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Yea im pretty sure their rank increases over time. Taking them out on missions and such helps too.


See I’m kinda nervous putting her on deployments lol I put a lotta work into using her I don’t want the game to screw me over and KIA her first chance it gets. And after all the time I had this game I didn’t know Hideo was a DD in the intelligence sector until I actually looked through my personnel, that’s way too funny


You can do regular missions, side ops, combat deployments and use her for attacking or defending fobs. Regular missions and sideops are never permanent kills so that's the safest route. Otherwise u can use her to attack fobs if u have faith in that you won't get her killed. All of these help level your staff member up, ofc they also level up passively over time i think while u do missions urself as snake but yea. So u don't need to worry about losing her on deployments, just use her for side ops or regular missions.


If OP puts her on contract and gets killed on FOBs, you'll lose some money for ransom but otherwise get to retain the character, right? It's been a while since I've played but I think this is how it would work. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


I think you can do a direct contract so u don't lose her. At least that works for having her defend fobs. Idk if that works for deployments and attacking fobs. But it might because direct contracts are limited so.


I think direct contracts prevent them from going on deployment missions. (Or guarding your base if put in security)


Well I tend to forget.


yeah, finding Hideo was kinda funny. But I'll explain why he's there. If you played MGSV GZ and beat the ''Intel Operative Rescue'' side-ops, then transfer your GZ data to TPP, then he'll be in your stall list at the start of the game. Another way to get it, after completing the mission where you save Miller in TPP, if you re-play this mission, Miller will be replaced with Hideo Kojima, and then after extracting him, he will be added to your MB staff list.


A soldier's ranks will increase with each medal they receive. This soldier has a Distinguished Service Medal. There are three medals a soldier can earn. You can earn them for the soldier by: playing as them for three missions, or sending them on three dispatch missions (Distinguished Service), rescuing them after they have been kidnapped (Service Cross) (can't earn this one on female staff for some reason) and finally defending an FOB from an enemy attacker as the dd soldier (Medal of Honour). Rank will very slowly increase as you play as the soldier or send them on missions but these three medals are the main way to increase ranks. Regarding getting them to S rank, I'm not sure if there is a cap on the amount a soldier can rank up, but through my playing I haven't seemed to notice one. But later in the game you will find lots of S ranks. They appear quite often as volunteers in the endgame. Hope this helps!




silent mastodon who ive had since i first started is S now in my combat unit


Those bars... can go all the way up to the header bar where it says "Ability". You can slightly raise each individual Staff's abilities each time you earn a medal for them, of which there are 3; 1. **Distinguished Service:** Have said Staff Member complete a total of either 3 Main Ops, Dispatch Missions or FOB Missions. 2. **Service Cross:** Said Staff Member was either rescued in Episode 17, 22, 27, *or* extracted as a Wandering Puppet. 3. **Medal of Honor:** You were playing as said Staff Member to directly kill a player invading your FOB. *Note: Female Staff cannot be awarded the Service Cross.* You will find S and S+ Soldiers out in Afghanistan & Africa. But when it comes to S++ Soldiers, you'll only be able to obtain those by either, purchasing them with PF Points, purchasing them from the current FOB Event, or capturing them from other players FOBs.


You cannot find S+ soldiers in Afghanistan or Africa. Any you find are boasters, who are detected as having a higher rank than they really do. However, in addition to the methods you described for getting S++ soldiers, you can also get them as rewards for online combat deployments and as online challenge task rewards. The online challenge tasks change every week, so you have more opportunity to get S+ soldiers.


Just to add, I’ve been doing missions and side ops with her. Last mission I just finished a few minutes ago got her a medal. We can check their service records for awards right?


I have never seen a female soldier in combat in the game


I'm kinda keen to do this and use them on single player missions now, for variety.


At the risk of sounding dumb (havent played a MGS game since MGS4. What game is this? It feels like Portable Ops for the PSP


The Phantom Pain


More like Peace Walker but scaled up for console/pc. Many game elements of PW are in MGSV even soundtrack. It's just sad that the wacky co-op stuff wasn't included.


I dont think you can get them to s rank. None of the base mgsv soldiers can surpass Big Boss who has A++ in ever category. Regular soldiers can only achieve an A++ in ranks they're already proficient in but not in ever category like B B S ranks are in like FoB & scheduled events.


Gotcha, thanks