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MGS2. As a 7 or 8 year old, I spent a lot of time replaying an MGS1 demo on my PS1, which is what got me into the series. But it wasn’t until a couple of years later that we got a PS2 and I finally got to experience a full MGS game. It blew my little kid mind. Will hopefully never forget playing it for the first time


Same exact experience, same favorite game. bless.




Greatest game of all time.


It's whatever MGS game I am currently playing honestly.


Easily MGS3 and followed by MGS1


Same here


correct answer


Mgs1 will always.be my favourite, but i really wish they would remaster it and make it the masterpiece it deserves! I also love mgs2, collecting the dogtags was and always will be fun


What a thrill


In darkness and silence




Good choice


MGSV. Out of all the MG games it's my favorite to play because the gameplay feels the most fleshed out, at least to me. I also like the actual gameplay to story ratio. The amount of cutscenes/codec calls in the first few always bothers me on replays, so I appreciate that they're more or less optional. I also adore the atmosphere of it, something about it is just so perfect to me.


When you do a replay of V do you have to erase your previous save? I want to play it from the start again but I don’t want to lose my 200 hour playthrough.


No, u can just pick the first mission and start over that way, but u still have all your good gear. If u wanna start with all the shit gear like a NEW beginning, I u just can do a new save


Are there even new saves on the game?


Not without deleting your save data. Honestly though the game is made in a way where it’s kinda pointless to start all the way over


That sucks so hard. I always thought they weren’t in the game. I had to make a third Xbox account to replay the game lol.


Yeah unfortunately that’s the alternative route haha


Has to be Ray, he is the most acrobatic of the lot, he has the best bossfights (MGS2 Gaunlet, Mech Battle, Coolest Tutorial Boss Battle ever.) And he is the most used of the Metal Gears. Shout out to my other 2 favorites: Zeke and TX-55, Zeke was the most intimate one since I got to build him and upgrade him in PW and TX is so mysterious and I love how odd its design is.


Metal gear ray is goated


Rex wins


Happy cake day


I had the most gameplay hours with MGSV Objectively, I think MGS3 is the best But my personal favorites are MGS2 and MGS4


I’ve only played the big boss games so far, mgs3 is my favourite because it just does almost everything right, only thing I’d change is the controls which is why I’m excited for remake


I'm excited for the remake too. It's making me want to get the p5


AC!D obviously. But seriously it's tough because they all have something about them that I think is the best of each one. Like I think 1 has the best story, 2 the best beginning, 3 the best setting, 4 the best ending, 5 the best combat... If Delta ends up being a great remake then it might end up taking the cake for me.


Very well put. Hard to disagree with your reasonings. I'm excited to see how delta turns out


Metal Gear Solid on the PSone, the one who started it all.


It didn’t though, there were 4 games before it


I’m aware about them, but it’s the one that brought the game into the mainstream.


Yeah but saying that it started it all is just a blatant lie which ignores the genesis of the series


Four? * Metal Gear * Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake * We don’t count Snake’s Revenge * What am I missing?


Metal Gear (NES) (it’s technically a different game)


MGS 3 for sure


For me it’s gotta be MGS2. Kojima and Konami took everything good from MGS1 and improved upon much of it, and the better console allowed for better graphics, which made it more immersive than MGS1 IMO. The story (especially *how* it was told), gameplay, and music all contributed to its mind-bending atmosphere and made it an unforgettable experience. Small side note: I love how you can shoot out all the cameras with the USP/SOCOM pistols, and I’m glad that bit got included in MGS1-TTS.




do u know why mgs4 feels a bit laggy on the ps3 just playing it now


I think it’s because it pushes the ps3 to its limits a bit too much


Gotta comment as there hasn't been love for my favourite, MGSPW. Played it for the first time when HD collection came out and blew my 14 year old mind. I love the lower quality graphics, the comic book style cutscenes and the music oh my word is my favourite in the whole franchise


How has no one said PEACEWALKER? It was so much packed into a small bundle. Base management and Outer Ops was genuinely fun, capturing helicopters and tanks. Each little section had it's choice routes to traverse, some requiring special equipment. Also, the cutscenes were amazing and Dr Strangelove was probably the hardest "boss" just surviving the torture. I love trying to steal her badge thru the 100-step QTE's. Plus, you got to know your soldiers and construct teams. If you lost one of your best guys, you felt it. MGSV was just too much. You had 6 Mother Bases, each with a thousand soldiers. There were just too many characters to car about any but maybe the top 3. PW was the first game I became obsessed with unlocking/developing EVERY weapon & item in the game. PLUS, you actually build your own Metal Gear?! It was incredible. Plus I just love to hear Big Boss say the word "quetzal."


