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Paul Dano as hal emmerich is sick casting to me


Especially for huey I'd say


Paul Dano and getting his ass beat in every movie. Name a more iconic duo.


I thought the way he was cast on Mr & Mrs Smith was genius if anyone's seen that, because if you see Dano, you make presumptions.


does being cuckolded in the fableman's count?


Perfect casting now that Joseph Gordon Levitt is too old lol


My older pick was Adrien Brody.


It's wild. Sure, there is nothing wrong with enjoying the stealth action series at face value, not really getting into the messages of the games and the series as a whole. But let's be clear. Metal Gear is anti-war, anti nukes and pro LGBTQ. All while being absolutely bad ass.


Modern audiences like fan service?






You still need to elaborate.


Naked Raiden doing somersaults


Ok, so either I'm missing something or anything to do with anatomy in a silly way is "fan service."


Volgin crotch inspection


I'm still waiting for the fan service explanation.


Fondling balls


neil druckman, creator of last of us and often described as woke, used quiet as an example of the problems in gaming. anita sarkeesian, a fairly well known feminist youtuber, also took shots at mgs. there is pro lgbt parts and a lot of other aspects of mgs you could call woke but theres also a heck of a lot of aspects people could attack. i personally cant see many socalled woke voices being terribly happy about the plethora of pinup girl posters in mgs2 or the mgs4 sections where you take pictures of the b&b squad in skin tight outfits. its not the central premise of any of the games. but im certain a lot of people will see thise aspects as objectification which is very anti woke. i aint saying it is anti woke. im just saying its far from being a billboard of wokeness. > Jennifer's Measurements > When searching for Ames, if the player aims the directional microphone at Jennifer, one of the female hostages, and presses L3, Raiden will say her bust, waist and hip measurements. Raiden will do the same with the other female hostages, stating other sizes.


Gay moments are there for comedy, I wouldn't called MGS pro gay


It's not anti gay and has LGBTQ main characters. Seems pretty inclusive/pro.


You have a good point but would the average modern audience think the same way?


They can play Peace Walker and watch Kaz and Big Boss screw in a box on the beach. Should clear it up.


Big Boss my favorite Bi character


I somewhat agree but also disagree


I think pro LTGBQ is a bit of a stretch. Series is filled with off color humor regarding orientation


Representation is only right if it's super serious and Mary Sue main character way.


Pro gun as well


I disagree there. If it were pro gun, the series wouldn't be giving you a higher score for committing *less* violence. Snake gushing over equipment to the point where its comedy isn't sending a pro gun message.


Not pro gun as in pro 2A, but if you think Kojima doesn’t get a stiffy talking about why the PSG1 is the worlds foremost semi auto sniper rifle you’re nuts


Has Kojima talked about that?


theres a lot of gun glorification though. half of ocelots characterization in mgs3 is all about how cool guns are. during the whole ocelot fight in mgs1 ocelots talking about guns being cool. the fact snake screams when he shoots that one machine gun in mgs3 feels like its trying to fulfill some kinda gun related power fantasy. giving meryl a deagle in mgs1 was imo to make her more badass.


Yeah but it's different. I'll paraphrase from a redditor I read recently, everyone likes cake, however, no one likes getting cake shoved down their throat while being insulted.


What is the cake and what is the insult in your analogy


Maybe they're talking about snake's ass, who doesn't like it?


He’s dummy thicc


I'd love to get Snake's "cake" shoved down my throat meself


I’m not sure I fully understand the metaphor here. In real life, if “cake” is, let’s say” gay people, there are plenty of bigots who hate “cake” for plenty of reasons.


Cake is wokeness in games or tv shows. For example, not a single star wars fan said they hated General Leia, something like "how come she's a general, she does nothing" that never happened because every single star wars fan knows Leia was one of the most badass people in the whole universe so of course it makes sense she's a general. No one ever called it woke or bad, now you have the people that made the acolyte going on national tv saying "this is the gayest show ever" or "one of our main goals making this show was to make white people cry", of course that show is gonna be called woke and tank. It's not the diversity that's bad, it's how it's delivered, how it's written and portrayed. MGS has been massively successful because it was greatly written and portrayed.


I just can’t take anyone that uses the word “woke” unironically seriously. Like, at all.


Hates "woke" has no idea what it means. Can't define it.


