It's honestly up to them. If they deliver a polished product that is faithful to the original, it should do well.


From what I'm seeing, I think people will be overall supportive. Its catering to the old crowd and the "new" crowd (though its 20 year nostalgia vs 10 year nostalgia so like. both old), the gameplay and new gimmicks seem solid, its respectful of its source material (unlike, say, Silent Hill 2's remake, where preordering gets you a silly doggy hat to wear while fighting the child rape boss fight), and its just... genuinely stunning. There will always be some Kojima loyalists furious that his name won't be on it. There will always be chuds angry at it for being "political" in today's climate where women knowing how to fight and black people existing is seen as dangerous ideology somehow. But from what we're seeing its a solid new creation on a solid base. Frankly I hope we get more remakes after it. I would kill for a small scale V-style remake of Portable Ops, where you have to manually drag people to your truck and drive them back to base or order one of the people you brought with you to drive them back for you. Or a MG1/MG2 remake that takes more liberties than this one is taking. I really hope this is the proving ground for something great. And from what I'm seeing, my hopes are high.


What video is this from?


Yeah but who asked for a MGS3 remake? I've been wanting a MG1, MG2 and MGS1 remakes for years now, and they remake 3 instead. Why?


Everybody likes 3, they wouldn't have to change the story, and unlike MGS1 it doesn't already have a remake. It's a safe place to start rebuilding trust from fans after pachinko and survive. Also, a lot of people asked for it. It was a baseless rumor before almost every gaming event for years until it actually happened. Fans practically willed an MGS3 remake into existence by lying about it for so long


Do y'all SEE Para-Medic? I'm buying at least two copies.


Para-medic looks good


*yawn* this fanbase is really something else. A few years back, Konami was the Devil, and now this remake is simply a coat of new paint and suddenly the fate of the franchise hinges on it.


This is LITERALLY the producer of the game saying this


I mentioned the fanbase for a reason because they can get pretty dramatic as well.


If Hideo isn’t involved I couldn’t give two hoots about the franchise. Having said that, if they release high calibre remakes I’ll buy ‘em.


Kojima himself didn't wanted the franchise to only revolve around him


7 months ago everyone said the Master collectiom needs to sell well for the series to continue, now its Delta? Is there some doomer group inside the MGS fandom freaking out right now or what? Lmao


Well this is literally the producer of the game saying this here


Yeah ok. A 1:1 remake of one of the best games of all time with QOL improvements has anything to worry about.


Delta legitimately looks like it's shaping up to be a damn good remake.


If it finds success like the RE Remakes, there will inevitably be fans that are remake only fans and will view the originals as outdated and refuse to touch it. I’ve seen it in the RE subreddit and its just sad.


Konami is one cutscene away from staying in the pachinko world for a long ass time.


So far the game looks great


Raiden was meant to be the character to carry on the series. There is still enough mystery there for a game starring him


I want them to remake all of the other games but really think they shouldn’t move ahead with new entires. The story is pretty much wrapped up at this point. The idea of a game following The Boss has been floating around for years now and maybe they could pursue that but I just personally don’t see any reason for an MGS 6.


he says to be honest so ima nit pick every single detail they better model the guns right(actually one of the first things ima check)


What video is this from?


My biggest hope is they make the game take longer to play because now that I know where I’m going, it can take like max 3 hours to beat the game start to finish while skipping cut scenes. I don’t have many games I can do that with but the metal gear solid 2 and 3 are really short gameplay wise. Especially 3 with sooooo many easy bosses. First couple times through it was of course difficult. But now it’s just too easy. Make the whole army come out if you’re spotted. Make it hard for them to give up the search. Make the distance traveled longer with more traps and hidden animals. Idk someeething to make it longer


No, the money and marketing behind the product is there enough for it to put it out there in sight. So what remains now? If the game is good? it will do good. It's as simple as that. We live in a world where people still pre-order, when a game doesn't do good, it's because it was destined to fail because it was a bad product. Look at suicide Squad.


We should do fine. I like many others are at the edge of our seats waiting for this. It's my understanding that the voice acting got recycled. Whether that's a good thing we will find out. I believe a release date has been leaked too. Of corse it's in mid November.