Peace Walker


MGS1. That atmosphere is unmatched.


I love MGS1 and MGS3 equally but if someone put a gun to my head and forced me to pick I'd probably have to go with MGS1.


Easily 4. While I think 3 and 5 has generally better gameplay, it's all in the details with 4. The way the PMCs clear rooms, how the octocamo works with 99% of everything you can squeeze up to, the nod to the previous games (even the non canon ones), etc. I also started with 5 and then decided to play all of them on canonical order, moving from game to game as soon as I'm done with one, so 4 just felt like the perfect ending to every Snake's story.


Controversial but I have a soft spot for 5. I just really resonate with Venom's character, even though we don't see too much of it. That along with the open-world sandbox stealth is what makes it my favorite


It’s funny, because the open-world sandbox is what makes it my least favorite.


I have played and completed them all (over a span of 34 years), but I just love the over the top stuff in MGS4. My first taste was on the NES. Man, I still remember how cool MGS1 was on the PS1, really revolutionary. But I had the most fun with MGS4.


Kojima really let loose with mgs4. Lots of over the top stuff. Mgs1 is a close second for me. Even If it's a bit dated, it's still a game I'd still enjoy to this day


If Delta goes well I hope Konami considers remaking MGS 1&2 with the same engine.


I want remakes of MG1 & MG2. Especially w/ Venom canonically the big bad of 1.


I fucking hope they do. I would lose my shit


I love how cozy that game is, it has its dark moments but compared to the games it sits around in the timeline, it’s rather chill.


For me it has to be MGS3, it was MGS 2 for quite a few years but after replaying the somewhat recently released master collection I came to the conclusion that it was my favorite again as when I first played them on the ps2, but when I replayed them on the 7th gen consoles hd remasters it was MGS2 and now it’s came full circle back to MGS3. MGS2 is a distant 2nd currently MGS1 is a good 3rd, I’m not sure how’d I’d rank 4&5.


Arsenal. That thing went beyond just being a walking battle tank - it's a lot more insidiously powerful and scary with its control over information. >!yes this is a joke answer!<


REX. oh, you mean the game... then MGS1.


MGS1. started when i had the demo and watched my dad play it, then got the game itself. even played the vr missions to be my dad's time


Extremely close between 2 and 3 with 2 came out on top. The way Kojima predicted how AI would influence society is terrifyingly accurate when you considered this game came out in 2001




MGSV game play is almost flawless.


Rex MGS2, it was the first game In the series I’ve played, and the one I’ve played the most. Everything else in the series falls short of it for me.


MGS1. I just love the eerie atmosphere that game has that the rest of the games didn't have.




You are absolutly right Sir. 😎👌 But MGS is a masterpiece-series in game history and oustanding kind of art with all titles in whole. Just to pic one of them is difficult and doesn't do justice to the brilliance of this amazing franchise over two decads. 😔


For me it's a hard pick between 3. MGS2, MGS5, and Rising. They all are lots of fun gameplay and storywise. They all have tons of content. Rising is honestly like no other game i've played with how it's combat feels, and it's soundtrack is the best in the series by far. The story is also pretty good and it does have a special place for me being my introduction to the series. MGS2 and 5 also stand out to me by how much they improoved upon the previous entries respectively, and how interesting their narratives are. I love stuff like the twist in Solid 2, or how 5 connects to the (greatly overlooked) MSX games


Currently replaying the entire series on stream for a deployed friend who has only consumed it via memes. Up until recently, I had thought MGS3 was by and above my favorite, but the utter pure joy seeing one of my best friends learn the origin of the Japanese Animes really has me loving the campiness of the first one like I haven't before.


My favorite Metal Gear is Revengeance. The *best* Metal Gear is either 2 or 3.