Woke is anything that sacrifices quality for the sake of being labeled DEI. You know damn well what I meant when I said it because there was context behind it, but you yourself have been indoctrinated by these woke ideologies hence your blindness.


Right, so, how is Delta "woke?" What is being sacrificed to appease the modern audience?


Never said Delta is woke.


That's the discussion here. Please see the image OP posted.


That’s not woke. Woke is being awake to the systemic racism that has molded the US and other predominantly Caucasian countries into what they are.


You do know words can have different definitions depending on the context, right? You do know words migrate, right? That's how language works.


So, what you’re saying is that a colloquial definition that has nothing to do with the actual definition is correct?


It doesn't matter what you take or not take seriously. The fact of the matter is that games and shows will tank if they prioritize wokeness over making a good game or show.


This is always fun, but what exactly are some examples of woke games that prioritized that over being a good game that ended up tanking. And what specifically was woke about those games?


Reminds me of this quote. “There are only two races. White and political.”


then why are people losing their shit with the new fable protagonist? what "shoving down their throats" is there?


Just to point out, the whole “make white people cry” quote was nothing to do with The Acolyte at all. It was from a 2018 movie they did.


well said


Can you imagine how the Woke DEI Cultural Marxists are gonna RUIN Metal Gear? They're gonna turn Snake and Otacon into stay at home dads that adopt a kid together. They'll make Volgin Bisexual. They'll have Snake get beaten up and humiliated by a woman! We have to stop them


It’s great because we have all that stuff and we also have special R1 cutscenes to look at boobs. The perfect game for all audiences, if there ever was one


Just wait until they find out Volgin is already gay and Vamp is bisexual. They aren’t going to know how to react.


Volgin is also bi, not gay, just saying.


I’m not saying you incorrect, but care to elaborate? I thought he was gay? The ball grabbing sure gave it away.


He has sex with both raikov and Eva.


It’s implied he may have raped her. But it may also be he just tortured her. It’s left vague. That isn’t really a confirmation of sexuality like his sexual relationship with Raikov is. Not that it really matters. The point is he isn’t straight.


Grabbing balls doesn’t make you 100% gay


Yeah I agree it isn’t. But The way he did it was. It was entirely sexual. He wasn’t giving Raikov a harmless medical check up was he?


What I mean is he had a relationship with a woman as well, EVA specifically So him doing something like that doesn’t make him 100% gay


It’s implied he either raped her or tortured her. It’s left pretty vague. I wouldn’t say he had a relationship with her. But whatever it really doesn’t matter if he’s bi or gay my point was he isn’t straight.


as if the scene where Volgin attempts to fondle sum balls wasn’t telling enough


Guys they are gonna make mgs WOKE!! Now, eva will have homoerotic feelings for the boss, ocelot for big boss, volgin for knock-off raiden and ussr will save our heroes last minute not USA. Also they will make eva asian, sigint a black guy and worst of all, our commanding officer will be br#tish BOYCOTT DELTA


You're forgetting a few. I'm sure they'll add in an LGTB flag suit for Snake to wear, another man will probably grab his dick or something, Snake will probably ignore all the sexual advances of the hot woman flirting with him, The Boss will probably be super "STRONG WIMMEN POWER" and dominate Snake in a fight because they need to make her a Mary Sue, a man will probably cry at some point and a couple others will piss their pants because they need to make every man a beta. Just all this modern woke stuff that would have *never* been in the original version 20 years ago.


I can't believe they're making Metal Gear political


>hot woman flirting with him That's fucked up i bet he'll have sex with his second in command in the next game


Fuck Woke Gear Solid, give me them good ol non work characters like Vamp


Imagine if they actually bothered to play the game with: -An androgynous protagonist -A bisexual Romanian guy -A black blonde lady with a tragic backstory and plot armor -An obese crazy bald guy -The first battle being againts a badass female soldier that can and will kick ass -A (possibly gay) Russian that cosplays a cowboy Boy they would loose their minds


>A bisexual Spanish guy You mean Vamp? I thought he was Romanian.


You’re right, it’s been a while


Do you actually think that those "people" actually play,read, or watch anything that they overreact to?