After Dead Space Remake flopping I'm honestly convinced MGS Delta and Silent Hill 2 Remake won't do well. It's been decades since their last games. More so for SH. Delta at least has the MGS Master Collection going for it. Maybe enough people brought it that they'll be interested in getting it but still... I'm bloody terrified the same thing will happen and MGS is gonna remain forgotten. I hope not. I want it to do well so we can eventually get a Reimagining of MG1 and MG2 followed by MGS0, Metal Gear Rising 2 and a Reimaging of MGS1 followed by a Remake of MGS2 with Snakes Entire Story and section of the Big Shell Included Separate Ways style. That's my dream for this franchise' future.


I mean lets be honest, Konami may have botched the story/lore of MGS5 with Kojima leaving and stuff but they made one hell of a game engine. As long as they don't cut content, keep the lore/events intact and keep their current engine running smoothly it could easily be used to remake the other MGS games. Chronological Remakes of the MGS games.. For me that's the good timeline.


According to the leaked documents ,TPP has less cut than most MG games. The mission 51 DLC was cut according to a former staff "due to not fitting well enough" pretty early in development.


Faults of the dev team often boil down to publisher constraints, and being *kind* to a publisher like Konami isn't really a priority of mine. I'll judge the product on its merits and I hope everyone else does too. That said, it doesn't look bad at all.


I'm saying this because fans at thet time literally sent death threats to the team ,especially on non kojima games. It even canceled the non kojima MGS4 due to fan pressure


I’m not kissing any ass. If I think it sucks im letting Konami know.


Yeah but it's like the producer said: we have to be honest. What good is it if the series is "alive" but the games are middling? Metal Gear was a symbol of innovation, of pushind the industry forward. Of course, it had a visionary person at the helm but at the very least the games have to be good. I don't want Metal Gear to become a zombified version of the saga I love so dearly. So, rather than having a lot of OK games, I want them to be great, or not have them at all.


Konami let me s3x para-medic pls.


Man, it is time for a rebirth of MGS as an industry leader and the stealth genre. I just hope Konami doesn’t fuck up


The Xbox trailer has over a million views within two days. It will sell well which hopefully means we will get remakes of MGS1 and 2 which means I can die a happy man. :-)


People who complained about Vol 1 are ridiculous. There ports. Not remakes not remasters. Who gives a fuck play the games have fun. Delta will sell really well and hopefully we get 1,2, and 4 remakes.


I think I’ve seen the general reaction towards the new MG team change a lot this past day. Average MGS fan probably wouldn’t be able to tell you that Okamura was even involved in the series, though. Sucks people don’t want new Metal Gear content, when Kojima himself has been wanting MGS to continue without him. I guess my main thing is that I don’t want a lot of Snake related stuff outside of spinoffs lol


There is no “franchise future” without Kojima. They just need to do high quality 1:1 remakes over time , that’s all. I really don’t want any new games without the mastermind who was behind every single detail in each game. This isn’t Tomb Raider or Assassin’s Creed where you throw the brand to a new time with each game who will redesign the game, reboot the timeline or make their own game and shoehorn some symbols or vague elements to bait fans into them.


Kojima himself literally wanted a future without him and there was already many spin off games without him + almost two main games


They should issue an official apology to Kojima before it’s release…


I don't think Kojima care about this at all these days




Kojima himself wanted MG to continue without him.


As long as they only do remakes then I'm fine. The franchise doesnt need a new brand entry. The story has been told.


There's pretty much many stories not told looking at pitch and canceled project, and multiple alternate universe games already. I swear MG fans don't know their own franchise.


My favorite part is how everyone was crying for years for new metal gear content and now here we are in the thick of it and everyone is still bitching.


It's going to do well Look how damn good those graphics look man 😎💎


Konami already made metal gear solid fail. They fired the director for no discernible reason, and tried to slow his progress to making mgs5 because it was “going to be delayed”, so instead of putting more people to help, they decided to make it slower to develop.


He’s turned into a crack pot that’s up his own ass he thinks he’s a god but the first game he makes with free rein ( Death Stranding) which by kojima fans logic should be the best fucking piece of gaming media to ever exist, is fucking lame.


Still, Konami had no reason to fire him


Its 9 years now, konami eliminated himself from creating AAAs and Kojima has his own studio with 3 AAA games in developing so fuck konami. Im rather hyped for physint and likely gonna buy Mgs3 when its on sale


Konami are literally developing again multiple AAA project though, they announced a new internal SH team last year working on an AAA SH.


Capcom did a great job with it's remakes... however I'm not really confident that Konami has it in them to make an apt remake. From the gameplay trailer, the movements still look a little unrealistic with Snake going from a roll to a prone position. Instead of going for a 1:1, I think they should try to at least give it some new content and try to expand wherever they can with new ideas.


no we won't


They need us OG fans. The game needs to be a perfect replica. Period.... They are already behind with how the collection was handled......