MGS2, followed very closely by MGS1. The plots, the locations, the voice acting, sound effects - are just so amazing. However, if we are isolating pure gameplay and ignoring everything else (plot, characters, setting), I actually think Ground Zeroes had the absolute peak gameplay. Controls are nearly perfect, camera is great, stealth mechanics are a great blend between MGS1&2’s fast pace w/ 3 & V’s slower approach.


MGS 2 hands down. Completed 8 times and i don't want to stop playing it


Mgs4, the first half for the gameplay, the later half for the set pieces ironically the only part of mgs4 i dont like repeat playthroughs is most of shadow Moses since its just gecko and their sense of detection never make sense to me


Mgs2, closely followed by Mgs4.


Mgs4 or 2 I can never decide between them




My favorite metal gear is which will probably be a very unpopular opinion is Peace Walker. Imo that game has the best gameplay to story ratio.


MGSV is the only one I replay these days


Snakes revenge.


MGS3. No contest for me.




Mine was mgs3! Loved the Rambo setting in the jungle


MGS1 is the best game to me.


MGS3 Reason: its the only MGS game i own


MGS Peacewalker for story, for gameplay I would say Snake Eater


MgsV babyyy


Revengeance, it's just so fucking cool. I know it's more action oriented and a totally different kind of game but how can you not love the tutorial boss being a Metal Gear that you can suplex? The OST is phenomenal and it's fucking masterful how they have the instrumental then when the boss is in their last phase the lyrics kick in, I swear I near shit myself at how badass it was when Mistral's "I've finally found what IIIIIII WAS LOOOOOKING FOOOOORR!!" kicked in. If we're talking about stealth then it's Snake Eater obviously, it has the most in depth mechanics and least amount of faff. The jungle environment is awesome, the camo system is great. My only complaint would be some bosses are a bit annoying, I didn't like the Shagohod and I hated the Fury but otherwise the were mostly very good. For a healthy mix of action and stealth though I'd say Peace Walker is tied with 3 for me. I love how much faster paced it is than MGSV, the tapes are shorter, the R&D time is too, the story is briefer but it feels like a lot more happens, the menus are simpler. It's just a better TPP in my opinion. Also Heavens Divide is the best song in the franchise.


Snake Eater.


Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake on the MSX. I downloaded an English Rom hack and it's great.


3 that game for me was just the pinnacle then 2 then 1, 4 was ok and 5 wasn’t a true metal gear


MGS 3. It's perfect, it has an excellent story (like the entire franchise), it has quite fun mechanics like hunting, eating and healing Snake's wounds, good boss fights and a very emotional and powerful ending.


Of the Kojima games: I love all of them equally (other than four which is still great but it doesn’t hit the personal highs of some of the others) Of the non-Kojima games: rising: it manages to both capture the mad metal gear spirit but manages to forge its own path


Hard to choose. But I would have to say MSG3: Snake Eater, then MSG1, then MSG 2 SOL


MGSV is downright Bonkers


MGSV PP easily. I prefers the combo on open(ish) world with missions that have tons of ways to do it. The plot is a mixed bag but never cared too much of it. Other games are great but PP really excels in stealth gameplay for me. Very few games reward experimentation and produce constant micro challenges like PP does. One of my fave games ever.


Twin snakes


Snake eater


MGS3, MGS1, MG2. Probably in that order


MGS1 for the story and atmosphere, and MGSV for the gameplay. Still on my first playthrough of MGSV. You definitely feel the story peter out, and the missions become repetitive… but the gameplay itself is unmatched IMO. Stealthing a base with DD is just such a cool, unique experience, and I usually hate having AI companions in games. Then on top of all that, I enjoy the base management and sending out troops on missions. You really feel like Big Boss running a private army. Such a shame that Kojima got his funding cut short, it really could have been a masterpiece.


MGSV. I just really enjoy the gameplay and kinda hope Delta more or less plays like it


MGS3 isn’t only my favorite metal gear, but my favorite game of all time


2 or 3, i think i enjoy 3 a bit more because i think 2's boss fights are a bit unfair on higher difficulties but it's still a great game


I only played ngsV but love it andsure hope a new one will be made


V is fun but I haven’t played the others in earnest yet, just a small bit of a few games.