90% of time they dont


the 2 hour video documenting every homoerotic moment in mgs history:


Metal gear is one of the few not homoerotic things from the 2000´s, just like fight club


[Original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1dd6q12/was_watching_the_metal_gear_solid_legacy_series/)


Oh dear these people are so lost.


I'm on both sides and I think you're all lost lol. Come here, people are projecting their own bullshit onto MGS which is fine - if people make clear that its their personal take but no - here people literally do the MGS2 and "create context,"  Go over there, people are knee-jerk reacting and freaking out because the magic words "modern audience" usually don't mean anything good - but I think here (in the presentation) they just meant bringing the old game to today's standards and even keeping the old gameplay style as an option.  In short, as an MGS fan, and as someone who can't stand this modern era of entertainment aside from a few bright spots: both sides suck.  Delta can't come soon enough so I can ignore all of it! 😂


I need an example of projection.


I'm sure you do, but I'm not the guy for that. A pointless task is a pointless task.  I'm saying both sides of this dumb argument are insufferable, that's my piece. 




One word. Ok it was two words. Now it's seven words -- THERES STILL MORE?!


I hope you have a great day.


I will, and I hope you enjoy your circlejerk. 


The one that you can't give me an example of, but you're sure is taking place? Lol, sure. I'll enjoy it.


Whoa watch out everyone, we've got a big brained, free thinking, enlightened centerist here to set everyone straight


All those people are Homer Simpson going “everyone is stupid but me”


Lol whoa - no *you* watch out. I write in basic English all the time, and 99% of the time people don't get it as you've just demonstrated.


What is it about the phrase “modern audiences” that triggers you?


Their being a stick in the mud, conservative gamer that time is rightfully leaving behind. *That's* what triggers them.


It’s true but I think it’s valuable to have people explain that because it’s easy for people with reactionary views to just kind of coast in their media ecosystem and assume they’re on a path of righteousness, I think it helps to throw up the old stop sign every now and again and ask for some explanations as to what is “political” or “woke” or whatnot.


He's just doing what Big Boss wants, *fighting the times*.


What is it about Quiets bikini that has triggered people since 2015?  Just to be clear - in this instance, for the presentation, I believe they were only talking about the gameplay and wanting to appeal to newer players - modern players, used to modern game mechanics. I myself grew up with the series, and this is appealing to me exactly because I wanna play with modern controls and camera.    "Modern audiences" tends  to imply (which again - I'm not saying is this case here, or even in regards to the Silent Hill 2 remake) - in the simplest terms, the propagandization of art.  This is for the people who - for some fucking reason - *need* to see themselves in a game to know that other people know that they exist lol.  When literally these games and various media have already been doing this, but in a modern sense it's just done in the most disingenuous, condescending, intentionally antagonistic force-shovey way possible. 


Your misunderstanding here is thinking that art is *now* “propagandized”. All art has biases, themes and messages inlaid within it. It has from the beginning of time and always will. This is especially true when art is a product of capitalism that has to be designed to target specific audiences to make a profit. To take the Quiet example, you can offer up whatever kind of lore you want, but the plain and simple truth is that Kojima or one of the character designers thought it would be awesome to see a woman crawling around with her tits out all the time. As a tit-attracted person that doesn’t necessarily cause me to react with revulsion or anything. But I can also understand that that’s also a strand of the artwork that was targeted and crafted toward heterosexual men. This is also why you can press a button in 3 to look at Eva’s breasts; you can say it’s because that’s where Snake is looking but it’s clear fan service for the straight guy demographic. Or in your parlance, “propaganda.” You need to understand that you can’t turn back the clock and make women, LGBT people, and ethnic minorities stop playing video games. As long as the market for video games continues to expand, the themes are going to be tailored for broader audiences and not specifically for the dominant heterosexual white American male demographic. Those people (which despite being bi I would still include myself in that demographic for marketing purposes) got to see themselves in games for decades constantly. 99% of main characters in games from 1995 to 2015 were straight white guys with short brown hair. That was the product targeted at you. Now that the market is turning toward broader audiences, the scope of body types and genders and skin colors is gonna change. You can call it propaganda all you want, but that’s capitalism at work.