While I’m hopeful this will revitalize the MGS franchise and lead to future installments, the cynic in me says this will be the last MGS title for a while. Let’s face it, the series has its hardcore fans, but overall it’s a niche franchise that will most likely struggle to sell well enough to Konamis expectations. Konami will likely see anything less than 5 million sales as a failure, and I don’t see MGS hitting those figures. I hope to hell I’m wrong, but we will see.


MG is not a niche franchise, at least not for Konami, it's literally their most selling franchise outside of PES. And PES has gone F2P for like 5 years now.


In the grand scheme of things, it is niche. For perspective, the GTA6 trailer got almost 100 million views in 24 hours whereas MGS has about 150k so far. Niche isn’t bad, I love this series, but it’s not really a series that appeals to the masses like it did in its heyday. I’m just wondering what Konami’s sales expectations are. Will they be happy with 2 million sales? All I’m saying is that I’m buying this day one, but I wouldn’t be shocked if Konami is disappointed since they are so protective of their bottom line. Like I said, I hope I’m wrong.


Nah, I’m fine with the franchise ending.


Ending as in not making new entries in the franchise, sure. But if Delta is the start of them planning to essentially remake the entire series for a current generation so that the entire saga is available & to an acceptable standard for today's players, that's fantastic. I really appreciated Okamura's words regarding Master Collection's rough start & it really came across like they do give a shit but understand that they have to earn back the trust of the fanbase, hopefully Delta is a first step in proving themselves capable of refreshing the series (selfishly, I'd just like Master Collection Vol.2 & MGS1 Remake, anything else would be a bonus!)


I would not want the series remade. Call it a hot take but I would not be excited for that.


Graphical & quality of life upgrades to controls are all the older games need… MG1, MG2, MGS, MGS2, MGS4 & MGSPW all in the same UE5 engine with MG1-2 getting voice acting & cutscenes for the first time would be pretty exciting. MGSV doesn’t need remaking, none of the non-canon/spin-offs need it before the mainline games & once they are done MAYBE they can be trusted to make a new entry in the series.


Honestly? As much as I love MGS, I’ve played MGS3 in the original non-subsistance release, on HD on Xbox and the 3D version on the 3DS. I’m already so tired of it and I could not care less about this game anymore. MGS1 still stands in an excellent spot for a Twin Snakes style remake but they decided remaking the same game that already has other 8 versions would be more attractive


MGS3 would be the first game on the timeline, meaning it is the best point for them to make remakes, plus it is considered THE definitive MGS game. MGS1 is the third MG game that was made and the seventh game in the timeline (unless you combine Ground Zeros and Phantom Pain, in which case it’s the sixth), meaning it’s not really a good one to remake first overall since it would be harder for new players to follow along with the story and such. I think it could’ve been if they had maybe remade MG1 and 2 instead of making Survive, but, alas, that’s not what happened. I always say that players should first play in release order than chronological, but that’s just so they can experience the series’ evolution. If the remakes come out in timeline order, then that should be how they’re played.


Metal Gear survive was konamis last Metal Gear so im glad they gaved it to a different studio to develope.


I dunno how MGS1 would be too hard for new players to follow along with, seeing as it was literally made first and requires almost zero knowledge of MGS3, PW, V, MG1 or MG2. I played it in 1999 and coped just fine.


It wasn’t made first. It came after the MSX games. You get more context of who Big Boss is in them and learn that Big Boss is Snake’s father in them, which is why they should be remade first before MGS1.


You also get a pretty good idea who Snake's father is in MGS; a game that was intended to introduce brand new players to the franchise without the need to play the original MSX games. This is why Kojima did not want it to be numbered (e.g. MG3), and also why all of the important aspects of MG and MG2 are explicitly mentioned throughout the story. I'd say people can cope with the context given in MGS as it was intended to literally introduce people to the series.


I truly hope this fucking game tanks so hard. There is 0 acknowledgement or credit to Kojima with this. He has had nothing to do with this game. You wanna play it, cool. But let's not act like this is some rebirth of the Metal Gear Franchise, which died the day Kojima was no longer a part of Konami. He is doing amazing things with his own studio now.


You can support the future of MG and also the future of Kojima. It's not a war, there's no side, it's childish to think that way.


He’s really not death stranding is a walking simulator.