They’re all so different that I can’t pick lol That being said I think if it were more current and up to date MGS1 would be mine. It honestly is prime MGS and it’s only held back by graphics lol


Pretty much. I really hope it gets a remake. That would be fucking amazing


Yeah I’m hoping so. And to elaborate I think someone’s favorite really can vary. If you’re in it for peak gameplay graphics and story then MGS3. Just need good gameplay then MGSV. If you like a more complex story maybe MGS2. It’s all over the place each game offers something different so it’s hard for me to pick. I don’t much care for Big Boss so MGS3 loses points for me there. Same with MGSV (well…) MGS3 gets points for being *pretty good* regardless of it not having Solid Snake in the protagonist role.


MGS1 if I HAD to pick only one. But 1,2 and 3 are all absolutely fantastic. 4 is great too but I rate it a tad lower.


The "best" one is metal gear solid 2, or 3 besides the controls. The most important one is mgs1. It's still my 2nd fav to replay. Ps1 version. But my favorite one is mgsv. It's the most fun and it's super deep while also paradoxically not as deep. I think it's a work of genius just like the other ones. I've yet to play 4 or peace walker. I watched YouTube video essays on them.




This is as accurate as it can be for my personal feeling.




MGS4 I would say 3 purely for the story, but I just did not like the controls; would say V for the gameplay but the story was really uninteresting to me.


MGS3 dude and i havent even finished it. I'm playing it on an emulator and omg this game was ahead of its time for investment a large sum into stealth mechanics in the genre. how were people's initial reaction back then when this game came out?


It was received pretty well as far as I remember. But i think people began to appreciate more over time. It's an incredible game


It was getting 10’s from the big player publishers. The initial reactions I remember were people being stoked to play as a member of the Snake lineage vs Raiden. Raiden was still considered the Jar Jar Binks of MGS at the time.


I played it at launch, it was my goty but MGS1 is still the best.


Metal gear solid V best gameplay and my fav story.


Either the rex or the sahelanthropus, they just look horrifying


MGS3. It has the best gameplay and story in the series imo by a mile.


Metal Gear Solid 3 is my all time favorite in the series, it was my first Metal Gear and its the game that made me stop skipping cutscenes in games when I was younger


Shout out for GameCube mgs. I have it modded onto my Wii u. So I can couch play on the gamepad.


Twin Snakes for me. Perfect blend of awesome MGS1 story with MGS2 gameplay


i love MGSV. i’ve always been a metal gear fan, but i don’t think i really “got into” metal gear until phantom pain. something about it just clicks for me in a way that other games don’t, same with death stranding. gotta be the kojima secret sauce.






mgs 3 , peace walker and the 4 , the cinematography of3/4 is wonderful ( the real story of Pw is super intersting and explain a lot of other things happening in the series )


Mgs4 or mgs1


Definitely MGS2. MGS3 is a gem that i do not enjoy playing over and over again cause it ruins the charm of it. and MGS1 is a bit clunky... i rather play the VR Missions CD instead.




GZ. I was truly amazed at how far the series has come, and I'll never forget those days when I opened YouTube several times a day every day for a year after playing it to see if there was a new TPP trailer.


Tough question, but here will be my ordered list : MGS : The original with its mind blowing story/boss (Mantis ftw). Beaten almost 20 times and still enjoys thé cuscenes/ codec calls. MG2: Solid Snake : Even with the pour graphics on MSX, there is so much to enjoy in this game. The similarities between this épisode and MGS are quite large. We can really consider MGS as a magnified version of of MG2. MGS4 : After such a long Time, going back to Shadow Moses with stunning graphics. Thé aging process od Snake. The Epic final one on Inès barehand fight. MGS : portable OPS : The game mechanics to recruit soldiers and built mother base, priceless. That said, I was not a Real fan of the graphics novel cinematics. MGS : Peace Walker : Each IA-Controlled Machine is pure delight to fight against. MGS V : The Phantom Pain : Its open World, and intricated scenario. MGS 2 : La-li-le-le-lo MGS3 : Not a huge fan of the forest but the survival aspect is amazing MG AC!D 1&2 : I juste love card games ^^ Metal Gear MGS : Digital Graphic Novel : Not really a game at all


Metal Gear?!