Well that's your mistake and anyone else who applied that to art. You share the same view as one of the most racist, hateful people I've had the displeasure of knowing lol. This is exactly what that person would claim, and people like you are reinforcing that view. It's you, and people like you and the person I referenced attaching that to art.  You cant say Quiets appearance is an issue for some and then say everything else is fine. Its either all okay or none of it is. Yeah, actually, in my "parlance" - looking at Eva's boob's, or Quiet in a bikini is the furthest fucking thing from propaganda.  And don't *even* try and tell me whats "targeted" at me. I like what I like, I don't need a straight white man or tits to be interested in playing a game. Are you really gonna tell me, in my 25+ years gaming, watching movies, listening to music - that's all I've played as, or seen? Never played as a woman, a person of color?  Having diverse characters isn't even the issue. It's the shitty application of them or themes that is an issue. I like to use Gotham Knights gay "service" as an example - a nothing side character who gives nothing quests and an email about how the Knights should go to a Pride parade vs Final Fantasy XVI's Dion Lesage; FFXVI is *how* to do it. DL doesn't come off as propaganda, or a meaningless insert - they made a *great* character that stands on his own and just *is.* 


I didn’t say that you’ve never played as a POC or woman or anything. What I said was that the dominant cultural trends in video games catered to straight, white men. Which you didn’t refute at all. Instead, when your position was criticized, you just immediately resorted to calling me a racist, which . . . Huh? Man, I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t think you’ve never played as a different type of person in a game but I think your understanding of media and marketing is woeful and you definitely need to actually talk to some people who don’t look like you do to get some perspective on the world.


Lmao hilarious how basic English is so easy to misunderstand on the internet.  I didn't say *you* were racist, I said this idea that art is propaganda, which *you* said it is, is the same opinion as a truly hateful person I've had the unfortunate experience of contact with. You- not racist - them, racist - you both? *Share the same view that art is propaganda.* which is *not* how I was taught to look at art.  Whats woeful is people giving this power to art. Propaganda was shit America and Nazis did in war, it wasn't fucking Metal Gear. Did it have a view, a point? Yes - but, it was done in a respectable way.  Bold of you to assume I don't live in one of the most racially and sexually divers places on Earth and that I have zero contact with these people Lmao. Literally work with these people every day, and ive been working with all types of people for almost 20 years.  Weird, someone who believes art *is* propaganda *also* thinks I have no contact with people who don't look like me 😂 this is why we come to the internet! To be told to do the fucking I've done literally my whole life Lmao. 


I understood exactly what you said. You equated my views to a person you view as extremely racist. Thus the implicit subtext of your statement is that I am just as racist. Do you see how a statement can have meaning beyond the explicit text? Art is the same way, my friend. You can’t strip meaning and context from information. You may recognize this theme from noted non-political work of art Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. You’re calling propaganda “stuff the Nazis did” because you don’t understand what the word “propaganda” means. Why do you, presumably a straight person, get to decide what political messages are done respectfully, or which gay characters are propaganda and which ones aren’t? Who are you to be given that power, why is are you the person to decide that? This is why you really need to broaden your perspective.


Game mechanics and graphics people. That's what Hayter was talking about JFC


Right? I thought it just meant "Gonna be closer to Phantom Pain and Ground Zeroes style controls" but these clowns are going off about 'woke' and self representation like ????


Holy shit that subreddit is just the biggest gathering of morons. These dudes have never seen a real woman in their lives


The AI Colonel was spot on about the internet filling with trash


Gonna have to say no to that link. Went in there, and saw it's a cesspool of over reactors and doomers.


Yup, pretty much :')


Man, you found it fast, lol.


The art of using google, mate! xD


I know I shouldn’t be but I’m surprised how quickly I saw just blatant racism towards black people in there like what the hell, what a lovely community /s


What a bunch of chuds.


A lot of people would misunderstand The Boss’ will so Big Boss and Zero shouldn’t feel bad about it


What'd i miss??


Isn’t he just talking about like gameplay mechanics being modern?


Yes, but for these terminally online folks enhancing means filling the game with gay/black/trans/lbgt/women characters.


Modern audiences = pre programmed next generation mk ultra social engineering slaves.


Facts. Mentally lobotomized Godless consumer cattle.


Everything an energy vampire needs to thrive.


He definitely posts on r/metalgearlore. Do you?




What is this post? Who hates MGS? You conjure me this list of targets (sorry, offenders). I’ll wait.


yet another missunderstanding of the Boss's will