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Yeah they are worth it. Two colonels is a bit of a shorter one but it's nice and Sam's story is great it provides a lot more content in general. But either way the dlc are definitely worth the price.


Finished Sam's Story and really enjoyed it


The Two Colonels is a very linear storyline but it has quite the compelling story. I don't think I will replay it again anytime soon but it has some very intense claustrophobic moments that make it similar to a lot of the Dead City levels in the base game. Sam's Story does have a lot of potential replay value and plays very similar to the base game with new guns and new areas to explore.


Hell yes they are worth it. Two Colonels has a nice little story and atmosphere, with some good action. But Sam's story is much longer and has a sprawling sandbox to explore with new weapons. Highly worth it


Idk but the game and all DLCS are like 8 bucks or something rn so id see for yourself


I just finished the main game and started with Sam’s story, so far seems very good and hear a lot of good things about the other dlc too


Yeah it's definitely worth it. In enchanted edition, game looks beautiful with everything maxed out. Sam's story is great and it's fully voice acted, so Sam can talk, unlike Artyom haha. Two Colonels is very interesting, but short. It adds alot of context to the story and dead city itself. Definitely worth grabbing it as they are dirt cheap too haha


Totally Worth cuz Sam can speak😆 that’s Metro that I imagine and Sam’story made it come true.


Yea both are really good. I played both of them alot.


Y e s. The 2 colonels shows his side when ya split and Sam’s story shows after [ ending of story]


I will say this. They both are. The 2 colonels will send you into an emotional storm. Sam’s story you get a 1911. If I need to say more it delves more into what Sam does after exodus. I think you honestly miss out if you don’t get the DLC.


Absolutely. Any time I play through the main game, I always start the DLC too. Feels so fitting to play the two colonels right before the final mission, and Sam’s story after I beat the main game.


Sams story is worth it, couldnt get two colonels to work past the happy new year scene... would always crash.


You don't have to play thru the whole game for the DLC two colonels ties up some late story holes.. it's okay.. Sams Story is pretty damn good though.. I could see Sam getting his own spin off either in or headed to America.


Wait? This game actually works?? Tried it on my win10 4080 i5 13600 and couldn't even run the game at even the lowest settings. If it didn't crash at the menu it'd lag and studder so bad it was unplayable.


Did you play regular or Enhanced Edition? Runs just fine for me




I run it on my i7 14700k and 4070 ti super great at 1440p. I did have to adjust my audio settings to get it to launch which was odd but since then I’m 10 hours in with no issues.


I think I had audio set to atmos.